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Even big girls cum

By Stanley Alston and Chris Teel

As the audience inside the stadium patiently waited for the match to start, the first strains of Richard Wagner’s song, the ‘Ride of the Valkyries’ began to play on the arena’s loudspeakers. This produced a loud pop from the crowd, just as the Trinitron came on, soon showing to the now cheering stadium crowd the helicopter scene from the war film ‘Apocalypse Now’. At that moment, Brunhilda exited the curtain and started to walk towards the ring. As she headed for the ring, amidst the loud cheers of the crowd, the helicopter scene on the Trinitron was quickly replaced by one showing the old German Battleship, ‘the Bismarck’ getting ready to fire its main guns, which was soon followed by several loud booms that began to echo throughout the stadium. This was soon followed by a scene showing a World War I-era German artillery battery getting ready to fire all its guns, which was soon accompanied by several scenes showing the earth being churned up by falling artillery shells, and several more loud explosions. As Brunhilda got near the ring, the Trinitron proceeded to show an old painting showing a Prussian Infantry unit from the Franco-Prussian War-era about to attack a French Infantry unit during the decisive Battle of Sedan. The buxom mare then reached the ring, and quickly jumped onto the apron, just as the Trinitron began to show the scene of French cavalry circling around Allied Infantry that had just formed into defensive squares from the war film ‘Waterloo’. As she placed her hooves onto the top rope, the audience heard the announcer said:

Good evening, ladies and gentlefurs and welcome to WCAW Wrestling. Tonight’s match is a yiff can occur anywhere match. And now entering the ring, standing at 6’ 3” and weighing in at 215 lbs, from Cologne, Germany, the fighting Valkyrie, Brunhilda!!!!!!”

Brunhilda smiled for a few seconds, before she finally jumped up and then used the top rope to bounce herself into the ring. As soon as her feet had hit the mat, both her theme song and the Trinitron would stop playing. She would then quickly step towards the center of the ring, soon revealing that she was carrying in her right hoof a microphone. After waiting for the crowd to stop cheering, she placed the mic before her mouth and said:

“Riika, du got lucky dis past Monday, but du von’t be so lucky dis time around, since ve vill soon be fightink im mein environment und ich hardly ever lose un yiff match. So, big girl, du better prepare ihrself for feelink un little vet between der groins once ich’m done mit du.”

She then lowered the mic and looked up the ramp, waiting for her bigger opponent to appear.

After Brunhilda has finished her both entrance and her speech, the speakers began to play the foreboding, militaristic march ‘Invasion’, as the Trinitron now showed a video of a lone African elephant fighting off a pride of lions as Riika finally emerged from behind the curtain wearing the yiff match version of her ring gear, making her way down the ramp towards the ring as the announcer spoke again:

“And now making her way to the ring, at 7 feet and 400 pounds, from Cape Town, South Africa, Riika!”

Upon reaching the ring, the elephant femme climbed onto the apron and then stepped over the top rope ala ‘The Big Show’, before finally heading for a corner to warm up as her entrance finally concluded. Once she was finished, Riika stood and turned to face Brunhilda, waiting for her to finish her own preparations.

The buxom redheaded mare watched her opponent enter the ring. Once Riika was inside, Brunhilda placed the mic back in front of her mouth and said, “Ich hope du’re ready to cum, honey, cause ich’m ready to make du cum gut und hard.” She then threw the mic out of the ring, before turning around and headed for her own corner. Upon reaching it, Brunhilda turned around and started to limber up.

Meanwhile, the referee, a female polar bear, looked at the two wrestlers. “Are either of you two ready to get this going?” she asked them.

Brunhilda looked back at the white-furred she-bear. After waiting several seconds she finally said to her, “Ich vill be shortly.”

The female ursine nodded her head, then looked at Riika. “And you?”

Riika looked towards the ref and nodded. “Just waiting for Brunhilda.” She then looked across the ring towards her opponent, waiting for her to signal that she was ready so that the match could get underway.

Brunhilda continued to limber up in her corner for a few moments more. When she finally stopped, she began to get into a wrestling pose while looking at the ref. “Ich’m ready,” she said to the polar bear.

The female ref nodded her head, before she looked over at the skunkette who was seated next to the bell. She then told her to ring the bell.

The skunkette nodded in acknowledgment and then struck the bell to start the match.


