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On The Farm

Benjamin sat comfortably in his office, which was the only building
for miles around. It sat at the edge of a particularly thick cluster
of trees, which together with a fence marked the boundary of the
private community for which he worked as the 'Intake & Orientation'
furson. Benjamin himself was a hefty Scottish Bull of reddish-brown
fur grown long, as his breed regularly did... but carefully groomed so
that it appeared neat and in order. Benjamin liked his things to be in
order... his desk was also very tidy, with every form kept in its
place, and later logged when completed with others of its like. He
looked out the window... it was a pleasant day, as it almost always
was there, and the green, grassy fields beyond tempted him. Tempting
though they were, the grounds inside the community were much nicer...
and soon he'd be able to enjoy them. He had just one appointment for
today... and he smiled, seeing their shuttle approaching from down the
road. He took a moment to straighten his shirt... which was the only
thing he was wearing.

Just then the shuttle van pulled up, stopping just outside the small
rustic office, and the doors noisily opened. A big powerful looking
dark black Spanish Bull stepped out, looking around and smiling at
what he saw. Just behind him a pretty Cow stepped out, her coat
looking blueish in the bright sunlight. The Bull was dressed in what
looked like brand new denim, while the Cow was wearing a white dress
with red and yellow flowers on it. Seeing Benjamin the big Bull walked
over and held out his hand, shaking the Scottish Steers hand. "Hello
I'm Jay and this is my wife Tina." He introduced, clearly there were
some mixed feelings on his muzzle, as his lovely Cow stepped forwards
and took over. "We're here hoping to join this rural community."

Benjamin smiled and stood up to lean across his desk and shake hands,
revealing his somewhat doughy figure, his lack of pants, and the fact
that he was himself a Steer. "Ahah, Jay and Tina, hello." He said, as
he shook hands with both of them, allowing them both a moment to take
it in. He took a moment to look them over; the Cow was lovely in a
country-girl kind of way, and she was thickly built, with a very nice
chest... Once upon a time Benjamin would have been quite aroused by
her breasts, but of course such things were beyond him now. Jordan
would certainly like her though, he wondered about her partner though.
Jay looked big and strong, not the typical sort of male to seek
residence here... Doubtless there was a story here somewhere, Benjamin
hoped that he would get to find out what it was. "We'll be pleased to
welcome you both to the Pasture." Benjamin assured with a big smile,
gesturing to the comfortable chairs in front of his desk. "Please take
a seat." He said, motioning to the two nearby chairs, as he slowly sat
back down, in his own. "And we'll get started on the necessary
paperwork... first of all, do either of you have any questions on your

The young husband and wife moved over to the chairs, and sat down in
them looking the office over. The pretty Cow's smile twisting slightly
into a smirk, as she noticed that Benjamin was a Steer, while her
husband was plainly a little stunned. "I'm so glad that your
welcoming." The sexy Cow said, as she watched him take his seat, her
eyes not leaving his crotch until it vanished behind the desk. "We're
so tired of the rat race... we're looking forwards to a quiet and
simple life here in the Pasture." Tina picked up a pen as Jay sat down
beside her, looking at the papers in front of him.

"Yeah... yeah a simple life." He rambled, as he read through the
papers slowly as if this was the first time he'd seen them, even
though he had the booklet all new members were sent. "Ummm yeah ok...
so well about the neutering clause..." Jay paused licking his lip's
nervously, as he looked into the smiling Scottish Bull's eyes. "Is
that really a firm demand."

"Yes, it is required." Benjamin answered firmly, keeping his muzzle
flat and as expressionless as possible. "Mr. Blake is to be the 'Only'
Bull in the Pasture, that's how he wants it." Benjamin explained,
flashing Jay a calm smile, even as he was amused when the other Bull
winced. 'So' He thought wryly, another Cow wanting to upgrade the Bull
in her life... oh well either he would accept it or he would not,
Ben's job was to make sure he knew what he was getting into. "When you
live in Jordan's Pasture, you're part of his herd. The Pasture makes
sure your needs are met, and you'll make sure the master's needs are
met. And yes." Benjamin nodded, looking Jay directly in the eyes, as
the other Bull shivered looking over at his young wife. "Jordan will
personally make you a Steer, and he will mount you; that'll be a
regular thing. I know this is a deal breaker for some males, so I want
to be as up front with you as possible about it." He got up out of his
chair to stepped partway around the desk, and sat on the corner with
his furry legs open. So that both bovines could see his chubby groin,
his slightly undersized sheath, and the neat scar just below it. "This
is how you'll be, Jay. It's a good life, and I'm very happy here, but
it's not for everyone. Please ask me anything you like about the
lifestyle; I'll be as candid as I can."

Tina looked over at Jay and frown slightly, it was a look that
screamed silently. 'You read through the booklet, you know its

"Yeah well... I was just curious ya know. Heh no offense... I saw your
one. Steer I mean..." Jay answered awkwardly, clearly while he was
intrigued... at the same time the Bull in him didn't want to give it
up. "Yeah that's what I read... could you tell us what all that
entails?" Jay snorted weakly, looking over at his pretty wife who was
obviously pushing him into this. The big Bull gulped as Benjamin
explain it plainly, Jay's eyes were looking more than a bit wild at
that. But Tina lay a calming hand on his thick thigh, as she signed
her paperwork and pushed the pen into her husband's hand. "Ask... ask
you anything huh... How do you like it?" The two of them starred
between Benjamin's thighs at the scar where his big proud testicles
should be, numbly Jay took the pen starred at that denuded crotch as
if entranced. Benjamin smiled as disarmingly as he could, and leaned
back a bit to let the Bull take a good long look at his future. Until
Tina gripped the back of his hand nudging it, the big masculine
Spanish Bull scrawling his name on the bottom line almost reflexively.
And then realizing it was done, shoved the papers back across the desk
aggressively. "Here."

