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A Shameful Secret
Chapter 34

A old friend of Carson's a famous wrestler makes a bet with the

Wrestling a Legend...

Hogarth stepped into the steam room, spotting his old friend sitting
on the wooden benches that lined the stone walls. The stocky roan red
Stallion waved cheerfully at his old friend, Carson smirked as he
greeted the other retired athlete. "Hoggie... it's been a long time...
how's the life of a country gentleman treating you?" Carson called
sitting there in the steam room with a white towel draped over his
crotch, as Hogarth stomped over flopping down beside his old friend.
His own white towel jutting up, as he leaned back against the higher
bench behind him.

"Well... it's not as much fun as wrestling." Hoggie snorted with a
faintly sad smile, it was plain that he missed the challenge and fun
of overpowering another male. "That was a hell of a lot of fun...
contesting with other stallions... beating them... pinning them down.
And when I won... the mares were always so willing if you know what I
mean. Nothing was more fun that beating a stallion... and having his
mare come to me afterwards. Hehe you know what that was like... as I
remember you pounded plenty of tail after races. And you had that
pretty wife... prettiest mare in town... Damn I always envied you for
that. While I was single, still I use to get plenty of hot tail when I
was winning. Now I've kinda got stuck with a dominant old shrew... I
use to dominate my competition now my wife controls everything I do."
Hoggie confessed with a sad snort, knowing that was the way it always
was with equines.

"We like to give them everything they want..." Carson grunted as the
two old friends sat so close their hip's touched and Hoggies long arm
draped over the race Horses shoulder. "But you had better watch out...
because she might end up having a Blacksmith cut your balls off as

"Hahaha... like that would ever happen to a couple of studs like us."
Hogarth laughed out loud, looking over at his old friend with a
gloating smirk. Males like them didn't get gelding... they were to
rich... to famous... too much of a stallion to ever allow that to

"I wouldn't be so sure..." Carson answered slowly, lifting the towel
off his crotch even as Hoggie look at him confused. The star athlete
had seen plenty of naked stallions of course, but was totally shocked
to see his friends limp sheath and the pale scar below it. "No power
on earth can resist a mare like that... when she decides she wants
your balls gone."

"Gods!" The big roan red stallion choked in shock, sitting up as he
stared at his old friends crotch in shock. His hand seemingly with a
mind of its own reached between Carson's sleek thigh's, thick finger
rubbing over that bright red scar in wonder. "Did she... did Lela take
you to the Blacksmith?" Hoggie choked in shock, as the lump under his
own towel bulged noticeably as he fondled that gelding scar. Unlike
the highborn stallion Hoggie had not grown up with a gelding to
practice on, and once he was a famous wrestler he could get plenty of
mares so he had never bothered. Now here he was touching one of the
few males he had ever really respected, while feeling a strange
excitement about the fact that Carson was a gelding now.

"No... I kinda took him to her." Carson confessed with a sheepish look
on his handsome muzzle, even as his old friend looked at him in
confusion. That look on his muzzle almost comically, the race Horse
having to work hard to suppress a chuckle. As he slowly explained the
whole thing to his friend, telling about having to take his son to the
Smith. Seeing the Donkey's huge cock, knowing that both he and his
wife had been fantasying about it for years. How he had invited Dunlup
home with him, how the old Donkey's huge cock and won out in the
breeding competition. Hoggie looked shocked as Carson explained how
his wife had loved that big Jackass fucker so much. How she had
decided that only one stud belonged in her bed and between her legs.
"You win some... and you lose some ya know." Carson explained to his
old friend with a weak smile, at having to admit he had lost his
breeding rights to a better stud.

"Well sure... but your balls... those are some high stakes." The thick
roan red draft Horse snickered, rubbing Carson crotch more firmly as
the race Horse lay against him meekly. Yet he could tell that his
friend was intrigued, Hoggie loved to compete and had hated having to
retire from wrestling. He had been so good at it... always a winner
and that had gotten him the chance to rut a lot of other Stallions
mares. Carson couldn't help noticing his friends thick erection,
tenting that white towel up as they talked. "Fuck Carson... now yer
less than a mare." The stout short legged draft Horse snorted,
watching in amusement as his friend limp cock spilled out of his
sheath. It was shorter than Hoggie remembered, that happened went a
male had been cut. The star athlete knew very well, the soft roundness
of Carson's body that had once been so lean and hard muscled was a
sign as well.

"Yes... yes I know." The famous race Horse moaned in shame, blushing
hard as he admitted it all to his old friend. The hefty roan red
stallion chuckled lewdly, as he gripped that limp rope and playfully
rubbed it. While his own thick stallion cock grew harder still, watery
pre-cum leaving a big dark spot on the towel over his lap.

"Any teenage colt who finds out and wants to do it, can legally make
you bend over for him to mount now." Hoggie pointed out with a nasty
snicker, that made Carson shiver hard as he got the idea it wasn't a
colt he would soon be getting a mounting from. "You know the law...
highborn males like you are always laughing about practicing on
geldings before they were mated." Hoggie teased... leaning in close to
nuzzle at his gelded friends sweaty neck... amazed at how soft
Carson's scent was now. "You know... I always admired you." The
powerfully built draft Horse grunted softly, as Carson's sleek shapely
body trembled softly. "You were a magnificent runner... maybe the only
athlete who was even more famous than me." The stout draft stallion
moaned, remembering how the two of them had pounded their way through
sideline fillies. "You were one of the few males who I thought of as
my equal." The thickly built draft Horse snickered, sliding the towel
off his own lap exposing that massive erection. "I never had much
interest in geldings... before!"

"Errr Hoggie I... Ammm." Carson started to protest, but his words were
cut off as his friends mouth pressed against his own. The kiss was
every bit as powerful and lust driven as a horny stallion could make
it, Carson's gelded body trembled wildly in submission. Letting
Hogarth have his way, feeling the draft Horses tongue push between his
lips. Invading his mouth as Carson just lay back passively, aware of
that big hot hand roughly fondling his crotch and inner thigh's. Even
as Hoggies tongue explored in inside of his mouth, as the two of them
kissed for a few long moments more.

"Damn I'm glad I came to visit now." The roan red stallion grunted
with a derisive snigger, when their kiss at last broke. He was gulping
for breath now, plainly very aroused by what was going on between
them. "Roll over and lift that long sexy tail for me." He demanded
forcefully, watching as Carson meekly turned around to lay muzzle down
on the bench. "You always had the sexiest rump... but fuck if it aint
even sexier now." Hoggie groaned, reaching over to rub his huge three
fingered hands over that sleek ass. As Carson held his tail off to one
side, exposing that tiny pink doughnut as his horny friend paused to
admire that sight. "So this Donkey... that you lost the breeding
competition to." Hoggie grunted as he slid his thick cock between
Carsons sleek ass cheeks, hot-dogging that mighty fucker between those
hot cheeks. Feeling the slick dampness leaking from that hot hole,
plainly Carson had lubed it up before Hoggie had gotten there. "Is he
as big as me?"

"Yes... maybe even a little bigger." Carson moaned, as he felt that
huge throbbing fucker rubbing between his cheeks and over that hot
velvety equine anus. The roan draft Horses upper lip rolled back into
a nasty smile, as those strong hip's drew back until his blunt cock
head lay against his friends soft pucker. Carson could feel the hot
pre-cum drooling out onto his winking anus, as Hoogie hovered over him
with a wicked smirk.

"Is that so?" Hogarth asked with a offended grunt, throwing his body
weight against the race Horses tiny butthole. Driving that big blunt
cock head into him, Carson let out a scream of pain as the first dozen
inches of that massive fucker was slammed up his ass. Forcing more and
more of that huge cock up inside the whimpering geldings hot tight
rump hole, as the sleek race Horse gasp and grunt loudly. Obviously
Carson had adapted well to his new life as a gelding, he was taking
that huge draft Horse cock like a old pro. "Even if he is... I bet
that I can out rut him any day of the week and twice on Sunday." The
rotund draft Horse bragged, gripping Carson soft rump as he pumped
those strong hip's.

