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Sultan's Stables

((A young very handsome arabian stallion is summons to the palace of the
sultan... for breeding purposes not knowing hes the one whos going to get bred
and not to do the breeding))

Abdula looked the young cream colored stallion over as he washed the sand from
his coat. 'This one is the handsomest yet.' The big eunuch Lion palace guard
thought, as he dried the young equine's perfectly muscled body. `Not as big and
strong as some perhaps, nor as well endowed in the male hood department as
others.' Abdula fondled the young stud's male hood leeringly. Then wrapped him
in filmy silken robes that did little to hide the body within. Achmed looked on
this almost embarrassing outfit wonderingly. "Is this really necessary?" The
young stallion asked the big feline eunuch as he was hurried down the cool
palace hallways.

"Oh but of course esteemed one!" Abdula growled. "The sultan wishes to see you
himself, and it would be an offense to go before him unwashed and ill clad!"

"Well yes I suppose..." Achmed agreed still somewhat unset, he was not use to
having others wash him. And especially handle his private locations the way
Abdula had. Even eunuchs, and the way they had treated him just seemed
inappropriate. Washing then combing his long tail and mane out, brushing his
sleek coat. Then rubbing sweet scented oils over it, now this garb seem more
appropriate for a harem mare than himself! Suddenly he was standing before
twenty foot high double door. Abdula motion and they were swung open, and the
handsome young stud found himself. Bowing before the old sultan on his high
throne. Beside him but on a lower level stood the strongest cruelest looking
stallion Achmed had ever seen. 'By the gods I'm here to compete with him!' The
young Achmed though in shock.

"Ahhhhhh so this is the youth I've heard so much about." The sultan purred. "You
are most pleasing to the eye indeed young one." "You will no doubt breed great
foals in to my stables." Unsure what to say, and not wishing to correct the
might monarch. Achmed just nodded, noticing a strange leering smile on the older
stallion's muzzle. "But the hour is late." The sultan announced. "Abdula will
show you to your chamber, and see that you are ready for your servicing." The
sultan explained waving his heavily ring clad paw, quickly Abdula led the young
stallion away. The room's he was taken to were large, but rather feminine and
ostentatious... Confusing the young stallion once again... until he heard
giggling from within the adjoining room. Trotting over to the archway he peered
through into the next room. His eye's widening as he spotted a large group of
very beautiful mare's. He looked into the next room, his stallion hood already
stirring to the occasion. He grinned, licking his lips, imagining himself with
all the different mare's. "Oh yes, it's going to be nice..." With a proud
whinny he trotted down the steps into the room.

"Ohooooooooo." All the mare's squealed and clustered around him. Admiring his
sleek slender young male body, giggling and babbling as females will. Giving him
shy knowing glances, and mysteries smiles. A few hanging back starring at him
with strange almost pitying looks.

He grinned, relishing the attention, his heart pounding at the thought of
servicing all these mare's. "No need to go crazy, girls. There's plenty of
this stud to go around..." He caught the gaze of the mare's staying in back,
mistaking the pity in their eyes for hesitation. "Don't be shy, I know a pretty
little filly like you is gonna be begging to be ridden nice and hard later
tonight..." He flares his nose for effect. "I can smell that heat between your

"You'd better get use to that smell... your going to be smelling it a lot!" One
of the mare's in that group snapped, turning to waddle away. Obviously very
pregnant, Achmed was taken aback by this caustic comment. But the young mare's
around him just smiled, and said not to pay attention to her. "She's not happy
with having learned her place here!" The handsome young stallion soon found
himself undressed with the mare's examining his stud hood. He grinned, letting
the upset mare slip from his mind, leaning back and letting the mare's tend to

"Of course I'll be smelling it a lot... After all, I'm going to be staying with
my new herd for a long time, I think..." His hands reach up to stroke the
breasts of two of the mare's surrounding him.

"Oh yes you'll never want to leave!" The mare's giggled , let him fondle, doing
they're best to get him excited as quickly as possible. Watching in delight as
the young stud's big organ began to emerge. Dancing around the chair, their soft
supple bodies enticing the young stud to greater arousal. He moans as his organ
is rubbed making it jerk up and down wildly pre-cum flying. One straddles his
lap, forcing his head down between her breasts.

"Oh-hoo! You mare's sure know how to treat a stallion!" He grins, letting his
shaft throb against the mare's chest, precum drooling from the flared head as he
fondles her breasts. "Don't you love this thick, huge cock, my little filly?
Mmm, it certainly likes you..." He pants softly, tail flicking, balls aching to
unleash his load, knowing he must restrain himself before tonight, so the Sultan
can watch him service the harem personally.