Seeing the big masculine Bull aggressively sign the line, Benjamin
wondered if accepting his application was the right thing to do... but
there it was. He took the papers and filed them, bending over and
showing his round, chubby rump. "Me? I like it a lot. It's great here,
and Jordan is quite the lover. Sometimes he's romantic and charming,
sometimes he's lewd and greedy, sometimes he's a rutting Bull, but he
always satisfies. He nails me on a regular basis, and I love every
moment of it. It is a big change though... so go in with the
appropriate expectations. You're come to love in Jordan's herd... he
will take your balls, and he will rut you, and he will rut Tina. It
seems like a lot to lose, but you'll enjoy being desired and claimed
by a big Bull if you're not too proud to let yourself." He explained,
and then straightened up and beckoned the young couple to follow him.
"Okay. Well, let's go meet the big guy. This way please..."

Jay's eyes were glued to the Steers crotch, and that soft round almost
Cow like rump. His ears flicking and following Benjamin as he spoke
and moved around the office. Benjamin noticed that the Spanish Bull
was getting excited as he spoke, maybe the big boy was into it more
than he cared to admit. "And I can watch as he... as they rut?" Jay
asked, his arousal surging as Benjamin made it plain he could and
would often be asked to do so. The big pure black Bull licked his lips
and swallowed hard as he rose to his hooves to follow the smaller
Steer. "Sure yeah... I've been wanting to met this guy." Jay snorted
trying to sound aggressive, but in point of fact sounding a bit eager
and slavish. As he helped Tina up and the two of the followed Benjamin
through the door and down a wide hallway

A few windows in the hallway showed that it led though the thick
cluster of trees, before connecting to a large building beyond them.
"This is The House." The Scottish Steer explained as he walked, his
chubby rump bouncing just a little with each step. "Sanitary
facilities, sleeping quarters, kitchens, and pretty much anything that
doesn't grow outside is kept here. There if you need it, out of sight
when you don't." He led them out through a set of large double doors,
which opened at the top of a tumbling multi-level stream, which wound
its way down over a rolling hillside towards a hilly green field. The
grass was soft under hoof, and as they looked around, Jay and Tina
could see other cattle dotted here and there, all completely naked,
all either Cow or Steer. Some were lounging lazily in the warm sun,
others were chewing naturally growing grass or walking about. Most of
them waved to the new arrivals as they passed, unless they were too
preoccupied, such as the glossy brown Steer going down on a pregnant
jersey Cow as they lay on the side of a hill. They passed a few more
couples engaged in cuddling or heavy petting, including one pair of
Cows and one pair of Steers. Before rounding a bend in the path, to
see a buck naked black Bull, vigorously thrusting into a moaning
partner. He was facing away from them, with his lover on their knees
in front of him, and with the Bull's huge balls lewdly swinging back
and forth with every flex of that huge black rump. They couldn't tell
if he was impaling a Steer or a Cow, however from the moans, whoever
it is was certainly enjoying it.

Jay's jaw dropped open as he stood there, watching the fat black Bull
rutting hard into his partner. It was a unexpected lewd sight and it
made the already horny Spanish Bull aching inside his stiff new jeans.
While the pretty Cow at his side was inhaling deeply and lustfully
beside him, slowly she edged around to the side of the rutting pair
for a better view. Even as Jay moved up closer, his eyes on those
swing testicles and the long red hard on being shoved hard into... He
wasn't sure but it hardly matter it was intensely exciting for the
Spanish Bull, drool was escaping from the corners of his mouth. As he
watched the show silently, a big dark wet spot forming on his jean.
"Ummm that looks good." Tina half grunted half moaned from off to one
side, the sexy Cow fondling herself as she watched the action. Sharing
a smile with her husband, over the back of the fat rutting Bull.

From the side, Tina could plainly see that it was a Cow that was being
plowed so vigorously, and when the wind shifted, Jay knew it too. The
three of them stood for some time, watching the hard thrusting and
listening to the grunts and lewd moans. Until the Bull let out a
particularly vigorous snort, and the Cow moaned long and deeply... The
black Bull's broad back and bulky scrotum glistened with sweat as he
slowly slid free, his long pole slick with the Cow's wetness. The pair
could plainly see his thick load oozing out of her slot before the
plump brown Cow closed her legs, and flushed with embarrassment.
"Haha... Hey... sorry to keep you waiting, some things a Bull just
can't interrupt, wouldn't have been fair to Lucy here." Jordan said,
patting the sexy Cow on the ass as she unsteadily got to her cloven
hooves and wandered off. "You must be Jay, and...Tina." He said, the
naked black Bull stepping forward and offering each of them a vigorous
handshake. "Welcome to my Pasture. It's great to meet you both." He
looked them over, his smile broadening as he took in Tina's figure...
clearly even having just filled a Cow with his cum did little to
reduce his lust. He regarded Jay for a moment, and then noticed the
wet spot in his pants, grinning widely at the other. "So Ben will have
gone over the details with you. You've seen what the herd has to offer
you... let's see what you're bringing to the herd." He suggested, from
his words and gestures it was plain what he wanted them to do. "Ben
will take your clothes."

Tina and Jay assured Jordan that they completely understood, and the
wait had been short and enjoyable. They both thanked him for the
welcome, and agreed it was nice to meet him at last. "Yes Ben has been
very helpful." Tina agreed, as she lifted her dress off over her head
and handed it to the Steer who took it pleasantly. Then she stripped
off her silk panties which were more than a bit damp, and tossed those
to him as well. Jay slipped off his shirt and then unbuttoned his
jeans, struggling to get out of his jeans. One part of him had no
trouble getting out, it sprang out stiffly, and he sneered as he
noticed that it was bigger than Jordan's. At last he managed to get
his jean completely off and pasted them over to Ben, who took them
smiling. Before strolling away leaving the newcomers standing there
totally nude with their smiling Bull.

Jordan smiled broadly as he watched them both strip, his eyes
lingering on Jay's huge erection darkly for a second. "Ahah, very
lovely." The fat black Bull said, stepping over to Tina, his cock
still dripping with Lucy's juices, and cupped her sizable breasts,
massaging them in his doughy palms. "I'm sure you will be VERY happy
here. I can see many calves in your future." He assured her with a
wink, and slid his hands down over her belly, and then between her
legs groping her crotch, kneading her wet slot firmly.