Brunhilda, upon hearing the bell, quickly exited her corner before she headed for center ring. Upon reaching the center ring, she started to circle Riika, her defenses up. She then quickly moved in, and tried to grab her opponent’s nearest hoof, intending to make it look like she was intending to perform an irish whip, but in reality trying to perform a short clothesline against Riika’s upper sternum to push her onto the ground. If she is successful, she’ll run towards the nearest set of ropes. She intended to jump into the air once she was near them, hit the middle rope with her feet, and then flip in mid-air to perform a lionsault against the bigger femme’s stomach, obviously thinking about taking an early advantage in this match.

Riika also moved towards center ring once she had heard the bell ring, soon circling with Brunhilda upon arrival, watching the mare closely. When Brunhilda grabbed her hand, Riika grunted and used her weight to hold her ground, soon trying to reverse the move and whip Brunhilda towards the ropes instead, watching to see what happened next instead of blindly charging after her, not wanting to get hit by a counterattack from the mare with no way to react.

Brunhilda snorted as she felt her move being stopped by Riika, before she felt it being reversed and saw herself being whipped towards the ropes. Deciding to use it to her own advantage, she turned around so that her back would bounce off of the ropes. She would then charged the elephant gal, looking like she was going to use a clothesline at her chest, but will at almost the last moment move into Riika’s inside to attempt a standing dropkick at her stomach to knock her off her feet. She also has prepared, in case the elephant gal tried to sidestep her move, attempt to perform a quick sweep with her arm to trip her up as soon as she had landed on the mat. .oO(Ich aim to take her off her feet vhether she likes it ou ne. Her veight should slow her down enough for either idea to vork.)

Riika watched Brunhilda rebound off the ropes and come at her, preparing for whatever she might try. She soon saw her go airborne and tried to duck, but acks! as Brunhilda managed to partially trip her, causing her to stumble down to her knees. She tried to roll a bit away from Brunhilda, looking back to her as she made her way back to her feet. She then saw Brunhilda get back up as well with a smirk, the elephant soon tilting her head curiously as she saw Brunhilda take a rather suggestive pose and starting to slowly move towards her. .oO(Now what’s she doing?)

Brunhilda grunted lightly when she felt her back hit the mat, but as soon as she did, she moved her arm forward as planned, so that she would hit Riika’s nearest leg with it, soon forcing her onto her knees. As she watch her roll away, Brunhilda quickly took the opportunity to kip back up. She then looked at the elephant femme. The redheaded veteran then positioned her body so that she was soon showing her groin at Riika for several seconds, before she started to slowly approach the elephant femme. As she did, Brunhilda began to think of her next move, which would be an attempt to jump forward, once she was close enough, so that she could wrap her legs around Riika’s neck and perform a quick hurricanrana. She was then planning to keep her legs wrapped around the elephant girl’s neck so that she could grind her groin against her face for a while, teasing Riika in the process before finally releasing her and then rolling off of her. .oO(Der erste part better vork right,) she thought to herself, as she got close to her jump point.

Riika watched Brunhilda as she approached, staying alert for signs of an attack. She then saw Brunhilda jump at her, reacting by grabbing what she could of the airborne equine and tossing her away. .oO(Oh no you don’t!)

The mare snorted loudly as she saw Riika trying to grab her legs. At the very moment that her legs were caught, she would swing her body first backward to try and disrupt the elephant girl’s attempt to swing her away, before trying to swing herself forward so that she could aim a double axe handle right at the side of Riika’s neck to make her release her body. .oO(Sorry, but ich am ne im der mode to go flyink. Vat ist it mit people tryink to turn me into un literal flyink horse? Ich am gettink SICK OF IT!!!!)

Riika caught hold of Brunhilda’s legs and grunted a bit. She then saw Brunhilda clasp her hands together in preparation for the axe handle and promptly released her, letting her fall onto the mat before starting to move away from her.

Brunhilda grunted again as she felt her back hit the mat once more. After releasing a loud snort, she performed a backwards roll before kipping herself back up. She then looked at Riika. She released another snort before she started to follow after the elephant femme, her defenses back up, as she intends to force her into a corner.

Riika watched Brunhilda get back up and start to approach her. Her own guard up as well, she started to circle with Brunhilda to prevent herself from being trapped, though after a few moments she blinked her eyes as she saw the mare’s movements begin to become more... sensual.