"Just what are ya willing to bet?" A gruff voice snorted from the
corner of the room, Hoggies head twisted around in surprise, looking
over into the far corner. The fat gray furred lump of a body sitting
there, had blended into the rough stone work so well that the draft
Horse hadn't even noticed the old Donkey sitting there. Hogarth looked
the fat old beast over slowly, noting the huge black cock that lay
pulsing on the other males round belly. It really was an impressive
sight, such a huge fucker on so short and plump a body.

"Ahem... Errr..." Hoggie stammered in surprise, he hadn't been
expecting to be challenged so soon. And by a male who really was very
well hung, damn was this the guy Carson had lost to... Fuck! He really
did have a cock that was almost as big as even Hoggie's own, but the
draft Horse was still a bit bigger. Just knowing that made him feel
better, Hoggie took a long shuddering breath as the older male flashed
him a chipped toothed grin. The big roan draft stallion leaned over
Carson's back, whispering soft into his friends pointed equine ear.
"Is that the Smith... is that the guy You lost to?" The disbelief was
plain in the big wrestlers voice, it just seemed so improbable that
the ugly old Donkey had out rutted Carson even with that big cock.

"Yes..." Carson moaned weakly, as his big friend pounded that huge
cock balls deep into his well broken in anus. Both of them flashing a
glance over at the fat old Donkey, who was stroking his mighty cock
lazily as he watched Hoggie rut the race Horse. Plainly he was
enjoying the show of the stallion, using his gelded old friend like a
mare. And it was obvious from the grunting and moaning, that Carson
was enjoying what Hoggie was doing to him a lot.

"I'd be willing to bet anything I have." The hefty roan draft Horse
snorted loudly, as he lifted his upper body up high over his passive
gelding buddy. "The real question is what do you got to wager that I
might be interested in risking my stuff to get?"

The old Onager paused and rubbed his chin thoughtfully for a moment,
toying with his own bath towel as it lay on the bench. "Well you're
probably not interested in getting your hands on MY big floppies, you
don't seem like the type." Dunlup snorted as he watched the short
stout draft Horse pounding the geldings tail hole. "But I'd be willing
to wager say... Carson's wife." The nasty old Donkey replied, with a
huge gloating grin as he watched the roan stallion eyes widen. "Sounds
like you've always fancied her... prettiest mare in town and all of
that." The fat black Smith snickered, knowing by the look of lust on
the wrestlers muzzle that he had hit the nail on the head. "I'll give
up my access to her pussy, I'll put that on the table. And heck just
because it's kind of a package deal, I'll throw in Carson's daughters,

"Wait wha..." Carson moaned in shock, as Hoggies pounding hip's push
him towards a ephemeral gelding orgasm. The famous race Horse hadn't
realized Dunlup had been taking his daughters, but that really
shouldn't have surprised him much. The gelded race Horse moaned out
louder, as his buddy pounded even harder into his depths. Being
completely ignored by both Hoggie and the Smith as he sputtered and
grunted in shock. "You've been breeding my daughters."

"The prettiest mare in town... and fillies! Well Damn... now that is a
prize!" Hogarth laughed wickedly, as he felt Carson's velvety anus
squeezing excitedly around his thick fucker. "I guess I aint got no
choice... I've only got one thing worth as much to me." The big roan
stallion grunted, really hammering away at the passive Carson's
clenching tail hole now. His fat balls bouncing and slapping against
the former race Horses gelding scar, his thick buttocks bunching and
swaying sexily as he thrust faster.

"The right to mount your mare... a hundred gold... a fine country
house." Dunlup offered up for the breathless, famous stallion, as the
horny wrestler worked out his desires on his gelded friend. Chuckling
harder with reach suggestion the old Donkey made, Hoggies shiny roan
fur covered in frothy equine sweat now. It dripped off of his long
muzzle, dropping onto Carson's back as the big wrestler bend over him.
Hoggies snickered in lust, as he plunged into that hot highborn tail
hole, his broad ass rising and falling in clear view of the grinning
Donkey. The short heavy roan draft Horse looked over at him, and just
smirked as he kept pounding away at that tail hole. The air around
them thick with the smell of his sweaty masculine musk, even as it
dripped down on the geldings silky body. Carson knelt there taking the
hard fucking, until his own limp cock jerked and spilled its clear
seedless juice into the wooden bench. With another lusty grunt Hoggie
nuzzled Carson's mane, and picked up his pace, smoothly fucking that
wide soft gelding rump. Across the room the homely Jack's muzzle split
into a wide gloating grin, as he listened to those moans and squeals
of pleasure. The roan draft Horse snorted, as his wide hips working
faster and harder, his doughy gut grinding against the race Horse's
lower back.

"There is only one thing I value as much..." Hoggie grunted out
breathlessly, his short bobbed tail rose and began to flag, those
heavy bouncing stones started to pull up. The draft Horse flashed
Dunlup a gloating smile, while gripping the horse's hip's and banging
his ass faster. "And that... that's my balls... Weeheheee!" The short
stout draft stallion so ready to cum into that tight asshole, he let
out a gusty whinny of pleasure, as his hefty orbs drew up jumping and
quivering. The handsome athletic stud smirked, as his driving hip's
slowed to a stop as those heavy nuts filled Carson's guts full to
overflowing. Dunlup pursed his thick lips, as he watch the stallion
cumming hard and listened to that offer.

"Well I can't argue with your logic... I mean I'd never bet my
balls... they really are far too precious to me." Dunlup grunted with
a laugh, as he watched the stout draft Horse slowly pull out of
Carson's well used boi cunt. "Oh, his ass is nice and tight, isn't
it?" Dunlup sniggered, watching the draft Horse flop down on the bench
panting for breath as he looked over at the old Jack. "Always a good
fuck... Unlike a lot of geldings, he really enjoys getting a rump full
of cum." The old Donkey added with a leering grin, and Hoggie got the
idea, that Dunlup had pumped him full of cum just before the wrestler
had gotten there. And that was why Carson's boi-cunt had been so slick
and easy to penetrate with that huge draft Horse cock. "Not saying he
was born to be a gelding... but he sure has taken to it." The old
Blacksmith kinda liked Hoggie, seemed an honest stallion, but his
thought process boggled the old Jack. He could just... ask the lady
for a fuck? But he'd rather make a bet, and rather than take money, or
some other sane choices, he chose to bet his balls. It seemed like an
insane choice to the Donkey, but you know that was just Horses for
you? If it was going to get him another set of famous Horse balls in
his collection, he'd go for it. And all he stood to lose was a mare
and some girls who never really belonged to him in the first place.
"Heh. Of course the real question is... Who are we going to get to be
the judge of our contest?"

"Judges..." Horgarth corrected with a grin, as he looked over at the
old Donkey sitting there smirking at him. "I think we should have at
least three... one mare for her experience, one filly for her
innocents and a gelding just for variety." Hoggies knew he was still
in pretty good shape, he worked out and ran every day. So he figured
that he had better stamina than the fat older male, if the Smith
thought this was going to be a easy win he was mistaken. Dunlup smiled
realizing what the younger athlete was thinking, and he was right in
away the old Donkey couldn't lift as much nor win a hoof race against
him. But what he didn't know, was that Dunlup had practiced rutting
multiple times a day for years now. His sexual stamina was unmatched
by most males, only Trev might be able to rut more times in a single
day. "I'll provide the mare..."

