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Remaking The Herd
Chapter 2

The pretty Zebracorn mare looked up at the handsome male Goat, as he
slammed balls deep into her one last time. Ejaculating the last of his
thick rich seed into her, as he lick those overly sensual Caprine
lips. "Seven young studs... well into their breeding age. Hmmmm, I'll
definitely have to take their nuts then. Perhaps just one at a time...
give the others a chance to find some sympathetic mare's to keep your
line going perhaps. Or should I round them all up, so they can each
watch it happen to their brothers... No one at a time... that way I
can savor the unique traits and personalities of each of them." The
Goat buck giggled, as leaning down to cover the mare's velvety lip's
with his own. Forcing those lip's part with his tongue, just as he had
forced the lip's of her sex apart with his powerful male hood. Before
giggling and putting away to ask her smirkingly.

"By the way, how did you... of all equines get seven colts?" The
lustful Goat snickered as he looked down at the former stallion, who
he'd turned into a little Mare. "I didn't figure you... for the
breeding type." Boing snickered, knowing very well the Zebracorn had
preferred other males to mare's.

"Errr... well... your not the first one to figure out my passiveness,
and how to get me into mare form." Hooves confessed weakly as she lay
back panting in exhaustion, the horny Goat having rarely been off of
her in the last three days. "And also I have a hermy form... that is
more aggressive." She choked, remembering how Hermy Hooves had done
similar things to other males.

"Ahaha, I see that makes some sense, too bad you didn't have any
fillies." The horny Goat laughed, as he pulled out of her quivering
sex, his long thick male organ still jutting out stiffly. "Your line
may not continue beyond this generation, unless they're fast

"Oho there are a few fillies..." Hooves confessed, as she watched him
tower over her supine form, all hard powerful and masculine.

"Oho really... you don't say... Maybe I should track them down too,
after I finish with the colts of course." A lead male can never have
enough females... and geldings of course."

"Heheh... yeah gotta watch out for those sneaky and naughty fillies
their dangerous..." Hooves warned with a weak smirk.

"Hmmm, I'll keep a watch out for naughty fillies, maybe they'll want
to meet the guy that's been clipping their brother's nuts." The
lustful Goat chuckled as he looked over his conquest amused.

"Hehehe... ok they generally live with their mothers or fathers."
Hooves explained weakly as she shifted around uncomfortably.

"But first... there are seven stud colts out there who need to drop
their nuts. Where should I begin, do you think?" Boing asked, as he
stroked the Zebracorn's silky inner thighs with his big three fingered

"Depends on your taste I guess... the oldest will be the strongest and
toughest... youngest will be the brashest and most naive." Hooves
answered truthfully, having been rutted into total submission by the
horny Goat.

"I suppose I should figure out where to find them... or is this like
when a new stallion takes over a herd. And the colts of the previous
stud are all locked in their rooms awaiting his visit?" Boing asked
curiously as he smirked down at Hooves all spread out before him.

"They all live nearby... because none of them are as powerful as I am
yet. They don't come into full power until they past the first four
hundredth birthday." The slavish Zebracorn mare explained as her body
trembled softly.

"Well then, I'm glad I didn't bide my time to long. How old are they
now?" The horny Goat asked as he saw her staring at his long curved

"The oldest will reach his four hundredth birthday in a year, the
others are spaced out below that." Hooves moaned as his hip's jutted
forwards to tease her mouth with his cock tip. "Ammmm... the youngest
is just seventy years old at this time."

"Well... that's a surprise, although I suppose it really shouldn't be.
I assumed they were all teenagers, but I suppose if you live so long
you must also grow slow... I'll just have to take care of the eldest
within the year."

"Yes that's true... the youngest is about like a 14 year old in
maturity, even though his body is fully grown." Hooves explained as
Boing rewarded here with a few swift thrusts into that hot mouth.

"Hmmm... maybe they've made good use of all that time, and gotten
lucky with a mare after all... I guess we'll see... Hmmm should I do
the oldest first... or have you tell me which is the heaviest hung, or
the least hung. Maybe start with the oldest... let the others know
that their balls are only there for a limited time."

"Ummmm..." The hefty black and white striped Zebracorn mare moaned
breathlessly, her body sticky with frothy equine sweat and the stud
Goats heady male cream as she lays back exhuasted from his lustful use
of her. "However you want to do it... master." Boing grinned and
rubbed that sleek ass, the lusty Goat still grinning and massaging
that female body.

