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Notice that Chapter 1 - 3 & 5 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.

Chapter 8
Confronting The Truth

"WWWOOOOOSH." Toby awoke with a gagging snort... jerking his head away
from the foul smelling capsule that was being waved under his new
sensitive Lupine nose. "What tha..." The big Wolf jock grunted
confused, as he looked up at Officer Jonny and the paramedic's. One
of whom... a fat little Pig was trying to stick the smelling salts
under his muzzle once again. Quickly he batted the Pig's fat fist
away from his nose, and blinked hard a few times.

"You passed out buddy." Officer Jonny explained, as Danny the small
mouse giggled in the back ground.

"Even I didn't do that... and I've never seen a dead body up close
before." The little Mouse was looked much happier, all wrapped up in
Cameron's strong Antelope arms. And with the promise that he could
sleep in the big jocks bed tonight.

"I'm not... Errr that is he's not dead!" Toby exclaimed loudly,
making everyone's eyes turn back on him sharply. Wide wondering eyes
slowly melting into looks of compassion.

"Ahem... yes I'm afraid he was..." The big German Shepard answered
empathetical... as he helped Toby to stand up.

"Oh yeah..." One of the Paramedic's a tall lean donkey confirmed as
he looked at them with big sad dark eyes.

"Ya can't get any deader..." The short fat Pig grunted... "I mean we
gotta wait for a Doctor to make it official... but I've seen dead and
this guy is it!"

"You don't know fuck..." Toby snapped angrily at the chubby porcine
Paramedic... as Jonny pulled him gently away.

"I take it you were friends..." The big German Shepard muttered
softly as he led the big Wolf down stairs. Putting him into the
campus police car they had just rode over in... and then patted his
shoulder gently. "I'll have Terry drive you over to your Frat
house... buddy." "Don't feel to bad... I've heard of guys doing much
worse the first time they saw a dead guy..." "And it wasn't even
someone they knew... if you like I'll stop around later." He left it
hanging and Toby knew he was angling to spend some more time inside
the Wolf's hot tail hole. "It most likely won't be tonight though..."
The big German Shepard grunted quickly... as he realized how that
might sound. "The local PD will keep me busy tonight... but if you
feel like seeing me again..." He handed Toby a card. "My personal
number is on the back... if you need anything... to talk or
whatever..." Toby nodded numbly, and put the card in his pocket as
officer Jonny closed the door.

"Sorry about yer friend kid." Terry the Bulldog grunted, as he guided
the car down Fraternity row... Even as Toby began to think over what
had just happened... Why had he not been able to return to his own
body? Was there some kind of barrier keeping him out... or was it
just that he didn't want to leave this big sexy jock body, now that he
had it all to himself.


Veronika slipped through the Frat house as silently as possible...
which wasn't easy on hooves. She just wanted to crash in her own
bed... and sleep the night away. But at the same time she was
wondering what was happening with her former body. Sneaking into the
room she had shared with Jack the big Mule, Veronika formerly Davor
slipped into the bed room. And then froze in shock and horror...
her/his body was gone! The sleek mare paced around the empty bed
shocked... what could have happened? "Where is my body?"

'SMACK!' "Right here baby." A rough masculine voice snickered, as a
big strong hand slapped her ample rump. And then working its way down
the crease of it to fondle the bulging pubic mound between her shapely
leg's. "And its a great body... but it'd look even better sitting on
my dick." Jack snickered lewdly into her ear as he pulled her close,
big hands fondling everywhere.

"Hey... Errr stop that." Veronika protested weakly as that strong hot
masculine body pressed against hers. "I... I'm not in the mood

"Awwwww sure ya are sugar... yer always in the mood..." The big Mule
snorted derisively as he began to lick and nibble up and down her long
equine neck. "Ya told me so yerself... a hundred times or more..."
He grunted, slipping one big three fingered hand down into her soaking
wet panties. "Heeheehee I can feel that aint true... yer a wet little

"Ummm no come on..." She protested as he slow maneuvered her onto the
bed, and stripped her cum stained underwear off. His expressive upper
lip's rolling back as he tasted the air for scents.