Brunhilda continued to approach the elephant femme, watching out for any sudden move that could put her onto the mat. She then started to see Riika begin to circle around with her. Realizing that she was trying to keep herself from being trapped, the redheaded mare began to counter circle, to stay with her. As she did, Brunhilda came up with a new idea. She continued circling with Riika, but she then started to move her hips around, soon beginning to look like she was doing a belly dance. As she does, she started to inch closer to Riika until she was soon close enough to attempt a right knee strike at her stomach, hoping to follow that up with a quick snap ab suplex if she can time the move right.

Riika continued to circle with Brunhilda, blinking a bit as she saw her opponent starting to dance, soon blushing at the sight. She then erks! when the mare attacked the distracted elephant, grunting in response to the knee hit, then felt Brunhilda grab her for the next move, countering it by grabbing what she could of Brunhilda’s body to interrupt the maneuver. “Oh no you don’t...”

Brunhilda grunted as she felt her knee hitting against Riika’s stomach. She then moved in to perform the snap ab suplex. But as she did, she felt Riika trying to grab her nearest arm. The redheaded mare snorted, before she tried to instead get a good hold of Riika’s neck and fall back to perform an evil flow to slam her face against the mat. “Ich dink it’s rather, on ne du don’t!!!"

Riika felt Brunhilda’s arm in her grip and quickly released it just before Brunhilda can grab for her neck, having succeeded in stopping the suplex attempt. She then quickly moved away from the mare to try to regroup and try to come up with some sort of strategy to take the initiative.

Brunhilda snorted again as Riika somehow got herself out of her grip. She quickly followed after her, intending to hit her with a quick clothesline at her upper sternum to knock her big opponent off her feet. Brunhilda would then continue on to the ropes, planning to turn her body around and bounce her back against the ropes, then run back toward the prone elephant girl, jump and attempt a leg drop against her stomach.

Riika continued to move away from Brunhilda, unaware that she was actually giving her room for her next attack, unable to react to it until it was too late, soon letting out a grunt and an oof! as she was toppled and hit the canvas, groaning from the impact. She then looked up just in time to see Brunhilda coming through the air at her, only able to bring her arms up in time to take the brunt of the impact, letting out another oof! as Brunhilda hits her arms, being only partially winded by the move, although now writhing beneath the mare.

Brunhilda grunted as she felt her arm hit Riika’s upper sternum, soon seeing her go down. She then continued on to the ropes, as planned. She quickly turned around so that her back would hit them, soon forcing the ropes back. The redheaded mare then used them to propel herself forward, back towards the prone Riika. When she was close, Brunhilda jumped into the air, and then landed her strong legs on top of Riika’s stomach and arms, causing a light ooof to escape her lips as she felt her ass also hitting Riika’s prone form. She then got back up, and attempted to perform a quick elbow drop upon Riika’s stomach. Once the move has been performed, Brunhilda would get up again and run towards the ropes, intending to use a move she hasn’t used in months.

As she got close to the ropes, Brunhilda would jump forward and performed a hand stand, and then leaned herself forward, soon hitting her legs against the ropes at full speed. The veteran mare then began to fall forward, soon rolling her body along the mat, spinning her body forward a couple of times and then jumping into the air, planning to land her butt and her legs once more on top of Riika’s stomach as she attempts to perform her Valkyrie Crush finisher, figuring that it should be just enough to keep Riika down on the mat without hurting her too much, so that she can start the next part of the match.

Riika groaned as she laid under Brunhilda from both the clothesline and the leg drop, soon shaking her head to try to clear it. She then felt Eva get off of her and looked towards her just in time to see the mare falling on her yet again, causing her to let out another oof! from the impact of the finisher, which caused her to partially curl her body around the mare. She then remembered one of her earliest matches with Brunhilda and tried to take advantage of her body’s reaction to wrap her limbs around the mare’s smaller body, not wanting to give her the chance to get up and attack her from the air anymore.

The buxom redhead ooofffs as she felt her ass and leg hit against Riika’s body again. But she then felt her trying to use again the same trick from their previous match. She snorted, before she got her fists together, soon aiming an upper cut at the elephant girl’s exposed chin. “Du are ne goink to use der same trick on me zwei matches im un row, get me!!!!” she said in a very angry tone.

