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Foxy’s Birthday Surprise

The big black and white Zebracorn slowly snuck up and lifted the sleek
handsome little red fox’s tail... Smearing clear icy cold lube over
the little Vulpine’s hot little pink tail hole!

"OHOHOOOO!" Foxy jumps and looks around startled at the big equine
standing behind him. The big Zebracorn smirks... as his thick fingers
toy with that now well lubed hole. The little Fox whimpers and moans
again. "OHHHH my tail hole." The little Vulpine moaned as he rolled
around on the equine’s big sofa.

"Oh sure... its just cold lube... it just feels cold to hot flesh."
"But don’t worry I’ll warm ya up!" The big Zebracorn smirked as his
thick finger probed that hot hole. Foxy gasped and jumped as that soft
little hole was violated.

"Ummmmm... that’s a good start..."

"Hahah..." The big equine laughs, pinning the little vulpine down and
rubbing that big hot blunt organ against his lubed up hole! Foxy
whimpers and gasps as his bushy tail is forced out of the way. As the
big stallion rubs his big cock head on that little lubed up plucker.

Laying atop the little Fox pinning him down and whispering into that
pointy little vulpine ear. "I’m going to rut you soooooooooo hard...
your not going to be able to walk for a week." He promises, as he
struggling to gain assess to that hot little plucker. Foxy whimpers
and gasps starting to wiggle and fight.

"Oh No... you can’t!"

"Hahah... who sez..." The big stud wiggles around on top of the Fox,
teasing that tight hole with his huge blunt equine cock head. As he
nibbles on the little Fox’s neck and ear lobe. The little Fox moans
and whimpers as he runs out of strength to resist.

"Ohhh please NOOOO..." He begs once again weakly.

"Oh ok..." The big zebracorn snorts rolling over and pretending to go
to sleep.

"Awwww... wait!" The little red fox whined shoving at the big stallion
as he fained sleep. "I want it..." "You know I like it rough..." He
yips licking and nuzzling at the big stud as his lip’s curl up into a
smirk. Reaching over the big stirped equine fingers that hot vulpine
hole with one thick finger.

"Now how did I know that..." The Zebracorn gloated as he probed deeper
into that tiny hot hole. Foxy wiggles and lifts his tail tightening
his sphincter on the Zebracorn’s fat finger. "What a slut you are..."
The Zebracorn laughs and then climbs back atop of the little Fox
grabbing his slender wrists in big strong hands. Kicking the little
Fox’s ankles wide apart, as he moved in between those sleek furry
thighs. "Like it rough huh..."

"Oohhhhh yeah... show me who’s boss studly!" The sexy little vulpine
pants, as he feels the stallion's body weight pressing down on his
back. The Zebracorn bites the scruff of that small neck savagely, as
he pins the Fox down. Shoving that huge blunt cock head against the
Fox’s hot little pink plucker! "Knock... knock... knock!" He breathe
lustfully, as that cock head batters against the vulpine’s tightly
drawn sphincters! Foxy yelps and gasps as he feels that massive mare
fucker poking and searching for his taboo opening.

"Ohohoooo who’s there" He moans as his back arches and he pants
wanting to be used like the Zebracorn’s mare.

"Yer big stallion daddy..." The Zebracorn teases slapping the Fox’s
ass, as his huge cock at last finds that hot little marry spot and
begins to push into it! "Open up and let me in!" The stallion taunts
as he forces his big blunt flare past those quivering sphincters! The
little Fox yelps as the big equine takes his tiny hole.

"OHHHHO... yes make me your mare!" Foxy begs as that tiny hole
stretches around the Zebracorn’s shiny black cock!

"Hahaha... The Zebracorn guffaws soft and breathily into the Fox’s
pointed ear. As his powerful hip slowly press forwards, until he’d
driven that long thick stud stick as far into the little vulpine as it
can go! "Ammmmmm..." He moaned enjoying the feeling of that hot slick
flesh cradling his massive mare poker!