"Felines, stallions, and whats that... Rhino you been lettin' Nate
have a piece girl?" The big Mule snorted, ignoring her swollen eye
and deep bruises. What did he care... hell maybe the bitch liked it
rough. And if she asked he could slap her around a bit... wouldn't
bother him. Just so long as he got to mount and rut her good and

"Ahem not exactly..." She moaned as the Mules thick fingers expertly
played over her hot sex. Finding all the best spots and sending
shivers of pleasure and desire racing down her spine... "Don't...
stop that..." She protested once again... but it was even weaker this
time and even she didn't believe it.


Toby staggered up the stairs to the room this body shared, he had only
the vaguest memory of leaving it to go hide the book. But luckily his
memory was almost photographic in nature, he opened the door and
stumped wearily in... Pausing a moment to catch his breath... with
his back pressed against the closed door. When he heard soft voices
coming from down the hall... slowly he stalked forwards. Keen lupine
ears picking up a soft lyrical female voice protest. 'Don't... stop
that...' Followed almost at once by a soft moan of pleasure and the
sound of bed springs squeaking. Silently he slipped down the short
hallway... and peeked into the bed room. There were two equines on
his bed... a big dark brown Mule had the cheerleader Veronika pinned
under him. The sleek sexy mare moaning more intently now, as the Mule
rode her big round rump lustfully. Jack had settled into a strong
comfortable rhythm... and had the big mare whinnying and moaning
loudly as he rutted her.

"I know you like the knot..." Jack panted into her ear... even as he
used her sloppy sex for his pleasure... "That why you came back
here... hoping Davor would slip it to you again." Veronika didn't
answer his question... she just silently chewed on her lower lip.
Burying her nose in the pillows to hide her muzzle, as a shameful
blush burned on her pink nose and lip's. Even as that intoxicating
pleasure of female orgasm built within her over stimulated sex. It
was the reason Davor had used the book to repeatedly invade this body.
And now the former jock was discovering what a harsh mistress that
pleasure could be...

"Ohooooo gods just make me cum!" She moaned back over her shoulder to
the gloating Mule, as he leer down at her. His pace deliberately slow
and teasing... forcing her to built slowly... making it last a long
long time.

"Ohooo I'm going to make you cum slut." Jack promised between pants
and squeals of pleasure. "I'm going to make you scream in pleasure...
make you forget all about that knot." The big Mule grunted thrusting
harder and deep now... his rhythm designed to bring them both to
ecstasy. This really wasn't something Toby cared about watching...
but a sick fascination held him there. Watching as the two of them
bred... the Mules firm round ass eroticly stimulating. Suddenly he
was seized but a wicked thought... stripping out his clothes. The big
Wolf stood there fondling his throbbing erection teasingly, and then
the next moment he was atop the Mule. "Errr... Hey... Dude..." "What
The Fuck?" Jack squealed in protest as the big Wolf's heavy body
landed atop him, the homely equine's head spun around. And he watched
in horror as his tail was yanked up out of the way... and that long
red lupine was shoved between his ass cheeks. A shiver ran down his
spine as the scalding hot pointed tip of it touched his anal pucker.
"Errr how long were you standing there?" He grunted questioningly.