Riika saw Brunhilda winding up to attack her. She was soon trying to move her arms to protect herself from the hit, though blinking her eyes when she found Brunhilda trying to wrap her up instead, trying to use her own move against her.

Before she could aim her fists at Riika’s neck, Brunhilda came up with a better idea. She suddenly moved her arms so that she was soon wrapping them around Riika’s larger form. She planned to pull her body forward so that she could put Riika into a sort of modified bear hug, while pondering if she’ll be able to get her head close enough to her boobs to attempt a boob smoother. .oO(Hope dis vorks,) she thought to herself as she attempted the move.

Riika erfs as Brunhilda trapped her in her arms, soon feeling the mare’s legs curling about her as well. She then huhs? blushing as her opponent’s bosom slowly filled her vision, making the mistake of turning her head to look right into it.

After she has gotten her arms around Riika’s form, Brunhilda started to wrap her legs around the bigger girl’s waist, placing her in a leg scissor as well. Once that was done, she proceeded to move her body forward so that she could cover Riika’s face with her boobs, soon finding her breasts covering the elephant girl’s turned over face.

Riika mmmmffs muffledly as she felt her face being pressed into Brunhilda’s cleavage, her cheeks soon growing hot from blushing as she was held trapped in the mare’s grip. She soon found herself unable to break Eva’s grasp, before she started to hear the mare’s taunting and gloating about the fact of her present predicament.

Brunhilda kept her arm and leg scissors in place as she pressed her boobs even harder against the now blushing Riika’s face. As she did, she said to her, “Ich hope du like mein boobs, Riika, since dey’re goink to be im ihr face for un vhile.” She then lightly chuckled as she hope that she’ll soon have a light headed elephant femme on her hands so that she can finally get at her pussy.

Riika grunted muffledly as she felt Brunhilda constricting her in the bear hug/scissor combo, blushing even more at her comment as she felt the mare press her breasts even more tightly against her face. Riika was still able to get air via her trunk, though that wasn’t much help as Brunhilda’s embrace was soon compressing what air she was able to get out of her like a Rock Python from Riika’s homeland, leaving her less room to take each following breath, causing her to grit her teeth at the growing squeeze around her body, writhing as she was held immobile and helpless.

Brunhilda kept her grip around Riika’s body as she continued to press her breasts against the female elephant’s face. As she smiled, the redheaded veteran quipped, “Are ve feelink comfy mein dear. Hopefully, ich’m ne beink un awful host.” She then snickered before she added, “Ich just vonder how much longer before du start to veaken.”

Riika groaned muffledly as Brunhilda continued to squeeze her body, soon blushing more at her teasing words, before giving a nuzzle to Brunhilda’s bosom in reply to her first comment, right before she began to feel herself getting dizzy as she started to feel the effects of the equine’s crushing grip. She then heard Brunhilda start to chuckle again before she heard the mare say something to her as the veteran equine continued to grind her bosom against Riika’s face.

The redheaded mare kept her bear hug/leg scissor combo tightly around Riika’s larger former, as she continued to rub her boobs against the elephant girl’s exposed face. As she did, she kept on pondering how much longer it would take for Riika’s to start getting dizzy, while she started to feel her trying to nuzzle her face against the mare’s breasts. “Oh, are ve tryink to haff fun now, hmmm? Iff so, it might be un case off too little too late,” Brunhilda said to Riika, before she started to chuckle some more.

Riika felt Brunhilda continuing to compress her body with her attack, her dizziness growing as she was unable to get any air in her grasp, while at the same time she continued to nuzzle the soft orbs rubbing against her face as best she could, even trying to give them a kiss or two, though her trunk made it a bit tricky. She listened to hear whether her efforts has gotten any kind of reaction from the redheaded mare, while her head started to spin from the lack of air that she was receiving.

Brunhilda kept her grip around Riika’s body, although releasing a light moan in response to the kisses being planted on her boobs. She waited a few moments more before she released the elephant girl. After she has let her go, Brunhilda proceed to turn Riika’s body around until she had both of her legs placed on top of Riika’s elbows, planning to keep them both pinned on the mat, as she looked at the elephant girl’s bikini brief. She quickly placed her hooves on them and then began to pull them downwards, to expose Riika’s pussy. Once that has been done, she planned to rub Riika’s clit with her fingers to start getting her aroused.

