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Inside Betsy’s Dressing Room, 2:

Oh, hi, honey, care to join us?

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

Meanwhile, in another part of the building, Eva was walking down a corridor. The buxom redheaded mare, clad in a strapless, black leather bustier top with a U-shaped neckline, a white knee-length skirt, netural stockings and black shoes, with horseshoe-style earrings in her ears and a diamond-studded, horse collar-style necklace on her pretty neck, was looking around for someone, or rather, someones.
'Now, vere are Cedric und James? Barbara told me vhen ich valked into der buildink earlier dat Cedric had vanted to speak mit both off us about somethink, und right now ich can’t seem to find either stallion.' The brunette mare shook her head, then snorted in frustration.
She then noticed another femme, who was walking towards her from the opposite direction. As the two femmes got closer, Eva could see that it was Jessica’s assistant, Cathy. She noticed that the smaller, eyeglass-wearing, blonde chippette was wearing a slinky red dress with spaghetti straps, along with a plunging neckline that revealed her cleavage, tan stockings and red low-heel shoes, as well as a pair of red circular earrings.
'Hmm, maybe she’ll know vere dose zwei are?' thought the mare. She walked towards her.
The chippette, who was also the studio’s personnel manager, was not paying attention to where she was going, too busy looking at some papers that were placed on her clipboard. Because of that, she walked right into the taller mare with an oofff, her face hitting against the clipboard, after it had hit Eva’s muscular abs.
"Ouch!" she said.
"Cathy, look vere du are goink, ja," said Eva in a gentle tone, as she looked down at the chippette while rubbing her stomach, where the clipboard had hit her. The buxom mare then laughed, as she placed her arms against her sides.
"Ich mean, just because du are Jessie’s assistant, it doesn’t give du an excuse for ne lookink up from der clipboard once im un vhile."
"Huh?" said the surprised chippette, rubbing her aching head with one paw, her clipboard placed against her right hip. She looked up and noticed the presently laughing Eva standing before her. Or rather the mare’s very firm boobs as they bounced before her face.
Blushing, Cathy, as she adjusted her eyeglasses, said, "Ohhh, sorry about that Eva." She then moved back a bit, thereby getting a better view of the sexy, older mare’s well-kept form. She then lightly laughed, while smiling at Eva.
"I guess I wasn’t looking where I was going. I was too busy looking over today’s scheduled shoots and filmings."
Eva, looking at the shorter blonde with a friendly smile, said to her, "Dat’s quite alright, Cathy. Accidents do happen. Anyway, haff du seen either James ou Cedric today? Barbara told me dat Cedric had vanted to speak mit us about somethink, but ich haff so far today have been unable to find either off dem." As Eva spoke, she saw Cathy looking at her firm 38C breasts, obviously liking what she was seeing of the mare’s breasts. She smiled at her.
Smiling back, Cathy said to her, "Sorry, Eva, but I haven’t seen either of them today. And I know that I don’t have James listed for any filming today, if you’re wondering if he might be in one of the studios."
Then with a grin, the chippette added, "So, tell me Eva, why would Cedric want to see you two anyway? Might he have a new toy for your ‘Gertrude’ persona to play with and he wanted you and James to maybe test it out?"
This made Cathy laugh, causing her 34C boobs to shake under her dress.
Eva laughed as well, while shaking her head no. "Ne, du naughty chippy. All ich know ist dat Barbara said dat he vanted to see both off us about somethink. But she had ne idea vat it vas about. So far, ich’d been unable to find either off dem. So, haff du seen either off dem, ou might du know vere dey could be?"
Cathy stopped laughing. She looked at Eva. She thought for a moment. Then she remembered something that she had saw earlier that day.
"Well, when I was leaving my office earlier, I saw Betsy standing in front of James’ office. She was wearing this very sexy looking outfit, and she had this very naughty look on her face," said Cathy.
Eva raised an eyebrow. "Un naughty look? How naughty?"
Cathy snickered. "How naughty? The kind that you would get when you felt like screwing not one, not two, but three people at the same time, you horny mare."
The buxom mare rolled her eyes, as she placed her arms akimbo upon her sexy hips. She looked at the now laughing hard chippette.
"So says der horny little size queen. Ich recall dat du haff sex mit zwei vell-hung staffers im ihr office just der other day. Ich could hear der noise dat du drei vere makink from inside mein office du drei vere so loud."
Cathy stopped laughing. She looked at Eva. She harrumphed, then said, "So I’d tricked a couple of newbies into fucking my holes yesterday. Wasn’t like they didn’t have the hots for my sexy little body, which, by the way, they did."
The buxom blonde then smiled as she remembered what the three of them did to each other in her office.
"Hhhmm, makes me so horny just thinking about it right now."
Eva shook her head in disbelief. She then smirked.
"Actually, dere vere drei studs, und ich should know as ich’m still poed dat du’d convinced eine off dem dat ich’d vanted to see him und his 16-incher im mein office," Eva said.
"Hey, from what he told me you weren’t complaining when he was plowing his thick hoe inside your fields of plenty, and then up your tight back forty," said the still smiling Cathy.
"Ne der point, du tease und du know it. Ich vas vorkink on next year’s budget vhen he showed up mit dat hard, thick, beautiful lookink, piece off meat off his. He vas un nice distraction, but he vas still un distraction. Danka to him ich’m still vorkink on der budget," said Eva.
She then waved a finger of disapproval at Cathy, while harrumphing.
Cathy chuckled at this.
"Now cool down, boss mare. I meant no harm when I sent that 16 inches of hard horse flesh your way. Besides, I thought that you might have enjoyed a little fun of your own," said the chippette with a smile.
