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Hypno Enslavement

The tall handsome Stallion sat at his desk, one thick finger flicking
the scroll wheel on his mouse up and down slowly. There were perhaps a
dozen files open and displayed on the bulky older monitor the company
still used. The information of each file flickering with the
machinations of the mouse wheel, as he scrolled thought them slowly.
Surrounded by the protective cubicle walls, which was itself tucked
into a blind corner. Cameron found such blatant displays of
uselessness were well guarded, especially since there seemed to only
be three other workers in the office on this particular day. Glancing
at the clock on his screen, the big horse saw there were still five
hours left in his day and lunch hour was still ten minutes away. Not
wanting to get involved in any of the projects available to him, just
to leave it unfinished ten minutes into them. The big horse was
considering covertly searching for porn, or reading one of the dozens
of time wasting blogs he tended to read when he'd rather not be doing
his job. About two minutes from the start of this inner debate, the
idea of porn won out and he open his untraceable search engine. He
slipped a ear bud in his left ear since it was falling the wall, while
leaving his right free to listen for approaching paw-falls.

Quickly, an Internet browser window was opened, his fingers zipped
along the keyboard entering a few choice words into a search engine.
And then his mouse began clicking numerous links to various sites, the
big horse was barely even paying attention to the titles of the links.
He figured he would glance over each page for a few seconds, and then
close them one by one as soon as he lost interest. The big equine
glanced around quickly as he clicked on the next video, it didn't
started slow as these things often did. The cheesy music had a strange
dull murmur behind it, most likely because it was very cheaply
produced. A cute if oddly masculine looking mare popped up on screen,
eagerly taking a thick pred cock into her soft mouth. A rough growly
voice snarl 'Yeah that's it little mare... you know what you need
didn't you.' the pretty mare moan a oddly deep 'Yes.. yes.. I need
your cum... pred cum.' as her lip's wrapped around that hard fucker.
The big horse's cock slid down the leg of his baggy trousers, as he
watched the mare pleasuring her pred master. Cameron watched with
growing sexual excitement, as she suckled wildly on that thick canid
organ. His screen brightened for a split second, but the big horse
just thought the ancient monitor was going bad. His finger hovered
over the mouse button, for some reason not clicking to the next page.
As he watched the mare started working on a second thick canine cock,
those soft full equine lip's wrapped seductively around that veiny red
fucker. Cameron began to fondle himself through his baggy trousers,
feeling hot pre-cum starting to ooze onto his leg.

Tearing his eyes from the screen for a split second, the big horse
glanced around quickly but he was still utterly alone. Looking back at
the screen... seeing the web page title in passing 'Prey slut
hypnosis' he noticed the background seemed to waver and undulate,
twist in on its self in fascinating ways while the action on the
screen got more intense. As Cameron watched the focus of the image
moved down the mares body, now her big round equine ass was in the
foreground. He could still hear her mouth slurping and suckling on
that pred cock, now as he watched her long flowing tail lifted up out
of the way. Exposing that puffy round equine asshole, a furry paw
reaching in as one claw tipped finger gently rubbed lube over that
doughnut shaped anus. "Oh fuck someone's about to get a pred dick up
their ass..." The big roan Stallion mumbled under his breath, his cock
surging in his pants as he mumbled that. Even as he said that the
massive canine fucker came into view, throbbing and drooling as the
pointed tip speared into that hole. Drool spilled out of Cameron
mouth, rolling down the stallions soft chin. While the mare squealed
and whinnying in both pleasure and pain, Cameron tail hole gave a
sympathy tremble as he watched that canine cock plunder the mares tail
hole. Slowly it slid deeper and deeper, until those furry canine balls
came to rest on the mares fat balls...