"We've wanted calves for a long time now." He grunted, his voice thick
with lust, this was proving to be much more exciting than he'd

"And you, sir. You're bringing me quite a lot as well." Jordan
snorted, appraisingly looking the strong black Bull up and down, and
then sliding a hand up his thigh, and firmly grasped his stiff, long

Jay moved up to watch as the heavy smiling Bull began to touch and
grope his wife right in front of him. The sight making the bigger Bull
intensely excited, and his long hard on was achingly stiff now. "I...
Ummm yeah." The big masculine Bull grunted as Jordan turn to him, even
as that big hot hand slid up his thigh and gripped his rock hard

"Don't worry... you get to keep this part." Jordan said with a sly
wink, while grasping Jay's testicles and firmly held them in strong
hands. Jordan fondled those heavy bovine orbs lewdly, giving them a
firm tug in their sac, while letting his thick fingers feel around and
between them, getting the exact measure of their shape and texture.

"I... I do." Jay stammered, confused by his own reaction, he'd never
had another male touch his cock before. That big hand dropped lower,
gripping Jay huge dangling orbs.

"These will be a fine addition to my collection... I'm very pleased
you plan to give them up freely... Oh Lucy, could you run after Ben
and ask him to bring me a few things from the house? Thank you dear."
He said, sending the brown cow trotting off after the retreating
Scottish Bull. She looked behind her at the new black Bull, with such
a big dick, and those plump balls... She knew that by the time she got
back, he'd be just another limp dicked Steer.

"To.... to your collection... you collect males balls?" Jay asked in
wonder, he'd never thought about what was done with them. "Give them
up freely..." Jay repeated, his voice sounding slavish and whining
again, as that hot hand fondled and explored him. The well bred Cow
smiled and agreed at once, hurrying off after the Steer. "This is
all.... all very strange and... and."

"Exciting." Tina supplied as she snuggled against the fat black Bulls
side, as he fondled her husband's big potent eggs.

"Well of course I collect them!" Jordan answered, surprised and amused
that the Bull wasn't aware of him by reputation. "They're the most
precious things a Bull owns, far too important to just discard. And
these are certainly an impressive set." The big fat Bull commented,
and put both his chubby hands on Jay's hefty balls.

"Heh aren't they tho'?" Jay grunted, clearly proud of his heavy seed
sacks, as Jordan took those two big glands into his chubby hands.

The other Spanish Bull's nuts were almost as big as Jordan's own
prodigious pair. "I get a lot of under-hung guys coming here and
offering what little they have, or impotent Bulls who just want their
wives to be happy... and that's fine, every Bull is special... but you
seem to be prime Bull material." Jordan started walking around the
other Bull, giving those big balls a tug, then fondling his ass when
he got behind Jay. And then Jordan stepped up close, pressing his fat
belly against the other Spanish male's back; Jay could feel the tip of
Jordan's prick prodding his rump as Jordan played with his tail.

"Heh yeah I'm in my breeding prime and my Doc sez I should be breeding
right now." Jay oddly bragged about the orbs he had signed away to the
other bull, even as Tina joined Jordan in fondling her husband's
goodies. Jay jumped a little as Jordan moved behind him fondling her
ass like he was a Cow.

"You really seem excited to be here, Jay, so let's get to it. I'm
gonna cut off your balls, and Tina's going to watch. Then I'm going to
fuck some calves into her while you watch, freshly made into my Steer.
Since you're being so good though, I'll give you a chance to cum on
the ground while you still have your bull hood... Show me that you
want it, Jay. Get on your knees and tell me you want me to fuck you
like a Steer, and then make you one."

The bigger bulls eyes widening as he felt the other Bull's hot organ
between his ass cheek prodding his soft virgin tail hole as Jordan
played with his tail. "I... I guess I kinda am." Jay confessed,
sounding confused about himself... Tina had talked him into this and
yet now that he was here he was intensely excited by what was
happening. "Oh gods." Jay panted, as the other Bull flat out said that
he was going to cut his balls off and make him a Steer. "Going to make
me a cuckolded Steer." Jay repeated his voice hinting that he was
scared and unsure, his cock on the other hand was sure that was what
it wanted. The big masculine Bull sank slowly to his knees, even as
his watching wife began to giggle softly. It takes a few seconds for
him to fight his body and get into position, but at last he's down on
all fours in front of the other Bull. In the same position he'd
watched the Bull fuck that Cow Lucy in. "Fuck me like I'm a... a
Steer." He paused, and clearly there was a internal battle going on as
his voice quivered. "And then... and then... Make me one."

Jordan grinned knowingly at Tina winking at her, and knelt behind the
sturdy Spanish Bull in front of him. "Good boy." Jordan praised the
kneeling Bull like a pet, and patted him on that firm round rump. "You
get to empty your balls one final time. Not into this hot Cow though;
only my nuts get to fill her now. You'll shoot your last seed straight
down into the dirt." He chuckled lewdly, grasping Jay's hefty sac,
squeezing those firm nuts hard and tugging them down, and then spread
those firm black buttocks.

Jay's big powerful body trembled wildly as Jordan's big hot hand
patted his sexy round rump, as if his body wanted to leap up and run
away. "Yes... yes I wanta... need to cum... in my breeding prime." He
repeated weakly, even as Jordan firmly reminded him he'd not be
cumming in his wife but into the dirt. The big masculine young bull
was panting for breath loudly as his balls were squeezed and tugged
while his asscheeks were spread.

"I'm guessing this is your first time getting rutted? Don't worry,
I've fucked plenty of virgins. You're lucky that Lucy got me nice and
wet in advance though." Jordan snickered teasingly, and then slid his
cock through the other Bull's ass-crack, teasing his hole with that
hot, hard flesh. And then he changed his angle, and making sure Tina
had a good view, the fat Bull pushed forward, slowly working his long
bull hood into Jay's tender backdoor. He started with a few inches,
but then hunched forward, working his meat in as rapidly as the Bull
under him could take it.