"Long enough to have heard you..." Toby snarled baring those sharp
pointed Wolf teeth, even as his pointed cock tip slipped into the
Mule. "You may make her forget my knot..." He panted as that smooth
lupine sausage slid deep into the equines anus. "But I guarantee...
You Will never forget it!" He snarled savagely as that throbbing knot
little more than a bump at that point was forced past Jacks

"IIIEIEIEEE!" The Mule squealed loudly... making the mare under him
giggle lewdly. And then he was the big Wolf's bitch... at least until
that knot receded. The big Mule collapsed atop Veronika's back... his
strong body limp and all but motionless. As that huge knot battered
the inside of his tail hole, grinding and smashing against his
prostate gland. Even as his mighty equine male hood sagged to only
semi erectness with her sex. Still the powerful thrusting within his
firm sexy equine rump, moved that floppy organ within her sloppy cunt.
Keeping her multiple orgasms coming, even as Jacks own orgasm is
rushed by the hard pounding of his pleasure gland. "Ohooooo gods
Ohooooooo fuck I... I'm gonna..." The big equine jock came almost
instantly... gushing his hot seed into Veronika's quivering sex.
Even as the big Wolf smirked and rump fucked him slowly, forcing every
bit of pleasure out of the Mules orgasm...

"Oh dear... came so soon..." Toby laughed into the Mules long floppy
ear... as he sodomized him harder. "I'm afraid the rest of this isn't
going to be much fun for you then... unless I just make you cum
again." He chuckled hearing the mare on the bottom giggle again...
and mutter something to the Mule. Jack nickered slowly, clearly
embarrassed by his sudden orgasmic explosion and what had undeniably
given it to him. "Would you like me to fuck you until you cum...
again?" Toby growled in a low lusty voice into the big Mules ear...
in a teasing tone that made Veronika giggle again. But it was the
Mules breathless grunted reply that really amused them both.

"Oho Gods Yes... fuck me until I cum again." Toby chuckled long and
loudly, as his thrusting hip's pounded that sweet equine ass.

"Ammmmm what a good bitch you make." He panted into that floppy Mule
ear... as he began to kiss and nibble along the side of Jacks muzzle.
One big paw reaching up to grasps the equines nose and pull that
muzzle around. "Give us a kiss bitch..." He orders huskily, as the
big jock Mule resists for a long moment. Before the hard rump raping
the big Wolf was inflicting on him, makes the big Mule feel to
submissive to struggle. And he let his best friend in college, slowly
press those soft fuzzy lupine lip's to his own velvety expressive
equine ones. 'Please no tongue please no tongue...' Jack thinks
desperately... but then almost like the Wolf was reading his mind.
That long slick lupine tongue slithers into the Mules mouth, and Jack
is stunned to find himself suckling on it lustfully... His spent cock
hardening back to full erection within Veronika's slick sloppy wet
sex, even as that hard Wolf cock ravishes his clenching tail hole.


"You did what?" Raul choked, both stunned and excited by the little
Stags statement, even as Justin repeated his story. "Dude that's one
fucked up fantasy." The big jock Zebra snorted... but was secretly
turned on by it. Incest was a secret fantasy of his... he had a cute
little gay cousin he'd wanted to nail for years. But was to scared of
being called a family fucking Homo to ever really do it.

"It wasn't a fantasy... it really happened..." Justin insisted
unhappily. "If you don't believe me... go see Terrance he'll let you
try the book for yourself." The big Zebra smiled and stroked his
chin... as he realized the little Stag had just given him the answer.

"Ok maybe I'll do that..." Raul snorted and then looked the little
Stag right in the eye... "Lastnite huh... figured I just blacked out
until the orgasm..." "So did ya enjoy it?" He watched the little
Stags reaction to that question and then chuckled lewdly. "You did...
you liked nailing your sister with my big cock..." Justin blanched
and began to tremble as the big Zebra accused him of enjoying sex with
his big sis... "Well it aint really incest... if you were me while
you was doing it." Raul grunted to cut the kid a break... since he'd
just had his sexual experience with his sister or at least believed he
had. "I'm not related to either of you..." Raul reminded him gently
massaging his shoulders from behind. "So if I have sex with you..."
Justin looked back at him startled... was the big jock stud hitting on
him. "Either of you..." Raul continued as if he hadn't noticed the
little Stags shocked reaction. "Then its not really incest at all..."
Justin pulled away quickly, and trotted across the room to get himself
another drink. And then took a couple of twenties out of his

"Listen if your going to see Terrance could you give him these for
me..." Justin asked... "I don't think I am going to be able to face
him for awhile."