'Wait... what...' Cameron starred hard at the screen his eyes opening
wide in shock, the pretty tarted up looking mare wasn't a mare at all.
The straight Stallion jumped in shock, his finger straining to click
the mouse button. To change the image on the screen... he wasn't
gay... wasn't about to sit here and watch gay porn. Yet his finger
didn't move and as he watched the camera panned out showing the cross
dressed up stallion taking cocks in both end. "Good god he's gunna
have sooooo much pred cum inside of him." Seen from the side the big
horse's cock was hidden within a shiny metal cock cage under his
belly, dripping and leaking heavily as the horse was bounced back and
forth between the two big Hyena's. They were laughing loudly in
between moans, was the stallion panted and nickered through his long
slotted nostrils... The back ground seemed to zoom forwards and for a
moment swallowed up the images of the horse being fucked completely.
Cameron starred deep into that waving twisting pattern, even as he
slowly became aware of words mixed in with the music. 'You are
slipping deeper and deeper... losing yourself... desires consuming
you.' Cameron blinked hard and the porn was back in clear view on his
screen, the two Hyena's were joined by a third one now.

"Oh fuck..." The big roan stallion moaned, as he watched that third
pointed canid cock join the other one in the other equines anus. "Damn
that hole must be stretched out... I wonder... wonder how... how." The
screen was flashing and wavering again, the music in the back ground
whispering in his ear. The big roan stallion had not blinked this
entire time, trying to keep his eyes open and alert to the action on
the screen and what was going on around him. Cameron's eyes were
beginning to burn from the dryness and the strain of starring, darting
to follow the dual images on the screen. Drool dripped down onto the
keyboard Cameron fought hard to keep his eyes open, to keep his
attention on what was going on around him. His hand rubbing at that
throbbing stud stick in his pants, while on screen the big mare was
taking three hard pred cocks. Finally the sharp burning pain in his
eyes broke his will and he blinked his eyes closed... as the words in
his head suddenly grew louder.

The big equine snapped awake suddenly find himself in a bare concrete
room, lit by a harsh yellow uncovered light bulb dangling above him.
Cameron discovered himself laying on an iron framed four poster bed,
the mattress was bare and covered in grungy yellowish stains. He could
smell the filth better then he could see it, because there was a
leather hood secured snugly over his long narrow equine head. The hood
held what seemed to be a canid penis shaped gag in his mouth, yet left
his eyes open to take in his surroundings save for some minor
peripheral obstruction. His legs were tied together by way of worn
leather cuffs and heavy old looking chains that had chrome coating
chipping off of them. They were spread apart above his body, tied to
each of the corner bed posts. He was lying on his back, his ass
nearly hanging off the mattress end toward the bottom.

His waist was secured to the sides of the iron bed frame with a
leather belt and more very old looking chains, his arms stretched up
and secured to the opposing posts. He could feel that his cock was
enveloped by some sort of cold metal device, which was very tight
around his sheath and the base of his balls. His cock aching,
throbbing in need and every time it did the device seemed slightly
tighter, which caused another aching throb again and again as his cock
flare pushed against that metal grid. The cool air circulating in the
room made his small male nipples stiffen while also alerted him to
what felt like liberal amounts of moisture inside and around his ass
crack. Lubricant was his immediate assumption, as images of the
mare/stallion he'd been watching getting fucked.

The big horses mind was suddenly dizzy with consternation, the bizarre
reality of the situation refusing to make sense in anyway. Cameron
searched his mind for any reasonable logical answer, as to why or how
he would be in this situation. Nothing made any sense to him... he had
been sitting in his office cubicle, just like any other day at work.
Bored he had looking at a little porn when he should have been
working, the memory of the not exactly mare being used by Hyenas and
suddenly he wasn't. The big horse had just blinked his eyes of course
it was a blink that seemed to feel strangely like... well like
wakening up. It still seemed to Cameron that it had all happened
instantaneously, he had went from being fully dressed at work in his
cubicle. To suddenly being incredibly vulnerable, naked, tied up,
lubed, and gagged in some dingy basement. His breathing was coming so
quickly, it made the rubber canine cock in his mouth seem all the more
cumbersome. His heart was pounding so hard in his chest, the big horse
could hear the blood it pumped rushing through his ears like an ocean
tidal wave born of shock and fear. These baser instincts taking
control of him for a moment, a inner voice shouted within his mind
telling him simply. 'Run get away.'

