Go back to Chapter 4 | Go back to Hooves Index 3 | Go to chapter 7
Notice that Chapter 1 - 3 & 5 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.

Chapter 6
Of Loss and Gain

The rain was falling like icy wet quarter sized bullets... as Davor
trotted Veronika's lush equine body back across campus. The rain
slickened pavement was tricky for hooves, and of course her skimpy
short skirt and slutty tank top. Offered very little protection or
warmth... and so she was soaking wet and shivering as she trotted back
across the quad. Davor was unnerved by the near death experience...
and strange feeling of being in Veronika's unoccupied body. And so was
headed back to his own room... wanting to be near his own body. The
spell would end soon enough and he would be returned to it... What
would happen to this body then? A shudder ran down her strong equine
back at that dark thought.

Flashing lights of a campus police car quickly made her vier off her
planned route. The last thing she wanted was to be seen looking like
this. She was more beat up than she'd realized at first... large hand
print bruises had appeared on her throat and big bouncy breasts. Under
the hot water of the shower... and her inner thighs were sore and
deeply bruised as well. One eye had swollen nearly shut, and she could
still smell blood in her sore nose. Hastily she cut around behind the
gym, it was better lit than she liked. But at least it seemed deserted
at this time of night. She was just passing the entrance to the locker
rooms... when big hands reach out and grabbed her. Pulling her through
the doors and the building, the pretty mare shrieked and struggled


Toby paced the small office restlessly, as Cameron sat on the cheap
sofa trying to understand why the Wolf was so nervous. The pair were
waiting in Officer Jonny's office, while he saw to turning their
attackers over to the sheriff's office. The Antelope couldn't know of
course that the big Wolf Davor... wasn't really himself. But was
actually Toby the nerdy little Ground Hog who had been his tutor.

Toby was worried... something was wrong very very wrong. He should
have been forced out of Davors body by now... should have flown across
campus to his own body. But then Davor should have returned to this
body long ago as well. Something had happened... something bad...
something wicked. He could feel it... no sense it was more truthful.
Something evil had happened... had upset the balance or things. Had
turn this almost harmless game of body swapping into... well into
something else. The former Ground Hog was smart... more than smart he
had a genius level IQ. Toby was unsure what to do first... go check on
his own body or go see what was happening in Davors room.


"Easy baby... easy it's just us." The two sleek feline jocks grinned,
as they released the franticly struggling mare. Veronika stumbled
across the small alcove, and bounced off the hard stone wall. Even as
Davor recognized the two tall rangy felines, Jordan the sleek silky
black panther played on the team with him. And Vince the Cheetah was
on the track team, and had been on special teams as a kick returner.
Neither of them recognized him of course, as he was inside of
Veronika's body now.

"Ahem... so what... what do you guys want?" She asked as the two big
felines crowded in around her closer once again. Davor could feel the
heat from their big strong masculine jock bodies. And the musk of
aroused male feline was thick in the air as they began to strip her
clothing off. Pulling her top up around her long neck, and her panties
down around her ankles.

"What do we want?" Vince asked incredulously, as he shoved down his
gym shorts. And quickly moved up behind her... chuckling lewdly as her
long flowing equine tail popped up and to one side. "Hell girl looks
like you already know... same thing we always want." The Cheetah
smirked as he shoved his long slender feline cock into her big tear
drop shaped sex.

"Ohooooooooooo." Veronika moaned and thrust herself back
automatically, her strong sex muscles clamping down on that cock

"Ohoooo yeah baby... you like that don'tcha." Jordan snickered as he
moved up in front of her, rubbing his own hard organ against her pubic
mound. "We're just wantin' to take our little mare for a ride s'all."
The big Panther assured her as he fondled her big bouncy teats.
Crouching slightly he guided his own hard organ to her hot slit. And
then straightening up... suddenly she had two hard cocks within her.

"Uhuhuuuu..." She moaned half collapsing into their embrace, as the
two big feline jocks thrust into her.

"Ohooo ya baby... ohooo thats it take us both..." Vince yowled into
her ear as his hard cock rubbed against Jordan's within her sex. The
black Panther buried his burning muzzle between her breasts. And
humped furious and silently in and out of her... even as his big paw
reached around to cup and squeeze a firm rump cheek. The next ten
minutes were a blur of sweaty rutting bodies, and hot panting breath.
Davor felt mortified at what was happening... and yet at the same time
was to turned on by it to stop it. Everyone knew the pretty mare was a
total slut... and as wave after wave of powerful orgasms exploded in
her. Davor knew that this would not change with him in control of her
body. Vince came first... howling and slamming into her savagely from

"Yeah... ohooooo fuck yeah." He moaned hilting himself within her...
even as Jordan's hard cock kept rubbing against his spurting one. The
continuing pleasure that caused... a delicious torture on his suddenly
super sensitive dick. "Ohoo fuck... Ohooo man... fuckin' hell cum
already..." He begged lustfully as Jordan jack hammered into her. His
breath coming in loud rasping pants as his humping built to a
crescendo. And then suddenly he was moaning in delight, as his thick
cock flooded her sex with his spoo. Veronika whimpered softly, as the
hot spoo oozed out of her sex and down her badly bruised inner

"Whats the matter baby?" Jordan panted, looking up at her with a
pleased post orgasm grin on his muzzle. Really looking at her muzzle
for the first time, his eyes having been on her feminine attributes.
"Fuckin' hell!" He swore, startled as he saw her swollen eye and
bloody nose. "Who dis this to you?" The big Panther demanded suddenly
outraged that someone would harm her. Even as he now noticed the
bruises on her big bouncy breasts.