"Yes... Yes I've never been... not a Cow never been rutted." Jay
stammered weakly, his cheeks burning with blush as he realized he was
about to get fucked. "Ohoooo gods... Ohooo fuck." Jay moaned, as he
felt that hard hot stud muscle slide up his crack that hard round cock
head pushed into his clenched anus. The big strong black Bull inhaled
loudly, a high pitched whimper escaping from him as that huge hard
organ slipped inside of him. "Ohoo Owww Oho oho damn." Jay moaned as
more and more of that hard organ was fucked inside of him, he could
hear Tina flat out laughing at him now. The shame and humiliation
making him unbelievably aroused, and he couldn't help pushing back on
that fat Bull cock. "Yes oh gods Yessssss." He moaned, as he felt
Jordan fat balls slap against his own Bull nuts hard enough to cause a
faint sick feeling within his guts.

Jordan leered as Jay started to push back on his stiff bull hood, and
caressed the Bull's hips as he started pumping harder. He pushed his
hard lance as deep into the other Bull as he could shove it, and soon
Jordan's belly was resting on Jay's rump, and his fat groin was
pressed flat against Jay's buttocks. He thrust in hard, giving Tina a
show of huge, sweaty bovine ball sacks smacking into each other, with
Jay's long bovine pole jutting out stiffly. Jordan grinned at the
plump Cow, as she laughed at the sight of her husband being used
sexually. "Ammm, you like watching this, hot stuff? You like seeing
two Bulls fuck each other? Ummm, I bet you like watching it and
knowing that the one on the bottom is about to lose his nuts." Jordan
grunted, thrusting faster into Jay's trembling rump and leering at
Tina as she enjoyed it... "You wanna tease him? Go ahead, stretch out
and show him your wet pussy and remind him that his cock won't be in
it... tell him how hot it'll be to watch me cut off his nuts." Jordan
encouraged the sexy black Cow, as she giggled and moved over closer.

Jay whimpered as he felt his long hard Bull dick rubbing against the
smooth soft dirt, his pre-cum mixing with the dirt forming slick mud.
While his hip's move back and forth, as the Bull behind him rutted his
tail hole powerfully. The big masculine young Bull feeling his will
power draining away, as if each thrust of that hard cock into him was
pushing a bit of his pride and strength out. And his body starting
with his asshole, but spreading through his balls and cock through his
guts and chest working to pleasure that mighty rut stick. "Oh fuck...
Ohooo wow..." Jay babbled as his body grew more and more passive
beneath that lustful Bull on his back, using him like he was already a
impotent Steer. "Ummm yes... Ummm please... harder faster please..."
Jay begged, as his hard cock was shoved deeper into the mud puddle his
own pre-cum had made. Tina was starring in wide eyed joy as she watch
one Bull top the other, wet trickles of her excitement were snaking
down her inner thighs. "Yes..." She answered, the excitement in her
voice loud and clear, she was loving watching him rut her husband's
ass. "OH GODS." Tina squealed, as Jordan spoke of making Jay into a
Steer a thrill of orgasm tickled through her sex at the thought.
Moving around in front of her husband Tina lay down just out of reach,
fondling her tingling sex as Jay watched helplessly. "See this?" She
gestured to her wet sex, even as she fingered and rubbed it wildly
inches from his nose. "Remember how good it felt being inside of it...
well you'll never get to feel that again Steer." She taunted, even as
her drooling husband watched her fingers rubbing and stroking that
quiver hole. "And I... I can't wait to watch him cut your balls off...
make you a limp dicked Steer forever. And then let him stick that huge
hard cock into me, just like he's doing to you right now."

Jordan snorted in lust as he plowed that big Bull ass, his heavy balls
smacking Jay's low-hanging cummers hard. "Yeah Jay, look at that
quivering pussy... I'm taking that cunt away from YOU." Jordan
bragged, enjoying the feeling of Jay's anus clamping down harder on
his thick erection.

"That's mine... its mine." Jay denied, even though they all knew it
had never really been his... even when she was giving it to him.

"I'm fucking you, and then I'm nutting you, I'm gonna breed your Cow
while your balls hang on my wall." Jordan reached under Jay's hips and
suddenly grabbed the Bull's swaying bollocks, and started squeezing
them hard.

"Ammm gods your really gunna do it... nut me and cuckold me while I
watch... while my balls hang on your wall." The big masculine Bull
whimpered thrusting his long cock onto the muddy puddle under him.
Pain twisted his guts as those fat nuts were squeezed, Jay's cock
oozing more and more pre-cum.

"No more balls for you, Steer!" As Jordan was saying this, Ben
appeared behind him, quietly coming around the corner. The chubby
Scottish Steer, now with his shirt removed as well, watched his horny
boss plow the other Spanish Bull and threaten his balls. He was
completely behind Jordan's back, but Tina could see him from where she
lay in front, and she saw him tiptoeing closer. The plump Steer
rubbing his small sheath with one hand... while holding a bander and a
sharp knife in the other. Wordlessly he set them down beside Jordan,
then timidly tiptoed around them, and sat down beside Tina, sitting on
his ass with his thighs well apart, and touching his Steer-hood.

"Only yours... only your balls." Jay mumbled breathlessly, as his big
ass slammed back against Jordan's soft body lustfully. Tina smiled
broadly as she watch Ben lay the tool by her Bull, and then move
around to sit beside her.

"Wow... your husband is really going through with it." Ben snorted,
watching as Jay was almost begging for Jordan to do it to him. "God...
Jordan's gonna cut his balls right off... just like he did mine."

Tina watched Ben touching his Steer-hood and grinned her fingers
wandering over to trace his scar. "Yes... soon he'll be as nuttless as
you are." Tina snickered, as she teased his limp impotent Steer's dick
as it lay limply on Ben's thigh. "I can't wait to watch him do it...
Too bad I couldn't have been here to see that... did he fuck your wife
afterward?" She giggled, rubbing her dripping sex more and more
eagerly as she watched her husband rutting the muddy ground even as
that thick cock pounded up his asshole... Suddenly Jay bellowed, as
his balls drew up and he spurted his last ever load of sperm into the

Ben looked down at his groin, panting in limp arousal as he watched
the plump Cow trace his castration scar and tease his pimp prick. "Y-
you wish you could have watched me castrated? Jordan might have a
video of that...I err... I'm not married." Ben admitted, blushing as
he saw the look of surprise on Tina's muzzle at his confession. "I
came here by myself... I... I wish I'd had a chance to do it with a
Cow like you first." The Scottish Bull admitted, licking his lips as
he lay there panting. "You're very beautiful... I'm just a Steer, but
let me know if I can do anything for you, or to you." He offered
demurely, the Steer putting a hand on the pretty Cow's open thigh's.