The redheaded mare rolled her eyes once again. "Just vait until dis month’s King Size Club meetink und den du’ll see how much ich’d enjoyed it, slut."
The eyeglass-wearing blonde rodent smiled as she heard Eva’s comment, as she remembered that the local club’s monthly meeting would be taking placed that weekend. As she recalled all of the big studs that would normally show up for the meetings, she said, with a happy giggle, "Ooohhh, I can hardly wait, boss!"
Eva shook her head. "Ve’ll see iff du’ll still be dinkink dat vay durink der meeting, du slut. Anyway, du haff any idea vhy Betsy vould be standink im front off Jamie’s office?"
Cathy, still smiling, thought over Eva’s query. After a while, she said, with a shrug, "Hmmm, I don’t really know, Eva. But, there has been some rumors that she and Bell had made some sort of bet that involved James. Don’t know what it was about, though."
The buxom German-born redheaded mare thought about it for a moment. She then turned around and headed for the dressing rooms.
"Vell, ich’m goink to Betsy’s dressing room to get to der bottom off dis. Anyway, see du later, Cathy."
"Okay, bye, Eva," said the rodent, as she watched the mare leave. She then headed for her office. 'I would go and watch the fun, but I have work to do,' Cathy thought, as a naughty smile slowly crept across her face.

Back in Betsy’s dressing room, Betsy was lying atop her desk, gasping and moaning lustily as James’ thick tongue moved in and out of her still wet sex, her vibrator lying on the floor. The blonde cow, as she squirmed on the desk in response to the stallion’s tongue moving across her cunny lips, was presently rubbing her 44D breasts, pinching her hard nipples, as she said, with a low moan, "Ooooohhh, goddess, yes, James, hhmmm, suck my hot pussy with that talented tongue of yours. Aaaaaahhhh, yes, stud, suck me!" Betsy moved her head back and forth, then arched her back, as James pushed his tongue even deeper inside her sex to try and bring the female bovine off.
James hmmm into Betsy’s wet pussy, sliding his expert tongue back and forth across the black-spotted white cow’s hot snatch, as he felt her body moving joyfully under him in response to his cunt laping. The stallion smiled, before sliding his tongue inside her pussy at an ever faster pace, enjoying her reaction to it. 'Hmm, ah never tought tat ah be at ye’s nasty snatch again, lass. Hhhmmm, guess Bell isn’t tae only ‘orny cow around hear. Ye just ‘appen ta be a wee bit more sophisticated aboot it, hmmm? But, overall, ye still be a tasty slut.'
He then heard and felt the blonde bovine femme’s moans under his body while he also heard some louder moans coming from the futon behind them.
'Oy, ah be guessin’ tat ‘orny Bell ‘as just gotten ‘er second wind from tae sound of it,' James thought, as his tongue once more hit Betsy’s sensitive clit, which caused her to moo once again in lusty joy.
On Betsy’s still lowered futon, Bell was lying atop it, gasping in lusty joy as she felt Cedric’s hard 10-incher moving in and out of her hot snatch. "Ooohhh, yes, Mr. Cedric, ooohhhh, yes, fuck Bell good. Hhhmmm, please make me feel it. Bell want to feel that she’d been, aaahhh, fucked!"
Bell, her legs presently placed atop of Cedric’s strong forearms, moaned and gasped loudly as she enjoyed feeling the grey stallion’s hard meat hammering her sweet tight cunny, while also enjoying the sounds that Betsy was making as she was being sucked by James.
After hearing another loud moan by Betsy, Bell said, "Oooohhh, yes, hhhmmm, suck her good, Mr. James, suck Mrs. Betsy real good. Ahhh, yes Mr. Cedric, fuck Bell good!" Bell placed her hooves onto her big utters and started to rub them and her taut nipples. The chocolate spotted-brown furred cow mooed loudly, as she felt a very big thump into her pussy by Cedric’s erection, as its head hit her cervix. She licked her lips and then closed her eyes in lusty joy.
Cedric whinnied lightly as he thrusted his hard cock in and out of Bell’s tight cunny. He then moaned as he watched Bell’s body react to his 10-inch erection plowing in and out of her hot sex. He released another light whinny, while he felt the younger cow’s legs rest themselves atop his strong arms. They in turn were placed upon the futon on either side of Bell’s sexy form. He bent down a little and kissed the redheaded cow on her neck. Cedric, after ending the short kiss, moved his body back upwards, looked at Bell, and between thrusts, said, "Yeah, you naughty little cow, aaahhhh, take it, aahhhh, oh, yeah, take it all in that tight little snatch of yours, you little slut!" The stallion then whinnied again, which lasted a little bit longer, while he listened to the loud moos of lust that exited both cows’ mouths.

Eva, after a short walk, finally reached Betsy’s dressing room door. She stopped in front of it. She placed a hoof upon the closed door. 'Hmmm, dis could mean dat she’s either out, ist im eine off der studios, ou ist asleep? Off course, dere’s only eine vay for me to find out vhich eine it ist,' she thought, as she prepared to knock on the door. As her hoof was about to touch it, she heard,
"…yes, aaahhh, suck my pussy good, James!"
The redheaded mare blinked as she pulled her hoof back, as she now heard,
"…oooohhhh, yes, Mr. Cedric, fuck Bell hard! Ooohhh, yes, give it to me good!"
Eva blinked again, then snorted. 'Vell, at least ich now know vere Jamie und Cedric are,' Eva thought. She placed her right hoof upon the doorknob and quickly opened the door.
