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Interviewing Eva McEqqus, Part 4

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

I (Smiling at the audience): Hello, once more, ladies and gentlefurs. I would like to once again welcome you to my ongoing interview with the sexy porn goddess and CFO of DoeMare Productions and the current President of the Western California Alliance Wrestling, ‘Brunhilda’, aka Eva McEqqus.

E (Sitting in a swivel chair, clothed this time in a red stretch stain bustier, along with a silvery neck choker, red gloves which goes from the top of her wrist to a few inches above her elbows, black sheer stockings and black low-heel shoes): Danka once again for havink me here, mein herr. (Smiles at the audience)

I: No, once again thank you for coming, Eva, considering your very busy schedule. I mean, what with you doing porn films, wrestling, helping to run both a porn studio and a wrestling league and participating in the occasional strip show, it doesn’t leave you with much free time, does it?

E: Ne, ne un lot off free time. But, ich haff so far been able to handle it. (Smiles)

I (Nods, while looking the sexy redheaded mare over): I can just imagine, especially for someone your age. (Eva snickers) Hmmm, for someone who is now fifty years old, you’re certainly a very sexy looking MILF.

E (Chuckling, as she swivels her chair): Vhy danka for der compliment, mein herr. Ich do try.

I: And you seem to be very successful at that. I mean looking sexy, that is. (Eva starts to chuckle even louder) Anyway, lets continue with the interview, shall we, Eva?

E (Nods and smiles): Sure.

I: Okay. Now, when I’d last talked with you, you and your husband, James, were about to take a plane to California, where you two equines would start your new jobs working for an American-based porn film studio.

E: Ja, dat ist correct.

I: So, Eva, how was your flight from Germany to California?

E (Swiveling in her chair, thinking): Hmmm, ich recall our flight as beink un rather long, but un otherwise uneventful, eine. Ou rather almost uneventful. (She starts to smile naughtily, which catches the attention of both the interviewer and his crew)

I (Raising an eyebrow): Oh, care to share with us, Eva?

E (Still smiling naughtily, while placing her hooves on top of the crotch of her red bustier): Vell, ich did haff un little fun inside der airplane’s bathroom mit dis rather handsome lookink und vell hung brown bear. (She then starts to lick her lips as she thought about it even more)

I: A little fun? Why am I thinking that you two joined the infamous Mile High Club during that time in the airplane’s bathroom?

E (Giggling): Nein, ne at dat moment. Ich’d simply gave him un blowjob before allowink him to lick at mein honey pot. (Points at her crotch) After all, mein herr, ich vasn’t sure how loud he vould get vhile ich rode him inside der bathroom, so ich decided ne to take any changes. At least ne at dat time.

I: And yourself?

E: Ich vas very quiet vhile he, hee hee, ate mein honey pot.

I (A bit skeptical): Sure, you were, Eva.

E (Sounding innocent, as she starts to rub the crotch of her bustier with two of her fingers): But ich vas, honest. Ich can be quiet vhen ich vant to be.

I: If you say so, Eva. (Eva chuckles lightly as she continues to rub her bustier-covered crotch) But other than that?

E: As ich’d said earlier, it vas mostly an uneventful flight. Ve saw un movie, ate, und got some sleep.

I: Ok. So, where did your plane land in California? Los Angeles?

E (Nods her head as she stops rubbing her bustier’s crotch): Ja, Los Angeles. Der studio dat ve vould be vorkink for vas located dere.

I: Hmmm, interesting. I was kind of expecting you two to have landed near San Francisco, since you two now live in San Jose, in the middle of Silicon Valley.

E (Smiling): Eine vould dink so. (Chuckles lightly) But, ve started out in LA.

I: Ok. So, when you and James finally arrived at LAX, you two were…

E: Carryink zwei bags each, un suitcase und un overnacht bag, as ve vaited for der rest off our furnishink und other stuff to later arrive from West Germany.

I: Yes, yes. Anyway, did anyone meet you two at the airport after you two had left the airport terminal?