Thinking only that he had to get away from this situation, while
ignoring whether or not that goal was even achievable the big equine
began thrashing against his bonds. Every muscle in his limbs twisting
and turning, as he squealed into that gag as loudly as he was able.
"AMIAMMM." His arms and legs straining against the leather straps at
their ends, trying to take advantage of any slack that they might
offer. He tried using his chest muscles and abdomen, with the thick
leather belt around his waist for leverage. He fought believing that
one of the straps had to give just enough for him to break free, and
then he'd worry about the next thing.

His fight was vicious, wild, entirely based on the instantaneous
reaction of fear and terror. It didn't take long... before his naked
form was covered with a froth of thick equine sweat. The adrenalin
that had been released at his initial fearful reaction was waning, and
soon he flopped back laying there panting for breath. Though his
desperation held fast, his body gave up only ten minutes into his
fight against the leather and metal holding him down. As he let his
powerful body go limp, the big equine sobbed and shedding big equine
tears. Mentally cursing himself for years of avoiding going to the
gym, his office job was just eight hours of sitting on his ass. He
still had no idea why he was wherever he was, and so unjustifiably
vulnerable in these restraints. Worse yet, his balls had begun to ache
nearly as painfully as his cock... which was still rock hard against
the chastity cage's grid.

The horses heart was barely beginning to slow it's pace, the blood
flow it had been pumping in its overexcited state. When a loud
screeching squeak echoed off the bare concrete walls of the room,
bringing it all flooding back to full steam. Cameron's head thrashed
about in every direction it could, looking around wildly for the
source of the sound. His mind was caught in a quandary of hoping that
the source was not and also was another fur. Suddenly his eyes caught
a glimpse of movement and the familiar form of a big furry body, the
big horse undecided if this was a relief or not. As more of the big
Hyena came into view... it was quickly decided that this newcomer was
not here to aide him in any of the ways he'd been praying for since he
woke up. Without having to think about it, Cameron's body released
every bit of air it had stored up. The big equine screamed as loudly
as he could around the penis gag filling his mouth, the air filled a
moment later by the Hyena high pitched cackle.

The big horse watched the Hyena with more attention then he'd ever
paid to anything before in his life, the helpless equine kept
screaming over and over into his gag. He found he couldn't seem to
help it and quickly decided that since it didn't seem to be bothering
the other fur in the room. He wouldn't let it bother him either,
instead he kept watching the big unflinching predator move about. He
unlike Cameron wasn't wearing a anything securely strapped over his
head, the big horses starred at him hard trying to memorize that
muzzle. However even as he tried, the big equine sensed that he
wouldn't be able to do so. 'You are slipping deeper and deeper...
losing yourself... desires consuming you... give in to your natural
instinct to serve an Alpha male.. Preds are real males... you are just
a sissy grass eating cock sucker.' There it was that voice again, this
time not hidden within the music of the website. As that voice
whispered within his mind, Cameron saw that porn video start to replay
within his mind. Only this time the mare wore his muzzle, the big roan
stallion watching himself suckling that fat pred cock. The straight
stallion squealed weakly shaking his head hard, more hot tears rolling
down his furry cheeks. Blinking as he suddenly felt the big predator
looming over him, the big spotted canid laughing softly.

"Who's my horny little mare? Are you ready to get your addiction fed?"
His voice was rough and gravelly, yet full of dark lusty amusement as
he looked down at the helpless equine. "Don't worry my sweet sissy
bitch... I'm gunna get you all broken in before you appear in your
video." The young spotted predator hulking and muscular, clearly he
spend more than a few hours in a gym every day. That solid muscle was
coated with a shaggy black and tawny fur, except for certain areas
that was covered by several pieces of rubber. A pair of thick black
rubber gloves over his massive paws, a rubber harness over his chest
with a strap leading into a very peculiar rubber jock strap. For a
second the trapped horse let out a small sigh of relief, when he
realized this guy would probably not be the one fucking his exposed
and well lubed hole. The sigh was interrupted as the big Hyena
positioned himself at Cameron's anus and began using his rubber
covered index finger to probe that exposed ring of muscle, continuing
to pay absolutely no attention to the big roan equines protests.

