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Notice that Chapter 1 & 3 - 4 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.

Chapter 6
Kings Cuckolding A King
Chapter 2

Early the next morning true to his word, the Smith removed the
handsome young Knight's testicles. Even doing as Val asked, having
Zorrul suck the Knight off one last time before collecting those stud
nuggets. And then he and his apprentice mounted the new gelding one
after the other, before they sent him limping off towards the castle.
The Goat only worked half a day, before closing up his shop a couple
of hour after noon meal. Washing up he put on his best clothing again,
before head across town to a certain upper class neighborhood. He rang
the front bell and was greeted by a house maid, telling her that he'd
like to speak to the lady of the house. He was ushered into the
spacious drawing room, and a few minutes later a tall sleek well
dressed Doe came into the room. Lady Lorrie Surehoof... wife of the
former guard Captain Avon Surehoof swept into the room gracefully
moving over to greet him. "Hello good sir. Is there something I can do
for you?" The pretty Doe asked softly, the Goat could tell by her eyes
that the pretty female had been crying not long before. She looked the
Smith up and down, noting his rough clothing and even rougher looking
hands. Not a noble or a courtier... plainly he was a tradesman of some
kind, the shrewd Goat read it all in her eyes.

"I brought you this from your husband." The Goat pulled the letter out
of his pocket and pressed it into the high born Doe's soft hands. Up
close like this the Smith couldn't help noticing her scent, it was
very sweet and arousing.

"You know my husband?" She asked looking the envelope over curiously,
before opening it and taking the folded parchment out. "Can you tell
me his whereabouts?" She asked, still not unfolding the letter she had
just taken out of that envelope. "I have only been told that he has
somehow fallen out of favor with Prince Devlin... Errr the new King."

"I do indeed know your husband... intimately." The Smith replied,
thinking of the things he'd done to the strong handsome Buck in his
shop with a smirk. "I can... but do not wish to distress you any
farther." The Goat almost choked at the enormity of the understatement
in that explanation, some courtier had told her that no doubt. "The
new King believed your husband to be plotting against him..." The Goat
left it hanging as if he detested going on, the pretty Doe looking at
his grave, upset muzzle bravely.

"Is he dead? Please tell me... I cannot be any more distressed than I
am not knowing his fate." The pretty Doe begged, her lower lip
beginning to tremble as she spoke... making her look all the more sexy
and vulnerable.

"No he yet lives... but he is no longer the male you married..." The
Goat said delicately, looking over at a half finished portrait of the
former Stag and his handsome family... The former guard Captain his
pretty Doe and two cute sons, that looked very much like younger
versions of their father. "Read the letter... it will explain a lot."

The pretty Doe at last unfolded the parchment, slowly looking over the
letter written in her husband's own hand. Her pretty muzzle showing
her shock at what it said, she glanced up at the Goat standing there.
And then reread her husband's letter again, it was plain she was
confused by what it said. "You... you're the Blacksmith... and you...
you." Her voice trailed off in shock as the Smith nodded his horned
head, the Goat not missing as her scent thickened around them. "He
calls you 'My friend...' and says that you are here to protect me...
and yet you cut off his..." This making the Goat smirk... proud of all
the things he had the make the former guard Captain write.

"His balls... yes. I sawed them off, and his antlers." The Smith
continued, making a face, and miming a sawing motion with one rough
hand. "That was the King's command, good lady. I could not disobey
it... but your husband impressed me. He faced his painful fate without
fear." He lied glibly grossing over the Stags escape attempt, keeping
his tone carefully flat and without amusement. While stepping close to
the well-dressed Doe, letting her smell the closeness of his musk,
wafting out from under his peasant finery.

Lorrie nodded her head slowly as the Smith spoke, of her Stag's
bravery and strength in suffering pain. "No... no of course you
couldn't disobey the King." She agreed softly, still her pretty muzzle
displayed a kind of horror and distaste... yet as her nostrils flared
she couldn't help taking note of his strong musky scent.

"I knew that such a noble Knight was sure to also have a wife of the
highest quality... and I've grown to like the qualities of noble
females." The Goat explained, allowing himself a smirk then as he
smelled that Doe's spicy scent. "So I offered him a deal, and he was
wise enough to accept." "Do you know where my Avon is? Please you must
tell me if... if you know." The buxom Doe begged softly, her breath
growing deeper with every words she spoke... a trickle of moisture
dampening her silken panties.

"And, let's be honest, you're going to need a new male in your life.
Even if you were to find Avon, and I urge you not to risk your safety
by looking. Honestly he's just no longer equipped for the task
anymore." The scruffy Goat smirked, and lightly brushed his calloused
fingers across the pretty Doe's cheek. "The new King is a suspicious
and sadistic child, who delights in ordering his subjects, anyone he
does not consider a friend, tortured, castrated, and so on. I however,
have some influence over his passions.. I can steer his spiteful gaze
away from you and your family. Avon can no longer protect you or his
fawns, but I can."

"How... how is it you have influence over the King? I have heard the
most frightening things of late, and so many do seem to have gone
missing of late." She admitted, taking a step back as she noticed the
closeness of the Smith for the first time. "Yet I cannot believe what
my Avon has written... he wants me to become your lover." It was
obvious she wasn't exactly feeling good about that idea, it was going
to take a lot of convincing to bed her.

"It's all part of his plan." The Blacksmith explained, loosening his
stuffy collar somewhat as he felt his excitement raising. Those fancy
clothes looked nice enough, but were so confining the Goat decided.
"The young King likes me... so becoming my lover serves you in several
ways. Being the wife of someone he has ruined, he might still have
some spite left for you... his insecurities run deep." "Is... is the
King really so vile and spiteful?" The sexy Cervine panted, shivering
slightly as her clothing began to feel hot and uncomfortable as the
Smith spoke.

"But if I start enjoying you, he won't want to spoil my fun. And, he's
likely to get some perverse amusement from the idea that Avon's wife
is laying with the male whom he had castrate her husband." He stepped
closer to her once again, smiling wider as he watched her shiver.

"So it would amuse him that you are cuckolding a gelding?" She
wondered taking another step back, only to have the Goat follow along
after her. He could smell the trickle between her thighs, and found
himself smiling as he watching her looking down at his crotch

"Please I... I can't possibly think of taking another male..." She
moaned flinching as he stroked her cheek taking another step back,
only to feel the edge of a table against the back of her thigh's.
Forcing her to sit down hard on the table top, even as the Smith moved
up closer once again.

"I know this is a rough thing to permit yourself... but remember what
Avon is trying to do, by making this agreement with me. Your safety,
and that of your fawns, meant more to him than his own pride. Allow
him to buy you that safety."

"My Avon... my poor Avon." She sobbed trying to make the Goat
uncomfortable with tears, even as his rough hands came to rest on her
knees. The Smith's last words really getting to her, as she imagined
her loving husband begging and bartering with the Goat to save her and
the boys. "I... I... don't kno..." She moaned quickly weakening as he
starred deep into her eyes, he could really smell her arousal now. And
sensed that he could most likely make his move, reaching down he
gripped the hem of her dress tossing it up. Sliding one hand up
between her soft furry thigh's, until he felt the damp silk of her
panties stretched over that hot sex.

"You've already decided." The horny Goat accused her with a sly smirk,
as he groped her wet panties with rough callused fingers.

"Ohoho gods." Lady Surehoof moaned, as she felt his strong fingers rub
over her quiver mounds through that wet fabric.

"You're a good female milady, far better than a rough low-born male
like me deserves." The Smith declared in a gruff voice, shoving her
fine dress to one side and getting a good grip on the band of her
under things, ready to yank them off in a moment.

"Ammm Smith please." She panted as he shoved her fine dress to one
side, his fingers gripping the waist band of those expensive panties.

"Wanting your sweet honey is wickedness itself, but these are wicked
times Lady. When peasants and married courtiers give in to their
lusts, when Princes usurp and geld their own fathers. When loyal
subjects of high and low birth alike may find a sharp blade slicing
their manhood at any time at the whim of a boy King. The world has
gone mad." He smirked, tracing the curves of her sex lip's through
that wet silky fabric... finding the bump of her clit. "Let yourself
go mad with it." He leaned in close and whispered into her cute
pointed ear as those fingers made her body tremble. "I know you want
this... the wicked part of you does." He teased her, as those strong
fingers squeezed her leaking crotch... making the sexy Doe inhale

"Wicked... yes wicked times." The sexy high born Doe repeated, almost
as if she was in some kind of trance as his other hot hand caressed
her breast through her fancy dress. "No... no please." She denied and
yet as he squeezed her hot sex, the pretty Deer let out a needy moan
and spread her leg's a bit wider. The Goat stripped those damp panties
off, lifting them up to his nose drinking in her scent from them.
"Uhumm dear." She grunted biting her lower lip, and suddenly her hands
were on his crotch feeling the aroused throbbing bulge.

"Take me to your bedroom... have me, this filthy animal, slake his
lust in your sweet sex. You can tell them I raped you if you want...
only you and I need know your secret."