E (Smiles, as she swivels her chair once again): Ja, mein future partner un best freund, Jessica Thumper, und her studdly hubby, Robert Stag.

I: Oh, is that so. And how did you two recognize them?

E: Vell, ich recognize der creamy lapin femme by noticink dat she had eine off her ears coverink eine off her eyes, like she does in her porn films vhich ich haff seen back in der fatherland. Dat und (Snickering as she noticed the lusty look on the interviewer’s face) der sign mit der vord ‘McEqqus’ vritten on it dat her stud off un husband vas holdink in his hooves. (Starts chuckling as she saw the interviewer’s now sad face)

I (Cough for a while before regaining his composure): I see. I’m guessing that you two porn queens hit it off right off the bat, yes?

E (Smiling broadly): Oh, ja. Ve hit it off right off der bat, alright. She liked vho ich vas married to und ich certainly liked seeink vho see vas ridink. (Snickering loudly, which soon caused her 38C boobs to bounce inside her bustier)

I (Blinking, in surprise, as he watched her boobs move inside her bustier, before finally realizing what she had meant): You are not suggesting?

E (Still snickering): Oh ja, dat very nacht in deir apartment room, where ve vere stayink, as our apartment vasn’t yet ready to be lived in.

I: Naughty mare.

E (Pretending to be surprised by the comment): Vat? Ve haff to eventually vork mit dem, ja? Mein hubby und ich, durik der drive to deir apartment, decided dat ve might as vell find out from der start iff ve could vork vell together. (Snickering once again)

I: Still, Eva, the first night inside the U.S.? After such a long flight, shouldn’t you two had at least have gotten some rest?

E: Oh, James und ich did get some rest after un nacht off sexual activity. Ich know dat it certainly helped us rest dat nacht und der followink day. (Giggling)

I (Shaking his head): You certainly are a naughty mare, Eva.

E: Ich dink dat ihr audience are vell aware off dat by now, mein herr. (Begins to snicker once again)

I (Still shaking his head): Yes, I believe that they do.

E (Giggles some more, once again causing her boobs to shake inside her bustier, catching the attention of the crew): Ja.

I (Stops shaking his head, before looking once again at the giggling mare): Okay then, next question. How long did it take for the rest of your stuff to reach California, and how long did it take you two to set up your new apartment?

E (Raises her right hoof, before showing him two fingers): Actually, ich do believe dat dat ist zwei questions, mein herr.

I (Laughing): I do believe that you are right, Eva. (Watches her bring down her right hoof) Anyway, would you care to answer them?

E: Okay. Erste dinks erste. It took about zwei days before ve got our apartment keys from our new landlord, vhich vas actually on der same floor off der apartment buildink vhere our new friends, Jessica und Robert, vere livink. Ich recall it as beink un rather spacious eine bedroom apartment, mit un livink room, un kitchen und bath, und capertink im both der livink room und der bedroom…

I (Interrupting): I’m guessing that the bathroom had a shower in it?

E (Giggling): Of course, silly.

I: Which I’m sure that you two used a lot, and not just for taking showers. (The crew started to chuckle, as Eva continued to giggle)

E: Und vat exactly are du implyink, mein herr? (Trying to act innocent)

I: I think we all know exactly what I’m implying, Eva, you naughty mare.

E (Giggling): Okay, ja, ve both took un lot off…showers inside der shower.

I: You know what I mean, Eva. (The mare starts to laugh)

E: Okay, seriously, ve did, on occasion, fuck each other im der shower. But, ne as much as du’re dinkink, herr interviewer. (Chuckles as she sees him give her a look telling her that he didn’t buy it) Anyway, can ich continue replyink to ihr question?

I: Please.

E (Smiling): Danka. To continue, ve both liked der apartment, und ve liked it even more once our stuff haff finally arrived several days later at der airport, vhich ve den picked up via un large movink van. It took us un few trips to get our stuff to der apartment, und den it took us un few days more, mit der help off both Jessica und Robert, to get all of it taken out of der boxes und put into deir appropriate places inside our apartment, especially our clothink und mein cookink utensils. Especially mein cookink utensils, as ve vere both gettink tired off eatink out.