The big horse began to whimper weakly, for the second time since
waking up only minutes before. He could not understand what was
happening to him, or even how or why it had happened. 'Could just
watching a porn video have really led to this?' He was trying hard to
think clearly again, while he cursed himself for watching porn at
work... just as his body was being violated by another fur. "Ummmm..."
Cameron inhaled loudly as that finger caressed his quivering asshole,
which now seemed to be hyper sensitive to the manipulations of the
grinning predators digit. The big straight stallion bucking and
struggling, while shaking his long narrow head negatively as that
teasing finger pushed against his tail star. The big horse inhaling
sharply, as that finger was forced up his clenched rump hole. "Uhu Umm
Uhu..." Cameron moaned as his virgin pucker was violated by this
anonymous pred, the horse could feel that rubber clad finger rotating,
curling, sliding in and out of his hole repeatedly. When the finger
would slip out for brief moments, it would swab around his horsie
doughnut picking up more of the lube. Circling his puckered ring, and
then reentering that aching rut hole with the added lube. The Yena's
finger went over this process several times, massaging those muscles
to loosen them up while lubing the entrance.

The big predator on the other end of that gloved finger, was
concentrating on nothing else besides the horses exposed orifice.
Ignoring the sobbing and sporadic exclamations of protest coming from
behind the immovable gag. When the body before him would writhe and
contort, fighting the bindings or trying futilely to move away from
that probing digit. The grinning pred would patiently hold his
manipulating finger inside that quivering hole, waiting for the
struggles to subside as the big horse whimpered. And then the big
predator would continue his task, as though no interruption had
occurred. The scenario continued like that, until the Hyena had
successfully worked four now well lubed fingers into the horses
stretched anal cavity.

During the long moments of his violation, the big horse's mind reeled
from one emotion to the next. He went from being terrified at first,
to being angry and ready to fight free of his bonds. To cowering
inside himself and simply accepting that he was there and had no way
to escape, in the time it took the pred to get his ass use to having
two fingers up inside of it. By the time three were rhythmically
pumping in and out... massaging his tingling sphincter muscles. To
slowly beginning to enjoy the sensations, the memory flooding back
into his head as that voice all the more powerful seemed to speak
right into his soul... as he began to enjoy the manipulation. "Ummm...
Ummm..." The enjoyment was mixed with a displeasure of the growing
ache in his pent up cock and balls within the chastity cage. As the
fingers ran across Cameron's prostate gland, he would find his body
shivering with shocks of pleasure. Which also caused his aching cock
to pulse within the steel contraption confining it, the big horse
feeling the wetness dribbling out onto his furry belly.

This only caused further throbbing and aching, though Cameron could
also tell there was a steady stream of pre cum drooling from the
opening of his cock. It collected into a lukewarm puddle in his crotch
fur, just above that caged shaft that was straining against the cool
metal. The puddle cooling in the air of what was clearly a basement
room somewhere, the big horse sagging back giving up to the
sensations. In the big stallion's hyper sensitive state, the tendrils
dripped down his sides from this puddle were like icicles cutting
through the heat of his furry hide. The obvious enjoyment his body
feeling contrasted with the terrified violation his mind was going
through. The confusion, the anxiety, the fear, the pleasure all
brought Cameron to an oddly comforting indifference. Eventually his
powerful body lie back relaxing in its bonds, harshly gulping for
breath as that paw savaged his rump hole. His vocal cords aching now
from screaming into his gag, only came to life for the rasping moans
as those paw pads rubbed over his pleasure gland. The Hyena's four
fingers slid in and out of the horse's hole, with almost no resistance
from that anal ring. The predators lips twisted up in a lurid very
satisfied grin, showing that the big sexy pred was really enjoying
what he was doing.