"I'll start with the oldest... the rest will hear, and they'll live in
fear for their testicles. I want that."

"Ohooo that will work with some... others will look on it as a
challenge." Dalrus is strong and tough... if a bit too hot headed."
Hooves warned softly, as that hand rubbed up over her big round
belly... The pretty Zebracorn obvious great with foal... still her
quivering black sex burned with the heat her Goat lover and master
kept her constantly in. The Goat grinned, sliding a hand across her
round belly, and fondling those hefty breasts as well... He groped her
hot slit, getting the scent of her heat all over his hand, before
standing up and pulling his robe on.

"I'll take care of your colts... Meanwhile if your fillies drop by,
let them know who satisfied you so very much. Muahaha." The exhausted
little mare lay there trembling in need and vague pleasure... as her
bulging breasts are so full of milk they actually leak as they are
toyed with. Her black tear drop shaped sex tingling intensely, as its
fingered and rubbed for a moment.

"Ummmm... Ummmm gods hurry back... I need... Please..." She begged
softly as the magic flares from the Goats touch, making her heat flame
up strong yet again. "Ohoooooooooo of course my stud... I always brag
about your... abilities." Boing snickered leering and gives her sleek
sexy ass a firm smack as he turns to go.

"Continue to do so... and when I come back with your son's balls...
I'll nail you again." With that he leaves to track down where the
Zebracorn's oldest son is living. The Zebracorn's pretty muzzle
contorts in conflicting emotions, clearly she wants the pleasure her
new masters mighty cock will give her... But at the same time doesn't
really want her all of her son's gelded.

"Hurr... hurr... hurry back my stud." Hooves whimpers as she watches
the Goat go, trembling in need and dread...

Quickly producing a set of stocks, lifting the beck-board up, and
cautiously positions the lower half of it under the edge of Dalrus's
bedroom windows. And then he simply holds up his hand covered in the
scent of that sweet heat, up to the breeze and waits.

"SNIFF.... SNORT... SNIFF..." Dalrus lifts his long narrow roan head
from the pillow, and sniffs the air... enchanted by the sweet musky
mare scent on the breeze. Some horny filly was near by and in great
need... need of a handsome young stallion to give her pleasure. And
fill her belly with a foal or two... climbing to his hooves the
powerful young stud strolls blindly towards the window. Thrusting his
head out to discover where his new mare might be... At which time, the
Goat simply releases the top half of the neck board that he'd been
holding up, and lets it fall into place with a soft wooden 'THUNK.'
Quickly Boing locks it in place, before the surprise Unicorn stallion
can react.

"Well... well... that was easy. I'll be right in, don't go anywhere."
Boing said with a wicked chuckle, entering the young stud's residence
in the normal way. The goat approaches him from the side, out of reach
of those dangerous hooves. "Well, now don't you feel embarrassed?"

"Wha... you don't really think this piece of wood can hold me?"
Dalrus laughed, as he watches the Goat stroll around and into his
room. Waiting until he was inside, before using his magic to make the
stocks vanish. And then pulling his head back into the room and
smirking at surprise Goat, as the young stallion's long nostrils flare
the scent very heavy now. "Just what were you thinking... gunna rump
rape me horny old Goat?" Boing raises his eyebrows in surprise at the
display of powerful magic, and smiled.

"So, you've inherited some of your mother's powers. I suppose that
shouldn't be a surprise. But no, I'm not just going to rape you." He
admits, rubbing his hands together... and then grabbing the young-
looking equine's plump stud sac. A massive electrical charge suddenly
jolting through those tender velvety hand-filling horse apples. "I'm
here to geld you... and then rape you time permitting." The horny
Goat admits blandly as the young stud looks stunned. Dalrus jumps
almost jerking himself out of the Goats lewdly fondling hands... when
the lightening bolt of electricity surges through his big plump
organ's. The fiery pain making him leap across the room, his powerful
body slamming into the far wall. So hard it buries his long sharp horn
into it, effectively trapping the magical beast by encasing that
magical horn...

"EIEiEIEEEEEEE... Wha... what the fuck? Geld Me? Like some common
plough horse? I think not I... I'll..." The young stallion bucked
and struggled trying desperately to free his magical horn... even as
the wicked Goat explains that he plans to rape the straight young
stallion as well as geld him. "Wha... No Nooo you can't... Help...
father... someone... anyone... help me." The young stud screamed, as
he realizes his helplessness... The robed Goat steps behind the
trapped Unicorn and kicks his hooves wide apart, stepping between the
colt's thighs and out of easy kicking range.