"Follow... follow me." She moaned, as he stepped back and pulled her
down off the table... slipped one hand up under her dress from behind.
Driving a finger deep into her dripping sex, pumping it in and out as
she walked along. Filling the air with naughty 'Slurpslurpslurp'
sounds, as she guided him through the house, the young maid who had
let the Goat in... watching wide eyed as they walked past her.
Upstairs she lead him down to the master bedroom, the Smith sniffing
those damp panties the whole way. He tossed them over his shoulder as
they enter the room, kicking the door mostly closed behind them. The
lustful Goat grabbed the Doe by her hips and shoved her towards her
bed, the half-dressed lady tripping and falling onto the soft
mattress. The rapacious Goat was on her instantly, crudely tearing her
fine dress away, ripping her bodice and leaving her in only tatters of
clothes. Her breasts shaking as she struggled, or writhed in pleasure,
only she would know for sure which. "Ummm... Smith... Smith wha...
what are you doing?" The panting Deer whimpered weakly, as the Goat
shoved her down and torn her clothing loose. Withering and moaning in
arousal as he climbed on top of her, and then the Smith opened his

The Blacksmith tore his fine pants open, his shaft jutting out boldly,
and paused only long enough to shove them low enough to let his heavy,
musky balls jostle and sway freely. Before seizing the naked Doe's
hips, and mounting her like a rutting beast, plunging his stiff dick
into her wet, hot folds! Exposing that long thick fucker, he was even
bigger than her husband's. OHOOOO." Lorrie moaned out loudly, at first
the sight of it... and then louder and more happy sounding as the
Smith drive it into her wet sex. "Ummm fuckin' hell's." The high born
Doe cursed like any common born female, as that throbbing fucker
pushed deep inside of her. "Uhu Uhu Uhu... you horny beast." Lorrie
whimpered, that hot sex growing even wetter as she clenched down on
his pulsing rut muscle. Making the wicked Goat laugh out loud, this
really was one of the best ideas he'd ever had. "Yes... take me

"YES... Oh yes, I'll take you." The Goat grunted gruffly, savagely
thrusting into that hot Doe cunt faster and faster. "I'll fuck you so
hard you can't stand, and cum inside you... I cut off your husband's
balls, and now mine will take their place in your life." His heavy,
shaggy sac swing and swatted the sexy Doe's thighs firmly, as the
lusty Goat vigorously thrust his stiff pole through that sleek cervine
slash, relishing the act of claiming her sex after castrating her
lover. The Goats vulgar boasts about gelding her husband sickened her,
and yet on some level they also turned her on. That tight sex
squeezing down on the Goats powerful rut stick, even as she began to
moan softly with each deep thrust. "yes...Yes...YEs...YES!" Those
hefty nuts spanking her sleek round ass, making her feel more and more
nasty each time they slapped against her ass. It felt just like the
dominance battles males used to fight over females, before things
became civilized... Back when you could take anything you wanted, if
you were strong enough, and the ultimate prize was chopping off your
rival's manhood. Taking all his females as your own afterwards, maybe
even gelding the defeated males offspring. The ancient thrill of
victory gave him a furious lust, and the more he imagined Avon's
testicles resting on a shelf at his smithy, the harder his own balls
smacked the Doe's loins

Soon the Lady Surehoof was groping and pinching her own nipples,
licking her soft lip's as the Goat slammed into her harder and harder.
"That's what I need... your cock feels so good inside of me." Lorrie
admitted breathlessly as the Smith, gripped her muzzle and yanked it
back kissing her mouth savagely. Not even her husband had ever kissed
her with so much passion, the Goat seemed more turned on with every

The brutally hard rutting Goat looked down at this delicate, high-born
Doe he had conquered. Knowing her proud husband was now a castrated
whore, her finery stripped from her body, and those delicate curves
writhing as her noble speech called out his name. He gripped her
perfectly shaped hips firmly, snorting lustfully again as he drove
himself against her ass, his rigid pole sliding swiftly where only her
husband should be allowed... were he still a male. With a hearty
'Bleat' the Smith gnashed his teeth, feeling his heavy balls jump as
he shot his triumphant load into Lorrie. That thick genetic soup
settling deep inside of her, making his conquest or Avon's wife

He was just pulling his thick fucker out of that hot sex, a long
sticky string of cum still connecting his fucker to that sweet pussy.
When he heard a sound from behind him, turning the Goat saw two young
Stags standing in the open doorway. They were young with barely a inch
or two of antler growth, they were starring wide eyed at the Smith's
big cock. He pointed to the one who looked the most like his sire,
gesturing for the young Stag to come over. Slowly the cute Deer boy
edged closer and closer, until he was standing right beside the bed.
Reaching over the Goat grabbed one short antler, and pulled the Bucks
muzzle down to that throbbing fucker.

"Open your mouth." The Goat grunted, even as the pleasure dazed Doe
looked back glassy eyed as her son opened his mouth obediently. "Clean
that it off." The Smith ordered, shoving his glistening hard on into
the young Stag's mouth. Fucking those soft lip's a few dozen times,
before pulling out of the stunned Buck's muzzle. Shaking off that hard
on that had so recently been inside of their mothers pussy, the Goat
stood up pulling his trousers back up. "Heh... you really are just
like your father." He snickered before walking out of the room,
noticing as he walked by that the other young Stag had his mothers
panties in his hand. With a guilty look on his handsome muzzle, the
young Buck shoved those damp panties into one of his pockets.


The handsome young gelding lay draped over the arm of the throne, as
his King stood over him driving the royal cock in and out of Val's
quivering rut hole. The new gelding moaning and whimpering loudly, as
his semi hard cock dripped clear seedless slime down the side of the
throne. "Yes... Ohooo Gods Yes my King... that feels so good." Val
shouted wildly, as the young King speared in and out of him
lustfully... both young equines coated in frothy sweat.

"You... you are about to receive the royal favor Sir Valorum." King
Devlin panted, as his strong hip's pounded that thick fucker hard into
the new gelding's clenching tail hole. All the while marveling at the
gelded Knight's reaction to his efforts, Val had never been a screamer
before. Now it seemed that every small sensation drew a moan or scream
out of him, the King's pleasure was peaking right now thanks to the
young Knights eagerness.

"Yes... Yes... of please gods YES." Val begged breathlessly, as he
felt his lords thick flare pulsing deep within him. And knew soon he'd
been feeling the burning sting, of hot equine cum flooding his bowels.
"Ride me hard milord... it feels sooo good... your cock is wondrously
pleasing within me." The fresh gelding squealed, bucking and pushing
back as if to get more of his King's fucker within his quivering

"Heh... are you really enjoying this so much more?" The young Monarch
moaned into the geldings pointed equine ear, as his throbbing cock
released blasting his hot load deep into Val's ass. "Yes... Yes...
Ohoo gods Yes." Val squealed wildly just as the Smith had ordered him
to, that tight tail hole gripping and squeezing the King organ over
and over again. Milking every last drop of creamy juice out of the
Monarch, as he stood over the moaning gelding enjoying it.

"Just... just from having your... your balls removed?" King Devlin
moaned, laying across his new gelding's sweaty back exhausted.
Inhaling Val's sweaty scent which had grown sweeter and more pleasing
now after his having been cut.

"Ammm it sure does your majesty..." The handsome Knight moaned, his
tail hole still gripping and teasing the young King's semi hard cock.
"Without needing to worry about emptying my full needy balls... I can
focus more on the pleasure I'm receiving." Val explained awkwardly,
like he'd been trying to figure out a reason for something
unexplainable. "At least that's the only thing I can think of." He
babbled on, as the King snorted and stood up again sliding his spent
dick out of that eager rut hole.

"Hmmm and interesting thought." King Devlin grunted, closing his royal
robes as Val climbed up off the arm of the throne. So his King could
take a seat, sitting back on the throne the Monarch looked over at his
new under-secretary. "What business do we have today?" Devlin asked,
as if he'd put the thought of Val's new enjoyment of bottoming out of
his mind. When in point of fact... he was thinking about little else
as his underling rattled off his duties for the day.

Val smirked, thinking the Smith was stupid if he thought this was
going to get the King to agree to being gelded. The young Knight
quickly redressed before, the great doors to the throne room were
opened. And the freshly satisfied King began to see to the business of
the kingdom, Val was unsurprised to see more furs coming in to report
treasonous acts. Every lord, knight, courtier, and minor noble was not
trying to use the new King's purge to get rid of their enemies.

"This is getting tiresome..." King Devlin snorted, plainly he'd come
to understand what Val had himself and turned to his new Captain of
the guard. "Rollo... please go advise those waiting that if I hear one
more accusation of treason... I shall have the accuser himself sent to
the Blacksmith. Tell them my spies are more than capable of ferreting
out those with treason on their minds." A few minutes later the tall
Wolf was back chuckling softly to himself, as he bowed deeply before
the King.

"That has cleared them out your majesty." The big Wolf snickered,
moving back up to his place on the other side of the throne from Val.
Devlin took care of the real business of the court in short order, and
then had the throne room doors closed again.

"Now Rollo..." The King snickered, standing up and moving around to
the Wolf's side of the throne as he removed the royal robes. Before
bending over the arm of the throne just as Val had done, the handsome
equine Monarch looked back over his shoulder at the grinning Wolf.
"Why don't you do to me... what I did to Val earlier, I have so been
looking forward to having that big knot of yours inside of me again.
"It would be my honor your majesty." The mated Wolf chuckled, thinking
that if Avon had been more open to sexual exploration he might still
have his balls. The tall black Wolf quickly removed his armor
trousers, before hurrying up behind his King. Kneeling down the big
Wolf spread those sleek ass cheeks, leaning in to lavish wet slobbery
licks on the royal tail hole. Getting it ready for that big red Lupine
bone, as the King moaned and whinnied lustfully as that tongue did
it's work.


Zorrul shook his head and glared at the cook darkly, as the hefty Hog
gulped and looked around uncomfortably. "It's not a poison." The young
Stallion snorted, taking a bit into the palm of his hand and then
eating it himself to demonstrate. "It's a rare spice that the Smith
eats, and the King liked when he tried. I have a letter from Sir
Valorum the Kings protector..." The young Stallion shoved the letter
into the cooks sweaty hands, and then set the spice bottle down on the
counter top. "He wants it on at least one thing every meal... now if
he doesn't get it... I'm betting we'll see you again down at the
smithy... if you know what I mean." Zorrul sneered making snipping
motions with his fingers at the Pig, whose eyes bulged out and he
swallowed hard.

"Yes... yes of course it shall be done." The Boar choked, looking the
letter over quickly and then picking up the spice jar off the counter,
and adding it to the King's boiled grain that was always kinda bland.
Zorrul nodded and then left the castle heading down into the city, he
didn't need to go back to the shop. Because the Smith was out visiting
the pretty wives, of some of his noble former clients. Which meant
that the young Horse was free to do whatever he liked, there was a
certain wicked tavern in the lower eastside. Where for a few silver
pieces, one could rent the services of a gelding for a time. In fact
one of the young Stallion's brothers worked there now, having been
sold into service to the owner by Zorrul himself.

The horny young Stud was planning to pay his gelded brother a visit,
just thinking about it made him hard. Strangely by the time he'd
gotten down there, his erection had soften significantly. Still he
paid his silver, and was soon in the room smiling at Kern his gelded
brother blushing in shame. "So your back again huh?" The gelding
snorted, watching as Zorrul stripped off his leathers and fondled that
long equine hose. The young Stallion having a bit of trouble getting
fully hard, he couldn't understand it normally he was as hard as iron.
"What... having trouble playing the Stallion?" Kern taunted softly as
me moved over dropping to his knees in front of the confused Zorrul.
"Maybe you should just give up and having the Smith geld you." The
young gelding teasing clearly having a great deal of fun at his
intacted younger brothers expense.