Riika gasped and panted for air once Brunhilda has finally released her, her large form now lying on top of the canvas as she recovered from the constriction, unable to do anything about her opponent as she first felt herself being shifted onto her back and then felt her lower body being disrobed. She then started to gasp and shudder as she began to feel the mare’s touch on her intimate regions.

The buxom mare continued to rub her finger back and forth on the elephant girl’s clitty, as she heard her gasping and shuddering in response to what she was presently doing to her. “Oh, are ve maybe gettink horny, hhhmmm, big girl? Let see iff ich can take care off dat, shall ve?” Brunhilda said in a very teasing tone, as she lowered her head until it was just above Riika’s vagina. The redheaded mare looked at it for a while, seeing her finger still playing with Riika’s clit, before she finally lowered her tongue and began to move it around the top of the elephant girl’s pussy lips, waiting to see what Riika’s reaction to it would be before finally diving inside.

Riika blushed and shivered as she felt and then heard Brunhilda teasing her, before gasping as she felt the mare begin her oral ministrations upon her womanhood, soon causing her to squirm a bit before feeling the mare committing herself fully to the move. The elephant gal then reached up with her hands to rub with them what she could of Brunhilda’s long legs with Brunhilda presently positioned on her the way she was. She then erfed as she felt the mare begin to playfully brush her tail over her face while chuckling and saying something to her, causing her to blink a bit in response to it.

Brunhilda continued sliding her tongue back and forth along Riika’s pussy, with her finger still playing with her clit, as she felt the bigger mammal squirming underneath her. She soon began to feel the elephant girl’s hands starting to rub along her thighs as she kept on sliding her tongue across Riika’s sex. The redheaded mare then stopped and moved her face from Riika’s pussy for a moment, before she began to chuckle. She soon stopped and then said to her, “Oh, ich’m bettink dat du vish dat du could get ihr tongue into mein bush right now, ja?” She then chuckled again before she began to teasingly wave her tush in front of Riika’s face, before she proceeded to lower her face once more and went back to sucking on the elephant girl’s bush, now moving her tongue even deeper inside it and doing it at a faster pace.

Riika blushed fiercely at Brunhilda's taunting, writhing and moaning as the mare worked her over, feeling herself nearing the brink of climax, while at the same time continuing to rub and caress the mare’s strong legs as best she could, trying to do something despite her present situation.

The buxom redhead continued to move her tongue back and forth across Riika’s exposed pussy and clit, one of her fingers still playing with the elephant girl’s clitty as she tried to bring her bigger opponent off. As she does, Brunhilda could feel Riika’s hands still rubbing her legs, being all that she was able to do as long as Brunhilda kept the elephant’s girl’s elbows trapped under her strong legs. She then once again moved her panties/trunks covered rump, teasing the big girl some more, while her tongue continued to do its work, only now going deeper inside Riika’s cunny.

Riika groaned and writhed as Brunhilda continued to have her way with her, feeling her arousal growing stronger with each passing second, soon feeling herself hovering on the brink of climax, as she tried to hold on as long as she could. She then erfed lightly as Brunhilda continued to brush her red-furred tail over the elephant girl’s face, momentarily blinding her as it blocked her vision. .oO(I am so getting you back for that when this is over.)

Brunhilda started to move her tongue across the elephant gal’s pussy at a faster pace as she began to feel her getting ready to cum. When she figured that it was only a matter of time before she finally blew, Brunhilda started to move her tongue faster in an effort to try and make Riika cum real hard. .oO(Ja, cum for me...) she thought between licks as she finally stopped shaking her firm romp in front of the female elephant, while her tail kept on moving back and front in front of Riika’s face.

Riika tried to hold out for as long as she could but eventually couldn’t resist any longer, now moaning loudly as a powerful orgasm tore through her, causing her to writher and squirm beneath Brunhilda, as she felt the climax surge through her body like an earthquake. Eventually, she felt her climax subside, leaving her panting beneath Brunhilda’s body as the mare suddenly turned around and laid herself down atop of Riika, the elephant femme soon blushing as the mare seemed to be using her F-cup bosom as if they were a couple of pillows while she looked her in the face, leaving Riika to wonder what she was up to now as evidenced by the curious expression on her face.