"Sure buddy... no problem... The big friendly Zebra agreed slowly,
giving up on the little Stag for the moment. "I'll go talk to this
Terrance guy."


The tall rangy Lizard cocked his head to one side, as he regarded the
big Zebra jock who was standing in his doorway. "What is it you
desire?" Terrance asked slowly as he looked the tall strong equine
stud over lustfully. This fella was just the kind of warm blooded
male the Lizard liked... the big Zebra grinned in gloating self
satisfaction as he saw the Lizards lustful reaction.

"Justin told me about your... unique services." Raul explained slowly
fishing around in the pocket of his overly tight jeans as he spoke.
Taking out the money Justin had given him, and holding it out towards
Terrance. "Justin asked me to give you this for his... trip."
Terrance smiled wanly as he took the offered money.

"I was under the impression that Justin was less than pleased with his
experience." The big Lizard smirked lazily as he smoothed the
crumpled bills out and examined them.

"He was shocked by it..." Raul corrected with a leering smirk. "I
don't think he was expecting it to turn out the way that it did." The
lewdly grinning Zebra explained making it pretty clear, that he was
both pleased and excited by the way the story had turned out.

"Perhaps that would be and interesting tale..." Terrance snickered
softly, his eyes watching the big sexually excited Zebra closely.
"But that is a tale for another time..." "I take it you are here to
do more than just deliver what he owes me..." Terrance observed slyly
as the big jock stallion smiled back.

"You are smart..." Raul complimented him as the big Lizard invited
him into the room. It was sweltering hot in the Lizards room, and had
that particular dry strangely musky metallic odor of a male reptile.
Raul had grown up on the savanna and so was use to heat... and thus
was at home in the Lizards room. Three minutes later he was
explaining to Raul how to use the book, and making a deal for payment.

"Now remember fix who you want to be firmly in your mind..." Terrance
repeated, as one big scaly hand rubbed suggestively up and down the
Zebra's inner thigh. "If you show up without and objective, bad
things will happen to whomever is there to see your Astral form."

"Yeah... yeah I got it..." The big jock grunted as he opened the small
red book and began to read it slowly. He'd already picked out who he
wanted to be... it had not been a easy choice. But at last he'd
remembered his cousins on again off again boi friend Max.

"So we have a deal then?" Terrance asked his long forked tongue
flickering out to lick his thin lip's.

"Yeah sure whatever... what do I care I'll be in someone else s body."
The Raul snorted, agreeing to let the big Lizard have his way with his
unconscious equine body while he was away. Raul read through the
pages... mouthing the words as he did so. Even as his thoughts
centered on Max and the small fox's handsome visage. Suddenly the
text receded from his vision, and found himself floating above his own
body. Which had slumped back on the bed slack jawed and vacant eyed.
He watch the gloating Lizard unbutton his skin tight jean and begin
working them down for a moment. It was decidedly unnerving to look
down on one's self in such a state. However the big Jock had only a
short time to ponder it... as his ethereal shape began to drift away.
Pulled by his on subconscious desires and the books occult power, he
flew across the room and through the vertical blinds. Now he was
drifting across campus... and even off of it into the small collage
town. To a run down old warehouse that had been converted into loft
apartments. He drifted down through a ancient wire filled glass
skylight... into a large open space below. At last spotting the
object of his quest... a small rather sinewy Fox. His ethereal almost
transparent shape descended rapidly towards its target. Raul settled
into the leather clad body of the small Fox, and then smiled up at the
effeminate looking Zebra drag queen who was preening in the mirror.
Slowly he stalked up behind his sexy fem boi cousin, fondling and
squeezing those big round equine buttocks.