"Whose going to bother helping a stallion who can't fight his own
battles?" Boing smirked, mentally challenging the young studs self

"I... I can fight..." Dalrus whinnies, instantly those hard deadly
hooves lash out, but the Goat was sage between them. So they kicked
around the very thing they want to destroy... flying harmlessly wide.

"Certainly not a father who doesn't care to defend his mare's from
other males. Your slutty mother is my piece of ass now colt... and in
the timeless herd tradition."

"Wha... what are you talking about... Hooves was my mother." Dalrus
bucked and struggled trying to twist his head free... but only making
that sleek round ass dance and bounce provocatively in front of the
horny Goat...

"I'm gelding all her previous colts." He reaches down and grasps
those plump equine balls again, squeezing them firmly, and pulling
hard on that velvety sac.

"WHAT... HEY... That was never a Unicorn tradition!" The helpless
colt shouted as his fat pink equine orbs are grabbed and handled

"So yes, like a common ploughhorse! You're having your balls cut to
improve your manner, to prevent you breeding... and to make you a
better ride."

"Oh No Never... I'm a Unicorn not a common ploughhorse... You can't do
this... My magic will never let you." The wicked Goat snorts in

"Silly colt. You use magic, but I understand magic. You think I've
never done this before? Perhaps I'll let you see my collection
sometime. You may even make a point of trying to find these plump
things amongst all the others." The young red stallion looked back
stunned at the Goats words... so he had gelded others even Unicorns...
Had a collection so vast it would be hard for a gelding to find his
own within it... the idea sent a shiver of real fear down the young
studs broad back. Boing smirked as he tugged on those pale pink
testicles, kneading them in his slender hand. "Ammm... daddy was a
well-hung stud wasn't he? No wonder Hooves put out for him. However I
now claim his legacy." The horny Goat placed a hand on that fine roan
ass, caressing the young stallion's buttocks firmly. "Look on the
bright side... gelding doesn't mean never having sex. With an ass like
yours, I'm sure you'll be getting a lot of it... in the tailhole."
Boing chuckled as he pulled a long, slender knife from his robes the
black blade razor-sharp, carefully chipped from obsidian. "Now, hold
still colt the cutting only hurts for a moment." Boing promises, as
he presses the sharp blade to those fat virile balls.

"WHAT? A gelding having sex... with and ass like mine... Oh No...
NO... NO... NO... I'm not taking it up the tailhole no way Never!"
The young stud is trembling in fear now, a heavy frothy sweat
collecting on his sleek roan hide. As he tries to move his butt cheeks
away from those caressing hands, and then that sharp cold edge against
his hot young sac... "No... No Never." Dalrus squeals, bucking and
whinning as he feels that blade slowly cutting into his delicate
flesh. The magical blade slicing easily through that soft skin... into
tough cords and springy tubes and blood vessels. Boing licks his lips
as his smooth blade slices through those heavy, trembling equine
balls. The black blade sliding against the soft pink skin, as the red
fur of the young horse's thighs is stained redder still with the blood
from his wounded crotch. Watching the young Unicorn buck and thrash as
his balls are cut off, the wicked Goat snickers as he finally pulls
those pink orbs free.

"A fine set to add to my collection." Boing laughed softly holding
the Unicorn's orbs up for him to see. "A good catch, soon I'll make a
set with all your brother's testicles, too." Panting for breath the
new gelding sags for a moment, but then even as Boing watches the
wound seals off. As the lost flesh begins to regenerate the roan
Unicorns body beginning to straighten and he stands back up strongly.

"Oh no you won't... because I'm going to stomp you into a puddle."
Dalrus snorts, as the heat scents in the room at last resister on his
brain... that was Hooves scent... well mare scent anyway. "Wha... what
have you done to my mother?" The naughty Goat's grin widens as he
toyed with his prey.

"I told you... she's my piece of ass now. I just did what comes
naturally... and her nice round belly came naturally after that. Now
it's my turn to do what's natural again... and that's making all her
earlier colts into nice, pleasant geldings." He pocketed his meaty
prize, and puts both hands on that sleek red rump.

"Oooooo you bastard... I'm going to stab you in places you don't even
know you got..." The young proud Unicorn threatens, as he feels his
sac growing back the cords and tubes slowly snaking down. Soon
testicles would blossom on the severed ends, and he would be a
stallion once more.

