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Hubby To Wife

The well-dressed middle-aged rabbit smiled and sat back looking the pair over.
They were well dress and obviously affluent. The mare was practically dripping
in gold chains and diamond jewelry. The stallion's silk suit and Rolex marked
him as a well-heeled gentleman.

"And just why should I believe, you can do this thing you've convinced my wife
you can?" The husband asked, clearly disbelieving and more than a little
uncomfortable. Obviously his little wife had dragged him here, against his
better judgment. The Rabbit smiled, and spread his paws out before answering.

"I use to be a professor of quantum physics at the university." He explained.
"Where I made a few shall we say small discoveries!" The Professor explained
with ironic modestly. "Sadly there is just not much money in teaching these
days." "So I've turned my discoveries into profit generating devises." The
Rabbit explained. "Surely a business fur like yourself can understand that" "If
I can't do what I say I can I don't get paid!" The Rabbit assured, as he
reached into his pocket. To pull out small black devise with a red rather
effeminate pair of underwear, a smaller pair of golden ones, and a box with a
swipe reader in it. "Easy I swipe a credit card, put in the amount." "You wear
the red underwear and your little wife wears a gold." "We type in the state of
your person, and then transfer it to the person wearing the gold." "It all
takes place on the quantum level instantly." "Neither of you should feel a
thing, until something stimulates your exchanged sexual organs of course." The
Rabbit explained, as if lecturing a class on basic quantum theory.

"Your not serious that can't possibly work" The big equine snorted, but was
looking worried that the Rabbit was talking so confidently.

"But I assure you it will work!" The Rabbit replied sounding icy calm.

"And this will really give her mine and give me her stuff?" The big stallion
grunted, still sounding less that convinced. But at the same time vaguely

"Of yes indeed in fact you don't have to pay until you see for yourself." The
professor assured smiling rather predatorily.

"You really want to do this?" The Stallion asked, turning to look at his mare

"Of course" The pretty black mare answered at once. "You said you would like
to see what I was feeling." She reminded him.

"Yes and and I do." The stud answered uncomfortably, obviously he hadn't
expected his wife to find anything like this! And the prospect of being the
passive feminine partner less than appealing to the big stud!

"And the professor has promised, we don't have to pay until we've saw that it
works." She reminded him firmly, the stallion nodded. He really could think of
no other objects, he would have to go through with it.

"Side effects?" The big horse asked looking at the grinning Rabbit.

"Well there will be hormone imbalances and the like" "But as long as you don't
stay switched to long, I see no lasting effects." The Rabbit assured stroking
his chin.

"There you see Mr. Worrywart." The sleek black mare taunted softly.

"What do you get out of it?" He asks suspiciously as the Rabbit smiles at him.

"What do I get out of it?" The Rabbit repeated with a wicked grin. "Heh heh
this swipe puts the money right into my bank account" The rabbit explains
leaning back with a big smirk. "It pays more than being a Professor of quantum
physics!" "But if you don't believe me, let's try it out right now."

"Right now?" The big stallion grunted, looking around the quite, dimly lit
restaurant reluctantly.

"They keep a back room for certain business dealings." The Rabbit assured with
an almost wolfish smile.

A scant two minutes later, behind the closed doors of the private room. The two
big equine's stood towering over the small Rabbit. The black mare's sleek hip's
swayed back and forth sexily, as she worked her pink panties down under her
skirt. Then slid them down her long equine legs and stepped out of them. Then
she stepped into the golden ones, and began working them up those same sexy
equine legs. Stepping between her and the Rabbit, Jerome unbuckled his trousers
and let them drop, surprised to see the rabbits eye's light up. The big
stallion snorted, so the Professor preferred males. That was good to know, he
didn't have to worry about the Rabbit lusting after his mare! Shucking off his
own silk boxers, the stallion picked up the strange red under garment. And
stepped into it, as the rabbit watched his huge dangling male hood swing back
and forth. The smooth red under garment slid up the horse's thickly muscled
thighs easily. Jerome's huge male genitalia fill the fabric basket to bulging
indecency. The Rabbit quickly scanned in the dimensions and parameters of those
mighty organs!

"Is this going to take" Jerome started, but the Rabbit raised a paw to silence
the big former stud.

"It's already done" He snickered pointing down to the horse's red panties.
Glancing down the big former stallion squealed in surprise, as he saw the once
obscenely bulging undies were now pulled up into a distinct. `Camel toe!'

"No fucking way!" The big former stallion grunted shoving down the panties. To
expose the very familiar sleek dark sex lip's of his mare!

"WWWHHHIiinnnyyy!" Jerome jumped and looked around surprised at this shockingly
masculine sound. It had come from the sleek black mare, who had shoved her
golden shorts down. There hanging in all its massive masculine glory was his
mighty stallion hood!

"Ohoooo!" Jerome moaned involuntarily as he saw it, and felt a sudden dampness
within his new feminine sex. The Black mare's nostrils flared and she pawed at
the floor, as she caught the scent.