"Who’s my good little mare?" The Zebracorn teased as he drew back
until only his flare was within the Fox, and then slammed back in!
Foxy moaned and panted as his body shivered sphincters tighening on
that big stud stick.

"I am... I am... please..." "TAKE ME!" The little Fox squealed as that
big fucker beat a savage rhythm on his prostate. Hooves sweeps one big
hot three-fingered hand down the Fox’s side slowly... reaching under
him to feel that hot little Foxy cock. That big fist engulfs it in a
strong hot grip... stroking it teasingly slow. The Zebracorn thrusts
brutally hard in and out of his little slut.

"Yeah... Yeah that’s right... beg for it slut!" Hooves moans through
gritted teeth, as he power fucks that tight little rumpy!

"Ammmm... Fffuuuccckkk..." Foxy panted and groaned as he leaned into
those hard fuck thrusts. "Yeah... Ohoo yeah take me hard!" He
breathed, paws gripping the big equine's buttocks savagely. Even as
the Zebracorn’s big hard ball’s smack against his little rump...
Flopping around to bash the Fox’s own smaller ones like two big closed
fists. As his big sweaty body lay atop the trembling vulpine panting
for breathe, while that long thick male organ beats Foxy’s pleasure
knot deliciously hard. Foxy’s sexy little body shivering, as it loved
the feeling of Zebracorn fucking his tight hole. His hot insides
hugging that thick throbbing shaft, even as his balls becoming larger
and larger with each strike. Hooves big hot hand never quickening its
agonizingly slow pace... jacking the Fox’s aroused cock sooooooooo
slowly. Even as atop him the Zebracorn’s big body is a whirlwind of
action. Hard fucker driving so deep it hurt... stretching those ass
lip's so wide they’ve gone numb! Foxy’s little cock is rock hard and
drooling thick lines of pre-cum as the equine trusts. His thick
vulpine knot fully hard and pulsing his body weak as he lay supine.

"You gonna cum on me... you little bitch?" The Zebracorn pants
aggressively into that pointed ear, nibbling along the edge of it
roughly. Even as his thick pulsing stud hood lifts the little Fox off
the mattress and slams him back down brutally hard.

"Ohohooooo gods Yes!" Foxy screamed in great pleasure his insides
tugging on that fat black shaft. "Ummmmm sooo much stud..." He wails
as Hooves sits up, lifting the Fox’s little body. Suddenly now he’s on
top, dangling like a puppet on that huge throbbing stud hood! As
Hooves bounces him up and down, teasing that raging vulpine erection
cruelly. Even as his own big cock grows even thicker within the
squealing Fox. "Ahahaaa My Gods... I’m soooo full!" Foxy moans. "Yeah
take me... fill me with your seeed!" He begs in weak delirious
pleasure. The Zebracorn smiles wickedly, as he watched the Fox
wiggling and twisting on his mighty male organ. Bucking those striped
hip’s bouncing the slender Fox up and down, even as his thick cock
head flares deep within... Long shaft tensing as hard as iron, huge
stud balls drawing up getting ready to flood that taboo hole! That
striped fist tugging on Foxy’s red rocket very... very slowly while
his other big hand slowly grasps those hard little balls! Squeezing
them tighter and tighter, as his own powerful orgasm draws near.

"Come on... cum on me." Hooves invites, jerking down savagely on those
fluffy little nuts. Even as he thrust up into the Fox’s hot little
tail hole! Foxy arches his back and screams as his tight little butt
slams back against the Zebracorn. The pain in his jewels sending him
over the edge, making his cum sprays all over the Zebracorn’s broad

"OHOHOOOOOOO FUCK!" Foxy screams as he falls back down on that big
black cock! Hooves smiled closing his eyes and sticking his long
tongue out. As long streams of hot salty Foxy spoo shoot across his
muzzle and into that open mouth. His grip growing more vise like on
those orbs forcefully milking out more and more spunk. As with a loud
WHINNY he explodes inside of the slutty little fox!