I: Oh? You two didn’t like the local cuisine?

E: Let’s just say dat dere’s nothink like un meal dat du cook ihrself, und leave it at dat, ja?

I: Really?

E (Smiling): Ja. Ich’m un very gut cook.

I (A bit surprised): A good cook? Really?

E: Ja. Considerink dat ich haff to live on mein own for un few years before ich’d married mein stallion, ich haff to learn how to cook.

I: And how did you do that?

E: By buyink und readink un lot of cookbooks, especially der eines put out by both Betty Crocker und der late Julia Childs.

I (Raising an eyebrow): Impressive. How good of a cook are you, anyway, Eva?

E (Smiles): Vell, ne to toot mein own horn, but ich haff won un couple off local cookink contests.

I: Really? What are your best dishes?

E: Kartoffelsalat, Himmel und Ääd, Tuna Casserole, Cheesecake und Apfelstrudel.

I (Blinks): Well, I can guess what Apfelstrudel, Cheesecake and Tuna Casserole are but what is Kartoffelsalat and Himmel und Ääd?

E (Smiles): Kartoffelsalat ist un German style off potato salad, vhile Himmel und Ääd ist mashed potatoes mit stewed apples und fried blood puddink.

I: Blood pudding?

E (Chuckles): It’s un type off sausage.

I (Blinks): Wait, you two actually eat…

E: Other den tuna fish, ne, ve do ne. Ve serve it to our guests durink der dinner parties dat ve occasionally hold at our house. Ich’d never tasted it meinself, but ich hear from mein guess dat it’s quite tasty.

I: I see. So, with that said, how long was it before you did your first porn film in the U.S.?

E: Hmm, ich recall dat it took almost zwei veeks, after ve haff finally gotten settled into our new apartment, before James und ich did our erste film for our new studio.

I: And what was the name of your first American porn film?

E (Smiling proudly): Our erste American porn film vas named “Lovink der German bar owner.” Ja, ja, ich know, dumb title, but ich vasn’t der eine vho came up mit der film titles back den.

I (Nods): Yeah, it doesn’t sound right at that. So, what was the film about?

E: Vell, der film vas about un British stallion vho vas on vacation in southern West Germany und he stops at un local American-style German bar to buy some food und drink. As he orders his meal, he gets un gut look at der person who runs der bar, vhich vas un pretty lookink German mare vho at der time vas dressed up in un very low-cut barmaid outfit. Der stallion fell for her der moment he erste laid eyes on her, thinkink dat she vas der most beautiful mare dat he haff ever seen in his life. He den proceeds to woo her, tryink to get her to go out mit him, so dat she vould like him enough to eventually marry him. She ist, at erste, hesitant to go out mit him, as der film ist set ne too long after der recent krieg, und she ist afraid dat her relatives, freunds und neighbors might ne approve off her goink out mit someone vho came from der country dat haff helped to defeat hers. But, he vas eventually able to get her to agree to un date mit him, vhich soon became un zweitens, den un drittens, before der pair eventually had deir erste sexual encounter. After un few more dates und some misunderstandinks, dey eventually get married, mit der film endink mit der new married couple’s erste nacht together.

I: So, how vas der film received?

E: It vas received very vell, actually. In fact, DoeMare presently own der rights to selling der film, since ve own der right to our old company’s archives after it vent under several months before der formation of DoeMare Studios, now Productions. In fact, it vas eine off der best porn films for dat particular year.

I: And why was that?

E (Laughing): Because it vas un porn film mit un actual plot, silly boy. Somethink ne too many porn films beink put out now can actually claim.

I: Except by your present company, and a few others.

E (Nods, before swiveling in her chair): Ja. Ve believe in tryink to put out un gut film mit un plot, to go along mit der grunts, groans und humps. (Giggles) After all, ich dink dat’s der least ve can do for der buyers.

I: Compare to more normal Hollywood films.

E (Releases a loud snort): Do ne get me started on dat. Ich go to see un film to be entertained mit un story dat looks real und believable, mit gut actink. Sad to say, un lot off vat der studios film now un days are just plain crap.