"Someone's horny!" She snickered, as the might organ between her thighs dropped
from its sheath. The long leathery male organ began to bounce and jump up and
down in growing arousal. Jerome gulped, for the first time in his life
intimidated by the sight of that organ growing erect.

"That is as it maybe." The Professor interrupted swiftly, before things could
go any farther. "I trust all parties are satisfied that I've kept my word." He
asked getting a quick nod from both equine's. "Then I shall take my payment" He
quickly slid the stallion's card through the reader. "And I'll leave you two
alone you'll not be interrupted in this room take as long as you need." The
Rabbit smirked as he saw the stallion's excited, but frightened look. And the
well-hung mare's lustful and calculating grin as she stalked her prey!

"Now Pammy lets not be to hasty" The Rabbit heard the big former stallion
whicker softly as he exited. He smiled to himself as he did, that stud was
about to learn a whole new role! And the Rabbit wondered how much he would come
to enjoy that passive position

The sleek Black mare can't help pausing to reach down and fondle those huge male
equine organs. "Ho boy you're quite the stallion honey, but I'm going to be the
one rutting" Smirks rubbing her hot smooth cock against the sleek fur of
Jerome's inner thighs, as she reaches lower still. Thick fingers caressing that
sleek black tear drop shaped sex, which had so recently belonged to her.
Knowing just how to stimulate it to maximum effect, to get its new owner in
need! The big former stallion looks down, to shocked to move as he feels the
desire building within his hot quivering hole. Withers and squirms against her
hand her naked female form hot, soft and lush. Huge teats inches from his
muzzle as he fully realizes his mistake and situation. Pammy smiles gloatingly,
sliding her other hand over his butt teasingly. Jerome jumps and looks around
startled, but the big dark equine sex between his legs winks involuntarily.
"Looks like this little mare is in need of a breeding!" Pammy purrs lustfully,
already sounding stallionish in her lust. Even as Jerome is feeling strangely
submissive under her rough lustful fondlings. Jumps at this groping but doesn't
pull away to quickly.

"You really want to do this?" He moans plaintively, tail up and long tear drop
shaped slit dripping. Gropes his butt as she smiles lustfully at her husband.

"Oh yes we agreed remember and I want you sooooo bad" Pammy purred as she moved
slowly around her former stallion. Circling and nibbling, that age old game of
stallion and mare only reversed now! She pressed her self to his back, flea
nipping up the side of his neck. "Doesn't it show?" And indeed it did, that
massive marbled stallion hood between her leg's was stand up and out at full
pulsing erection now! Rising in between his legs and up in front of him as she
presses against his back. "Sorry." She purred as she bumped hard against his
buttocks. Gulping Jerome looks down in shock at the huge male organ between his

"You you don't look all that sorry to me!" He whinnies softly closing his smooth
thighs around the mighty organ, so that it almost looked like he was a hung stud
again. "If you think for one minute I'm" The former stud trembles, as the black
mare nickers and licks his neck.

"Well its not easy to resists." She snickers, as his sleek red furred body
shivers against hers. And she can feel hot dampness on the top of the new
stallion hood between her legs. Smirking, as she knows that resisting is even
harder for a mare in season.

"Oh gods" Jerome gulps for breath, as he feels that huge hard organ throbbing
against his hot quivering new sex! The hard knob of his Vulva winking out in
excitement brushing against that mighty stud stick! Big sleek three fingered
hands rubbed over Jerome's big round roan flanks in gentle circles. Just like
he had always done to her, as the Black mare's voice took on a hauntingly
familiar tone.

"Come on baby stand for me." She breathed lustfully into her former stud's
pointed ear making it twitch. She was obviously playing him, did she really
think that would work? Jerome wondered, and then realized that he'd
subconsciously taken up the mare's breeding position. They had been together
many many times over the years, but this was totally different for them both.
The mare was feeling the power and dominance penetrating engendered within one.
And Jerome was feeling the helplessness and submission of the one being
penetrated! They both were learning what it was the other had experienced!
"Ohoooo thank you baby!" Pammy moaned as she drew back her hip's, that long
thick stallion hood receding from between Jerome's thighs.

"OHO!" Jerome grunted in surprise as he felt that huge hot blunt head bounce up
against his damp new sex lip's. "I" He started to protest, started to deny!
But with one powerful thrust she buried the big organ within his new cunt!
"FFFFFFUUUUUCCCCC!!!!" The former stallion squealed loudly as the huge cock
that just minutes before had been his pride and joy. Was suddenly and
forcefully thrust deep within him! The act brutal and powerful, hauntingly
familiar, and yet alien and disturbing!