"Ummmm..." The big equine moaned weakly, as that paw suddenly and
shockingly left his well stretched opening. Cameron felt stunningly
empty, a lonely disquieted feeling of need filling him. The big horse
was feeling cold and hot at the same time, the muscles of his body
aching from fighting against the restraints... as did his locked up
cock and balls. Cameron realized in shock that he was little more than
a violated rut hole, for the handsome stud predator who was
brutalizing him. The horse was terrified to actually acknowledge what
was taking place, yet at the same time was unable to escape it's
reality. His rump hole couldn't help but feel the loss of fullness,
while his trapped cock was aching, throb for release. The cooling
puddle of pre-cum collecting and dripping down his sides continuously
now, as the sexy hyena stood sneering down at him obviously enjoying
the sight. The phallus shaped dildo stuffed into his mouth tasting of
rubber, seemed to flex and throb on his tongue as the spiral appeared
in front of his eyes once again. The bonds at his ankles, wrists and
waist beginning to feel perfectly normal like he had always wore those
heavy leather cuffs. The sound of the chains clattering echoing
through the room was no longer starling, to the big helpless stallion.
The chill of the room didn't seem as harsh now, while his heart and
breathing seemed to have reached a steady rhythm. He was almost
feeling euphoric, even if his well stretched rut hole was feeling the
need to be fucked.

This calm moment was only marred by a low rustling, as his apparent
captor rummaged around inside of some sort of bag the horse couldn't
quite see. Cameron idly listened to the movements taking place outside
of his line of vision, hearing a metal zipper, the sound of canvas or
nylon rubbing itself as it was moved. He heard a few clinks and
scrapes of metal here or there, and then the shrieks as metal pieces
were dragged along the concrete floor to Cameron's exposed rump. A few
more sounds of rummaging and his tormentor produced a huge canine
dildo with a massive knot near its base. It was larger than the
Hyena's paw had been... so large that his rubber clad paw could not
reach all the way around it leaving a space of about two inches
between the fingers and thumb. The Hyena plopped the large latex cock
on top of the horse's stomach, in his plain view as he went back to
the metal pieces.

As the helpless horse stared at the dildo, which he had no doubt would
soon be buried deep within his body. Cameron was also listening to
what sounded like the big predator assembling something. The familiar
clink of metal pieces fitting together, the screech of metal on metal
as bolts were turned into place. While his physical self hardly
reacted to the obviousness of what was about to come, his mind
wondered if he would be able to take it. Soon the dildo was lifted off
of his stomach and he could feel it being pressed against his prepared

The snickering Hyena worked that pointed fucker around slowly,
stretching the big horse's hole open even more a bit at a time. The
tip was barely even inside of the horse's rut hole, before he could
see the our body reacting to the toys pressure. The big stallion's
locked up cock throbbed and pushed against the metal grid, as the
dildo was rotated and pushed into that aching hole. The big pred was
patient and calm, knowing he had plenty of time so was almost gentle.
He pushed the toy in and out slowly, pushing deeper a little more bit
by bit as the hefty dildo was worked in deeper and deeper. The
snickering Hyena pulling that thick toy from the entrance of Cameron's
bowels several times, as he added more lube to the shaft. As the fake
cock was worked deeper and deeper into his hole, Cameron began to moan
into his gag, as the big pred toy was worked deeper inside of him.

The helpless stallion could feel the body of the intruder rubbing
against his aching prostate slowly. "Ummmm..." Cameron moan weakly as
he saw the Hyena's head tilt down, letting those nasty yellow eyes
watch intently. As the big predator worked his tail hole with that
huge dildo, getting even louder moans from the helpless equine. The
horses caged cock straining against that cold steel even harder, as
that dildo pushed more seminal fluids out of him with every twisting

"Hehehe..." The Hyena laughed loudly as he slid the entirety of that
shaft in and out of the horses quivering hole, making sure as much of
the friction as possible was centered on Cameron's prostate gland.
When at last the wicked pred had the dildo sliding in all the way to
its base inside of Cameron's wide ass. Making sure the pressure was
positioned so it would constantly stroke over that sensitive prostate
over and over again. The snickering predator affixed the dildos base,
to an arm coming out of what Cameron recognized as a fucking machine.
The big horse had seen such machines in certain porno's he had
watched, although they were normally being used on females. Suddenly
his mind flashed back to the porno he had been watching... the male
who had been made up to look like a female. Cameron was stunned to
find that he was picturing himself like that, done up like a mare and
taking big hard Hyena cock over and over again.

