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Making Baby

The sleek satiny black stallion licked his full lips sensuously,
breathing deeper now as that strong three fingered hand slid up and
down his well lubed stud muscle. His shiny black fur flecked with
frothy equine sweat, as he leaned against his lovers hot sweaty body.
"It would be much easier if we just fucked." Darcshado panted, as he
nuzzled his lovers stiff white ear; the slightly small stallion
shivering at this.

"We can't you know that." Cameron moaned, his back arching thrusting
his hard cock harder into Darcshado's big hand. Both stallion's stood
trembling in pleasure and exhaustion, as they worked hard to paw each
other off. In front of them on the small table a small red rubber
squeeze bulb awaited their lustful exploits. "Condom's have spermicide
in them, besides there would be a chance of contamination. I'm close
if you just go a little fast and keep a steady rhythm." Cameron
moaned, almost pleadingly as his hip's bucked and humped more

"I'm trying. You still sure you want to do this?" The sleek black
stallion panted, his arm felt like it was on fire from the exertion.
Shutting out everything else, the big stud concentrated on keeping a
steady rhythm even as he tugged harder and faster on that big pink
stud stick. His shoulder was cramping up, but Cameron was up on his
hoof tip's now; biting his lower lip as that big cock tensed harder
and harder.

"What?!? Yes... don't you?" Cameron moaned in one explosive breath as
his throbbing cock suddenly released, even as Darcshado tugged it

"Yes... you know I do." The big black stallion grunted, aiming the
distended tip of Cameron's cock into the opening, as gush after gush
of creamy stud milk vanished into the red rubber bulb.

"Then lets do this." The white stud moaned as his lover slowly,
carefully milked his pulsing erection, until every last drop was
collected. And then snorted aggressively at the scent of that potent
male seed, his other big three fingered hand moving to join Cameron's
on his thick black stud stick.

"Here let me..." Darcshado grunted, helping his lover to stroke that
big stallion salami, until he was on the verge of orgasm. And then he
lifted his hands away letting Cameron finish him off, as his strong
hip's pushed forwards. The black stallion whinnying loudly as Cameron
pulled his big blunt cock head down, letting it release into the bulb.
Until that thick gooey cream spilled over the edge of the opening, to
drool down the outside of that red rubber container. "Ammm Fuck...
fuck." The sexy black stallion moaned, gulping for breath as his rigid
body sagged in exhaustion.

"I'll do the honors then." Letting go of his lovers throbbing
erection, Cameron grasped the bulb and carefully wiggled the long
plastic nozzle back into the opening. As Darcshado staggered away to
the bathroom, while the white stallion took the bulb in hand and
headed down the hall. He paused outside the bedroom door and knocked
politely, the door swung open slightly from the knocks. Even as a
gruff voice bid him to come inside, the white stallion shivered as he
pushed the door open and strolled inside.

The bedroom was dimly lit, and the air was thick with scents that made
the gay stallion's head swim. Two mare's lay entwined on the bed, the
big Clydesdale mare on top was looking back at Cameron. While the
small paint mare had her eyes closed and was panting for breath as she
withered in the big mare's knee. "I'm just getting her primed." The
big Dom mare snorted, at the smaller gay stallion as he edged closer
to the bed. "So that's it huh?" She asked gruffly, taking the baster
out of his hand before he could answer and squeezing it slightly.
Watching in clear repulsion, as the slimy cream climbed up the clear
plastic nozzle towards the tip. "Oooooow it's sticky!" She grunted
looking down at the bulb in her huge three fingered hand, a look of
disgust crawling across her muzzle as she realized why. "That's gross
you didn't even clean off the... over flow!" She snapped looking at
the white stallion as if he'd just called her some horrible name, or
like she was thinking of calling him one.

"Did want to risk contamination..." Cameron mumbled, feeling very
awkward and embarrassed by what was going on.

"I suppose you should stay... one of the fathers should be here at
least." The big Clydesdale mare pulling her knee back, and using her
other hand on the small black and white paint mare's sex. So that was
to be his punishment, Cameron shivered as he took a seat in the
clothes covered chair by the door.

"Ammm ok sure cool." He answered weak and comfortably, as the big mare
went back to stroking and rubbing her lovers sex. Slowly inserting the
plastic nozzle into that pink teardrop shaped equine sex, as she
rubbed and licked that pink knob as it winked out. Each touch... each
lick bringing the little mare closer and closer to her orgasm,
powerful muscles clamped down on that plastic tube squeezing and
milking it.

"She close." The big Clydesdale mare grunted unnecessarily, as his
mouth moved up to lip and nibble at the smaller mare's erection
nipples. While her thick fingers worked faster and faster now pushing
her paint lover towards pleasure and impregnation.

"Ummm Ohoooooo!" The small mare whinnied in ecstasy as her orgasm
washed over her, instantly that big strong hand clenched on the red
rubber bulb. Shooting the contents... the intermixed seed of two gay
stallion deep into her womb, even as the muscles of her cervix worked
to draw it inside.

In his chair by the bedroom door Cameron shivered, as he realized he
was soon going to be a father. Standing up rather to quickly, he felt
dizzy as he staggered out into the hallway Darcshado caught him in a
warm embrace. "We're fathers I think." The white stallion announced,
as his lover leaned in and cover his mouth in a long passionate kiss
that lasted for minutes...

"Don't jinx it."


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