"Well that sounds fair... I can provide the filly and a fresh gelding
whose never been mounted before." The Blacksmith volunteered with a
smirk, knowing a certain filly who was bringing him a young stud to
snip. "Now I might need a little longer recovery time in between. I'm
not as young as I once was after all... and you are obviously in fine
condition." Dunlup flattered with s smirk, standing up to waddled over
to sit beside the big roan draft Horse on that bench. Hoggie watched
in shock and the homely older male began to examine him, rough
callused hands fondling his hefty balls and semi hard cock. That organ
responded at once to that touch, stiffening quickly as Dunlup played
with it gently. "Thats a damn fine set... I wouldn't risk them if they
were mine." Dunlup warned again... he really did like this big plainly
common born stallion a lot. One rough hand moved around to playfully
fondle Hoggie's rump, making the big wrestler lift himself up. Fingers
slipping between those ass cheeks, finding the hot velvety flesh of
the big stallions tail hole. Making Hoggie gasp in shock and pleasure,
the big masculine wrestler had never been touched there before! The
old Donkey's finger tips rubbing and caressing around the outside of
it for a moment, listening to the way the draft Horse was panting and
snorting with a grin. Before moving his three fingered hand's up to
rub over Hoggies hefty muscle gut, and thickly muscled chest. "You're
very handsome... going to make a fine gelding I bet." Dunlup teased
wickedly, as he saw the wrestlers reaction to having his tail hole
fondled. Dropping his hand back down, Dunlup gripped that big
throbbing fucker. Stroking his hands up and down the wet length of it,
as Hoggies watched the homely Donkey toy with him.

"Hahaha... mind games don't work on me." The big wrestler smirked,
knowing the older male was trying to psych him out. He had to many
opponents try that on him in the past, to ever let it bother him now.
Reaching over he grabbed the old Donkeys thick cock, it really was a
bit thicker that his own cock. But he had at least two inches in
length and his flare was a good deal wider than the Donkeys. Roughly
he fondled the Smith exactly the way the Donkey had done to him,
Dunlup allowing those big strong hands to touch him anyway they
wanted. "You really do have an impressive set... I can see why there
are so many Mules in this town." Gripping that fat black cock Hoggie
stroked it playfully, making a thick river of pre-cum ooze out running
down over the draft Horses hand and forearm.

"Since we both cum already today..." Dunlup grunted leaning back
letting the roan stallion stroke his fat erection, even as he tugged
equally as fast on Hoggies throbbing rut stick. "Why don't we both get
a good night's rest... and have our contest tomorrow night." Dunlup
offered as they both kept pleasuring each other, the draft Horse
grinning as he panted for breath.

"I think you're about to cum again..." Hoggie grunted teasingly, as he
stroked that slime covered shaft a bit faster. The big draft Horse
feeling his own erection pulsing, as that hot, rough hand worked him
swiftly. So he was turning this into a contest as well, that was fine
with Dunlup they didn't have a bet on this. So he could just enjoy
letting the other male pleasure him, still he worked that thick
stallion fucker expertly. "But yeah that seems fair, tomorrow night if
you can get it all set up. I'd like to have a good audience, I always
go at it harder in front of a crowd." Hoggie moaned, realizing that
the homely Jack was responding to his fast stroking... by working the
draft Horses cock even more eagerly.

"I think I'll last longer than you." Dunlup snorted challengingly, not
really caring who lasted longer since he had nothing invested in it
one way or the other. But knowing that the other male would work
harder to get him off it he thought it was a contest between them. The
Blacksmith knew just who to push a proud stallions buttons, get him to
do or say just what the old Donkey wanted.

"Hahaha... I doubt that!" Hoggie laughed as he pumped and caressed the
older males throbbing fucker, already more and more Donkey pre-cum was
running down his strong arm. After all the roan stallion had just blew
a load up Carson's tail hole, while the Donkey had been watching and
getting all horned up.

"It seems like you've not had a lot of experience pleasuring a male...
whereas I've gotten a lot of studs off. Just generally when I do it...
it's the very last time they ever get as a stud."

"I've never touched another males cock in my life..." Hoggie claimed
proudly, as that huge hand squeezed and tugged eagerly at the old
Jacks thick fucker. "Hehe... that right?" The two hefty males sat
there jerking each other off swiftly, of course the biggest difference
was Dunlup had a lot more experience playing with other males. Hoggie
had only ever played with himself, and while he knew what worked for
him every male was slightly different. "I hear you get a lot of
tail... pound a lot of mares..." The big wrestler huffed... struggling
to concentrate on stroking that fat Donkey cock as his own sexual
excitement grew.

"Oh sure... but not just mares... I train a lot of highborn fillies...
and of course I break in all the new geldings that I make." The ugly
old Donkey flashed him that chipped tooth grin, that made a shiver
race down the draft Horses strong back. Even as the Smith rambled on
about all the other males wives he was fucking, all the fillies he was
giving breeding lessons to. The males he was cutting the balls off of,
rutting their gelding boi-pussies before sending them off. Hoggies
thick fucker tensing up in that roughly callused hand, heavy orbs
quivering with the need to release their load. The big roan draft
Horse biting his lower lip, struggling to keep himself under control.

"Yer not... not geldin' me and yer damn sure not breakin' me in." The
big wrestler's grip a bit too tight now, his hand tugging wildly on
that huge fucker. Getting the Donkey talking about his conquests had
been a mistake, hearing about them was turning Hoggie on more than the
Smith it seemed.

"Don't squeeze it so tight." Dunlup instructed playfully, lightly
stroking the other males throbbing cock with his big fist. "Hahah...
you'll never get me to go off by strangling it." The old Jackass
chuckled, feeling Hoggies thick fucker tensing and straining to hold
back. While his own pleasure was still building slowly, the old Donkey
teasingly pushed Hoggie up the edge. Only to back off letting the big
wrestler regain control of himself, the roan stallion not realizing he
was being toyed with. "Damn my arms really is getting tire..." Dunlup
snorted teasingly, even as he pushed the other male up to the edge of
orgasm again. Only to slack off just before sending Hoggie over the
peak, knowing that the wrestler was growing desperate by this point.
"Maybe I should just suck on you for awhile..." He had barely said
that... before the roan draft Horse had leaned over wrapping his lip's
around that big black Donkey cock. "Ohoooo fuck that feels so good!"
Dunlup moaned smiling broadly as the formerly straight stud sucked on
him eagerly, laying back moaning and panting for breath the old Jack
let him have it. That thick black shaft surging, flare throbbing wide
as those fat old balls drew up. He waited until his first spurt of cum
poured into Hoggies mouth, before letting his teasing fingers make the
draft Horse shoot. That huge cock surging, as it fired a line of thick
creamy stud milk across the room. It splattered all over the tile
floor, as Hoggie moaned and choked on Dunlup's second hot blast of
thick stud milk. The proud athlete realizing another male was cumming
in his mouth, yanking his head back he snarl angry.

"You could have warned me..." Hoggie started even as a third hot blast
of cum shot out all over his muzzle, making the big draft Horse gulp
down the mouthful he already had. Sitting there in shock and horror,
as a fourth smaller spurt splattered onto his nose and lip's.

"Sorry but you were really working sooooo hard to get it, I just
assumed you wanted it." The old Jackass laughed, as he looked down at
the highly embarrassed stallion. Patting him on the head
condescendingly, as the big wrestler sat back letting the old Donkey's
hand milk out the rest of his cum onto the floor.

"Fuck... that was intense..." Hoggie moaned weakly as he lay back on
the bench, stunned by the pleasure he had gotten out of that
interaction. Carson nuzzled up against his other side, reminding
Hoggie of how a mare acted after he fucked them. As Dunlup lifted his
hand licking the roan draft Horse spoo off his own fingers, while roan
stallion watched in shock that the Donkey would do something like
that. The Smith acted like a real stud, but he was fine with licking
another guys cum off his fingers.