"Ohooooooo yeah!" Pammy moaned in delight, feeling nothing but pleasure and
power! "Ammmmm you feel sooooo good my sweet little bitch!" She neighed
sounding more aggressive and dominant every second. "Come on, I want to hear
you beg for my cock, you little slut." The Black mare grunted into his ear, her
voice low and husky with pleasure and lust. "Tell me what a total whore you
are, and how much you want me to fuck your pussy!" The once overly proud
stallion was broken in that instant, huge hard cock deep within. And started
begging for cock like some dirty little porn starlet. As she pushed the head
deep within that sweet hot sex between his thighs! The physical sensation of
having that massive cock inside him started to change. It became a warm
fullness, a tingling erotic pressure. Almost involuntarily, Jerome started
going along with her role reversal game.

"Oh Yes please fuck my hot little cuntie." He begged lustfully. "I want your
big cock, I want it all please!" Pammy snickered softly, and started pumping in
and out of him slowly at first, then faster and faster. The big stallion
whinnied and whickered in pleasure as his new sex began to burn with pleasure.
He couldn't believe how good it felt having that big cock moving within his hot
little pussy! And was forced it admit he was really starting to enjoy having it
fucked. He heard a very sensual moan, followed by panting groans, both very
feminine. It took a long moment for him to recognize the voice as his own! "If
you keep this up much longer, I'm going to cum!" Jetrome confessed

"Well" She snickered. "Isn't that the whole point of getting fucked?!?" She
asked teasingly as she went on faster and harder slamming into his now sloppy
sex! Until the former stud reached the point of no return, and started
thrashing around. As wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure washed over him! He
screamed out one last, unintelligible sound as his quivering cunt started
cumming. As it squirted time and again, he felt Pammy's hand down underneath
him. Playing with the hard knob of his vulva, even as her new cock tensed and
exploded with him! When he regained his senses, which only seemed like moments
later. Pammy was standing in front of him, her long pink and brown marbled cock
glistening with pearly white rivers of my cum! "You must need something to
drink after all that exertion little slut!" Pammy purred, as she offered her
huge still hard organ toward his muzzle. "Here clean this off, that'll quench
your thirst!" She smirked as Jerome licked the rich creamy yellow horse cum
from his former stallion hood! "Hooooo yeah ya got quite the tongue on ya don't
ya baby!" Pammy moaned in delight. As he lapped his own cum from his former
organ, he'd never tasted cum before. But was quickly learning to like it, it
wasn't like he was gay it was his own stuff! She roughly pulled his muzzle hard
into her crotch, force-feeding him that mighty stud muscle! "Start sucking
slut!" she ordered powerfully.

As she squatted obscenely in front of him, so that her big new cock was even
with lip's. Then she grasped the floppy shaft and spanked his muzzle a few times
with her weakly pulsing cock. "Come on my little mare!" She cajoled. "Let's
see those sweet lip's make a little O and get ready for my bbiigggg cock." She
purred, rubbing the big blunt head across his lip's. "We both know what a little
cock slut you are!" "Suck my cock for me like those little bitches in porn
movies you love." She encouraged as Jerome's lip's parted and he let his own
former male hood slip into his mouth. "Ohoooo ya that's it suck on it little
slut!" Pammy moaned thrusting the head of that big fucker between his lip's, and
against the back of his throat. "Swallow swallow it bitch deep throat my cock!"
She ordered lustfully forcing the head of that mighty organ down his throat! So
that the big former stallion gagged on it several times, then rather abruptly
she yanked her cock from his mouth. "I think the problem is that you don't want
my cock enough!" She snorted aggressively. "I think I should teach you how to
beg for it like a good little mare." "I want you to say Please Pammy let me
suck your cock." "I want you to fuck my mouth with your big cock, please Pammy
I need your cock!" Jerome's humiliated blush burned even brighter, and he was
simply petrified by shame. At what he was feeling, he did want it did want to
suck that big stud stick! But some stubborn piece of masculine pride remained
and he couldn't bring the words to his lip's. Reaching down the Black mare
fondled the hot need slit between his leg's. "Say it or this will never feel my
cock again!" She threatened softly; it was more that the former stud could
bare. Having already been rutted into sexual submission, the threat of being
denied that mighty pleasure wand broke his last resistance.

"Okay okay I'll be a good little mare I'll say it!" He told her then obediently
repeated the words she wanted to hear.

"That's much better, my little slut!" Pammy purred pleased, sliding her cock
back into his mouth! She started thrusting in and out again. As Jerome fought
to control his gag reflex, whenever she thrust deep into his throat, shockingly
quickly got the hang of it! "Ohoooooo you're a natural cock sucker little
mare!" She breathed in delight, making Jerome blush in shame and arousal!


The well-dressed middle-aged rabbit sat back, happily watching the action on the
close circuit security monitor. As he massaged the last dribbles of cum from
his flagging erection. The little wifey had certainly worked the mental change
on her former stallion. He leaned over and checked his bank account, and just
as she'd promised the amount he'd been paid had doubled. The Professor chuckled
at the irony of it; she'd used the money her husband had made to completely
unmale him! And next she would be sharing him out with his swinging friends!
"Guess you should have asked your wife if she wanted to swing instead of just
sharing her out!" He snickered, knowing she now planned to get him fucked by
every male friend he had!


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