I: Oh?

E: Ja. Some haff gut actink, but der plot stinks, some haff un gut plot, but it’s killed by bad actink. Very few haff both. Mein studio might do porn, but it doesn’t mean dat ve can’t give der audience un gut story to go along mit der grunts und moans. It does tend to surprise people, dough. (Smiles.)

I: So, did it win an award that year?

E (Shakes her head no.) Nein. It lost out to another film, whose name escapes me at der moment, for best porn picture dat year. Ve vere all disappointed vhen dat happened. (She then smiled) But, ich did vin der award for best female newcomer for dat year, although, technically, ich’d been vorkink in Europe for un vhile. But, ich dink ve are gettink ahead off ourselves, ja?

I (Nods): Yes, we are. Let’s see, according to my notes your next porn film was a spoof of the original Terminator film?

E (Snickering): Oh ja, even iff it vas done at least zwei years after der original film vas made.

I: It took them that long to do the film.

E: Himmel, ne. Der main problem vas actually gettink un script vritten up dat vas humorous, followed by gettink der right people to play der characters.

I: And what was your particular part in this porn spoof?

E (Laughing): Vho else, silly boy. Ich played un character dat vas suppose to be like the actual Terminator’s Sarah Connor. It certainly vasn’t easy for me to do, dat vas for sure.

I: Why was that?

E: Simple. Before dat particular film, ich played un lot of heroic female figures, vho veren’t afraid most off der time. Dis vould be der erste film vhere ich vould play un character dat vould be afraid for most off der film.

I: Meaning that it was a change of pace for you?

E (Nods her head): Ja, it most certainly vas.

I: So, who played the Terminator-type character?

E (Smiling): Believe it, ou not, Robert Stag.

I (A bit surprised): Robert Stag? I would’ve expected your husband, James. After all, he does have the build for the part, along with the military training.

E (Chuckling): Ja, du vould dink dat. Plus, he can, vhen he vants to, sound like un German male…

I: Mainly because he grew up in Germany, right?

E (Nods): Ja. Plus he did do un few films im Germany. (The Interviewer nods his head in agreement) But, der film’s director vanted to use Robert instead. He felt dat he vas better for der part. (Shrugs her shoulders) But, James vas im der film. (Smiles)

I: Oh? As who?

E: Der Kyle Reese-like character.

I: Oh, you mean the one who was sent back in time to protect her, but who ended up…

E: Gettink her pregnant. Ja, he’s der eine.

I: Speaking of which, how many sex scenes were there in the film?

E: Just four, un couple between me und James, eine between Robert und un cow vhom he had dought vas his target vho he dem proceeded to fuck to death, und un lesbian scene between me, un lioness und un ewe.

I: Any of the other females in those scenes we might recognize today?

E: Just der ewe, as dat would be der erste time dat ich vould do un sex scene mit Helena Sheepadopolous.

I: I see. So, what was it like doing the scene with her?

E (Smiling): Let’s just say dat she certainly knew how to get me off, und leave it at dat. (Starts to laugh)

I: Oh, so the Grecian sex goddess knew how to turn on der Teutonic love queen, hmmm?

E (Blushing): Ja, she certainly did at dat. (Continues to laugh)

I: So, was there any problems on the set?

E (Shakes her head no): Nein, everybody enjoyed vorkink on der set. In fact, Helena und ich became especially gut freunds after der filmink.

I: I see. So how well did the film do in the box office?

E (Smiles): It did rather vell, brinink in a few tens off millions off dollars at der time, und it’s still ist bringink in money, erste through video sales, und later through DVD sales…

I: Which your present company owns the distribution rights to, right?

E (Laughs, as she swivel her chair): Ja, dat ist correct.

I: According to my records, after doing the Terminator spoof, you went on your first strip show tour inside the United States. Is that correct?

E (Nods head, as she stops swiveling the chair): Ja, dat ist correct. It vas mostly along der west coast, California, Oregon und Washington.

I: So, which cities did you stop in?