The buxom mare quickly entered the room. She closed the door behind her, then looked inside the room. The older mare saw before her Betsy who still stood against her desk as James continued to lick her pussy with his tongue, while Bell was now on all fours on the futon, with Cedric swiftly pounding his hard cock in and out of her pussy from behind, which was causing her to moo loudly.
Eva looked at the foursome. She slowly placed her arms under her large boobs and then coughed a few times to get their attention.
Betsy, Bell and Cedric all blinked when they heard the coughs, while James continued sucking the blonde bovine’s pussy. The trio turned their heads in the coughs’ direction and soon saw Eva standing in front of the room’s closed door, her arms under her breasts. The trio blinked again. They stopped what they were doing. Betsy tapped James’ head, before she moaned in reaction to his lick.
After two more licks, the brunette stallion stopped. He reluctantly moved his mouth away from the blonde bovine’s pussy, then looked up at Betsy.
"Why did ye tap me on tae ‘ead, lass?"
Betsy reply was to point to her left. "Well, it seems that your wife is here and she doesn’t seem to be too happy right now," said the buxom black spotted heifer, as she saw Eva presently tapping her right foot on the floor, a not very happy look on her pretty face.
James blinked. He slowly turned his head. He soon saw his toe-tapping wife, as she stood before the door. The stallion showed her a forced smile. "’i, Evie ‘oney, funny meetin’ ye hear."
Still tapping her right foot, and still looking unhappy, the buxom German-born redhead said, "Und vat, pray tell, are du doink, Jamie?"
"Uhm, givin’ Betsy a tongue bath, lass," replied James, as both he and Betsy were now sweating bullets.
"Ich can see dat," said Eva in an angry tone. "Und vat are dose zwei doink?" she asked him, as she pointed towards the equally sweating Cedric and the still horny Bell, who was once again riding the grey stallion’s hard but now stationary cock.
"Uhm, Cedric be fuckin’ Bell, ah believe," James answered the mare.
"Ich see. Und," Eva started to say as she stopped tapping her right foot. She looked at her hubby and Betsy. She approached the pair. The mare stopped in front of the sweating duo, standing to James’ right (and Betsy’s left). The buxom redhead looked at them. "Please explain to me vhy ne eine here dought enough as to invite me im on der fun?" The mare then smiled at the pair.
James and Betsy blinked in surprise. On the futon, Cedric phewed in relief as he felt Bell continuing to ride his cock. The first two then watched Eva giggle before them.
"Well, ye weren’t exactly hear, lass," said James after he had finally gotten over his surprise at Eva’s comment, as Betsy nodded in agreement.
"Ne excuse, Jamie," Eva said with a mischievous smile on her face. "Ich do haff un cell phone, remember? Du could’ve called me." Before James could reply, the buxom mare continued, as she looked at Betsy.
"Now den, vhy are du vier im here anyway? Although ich haff heard about some sort off bet beink involved."
Betsy gulped loudly, while Bell moaned just as loudly on the futon. The white with black spots bovine femme then told Eva about the bet that she and Bell had made earlier, along with what had happened in both James’ office and her dressing room.
Her arms once again under her breasts, Eva simply replied, "Ich see."
She looked in Cedric and Bell’s direction. Looking directly at Cedric, she asked, "Und Babs tells me dat du vanted ta see me about somethink, Cedric? So, vat ist it?"
The brunette mare, as she looked the grey stallion over, awaited his answer. She also watched a still moaning Bell move her voluptuous form back and forth along the stallion’s stationary 10-incher. 'She never stops, does she?' thought the mare.
Cedric looked back at Eva, as he felt the buxom redheaded cow’s tight pussy moving along his still hard cock. After he heard another moan escape the buxom bovine’s mouth, he coughed lightly, then answered, "Well, I need your approval for a special project that I’m going to be working on."
After he had suppressed a moan of his own, he smiled back at Eva as he waited for her reply, his eyes looking directly at her shapely breasts.
"Und vat ist dis project dat du vant me to authorize, Cedric?" Eva asked, a bit curious. "Und please look directly at mein face, ne mein boobs, Cedric. Even iff dey are nice to look at." She then laughed at her last comment, as does James and Betsy, while Eva waited for Cedric’s reply to her query.
After hearing another moan escape Bell’s lips, Cedric said, "Well, I wanted to know if I could use some of the company’s special effects funds to buy a Pferd Chen."
The redheaded mare raised an eyebrow. "Oooh, und vhy do du vant to buy un Chen?"
"Well, the reason is quite simple, Eva. I plan to modify it, to turn it into your character, ‘Gertrude’, official car for the Gertrude films."
The gray stallion then gasped as he felt the redheaded cow continue to move her tight pussy back and forth along his cock. He then fired some pre into Bell’s hungry snatch, as his hooves held tightly onto her moving hips.
"I plan to put all of the necessary gadgets into the car that your character would use in her films to get herself out of trouble while on the road. You know, such as a sperm slick-dispenser and another one that would fire dildo-shaped smoke bombs, to make it looks like the kind of car that she’s suppose to drive."
After a couple of minutes of silence, except for Bell’s moans, Cedric then asked, "Since it’s going to require a lot of money to buy both the car and the necessary equipment for the modifications, and with you being the CFO, I would have to get your authorization anyway, so do I get your approval, Eva?"
Eva thought it over, while James, Betsy and Cedric, all sweating, looked at her. After ten minutes of silence, she smiled and said, "Ich’ll signed der necessary paperwork to give du der authorization to buy der vehicle, Cedric."
Cedric phewed, then smiled, as did James and Betsy.
Bell then moaned loudly as she continued to fuck Cedric.