Jordan let out a hearty bellow, as he felt that sturdy Bull butt
clench under him, the fat Bull feeling that tight, virgin asshole
rippling around his hard pole. Those firm buttocks flexing, and Jay's
tight guts twisting as he shot his hearty load into the mud below. He
gripped those big potent balls even tighter as he groaned, pulling
Jay's nuts down while his own jumped up. And then his hard cock
pulsed, as one black Bull shot his hot cum inside the other. Jay felt
a surge of hot seed deep within his male body, it wasn't his seed it
belonged to another Bull. The two of them grunted and sweated together
for a time... Jordan was the first to recover. "Not exactly." He
replied to Jay's whimpered words, taking a few quick, deep breaths.
"I'm gonna nut you and cuckold you while you watch... while holding
your balls in my fist." Jordan smirked, reaching down, picking up the
already-loaded bander, and squeezed the handle tight... Ben moaned,
and Tina watched as Jordan jerked Jay's sweaty sac around hard, while
pushing those bulging, throbbing cum-sacks through the narrow opening.
He had to squeeze those large bovine nuts hard to make them pop
through, and then he jerked Jay's sac down, sliding the ring right up
to his crotch before letting it tighten...

"Yeah... ohoo yeah. Nut me and... and make a cuck Steer out of
me...while holding my balls in your fist." The big, strong, masculine,
Bull panted, and then groaned as his fat cummers were roughly shoved
into those bands. Jays squeals going up to a higher pitch as the bands
were released, choking his big potent breeders balls. As suddenly he
wanted it to stop... he tried to pull away even as Jordan gripped his
hefty balls. "No... NO wait I've changed my mind, I want to breed..."
He begged, but it was far too late for that... he felt the cold steel
edge against his hot flesh and then he felt a swift motion. But it was
the look on Tina's muzzle that told him the truth, in one swift action
Jordan had just made him a Steer. Looking back Jay watched the fat
Bull lift his bloated ball sac away, holding it up for Ben and Tina to
see. Jay's pretty wife clapped her hands and squealed in excitement,
as the only Bull on the farm held up his prize. Flashing Ben and her
Steer husband a big smile, the pretty Cow sneered at them both. "Maybe
I'll let you Steers use your tongue to please me... after our Bull
fucks me good." Tina laughed as she lay back and gestured for Jordan
to come to her, as her sex dribbled eagerly. Slowly Jordan pulled his
long red Bull cock out of his newest Steers asshole, standing up he
moved around Jay's limp moaning form.

"Ben would you wash me, before I join Tina here." It really wasn't a
question, quickly the Scottish Steer leaped up and hurried off. In a
moment he was back with a old gray dish pan full of hot soapy water,
kneeling down in front of his Bull. Ben gently soaped up Jordan long
throbbing rut stick, and then reaching into the pan of water. He
lifted out a wet rag wring it out, and then slowly washed that huge
fucker. Pausing he leaned in and sniffed at it carefully, before
soaping up that big organ again... and then washed it again before he
was satisfied it was clean. "Very good... now could you see about
getting Jay sawn up properly, while I see about getting him completely
cuckolded." Jordan chuckled, as he heard Jay moaning in anticipation
the new Steer looking up weakly.

"Yes sir." Ben moaned as he moved over, taking the things he would
need out of the bag he'd brought. Jay was laying there softly moaning,
with his still hard cock buried in the mud underneath him. While the
Scottish Bull examined the wound, it was clean and precise. Jordan had
been doing this for years, and while it might have looked like he was
cutting quickly. He had been very careful, claiming his prize swiftly
and professionally.

"It's the cuckolding part I'm interested in." Tina moaned, as Jordan
climbed atop her and then inhaled sharply as his big cock slipped
between her sex lip's. Her eyes rolling in her head as he penetrated
her slowly, over his shoulder she watched Jay passively watching as
another Bull mounted her. Smirking Jordan lifted his tail and clapped
one big hand on his rump cheek... as he glanced back at her Steer
husband. "Come on Steer... lick your Bull's junk." He ordered,
instantly Jay lifted his muzzle up between the fat black Bull's
thigh's, and slipped his muzzle between their legs. The fat black
Bull's big ass quivered as he felt the newest Steer's muzzle down
there, his fleshy cheeks flexed, his thighs quivering around Jay's
muzzle as he thrust forward strongly. Loving every second, every inch
of pushing his thick meat into the plump Cow's wet passage. He thought
about the contrast between fucking this nice, wet pussy and screwing a
Steer... it was looser, but slicker, easier but less intense...
However... even with the thrill of topping a Bull or a Steer, he
really liked the way her female body felt under him. He couldn't
resist grabbing at the fat Cow's big breasts, her thick spare tire, or
sliding his hand under her to grope her rump. "Mmnnnh... Jay."  He
panted as that hot rough tongue licked over the rim of his sheath,
caressing the underside of his throbbing cock as he fucked in and out
of the others wife's snatch. Giving the passive former bull a taste of
both of them... as he rolled his hip's and began fucking Tina. "Play
with my balls Steer..." Jordan snapped lustfully, enjoying the look in
Jay's eye's as he stared at that huge cock pounding in and out of
Tina's sex. "W-when I cum in your... My new Cow here... I want it to
be a really big load." He panted a bit harder, his heavy frame shaking
as he nailed Tina hard, over and over again... "Moo...MOo MOO..." Tina
bellowed softly at first... and then louder and louder as the big
black Bull atop her thrust in and out a little harder and faster as
both their pleasures grew. "Ohooo yes..." She moaned kissing Jordan's
muzzle and neck, as she arched her back and thrust her hip's up into
those lustful rut thrusts. Even as he fondled her big teats and
explored her big sexy body with his other huge sweaty hand. Suddenly
she felt hot breath down between her legs, startled she craned her
neck to watch as her big buff Steer husband licked and sucked on
another Bulls cock and balls as he rutted her. Even as Jordan groped
and squeezed her big soft butt... while he ordered Jay to play with
his junk. "Yeah hold them... feel them as a real Bull spunk's me." She
panted in amusement, really getting into Jordan ordering her newly
castrated husband around. It excited her. and she could see by the
look in his wide eyes it was really turning her on as well. Slowly he
reached under them stroking and fondling Jordan bouncing balls, as the
black stud pounded in and out of Tina's hot dripping sex. The two of
them panting and squealing louder and louder in delight, as the
pleasure of rut swept over them... The hefty black Bull panted hard,
sweating and grunting as he drilled his chubby hips into the Cow's
groin, stuffing his stiff fucker into her plump slot.