"Yeah to good to ever give up." The hefty old Donkey chuckled,
smacking the stout round draft Horse on his heavily muscled shoulder.
"Once I catch my breath... why don't we enjoy Carson's services

"Hehe why not... I mean that is what geldings are for."


"Gods Hoggie this is really fucking stupid..." The pretty middle ages
palomino mare snorted disdainfully, as she followed her husband into
the smithy. "You know that right? Betting your balls in a silly
masculine rut game." The big roan wrestler rolled his eyes at his
mare, ever since he had married her she had treated him like a colt
with shit for brains. "Now you're going to let some ugly old Donkey
rut me... just so you can get to fuck some filly and a gelding."

"It's an Honor Felicia... you're going to be a judge in a contest of
studs!" Hoggie explained for what felt like the thousandth time, he
was really beginning to regret inviting his wife into this. But he
figured at least one judge would be on his side, since he was betting
the Donkey was going to have the other two on his.

"Being a judge... in a dick measuring competition is hardly the way to
honor our marriage." The pretty mare snorted, softly as the stepped
into the Blacksmiths shop just in time to watch the old Donkey shove a
slender creamy white highborn young stallion up against a huge black

"Now... now Erving we all agreed you need this." The fat old Donkey
grunted, as the handsome young stallion looked back over his shoulder
pleadingly. As Dunlup kicked his hooves a bit wider apart, one big
hand gripping the back of his long equine neck. "This is what Jana
wants." Pushing him forwards over that huge black iron anvil, the
young Horses slender erection pushed flat against the crusty side. As
he panted for breath starring back at Hoggie and his sexy wife, as
they stood there rooted to the spot watching what was happening in
open mouthed shock.

"Yeah but... yeah but..." The young noble was stammering nervously, as
the old Jack looped a leather cord around his tiny nuts. Clinching it
down so hard the young equine stopped protesting for a moment as a
squeal escaped him. "I'm not so sure..." He grunted as a second cord
with clinched down a bit lower, while across the room the young filly
watched with a big grin.

"Come on Erving we've given you every chance... the Smith has tried
and tried to train you." Jana pointed out making the pretty young
noble look back over at her, as the fat old Donkey reached over
picking up his wicked hooked bladed gelding knife. "You... are just
not a stud. It's better that you let someone else handle those
duties... you can take care of that offspring and raise them." The
young stallion winced as that rough hand grasped his tiny orbs,
tugging down on the firmly as that blade is set between the two cords.

"But... but father is expecting ME to sire." The noble stallion
blurted out, his voice shooting up a few octaves as that razor sharp
blade is drawn back. The hooked blade making for a nice drawing cut,
and just like that Erving is whinnying loudly. As his slender little
cock jerks, shooting a thin stream of creamy white stud milk down the
side of that black anvil. The white cream making for a stark contrast
against the crusty old black iron, before his last seed makes a muddy
puddle on the dirty shop floor. "EEEHEHEHEE... Ohoo my gods... oho my
gods." The new gelding moaned laying across the anvil limply now, as
Dunlup flicks the cord off the neck of that severed pouch.

"Yeah that's just not gunna happen geldie." Dunlup snickered...
dumping the young nobles naked testicles into a old metal bucket with
a wet sounding 'Plop Plop' as Erving laid there panting for breath
raggedly. Glancing back over his shoulder, the old Donkey flashed his
guests a wide leering grin. Even as he picked up a jar of healing
salve, rubbing it over the brand new geldings bloody wound.

"Fuuuccckkk that was hot." Hoggie jumped looking over at his pretty
wife, as she stood there gulping for breath the scent of arousal thick
in the air around her. He couldn't believe she had said that, it was
true of course that had been shockingly exciting to watch. His own
cock had gotten erection in his trousers, as he watched the young
noble lose his load down the side of that anvil. Still the big
wrestler was kind of stunned to see the look of awe and desire on his
wives muzzle as she starred at the homely old Jack. It was the way
mares use to look at Hoggie, back when he was winning every match he
competed in. He found it surprising that just like that... all of his
hefty wife's objections had suddenly vanished.

"Could you close and lock the shop door Hoggie." Dunlup asked in a
cheerful tone, looking as happy as a banker counting coins. The big
wrestler pushed the heavy wood double doors completely closed, noting
that there was still a small crowd watching from out in the street.
Once the door were closed he dropped the bar inst place, before
turning back to see his wife stripping off her clothing. The naked
filly was helping her unbutton and unlace, while Dunlup was standing
there in only a old leather apron watching with a smirk. Things were
moving a lot quicker than the big roan draft Horse had expected, his
wife who was looking like she was going to be a obstruction. Was now
almost completely naked in front of the grinning old Donkey, licking
those thick lip's as he look at her chubby middle aged body with
undisguised desire. As the big roan draft Horse moved back across the
shop, he listened to the old Donkey flirting with his wife.

"Damn when Hoggie said he was going to bring the mare judge... I had
no idea he was going to bring such a beauty." Dunlup praised as he
walked over to look the plump naked mare over slowly, Felicia was
smiling broadly at the short, fat, older Jackass. A rosy blush on her
pink equine nose, as she looked coquettishly down at the fat old male.
"Just the kind of female I've always dream about getting to be with."
Hoggie almost choked, as he watched Dunlup's big callused hand
fondling his wife's wide round rump. Her buxom body half turning in a
enticing manner, plainly designed to show off her body to best
advantage to the Smith.

"Well I hope we can become very good friends... after all of this
silliness is over." The big sexy palomino mare giggled girlishly, as
Dunlup flash her a big eager grin.

"Aha there he comes... yer one lucky stud Hoggie, having a fine lady
like this one." The old Donkey clapped the former wrestler on one
broad shoulder, even while slipping his other hand under Felicia's
long flowing tail. Rough fingers fondling that long teardrop shaped
slit, as the big mares hard vulva winked out at him. Hoggie was both
glad and surprised that his wife was getting into the mood, still it
was odd watching another male fondle what was his. "Let's all go up
stairs and get more comfortable." Dunlup invited pausing to lift his
wet fingers from Felicia's damp pussy, sniffing and licking her fluids
off his thick fingers. Before taking his scorched old leather apron
off, Dunlup tossed it over a nearby bench. "I've got a room set up
with two beds, I use it when I give mounting lessons to young nobles
like Erving here."

"Ohooo so you give mounting lessons..." Felicia grunted sounding
impressed, as the old Jack wrapped one arm around her waist. And one
around Hoggie's guiding them up the stairs, as Jana and Erving
obediently trailed along behind them. The older mare snickering as she
half turned her head to smirk at her husband, as the stout draft Horse
looked annoyed.

"Well... I've always felt it was the duty of the experienced older
generation, to instructed the younger in the proper way of doing
things." Dunlup grunted making it sound like he was all about helping
young stallions, when in fact he was all about smashing young fillies.
And planting his offspring in their bellies, while their witless noble
boyfriends sat there and watched him wreak those highborn young
pussies. Some of them good little cucks urging him on... others just
wishing it was their tail hole he was slamming that big cock into.
Looking over he doubted Hoggie was going to be either of those, still
it would be a lot of fun taking the big wrestlers wife right in front
of him. Dunlup ushered them into his quest room, where the two big
beds were side by side. The old Jack had set it up this way, because
he had young stallions in training practice with a gelding. While he
was breaking their girlfriends or brides to be in on the opposite bed.
Supposedly it was to teach the young Horses, but it was really just to
keep them busy and too sexual spent for them to try breeding their
ladies. "So I was thinking to save time, we could each mount a judge
apiece." Dunlup explained to the big roan draft Horse, as he guided
Felicia over to his favorite bed. "I would be happy to start out with
this lovely mare... you can take your pick of either Jana here or her
betrothed the freshly gelded Erving here." Jana moved up in front of
him, the young filly had been openly admiring Hoggie's massive cock
all the way up stairs. Erving on the other hand was looking at it in
open fear, something that made the big draft Horse even stiffer.