"Shut up and do your job gelding." Zorrul snorted grabbing the back of
Kern's head, while jamming his semi hard cock down his brothers

Still Kern's words had proved helpful in more ways than one, the talk
of gelding making him harden a bit more. While the mention of the
Smith had make things click within the young Stallion's mind, that
spice wasn't a spice after all. It was some kind of drug... that make
it hard for a stallion to get hard. So the Goat was working on getting
the King to agree to be gelded, when he'd heard the Smith and Val
talking about it. He'd been sucking out the last of the Young Knights
cum, after the Goat had cut his ball's off. And had made the equine
Knight write that note to the cooks, at the time Zorrul hadn't been
paying much attention. He had to hand it to the Smith, he came up with
some of the trickiest plans. Of course that still left the young
Stallion with the problem of staying hard, it was a struggle... only
the knowledge of who it was servicing his dick made it possible. Still
he only managed the one time and had to leave where he could normally
use Kern three to four times a night. He walked back to the smithy in
the rain, finding the Smith washing up and getting ready for his visit
to the castle that night. Zorrul knew the Goat planned to visit every
night for the whole week, because the Queen was in season and he was
helping the King to impregnate her. The young Stallion suddenly
wondering if the Goat was really just helping, to get a chance to geld
the King. Surely he couldn't be... No not even the Smith would be so
bold as to cuckold a King. The young Stallion went upstairs to bed, as
the Goat was heading off to the castle, laying down Zorrul hoped that
the small amount of spice he'd eaten would wear off over night.


The Smith tramped through the palace a second night, and true to his
words the King had advised all his guards that the Goat had free
access. He didn't need a escort to enter the upper floors where the
royal apartments were, in fact he could easily have by past the Kings
chamber completely. Of course he still needed to milk the King... for
now, not that he minded it was fun doing it and got him in the mood
for his time with the Queen. He did have a bit of a surprise waiting
for him in the Kings bed chamber, Rollo the new Captain of the guard
was there. And the King didn't send him away, it didn't take much
thinking to figure that one out. His talk of gelding had frighten the
Monarch, and so the King had brought a guard in. Just encase the Goat
got him feeling passive enough to agree to it, the Wolf could keep it
from actually happening.

The dildo wasn't used this time, Rollo's big pointed Lupine cock took
the place of that crude toy. That didn't bother the Smith, it made
milking the King so much easier for him. Of course the Kings cock
didn't get as hard as it had before, thanks to the herbs he'd had the
cooks 'flavor' the Kings food with. They wouldn't keep the Stallion
from cumming of course, and it seemed the Monarch had more than a
little resistance to it. Of course the herbs build up over time, so
that the more the Monarch consumed it the more limp and impotent he
would become. Luckily thanks to that big Lupine cock the royal Horse
came so much quicker, with that hard throbbing bone pounding his soft
tail hole. Leaving the Goat grinning as the King shot his wad fairly
swiftly, the Smith poured it into his bellows and left. With the lusty
Wolf still pounding that big round ass, the Goat made his way down to
the Queens chamber. "Ammm there's my little stud."The Queen moaned, as
she saw the Smith step out of the secret passage and into her bedroom.
The strong spicy scent of her heat, making his nostril tingle as soon
as he open that secret door. "So how did things go?" The sexy mare
asked rolling over onto her side to look at him leeringly, as the Goat
to admire her lush naked body.

"Very well... I have unfettered access to the palaces upper floors
now, both night and day." The Goat explain grinning as he saw the
naked mare waiting for him, smirking the Goat pumped the bellows
shooting the Monarchs fresh seed into the blazing fire. Where millions
of potential colts and fillies popped and cracked as they roasts on
the open flames. Before he sat the bellows aside, stripping naked as
he strolled over to join the Queen in bed. "Your husband promised me
his balls last night as I was mounting him, he's quite the slut by the
way heh. Now though he's trying to keep me from collecting, I'll get
him though... sooner or later."

"More so than me?" The Queen asked laughing softly, as she admired his
thick stiff erection... while the Smith smiled at her gently.

"That's hardly fair... your only slutty because of your season, he's
slutty without any biological reasons." The Smith pointed out, making
the mare giggle and wink at him fondly. As he climbed up into bed with
her, his hard on already dripping as her soft hands fondled him. "Damn
your twice as sexy when you talk about cutting my husband's balls
off." The Queen giggled as she wrapped her arms around his shaggy
neck, pulling him over between her long sexy equine leg's. "You'll
find it even hotter..." The Smith sneered, fondling the sexy creamy
white mare's firm teats as he looked down at her. "When I show up with
his balls in my hand." The Goat grunted lustfully, feeling the pretty
Queen's hot sex beginning to leak against his own aroused loins. "So
do you want to be my drunken bar maid again tonight?"

"Hmmm no let's try something a little different." The Queen giggled,
biting her lower lip and giving the shaggy Goat a naughty look. Before
rolling over onto her stomach, lifting her long flowing tail to expose
that pink teardrop shaped sex. "Take me like I'm my slutty husband,
while telling me all about how you're going to take those balls."


Early the next day the Smith glanced up and saw the two young Bucks
standing in the open doorway of his smithy, he knew them at once of
course Avon's two son's Anton and Leon. Thrusting the iron back into
the fire, he gestured to two young Bucks over to him. They trotted up
slowly, making the Goat sneer as he saw the looks of determination on
their young muzzles. "Hello boys... what can I do for you?" He asked
watching as Anton screwed up his muzzle to speak, while Leon who had
been the one that the Goat had seen take his mothers damp panties
remained wide eye and silent. "Mother thinks you know where father
is..." The young Stag grunted trying hard to sound gruff and older
than he was, and failing at it utterly.

"Yeah... so." The Goat grunted taking a iron out of the fire and
hammering it as the young Deer stood there shifting nervously from
hoof to hoof. The Smith grinned they were certainly cute, it made the
Goat stiffen under his leather apron.

"We want you to take us to him..." Anton demanded as strongly as he
was able, making the Smith pause and look at him hard for a second.
Wondering if it was worth his time to explain to them, that their
father wasn't really a male anymore.

"Look I explain all of this to your mother... it's safer for you and
her if you don't go anywhere near him." The Smith explained
dismissingly, going back to hammering on that red hot metal as the two
Stags looked back and forth at each other for a moment.

"We don't care... we're not afraid... take us to our father." Anton
insisted again, now they were just pissing the Goat off... even if
their demands were ridiculously weak. He thought about just kicking
them out of his shop, but that might upset their mother and he really
enjoyed rutting her. "Look I don't have time for this... it's half a
day's ride there and back. I've got work to do... so I'm not going to
do it." The Blacksmith grunted, hammering harder and faster on the
glowing metal making sparks fly.

"Then just tell us where and we'll go by ourselves." The young Stag
countered, making the Goat roll his shoulders as he consider things.
Maybe he should just neuter these two right now, it would make them
much more passive and easy to control.

"Look I'm not going to tell your mother I sent you off to get lost."
He held up a soot blackened hand as Anton began to protest again, this
boy was really asking for it... so fine. "I'll have my apprentice take
you down there and bring you back." Quickly he called Zorrul over,
explaining to the young Stallion in hushed tones what was going on and
what he needed him to do. The young Horse looked over at the two
Buck's, smirking as he thought about what they would find. And what he
would do once they had, Zorrul was feeling much better after a long
night's sleep.

"As you command Master." He agreed, before gathering up the two young
Cervines, leading them out of the smithy. The trip south to the border
town was a long dusty trip, and the day was half over by the time they
at last got there. And although Zorrul had never been, it wasn't hard
to find the whore house where the gelded Stag had been sent. He
strolled over to the massive building with the two young Deer in tow,
surprised to find it fairly busy for that time of day. "You two stay
here... while I go make inquiries as to which room he's in." He
ordered the two young bucks, who were looking around kind of
nervously. Clearly they had been expecting to find their father locked
in some dank dungeon, not in a big fancy house like this place. Which
was actually more plush and richly decorated than their own house, and
this was making the two fawns uncomfortable. It didn't take the young
Horse long to find out which room Avon was working out of, quickly he
strolled over grabbing his charges and leading them up stairs.
Wandering down the hallway until he found the room number he wanted,
and then pushed the door open and strolled in.

"I'll be ready for you in just a second." Avon called from across the
room, the tall Stag was bent over at the waist. His sexy round naked
ass pointing towards the door, Zorrul couldn't help smirking as he saw
the two young Buck's eyes bulging. As they watched their sire washing
greasy looking cum off his red, abused looking tail hole, that hole
oozing still more cum even as he finished. Finishing up the tall Stag
stood up, and turned around to look at the young Stallion. "Oh good a
Horse... I love Horse's their so big and masculine." The gelded Stag
slurred toothlessly, Zorrul smirked noticing the iron slave collar
around Avon's neck. A thick chain connecting it to the wall above the
head of the bed, the former males muzzle was also painted. To make his
eyes look bigger and more feminine, as well as to make his lip's look
fuller and oh so fuckable.

"You like a nice thick Horse cock huh." Zorrul snickered, even as he
heard the fawns behind him inhale sharply in shock at seeing their
father. "Good because I like a eager whore on my dick." The young
Horse chuckled, seeing the two young Stag's look of shock and horror
as they heard his words. Looking from their father, to the young
Stallion and then back to their sire standing there naked. Their eye's
going to his shriveled sheath, and the bright red scar where his hefty
balls should have been hanging. At last the two began to understand
some of the Smith's comments, about they're sire not really being a
male anymore. Da..." Anton choked as he stepped around the young
Horse, across the room Avon's smiling muzzle twisted up into a look of
shame and horror. As he saw the two fawn's looking at him, the once
proud Stag had surrendered to his new life by this time. Enslaved to a
whore master, and forced to sale the pleasure of his muzzle and tail
hole to any horny male who wanted them. He'd given up trying to escape
and return home, realizing after the beatings and teeth removal that
had slurred his voice. That he didn't want to go home, didn't want his
pretty wife... nor proud sons to see him like this. "Anton... Leon..."
The castrated Deer choked as he saw them, feeling his cheeks and neck
burning with blush. His pink nose turning a bright red, even as the
two fawn's stood starring at him open mouth. Neither the fawns nor
their sire seemed to know what to say, and so just stood there
starring at each other awkwardly.