"Ahahah... Ohoh YEAH... Ammmm fuck, you feel so good..." He moaned
lustfully as his powerful body slammed into her harder and harder. "Oh
yeah... Yeah Jay keep that up down there... Now... now hold my nuts. I
want you to feel'em when I cum inside Tina." The horny black Bull
commanded powerfully, between deep huffing gulps of air. This sexy Cow
was really nice... being on her and inside of her was a sheer delight.
Being a Bull for her was sooooo fucking hot... the black Bull was
hoping to get her pregnant while Jay watched it happen. And so he kept
on pounding her, his big black balls jerking and bouncing in Jay's
hands. His big rump sweaty and flexing, his tail hitting the other in
the muzzle as he nailed his wife right in front of him. "Ohohoooooo
Tina." He moaned, as his shaft slipped deep into her love tunnel with
each droving thrust. "Oh, yes... ohoo yes... ohoho...YES...AHAHAAA!"
Jordan groaned loudly, his whole body shaking as his heavy black balls
jerked up, as he shot his Bullish load into the sexy Cow. "Yes... yes
sir." The freshly made Steer grunted meekly, while he kissed those big
shiny black orbs, even as they quivered more and more as they neared
eruption. "Cum... cum inside of her... make her cum please." Jay
begged softly as he watched their new Bull, tense and jerk as he came
inside Jay's wife. Tina was bucking and bouncing under the huge black
Bull... breathless Moo's and moans escaping as she tossed her head
back. Jay watched over the two round hills of Jordan's plunging rump
cheeks, as his Cow rolled back and forth in wild pleasure. He had
never been able to get that kind of reaction out of her... when he
fucked her himself. Pulling out as he finished spurting a huge creamy
load into her, Jordan lay back in the green grass smiling broadly.
While his big plump body shook and quivered in the afterglow, as he
looked over at the sexy Cow and moaned. "So how was that?" "Ummmm damn
stud... that was one great ride." Tina moaned, as Jordan fondled her
buxom naked body while flashing her cuckolded husband a gloating
smirk. "That was like... like the best rut I've ever had." A big grin
spread across that furry black muzzle, as he looked from the panting
Cow to the jealous looking new Steer. For a long moment he was
actually apprehensive, but as he watched that jealous look melted into
a self conscious grimace. Jordan smirked to himself at that... he'd
judge the big Spanish Bull right after all. "I'm so glad your both
part of my herd... Heh."


Jordan smiled, stretching out under the warming touch of the afternoon
sun, and took a deep breath of the fragrant air as he strolled naked
through the paths of his Pasture. The back-to-nature life was very
refreshing after living in the structure of civilization for so long.
It was really no wonder, why it was so popular with those he'd allowed
in. He waved to a few passing Steers, who waved back, blushing and
grinning just a little bit... Jordan chuckled to himself and strolled
on, conscious of the heavy weight between his thick thighs. Yes...
that was the real draw of living au natural for him, the idea that you
could fuck whenever the urge came to you. Or really, HE could... as he
was the only Bull here, only Steers and Cows were allowed aside from
himself. 'And why not?' It was his Pasture after all, everyone here
had came with that understand. He smiled to himself as his loins
stirred... it was time to take advantage of his status as the Bull
around here. He heard giggling and soft 'Mmmming' from behind a tall
bush as he passed by, so he grinned and stepped around it, hands on
his hips. "Well... well, what have we here?" Jordan asked to the
group, as he came around the side of those bushes and looked around.

A big Mare was laying back on the bright green glass, her long shapely
leg's spread for her gelding husband. The big former pro football
player, had his long narrow head between those legs... using his
tongue to please her. They both looked up at the sound of Jordan's
voice, smiles spreading across they muzzles. While just a few feet
away a sexy Bison Cow and her Steer husband were laying there watching
the fun, they looked up and smiled at their Bull as well. "Just some
lonely girls using their geldings to past the time... until their Bull
shows up. And now here you are... please joins us we've been so lonely
without you stud." The big sexy spotted mare invited and the others
all agreed, begging the fat black Bull to join them.

The fat black Bull grinned broadly, he loved having his females invite
him to enjoy them. "Ahah, are you ladies needing something hard
between your thighs? Well I'm glad to come to the rescue." He teased,
while strolling into the middle of the small group enjoying the sight.
He took large, slow steps that made his heavy bovine scrotum sway, the
glossy black bag slapping into his powerful thighs a few times,
hitting with a heavy 'THUP' that he knew made everyone excited. He sat
down between the Mare and the Bison Cow, parting his legs and draping
his heavy scrotum across the ground.

"Lucky us." The hefty Bison Cow chuckled, as she and the big Mare
watched their Bull stroll over to them, both female snuggling close as
the heavy Bull sat between them.

"You nutless boys, why don't you show me your skills and help me get
hard for these two lovely ladies." The heavy Bull ordered, reaching
out to either side to caress the Mare's and the Cow's naked bodies.
Not that he needed help getting hard, in fact he had to exert some
willpower to remain calm... However he wanted to give the Gelding and
Bison Steer something to do, knowing the females would find it

The girls were smiling happily as those heavy arms wrapped around
them, huge hot hands fondling the soft lush bodies. While between the
Bull's leg's a Steer and a Gelding were pushing to be the first to
kiss those hefty orb's. Soft lip's press to them followed by hot wet
tongues licking and lapping their way to towards that bulging sheath.
The girls giggled as they watched the two emasculated males fighting
over who was going to get to that heavy sheath first, the big Gelding
won out and slowly licked his way to the sheath opening. Just in time
to let that big round red Bull cock slide into his waiting mouth,
while below the Bison Steer was washing those fat cummer with his
tongue... "Ohooo I love to see my husband enjoying himself so much."
The pretty spotted Mare laughed, as more and more of that long Bull
cock slid into her Geldings suckling mouth.