"Less talking more action." One of the mare's grunts as she strokes his sleek
body. "We're not fillies... we've all been bred!" Another points our as she
cuddles close. "But yes we like your pretty little diddle stick!" One large mare
snorted as if she was less than impressed with his male hood.

He snorts at the comments. "Little? Little? You've got to be kidding... I've
never even HEARD of another stallion as well-hung as me!" He chuckles, licking
his lips.

"Hassen of Oragga on the gulf coast!" The large mare named. "He was longer and
twice as thick!" She said oddly proudly as the other mare's nodded.

"If you had such a large stallion, where is he now?" The big mare stopped
sputtering as if this question stumped her even though it was obvious she wanted
to answer it. Strangely the other mare's roared with laughter at this. "Why else
would I have been picked by the Sultan himself to service you mare's?"

"Fool the Sultan did not select you!" The now obviously upset and frustrated
mare snorted. "Mouldun the Sultan's Vizer of stables picked you!" Achmed looked
confused at this, so the big mare went on. "Oh you've met him, the stallion
standing beside the Sultan's throne!"

"I was still chosen! I'm still the biggest, strongest, most handsome stallion
you're going to get!"

"Hahahaha!" The big mare laughed. "Maybe you've not seen Mouldun!" She teased,
wanting to say more. But the others quickly hushed her and pushed her away.

"I'll mount each and every one of you so hard you'll be begging for more, you'll
be begging to be able to throw yourselves at my hooves, begging to serve me in
any way you can!" The stallion sputtered in anger, his whole body trembling.

"Yesyes of course we will!" The other mare's agreed as they tried to keep Achmed
calm and aroused. When a loud gong was heard instantly the mare's leaped up and
hurried out of the room. As iron bars dropped over the archway they had left by.

"Heheh." A rough gravelly voice chuckled, turning the young stud found Abdula
the enunch had returned. "Those mare's" He snickered. "They know their not
supposed to tease you so!" He said sympathetically as he looked the aroused
stallion over. "Here drink this, while I try and cover you."

"Huhwhy?" Achmed asked confused.

"You are about to receive a most important visitor!" The eunuch grunted, as he
did his best to get the stallion's aroused organ back into his clothes. However
the eunuch's soft furry paw's only stimulated the big organ all the more.

"I am" "Who?" Achmed asked surprised that someone would be visiting so late.

"The Sultan's Vizier of stables wishes to Ahem enter Errr interview you!" The
big neutered Lion explained, as he at last gave up on getting the stallion's
organ back in to his clothing. At that moment the big doors swung open, and the
Vizier strolled in. Curtly he dismissed Abdula with a wave of one big three
fingered hand. The head held high, long powerful equine neck arched; tail
slightly raised. He circled around the young handsome stallion he'd came to
conquer. Achmed stood pawing the marble floor with one hoof, uneasily as the
Vizier of the stables circled him. Mouldun was if anything even more
impressively masculine and dominant up close. The coal black stallion wore
baggy white pantaloons. With a red silken sash at his waist, his broad powerful
chest bare. Covered only by the golden jewelry around Mouldun's powerful equine
neck. The gold laying in contrast atop the Vizier's sleek black fur. The big
stallion stopped and glanced down at Achmed's long pink organ. Which was still
bulging obscenely from his frilly silken clothing. One big three fingered hand
reached out grasping the pulsing semi hard shaft. Making it leap up in
excitement, big blunt head beginning to drool silvery pre. Achmed started to
back away, very uncomfortable with having another potent male touching him in so
intimate a manner. But the Vizier froze him in place with a commanding glance
and a curt gesture. As his big black three fingered hand stroked up and down
the young stud's pink length. A large blood red ruby flashing and dancing on
one of his finger's. Muttering in some beautifully horrible language, Mouldun's
lip's pull back in a knowing sneer. Achmed starred at the ring captivated as the
stone glittered first this way then that. The young stud's eye's began to glaze
over, mesmerized by the sparkling gem. And the big hot hand that was proving
him with so much pleasure. Achmed's glazed only half focused eye's starred
bemused at the big fondling hand. It taking sometime before he noticed that the
big hand's journey was getting shorter and shorter! As he watched the organ in
Mouldun's fist shrank, the ruby jewel glowing brighter as it did so. "Wha
Wha!?!" The young stallion stammered in bafflement.