After Bell’s moan, the grey stallion said, "Thanks, boss."
Eva, her arms now against her side, said, with a smile, "Ooohh, don’t danke me yet, Cedric. Dere ist still der matter off me catchink du vier foolink around im here…" Eva stopped, watching for their reactions.
The stallions and the blonde cow all gulped while Bell moaned once again as she kept on riding the still stationary Cedric’s cock.
Once she had gotten the reaction that she’d hoped for, she continued. "…mitout invitink me!" She smiled at them, as she saw them all phew together.
"Now tat be mean, lass," said James, as Betsy nodded in agreement.
Eva smirked as she placed her hooves at the top of her bustier, while Cedric went back to fucking Bell. She said to James, "Hush du," as she laughed. She started to undress.

Betsy gasped as she felt James’ cock enter her tight pussy once again as she sat on her knees on her dressing room’s floor. After releasing another moan in response to the brunette stallion’s hard cock thrusts inside her pussy, she felt his hooves hold tightly onto her sexy hips. Betsy smiled as she saw Eva standing before her.
The blonde bovine femme saw that Eva was wearing a strapless black wonder bra which made her 38C breasts appear even bigger than they were naturally, as well as a red and black garter belt which held up her neutral stockings, horseshoe earrings, horse collar necklace and black shoes. Betsy next saw that Eva’s hooves were spread apart, holding tightly onto her desk. She also saw the mare’s pussy exposed before her.
"Vell, are du goink to suck mein pussy, ou are du plannink to just stare at it?" said a smiling Eva, a light giggle in her voice. She looked to her left. The buxom mare saw lying on the floor in a neat pile her bustier top and skirt, along with her black g-string panties.
The mare then heard a loud moo, which came from her right. The buxom mare looked in the moo’s direction. Eva saw Bell lying on her right side on the futon in the spooner position, as Cedric fucked her from behind. Eva also saw that the grey stallion had placed his left hoof on Bell’s big left boob, squeezing it, while a finger and thumb pinched the nipple. She heard the female bovine moaning in time to each of his quick cock thrusts. She then watched Bell lick her lips, obviously enjoying what Cedric was doing to her.
Eva then looked forward, soon smiling as she saw her hung hubby fucking the younger blonde cow who still sat before her.
"Aye, hhmm, take me cock, lassie, oohhh yeah, take me willie up tat tight snatch of yers," said James between thrusts, his hooves holding firmly onto the redheaded cow’s moving hips, as he moved his cock in and out of Betsy’s tightening cunt. The stallion then released a light whinny as he looked ahead.
He saw Betsy looking at his wife’s juicy snatch, her dildo now in her left hoof, while she held her right hoof on Eva’s strong left thigh, just below the mare’s sex. He watched the blonde bovine’s hoof lightly stroking Eva’s thigh.
After releasing another moan, he said, "Aye, lass, stuff tat ‘ard dildo inside me lassie’s tight sex. Make ‘er moan good."
He heard his wife giggle, before she released a moan, as Betsy started to push the dildo deeper inside her hot snatch. James then released yet another whinny, as he thrusted his erection even harder into Betsy’s tight, sucking snatch.
Back on the futon, Bell was gasping and moaning loudly as she lay across it in the spooner position, Cedric’s hard cock sliding in and out of her tight pussy. "Hhhmmm, yes, Mr. Cedric, aahhh, fuck Bell, ooohhh, yes, fuck me good. Please, fuck me GOOD!"
The redheaded bovine femme then released another loud moan, as she felt another hard thrust from Cedric’s 10-incher slam into her sucking vagina. After feeling another hard thrust, the buxom bovine released some of her hot pussy juice onto the grey stallion’s hard cock. She then closed her eyes, before releasing another joyful moan, as she took in each of the grey stallion’s hard thrusts.
Cedric laid behind Bell, thrusting his hard cock in and out of the horny bovine’s tight cunt. At the same time, his left hoof was rubbing the buxom cow’s big tit, his fingers softly squeezing her taut nipple. As he heard her lusty moans and comments, the grey stallion replied, "Hmmm, you certainly like to ride cocks, don’t you, Bell? Aaaahhh, yeah, you like to ride them a lot. Oooohhh, yeah, slut, ride me good. Come on, take it all the way up that tight snatch!" Cedric then whinnied, as he felt Bell’s cunny muscles sucking hard on his thrusting cock. After he’d heard her release another moan, he started to feel some of her pussy juice covering his hard cock.
"Yeah, aaahhh, take it all, Bell!" yelled Cedric, before he fired some pre into the redheaded cow’s sucking pussy.
Betsy continued to look at Eva’s snatch as she pushed the vibrator in and out of the now moaning mare’s sex. After she had felt another thrust from the brunette stallion’s 13-incher, the blonde bovine said, "Hmm, I’m going to make you, aaahhh, scream good, boss mare, oohhh," before she turned on the vibrator, causing it to move wildly inside the buxom female equine’s tight cunny. Betsy heard a loud moan escape Eva’s mouth, before she released a moan of her own in response to James’ cock moving inside her tight sex.
The blonde bovine then moved forward. She placed her tongue above the mare’s cunny and started licking on her clitty, while she kept sliding the vibrating dildo in and out of Eva’s snatch. Betsy moaned onto the equine femme’s clit after she’d felt a very strong thrust by James hit against her ass cheeks. This caused her to release another loud moan.