"Well..." Zorrul exclaimed looking from the mortified former Stag, to
the young stunned fawn's. "I brought you all this way... to find your
sire. And this is all your gunna do? Stare at him... he's a gelding
the King had his ball's cut off, and then sent here to whore himself
out. Well by gods if you're not going to do anything I am." The young
Stallion snickered, stripping off his clothing as the three Deer
watched stunned. Either the herbs had worn off over night, or the fact
that he was going to be using the fawn's Da right in front of them...
or most likely a bit of both. But his thick equine fucker was nice and
hard, jutting out bigger that any half dozen Stag's dicks put
together. Both sire and son's starred at that massive stud muscle, as
it jerked up and down rapidly with the young Horse's heart beat.
"Alright whore you can start out by sucking on my cock... and then
maybe if you beg me good. I'll put it up your pansy rut hole." The
young roan red Stallion snickered, as the tall former guard captain
moved over in front of him. The chain attached to his iron slave
collar rattling loudly, making both Anton and Leon jump slightly. Up
close now the neutered Deer, looked into the young Horse's eyes

"Please don't do this in front of my boys." The once high and mighty
acting Deer begged, plainly he'd had a lot more practice begging here
at the whore house. Zorrul smirked in his muzzle, using one hand to
push the tall Deer down onto his knee's in front of him. Gripping his
own thick equine fucker, and rubbing the dripping flare across Avon's
painted lip's. "Make them wait outside please gods." "Shut up and do
your job bitch." Zorrul replied loudly, making the kneeling gelding
wince as he glanced over at his son's. "Suck my dick or I'll complain
to your owner." That did it... the gelding opened his toothless mouth,
letting the young Horse shove his big blunt cock head into that
passive hole. "Ammm yeah that's a good slut whore." Zorrul panted, his
long slotted equine nostrils flaring... picking up the scent of fresh
young male musk coming from the watching fawns. A lewd smirk crept
across the roan Stallion's muzzle, so he wasn't the only one turned on
seeing this big former male on his knee's with a cock in his mouth.
"Ammm your mouth is sooo soft and hot, those lip's wrapped around my
big fucker. Those toothless gum's squeezing on my shaft, Aha aha yeah
curl your tongue around my cock head. Ammm fucking hells... you've
gotten to be quite the cocksucker huh Captain." Zorrul grunted
wickedly, as he saw the fawns edging closer and closer to the action
as the young Stallion rutted their sires eager mouth.

Avon was looking up at Zorrul, as the equine stood over him with his
leg's wide spread. The former Stag closed his eyes tightly shut, as
Anton and Leon edged into his line of vision. "See this... watch it
close you two this is real talent your sire's got here. Ammm damn he
sure knows how to please a male..." The young Stallion moaned, he'd
picked up a few things from being around the Smith after all. The Goat
had tease, taunted, and aroused that young Knight into letting himself
be gelded... before that he'd watch the Smith play his own sire for
the fool. The handsome fawns were fondling themselves through their
fancy trousers, Zorrul noticed with a lewd smirk. He looked over at
them a bit closer, spotting something frilly clutching in Leon's small
three fingered hand. "What have we got here?" Reaching over he yanked
them out of the young Deers hand, before Leon could react and held it
up. It was a pink lacy pair of panties, that fairly reeked of female
sexual arousal. "Well now... whose are these I wonder." The young
Stallion joked as he took a long sniff of those panties, picking up
the unmistakable scent of the Smith's goatish musk. "Momma's
panties... naughty boy, and the Smith has been visiting her." Zorrul
laughed as he saw Avon's eyes pop open wide, reaching down he rubbed
those fragrant undies on the geldings muzzle. "Remember this... it
belongs to the Smith now see... Hah." The young Horse teased, finding
himself proud of his master as he watched the scent trigger memories
in the gelding Deer's eyes. Only to twist into shame and disgust as he
pictured the dirty Goat on top of his pretty Doe wife. Grunting and
humping bestially, while his sexy wife lay there reveling in the
perverse pleasure the Goat was giving her. "I wonder if she sucks his
cock as good as your sucking mine." Zorrul laughed, rolling his hip's
to rut the Deer's toothless mouth lustfully as he turned his head to
sneer at the fawns.

"Of course the real question is... why do you have these in the first
place." The Horse smirked as he looked into the shy fawns eye's,
reading a dark naughty secret in those big Doe like eyes. Zorrul
lifted those panties to his nose, taking another deep breath to inhale
those alluring scents. "You like the smell of mothers pussy?" He
wondered, noting the look on the fawn's muzzle deciding that wasn't
it... even as Anton snatched at those frilly under things. "No...
you're not wanting to take daddies place... and you're not wanting to
rut daddy like your brother here." The young Stallion joked, grinning
as he saw Anton blush hard even as the lump in his trousers jutted out
a bit more prominently. Zorrul shoved his big three fingered hand down
into Anton's trousers, as the fawn tried to snatch those panties away
from him. Making the young Buck freeze in place, as the Horse's big
hot hand gripped his aching hard on.

Zorrul draped those panties over Avon's muzzle once again, and then
use his other hand to unbutton those fancy trousers. "Wait... Leon you
naughty boy... have you been wanting to wear them." The young Horse
snickered, reading on the humiliated fawn's expressive young muzzle
that was indeed it. "Someone wants to be like momma... someone wants
to have a big strong male like daddy here use to be fucking them."
Zorrul laughed, as his hot hand tugged Anton's hard young fucker out
of his fancy trousers. The Horse's rough hand stroked up and down the
length of that hard Stag cock, as Anton stood there looking shocked
and yet his eyes were pleasure glazed. "Wha... wha..." The young Deer
boy whimpered weakly, as the older Horse stroked that now dribbling
fucker. Even as the Stallion was looking Leon in the eye's, reading in
those big dark orb's the boys desires.

"Oh please... don't pretend you've never jerked off before Anton. I
could smell it all over you... as soon as you walked into the Smithy."
Zorrul lied just as glibly as the Blacksmith, using that hard little
fucker as a handle to drag the fawn up closer to his sire's muzzle.
"Tell me what were you thinking about while you were doing it?" The
young Horse grunted nastily into the handsome fawn's ear, even as he
stroked that aroused little cock faster and faster. "Was it how the
Smith's cock felt... when he shoved it into your mouth... or the way
it tasted soak in your momma's pussy juices?" Zorrul taunted as he
nibbled on the young Stag's slender neck, even while pulling that hard
little cock up against his own much bigger one. It was a sight that
would haunt the Stag for the rest of his live, making him feel self
conscious about the size of his slender Deer cock. Avon's big body
jumped at those words, and he tried to pull away from that cock
fucking his throat. But the Horse's strong hand held his antlerless
head in place, not allowing him to stop sucking on that huge equine
fucker. "Ohooo that struck a nerve... You were thinking about his cock
in your mouth weren't you? Anton you nasty little cock lover... don't
worry it's something you inherited." The young Stallion laughed,
rolling his hip's to fuck the struggling gelding back into submissive.

"I... Errr... Nnna... no." Anton stammered weakly as the Horse rubbed
his pointed Deer cock against his father's soft painted lip's. The
young Deer's body reacted like it had been struck by lightning, as the
pleasure of those hot, soft lip's stunned him. Making him inhale a
deep ragged breath, and for the first time his hip's pushed forwards.
"Oho gods..." The handsome fawn moaned softly, as his slender cock
joined the Horse's inside of his sires eager, suckling mouth.

"It's ok..." Zorrul purred teasingly into that pointed Cervine ear,
even as he nibbled on it playfully. "Your Da here loves the feeling
and taste of a hard cock in his mouth too... here feel just how much
it loves sucking." And with that the Horse pulled out, letting those
soft lip's wrap around Anton's hard fuck pole alone. The young Stag's
mouth dropped opened, and he leaned over his sire's head gripping
those furry ear for support.

"Oh fuck... Oho fuck." The horny Buck chanted softly, as his hip's
began to buck and hump against his Da's muzzle. Whipping those panties
off the geldings head, as he patted Anton on the ass. The Horse moved
around him baring down on the wide eyed Leon, the young fawn's eye's
were growing wider and wider as the Horse twirled those panties on one
finger. "So ya know what I'm thinking..." Zorrul snickered, as he
strolled up to the young fawn, who was staring up at him so cutely.
Leon shook his head ever so slightly, as the Horse's grin widened into
a wick leer. "I'm thinking we need to see what you look like in
these." The Stallion smirked, as he saw what was hanging in a nearby
wardrobe... it seemed some customers liked their geldings to play
dress up.

"Wha... I... No... I... I couldn't." The young Fawn stammered a bit to
excitedly, as the grinning Horse reached down. Unbuttoning the Deer
boy's trousers, sliding them down those slender leg's as Leon stood
there blushing hard. "Ahem please..." The fawn moaned cutely, as the
grinning Stallion next skinned those male undies off. And then shoved
the frilly, girlie, pink panties into the fawn's hands, while he
stepped over to the wardrobe and grabbed a few more things grunting
over his shoulder. "Pull those on... for me." Leon's eyes widened even
farther for a moment, and then with a shiver the young Deer boy
stepped into his mothers panties. Pulling them up his long crooked
Cervine leg's, until the lacy fabric was stretched over his firm ass.
In front his stiff little hard on made those silky panties bulge out
obscenely, but from behind that ass could fool about any male. Zorrul
licked his thick equine lip's, pasting Leon a pair of silk stockings.
Watching as the fawn pull them on without any farther protests, a dark
damp spot was forming on the front of those panties. Next came a
flower print corset, Zorrul had to help pull the strings tight and tie
them. And then shoulder length gloves, and a frilly collar... lastly
was a ribbon that the Horse tied around the Stag's head to disguise
those short antlers. "Damn... Who's a pretty little Doe." The Horse
snickered wickedly, as he moved up behind Leon. Rubbing that big wet
stud stick against the young Stag's panty clad ass, while wrapping his
strong arms around that sleek torso. "You are..." He snorted hotly
into the fawn's ear, nibbling on it playfully while fondling the
Deer's hard little cock through the soft fabric of his mothers
panties. "Now tell your stud what you want."