Hogarth pawed at the carpet with one big hoof nervously, looking the
young highborn filly over slowly. The obviously common born draft
Horse, really was intensely attracted to the noble born younger
female. And liked the idea of fucking her, while the old Donkey was
stuck rutting his wife's stretched out old pussy. Of course a freshly
minted gelding would be really tight, and he had certainly enjoyed
rutting Carson's gelding tail hole. He was struggling to decide which
one, Dunlup on the other hand was wasting no time joining Felicia in
that big bed. As Hoggie watched the two of them began kissing
lustfully, the old Donkey's sooty hand's all over her golden furred
body. Stroking that eager dribbling sex, rubbing over that round
equine belly... before cupping and squeezing her hefty breasts.

Felicia laying back moaning questions about the Smith's work, soon he
was telling her naughty stories about cutting both colts and stallions
alike. And cuckolding wealthy highborn males... and their sons as he
trained them how to rut a mare. And like a kitten with a bowl full of
milk, his lovely wife was lapping it up as the homely old Jack
positioned himself between her legs. The two of them sharing giggles
as the stories just kept coming, suddenly Felicia let out a long soft
moaning exhale. As that fat black fucker was gently thrust into her
depths, the old Jackass's fat body resting on top of her as his fat
balls slapped against her wide round ass. Twisting his homely head
around, Dunlup flashed Hoggie a wide chipped tooth grin as he lay
there atop Felicia. That hefty gray belly covering her, one rough hand
braced on the bed beside of her. While his right hand squeezed and
fondled her heavy breasts, while Felicia lay back looking up at him
with that goofy hero worship look on her muzzle. "Come on stud... get
busy this is a Rutting competition... not a staring contest."

"Yeah come on... Fuck me big daddy." Jana invited sounding frustrated
now, she had expected the stout roan draft Horse to be a eager stud
like the Blacksmith. Hoggie smiled down at her, letting the pretty
young female pull him into bed with her. She climbed up on all fours,
whipping her long flowing tail at him teasingly... as he got up on his
knee's behind her. Hoggie's large hands looking that much huger as he
fondled her sleek little ass cheeks, chuckling as Jana lifted that
tail out of the way exposing her hot little teardrop shaped Horse
pussy. The horny draft Horse chuckling lewdly, as he saw the beads of
moisture drooling from that hot young sex. Bright pink knob of her
vulva winking out, as she eagerly waited for him to plant his thick
cock inside of her. Grasping the shaft of his huge cock, guiding that
wide blunt cock flare to her velvety sex lip's. Grunting as he felt
just how hot it felt against the tip of his cock, those warm greasy
fluids running down his shaft as he pushed the first ten inches inside
of her.

"Ohohoo Gods that feels good." Hoggie moaned breathlessly, both big
hands gripping Jana's silky hip's hard. Even as he pulled her back,
while arching his back to thrust his hip's forwards. Burying more and
more of that thick organ into the fillies tight pussy, as Jana moaned
and squealed out in pleasure. Leaning over her firm young body, Hoggie
slid one big hand up to grope her small teats. Rubbing over stiff
little nipples, with the palm of his big hot hand. Even as Jana turned
her head, sharing a long passion kiss with the big older draft Horse.

Poor Erving was just standing there looking embarrassed, as he watched
the stout roan draft Horse drive that huge cock deep into his
girlfriend. The young highborn gelding very much aware of what he had
just so recently lost. His hands going down to the rough scab, where
his young testicles had once hung down. Glancing over into the
geldings envious eyes, the big famous draft stallion smiled softly at
the cute little gelding. "Yer next cutie." Hoggie moaned breathlessly,
as he rolled those strong hip's driving his long fucker in and out of
Jana's tight little sex. Reaching over to pull Erving onto the bed
with them, fondling and admiring the slender young geldings feminine
appearing body. Spreading his legs Hoggie explored the highborn
geldings limp little organ, and the fresh scab just under that now
useless male organ. The famous wrestler both aroused and amused by the
noble geldings meek acceptance of the way Hoggie was treating him.
"You'd like that wouldn't you cutie?" He asked looking down into
Erving's eyes, as the passive silvery white noble looked up at him.
"Having this big hard stallion cock... pounded up that sweet little
gelding boi-pussy." The wrestler could see the look of dread in his
eyes, but slowly the sissy little noble looked up and mumbled softly.

"YY... yes please." Hobbie smirked at that... these noble born
geldings certainly had fine manners. "That really is... magnificent."
The small sissy young gelding breathed in shock, his soft hands
fondling that huge pulsing filly fucker eagerly. As Hoggie pushed it
steadily in and out of Jana's quivering sex, Erving's smooth warm
fingers exploring the older males massive organs in wonder. "So long
and strong... it... it's a real studs organ." The little noble born
gelding stammered, plainly he was just repeating what he'd heard his
girlfriend saying about the Donkey. Still the big roan draft Horse had
to admit, it was really exciting to hear the new gelding praising his
male hood. Hobbie was feeling pretty good about himself, with the
highborn filly moaning and squealing in pleasure. As her gelded
boyfriend babbled on about how big and impressively male the stout
draft Horses male organs were. Jana was whinnying and moaning, as she
gasped from breath loudly as the draft Horse fucked into her a bit
faster. Hoggie feeling pretty satisfied until he glanced over at the
Smith and his wife, the fat old Jack was pounding into her hard and
deep by now. Suddenly the wrestler lost all those over blown feelings
of sexual superiority, as it was plain that both of them were enjoying
the act a lot. As the draft Horse watched the look on Felicia's muzzle
twist into a look of purist delight, as the Donkey's fat fucker
stretched her wide open.

Hoggie's wife was smiling widely as that thick black fucker was
smashing deep inside of her, Dunlup's heavy balls slapping against her
wide rump loudly as she squealed out in pleasure. The two of them
sharing passionate kisses, between whispered pillow talk that made it
seemed like they had been lovers for years. The handsome draft
stallion was starring open mouthed, as he watched the Donkey's fat ass
raising and falling rapidly. The big wrestler was transfixed, watching
as the homely Jack made his wife squeal out with delight. And yet he
showed no signs of slowing down or wearing out, the Blacksmith
whispering something into her ear. Making Felicia giggle wildly again,
the two of them looking over at Hoggie as he drove his thick cock
powerfully into the young fillies tight sex. Dunlup was showing the
sexy middle aged mare what getting bred was all about, the bed they
lay on beating against the wall loudly as they rutted. The Jacks
sweaty old balls smacked her bare sex as he drove in deep and hard,
his fat belly shaking as it rested on her sleek body. "So then I made
HIM play the mare for me... while his wife was in season." The old
Donkey's breathless whispered grunt, just barely audible over the
creaking of bed springs and the 'Thump Thump Thump' of that bed frame
against that wooden wall. Hoggie couldn't remember the last time,
Felicia had got him lusty enough to make the head board beat against
the wall like that.

"Hahaha... bet that changed the way she saw him." Felicia burst out
laughing again wildly, obviously enjoying that punch line very much
indeed. Making Hoggie wonder that what had happened, plainly the
Donkey had some victory of some type.

"Uhuhu, I'll say it did... she had me gelding him shortly after that."
Dunlup snickered between panting breaths, was his hefty body pounded
roughly against that pretty mares sexy form. "Do you like that, sexy
mare?" The horny Jack snorted in her ear, as that lush body buck and
pushed up into his thrusts. The old Blacksmith grunting, as he worked
his hips against that wide round ass... as the married mare moaned

"Ohoho gods yes!" Felicia moaned wildly in reply, as her buxom body
squirmed and quivered with each hard pounding thrust. The more he
watched her get pounded, the more aroused the stout roan stallion
became. "Ummm damn... that feels soooooo good." The married mare
moaned, kissing all over Dunlup's homely muzzle as she was lost in
wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure. Her watching husband was
completely forgotten about, and in point of fact he was lost in
pleasure of his own as Jana pushed back into him hard."I've not been
rutted with this much enthusiasm in sometime." Felicia snorted
glancing over at her husband, flashing him a naughty wink as she
moaned in pleasure. A shiver raced down Hoggie's spine, as the one
judge he was sure would be on his side stared glassy eyed at him.