Jordan moaned softly, the big black Bull taking deep breaths as that
eager Gelding slurped on his rising bull hood. His strong hands
kneaded those plump females firmly, while he got sucked on by that
once-powerful Gelding. Jordan rocked his hips, pumping his growing
pole into that long muzzle and grinding his hefty scrotum into the
Bison Steer's muzzle. "Ahahah... yes, they both seem quite happy since
being castrated, wouldn't you say?" Jordan grinned down at the two
former males, so eager to please him, and he lifted his cloven hooves,
rubbing them against their crotches, teasing them where their nuts
used to be... He'd taken both their balls personally of course, and it
as very gratifying to have the males he'd cut worshipping his manhood
like this. Grinning, he slid his hands between the legs of the Mare
and the Cow, his greedy fingers groping their loins. "Of course, they
can't get hard for you, or give you calves any more... but that's what
you ladies have me for... Hahaha."

"Oh yes..." The big Bison Cow agreed, as she leaned over and kissed
along Jordan thick neck gently, all the time leering at her husband.

"I think they've never been happier... I know my hubby sure needed
it." The big Mare agreed, as she reached over to rub her geldings long
mane, as his head slid up and down that mighty Bull cock. The big
former Stallion watched as the Bull's fingers played with his wives
hot sex, something he could only use his tongue on now. Sure his big
cock was still there, but it dangled limp and pointless between his
thigh's. The big Gelding blushing slightly as the Bull pointed out the
obvious, he really wasn't a male anymore and his lovely wife sure knew
it. She was kissing their heavy Bull's cheek now, as his fat fingers
rubbed her dripping sex. "And that makes us the luckiest girls in the
world." The eager Mare moaned... trembles of pleasure running through
her big lush body.

Jordan grinned as he watched that big, powerfully-built Mare moaning
and trembling. "Then it's time to get lucky." He quipped, and gently
pushed the Gelding's muzzle off of his stiff, glistening Bull shaft,
and put a hand firmly on the pretty Appaloosa Mare's heavy breasts. He
gently pushed her down onto her back, and then the lusty Bull climbed
between the needy Mare's spread thighs. He lay his heavy body down on
top of her grinning, with his stiff pole pinned between his belly and
her groin. "Hey gelding, reach down there and guide my dick into your
wife's needy sex." Jordan called over his shoulder, and then turned to
the Bison Steer. "And you Steer, come here and hold my bollocks while
I give this lady what she needs. I don't want my testicles dragging in
the dirt." He smirked and spread his thighs, giving both former males
plenty of room to carry out their individual tasks, and enjoy their
hands-on show of a real Alpha Bull at work.

"Yes my Bull." The big former Stallion moaned, his voice soft and
simpering as he obey without hesitation. Sliding his big hands over
his wife's crotch, he reaching up grasping the fat black Bulls huge
hard cock. Pulling it back and down gently, he aimed it at that sleek
tear drop shape sex, guiding the big round cock head between those
oozing lip's; he watched as it sank right into her. The big Mare
moaned out loudly, as that throbbing hard on slide smoothly into her
dribbling sex. "Ohoooo yes thats what I've been needing." She
exclaimed, watching her gelding over the Bulls shoulder, his muzzle
split into a smile as she moaned. Happy that his wife was enjoying
herself, and pleased that he'd been the one to give it to her. "Rut my
wife hard please... my bull." He begged softly as his mouth joined the
Bison Steer on those mighty Bull balls kissing them lovingly.

Jordan grunted in response, and his big ass flexed as he thrust in
powerfully, plunging his hard stick into that heavy, horny Mare. The
two eunuchs both got a perfect view of his big hard bull cock plunging
into the Mare's wet folds, and those big balls jumped in the Bison's
hands as those pumping hips tugged on them. "Yes, all Mares need the
best male around to be inside them." Jordan rumbled, as he plowed that
sweet equine pussy roughly, the wetness of it making it easy to pound
hard and fast. "You were smart to have your Stallion gelded and
upgrade to getting fucked by a Bull." The black bovine praised even as
he greedily groped the big Mare's lush body as he plowed her. Groping
her chest, rubbing her sides and sliding a hand under her waist to
keep her body pressed close to his own. "Ammm, your pussy's nice and
hot, good and deep... I love going bare in big sexy female like you...
I love shooting my load and seeing your big body take the whole

"Ohooo and we love taking it." The pretty Mare squealed, as she felt
that huge cock drive deep inside of her slick hot sex. "Uhhh...
Hmmmm." The sexy Mare agreed, as her soft, lush body quivered in
pleasure on that mighty rut stick. Reaching over the Bison Cow kissed
both Bull and Mare as she watched and waited her turn knowing soon
enough it would be her moaning in delight. While behind their Bull,
Steer and gelding couldn't help admiring that huge cock, knowing that
it was made for pleasing and please it did. Both neutered males were
hoping that maybe they could be next to ride it, just like their
wives. "Well... I owe my dear hubby, if he hadn't brought you home
from that party. I would never have known what I was missing." The big
sexy Mare laughed, remember that it had been her gelding who had
invited the Bull into their bed. Never expecting what would end up
happening, how the strong Bull would dominant him. Leading him into
being their gelding, while the Bull enjoyed them both.

Jordan moaned into the Bison Cow's mouth, as he shared a hot kiss with
both females. He threw a thick arm around the Bison's waist and pulled
her stocky body close against his side, letting her feel the power in
his hips as he began plunging hard into the horny mare. That lewd
triple kiss reminded Jordan's lust that there was another bare pussy
right there, and knowing that was starting to really stoke his libido.
Two sexy females to rut... two bellies to fill with his offspring. He
could feel his balls getting heavier by the moment, even as he thrust
into the Mare's hot tunnel. "Oh yes, I remember it all... once you had
me, you didn't want your husband's horse dick in there anymore."
Jordan recalled grinning gloatingly, as he heard the Gelding behind
him whimper softly. "You know, I'm just thinking... it's just hanging
there limply these days... does it get in his way? We could have it
shortened..." He leered, knowing the gelding was listening to him
discussing the fate of his once-mighty horse dick with his wife...