"I... I want you inside of me... I want your big hard cock... please."
The sexy little femboy fawn begged meekly, as Zorrul nibbled his way
down the Deer's long slender neck. Slipping his big three fingered
hand down into the back of those panties, shoving one thick finger
into the Deers tiny virgin tail hole. Slowly pushing him over to the
big bed that his sire now did most of his work in, Zorrul shoving the
half-dressed Deer boy down the soft mattress.

"Lucky you... I'm gunna let you have it sweetheart." Glancing over the
horny Horse caught Avon watching out of the corner of his eyes, even
while Anton gripped his sire's ears and pounded his cock down that
suckling throat. Zorrul flashed the helpless gelding a leering grin,
as he climbed into bed with the Deers sissified son. Picking up the
jar of lube off the bedside table, while tugging those frilly panties
down over the young Deer boy's fluffy white tail. The smirking
Stallion smear a glob of lube over the big blunt head of his long
equine fucker, before thrusting it against the fawn's small pink
rosebub. "Get ready sissy... cuz I'm about to make a real Doe out of
you." The young roan Stallion grunted, taking those sleek ass cheeks
in his big three fingered hands. Spreading them nice and wide, he
rubbed his massive cock flare against that tiny hole.

"Get ready my little Doe... your new life begins right... Nnnooww."
Zorrul moaned, as he forced his big blunt fucker slowly inside of
Leon's tiny tail hole... as the young Buck squealed into the pillow he
was clutching against his muzzle. Across the room the Horse heard Avon
moan, as he watched his younger son getting the treatment he received
all day every day now. "Damn your tight slut." The roan red Stallion
moaned lustfully, as he watched the young fem Deer boy's muzzle
contort in pain. "But don't worry... I'm gunna open you up nice and
wide." Zorrul assured the young Deer in a harsh, lustful grunt, as his
long stud stick bottom out in that snug virgin tail hole.

"Oww Oowww gods yes..." Leon whimpered around his mouth full of
pillow, as the Horse's weight settled onto his back. "Stretch me
wide... leave me gaping dad." The soft tawny Deer boy moaned, his
tight rut hole gripping and squeezing that thick horse cock in his
butt. Even as the pretty Stag pushed his sexy round ass back, sliding
down that throbbing equine shaft.

"Hahah your boy really is a ass slut... Captain." Zorrul called out
loudly, as he began to slide that huge fucker in and out of Leon's
tight little hole. Watching as Anton was pounding his crotch against
his sire's muzzle, the young Buck overwhelmed with lust and the
pleasure of that hot suckling mouth. The gelding's eyes were squeezed
tightly closed, with little tears dribbling out the corners of his
eye's. And yet it was plain that the former guard captain was now well
and truly broken, his mouth working hard to bring pleasure to that
hard fucker in his muzzle. Even though he knew whose it was, even
though it disgusted him greatly. The once proud Stag warrior, was now
a compliant little gelding whore for any male who desired him. The air
filled with lewd 'SlurpSlurp' noises as that fresh young Deer cock was
fucked in and out of that eagerly sucking mouth. "Looks like Da is
busy sucking his butch boys cock. While I ream his sissy boy's ass."

"Ride me harder... fuck me like a nasty Goat... using my mom." The
sissy Stag begged, making the young Stallion sneer... remembering that
the boys had walked in on the Smith using their mother. "YES... Oh
yes, I'll fuck you." The roan red Horse grunted gruffly, savagely
thrusting into that hot Doe boy cunt faster and faster. "I'll fuck you
so hard and long you won't be able to walk, then cum inside you." His
heavy stud sack swing and swatted the sexy Deer boy's thighs firmly,
as the horny Stallion vigorously thrust his stiff pole through that
sleek cervine butt hole. While that tight pucker squeezed down on the
Horses powerful fucker, even as the sissy Stag began to moan loudly
with each heavy thrust. 'There that sounded like something the Smith
would say.' Zorrul thought with a wryly smile, as he drew back until
only his cock flare was still inside that trembled ass. And then
plunged back in as far as he could go, which was only about to his
medial ring.

"Uhu... Oho... Uhu... Fuck... fuck me!" The pretty Doe boy moaned, as
those hefty Horse nuts spanked his sleek round ass, making the Buck
feeling more and more nasty each time they slapped against his shapely
ass. Those panties pulled down just enough in the back, to let the
Stallion have his way with that tight little Deer hole. Were bulging
out prominently in the front, that silky fabric soaked through with
slimy Stag pre-cum by now. "Ammm gods yes... that's what I need... "
Leon admitted breathlessly, licking his soft lip's as the Stallion
slammed into that firm young ass harder and harder. "Your big cock
feels so good inside of me. I think I'm gunna... gunna..." The cute
sissy Stag moaned, as the Horse gripped his one if his short antlers
and yanked his head back... kissing that soft mouth savagely.

"Heheh... your such a sweet Doe." Zorrul snorted gripped the young
Bucks perfectly shaped hips firmly, snorting lustfully again as he
drove himself against that taut ass. His rigid fuck pole sliding
swiftly in and out of Leon's clenching rut hole, as the sissy Stag
moaned and squealed in delight. The young Horse feeling that young
body tensing under him, the Deers hole clenching and gripping on that
fat equine fucker. Even as the young Buck squealed out loudly, his
little dick jerking and bouncing as it painted the inside of those
panties with his spunk. "Ohooo yeah cum for me you Doe boy slut." The
roan red Stallion moaned battering that sexy round rump harder and
faster, his thick rut stick tensing harder as his big blunt cock flare
pulsed. Those equine fat balls drawing up in their sack, as the young
Stallion threw his long narrow head bac. A hearty 'Whinny' escaping
from Zorrul's grinning lip's, as the Horse enjoyed the feeling of his
heavy balls jumping as he shot his load triumphantly into the sissy
fawn. "Hooo gods yeah I love how your snug hole milks me... Heheh your
gelding father couldn't have been a better slut." The young Stallion
congratulated, rolling off the exhausted fawn's back as he moved over
to watch Anton rutting his gelded sire's suckling mouth.

The horny young Stag was grunting and moaning loudly now, plainly very
close to blowing his load in his father's toothless muzzle. "Ammm
doesn't Da's mouth feel gooood?" The Horse grunted teasingly into the
young Stag's ear, as he pressed his big sweaty body against Anton's
back. "You'll never find a Doe who can suck you like that... Hahaha...
your sires more of a Doe than any real Doe I'm afraid." Zorrul teased,
reaching down to grab and squeeze the Stag's firm little buttocks as
the Deer moaned. "There is only one way it could be any better..." The
roan red Stallion whispered, as Anton rutted his sire's hungry muzzle
more and more vigorously. Zorrul slid the young Buck's trousers and
underwear all the way down, making Anton look back at him sharply.
Even as the smiling Horse sank to his knees, using his thumb's to pry
those furry white rump cheeks apart. Exposing that tiny pink pucker,
the young Horse leaned in and played his tongue tip over it.

"Oh!" Anton squeaked as he felt that hot, wet, tongue licked around
the rim of that tiny virgin hole. The Deer boy's long slender leg's
trembled, his body growing more and more tense and stiff. "Ohoo
gods... oho gods." The handsome young Buck moaned, his grip on his
sires sensitive ears growing tighter and tighter. "Mahahaha..." Anton
moaned out loudly, as his small Stag stick suddenly and uncontrollably
gushed his cream down Avon's throat. As the gelding gulped again and
again, swallowing every drop of creamy young cum his son had to give.
Until the young fawn was spent and staggered over to sit down heavily
in a nearby chair, as the Horse stood back up shoving his still hard
fucker at Avon. "Alright Da... time for you to suck your sissy boy's
ass off my cock." He chuckled, as the gelded Deer instantly took his
dirty fucker into his mouth suckling on it obediently. Just then the
room door opened and a heavy older Donkey waddled in, pausing as he
saw the young roan Stallion standing the gelding. "Oh... sorry I
didn't realize 'e was in uses." The fat older Donkey grunted with a
gape toothed grin, as he slowly looked as the young Buck sitting there
wide eyed. "Yer supposed to light the red light... when e's bein'

"Yes... we know... I just forgot." Zorrul apologized, and then glanced
over at the bed with Leon laying there his ass still sticking up. "If
you'll light it... you can have a go on the new boy over there." "New
boy?" The fat older Donkey grunted, glancing over at the bed his eyes
bulging as he saw the young Stag who was still all dressed like a
female. "Oh heh... a pretty little thing... how much is he gunna cost
me?" The greasy looking Donkey asked, licking his lip's slowly and
lecherously as he looked that sexy white ass over.

"The same as his sire here." Zorrul grunted, watching the Donkey's
muzzle twist up into a wide leer. "To be paid directly to me." The
roan red Stallion chuckled, as the Donkey glanced from him to Leon's
sexy panty clad ass. As Avon jumped and struggled to pull his mouth
away from that thick equine cock, not wanting to let the Horse
prostitute his son. But the leering young Stallion held on to his
ears, rolling strong hip's to fuck that soft mouth. Even as the gelded
Deer struggled hard, biting that fat fucker with his toothless mouth.
This only making Zorrul whinny in pleasure and stab that huge hard
fucker down Avon throat more powerfully. Until he'd fucked the former
warrior into sexual passivity once more, smiling down at those big
dark pleasure dazed eyes.