E: Let’s see, dere vas off course, Los Angeles, vere der tour started, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramento, Fresno, Colmaton, Oakland, Anaheim, Santa Ana, Long Beach, Stockton, Santa Rosa, Santa Clara, Santa Monica und Eureka in California, Portland, Eugene , Salem und Medford in Oregon und Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma und Vancouver in Washington State, as vell as un few stops in some small towns vhose names all presently escape me.

I: Hmmm, that’s a lot of places, Eva. And exactly how long was the tour?

E: Let’s see. Ve started der tour around about Labor Day, und ich did ne get back home until about der veek before Christmas Day, so ich vould say dat der tour lasted about un little over drei months.

I: That long? How many shows did you do per day?

E: Hhhmm, it vas normally about drei to fünf shows per day, startink at noon und endink before midnight, dependink upon der person vho ran der venue dat ich did mein show in.

I: Were any of them sex shows?

E (Laughing): Gut himmels, nein. Ne sex shows. Mostly me doink striptease, mit un little old fashion Ami burlesque thrown in.

I: Burlesque? You?

E (Smiling): Vhy ne? Und ich mean Burlesque im der original sense, mit costumes und elaborate sets und such. Ich can still remember der times vhen ich came on stage dressed up as either un police ou military officer und slowly removink mein uniform until ich vas only vearink mein g-string panties, mit tassels over mein nipples. Dat certainly got un loud cheer from der audiences dat vatched me vork.

I: Although I’m sure that they would’ve preferred seeing all of your big guns on display. (Crew laughing)

E (Blushing): Now cut dat out. Du can be real crude at times, mein herr. (Laughing)

I: And you can be real naughty at times, Eva, (Causes Eva to laugh even harder) so I guess we’re even. So, any trouble with any of the local authorities with your act?

E (Stops laughing): Hmm, just once. In Berkeley. (Snorts lightly) Over me vearink un military uniform for mein aforementioned act.

I: Oh, and why was that?

E (Shrugs shoulders): Ich haff ne idea, as it vas just un kind off neutral uniform, as, for dis particular act, ich vas vearink un uniform from der mid-18th Century so as ne to upset anyone. Still seems to haff pissed off someone. But, to be honest, ich’d always found Berkeley to be kind off weird. Don’t know vhy, ich just do.

I Okay. So, how successful was the tour?

E (Smiling): Ve sold out in most off der venues. Und der fans, im general, vere very nice to me, iff der number off photos off me dat vere asked for each day, as vell as der number vho asked for mein autograph are any indication. Und dis vas before most off mein German vork vas known about, other den der Red Mare series. Now, ich knew dat der series vas popular here in der U.S., as ich’d told du im der zweister interview, but, until ich did mein erste strip show tour, ich had ne idea how popular dere series actually vas im dis country.

I: Oh, and how did you find that out, Eva?

E: Vell, several times durink der tour ich vas especially requested to strip out off der furs dat ich wore in dose films, like ich did in both Germany und Europe. Off course ich couldn’t, since der furs vere all back in Germany, der property off mein old studio, Fuchs Films. Du should’ve seen der sad looks on deir faces when ich had to decline each request.

I: Why didn’t you…

E: Vell, der furs dat ich wore for der films vere created by order off der studios, so, it vas actually deir property. Und, although ich could’ve gotten in touch mit mein old employer to see iff ich could haff rented dem for der tour, it vould’ve taken some time for dem to be sent to me, so…ich, sadly, haff to turn down every request.

I: Yeah, that does sound like a bad break. But, anyway, back to the questions. What was your favorite routine during the tour?

E (Smiling): Mein favorite routine? Mein favorite routine den ist still mein favorite routine now, mein takink off un barmaid outfit until ich vas only vearink un black bra und g-string panties before teasingly valkink off der stage as ich try to remove mein bra until ich finally took it off, just as ich’d exit der stage.

I: Mainly because you were teasing the audience by not showing them everything in person.

E: Ja.