Eva looked down at Betsy, watching the buxom blonde bovine slide the vibrating dildo inside her tight snatch. She tighten her grip on Betsy’s desk, as she felt the dildo working inside her hot sex, as well as the younger cow’s tongue licking her clitty. After a light moan, she said, "Oooohhhh, ja, hhhhmmm, Betsy, slide dat hard dildo im und out off mein hot snatch. AAAHHHHH, ja, baby, suck it!" Eva released another moan, as she enjoyed the feel of Betsy’s mouth and tongue on her clit, before she closed her eyes in enjoyment.
She licked her lips. Eva started to feel her pussy muscles sucking on the dildo, as it vibrated inside her cunny. She said, "HHHmmm, ja, aaahhh, fuck me mit dat dildo, baby!"
Eva then started to slide her body up and down in front of Betsy’s desk, moving in time to the dildo’s vibrations and the blonde bovine’s very nasty tongue licks as it now started to lick the top of her snatch, as well as her engrossed clit. The brunette mare then released a light whinny, as she felt the dildo start to vibrate against her g-spot.
James kept thrusting his hard cock inside Betsy’s tight, sucking snatch as he watched the buxom blonde bovine’s tongue lick his wife’s juicy cunny and her clit while at the same time fucking Eva’s hot sex with the vibrating dildo. He gasped loudly as he felt Betsy’s firm ass bounce continuously against his thrusting groin. "Aye, lassie, aahhh, tat it, ride me ‘ard cock, slut! Hhhmmm, yes, ride it good and ‘ard! Aahhhhh, fuck!"
The stallion then whinnied loudly as he felt the buxom cow’s hot snatch squeeze even more tightly upon his 13-incher, forcing him to bounce his groin even faster against Betsy’s bouncing ass cheeks. As he does, his hooves kept a very firm grip upon her sexy waist.
"Aye, lassie, hhhmmm, fuck me wife good n, aaahhhh, ‘ard wit tat dildo off yers, slut!" announced the brunette stallion, as he fired some of his pre into Betsy’s hot snatch. James then lets out another long whinny, before he looked at his moaning wife, as Betsy continued to ‘fuck’ her with the fake, vibrating cock. The stallion smiled, then increased the speed of his own thrusts, which caused the blonde bovine to moan lustily.
Bell mooed loudly as she felt Cedric’s 10-incher continue to move inside her hot sex, while she moved her sexy body up and down his crotch in the cowgirl position. She then released a low moo of joy as her pussy muscles kept suckling on the grey stallion’s hard cock, while she also felt his hooves rub and squeeze her big breasts.
"Yes, oooohhh, Mr. Cedric, hhhmmm, yes, aahhh, fuck me! Give it to Bell! Ooohhh, goddess, yes, give it to me!!!!" yelled Bell, as she felt the first of several strong thrusts by Cedric as his groin continuously bounced off of her firm ass. Bell released some pussy juice, which soon helped to make Cedric’s cock move inside her pussy at a faster pace. As she kept bouncing on his groin, Bell mooed even louder, as the bovine femme felt more of his pre enter her snatch.
"Ooooohhh, yes, Mr. Cedric, cum in me. Yes, I want to, aahhh, feel you fill me up again with your hot seed!" said Bell, before she closed her eyes and happily licked her tongue.
The grey stallion continued to thrust his cock in and out of Bell’s sucking cunny as he felt her firm ass bounce up and down his crotch. Cedric whinnied loudly in time to her moans, while his hooves rubbed her boobs and his fingers and thumbs rubbed her taut nipples. "Oooohhh, yeah, baby, aahhh, ride my cock. Yeah, ride me you horny slut!" he said, before he whinnied again and then fired some more of his pre into her sucking pussy.
Cedric whinnied some more, as he released even more pre into Bell’s snatch. As he did, the stallion began to feel his ballsacs filling up with his warm seed. "Oooohhh, god, I’m going to fill you up with my hot seed, slut!" he said to the redheaded bovine. He then stopped playing with her boobs. The grey stallion slid his hooves from her breasts, and down her side to her waist. Once he had a firm grip on each side, Cedric started to slam Bell’s pussy hard against his getting even hotter cock.
Bell mooed loudly as she enjoyed Cedric getting rough with her. "Oooohhhh, yeah, Mr. Cedric, aahhhh, fuck me, yes, FUCK ME!!!" she yelled, as she could feel her own orgasm coming. "Yes, FUCK ME!!!!!!!"
Cedric gasped loudly, as he pounded Bell’s hot sex. With a loud whinny, he came, spurting hot white bullets into the redheaded bovine’s pussy. He soon felt his wet sperm dripping over his cock, which was soon followed by Bell’s own pussy juice covering his still thrusting erection. As he heard her loud moo of lust, he said, "Yeah, aahhh, come for me, slut! OOOhhh, yes, make me cum!"
Bell mooed loudly as she felt the stallion’s hot seed enter her vagina. She licked her lips while saying, between thrusts, "Yes, Mr. Cedric, aaaahhh, fill me with your, ooohhh, spunk!"
After a few more thrusts by Cedric, as she felt some of his seed exit her pussy, Bell gasped loudly and started to have her own orgasm, her pussy juice soon covering Cedric’s thrusting cock.
"Yes, aahhhh, make me cum, Cedric!!!"

