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From Stud To Mare

The slender sexy spotted feline stretches out on the couch and yawns
some. "How are you?"

"Ok... How are you?" The big roan stallion answered and asked.

"I’m... feline." The sleek spotted predator sneered.

"No kittying..." The big stallion grunted rolling his eyes at the
Cheetahs statement.

"But... I’m a feline! How can I not kitty?" The cheetah teased slyly
playing with the big gay horse, who he knew was always trying to get
into his tail hole. "Hmmmmm?"

"Pussy kitty." The horse retorts, tauntingly as he pets the sleek
feline. But the soft skinned cat frowns... better at dishing it than
taking it.

"You done making fun of me yet?" The cheetah frowns.

"What... you like pussy... you like kitties... you are a kitty after
all." The big horse plays innocent, even as he needles the feline.

"I’m a Cheetah not... a kitty or a pussy!" The straight feline

"Oho... so where’s your bag of Cheetos?" Cameron sneers as the Cheetah
turns his back to the horse... exasperated! "Well that was easy...

"Stop calling me a pussy!" The irate feline growled growing angrier.

"I thought you liked playing the Pussy..." The big horse teases.

"How do you play that?"

"You know with your transgender darts..." The horse smirks taking one
out and teasingly thrusting it at the Cheetah. "One nip from it, and
you’ll be a Pussified kitty sure enough!" He tauntingly reminds the
sleek feline.

"Hey don’t you try that! I had enough of being changed into a horse
from you, I don’t need to be turned female by you!"

"But you like it... Puss Puss!" The big stallion pointed out

"I’m not in the mood to be female!" The handsome young feline snarled.
"Are you?"

"What?" The big horse looks startled by this turn. "Now don’t be
silly! He grunts tossing the TG dart at the Cheetah. "You know I’m not
into Pussy!"

"You’re into sex tho’!" The Cheetah pointed out lewdly.

"Yeah male on male sex..." The big gay stud smirks, watching as with
nimble feline reflexively dodges the dart.

"Well throwing TG darts at a male isn’t a good thing to do for
yourself then!" The Cheetah pointed out.

"Hahah I knew you’d be ok..." The horse laughed.

"How did you know?" The feline grunted.

"Your cat like reflex’s... Pussy boi."

"Aargh... that’s disgusting, stop calling me names!" The frustrated
feline snarled.

"Awwww... hurt you little pussy feelings." The horse teased.

"No awwwing... just beat it." The cheetah grunts. The big horse
reaches over and gropes the Cheetah’s crotch.

"Ok... Ok... take it out and I’ll beat it for ya" The Horse teased his
straight male friend.

"Get off!" The straight feline snarls, bating at the horse's big

"I’m doing my best to..."

"Its an expression!" The straight feline snarls struggling to get

"Ohoo Ohoo ssssuuuurrrrrre..." The big gay horse... smirks still
feeling him up. Springing to his feet he kicks the horse’s various
bondage gear, and the magical halter that’s in the pile laying on the
floor. As he goes to the other couch, farther from his big annoying
friend. "I mean it! And could you clean your up mess... please?"

"What?" The big horse smirks... gathers up the mess in his arms and
carries it over dumping it on the cheetah dramatically. Distracting
the feline as he slips the magical halter over his head.

"Eww!" The Cheetah chokes shaking the pile of perverted gear off!
"Can’t you just behave good for 20 mins!?!" He growls still shaking
stuff off his fur! The big gay horse draws the leather straps tight
and buckles them in place around the felines head. Watching it lustful
amusement as the Cheetah’s body swiftly begins the now very familiar
change to equine shape.


"Hey!" Yowls as the halter is pulled over his head. Realizes what the
horse just did, when the last garment doesn’t fall off. "You didn’t!"
He squeals... feeling the tightening of the halter, as he grows into
it. Desperately trying to pull the strap loose to slip the cursed
halter off. Even as Cameron quickly begins strapping the equine
bondage gear onto his transforming friends shivering body working from
the hooves up! So intent on getting his transforming friend helpless,
he fails to notice the TG dart laying on the sofa within easy reach.

"I can’t wait to show you who the stud really is... MMMMhahah!"

"No stop that!" The new transformed stallion squeals, working against
Cameron. Trying to keep him from attaching it, over his disorienting
changing body. Cameron grabs one of the new Clydesdales wrists using
leverage and body weight to pin it! And begins cuffing it so the
bigger stud can’t escape or resist when the smaller Cameron mounts

"Don’t worry you’ll get to play the mare, but without that nasty pussy
thing! Hehehe." These words making the big straight stallion struggle
through the dizziness, wincing as he seeing how extensive his change
has already become. Giving a strong pull at whatever his hands are
tied to. And looks at the floor, reaching a hand somewhere Cameron
can’t see from his position. Cameron pulls the restraints tight on
that one trapped hand, then can’t help pausing to reach down and
fondle those huge male equine organs! "Ho boi... your quite the
stallion!" He grunted. "But I’m going to be the one rutting...
hehehe." The big Clydesdale groans as Cameron touch’s his organ, the
thing being sensitive! And his libido raised by equineness!