I (Nods): Of course, unlike what you were showing them on screen. (Eva starts to laugh)

E (Still laughing): Dat ist quite true. Ich try ne to show der audience everythink, unless its eine off mein sex shows, den, ich vould haff to show dem everythink. But, dat vas for later on. Right now, ich needed to establish meinself.

I: Which it sounds like you did. (Eva nods, as he looks at his notes.) So, now that you have told us what was your favorite routine, would you be so kind as to tell us what was your least favorite strip routine?

E (Visibly groans): Mein least favorite routine? (Sees the interviewer nod his head) Mein least favorite routine? (Starts to think) Ich vould haff to say dat mein vorst routine vas vhen ich came out dressed up as un little girl gettink ready for bed, vho den started to take off her clothes to reveal der more adult corset und such dat vere hidden underneath her pajamas.

I: Oh? How come?

E: Just did not feel comfortable comink onto der stage dressed up like un sieben years old. After all, un lot of dere males im der stage, vere vaters…

I: Hmm, I think that I’m beginning to see your point, Eva. It would certainly make them feel very uncomfortable, to say the least.

E: Ja, its der main reason vhy ich haff never done dat particular routine since den. Now, iff ich had come out dere dressed up like un femme im her late teens, ou older, it vould’ve been un different story.

I: As you would’ve been a lot more comfortable playing such?

E (Smiles): Oh, ja!!! (Starts laughing)

I: And the males in your audience, for the most part, would have been a lot more comfortable as well.

E: Oh, ja, dey most certainly vould’ve been. (Laughs even louder)

I: Okay, after your return to Los Angeles, you did a shoot for your first American magazine spread, is that correct?

E (Stops laughing, then nods her head): Ja, dat ist correct, for Pentmare magazine.

I: Really, and what did the photoshoot involved, if you don’t mind me asking?

E (Smiles): Vell, for der shoot dey haff me dressed up as un hot lookink teacher: Un vell kept black jacket und above-der-knees length skirt, un vhite dress blouse mit der top zwei buttons unbuttoned to show cleavage, dark grey stockinks und black shoes, alonk mit un mock up off un classroom, vhich included un blackboard und un desk. Dey haff me stand in front off der chalkboard, lookink like ich vas vritink somethink, before ich looked towards der camera, und den started to take off mein clothes until all ich haff left vas un strapless black corset mit matchink color panties, der stockink, vhich vere beink held up by der corset’s garters und der shoes.

I: Was that all you took off?

E: Vell, ich did pull down der top off mein corset to show off mein breasts towards der end off der shoot, but dat vas as far as ve vent. At least for dat publication.

I: Oh?

E: Ja. About zwei months after ich dis dat shoot, un bit more racier publication asked me to do zwei shoots for dem where ich vould end up nude, except for der stockinks und shoes dat ich vould be vearink.

I: Any outfits in particular.

E (Chuckles lightly): Vell, eine vas, off course, der barmaid, mit un typical Bavarian bar und beer barrel im der background. But, der zweitens eine vas un bit different.

I: Oh, how different was it?

E (Blushing): Vell, dis eine vas to be un sort off soft porn scene, und, since it vas to appear im der magazine’s October issue, it haff un certain Halloweenish theme to it, so dey haff me dressed up as der Bride off Frankenstein.

I: The Bride of Frankenstein?

E (Nodding her head): Ja, der Bride.

I: I’m guessing because you’re…

E: Ja, because ich’m German. (Shrugs her shoulders)

I: I see. Back to the shoot. This would mean that...

E: Ich’m supposed to haff ‘sex’ mit un stud dressed up as Frankenstein. (Smiling)

I: Considering the smile on your face, the model they got for the shoot must’ve been well endowed.

E (Blushing): Du could say dat. (Laughs)

I: Anyone we might know?

E: Vell, ich did do un few porn films mit him after der shoot. Gott im Himmel, did he know how to fuck mit der ‘monster’ dat he haff. (She laughs upon realizing her inadvertent joke, as does the crew)

I: Must’ve been a real ‘monster’ cock for you to say so. So, how did they have you dressed for that shoot?