"Uhem..." Veronika mumbled suddenly realizing she had no idea who the
big Rhino was. "I... I dunno." She stammered. "Some big Rhino..."

"Was it Nate?" Vince growled as he inspected her naked body... much
more than her wounds.

"No... he was... older." She mumbled weakly as the Cheetah named one
of his teammates.

"That would be Julius." A deep rough voice snarled, making all three
of them jump. Spinning around they were startled to see Coach Newman,
starring at them from a open supply room door. "Julius... is Nates
father and he's a nasty piece of work." The big Ox went on, as if he
hadn't noticed how startled the naked trio was at his sudden
appearance. "He use to strangle sorority girls... until they were
almost dead." "It was the only way he could get off."

"Sick fucker..." Jordan snarled angrily, as he stood there with his
softening cock sliding out of Veronika's pussy.

"Literally..." The Coach snorted, as he moved forwards to examine
Veronika's bruised throat. Nodding to himself slowly as he saw how
much damage had been done. "Damn girl... your lucky your not dead!"
The big Ox snorted angrily this time. "Why don't you go rest in my
office... and I'll have Doc Morgan come have a look at you." He
growled powerfully, it wasn't a suggestion.

"Doc Morgan ok..." She mumbled weakly, pulling her top down over her
teats. And her panties back up as she went stumbling off numbly down
the hall to the coaches office. Leaving Vince and Jordan stammering
explanations to the coach. As Davor sat down on the couch in the
Coaches office, his mind flashed back to the first time he's enter
this body. As Coach Newman had been banging him/her on this very same
couch. It had been a stunning eye opening experience for the big
former jock... A lesson in sexual power and submission, that truly
illustrated the difference between being the penetrator and the
penetrated. And perhaps was the very reason she found herself in this
position tonight. Something was seriously wrong... Davour knew that
now... That cursed book that he's so innocently found and used... Had
corrupted him and what was more now it had... Veronika choked back a
sob, unable to deal with the powerful emotions that were flooding her

"This isn't fair... this isn't right..." She sobbed softly to

?Your right." A strong masculine voice agreed softly. "It is neither
fair nor right what has happened." Doc Morgan repeated firmly, as he
stood smiling down at her gently. Somehow the big bay stallion had
entered the room without her noticing. "Stand up sweety." The big
stallion ordered softly, stripping off her top as she did so. And
slipping on a pair of latex gloves he had taken from his bag. "Oh
my..." Doc Morgan exclaimed as he examined her cut and bruised body
slowly. "He sure did a number on you sweet mare..." He grunted. "Did
he penetrate you?"

"Yes..." She answered truthfully as the Doctor patted the Coaches desk
top. "Take off your skirt and panties and sit up here..." He ordered
softly, passively she did as he asked her. Davor as a team player was
use to following the Coaches and Doc Morgans orders. Slowly she
shimmied out of her short skirt and then peeled down those cum
dampened panties.

"Sticky..." The Doctor grunted as he helped her out of those panties.
"This can't all be his..." The big bay stallion grunted as he knelled
down to examine the sleek pink tear drop shaped mare sex.

"NNN..No." She stammered as his gently fingers explored her well used

"Well no damage down here at least." Doc Morgan smiled up at her
softly as he run his latex clad hands up and down her bruised inner
thigh's. "I'm going to get you something for the pain..." He explained
standing up and taking a small bottle and syringe from his bag. "And
these..." He held up a small pill bottle. "Will help you to sleep." He
assured her as he looked her bruised neck over thoughtfully. "Your
very lucky... as hard as he choked you, he could easily have crushed
your wind pipe." "Or just strangled you to death for that matter." The
big bay stallion shook his head, and then leaned in and kissed one big

"Errr... Doc." She exclaimed startled as he stood towering over her.
The bulge in his baggy scrubs most impressive. And his aroused musk
suddenly nearly overwhelming her senses.

"Don't worry my dear... ol' Doc has got just the thing to make you
feel better." The big bay stud leered, as he slowly freed himself from
his baggy trousers. "I'll give you a nice thick injection..." He
promised leeringly as his long equine stud stick rose up in front of

"Ohoooo." Veronika moaned as she saw that huge throbbing filly fucker.
Reaching up she fondled that massive male organ for a moment.