"His sire? Heh like sire like son huh?" The fat Donkey chuckled
lewdly, as he lit the lamp and then closed the door behind him.
Stripping off his clothing as he strolled over to the bed, looking at
the young fawn's gaping tail hole that was heavily leaking creamy
white spunk. While he stroking his short, thick fucker with one hand,
even as he climbing up into the bed behind the young Deer boy. That
fucker wasn't as long as Zorrul's, but it was much, much thicker with
a massive flare. "You've been opened up a bit huh Doe..." The round
bellied Donkey snorted, gripping those furry white ass cheeks in his
sweaty hands. "Not nearly as much as yer gunna be... Heh when I'm done
with ya." The long muzzled gray Donkey assured as he spit into one
hand, and rubbed the saliva over the length of his fat black cock.
"Get ready Doe here it comes." The fat old Donkey growled, as he
rubbed his saliva coated cock under the Stag's tail: and then slowly
sinks it into that virgin ass. Only Zorruls slick cum filling his pre
stretched hole, kept the soft Deer from being injured by that massive
fucker. Still the pansy Buck winced in pain, as that huge flare
stretched his gaping ass open even wider. "Ohohoo yes open me up...
please use your big cock to open me up even more." The cute little
fawn begged breathlessly, as he looked back over his shoulder. Not
seeing the Donkey's homely muzzle, sweaty hands or fat round belly...
having eyes only for that huge black equine fucker. The sissy Stag's
eye's rolled in his head, as the pleasure/pain of being penetrated
filled his rump. A part of him knew his soft little tail hole would
never be the same and was appalled, but another part reveled in that

"Ahahaa Hah." The Donkey groaned at the tightness of the fawn's tail
hole, and started to slam his huge fucker hard and fast into it.
Forcing more and more of his huge shaft into the moaning Leon with
every thrust, grunting happily, holding the pretty Buck by his hips as
he grunted into his ear. "Hmmm you like that... Don't you Doe?"

"YES... Yes I love it... I love it thank you." Leon whimpered, his
small round rump pushing back to meet the older Donkey's hard rut
thrust eagerly. Leon only moan and nod his ribbon covered head, as
that huge cock slid smoothing in and out of him, rubbing and pounding
against his male pleasure gland as it did. The pretty young Deer
moaned, as his ass thrust back eagerly as his cock throbbing in those
soaking wet panties. The cute Deer boy bucked and humped hard into
that hard pounding, his ass clenching even tighter as his low dangling
balls began to tighten up. "Hahaha I believe you do." The fat Donkey
laughed, lifting his belly up onto those firm little rump cheeks.
Before draping his fat, sweaty body over the sissy Stags back, driving
his thick fucker in and out of that clenching hole roughly.

"Ammm lookee there Da... your little sissy boy whore is taking his
first client. You must be soooo proud." Zorrul joked making the gelded
Deer gag, his eyes rolling in his head as the Donkey violated his son
just a dozen feet away. "Listen to those little whimpers and moans...
he's going to be real popular whore." The roan red Stallion taunted,
steeping back to pull his long equine fucker out of that gulping
throat. "Turn around I want to finish off in your tail hole." Zorrul
ordered lustfully, shoving the gelding Deer down onto all fours with
his head pointing towards the bed. So he could watch his son getting
fucked, like the cock slut the young Horse had made him into. "Oh gods
Leon... Leon." Avon moaned weakly, as he watched one of his regular
customers taking his boy's sweet little tail hole. Knowing full well
what that fat Donkey dick could do inside of a males vulnerable butt
hole. As he watched Leon bucking and pushing back on that fat black
fucker, while the hefty Donkey lay atop him chuckling darkly.

"Ohoho yes... you little prissy whore." The hefty older male chortled,
as his big sweaty hands groped the fawn's slender young body. His
chuckles growing that much lewder and nastier, as he hand reaching
around groping the Stags panty clad crotch. His flabby hand finds
those panties soaking wet, and a hard little cock inside of them.
"Errr..." The hefty Donkey grunted, gripping that wet little fucker
for a second before his fingers slipped lower. A funny confused look
crawling across the older male's long gray muzzle, as he looked over
at Zorrul quizzically. "Good gods... this little bitch isn't a... he
hasn't been..." The older male stuttered in shock as he rolled those
firm young Deer balls around in the palm of his sweaty three fingered
hand. "He's not a Gelding!" The Donkey exclaimed hotly, as his hand
jerked away, as if the young Stag's balls were red hot lumps of iron.

"Yeah... he's just here to try out his sires line of work right now...
You know just to see if he's suited for it." The roan red Stallion
explained, as he pounded Avon's well used tail hole lustfully even as
he flashed the Donkey a wide naughty grin. Like a merchant trying to
sale off over ripe fruit, before it rotted away on his shelves.

"Hahaha... I'd say he damn sure is suited for it!" The fat Donkey
laughed, bucking and fucking Leon's tight little rut hole all the
harder... after having discovered the Deer boy was still intact. The
taboo nature of the act, making it all the sweeter and more exciting
for the fat Donkey. "Yes... yes... oh yes." Leon mumbled weakly, as
the hefty Donkey stud driving in and out of his sweet rut hole all the
faster. This making Zorrul laugh in dark amusement, smacking Avon's
firm round ass cheek with his strong three fingered hand.

"Hehehe... I'll geld him later... right now you just enjoy breaking
his sweet ass in." The young roan Stallion promised, grinning as he
felt Avon's rut hole clench down tighter on that thick filly fucker.
"Hahah..." He laughed, knowing the gelding Deer wasn't at all happy
with what was happening to his cute sissy son.

"No please... he's just a boy." The former warrior protested weakly,
as Zorrul lay draped over his broad back humping and straining. The
Horse's hefty balls slapping against the spot where the Deer's
testicles had once hung, as the horny Stud rutted hard into that hot
Deer hole. "Yes... but he's a Deer boy who's found his true
avocation." The young Stallion snickered, gripping the Deer's soft
white tail as he pounded away in that clenching tail hole. "One can't
stand in the way of a boy living his dream Da." The wicked young Horse
joked, nibbling on the Deer's soft fuzzy ear as those strong hip's
pounded away.

"But wait... wait..." Avon tried to protest again, as Zorrul yanked
Anton over in front of his muzzle. The Horse having noticed the young
fawn was rock hard once again, quickly he fed the Deer boy's fucker
back into his sires hot mouth. To shut up the older gelding's
protests, more than to share the pleasure with the confused your Buck.
"Now you just suck on that nice hard cock... and let me take care of
your sissy son's future." Zorrul whispered into the glassy eyed Deer's
ear, as he chewed roughly on Avon's ear lobe. All the time cramming
that thick Horse cock up the gelding's well used tail hole, making
Avon moan softly around the sleek fucker pounding his muzzle.

Ten minutes later the fat Donkey is redressing slowly, a big satisfied
grin spread over that homely muzzle. "Haha... worth the price..." The
fat gray Donkey chortled, glancing over at the prissy young Deer boy
who lay panting in exhaustion. "In fact I think it was worth a bit
more..." He snorted, counting out double the price he normally paid
for Avon's well broken in tail hole and muzzle. "Once you cut him I
hope he's put to work here... I know I'd be in... to enjoy him every

"Hahah... I'll keep that in mind." Zorrul snickered, realizing that
he'd just made money on bringing the fawn's down to visit their sire.
Since he'd only had to pay the whore master for himself, since the
fawns were just visiting their Da. "Alright boys get cleaned up, it's
time for us to head home. So kiss your Da goodbye for now... but if
your good to me maybe I'll bring you back down sometime." The young
Stallion wrapped one arm around Leon's waist, leaning in to whisper in
his ear. "Why don't you leave those messy panties for your sire, and
we'll stop by a ladies shop on the way home. I'll buy you some new
frilly things... and you can dress up in them when you work for me."

"All... alright." The young fawn whispered meekly, a rosy blush on his
small Deer nose as he kissed the Horse's cheek. "Thank you Daddy."


The Smith visited the castle nightly over the next few days, and
always the King had someone with him. Either the big Wolf or one of
his young equine Knights, and with each visit the Goat was happy to
see the Monarch having more and more trouble getting erect. Finally on
the last night of the Queen's heat cycle, the Blacksmith arrived to
find Val sucking on the King semi hard hose. As he watching the
gelding Knight slobbered away on the long fucker, at last managing to
milk out a loud into the Smith's bowl. Grinning the Goat poured it
into his bellows, and then promised he'd be back shortly. To see to
giving the King what he needed, he'd been pounding the royal tail hole
soundly every visit. Something the more and more impotent Horse had
grown to look forwards to, as it was proving by far the most
pleasurable thing about all of this. "Oh please... yes do hurry
back..." The young gay King moaned, as he lay there on that huge bed
looking very spent. The Goat paused smiling first at the King, and
then at Val as the young Knight wiped the saliva off his chin.

"You know... I'm pretty sure these breeding's have taken." The Smith
grunted, something the Queen had told him on the third night before
he'd mounted her. A mare always knew she had said, because that fire
burning within her loins dulled down. "If you'd like... I think I
could just rut you good, before I took this load down to spurt into
the fire... of the Queens heat." The Goat smirked, as the King looked
up at the naked Goat with his long stiff fucker jutting out proudly.

"Ammm Ammm well if you think it can wait... Mount me first you horny
stud." The eager Monarch moaned, rolling over onto all fours in the
bed as Val moved aside.

"Heheh... I think I can safely say, your seed with do just as well
after I finish with you... as it would before." The Smith sneered,
thinking of that cum popping and sizzling in the flames of the Queens
fire place. If he played this just right... he'd be able to show the
Queen what she wanted to see... Her husband's naked balls laying dead
in his hand, as he came to pleasure her like he'd done every night
that week.

Carefully the Blacksmith set the bellows on a dresser next to the
secret door, then strode confidently towards the limp and panting
monarch, peeling off his clothes with every step. His shaggy chest,
soot-darkened fur, and working man's physique revealed as his shirt
and modest apron fell away. He stood before the King, his shaft
growing already as he thought forward to his plans for the evening,
and his sweaty, musky sac swaying pendulously between his knees. "Roll
over." He commanded gruffly, drawing a nasty look from his sovereign
at his impertinent tone. "Show me your ass... so I can rut you like a

"I'm no gelding... I'm your King." The sissy Stallion retorted licking
his lips, and yet as he looked the Goat over lustfully the Horse
rolled over just as he had been told to do. "Don't talk down to me
like you did last time." The young monarch warned weakly, plainly he
was smart enough to know the Smith had been playing him toward
submissive gelding hood. However as the Goats body join him on the
bed, the royal tail hole winked open and closed at the Goat eagerly.
Looking over at Val the young King grunted feeling reassured, that his
loyal Knight was there to protect him this time. "Of course your hard
cock can be as rude and commanding to my tail hole as it wants."