"Jest what are you doing sweety pie?" The big Zebra drag queen purred
throatily as the small Fox boi toyed with his rump.

"I figured you... of all furs would know the answer to that." Raul
responded with the Fox's lisping voice.

"Ohooooo I know... and it won't work." Brandon snorted even as those
small squeezing fondling paws made his big black sheath begin to
bulge. "You've had your fun for the night... I'm saving up for the

"Awwwww come on just one more... for me." Max begged lustfully making
that long black Zebra cock drop from it's sheath.

"Well..." Brandon panted lustfully as the little Fox begged for it
softly. "Just because its cute that you'd be begging after we've been
together soooooooo long." And then before Raul knew what was going
on, the big effeminate Zebra had turned and pushed him down onto the
bed. Straddling his slender Vulpine rump, even as Raul struggled to
turn over or crawl out from under...
"Errr..." "Hey... No this isn't... what I..." He tried to protest...
even as his cousin lifted that bushy Fox tail. As his struggles grew
more desperate... while Brandon's body weight pinned him down easily.

"Ohoooo so its going to be the rape game this time huh..." Brandon
snickered lewdly into his ear... even as he smeared that tiny tail
hole with his slimy equine pre-cum. "We haven't played that one in a
long time... even though you know how much I love it." "I told you I
was sorry last time... I got carried away I admit it." Brandon moaned
lustfully. "I promise I won't hurt you... this time."

"This time." Raul grunted, his eye's going very wide as his
effeminate looking cousin suddenly shoved that huge hard stud stick up
that tiny tail hole. "AAOOAOAOOO!"

"Oho baby you haven't been this tight in years!"


Toby threw his hard new jock body against Jack's big beautiful equine
rump savagely. The collision of so much hard muscle on hard muscle
filling the air with slapping sounds. Each thrust pounding a louder
and louder whinny of pleasure from the formerly straight jock stud.
Who was now actively pushing himself back into each of the big Wolf's
hard rut thrusts. Working his own fat equine fucker in and out of
Veronika's hot sloppy sex. With a loud lewdly disgusting 'Slurping'
sound, that send waves of sickening revulsion through the now very gay
Wolf. Still the pleasure of Jacks hot tight Mule ass kept him
distracted enough. Closing his eye's, Toby fucked the moaning
whimpering Mule even harder and faster. No longer worried about
bringing the big equine jock off a second time, so much as getting
himself off.

All three of them were moaning and panting for breath as they moved in
counter point the penetrator and the penetrated. Humping and
thrusting in a kind of erotic dance of lust, each using the other for
their own pleasure. Toby was on top and was the first to go off,
howling in delight as he squirted a flood up the Mules clenching butt.
Jack squealed in both horror and delight as he felt the hot spoo
explode into him. Even as below him Veronika hearing the Wolf go off,
clamped her powerful equine vaginal muscles down on Jacks fat invading
Mule cock. Squeezing that overly aroused organ in the hot wet velvety
vice of her mare sex.

"Oho Gods... Ohoo GGods... Oohooo Fuckin' GGGOOODDDDSSSS." The big
Mule Jock screamed, even as that hard knot was still beating against
his prostate savagely... While Davor used Veronika's well muscled
equine sex to stroke that fat Mule fucker mercilessly... Milking the
big jock stud to his second orgasm of this encounter, and then
whispering to him teasingly.

"So when does the killing start?" "I thought you said you'd kill any
guy who tried to put his cock in you..." "Now you've cum twice on the
same cock... and they say I'm a slut..." Jack could only whinny and
bury his muzzle between her big bounces breasts. As wave after wave
of female orgasm shook her lush body and thundered through her mind.
Until at last the three of them lay panting breathlessly in spent

Remembering what had happened with him and Officer Jonny, and how
unpleasant it had been when the big German Shep had tried to pull out
to early. Toby waited until he felt his new Wolf knot beginning to
shrink... before he rolled himself off the Mules back. His still
throbbing Lupine cock popped out with a lewd 'Shloping' sound as he
flopped over in the bed. Almost instantly Jack jumped up, a strange
look on his long muzzle. He stood trembling looking down at them for
a long moment, his thick black hose dangling limp and wet between his
thigh's. And then he quickly fled the room, humiliated at the way
he'd been made a bitch. And frightened at the fact that he had
enjoyed it soooooooo much.