"Hmmm, I wonder... should I take your ass now, to show you your place?
It sounds like you could use it..." The swiftly recovering gelding
screamed in anger, as his molester bragged about rutting and
impregnating his mother... That long deadly horn at last beginning to
pull free from the wall.

"Yeah... yeah you do that..." Dalrus snorted, stalling for time to
get his male hood back and free his deadly horn. Which was moving
slowly out of the wooden wall, with every twist and buck. The lusty
Goat smirked and gave that sexy rump a rough slap.

"Maybe later... your mother was really wanting it when I left. Maybe
I'll save myself for her. Or one of your younger brothers..."

"You... you sick bastard." The young Unicorn squealed bucking and
struggling mightily again, as his healing body gets closer and closer
to being whole. The Goats words fueling his anger and resistance to
new heights. "You will Not harm any of them... He snarled his horn
looser and looser within the hole in the wall.

"By the way I love nailing virgins, are you a virgin?" Boing asked,
already knowing the answer as he snaked a hand down between the
Unicorn's thighs again. Groping Dalrus's regenerating male parts, to
gauge how much time he had.

"Yes... yes of course I'm a virgin... At least back there I'm a
stallion... I mount I don't get mounted." He snorted as those fondling
fingers touch him in places no other male ever had... oddly making his
long pink and brown cock slither from its sheath...

"Ahah good the bleeding's done, the area's all nice and covered up."
He reaches into his robe again and pulled out a small piece of wire...
deftly looping it around that dangling sac and then tugs it closed. He
then started twisting the ends, closing the loop tighter and tighter.
"I love you re-generators... I can get a nice set of nuts for display
off you. And get a full sac to cover the scars with..." Boing twisted
that wire tightly closed around those cords, as if he were banding the
young Unicorn. "So have you had a mare or haven't you? Don't think
you will now... That's iron, by the way it resists magic. "Owww...
Owww... fuck yeah I've had a mare." Dalrus whinnied as he bucked a
little less wildly, as he feels one hand stroke down his long floppy
male organ. And hears the Goat say its Iron wire... it was a myth many
believed. But it would not stop his magic from working.

"Don' think I'm just going to let you grow your nuts back." The horny
Goat says with a wicked smirk. "That would de-value the ones I've
already collected..." Boing notices the young gelding's sheath
filling out, and reaches down to fondle it. "Ahh... it seems you like
getting molested by a male more than you thought..."

"Oh I just bet it would devalue them heh... Errr Wha... Hey No that...
that's not true..." The proud young former straight stud mumbles in
panic and embarrassment. The Goat wizard chuckles lewdly and keeps
stroking that hard equine cock, and playing with that regenerating
sac. Feeling to make sure the handsome Unicorn stayed a gelding.

"Oh I think it is... in fact, I'll prove it to you." Boing assures
with a leering smirk.

"Like fuck you will..." Dalrus snorts, even as that stroking hand
draws a soft sigh of pleasure out of the gelding... Thoughts of
regenerating and revenge melting away, as arousal takes they're

And then with a shuffle of cloth... the Goats long flowing robe falls
open. And then the next thing Dalrus feels is a firm male shaft under
his tail... the roan Unicorn hadn't even realized his tail was up. The
lustful Goat holds Dalrus's ass and pushes in slowly, but very firmly
mounting the pretty Uni like a common gelding.

"What the hell... do you think your... your do... doiiiinnnnngggg!"
The straight young former stud screams, as his anus is slowly but
firmly penetrated. "Oh gods... Oh Gods your... You've put it up my..."
Dalrus reacts without thinking, driving his horn back into that hole
trapping himself again. As he tries to escape the hard cock raping his
virgin ass. "Noooo Noooo Don't... Don't... stop it..." The lewd Goat
smirks, as he pushes his hard shaft up that hot virgin tailhole.

"Your mother's a pretty good fuck gelding; don't let down the family
name now." Boing taunts, smacking that firm round ass even while
hebucks forward, drilling his dick deep in that tight back door. His
balls swing forward, hitting the inside of Dalrus's thighs. "Maybe
when I've cum in you, you'll change your mind about not having any

"EHEHEHEEE..." The proud young equine bucks and screams trying wildly
to escape... but this only makes his tail hole clench on that invading
cock in very pleasant ways... Those strong anal muscles like a hot wet
velvety vice on the Goats hard cock, whether he is trying to or not
the young gelding is giving his molester one hell of a fuck...