"Ohoh yeah... yeah you're so sweet and beautiful... Ahaha you fuck so
good, sexy lady." Dunlup grunted leeringly, snorting as he ploughed
that hot mare pussy, his fat ass rising and falling lewdly between her
sleek hocks... Hoggie watching enraptured as the old Blacksmith
plundered that pussy... that should have belonged to the famous
wrestler alone. Dunlup moaned lustfully, as his doughy body slammed
into her harder and harder as he passions arose swiftly. The stout old
Donkey pushing his hefty black prick as deep as possible into her hot
gooey mare slot. Just enjoying how that pussy felt... cock surrounded
by her soft warmth even as both their loins pulsed with desire. The
pleasure... of his balls bouncing between her soft rump... and almost
more than the pleasure, a sense of conquest, of triumph. He had a
classy high born mare under him... taking his common Donkey dick, who
soon would take his cum, and he truly felt like a famous stud. "I'm
gunna put my Mule in yer belly... you tall sexy mare you. Because your
mine now... your husband doesn't know it yet but your pussy belongs to
me." He shoved his hefty body between her long legs roughly, making
Felicia's soft flesh quake under that lustful assault. His flabby rump
cheeks clenching as he shoved his thick erection into her harder and
deeper with every snorting exhale. Dunlup thrust harder still, as she
gasped and whimpered under his lustful attack, squeezing her bouncy
breast in work roughened hands.

"Eeehehee." The two pretty females squealed together, as the pleasure
that were feeling needed to be expressed. Hoggie gripped that slender
young body, battering Jana's hot little pussy savagely. While across
the room his wife was squealing as the old Jack was pumping her well
used sex just and savagely, the pleasure he was giving her grew with
each of his hard deep rut thrusts. The pretty mares body went into
shivers of pleasure at the Donkeys words and she began to orgasm
weakly on that short thick cock. Dunlup panted on top of her, the fat
Jackass moaning in the mare's ear as he felt her fleshy tunnel
rippling around his prick. As the first wave of her pleasure died
out... Dunlup's hard fucking cock began to stimulate her towards a
second wave of orgasm.

"Fuck..." Hoggie moaned out stunned, he had never managed to give his
wife that many orgasms. Still as they pounded on together, he felt the
young filly shivering and cumming over and over. As often happened one
fine performance was inspiring another, as the big roan draft Horse
used every sexual trick he knew to pleasure the young filly. Glancing
over he noticed Dunlup smiling at him, the old Donkey plainly
impressed with the big wrestlers efforts. "Ahaha gods." Hoggie groaned
softly, his plump balls churning, lifting up as he felt Jana's pussy
flexing and tensing around his throbbing fucker. His pulsing shaft
sliding rapidly in and out of the sexy younger fillies succulent
pussy, even as his flare expanded within her depths. A heady 'Whinny!'
escaped his lip's even as he threw his head back, arching his back to
drive that big cock as deep as it would go. As those heavy balls drew
up within his hairy sack, that thick rut stick tensing harder and
harder. Until it at last erupted, shooting spurt after powerful spurt
of his potent seed straight into the aristocratic young fillies needy
womb. As his strong body collapsed on top of her, pushing Jana muzzle
first into the mattress.

While across the room his pretty wife was squealing and bucking, as
the old Donkey let out a bray of his own as he cum inside of her. All
four of them collapsing, laying there males on top of females in the
afterglow of orgasm. Gasping and gulping for breath, was the bliss of
orgasms slowly fainted away. There was little doubt in Hoggie's mind
who had turned in the best performance, a blush burning on his nose as
he knew the Smith had rutted better than he had. Still the famous
draft Horse felt he could win, he was younger and bounced back faster
than the Smith. Sitting up his slid his still hard erection out of
Jana, even as the pretty young filly laid there with a dazed grin on
her pretty muzzle. Plainly she had a very good time, and Hoggie was
pretty sure that had been one of his very best efforts in years.
Sliding over the big wrestler grabbed a jar of scented grease off the
nearby table, grabbing Erving's spindly young leg's he lifted them
up... draping them over his shoulders. Holding the new gelding's
buttocks apart with on thumb, Hoggie lubed up that virgin young
doughnut with the fingers of his other hand. As the sissy little
gelding moaned and rolled his eyes wildly, obviously Erving was
frightened but also enjoying the sensation of those greasy fingers
rubbing over and then inside of his tiny little pucker. The stout
draft Horse worked a generous glob of lube inside that virgin rut
hole, as the young Horse moaned and grunted weakly. Next Hoggie
smeared a big glob of grease over the wide blunt head of his huge
equine cock, before sitting the lube aside as he knelt over the
panting little gelding.

While the old Donkey lay there on top of his sexy wife, huffing and
grunting for breath as Felicia share long intense kisses with him. The
two of them watching Hoggie as he spread Erving's skinny legs wide
apart, guiding that big blunt cock head between the young nobles ass
cheeks to that soft anus. Erving gasping and grunting high pitched
little whimpers, as the short round draft Horse pushed against his
tiny greased fuck hole. "Oho Gods... Oho Oooww slowly please." The
little sissy gelding whinnied loudly, as Hoggie felt the velvety lip's
of his virgin pucker starting to stretch around the tip of that huge
Horse cock. Watching the little gelding chewing and biting his lower
lip, as his eyes flew open wide in shock and pain. Hoggie couldn't
suppress a big gloating grin, this was only the second gelding he had
ever fucked. Still it was intensely exciting knowing he was popping
the younger equines rump cherry, watching that cute little muzzle
contort in pain. "OHOOO... OWOWWW..." Erving squealed, his tight
little boi-pussy suddenly giving way before the big roan draft Horse
mighty relentless stud muscle. There was a soft wet ripping sound, as
that massive cock flare pushed through those anal gates. The little
gelding inhaling sharp and loudly, as the first dozen inches of that
thick stud muscle sank into him. His thin, limp, little, dangling cock
starting to drip clear seedless fluid out onto Erving's round little
cream colored furry belly.

"Jana dear... why don't you come over here and join us..." Dunlup
invited as the gasping young filly rolled off the bed, staggering
across the room to the bed what the Smith was still balls deep inside
Felicia. He could tell by the way she was walking Hoggies cock had
left her sore, thick dribbles of creamy white stud milk dripping from
her abused sex. "I'll fuck you while Hoggie is mounting your husband
to be over there... seems like Erving is really going to enjoy being a
gelding." The old Jackass snickered, he had known almost as soon as
he'd met the young highborn stallion that he would. Like so many sons
a noble stallions, the old Judge had fathered so many worthless males
like Erving. In all honesty the old Donkey would be more than happy,
to see to it that the old stallion died son less. And it seemed that
Erving and his brothers agreed, since they just kept showing up in his
smithy. Some with their girlfriends for breeding lesson, others
drunken lured in by friends or tricked by their brothers. A couple had
even came in asking to be gelded, those volunteers always made Dunlup
grin broadly. Most of them could afford to pay for it, but even if
they couldn't he never sent any of them away still a stallion. As Jana
stretched out on the bed beside them, Dunlup reached over fondling her
pert young body.