"Stop it, you have no right to touch me." He whinnies angrily.

"Oh I got all the right I need." The big horny gay horse snickers.
"And I’m goina do a lot more than just touch ya!" He smirks rubbing
his hot smooth cock against the sleek fur of the Clydesdales thigh. As
he reaches lower still, thick fingers caressing that virgin tail hole!
Makes sure Cameron can no longer touch his butt, by sitting on the gay
stallion’s hand! His free hand gripping the TG dart and plunging it in
the gay stallion’s upper arm!

"Fuck you!" The half bound Clydesdale stallion spits gloatingly as the
dart begins its work.

"Ouch! Mother fucker!" Cameron squealed as the needle bite into his
flesh. "That’s not going to save you... I’ll roll you OOOOOO..."
Squeals in surprise as the in his arm pumps its load into him! Looking
down to shocked to move, as he feel the drug pulse through his veins.
His big body reacting at once... shrinking and melting into a sleeker
and more slender form as his big hard on pulls in! "Oh My Gods!"
Squeals at last realizing what the dart was!

"That’ll teach you not to throw stuff at me, or leave TG darts just
laying round!" The big Clydesdale stallion smirked as he watched his
would be ravisher morph into a mare. Grins very happy at his success,
even as Cameron withers and squirms against his massive equine body.
The roan horse’s naked female form hot soft and lush... huge teats
inches from his muzzle. As the former stallion now hot little mare
fully realized his mistake and situation.

"Wha... Errr hey... change me back!" Demands pouting prettily, then
blushes realizing her hands are still in embarrassing places!

"Sure... "I’ll change you back..." The big Clydesdale agree’s.

"Good... Good. Where is the dart?" Cameron whickers wanting to return
to being male quickly to keep taking advantage of the half- bound

"Well that one you threw me is empty! Dunno where you took it from."
The big Clydesdale smirks sliding a hand over over her butt teasingly!
Cameron jumps and looks around startled, but the big dark equine sex
between her legs winks involuntarily! Looks like this little mare is
in need of breeding!

"Ahem... well surely you’ve got more!" Cameron grunts uncomfortably.

"What did you find it? Of course... I got more. But first... what are
you going to do for me?" Grunts feeling his huge equine member
stiffen, reaching down again, rubbing that soft full butt!

"I dunno... in with the junk of the floor I guess." Tail up and her
long tear drop shaped slit dripping. "Errr... what do you mean?"
Cameron grunts blushing... her pretty equine muzzle twisting up. But
feels strangely submissive under the big stallion's lustful glare.
Whickers pulling at his cuff, as her rump moves within easy reach of
his free hand. Big hand groping that round beautiful equine butt.
Cameron jumps at this groping, but doesn’t pull away to quickly.

"Ahem now stop that... here maybe I should untie you so you can help
me look." She knickers giving up on keeping the stud bound. And
quickly unbinds his legs and one trapped arm, the big Clydesdale rubs
wrist and calves still starring at the little mare's rump. "Hey its
not under my tail!" Cameron exclaims swatting the big Stallion’s
muzzle with her tail.

"Oh yes it is!" He grunts his massive member at full attention, he
rolls over onto her back. That mighty erection raising in between her
leg and up against her chest as he presses against her back! Cameron
gulps and looks down in shock at the huge male organ between her legs!

"You... you don’t look all that sorry to me!" The former Stallion
whinnies softly, closing her smooth thighs around the mighty organ. So
that it almost looked like she was a hung stud again. "If you think
for one minute..." She trembles. The big Clydesdale nickers and licks
her neck teasingly.

"Well... you did say you wanted to rut earlier..." He answered
smirking. "And its not easy to resists... so pretty a little mare!"
Cameron’s sleek red furred body shivers against his bigger male one,
and the Stallion can feel hot dampness on the top of his stallion hood
between her legs!

"I’m not a mare!" Cameron grunts hotly.

"Oh yes you are... right now anyway." The big Clydesdale reminds her
as his big hands sweep up to fondle and caress her female body.
Smiling, as he knows that resisting is even harder for a mare in
season! Cameron gulps for breath... as she feels him slowly drawing
back. That huge, hard male organ sliding between her thighs slowly!
Even as his big hands fondle and stroke all her erogenous zones, that
big organ pulling back and back, sliding over her hot flesh. Until his
big blunt cock head lays throbbing against her hot wet sex! He’s so
close... but he waits wanting full victory over the normally lusty gay
Stallion. That hot quivering sex burning with need, at last she
press’s back. "Hahah..." The big Clydesdale Stallion laughs as he
feels her impale herself on his mighty male organ. Giving into his own
lusts he thrusts his full hard length into her then! "Who’s the pussy
now?" He teases softly as he pins her down and ruts her hard and fast!


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