Toby found himself laying beside the big naked cheerleader, who was
starring over at him intensely. He was not sure what to say to her,
and was hoping she wasn't going to ask him to rut her. "Ok... so who
are you?" Veronika asked him sharply, and then even as he tried to
stammer a reply she snarled. "How did you get into my body?" "And
why can't I get back into it?" Toby gasp for breath as understanding
flooded into him, so this was where Davor had went...

"You wanted to be a girl?" Toby exclaimed before he could stop
himself, this left the big mare starring in stunned silence at him.
So he hurried, on explaining what had happened and how he was trapped
in the Wolfs body himself. And was unsure why he was... only that it
had felt totally empty when he had woke up in it. The big Mare's jaw
dropped then... and she quickly explained how Veronika's body had felt
the same after the Rhino had choked her. "I guess Veronika's death
set in motion a chain reaction..." Toby grunted, the genius level
mind carefully hypothesizing as he repeated the chain of events. "If
a soul enters a vacant vessel, then its trapped there as long as its
presents will keep that body alive."

"So I'm going to be Veronika from now on?" The former Davor asked
sounding shock and appalled, yet oddly excepting of the turn of

"Unless we can figure out someway to get you out of her, and me out of
you." Toby agreed sounding less worried now that he understood the
situation. "Which unless we do it soon... my body will be cut apart
for autopsy..."


Raul's mind was overwhelmed by the horror of his situation... the big
Zebra jock had always been the aggressor. The penetrator females and
even some few males... he'd always be the one fucking not the fucked.
Now here he was with his effeminate sissy appear cousin on top of
him... fucking him! True it was not his own body... that was the only
good thing about it. But it was still terribly humiliating and
emasculating for the big jock stud...

Who would have believed his pansy cousin was the kind that ruts...
He'd always imagined that Brandon was the passive type just because of
his sissified manner... He'd have absolutely no experience within the
gay community, and so had no idea that things were often time reversed
from what one would think. That a leather clad macho
appearing/acting male was often the bottom for a much more feminine
acting one.

'Oh gods his going to cum inside of me...' The big straight jock
panicked as he heard the familiar whinnying of pleasure... That
sounded so much like his own... apparently his cousin was more like
him than he ever thought. That of course would just be to horribly
for the big top jock... He had to do something had to...to... escape.
Suddenly thankfully Raul black out... feeling/hearing an odd rushing
within his mind. The sounds of his bucking whinnying cousin rapidly

Blackness silence... slowly he became aware of sensations... a heavy
weight pressing down atop his body. The odd pleasure/pain of
something long and thick up his tail hole... moving within him. But
there was no loud panting breath... no bucking hip's and squeals of
passion. What was going on... the big jock cracked one eye lid. The
dimly lit room was stifling hot... with a strange metallic musky male
odor. Twisting his head slightly, Raul looked up at the big Lizard
perched atop him. It was then he remembered the careless deal he'd
made with Terrance... And then he felt it... a cool rush deep in his
bowels... and Terrance's breathing sped up even though his body
remained still. In horror the big Zebra realized the Lizard had just
done what he'd feared most... His tail hole clench tightly and
Terrance moaned...

"Ohoooo your back just in time..." The big Lizard moaned, even as a
second cool rush blasted the big equine jocks insides...


Go back to Chapter 7 | Go back to Hooves Index 3
Notice that Chapter 1 - 3 & 5 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.