Cedric gasped and moaned loudly as he once again lay atop Betsy’s futon. The grey stallion, after releasing a low whinny, looked up and smiled, as he saw Eva’s body straddled over him, her sexy form riding his 10-incher. He watched her moan, then looked behind her, where he saw her hubby, James. He saw James’ hooves holding tightly onto her sexy waist, as his hard erection thrusted in and out of Eva’s tight asshole. He smiled, then looked once again at the sexy brunette mare. As he did, Cedric saw his own hooves placed firmly around the sex mare’s firm boobs, which he then started to squeeze. He heard Eva moan lustily in reaction, while he felt her speeding up her movements in reaction to both his and James’ hard thrusts. After releasing a moan of his own, Cedric’s placed his mouth around the sex queen’s right breast and proceeded to give it a soft kiss. He then started to lick the nipple with his tongue. As he did, the grey stallion heard a loud moan exit her mouth in response to his breast sucking. Cedric then started to slide his cock in and out of Eva’s hot sex at a faster pace, matching James’ hard thrusts inside the horny mare’s back door. 'Hhhmmm, nice set of knockers on you, baby,' Cedric thought, as he switched to her left breast and started to lick on her left nipple, as his hooves continued to rub her boobs.
Eva moaned loudly, then whinnied, as she felt Cedric’s hard cock move inside her hot sex, while she moved her sexy hard body up and down his cock. At the same time, she felt her hubby own 13-inch stallionhood sliding in and out of her backdoor, moving it in time to the grey stallion’s own hard thrusts. The voluptuous mare released another lusty whinny, as she felt the two stallions move in and out of her two holes one after the other. As they did, Eva could feel her hubby’s hooves hold tightly to her sexy waist, while Cedric’s own hooves were rubbing her firm knockers. The buxom sex goddess then moaned loudly as she felt the grey stallion’s mouth cover her right breast and start to suckle it while his tongue licked on her nipple. "Ooohhhh, ja, hhhmmm, fuck me, boys. Aahhhh, ja, pound mein hot holes. Ja, aaahhh, give it to me gut!" She then whinnied loudly, as her pussy and anal muscles began to squeeze even harder upon the two stallion’s invading hard meat. She closed her eyes, then licked her lips as she enjoyed what the pair were doing to her, while Cedric’s mouth now started to work on her left breast.
James’ hooves were wrapped firmly around his buxom wife’s waist while he moaned loudly as he continuously thrusted his cock in and out of Eva’s tight back door. As he did, he watched his wife slide her voluptuous form up and down the length of Cedric’s hard cock as it moved in and out of her pussy. The brunette stallion looked at Cedric, watching his mouth suck upon one of his sexy wife’s firm 38C breasts. As he heard her whinnies of joy, James heard a loud moo behind them. He turned his head and saw Bell lying on the floor, mooing loudly as her pussy was being sucked on by Betsy, who was lying over her in the 69 position, her own pussy facing the redheaded cow’s pretty face. After hearing another moo escape Bell’s lips, he saw her raise her head and start to lick Betsy’s twat, which made the blond bovine femme start to moan into Bell’s snatch. The brunette stallion smiled, turned his head and watched his wife continue to ride both his and Cedric’s hard erections. The Clydesdale male then whinnied before he started to slam his cock even harder inside Eva’s sucking anus as he matched the grey stallion’s own hard thrusts inside his wife’s hot sex. As he felt his groin bounce hard against Eva’s tight buns, he said, "Aye, lassie, hhmmm, be takin’ me ‘ard cock inside yer tight back door. OOOhhhh, aye, take it all, aaahhh, me buxom little slut. Yeah, baby, aaahhh, ride me!!!" He then moaned before fucking her even harder.
Betsy lay atop Bell, her tongue moving swiftly across the redheaded cow’s juicy snatch. As the blonde cow listened to Bell’s lusty moans in response to her tongue lickings of Bell’s pussy, her mind went back to what had happened just a few minutes ago. Betsy recalled Cedric’s suggestion of him and James fucking Eva on the futon while she and Betsy would go and take care of their own sexual desires. She recalled them all happily agreeing to Cedric’s suggestion, especially Bell.
Betsy quickly removed her mouth from Eva’s clit and pulled the dildo out of the mare’s snatch. At the same moment, she felt James remove his cock from her pussy. As this was happening, Cedric pulled his own erection out of Bell’s tight snatch. While Cedric waited for James and Eva to join him on the futon, Betsy waited for Bell to join her. That didn’t take long as Bell jumped her from the futon, soon passionately kissing the older blonde on the lips. Betsy returned the kiss, as the two bovine femmes soon found themselves lying on the floor, Bell lying atop of Betsy.
Shortly, the pair was in a 69, Betsy’s mouth sucking Bell’s pussy, while the redheaded cow’s own tongue was doing the same to hers. They were mooing loudly in response to what they were doing to each other’s snatch. This caught Cedric’s attention, as he fucked Eva’s pussy while James was about to enter Eva’s back door. The grey stallion looked at the pair, seeing Betsy sucking Bell’s snatch with abandon while Bell was doing the same to her. Their tongue licking soon caused the two to moan loudly into each other’s snatch. He smiled, then returned his attention to Eva.
Back to the present, Betsy, lying atop of Bell’s sexy form, was swiftly moving her tongue in and out of the redheaded cow’s sex. As she did, she was hearing a few muffled moos of joy exit Bell’s mouth, while the younger bovine femme’s tongue continued to lick her snatch. 'OOOoooohhh, yeah, baby, hhhhmmm, suck my pussy,' she thought, as she moved her tongue quickly across Bell’s clitty. She smiled as she heard Eva’s whinnies of joy in the background as the two stallions continued to ride her. The blonde bovine then moaned loudly into Bell’s snatch in response to the redheaded bovine’s mouth now kissing her snatch, before Bell went back to licking her cunny. This made Betsy redouble her own pussy licking.