"Hush my sweet!" Mouldun sneered, placing one finger over Achmed's lip's. As
his be ringed main hand swiftly caressed more and more inches off the young
stallion's male hood. As Achmed watched in astonishment and growing horror.
His once mighty stallion hood is swiftly consumed by the wicked Viziers magic.
Soon the blunt head is barely thrusting out of the big black stallion's fist.
Opening his hand, Mouldun use's his ring finger to rub and stroke the tiny stub.
It is then that Achmed notices that his once low dangling ball sac has pulled up
and shrunken as well! The young former stallion's jaw drops open, as he watches
his sac split. Drawing up into a perfect pink tear drop shape, that the former
stud recognizes at once! "A mare's sex!" Achmed mumbles stunned as Mouldun's
big finger massages the tiny nub of her new vulva! Achmed watches in horror as
her vulva wink's in and out like a mare in season's always does! Starring down
the young former stallion was bewildered to see. That from the waist down, he
was now a she! Long equine leg's slender and feminine, up to her tight little
sex! It's then Achmed becomes aware of the Viziers strong masculine scent. A
strong burning desire, making her new little sex quiver. The scent of mare in
heat her new scent drifts up to the former stud's slotted nostrils. The feeling
of hot fluids oozing and dribbles from that sex, crawling down sleek inner
thigh's. Stepping back Mouldun unties his sash, letting it and his baggy
pantaloons drop. Achmed gasps as the largest stallion hood she'd ever seen even
could have imagined sprang out!

"Time for your mounting my little filly!" The big black stallion purrs
wickedly, his voice full of pent up desire. Achmed's eye's widen in terror as
she beheld Mouldun's massive stud hood.

"N NN No!" She exclaimed backing away even as the Vizier trotted towards her.
Sudden something hard strikes the backs if her thigh's. And she finds herself
sitting on a cold table top. Leg's wide spread, as if inviting! And the
lustful Vizier was there instantly, sliding between her knee's. Big blunt cock
head impaling her dripping sex, stretching that virgin orifice open horribly!
Grinning viciously the big black stallion forced himself into her to the hilt!
Enjoying the look of horror and disgust on the young former stallion's muzzle.
Almost as much as the hot quivering sex on his enormous cock! "Please I'm not a

"HAHAH!" Mouldun laughed excitedly. "Oh really?" "I don't see a cock so you're
not a stallion but you do have this nice hot hole between your leg's!" The big
black stallion snorted. "Your hot little filly hole begs to differ!" The
Vizier taunted, rolling his hip's to thrust in and out roughly! Achmed's head
snapped back as her body trembled with pleasure from the huge stud hood within
her. Reaching up the Vizier ripped her silken blouse open, strong finger's
finding small pink make nipples. This drawing another shape lustful intake of
breath from the new mare. Achmed watched in growing dismay, as her chest began
to grow and mound up.

"Oh No plea!" She mumbles looking down shocked at her growing teats. The Vizier
snickered as Achmed's new thick nipples harden, and begin to drip a white fluid.
Grinning he pinched them both, rubbing and caressing them as they grow.

"Very nice teats little slut." Mouldun taunted, making them grow some more,
unpleased by their current size. "However I like them big!" The lustful Vizier
explained. Achmed's eye's rolled in her head as she watched her complete
transformation to female! Achmed shivered in terror and lust as she struggled
to understand what was happening. Even as the fire within her loin's grew
steadily, her need growing stronger over riding her reason. As the strange
desires flooding her mind making it hard for her to think. Leaning down he lick
her thick hard nipples, as he continued to stretch her tight tiny sex to new
limits. The former stallion wondered how many other males had ended up in this
kind of position in the evil Vizier's clutches! "Nnn Noo!" She shouted in
denial, though her action's clearly showed differently. Suddenly she grunted
and moaned, hot moisture running down the Vizier's massive organ; as she
experienced her first female orgasm. Her hot sex tightened as spasms of
orgasmic pleasure ran through her, the feeling only urging the black stallion
on. He however was not done yet, increasing his brutal thrust's; he squeezed
her soft breast's unmercifully. Teasingly the wicked Vizier licked her neck and
shoulder, enjoying the taste of fear and pain in her sweat. Faster and faster he
slammed in and out of her sensitive flesh, his might organ savaging it. His
panting breath quickened more and more, the mare's tightness was almost too much
to bear; Mouldun felt his ejaculation coming swiftly close. His cruel thrust's
becoming even harder and faster with his growing lust. With a deep moan his
plunging hip's slammed to a split second halted, then thrust deep into her; to
her very limits! Then the big black stallion came hard, his powerful body
crushing hers; as he held himself as deep as he could within her. She felt his
huge hard organ plunge in intense climax, but had no orgasm of her own to
relieve the horror! She let out a short scream of horror and disgust, as she
felt his foul seed filled her! With one final thrust the Vizier was spent, and
yanked his organ from within her.

"Ahhhh what a splendid breeding!" Mouldun panted with lewd delight. "But not
to worry it is only the first of many this night!" He promised with a lustful
grin. "By dawn you will bare my offspring just as all these former stallion's,
now little mare's have!"

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