"Oho Yeah!" The big stud moans laying back relaxing in the bliss of
after glow. Dribbles of the Fox’s creamy semen snaking over his black
lip's, and oozing down his chin. "Ammmm... tasty..." The big exhausted
Zebracorn mumbles as the little Fox sits on his lap. A strange
tingling running through that big organ as it shrinks. But the big
equine pays little attention too it... even though it feels almost
like his big ball’s were drawing up even more. Foxy’s weight slowly
settles on Hooves hip’s as that big fuck’s softens. The little Vulpine
leans over the Zebracorn’s belly reaching up to knead that broad
chest. Uttering a dark incantation, Foxy watched in amusement as
instantly the big stallion’s body began to glow then change.
"Hehehe... well now that was fun... I’d said lets do it again
sometime!" "But you aint gonna have the goods for it!"

"What the FU..." The big Zebracorn started, but was cut short as the
magic made his powerful chest shimmer and change. Hooves watched in
growing dismay, as his chest began to grow and mound up. "Wha...
Hey... You can’t!?!" Hooves grunted looking down shocked at his new
breasts. Foxy snickered as the Zebracorn’s new thick nipples harden,
and begin to drip a sort of white fluid. Grinning the Fox pinches them
both, rubbing and caressing them as they grew.

"Nice teats little slut!" The Fox taunted, making them grow some more,
unpleased by their small size. "The boys like’em big!" The Little Fox
explained snickering as a group of studs began slipping into the room.
"But they look out of place, on so big and masculine a body; course we
can change that." Foxy snickered derisively, gesturing and chanting
once again. The Zebracorn’s own powerful magic made his big masculine
body shimmer and melt into a slender delicate feminine form. Sweat and
tears rolled down Hooves broad equine cheek's as his sexual organs
began to change.

"Nooooo Ohooooo! Please stop this my... my..." The Zebracorn nickered
at the demon fox, fumbling at his vanishing male hood, pleading,
begging; but to no avail. The pushing and pulling deep inside his body
caused him to wince in pain; but all he could do was wait it out. The
opening of his big sheath stretched open wide, as his sheath shrank
and twisted his scrotum flattening. His pelvic area widened, perfect
for cradling a foal, his once proud stallion hood is gone completely.
Leaving a blank spot where it once was, but only for a second. Hooves
felt his testicles being drawn deep inside of his body, changing as
they went; fallopian tubes growing to the new ovaries. Blood trickled
down between his shapely thighs, as a vulva cleaved itself from his
new feminine sex. She wanted to scream, but her breath was taken away
as a birth- canal began to form.

"Oooohhh... my what lovely lip’s you have!" Foxy taunted, inserting
one furry finger between the Zebracorn filly’s tight sex lip's. Making
her gasp and buck her slender feminine hip’s, her big pink vulva
winking out of her tear drop shaped equine sex. "So hot and tight
too." The Fox taunted rubbing and fingering faster, making her virgin
sex begin to dribble creamy equine lube. Hooves shivered in terror and
lust as she struggled to understand what was happening. As the fire
burning within her new loins grew steadily, her need growing stronger
overriding her reason. As strange desires flooding her mind making it
hard for her to think. To her horror she saw the young stallion's
around the room sniff and snort growing steadily more excited by her
heat! Foxy sneered knowing that she couldn’t resist now that her full
heat was upon her.

"Well... I’ve had my fun!" He snickers standing up and fully exposing
her dripping sex. "Have fun with her boys... I hear Unicorn mare's are
super easy to knock up..." He snickered turning to the gang of young
horny equine's... "Why don’t ya let the littlest go first..." He said
gesturing to the short tubby little gray donkey... Reaching over he
took the condom out of the Donkey’s hand. "No no... you won’t need

"Oho Oho no please..." The once proud Zebracorn stallion now slutty
filly sobs...


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