"Ummmm... well." The big sexy Mare moaned in delight, as she looked
down at her husband licking the Bulls huge balls. "It does dangle out
a lot... I'm sure he'd be an every better Gelding if something was
done with it." She laughed, as she saw in her Geldings eyes that he
wasn't exacting thrilled with that idea, after all he could still
taking hormones and get some pleasure out of it. "Yes... Yes I think
you should." The big Mare grunted, the strong muscles of her equine
sex beginning the grip and squeeze Jordan's hefty cock as her sexual
excitement grew. This was turning out to be very exciting, she share a
long kiss with the Cow. Not at all surprised to find her hands joining
Jordan's in fondling the Mares lush body, the three of them touching
and fondling each other. While the Geldings just knelt there watching
almost entranced as their Bull, rutted their wives as only he could.

Jordan kissed both females again, his excitement and pleasure growing
as he squeezed both plush bodies to him with his thick, strong arms
around their waists. "Yes, let's do it." He grunted eagerly, as he
started to thrust faster and faster into the big sexy female equines
hot rut tunnel. The Steer could feel those sweaty black Bull balls
starting to pull up, even as he and the gelding licked at them
happily. "Say a number... say how many inches we shorten your Gelding
husband's dick by." Jordan grunted and bit his lower lip, thrusting
hard, but struggling to hold back until he heard the Mare's verdict...

The big Appaloosa Mare lay back panting for breath, as her sleek sex
quivered and squeezed wildly on her Bulls plunging cock. "Ummm what do
you think?" She asked looking over at the Bison Cow who kissed her big
round equine nose.

"Oh I don't know honey how much as he got?" She asked, looking back at
the Gelding who was now blowing hot breaths on the big Bulls anus.

"Ammm well he use to be twenty eight inches he was very proud of
that... of course its shrank a bit after his gelding... so maybe
twenty four inches." The big Mare whinnied as her first orgasm began,
the pleasure racing through her as the fat Bull pounded away.

"Hmmm twenty inches is a nice round number." The Cow giggled thinking
that seeing just four inches dangling from that sheath would be

"Ammmm yeah ok." The sexy Mare moaned at that moment not really
caring, even as her Gelding husband shook his head at her

Jordan grunted, thrusting hard, his fat nuts pulling up from the
Steer's hands. "Got it... we shorten your Gelding's remaining Stallion
hood... by... twenty inches." The fat Bull let out a deep groan, his
whole huge body shuddering, his meaty stones trembling, as he fired
off a hot load deep into the Mare's wet pussy. Both nutless males
could witness those huge bovine cummers jerking and twitching, and
they knew the Mare was getting a bellyful of Jordan's virile cream. It
took the big Bull a couple minutes, before he relaxed on the big
Mare's soft body, and lazily kissed her and the giggling Bison Cow
back. His nuts hung heavy and loose under his hips... and then he
pushed the Bison Cow onto her back while still kissing her, and
without a word, the sweaty, lusty Bull slid his hard meat out of the
Mare's sex, and began climbing on top of the Cow who needed him so.

Eagerly the Bison Steer reached over, and helped guide the fat black
Bull into his own wife. Even as a somewhat glum looking Gelding shoved
his long muzzle between his wives legs and began lapping up the Bull
cum as it spill out of her hot sex. Tina lay back fondling her
Stallion's head, as she watched their big potent Bull at work
pleasuring the sexy Bison Cow. Leaning in she did for them, what the
Cow had done for her... letting her hands rub all over their bodies as
she kissed them both. The sexy Bison was panting for breath already,
it looked like the Bull had giving her a orgasm simply by sliding into
her. "Oho yes my huge hard Bull... Ohooo ride me hard." She begged,
even as his hot sweaty body cover her own, while her Steer husband
sighed softly as he watched her enjoying their Bull.

Jordan snorted in lust, as he plunged his hard pole into the plump
Bison Cow's bare pussy, his cock spreading her willing sex and sliding
in deep. The fat Bull thrust with his hips, despite having just
emptied into another pussy just inches away. "Yeah, it's your turn
now, my sexy Cow... let's put some calves in your belly." Jordan
moaned, as he started thrusting harder, plowing between the Bison
Cow's thighs, his big balls getting tugged out of her husband's hands
and smacking her damp crotch. "Nnf... I've been wanting to make your
belly swell, ever since we cut off your husband's calf makers... well
today's the day... your belly will be mine."

"Umm... Ummm yeah." The fat Bison Steer moaned, as he watched the
Bulls organ pounding into his wife, his mouth finding those balls and
licking up then slowly to the anus. That hot rough tongue slowly
licking around the rim of it as it rose and fell just inches from his
muzzle. While down below his Cow was snorting and panting excitedly,
as jolts of pleasure ran through her loins. Both of them as pleased as
they could be, to be servicing they one and only Bull. The Bison Cow
bucking eagerly up into those mighty rut thrust, while the sexy Mare
fondle and squeezed her hefty teats. Even while the big Gelding Horse
seemed to be lost in the joy of the moment his tongue buried deep in
that cum fill Mare sex...

The big black Bull grunted in lust, thrusting hard and powerfully into
the big Bison Cow, his dick drilling deep into that wet, willing
tunnel. His wide hips slammed into her groin, his wide ass flexing as
he bred that big Cow savagely. "Ahah yeah." Jordan grunted as he
plowed that honey pot like a powered drill, the Bull's own fat balls
soon starting to pull up. Without waiting for anyone's pleasure he
groaned and came in the pretty Bison's tunnel, his fat ass trembling
as his nuts dumped their thick cargo right into her belly. Flooding
her depths with his hot potent seed, the big Bull flopped over on the
grass beside her. Panting for breath for a long moment as he watched
her Steer hubby begin to lick his spoo out of that well bred sex.
"Now... I believe we have a... big noodle to cut down to size." He
grinned looking over at the former football star and his lovely wife
with a huge grin. "Let's go down to the house, and I'll have Ben get
my tools."


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