"Uhu Uhu Uhuuu..." Erving was moaning and whimpering loudly, as the
stout roan stallion was leaning over him. Driving that huge cock up
his virgin rump, all the way to the older Horses median ring. While
the young gelding lay back, gripping the edges of the bed as his
slender body was pounded into that soft mattress over and over again.
Erving gasping and groaning loudly, while his limp little cock lay
there on his furry belly twitching and drooling clear fluid. "Ohooo...
Wow... Uhuhu fuck." Obviously the young noble was amazed, by the
pleasure that huge hard cock was giving him.

"Is that big cock what you want geldie?" The older draft Horse pushed
his cockhead deep into the highborn geldings pony- pussy making Erving
squeal out loudly again. The silvery white young former males eyes
rolled back in his head, legs flailing around Hoggie's shoulders. As
the big wrestler pinned that slender young body to the mattress,
working that tiny clench rut hole savagely with his mighty cock.

"Yes... ohoooo yes my stallion!" Erving moaned out breathlessly as his
limp cock throbbed hard... dribbling out a thin stream of clear
prostate juice. "I love Your big hard cock." Erving babbled on while
the big wrestler spanked his shapely little ass, all the time slamming
that mammoth cock deep into the passive geldings quivering rut hole.
The noble young gelding didn't care, because the older stallion's cock
smashed straight into his sissy prostate and he is ecstasy. "It feels
sooo good." The young noble gelding babbles between grunt and moans of
delight, as Hoggie's fat nuts smacked against those firm young rump
cheeks. Jana his wife to be... watched it all as the big wrestler
mounted her boyfriend and started to pound his huge cock in and out of
Erving's quivering ass. With every lustful thrust, another dribble of
cum would bubble out of that limp cock surging down the creamy white
belly fur of the highborn gelding.

"Yeeesssss Siissssyy, your boi-cunt is to tight around my cock... take
it like a gelding whore you are. Ammm what a juicy little sissy cunt
you have. Ripe for a real stud to seed." The older roan draft Horse
moaned ramming his cock in harder and faster as Erving groaned in pain
as that long cock rearranged his guts. "Thhaat's it colt... Let Daddy
stallion rape yer sissyboi cunt." Hoggie grunted lustfully, as Ervings
tight little hole ripped once again, as the stout draft Horse pounded
away until he was balls deep inside. The noble born young gelding
screaming out in pain, as his sphincter is stretched and torn wide
open. The hefty wrestler grabbed the geldings long narrow head and
covering his soft mouth with one sweaty palm as Hoggie started to
pummel that boi-pussy.

"Ahahaha..." The slender nobles muffled squeals go unheard as the
older stud pounded him like a ragdoll. Across the room Jana just
giggled at him, as Dunlup climbed over on top of her. The smiling
young highborn filly, spreading her leg's around the homely old
Donkeys tubby frame. Even as Dunlup almost smothered her under his
bulk, his soft belly covering most of her torso. As he sank that thick
cock inside of her leaking pussy, Hoggie's thick cum leaking out
around that thick old black Donkey fucker. The sound of the big roan
draft Horse balls slapping against Ervings furry white ass cheeks
filling the room. The young noble squeezing his tight sphincters
around the big stallion's throbbing shaft, making Hoggie roar as his
thick cum boils in those massive draft Horse balls.

"I think your husband really enjoys fucking geldings more than
females." Dunlup grunted with a snicker to the lovely Felicia, as the
two of them watched Hoggie pounding away wildly at Erving's virgin
tail hole. "You should have seen him fucking Carson... the two of them
were really going at it." The old Donkey chuckled lewdly, as he
slipped smoothly into the depths of Jana well creamed pussy.

"I always thought Carson was sexy." Felicia moaned weakly, as she was
coming out of the intense orgasmic bliss the old Onager had fucked her
into. "He fucked Carson..." The middle aged mare stammered in shock,
plainly she hadn't been told the whole story by her husband. She knew
the two of them were old friends, so she had never really thought
about Hoggie mounting the race Horse. "You know when Hoggie first told
me about this rutting competition, I figured I was going to be getting
fucked by Carson." Felicia confessed with a giggle, as Dunlup smirked
down at her while steadily humping Jana's hot sloppy sex. Filling the
air with nasty sounding 'Slurps' and 'Shmucks' as that thick Donkey
fucker slid smoothly in and out of the young fillies abused sex.

"Hahah... and you got a ugly old Donkey." Dunlup chuckled leeringly,
reaching over to stroke the pretty mares sleek golden furred body.
"Lucky you... Carson really had nothing to be proud of... stallion
hood wise that is." Dunlup pointed out with a big smirk, as Felicia
cuddled up against his side... kissing the old Donkey's muzzle
eagerly. Plainly the pretty middle aged mare couldn't wait, to get a
second lustful helping of that fat cock.

"Oh yes I was..." She agreed with a smile, joining Jana in rubbing and
caressing the Smiths rotund body as he pumped away inside the young
filly. "That really was the best sex I've had in years..." Felicia
confessed in a soft whisper, watching her husband pound away wildly at
the little geldings rump hole. "I think Hoggie has gotten bore with
me." Sharing a three-way kiss with Dunlup and Jana, touching and
fondling each other excitedly.

"Any male would have to be a fool... to get bored with such a
beautiful mare." Dunlup snorted, plainly offended that the draft Horse
would treat his sexy wife so poorly. He wrapped a flabby arm around
Felicia's sleek golden furred body, pausing to share a long look deep
into her eyes. "You will always be welcomed in my bed, so anytime you
feel the need for a passionate mounting..." His work roughened hands
fondling all the best places on her lush female body, as the pretty
mare lay there panting and moaning in desire. "You just say the
word... I'll turn your husband into a gelding just like I did Carson.
And then I'll take over his duties pleasuring you... I'll put some
Mules in this soft belly." The homely old Donkey promised rubbing a
hand over her furry tummy, enjoying the lustful kiss's she was
planting on his thick black lip's.

Both studs took a bit longer to work up the second time around, the
big draft Horse had gotten started a bit soon than Dunlup. So Hoggie
reached his peak first, gushing a huge load of thick stud milk up
Erving's ravished tail hole. The young gelding looking up at the older
stallion with awe and perhaps love in his soft brown eyes. Once Hoggie
had stopped cumming, pulling his massive fucker out of that ass. He
collapsed into the bed panting for breath, as the slender little high
born gelding moved around to clean his spent organ. The wrestler
laying there watching in shock, as he was cleaned and cared for by the
former male. Once that huge organ was cleansed, Erving began sucking
on it getting the draft Horse hard for the last judge. Felicia
strutted over to that bed with a sly grin, as Erving moved over to
take care of Dunlup who had at last cum into Jana's quivering twat.

"You know..." The pretty palomino mare snorted, as she climbed up into
the bed with her husband. "I was wrong... this rutting contest really
was a lot of fun." Felicia snickered lewdly as her husband looked up
at her, that sleek golden body caked with frothy equine sweat. Her
normally pink sex looking red an abused, as thick greasy Donkey jism
leaked out rolling down her inner thigh's. Hobbie was shocked to see
how much more the Smith had shot than he had, Felicia smirked she
could see in his eyes that the famous wrestler didn't think he was
winning the rutting contest. "It has certainly opened my eyes about a
few things." Standing over him, she slowly lowered her cum filled sex
onto his thick erection. Watching as Hoggie winced feeling the old
Donkey's cum inside of his wife's sex, even as she slowly sank down
his length to sit on his crotch. "I'm glad you bet your balls..." She
chuckled wickedly at him, making Hoggie wince as he realized just how
she was going to vote. "For years you've just been going thought the
motions with me... delivering one sorry mounting after another. All
because you had grown bored with my sex... well baby I've grown bored
with your half hearted fucks." Felicia sneered reaching back to smack
his hefty nuts playfully, making her big husband grunt and look up at
her in shock.