The heavily muscled predator stood back and took a look at the dildo
secured in place on the well stabilized and unrelenting fucking
machine. Everything was positioned perfectly, for the next stage of
the horse's training. Cameron's thick equine cock was straining
against the metal grid of the shiny cock cage, so hard that the flesh
of that cock flare was protruding through the openings. His doughnut
shaped tail hole shining with excessive lubed, as the large veiny
canine dildo was pushed deep inside of it. The fucking machine was
carefully positioned, so that it would move the dildo in the same
motion that the Hyena had seemed to get the best result with. While he
had been working over the big roan stallion's well stretched puckered
entrance, quickly the smirking Hyena made a few final adjustments. The
machines legs were solidly held down by weights, so that it would not
move if the horse attempted to clamp his anal muscles down at anytime.
Satisfied that the scene was perfectly prepared, the sneering predator
took a step back.

The big Hyena held a remote control in his lube covered rubber gloved
paw, Cameron's eyes widened as the pred sneered down at him. The
remote had simple dial controls on its face, which he began to slowly
manipulate bringing the fucking machine lurching to life. The big
horse's long narrow head lay backward and a suppressed moan came from
behind his gag. "Ummmmm..." His cock throbbed with a quickened rhythm
and his body went into small spasms as the cock in his ass moved
incredibly slowly in and out of his aroused body. Cameron could feel
it's long, drawn out movements rubbing that dildo along his prostate
as it went. It felt to him as though his cock were being stroked from
behind it's flesh, as that sensitive sissy gland inside of his ass was
stroked. His quivering anal ring was sore and stretched, but moved
smoothly over the big rubber toy as it moved within him. In his
relaxed resignation, his body allowed the waves of pleasure to run
through his body from his head to his hooves. A pleasant full burning
sensation was building within his loins, was the spiral suddenly
appeared in front of his eyes. "Nuu.. Nuuu.. Ummmmm." The dildo within
his ass picked up speed with a noticeable kick and his moaning began
to flow out uncontrollably. Plainly this strange pleasure was a mental
trigger, the more he felt that organ going in and out of him the
deeper the stallion slipped under.

Behind the snug leather strap holding that cock shaped gag in place,
drool was coating Cameron's long furry, equine muzzle. That big body
was writhing, the horses mind was lost, his cock was reacting to every
inward and outward thrust. While the his ass had completely given into
the unrelenting intruder, the sound of the machine almost loud in the
equines pointed ears. The big Hyena held the control box into
Cameron's bleary view and noticeably cranked the machines speed up.
"Ahaha..." The big horse moaned louder as the dildo in his ass pounded
in and out faster and harder, there was no waiver in speed or
pressure, no mercy, no weakness. The machine just kept pounding in and
out over and over again with no sign of waning as Cameron slipped
deeper into submission.

The shaft of the invader rubbing and pushing against Cameron's
increasingly sensitive prostate, the Hyena dildo pulling out every
single time to the base of the pointed tip. Only to be then slamming
back into its hefty base at an incredible rate, making the helpless
equine squeal weakly. The big roan stallion's eyes roll into the back
of his head, as his breathless moans turned to grunts of pleasure. His
entranced mind was agog with the pleasure and joy of submitting to the
superior male predators of his dreams. The giggling predator moved
over to him, unbuckling his gag and pulling it out of that drooling
mouth. "What do you want mareboi? What is it you need... need filling
your mouth... filling your mare pussy?" The snickered Hyena asked, as
he watched the Horse's eyes get that far away look as the post
hypnotic suggestion started to take full effect within the equines

"Predator cock... Hyena cock... I want it... want it soooooooo much."
Cameron moaned as the motor of the fucking machine whirred, even as
that spiral appear more and more solid in front of the helpless
Horse's eyes. "Ohooo fuck... Ummm Hyena cock... Please I... I want
it... I need it... so much feed me your big hard pred dick." The roan
Stallion whimpered and pleaded weakly, his voice growing more and more
monotone as he spoke. Plainly slipping deeper into the new mindset,
that had been programmed into his mind as he had watched that porn

"Hehehe... would you like to suck this mareboi?" The grinning spotted
Hyena asked blandly, he already knew what the equines answer would be.
None of them ever turned down the offer of a hard cock, the subliminal
hypnosis was far too powerful and well written. The big Horse's caged
cock was pouring out gushes of cum which splashed over his chest high
enough to reach the hollow of his neck. Cameron could smell the semen
as it was pumped into the air, as the spasms increased over and over

"Yes... YES PLEASE." Cameron moaned in needy desire, licking his soft
full equine lip's as he starred hard at the Hyena's hard cock. The big
powerful predator was standing over him now, straddling the handsome
Stallion's long narrow equine head... as he rubbed the tip of that
throbbing erection against those quivering lip's.