Bell moaned loudly as she felt Betsy’s tongue licking her snatch, as she did the same to the buxom blonde’s pussy. 'Ooohhhh, yes, aahhh, suck my pussy, Mrs. Betsy, oohhhh, please, make Bell come again,' thought the buxom redhead as she kept sliding her tongue inside Betsy’s sex. She soon started to feel the older cow’s tongue sucking on her clitty. Bell responded in kind with her own tongue, after releasing a low, lusty moo of joy. She soon heard Betsy’s own joyous moos, which caused her to smile lustily. Bell then started to kiss Betsy’s pussy lips with her mouth, while she also heard the mare’s whinnies of joy. She continued this for a while, before she went back to licking Betsy’s snatch, while she felt the blonde cow’s tongue moving even faster across her pussy lips. Bell was soon doing the same to Betsy. The pair was once again sucking each other’s snatch at the same time, causing them both to moan loudly in lusty joy.
Cedric whinnied loudly as he continued to slide his stallionhood in and out of Eva’s tight twat. His sucking mouth vibrated against the redheaded mare’s left tittie, before he went back to licking her taut nipple with his thick tongue. As he did so, his hooves rubbed the mare’s firm 38C boobs, as her ass cheeks bounced hard against his groin while he felt her pussy muscles sucking on his cock. The grey stallion’s cock moved in and out of her pussy, doing it in time to James’ equally hard thrusts within Eva’s back door.
'Hhhmmm, yes, aahhh, ride me, Eva. Ooohhhh, yeah, ride me good, slut!' he thought, before he heard a loud whinny exit the buxom redhead’s mouth, quickly followed by an equally loud one from James. After another hard thrust, Cedric fired more pre into the sex goddess’ hot sex as he kept fucking her.
'Oooohhh, yeah, aahhhh, fuck me good, baby!'
Cedric’s mouth released Eva’s left breast. He looked at the buxom sex queen as he continued to fuck her. The grey stallion smiled at her, then released his own loud whinny, before he placed his mouth over her right breast and nipple and started to suckle on it, all the while his hooves continued to rub her boobs. At the same time, his thrusts inside the redheaded equine femme’s twat got harder and deeper, as he released even more of his pre. He soon could feel his balls starting to fill up with his seed.
'Aaaahhh, yeah, fuck me, Eva,' the grey stallion thought, as his thrusts matched James stroke for hard stroke.
Eva gasped and moaned loudly as she continued to ride both Cedric and James’ hard cock, as the stallions’ erections filled up her pussy and anus respectively. The redheaded sex goddess then whinnied loudly as she enjoyed feeling Cedric’s mouth sucking on her right boob while his hooves rubbed her firm breasts. As his tongue licked her hard nipple, the sex mare said, "Oooooohhh, ja, hhhmmm, fuck me gut, Cedric, James. Aaaahhh, ja, fuck me gut und hard, studs!"
The mare gasped as she felt first Cedric and then James’ hard stallionhoods slid even harder in and out of her tight holes. After releasing another moan, she released some of her juices, which was soon making it easier for the two stallion to fuck her. Eva then released a loud whinny of joy, as she felt Cedric’s mouth release her left boob, before he proceeded to start sucking on the other one. The horny mare, as she felt some pre exit both cocks and enter her sucking holes, smiled, and then said to them, "Hhhhmmm, ja, dat’s it, suck mein titties, stud. Aaaaahhhh, ja, suck dem gut. Oooohhh, ja, by goot, aaahhh, fuck me gut!!!"
She joyously licked her lips, then started to match the two stallions stroke for hard stroke, as she felt even more of their pre enter her sexy form. The porn queen then started to increase the pace of her own thrusts upon the pair’s erections, her pussy and anal muscles trying to make them come inside her holes.
"JA, FUCK ME!!!"
James’ groin continuously slammed hard against his wife’s firm ass, as he whinnied in time to each of his hard thrusts as he moved his stallionhood in and out of Eva’s back door. He listened to his wife’s own whinnies of lusty joy as he felt Cedric’s cock moving inside her pussy in time to his hard thrusts. The brunette stallion then felt his cock fire some pre into Eva’s anus.
"Oooohhh, aye, Eva, ‘oney, aaahhh, yeah, take it all, lass. Hhhmmm, aye, ride me good, baby."
The brunette stallion then proceeded to increase the strength of his hard thrusts while he felt Eva’s anal juices start to cover his 13-incher. This allowed him to speed up his hard thrusts, before he whinnied again in joy.
"Aye, lassie, hhhmmm, ride me cock good."
James moved his hooves up and down his voluptuous wife’s side, before he released another joyous whinny as he fired some more pre inside his wife’s tightening ass. The brunette Clydesdale stallion could feel his wife’s anus squeezing even harder around his cock, as she did the same to the grey Clydesdale’s thrusting erection, forcing the pair to move their cocks even harder inside her hot holes. After a few more thrusts, James began to feel his balls filling up with his hot seed. He released a loud whinny, then a loud snort, before increasing once more the strength of his cock thrusts inside Eva’s asshole, which were soon matched by Cedric’s own thrusts.
"Aaaahhhh, ah’m goin’ ta cum soon, me little slut!"
"Ooooohhhh, ja, hhhmmm, cum for me, Jamie," Eva said, as her anal and pussy muscles squeezed even tighter around the two stallion’s hard cocks, which caused the pair to whinny loudly.
"Yeah, ride us, slut!" said Cedric, as he moaned loudly while he felt the redheaded mare’s pussy muscles squeezing tightly on his penis. He then once more increased the speed of his thrusts inside her pussy, as he could feel himself getting ever closer to orgasm. "Yeah, aaahhh, ride me, baby!"
"Hhhmmm, ja, cum for me, boys. Ahhh, fill me up," moaned Eva, before she licked her lips again, and then closed her eyes.