"Owww... Owww... Gods No... take it out... take it out." That long
pink stud stick is hard now flopping around as if really to rut a
mare... even while Dalrus is the mare getting fucked... Reaching back
with his arms, he tries to shove the Goat away. "Cum inside... inside
of ME.... You... you can't do... I won't let you do... that..."

"Hahaha... fuck, you've got a tight ass. Yeah, push back like that...
oho yeah, that's a good gelding." Boing pants in response, as he ruts
that tight ass hard, his balls swinging up and slapping where the
Unicorn's own used to hang. "Ohh yeah, I've got a big load for your
sweet ass colt... I gelded you to make you a better fuck, and ohoho
the stallion's are gonna love this ass." The roan Unicorn is left
dazed, and confused by his rapists words. And so falls passive... but
finds even that hard to do, and draws even more lewd teasing comments
from the horny stud rutting him... The feeling of that hard cock using
him... taking him... those fat ball's slapping up between his legs
over his gelding crotch which is still struggling to regrow...

"No noooo please don't..." He moans, his protests growing weaker and
weaker as the former straight stud is fucked into submission... "ST...
Stal....stallion... in my ass... Oh Gods please..." The horny Goat
reached under the Unicorn and grabbed his cock, then gives it a hard

"You little slut... hard already... your balls are still cooling and
you're already yearning for cock." The wicked Goat teased the very
confused gelding. "Well don't worry... when I leave you here... I'll
stop by the barn and tell the local plough horses there's a fresh-cut
gelding in here that needs fucking. I'm sure they'll take their rough,
sweaty daily lusts out on you to your satisfaction." The Goat's fat
balls start drawing up, as he works that virgin hole with his hard
pole. "Uhuhuuuu... soon gonna give ya... your first load..." The
pretty roan red Unicorn trembles violently, as he hears the goats
words... Those big grimy plough horses had often commented on how
pretty his sexy red rump was, and had made many other lewd comments
about him. He'd had to scare them with his magic... but if they found
him like this helpless and gelded...

"OH MY GODS... OH MY GODS. NO YOU... YOU CAN'T..." Dalrus screamed
loudly, even while his body had stopped struggling and was now
actively pushing back into the rutting... "Please don't do this...
please don't... stop it..." The overcame gelding moaned, not
realizing that the finger flesh with his dames juices was drawing that
rune over his crotch. Stopping it from regenerating the lost flesh
down there, and leaving him a gelding forever. Boing groaned, and
thrust harder his tense balls smacking that denuded crotch, the lusty
caprine squeezing the Unicorns hard cock. Grabbing that long flowing
tail holding it, while he shoves his hips forward. And then snorting
loudly as his hot cream pulses into that quivering tailhole, filling
the Unicorns rump hole.

"Ohooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" The roan Unicorn gelding moaned
weakly, as he feels that hot male spoo flood his tailhole... His legs
giving out and he sprawls over the small table under him, his body
limp save for that long throbbing stud stick. Which is drooling long
strings of silvery seedless juices onto the flood underneath him...
breath whistling through his nose. The lusty Goat grunts, and backs
off of those hips slowly, pulling out with a wet 'Pop'.

"Ummm... very satisfying gelding. Those farm horses will be real happy
to fuck a nut-less slut like you... heh." He smiles and holds up
those pinkish orbs again, displaying the Unicorns lose to him again.
"Well... I'd better get back to your slutty dame, she'll want to see
these... proof that her first colt has lost his stallion hood. You
should tell your brothers I'm coming... I'm sure they'll want to put
their balls to some use, before I claim them." Dalrus just lays there
panting for breath for a long moment, to stunned by what had just
happened to resist or talk back... Confused and frighten by the fact
that he'd been taken, and that now he was looking forwards to those
big dirty manure smelling plough horses visiting him. My... my
brothers won't let you get away with... with this..." He whimpered
weakly as the Goat teasingly fingered his tail hole for a moment

"They're all getting castrated, just like common plough horses. I'm
claiming their balls." The wicked Goat buck snorted dismissively, as
he leaves to talk to some common plough horses who have to live their
whole lives with the fear of being gelded.

Dalrus was just wiggling his horn free from the wall, when he heard
the big dirty hoof steps clip clopping across his floor. Looking back
he froze as he saw a half dozen massive draft horses moving up behind
him. "Well... well lookee what we have here." A huge sweaty and mud
splattered Clydesdale snickered, as he he stopped to admire that sleek
roan red rump.

"A fresh-cut gelding that needs fucking..." A huge black Shire joked,
drawing lewd guffaws from the other mighty studs.
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