Brunhilda continued to slide her tongue back and forth across Riika’s hot pussy as she began to feel Riika getting ready to cum. .oO(Should be any moment now...) the buxom mare thought just as she felt Riika starting to cum under her, before she proceeded to suck up the hot pussy juice that was slowly exiting the elephant gal’s pussy. She did this for a while until she was sure that Riika was finally through her orgasm. After a few last licks, Brunhilda stopped. She then removed her legs from Riika’s elbows and then suddenly turned her body around until she was now lying on top of the bigger femme. As she placed both of her arms on top of the elephant gal’s boobs, she said to her, “So, tell me, vant to return der favor, hhhmmm? ‘Cause mein pussy vants to be sucked und licked real bad.” The redheaded mare then smiled at Riika as she waited for her response.

During this time, the referee had called for the bell to be rung, which was done while Brunhilda was busy licking the elephant girl through her orgasm.


“Here is your winner, by orgasm, BRUNHILDA!!!”

The announcement brought a loud cheer from the crowd, which then became curious as they saw the mare lying on top of Riika, wondering what she was up to.

Riika watched as Brunhilda lay out atop of her, blushing as she felt Brunhilda’s arms and head lying on her chest. She then blushed even more at her words. “Um, w-well, I’ve never done that before...”

Brunhilda raised an eyebrow as she heard Riika’s reply. “Vat do du mean dat du haff never done it before? Du aren’t goink to tell me dat du haff never tasted pussy before are du?” she queried Riika. The redheaded mare now waited for a response.

Riika shook her head in reply to Brunhilda’s question, still blushing. “N-never have.”

“Oh, und ist dere un problem mit it?” she asked, as she placed a hoof on top of one of Riika’s nipples, in spite of it being covered by her bikini top. She then started to slowly rub the nipple as she waited for her response.

Riika erfs, shivering a bit as Brunhilda toyed with her chest, making her blush even more as she looked back to her face. “N-nothing other than I d-don’t know how to do it...”

Brunhilda continued to rub Riika’s nipple as she heard her response. “Oh, vould du like me to tell du how, hmmmm?” she asked her, as she lightly squeezed the elephant girl’s nipple, before she went back to rubbing it.

Riika shivered and writhed under Brunhilda’s teasing touch, blushing a bit as she nodded in response to her question.

Brunhilda smiled as she continued to play with the elephant girl’s fabric covered nipple. “Vell, iff dat’s der case,” she said to her, before she stopped. After letting go of Riika’s nipple, she started to get up. Once she was standing, the buxom mare placed her hooves upon both sides of her trunks/panties and began to yank on them, soon snapping them off of her groin, revealing to both Riika and the audience her wet pussy. She then looked down at Riika. “Ready to learn?” she asked, as she threw her trunks to the side, getting them out of the way.

Riika watched as Brunhilda stood and stripped off the garment covering her lower body, blushing and swallowing a bit at the sight, before nodding to her question, looking on as Brunhilda began to approach her once more.

After seeing the elephant girl’s nod, Brunhilda smiled and then turned her body around until her backside was once again facing Riika’s head. The buxom mare then lowered her body until she was lying atop the elephant girl’s still prone body, her ass facing Riika’s head. “Now grab mein ass und move it towards ihr face until mein pussy ist placed next to ihr mouth,” the redheaded mare said, as she waited for Riika to do as she was told.

Riika watched as Brunhilda laid back down on her, doing as directed as she grasped Brunhilda’s thighs and moved her lower body towards her face.

Brunhilda, as she lies atop Riika’s body, felt her arms getting a firm grip upon her thighs while she waited for her to start licking her pussy. “Just move ihr tongue around mein pussy lips vhen du reach it,” she said to the elephant girl.

Riika moved Brunhilda’s lower body into position, then started to do as Brunhilda said, blushing at doing this in front of an audience.

Brunhilda felt her body being lowered, before she started to feel her pussy lips being touched by Riika’s tongue. The older mare then started to moan in response to the elephant girl’s tongue now moving itself around the lips of her vagina. “Ja, hhhhmmm, like dat. Aaahhh, now starts to slide your tongue, ooohhh, between mein lips.” She then began to release a light gasp in response to her feeling Riika’s tongue now hitting her clitty.