"Open wide bitch.. Daddy 'yena is gunna feed you his dick." The Hyena
snickered lewdly, leaning over to slid his pulsing fuck between those
velvety soft lip's. "Hahaha." The big predator laughed, as he felt
those hot lip's eagerly wrap around his hard fucker. The big Horse
suckling on his musky Hyena cock, just as soon as it passed those
plush equine lip's. "Oho yeah... Daddy 'yena like that you little
sissy slut. You're going to make a cute little pussy Mare... Heheh the
boys are going to enjoy the hell out of you. I bet the video we make
with you will sale good... and bring in even more sissy slut Mares or
Doe's. It's funny that watching the video's don't affect every fur...
only the ones who really want to be a predators whore heh. I guess
that sez something about you huh mareboi..." Cupping the sides of that
long slender muzzle in his paws, the big spotted predator fucked that
eager mouth lustfully. The big predators words both confused and
sickened Cameron, the big stallion had always considered himself a
straight stud. Yet as that musky pred cock pushed between his lips,
the big horse began to suckle fawningly on that hard male organ.
'Mareboi Mareboi Mareboi' The word echoed within his mind, making
images of himself made up like a sissy mareboi predators slut suddenly
filled his brain.

"Ahem damn some little mareboi is about to cream his panties...
getting all excited sucking on Daddies big hard cock." The big Hyena
teased as that machine fucked on relentlessly, pumping in and out at
super high speeds, battering Cameron's prostate over and over again.
He could feel the sensation of his cock being jerked off from the
inside, under that unyielding metal chastity cage his rut muscle
strained and pushed, it hurt and felt entirely euphoric. Soon his cock
was beyond aching now, it simply hurt constantly as it pushed against
the metal grid. His ass was beginning to burn from the never ending
friction, the fucking machine abusing him mercilessly. After what felt
like an hours or days, Cameron's moaning and grunting had turned into
weak effeminate sobs. His ass felt bruised on the inside, his hole
violated beyond recognition, the speed had not been slowed. While the
Hyena was smirking down at him, while driving that hard pred dick down
the horse's passive throat. Cameron suckling more and more eagerly, as
the big horse was baffled at how his body could possibly allow itself
to be taken in by such manipulations. The big roan equine couldn't
help bucking and whinnying, when he'd first woke up in this situation
Cameron had been expecting torture. But the stunned equine realized
that he had enjoyed everything that was being done to him, and from
the gloating look on his muzzle the Hyena knew it.

"Yeah... Ahaha yeah that's it mareboi... Gods if you suck my dick any
harder you'll suck my balls right out of the sack... Heheh." The big
predator chuckled as he leaned over the roan Stallion's long muzzle,
strong hip's pounding his thick cock down the handsome equine eager
throat. Looking into the Horses eyes, the smiling Hyena could see
Cameron slipping deeper and deeper into the trance inducted fantasy.
It was surprising how many prey males had these secret desires, that
just a little post hypnotic suggestion brought out into the open. I
few hours a training... breaking his virgin hole in and giving that
eager mouth a taste of pred spoo was all it took to have a willing
slave. First came the video's... porn always sold well plus it brought
in new sluts just like this one. After that he would be moved into
their prostitution ring... and once he was used up that way their got
sold off to the meat market. By that time they really weren't good for
much else, and predators would always want meat... that was just