The big famous stallion lay back moaning open mouthed, as she slowly
sped up riding his hard cock faster and faster. His mind flashing back
to watching the old Donkey pounding her, listening to her moans and
whinnies of pleasure. As she was taken by another male... the big roan
draft Horse understanding that he had lost before he had even began.
"Come on... come on Cum. I want to watch him cut these off." Felicia
smirked gripping her husband's fat balls, squeezing and twisting them
painfully as Hobbie moaned louder. He glanced over at Erving... his
muzzle buried in Jana's crotch as the old Donkey pounded into him from
behind. That was the way the little gelding was going to be used for
the rest of his life, the way Carson was being used on a regular
basis. "No matter how good you do this time... you are not going to
get my vote." Felicia explained leaning over him, with her hands
gripping his shoulders now as she bounced on his cock. "From now on
I'm going to have a male in my bed that really wants to rut me... and
I think we both know that is not you." Hoggie lay back grunting and
moaning softly, his hands caressing her thick body as they fucked
intensely. He struggled to think of what to say, but there really
wasn't anything that she hadn't already said. Laying back he grunted
breathlessly, gripping the edges of the bed while struggling to not
lose control and cum sooner than he wanted. Felicia's laughter rang
out loudly, as she really enjoyed having sex with her husband for the
first time in years. She was working hard to make him cum, because he
was sure it would be the last time he ever would. Hoggie struggled
hard, but he wasn't able to outlast the old Donkey. Squealing and
bucking hard as he came well before Dunlup, still the fat old Smith
wasn't that far behind.

Hoggie lay back on the bed panting for breath, was he watched Felicia
climbed up off of him and join the others across the room. "Alright
time to vote!" She called out loudly as a huffing and puffing Dunlup
climbed to his hooves. "Who won the rutting contest?" She asked the
room loudly, while wrapping her arms around the fat ugly Jackass's
neck. "I vote for Dunlup." She called out with a smirk, kissing the
home old Donkey passionately for a long moment.

"Ammm well that's one judge heard from." Dunlup smirked licking his
lips, before kissing Hoggies wife again lustfully while fondling her
hefty teats. "Ervin' who do you think did best?"

"I... Ummm... Well..." The young gelding was looking back and forth
very nervously, he clearly didn't want to get the Blacksmith mad at
you. "I vote for him..." The young noble gelding grunted, pointing one
quivering finger at the panting Hoggie.

"Oh well... I was kind of expecting that answer." Dunlup chuckled,
thinking back to how eagerly the famous draft Horse had fucked the
young highborn gelding and Carson before him. "You turned in a fine
performance with young Ervin' here." Dunlup congratulated the plainly
exhausted roan draft Horse, as Hoggie let out a soft moan while
starring at the Donkey's stiff erection jutting out proudly. "It seems
that it all comes down to you Jana my dear." Dunlup chuckled as he
watched Felicia hug the young former filly, whispering naughty things
into her ear as the younger female considered her vote.

"It was very very close..." Jana answered slowly as Hoggie began to
tremble, knowing that she was going to vote for Dunlup. "To close to
call as a matter of fact... I vote it was a tie." The famous roan
draft Horse let out a shocked grunt, that kind of sounded like he had
just been kicked in the nuts.

"Well damn..." Dunlup snorted leaving the girls behind, he strolled
over to the bed where Hoggie was laying. "Looks like neither of us
won... I guess there is only one way to decide this." The fat old
Donkey grunted, climbing up onto the bed on top of the famous draft
wrestler. His rough callused fingers teasingly rubbing over Hoggie's
limp spent cock, the draft Horse well aware of the Donkey's throbbing
erection. "We'll wrestler... whoever get pinned... gets fucked." And
with that the old Donkey pounced on top of the big draft Horse, Hoggie
grunted struggling and rolling around. They both knew, that the
champion wrestler should have no trouble pinning the fat old Donkey
down. While Dunlup was strong, and had a lot of experience wrestling
colts down so he could snip their nuts off. He was not really a match
for Hoggie, and quickly it began to show as the draft Horse flipped
the smaller Donkey. Pinning his shoulders to the bed, as Dunlup spread
his chubby legs wide for the other male. "Looks like I'm pinned...
fuck me." Dunlup invited as Hoggie knelt between those flabby thigh's,
the roan draft Horse grabbing his own limp cock tugging and stroking
it for a minute. Before he was forced to admit the truth, blush
burning brightly on his big round equine nose.

"I... I can't." Hoggie admitted softly, as Dunlup smirked at him
gloatingly for a moment. Both of them well aware of the old Donkey's
throbbing erection, suddenly the roan draft Horses eyes flew open
wide. As that big callused hand slapped up between his legs, roughly
gripping Hoggies fat nut sack twisting and yanking savagely. Suddenly
it was the famous wrestler who was laying flat on the bed, as the
hefty old Donkey was between his wide spread leg's. Glancing back over
his shoulder, Hoggie watched his own short bobbed tail pop up. As
Dunlup's thick black cock was shoved under it, the draft Horse
grunting in shock as he felt the wet flare smack against his tail
hole. The famous wrestler helpless to resist with his nuts trapped in
that iron grip, he could feel that cock flare drooling hot pre-cum
over the velvety flesh of his taboo orifice.

"Wait... wait... wait... but I woahahAHAHA!" Hoggie screamed as that
thick blunt cock head was forced up his tail hole, the famous wrestler
would have liked to think he could resist. But the fat old Jack proved
that not to be the case at all, soon there was a wet ripping sound.
Much like the sound Ervings anus had made, when it was Hoggies thick
cock that was ripping it opened. The big roan stallions body bucked
and jerked, as he whimpered and squealed helplessly. There was a soft
'Popping' sound, as Dunlup's big blunt flare pushed through those
sphincters. "Uhuhu!" Hoggie moaned out loudly, as that thick shaft
slipped smoothing into the depths of his virgin ass. The big draft
Horse hearing snickers and outright laughter coming from his wife and
the other watchers.

"Looks like I win..." Dunlup snorted letting go of those nuts, as his
soft round belly covered Hoggies rump and lower back. "Of course this
wasn't our original bet... is here is the new deal." The grinning
Donkey grunted, flexing his wide rump to drive his thick fucker deeper
into the now passive stallion. "Your wife belongs to me now... you're
never going to fuck her again. I'm going to plant Mules in her belly
from now on, same with all the daughters you have. Understand?" Dunlup
asked as the big roan draft Horse paused for a long moment, gripping
the back of his neck Dunlup pounded that big cock into him hard.
Making the famous wrestler squeal loudly in pain and pleasure, as the
old Donkey leaned over his back grunting. "Do you understand?"

"Yes... yes I understand... Felicia and the girls are yours now."
Hoggie moaned in submission for the first time in years, even as
Dunlup kept punching that thick fucker in and out of his tail hole.

"That's right, from now on you are going to just fuck geldings..." The
fat Blacksmith grunted, chewing dominantly on the big wrestlers neck
ridge. While Hoggie's limp cock began to drool, on the bed under them.
"I'll make sure you have plenty of gelding to fuck, and since I like
being the bigger dick around. I'm going to cut four inches off of that
long fucker of yours, so I'll be one inch longer than you are. Also
I'm going to fuck this tail hole whenever I feel like it." It was
pretty plain the old Donkey was pressing his advantage, from the way
he just kept adding things on. "Oh since I'm the new herd stallion...
all your sons are going to be gelded. Right?" The old Jack growled,
smashing his thick black log into quivering pleasure gland.

"Right..." Hoggie moaned out loudly, willing to agree to about
anything as the that thick cock fucked him towards the strangest
orgasm of his life.

"Heheh... losers are always so agreeable." Dunlup chuckled feeling
that anus clench and quiver, knowing from long experience that the
draft Horse had just cum from being fucked.

Go back to Chapter 33
Go back to A Shameful Secret Main Index. Side 2
Notice that Chapter 10 & 26 - 27 & 31 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.