"Ummmmmmm..." Doc Morgan moaned softly, smiling down at her pleasantly
as he thrust his hip's at her teasingly. Handing her a shiny condom
package, slowly she opened it and took out the huge latex ring. Slowly
rolling it other over the big blunt head of his massive cock, and down
the pulsing shaft. "Guide it in for me little mare." The horny bay
stallion snorted, as he stepped back a pace to let her pull it down
between her legs. And then reversed coarse, shoving the rubber clad
head between her oozing dribbling sex lip's.

"Ummmmmmm fuck..." She moaned and lay back on the Coaches cold hard
metal desk top. As the team Doctor leaned over her passive body,
gently nuzzling her erect nipples. Even as he fucked her hard...
kissing and suckling at those thick nipples. As she lay back moaning
in pleasure. The two equine were bucking and squealing pretty good, as
Coach Newman came into the room. The pair pause for an instant
startled, but the big Ox snickered. "Don't stop on my account." He
grunted lustfully, flopping down onto the couch. And taking out his
own long floppy semi hard cock... masturbating it slowly as he watched
them go back to rutting. While Davor looked up at them over Veronika's
huge bouncy mare breasts. Coach Newman slowly jacked himself to full
aching erection. As he watched the erotic display going on in front of
him... As Doc Morgan rutted his slutty little patient lustfully. The
Coach would have joined them... but like many jocks he felt that such
and act was to homo-erotic. And if there was one thing the big Ox had
never been... it was interested in guys... Oh sure the admired the
male body, and Doc Morgan did have a very nice one... And while it was
true that the sight of that sleek power male body rutting was
enormously exciting... He most assuredly was not interested in
mounting it... Even as round, plump and sexually pleasing as the
horses firm male ass looked... The big Ox shook his head violently and
pulled his wildly pumping fist away from his overly excited cock.
Leaning back on the couch and simply starring as he let his arousal


"Ok well thats taken care of..." Officer Jonny growled in satisfaction
as he entered his office. "The local PD will book them on a
misdemeanor disturbing the peace." "Unless you two wanta press assault
charges." He smiled when Cameron and Toby instantly said No. "I didn't
think you would..." The big German Shepard smirked, as he sat down on
the edge of his desk. And looked at the pair of nervous jocks

"Ummm so anyway... I'm getting off duty now..." He left that hanging
for a second. "And was just wondering if you guys might want a
third... in your game of hide the knot." He smirked wolfishly as the
two big jocks looked sheepishly up at him. Unsure if the big German
Shepard was joking or not, until Jonny unbuckled his uniform trousers
and let them drop. Both young jocks were amazed by the size and
thickness of Officer Jonny's big red canine bone. "So who's ready for
the knot first"" He joked, slowly jacking himself to full bouncing
erection. Toby shivered uncontrollably... this was like some kind of
wet dream for the former gay nerd. And for the moment made him forget
all about his own body and the wrongness of what was going on with it.

As he stood up in Davors tall sexy lupine body, and shimmied out of
the wolfs sweat pants. And then twirled around sexily, before bending
over Officer Jonny's desk. Lifting his big bushy tail, and coyly
looking back over his shoulder at the big German Shepard. "Knot me..."
He begged plaintively as Cameron moved around behind him, kneeling
down the Antelope pushed those sleek round butt cheeks apart. And then
slipped his muzzles between them... licking slowly around that round
pink lupine anus. As he took Jonny's huge cock in his three fingered
hand jacking it at first. And then pulling it over to his muzzle to
lick up and down it's throbbing length. Before guiding it to the
Wolf's tight tiny pink pucker... that pointed tip spearing into it

"Ohoooooooo..." Toby moaned inhaling sharply... he'd forgotten Davors
tail hole was still virgin territory. As officer Jonny pushed deeper
in, Cameron climbed to his hooves and moved around in front of Toby.
The big Antelope smiling down as he caressed the Wolfs white muzzle.

"Want one in each end?" He asked smirking already knowing the answer,
even before that wide fanged maw opened wide.

"Living the dream..." Toby moaned as Cameron's long sleek pink cock
was speared smoothly into his mouth...


Cold slitted eyes watched the big Wolf jock sprint up to the statue,
and then amazingly access the secret compartment concealed with in it.
Stashing something within that secret hidie hole, before the big Wolf
stalked away. Terrance slowly crossed the quad and climbed the steps
to the statue. Cold blooded hands slow and clumsy in the icy rain. As
the big lizard opened the compartment and felt around inside. Finding
the small red book... he pulled it out and pocketed it. Closing the
hidden panel, and creeping slowly away. As he looked around to make
sure the Wolf wasn't watching or coming back. He'd wait until he was
safely in his tropically heated dorm room, before looking it over.

Go back to Chapter 4 | Go back to Hooves Index 3 | Go to chapter 7
Notice that Chapter 1 - 3 & 5 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.