"Ummm... Ummm..." The big stallion moaned, as the joy of serving
filled him heart and soul. Even as his helpless organ surged within
that steel cage, the helpless Horses hip's bucking and thrusting
wildly. As that dildo pounding deep inside of him, pushing the Equine
closer and closer to orgasm. "Hur hur hur..." Cameron nickered softly
around that hard cock in his muzzle, the helpless stud stunned that he
was on the edge of a powerful orgasm. The big straight stallion felt
guilty for the enjoyment that he was feeling, the Horse felt somehow
debased and scoffed at by his own masculine body. As the ache in his
testicles reached a new height and his trapped cock began spewing
forth more and more pre-cum due to the constant stimulation of his


The tall sleek Stag sat at his desk, one thick finger flicking the
scroll wheel on his mouse up and down slowly. There were perhaps a
dozen files open and displayed on the bulky older monitor the company
still used. The information of each file flickering with the
machinations of the mouse wheel, as he scrolled thought them slowly.
Surrounded by the protective cubicle walls, which was itself tucked
into alcove by the stairwell. Toby found such blatant displays of
uselessness were well guarded, especially since there seemed to only
be three other workers in the office on this particular day. Glancing
at the clock on his screen, the sleek Stag saw there were still five
hours left in his day and lunch hour was still ten minutes away. Not
wanting to get involved in any of the projects available to him, just
to leave it unfinished ten minutes into them. The handsome Deer was
considering covertly searching for porn, or reading one of the dozens
of time wasting blogs he tended to read when he'd rather not be doing
his job. About two minutes from the start of this inner debate, the
idea of porn won out and he open his untraceable search engine. He
slipped a ear bud in his left ear since it was falling the wall, while
leaving his right free to listen for approaching paw-falls.

Quickly, an Internet browser window was opened, his fingers zipped
along the keyboard entering a few choice words into a search engine.
And then his mouse began clicking numerous links to various sites, the
antlered stud was barely even paying attention to the titles of the
links. He figured he would glance over each page for a few seconds,
and then close them one by one as soon as he lost interest. The
handsome Stag glanced around quickly as he clicked on the next video,
it didn't started slow as these things often did. The cheesy music had
a strange dull murmur behind it, most likely because it was very
cheaply produced. A cute if oddly masculine looking mare popped up on
screen, eagerly taking a thick pred cock into her soft mouth. A rough
growly voice snarl 'Yeah that's it little mare... you know what you
need didn't you.' the pretty mare moan a oddly deep 'Yes.. yes.. I
need your cum... pred cum.' as her lip's wrapped around that hard
fucker. Toby snickered as he settled on watching the video, thinking
the mare looked vaguely familiar. He use to play basketball with a guy
at the gym, Cameron was a stallion of course. Maybe this mare was his
sister... Toby fished his erection out of his trousers as he watched
the mare pleasuring her predator master. the Deer watched with growing
sexual excitement, as she suckled wildly on that thick canid organ.
His screen brightened for a split second, but the sleek Stag just
thought the ancient monitor was going bad. His finger hovered over the
mouse button, for some reason not clicking to the next page. As he
watched the mare started working on a second thick canine cock, those
soft full equine lip's wrapped seductively around that veiny red

"Fuck that looks good..." Toby moaned softly to himself, as the
sultrily made up mare bounced back and forth between those hard cocks.
'Wait... what...' Toby starred hard at the screen his eyes opening
wide in shock, the pretty tarted up looking mare wasn't a mare at all.
The straight Stag jumped in shock, his finger straining to click the
mouse button. To change the image on the screen... he wasn't gay...
wasn't about to sit here and watch gay porn. Yet his finger didn't
move and as he watched the camera panned out showing the cross dressed
up stallion taking cocks in both end. The back ground seemed to zoom
forwards and for a moment swallowed up the images of the horse being
fucked completely. Toby starred deep into that waving twisting
pattern, even as he slowly became aware of words mixed in with the
music. 'You are slipping deeper and deeper... losing yourself...
desires consuming you.' The Deer blinked hard and the porn was back in
clear view on his screen, the two Hyena's were joined by a third one


The tall Stag snapped awake suddenly find himself in a bare concrete
room, lit by a harsh yellow uncovered light bulb dangling above him.
Toby discovered himself laying on an iron framed four poster bed, the
mattress was bare and covered in grungy yellowish stains. "Wait...
What... Where?"


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