The gruff Goat grinned at that, knowing his cock was about to treat
the Horse like no King should ever be treated. "Oh, of course your
majesty. My hard dick is yours to command." The Smith snorted in mock
compliance, as he grasped the young Stallion by the tail, giving the
royal ass a firm smack, and then angled his hard pole down at that
winking pucker. He pushed in slowly, but firmly, taking his time and
letting the King feel every inch of his erection as he slid through
his soft sphincter. "Always a pleasure to serve you." The Goat snorted
as he worked his meat in slowly, and then gave that ass a final buck,
thrusting in to the hilt. "My lord does seem to enjoy a good mounting.
I'm honored that my manhood is your choice of fuck." He firmly grasped
the young King's hips, and started thrusting hard, drilling that tight
royal ass...

"Ohoo yes... you serve sooooooo well smith." The handsome young royal
Stallion moaned, as that big throbbing fucker is worked up his butt.
"Ummm fuck YES!" The King exclaimed loudly, as the Smith gives a buck
and smacks those huge balls against the bigger Horse's much smaller
balls. "And you always deliver a solid mounting..." The sovereign is
forced to admit, already beginning to slip into a more passive state
of mind. "You... you really are more of a male than many of my much
larger lovers... Ahaha ahaha yes that's it ride my ass... Fuck me good
and hard." The rutting Goat snorted derisively, grinning as he started
vigorously slamming that willing equine ass. "Huff, well if they don't
measure up, maybe you should have them castrated too." The bucking
Smith suggested, just to give the King more lewd things to think
about. "I'd gladly do it, you know... I'd tell them, as I sliced off
their balls, that his majesty only takes the best studs as lovers...
Ha." He laughed gruffly and thrust, and then worked his hard pole
around in the sovereign's rump, grinding his shaft against the young
liege's prostate.

A long shuddering sigh escaped the slender equines big body, plainly
the images planting within the Kings mind by the Smith's words were
really turning him on. "Hahah your just trying to get more of my
gold..." The young monarch accused, and yet as he spoke his limp cock
slithered out of its sheath struggling to get stiff.

"Or maybe they just need a lesson in how to properly fuck... Maybe
they're holding back because you're the their King, and not some
gelding whore..."

"Perhaps you could teach them how to fuck..." Dev moaned out
breathily, his hot tail hole gripping and squeezing that thick fucker
eagerly as the Smith slammed into him. "Wha.... holding back because
I'm their King... but I... I order them to use me hard... Ohooo well
gelding certainly seems to have done sweet Val here a world of good.
He's always squealing and going crazy as anyone mounts him... He
claims it feels so much better to be fuck now... that he's... a... a

The Smith licked his lips... there was the leverage he need just as he
had planned it back when he'd cut the young Knight. Eagerly he slammed
that hot backside, making his heavy stones swat Dev's smaller Horse
balls. "Mmmm, he does say that, doesn't he... Hmm. You know he came to
me on his own... you didn't order his balls removed. He gave up his
nuts voluntarily, so he could feel my fuck in the best possible way."
The Goat explained with a smirk, as he drilled his hard dick in and
out of the royal rump.

"Yes.... yes he does.... no I didn't have him... he... he just went to
you all on his own..." The young King confirmed sounding confused by
that, not realizing the Smith had been teasing and arousing the young
Knight for weeks before hand. "In.... in the best possible way?" Dev
moaned... his body pushing back into those hard rut thrusts, while
those huge Goat nuts beat against his own.

"I wouldn't know of course, haha. But I bet if you've got bigger males
than me, who aren't fucking you as hard, they're afraid of hurting
their liege, even if you order them to nail you to the wall. They're
just not gonna go full throttle on a Stallion who could have them
castrated if he changes his mind..." "Ummm... Well... Ummm maybe...
they might fear being punished for using the King to hard..." The
young monarch's eyes had turned glassy, as his drug impaired erection
was jutting out almost hard. "But... but how could I convince them to
rut with all their might... like I was some slutty mare or a... a..."
The young monarch shook his head as if trying to get a pesky fly off,
even as his quivering tail hole was going wild on that hard fucking
cock. "Do you think if I was a... a..."

"Oh, I'm sure a big, rutting buck like me...wouldn't know how geldings
feel," The Smith said with a lewd smirk, shifting and angling his
powerful pumping to prod the King's prostate directly. "But I know
that I don't hold back, I'm not worried about you having my balls
cut... I'm not gonna geld myself." He said with a chuckle as he works
that royal rump harder and faster making the Stallion moan louder.
"Mmm but I bet they have no hesitation about fucking the teeth out of
geldings like Val here. Hey Val, tell us, do the King's other lovers
fuck super hard when you tell them you had your own balls cut off, so
that you could enjoy getting fucked more?"

Val blushed grinned weakly, at the Smith's question even as the King
looked over at him closely. "Errr... well honestly they do seem to use
me harder now... I've had males who rutted me over and over in the
past go at it much more excitedly, once they discover I'm a gelding
now." The young Knight confessed, marveling at how good the Blacksmith
was playing this game. He had never expected the Goat to get even this
far with the King, of course the monarch had been having some trouble
topping lately... no doubt because he'd been fucking every male he
could daily.

"Would.... would you do it again?" The King asked him, making the
young equine Knight pause for a second to consider if he really wanted
to be honest with his King.

"Yes... yes I would." He grunted making the young monarch begin to
chuckle... and then laugh louder at him.

"You really are just as you should be." The King snickered at what he
considered a foolish Stallion, no... just a gelding he corrected
himself. Plainly the Goat was going to have to get a bit rougher and
more teasing, it should be safe as the King was very submissive by
this time.

The Blacksmith chuckled darkly, and made sure to give his liege some
hard, powerful thrusts, enough to make his sweaty Goat balls smack the
Horse's velvety sac. "Hurr, I wonder how those big males you like to
get fucked by would react if you told them that you had your balls cut
off." The Smith mused as he worked his shaggy hips back and forth,
buggering the subby monarch.

"Errr... wha... but I would never... I'm sure they would laugh...
gotta be a joke." King Devlin stammered as his clenching tail hole
rode that hard driving cock, his Horse balls quivering in need as
those thrusts push him closer to orgasm.

"Imagine how hard their dicks would get, if they reached down to
fondle your balls and found a scar..." Picturing it himself, his own
hard dick surging and jumping inside Dev's rump, and he knows the
young monarch can feel it. Smirking, he leans forward over that sweaty
back and whispers in the sovereign's pointed equine ear. "Sometimes, I
imagine I've already done it..."

"Hard.... hard cocks yes... Ammm gods..." The needy glassed eyed
Stallion repeated, making the watching Val choked as he realizing the
Smith was getting the King very close to giving in. "Your majesty..."
He started to interrupt, but was quickly silenced by a look from the
horny Goat and so just lay back watching wide eyed.

"OHO... Oho gods you just... your cock it felt so... big and
powerful." The passive King moaned softly, even as the Goat lays over
his back whispering into his ear huskily. "Wha... Wha... really...
Tell me..." King Devlin moaned as the Smith's strong hand gripped his
firm equine balls, squeezing them savagely before milking them down to
the bottom of that velvety sack.

The lusty Goat grunted and snorted, he was on the edge himself, but he
wanted this to happen very badly. He wanted what was in his hands,
those royal balls to take to the Queen as he'd promised. "Say it!" The
Smith huffed, his own shaft throbbing, even while his fat balls
pulling up within their sack. Damn he was cutting it close, they were
both on the razors edge or orgasm.

"Uhuu Uhuu nnna..." The young Stallion moaned his semi hard cock
drooling heavily onto the bed sheets, as that royal ass was jolted
over and over with hard rut thrusts. Reaching over he grabbed Val, and
for a minute the Smith thought he was going to have the gelding stop
the action. But instead the King pulled the gelded Knights mouth over
to his needy cock, feeding that semi hard hose between Val's lip's.

"Say what all those horny male want to hear. Say the words, that'll
make their cocks jump; give the order that'll make you their slut,
their ride, their fuck hole. You know what it is!" He panted,
squeezing those young royal nuts to the bottom of their sac, squeezing
hard, making them ache. "Give yourself to the power of other males,
just like Val has... SAY IT!"

"Please Smith... gods please..." King Devlin moaned his tail hole
going crazy on that rock hard fucker, even as the Blacksmith abused
those royal jewels all the harder. "Please... make a Gelding out of
me." The mighty monarch of the largest kingdom within a thousand miles
begged needfully, even as a common Goat use him hard.

The smith snorted as the monarch said it at last, bucking in lustful
triumph, and bit his lip hard to stop from shooting his bucket load
right there. "Yeah... oh yeah I'll geld you my King! VAL... I need
that." He grunted, gesturing to the Knight's sheathed blade that was
laying on the bedside table within easy reach. Blushing, the young
gelding Knight drew his short sword, and handed it over to the Goat
hilt-first watching that shiny metal disappear under their King's
hips. Val was panting heavily through his long slotted nostrils, his
mouth suckling hard on his Kings throbbing cock. As he pasted his
short sword over to the Blacksmith, his eye's looking up as big as
dinner plates. "No common knife for the royal balls." The Smith
snorted as he started fucking Dev's upturned rump again brutally hard
now wanting to get off. "Now, you go from King to gelding whore for
your horny males." The Goat let out a deep guttural bellow, not
holding back any more, his big balls jumping as he started to pump his
hot porridge into the young Sovereign's rump. Quickly he jerked the
sword savagely back, castrating Dev in a single long stroke of the
sword meant to protect him. The bloody blade clattered to the ground
as the Smith squeezed those severed balls in his rough scarred hand.

"Oh gods." The King moaned, as the Goat bellowed... drawing that
polished blade back between the King's wide spread thigh's. Suddenly
the monarch's last ever load was flooding the young Knights mouth, the
King moaning out loudly in pleasure. Only for his gusty moan to turn
into a gagging grunt of shock and pain, as the royal jewels were taken
by a commoner. "Oho Gods... HE DID IT... He did it... I'm a Gelding."
The young King squealed loudly, his body sagging down onto the bed as
the Smith towered over him holding those pale orb's in his scorched

The bucking Blacksmith shuddered, feeling the King's pained squeezes
on his dick as his body jerked and convulsed, just like every gelding
did when their balls were cut off. He never got tired of feeling those
spasms on his hard dick after taking a Horse's balls... He opened his
eyes, looked down at his bloody hand and smirked broadly... the second
set of royal balls he'd taken. Quite the impressive start for a
collection, of course with only the two Kings it didn't appear to lead
anywhere. He sighed and grunted, biting his lip as he let his big
balls empty into that squeezing ex-stallion rump... He at least owed
the King an earnest rutting, of course he did love doing it as well.
"Heh." Afterwards he slid out and relaxed, being careful to clean off
his dick for its next duties soon to come. "Val, give your King here a
field dressing." He instructed at last, panting heavily as he lay out
the things the Knight would need. "And then call his favorite males,
and tell them the good news." He smirked at his own words standing up,
picking up the bellows from where he'd lay it aside.