Betsy’s tongue kept sliding in and out of Bell’s hot snatch, as the two female bovines heard the three equines’ lusty whinnies on the futon. As they listened to them, Betsy felt Bell’s tongue moving even deeper inside her cunny, hitting her g-spot from time to time. The blonde cow soon released some more pussy juice, which was quickly licked up by the redheaded bovine femme’s thick tongue, while her own tongue was doing the same thing to Bell’s leaking sex.
'Ooooohhhh, yes, hhhmmm, cum for me, baby,' mused Betsy between licks as her tongue now moved faster and faster inside Bell’s hot sex. She then moaned into the younger bovine’s hot snatch as she felt even more of Bell’s pussy juice covering her mouth, before she released more of her own hot juices over the redheaded bovine’s pretty face.
'Yeah, cum for me, baby,' thought Betsy between licks. 'Yeah, slut, hhhmmm, cum for, aaahhh, me!' she thought, while she started to feel herself getting closer to another orgasm.
Bell moaned loudly into the blonde bovine femme’s hot snatch as she kept sliding her own tongue inside Betsy’s cunny, doing it in time to Betsy’s fast licks. She soon started to feel the older cow’s tongue moving even faster inside her hot sex. The redheaded bovine femme gasped into Betsy’s vagina because of it, while she began to slide her own tongue even deeper inside the blonde femme’s cunny.
'Aaahhh, yes, hhhmmm, suck my pussy, Mrs. Betsy. Yes, suck my pussy!' thought Bell, as her tongue moved even deeper inside Betsy’s hot snatch. As she did, Bell began to feel her body getting closer to her latest orgasm. The young redheaded bovine released some more juice onto Betsy’s tongue, while she thought, 'Ooooooohhhh, come for me, Mrs. Betsy! Yes, please cum for me!!!'
James and Cedric’s hard cocks continued to pound Eva’s hot holes as the stallions could feel their scrotums getting ready to release their hot seeds. Eva whinnied loudly after feeling several more hard thrusts inside her holes from the Clydesdale pair.
"Oooohh, yeah, baby, I’m about to, aahhhhhhhh!!!" yelled Cedric as he came, starting to fill Eva’s pussy up with his seed. As he did, he continued to fuck Eva’s cunny.
James pounded his sexy wife’s ass for a few more strokes, before he suddenly removed his erection. The brunette stallion quickly placed a hoof upon his cock, rubbed it for a while and then came, covering Eva’s firm ass with his hot spunk. "Ooohhhh, yeah, baby!!!!" he yelled, before he started to whinny in lusty joy.
Eva gasped and moaned as she felt the two stallions’ erections slamming in and out of her hot holes, one after the other, as her pussy and anal muscles suckle on their thrusting thick meat. She then whinnied loudly as she felt Cedric’s cock start to unload his seed into her vagina. The redheaded mare then felt her hubby pull his hard-on out of her back door, before he proceeded to cover her backside with his sperm.
"Ooohhh, ja, aaahhh, cum for me, studs!!!" she yelled in reaction, before she started to have her own orgasm, her pussy juices starting to cover Cedric’s still thrusting erection. "Aaahhh, ja, make me cum," she moaned.
Cedric smiled, as he fucked Eva through her orgasm. As he did, he went to her right breast and was soon sucking on it, as he shot even more sperm into the mare’s still sucking twat.
James also smiled, as he rubbed the last of his sperm out of his cock. He then lowered his body and was soon kissing the mare’s pretty neck.
Eva moaned loudly as Cedric’s cock continued to pound her vagina, and she felt more of his seed enter her pussy. As she released some more of her juices onto Cedric’s cock, she felt his mouth once more sucking on her breast while James’ started to kiss her neck. Eva whinnied in reaction to what the pair was now doing.
"Oooohhhh, ja, fuck me," she moaned, as she kept mating with Cedric.
Meanwhile, Betsy and Bell continued to lick each other’s pussy as they brought themselves even closer to orgasm. After several more licks into each others’ snatch, Bell came once more, her pussy juices soon covering Betsy’s still licking face. She then mooed loudly into Betsy’s cunny before she started to redouble her efforts to bring the older blonde cow off. The redheaded cow didn’t have to wait long as she started to feel her face being covered by the blonde bovine femme’s love juice while also feeling Betsy’s body convulsing above hers in her own orgasm. The two buxom cows kept sucking each other’s pussies as they worked themselves through their individual orgasm.

A short time later, Eva lay above Cedric’s still prone body, a smile firmly placed on her pretty visage, while she felt the grey stallion starting to pull his semi-limp erection out of her pussy. As that was occurring, she also felt her hubby’s mouth still kissing her neck as he sat to her left on the futon. On the floor, Betsy laid atop Bell, neither one presently moving.
Or rather wasn’t moving, as Betsy started to turn her head. Now looking back at Bell, she said, with a smirk, "Don’t forget that you still owe me for winning that bet, Bell."
As the stallions chuckled at that comment, Bell looked at Betsy. She then looked at the equines. "Bell’s still horny. I want to fuck Mrs. Eva."
As Betsy shook her head, and the two stallions laughed even louder, Eva said, in an unbelieving tone, "Gut gott, don’t du ever slow down, Bell?" She then started to laugh, as did Betsy, while Bell pouted.
"I can’t help if I’m still horny," said Bell, as the other responded by laughing even louder.

The End

Eva © 2005 Scott and Stanley Alston
James, Betsy and Cathy © 2005 Stanley L. Alston, Jr.
Bell © 2005 Jeremy Mullins
Cedric © 2005 Paladynn Schyft

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