Riika continued to follow Brunhilda’s instructions, soon working her tongue into Brunhilda’s womanhood, her trunk rubbing now over Brunhilda’s thighs and stomach as she carried on her task of trying to bring the mare off.

Brunhilda continued to moan in response to Riika’s thick tongue moving back and forth inside her sex. As she felt her trunk moving itself across her thighs and stomach, she added, “Hhhhmm, change der pace off ihr, oooohhhhh, tongue movement, aahhhhh. Du’re tryink to get me off, oooohhh, remember?” The buxom mare slowly started to move her sex around as she began to feel Riika’s tongue moving inside her pussy at a slower pace. “Ja, hhhmmm, like dat.”

Riika continued to follow Brunhilda’s lead, adjusting her technique as directed. She soon started to feel Brunhilda beginning to show signs of getting close to climax, attempting to adjust her attentions to match the mare’s condition.

Brunhilda released a light whinny in response to the elephant girl’s faster and slower tongue licks inside her sex as she feels herself releasing some more pussy juice. “Hhhhmm, ja, lick mein pussy like dat. Ooohhhh, ja, faster, faster, brink me off,” she said, as she felt herself getting even closer to orgasm.

Riika kept at it, working over the mare as best she could with her limited knowledge of this technique, trying to get her former opponent to climax, soon sensing that she’s just about there...

“Hhhhmmm, ja, dat’s it. Ooohhh, lick mein clitty mit ihr tongue,” the mare said to the elephant femme, as she released some more of her pussy juice in reaction to what Riika’s tongue was now doing to her sex. “Aaaaahhh, ich’m goink to cum soon.”

Riika continued to do as she was told, adjusting her efforts to match Brunhilda’s condition as she felt the mare drawing to the brink of climax, doing everything she could to get the mare to go over the edge. .oO(Should be any moment now...)

Brunhilda gasped loudly in response to Riika’s tonguing of her pussy and clitty as she feels herself getting closer to an orgasm. “Ja, ich’m almost dereeeeeee....,” she moaned loudly as she finally came, her pussy really starting to release its hot juice. She then started to release a loud whinny as she continued to cum in reaction to the elephant girl’s tongue lashing.

Riika felt and heard Brunhilda finally reach her climax, continuing to ride out her orgasm, before eventually feeling the mare starting to ebb off as her orgasm finally began to subside.

Brunhilda released another whinny as she continued to cum in reaction to Riika’s tongue bringing her off. As she continued to feel the elephant girl’s tongue moving between her vaginal lips, causing her sex to released even more of her juices, she started to feel her climax subsiding. “Oooooohhh, ja!!!!”

Riika continued to ride out Brunhilda’s fading climax, soon feeling it subside entirely. She then released Brunhilda’s lower body and allowed the mare to move off of her, watching to see what she would do now.

Brunhilda gasped loudly as she continued to feel Riika’s tongue moving between her pussy lips as her orgasm slowly subsides. A few seconds later, she began to feel the elephant girl’s arms releasing her thighs. After waiting a few seconds, the buxom redhead rolled herself off of Riika’s body, moved to her right, before she felt her back lying on top of the mat. As she took in some air, she said to Riika, “So, vas dat fun, hmmm?”

Riika watched as Brunhilda rolled off of her, starting to sit up as she looked to the mare. “Well, it was certainly original, that’s for certain.” She then got to her feet, before offering Brunhilda a hand up.

The mare raised an eyebrow, before she took the elephant gal’s proffered hand. As soon as she was standing up, she whispered into her ear, “Ve need to talk,” before she let go of her hand. She then went to get her trunks/panties, showing Riika’s her bare ass as she went to pick it up.

Riika helped Brunhilda up, then blinked a bit at what Brunhilda had said to her, before retrieving her own outfit. She then moved forward to open the ropes for the mare, watching her exit the ring before following her up to the ramp towards the back.

After putting her trunks/panties back on, Brunhilda headed for the ropes, soon going through them as Riika held them open for her. The buxom redhead then jumped off of the apron before heading up the ramp towards the back.

Riika followed behind Brunhilda, soon reaching the backstage area and following Brunhilda to the elevator, wondering what the mare wanted to talk to her about as the doors opened.

The mare looked at the elephant girl as the elevator doors closed behind them.

The End

Brunhilda (Eva McEqqus) Ó 2009 Scott and Stanley Alston

Riika Ó 2009 Chris Teel

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