"Ammm yes sir." Val grunted swallowing his mouthful of royal seed, the
new gelding was quickly at work using a healing balm from the Smith's
bag. Before hurrying off to summons the studs who would use him and
the King's gelding bodies for their pleasure.

"I must go see to the Queen... as this is the last ever royal load, I
may be a bit longer than usual." Glancing up from his place on the
bed, the King looked at the grinning Goats muzzle. "You really did
it... you got me to ask you to geld me..." The Smith's grin broadened
as he nodded, and then ducked through that secret door letting the new
gelding to ponder his own submission. Swiftly the Goat made his way
down to the Queen chamber, popping open the secret door and stepping
into the room. The sexy white mare was just stripping out of her
clothing, as the smiling Smith stepped into the room. The look on his
muzzle making her arch one sexy eyebrow, it was plain from the look of
triumph that the Goat had news of some type. "Well... someone looks
like the cat who swallowed the canary. What are you so happy about
lover boy?"

The naked Goat strode confidently into the room, still reeking of sex,
sweat, and cum... but also other, coppery body fluids as well. "You
might want to keep this load." The Smith said as he set the bellows on
the mantle above the fireplace, his grin growing even wider. "Put it
into a stoppered bottle, perhaps because after this, there won't be
any more." He assured with a sneer, holding up Dev's still-bloodied
equine balls in his other hand.

The beautiful silvery white mare's jaw dropped, as the Blacksmith held
out his rough hand displaying those two bloody lumps. "Wha... are
those his... but they look so small." She marveled walking over to
study those royal jewels with a kind of odd smirk, plainly she had not
really believed the Smith could get them.

"Call it lust or call it madness, your husband ordered me to geld
him," the goat explained, his eyes sliding down over the nude mare's
plush curves. Somehow, knowing he had already gotten her pregnant just
made her even more hot, though you couldn't tell by looking.

"Damn you really are a Alpha male aren't you honey." She gushed
licking her lips, as he went on explaining that the King had ordered
it done. "Heheh... oh I'm sure you had more to do with it than he
did..." Smirking she reached up grabbing the bellows and worked the
handles, spurting the last of that royal seed into the roaring fire.
"That's the end of his royal line... Hahah...

"I want to celebrate." The Blacksmith grunted lustfully, his thick
fucker already starting to stiffen back up.

"I want to celebrate as well..." The pretty mare strolled over to a
side door, opening it she thrust her head into the next room. "Millie
go down and fetch me a bottle of Champagne." She ordered her
personally maid, before closing the door and strolling back over to
the Goat. "What say you make your Queen scream in bliss stud."

"Ammm, as you wish, my lady." He replied with a lusty smile, and
stepped forward to slide an arm around her beautiful waist. His other
hand held up Dev's balls, teasing them against her bare breasts... and
then he tossed the velvet pouch onto her bed and grabbed her generous
chest with his grimy hands, squeezing the royal tits firmly. He lunged
forward and kissed her passionately, inhaling her tongue and breath,
grabbing her by the hips and pulling himself against her beautiful
body. His fat caprine cock already hard and pressing up against her
groin as the two of them embraced.

"Hu hu hu." The sexy mare laughed huskily, as that lusty kiss broke
and the Smith pressed his body against herself. "So tell me how you
managed it... how did you trick him into ordered you to geld him." She
panted pulling her smaller lover over to the bed, sitting down on it
and spreading her legs wide. As the Smith pushed between them, his
jutting fucker rubbing against that silky soft pussy. As those strong
hands still stained with blood from having cut her husband's balls
off, gripped and fondled her pert equine tits. "I thought you said he
had started keeping a Knight with him, to guard against you." The Goat
licked his lips and sucked in air as the Queen pulled him down on top
of her, a place he was very glad to be. "Mmm, he did... but he chose
his guard poorly. I seduced his Knight, he even let me cut off his
balls; and all week he's been telling the King how much better it
feels to take it up the ass since he was gelded. So your husband just
needed a little extra push to hand over his nuts." The horny Goat
omitted the detail of having dosed the King's food with herbs to make
him impotent. Better to make the new gelding appear entirely a fool in
the eyes of the new ruler of the kingdom. He ground his dick against
the bigger mare, stroking his wet cock along her beautiful white fur,
the very act dirtying the resplendent Queen. Wasting no more time, he
steered his shaft down, pressing it between her folds, then pushing
forwards, sliding his stiff shaft into the royal pussy, groaning in
lust as he thrust into that hot royal mare, his heavy balls thumping
loudly against the bed...

The smirking Goat could feel her sex dribbling hot juices on his cock
head, as she reached over lifting up the Kings jewel pouch. Surprised
to find it still warm in her hands, she squeezed it and watching in
shock as a pale bloodless orb popped out. "Oops..." The Queen giggled
soft as the naked orb fell out onto the bed beside of them, even as
the Smith explained about Val. "Hahah and you push stronger than
anyone I know." She chuckled merrily, as she felt that hard throbbing
fucker against her plainly leaking sex as the Goat lay on top of her.
"Ohoooo yes... that's what I need." The sexy white mare whinnied, as
his thick throbber was pushed almost brutally hard into her hot sex.
"Ummmm I know if I were a male I'd give up these silly things to have
you put your cock inside of me." She exclaimed, squeezing that pouch
against making the second orb squirt out of it and fall onto her chest
between her breasts. "You know of course this makes you the only real
owner of my naughty bits."

The lusty Blacksmith grunted and thrust hard, his firm push making the
Queen's breasts shake. Seems such talk really turned him on, and he
began to slam into her eagerly. "Hrr, I'm proud to be the buck that
pleasures my Queen. And if you want me to remain the sole owner of
your sex, I'll be glad." He grunted, increasing his vigor again,
shoving her hips hard enough to make those bloody Horse balls wobble
on her chest. "To cut the balls of any male who oversteps his place,
or disappoints you in bed." He groaned in lust, grinding his teeth as
he fucked that beautiful royal pussy, the gruff, sweaty, soot-greyed
Goat loving every inch of friction in that sleek wet cunt.

"Who knows what the future holds..." The pretty Queen teased softly,
as she begins to buck her hip's up to meet those hard lust driven
thrusts. The sexy white mare very obviously enjoying his efforts, the
look on her pretty muzzle one was wild excitement mixed with almost
feral pleasure. "One thing is for sure my husband certainly has no
farther claim on me. Hahaha... well then perhaps I'll let some more
males try me just to see how they measure up to you." Her tight pussy
gripping and squeezing that pulsing fucker, as the Smith's fat balls
slapped against her rump.

The Smith grunted, his efforts still rising; after all having just
busted a nut in the King, he needed a bit longer to give the Queen her
due... not that she seemed to be minding the extra time taken. "Ahah,
yes... my Queen... deserves the best fucking in the land." The Goat
grunted, his fat balls so heavy, just from being near this beautiful,
sexy and exclusive female. "Mmm, and now you can have me or any other
lover at your own whim... not your husband's... the kingdom's male are
yours to enjoy." He panted heavily, watching her husband's naked balls
roll freely over her plump tits. He reached out to grab them, kneading
the hot mare's breasts as he fucked her willing pussy...

"Hu hu hu..." The sexy mare laughed lustfully, this thought had not
accrued to her before... but the Smith was right. "Then you had better
be in my bedroom every night... and none of this sneaking in through a
secret passage." The sleek sexy mare panted her breath coming in deep
gulps by now, that sleek silky fur covered in frothy equine sweat. As
the first tremors of orgasm began to trickle her sex, that soft lush
body shivering as a wave washed over her. Making that already leaking
sex gush around the Goats hard fucker, ramming in and out of that
trembling sex. "Ummmm gods you horny stud." Her back arching thrusting
her pert tits up into his hands, as the Goat squeezed those hard
nipples between his rough finger and thumb. "You're the only male I
want right now... and I want you to pound me so hard I'm smiling for a
week and walking funny for even longer."

The rutting Billy grunted, snorting like a locomotive as he pounded
that hot mare's silky pussy, thrusting like piston in an overheating
engine. "Ahah, as you wish... your majesty." He groaned, fucking that
plush mare's smooth pussy hard, thrilled that his common loins were
savoring the sleek wetness of the Queen herself. And now people would
know he was her lover... fucking the Queen which would surely make him
more popular. She was even more beautiful naked than she looked
covered in silks and jewels, and her perfect body gave the sweaty buck
a savage lust, one he could hold back no longer. He ground his teeth
together and grunted, his had pole pulsing as he pumped a thick load
into her hungry sex

"Weeheheheee." The Queen screamed out, as a second more powerful wave
of orgasms thundered through her body, before filling her mind... even
as the Smith was filling her pussy. His hot cum making that soft sex
even hotter, as her big strong body pulsated under him... the two of
them lost in pleasure for a long moment. Soon the lusty Goat collapsed
on top of her, the air thick with the musk of both their bodies.
"Ummmm yeah... and now you don't have to leave... Tonight I want you
to put my body to use in every way you can think of... use my tail
hole... cum in my muzzle... rut between my breasts. Tonight you take
full ownership of your drunken barmaid... even if she should try to
resist your more perverse desires..." Just then the maid brought the
chilled bottle of bubbly into the room, setting it down on the nearby
table before fleeing the room. Making both the Smith and Queen roar
with laughter, the Blacksmith reaching over to grab the bottle.
Popping the cork and poured them each a glass of Champagne, watching
in surprise as the Queen picked up one of the Kings severed balls
dropping it into her glass. The Goat smirked and reaching down grabbed
the other one, putting it into his own glass.

"To the King... my good little gelding."


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Notice that Chapter 1 & 3 - 4 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.