E (Places her left leg atop her right, before placing her right hoof upon her chin. Starts taping a finger against her cheek as she starts thinking): Let’s see. Vhen der shoot vas started, dey haff me wearink un floor length sleeveless vhite gown mit un slit along der right leg, up to mein hips, above der elbow-length vhite gloves, black stockings und black shoes underneath der gown, as vell as un black vig mit un pair off large vhite stripes goink down der length off der vig.

I: Started? You had something else on underneath the gown?

E (Smiling): But off course. (Chuckles)

I: And that would’ve been?

E (Still smiling, as she removed her hoof from her cheek and placed it onto the knee of her left leg): Un cupless black corset dat showed off mein 38C twins (starts to laugh at her comment) mit matchink g-string panties, mit der corset’s garters beink attached to der top off der stockinks.

I: And the model playing the monster?

E: Typical Frankenstein outfit, includink der flatten head und der bolts on either side off his neck.

I: So, would you like to tell us how the shoot was done.

E: Vell, since dat particular issue off dat publication ist hard to come by now a days, unless du can find it on E-bay, ich vill, but only der highlights.

I (Blinks, surprised): It sold out? Really?

E: Ja, ich vas really taken aback meinself vhen ich vas shown der numbers. Ich really did ne expect dat.

I: I can bet. Now then, the scene, please.

E: Okay. Ich’m seen erste, lyink atop der upraised slab. Ich vake up, den get off der slab, just as ‘der monster’ appears, lookink horny. Ich scream at erste, like der Bride did in der 1935 film, until ich get un gut look at der bulge dat vas inside his pants. Now feelink just as horny, ich removed mein gown, revealink der corset und panties outfit dat ich vas vearink underneath it, before ich quickly pulled down his pants und started to give ‘der monster’ vat vas suppose to be un blowjob. Ve den did un few simulated sex scenes, mit der last zwei showink me ne longer vearink der panties, vhile der monster vas nude, mit der final scene showink both off us on der slab, mit me lyink on top of him, both sexually satisfied. (She then smiles)

I (Noticing the smile): Let me guess, that wasn’t the truth, was it?

E (Laughs): Du catch on quickly. Iff anythink, der shoot got der zwei off us horny und, after puttink on un couple off robes, ve vent to mein dressink room und fucked like minks for un while, until ve vere both really sexually satisfied.

I: So, since you had said that the publication with the Halloween-theme was a sell-out, how popular was the one with you as a sexy teacher?

E: Vell, ne as successful as der Halloween eine, but, it vas successful enough dat der film company vanted to capitalize on it.

I: Meaning that they decided to do a porn film with you as a horny teacher, yes?

E (Chuckles): Du really do catch on quickly, mein herr. Actually dey decided to do drei films mit me playink un naughty female college professor.

I: Drei?

E: Ja, der photoshoot vas dat popular, considerink dat it came out at der same time dat der erste off der drei films vas released.

I: Anything in particular about the character that you was playing in the series?

E: Hhmm, other den dat she’s teachink German at un University dat vas located somewhere im der Mid-Western US, ich don’t dink so.

I (Blinks): German?

E: Ja. German. (Chuckle) To be honest, dey did dat to be un bit ironic. After all, vho vould expect un German to be teachink German to American students, ja? Plus, day vould also be able to put in un few low key jokes on mein heritage, eines dat ich knew vould ne piss off mein fellow Germans iff done im der film, vhen it vas sent to West Germany, plus haff un bit off good nature fun at how some off der older G.I. teachers vould react to havink un teacher from Germany, even iff un sexy lookink eine, im deir midst.

I: Oh, I can just guess. (Trying to sound like one of the old G.I.s) Twenty years or so ago, I’d been worried about her maybe trying to kill me with a grenade, now, I’m worried about her killing me with a good, hard lay.

E (Laughing her head off): Dat’s just awful, even iff it vas true for der film.

I: So, how was your character portrayed in the film?

E: How else. As un sexy lookink fräulein vho vas originally vorkink at un University im Southern Germany vhen she vas offered un appointment to vork in der US as un teacher off der German language…

I: Who also knew English, yes?

E (Laughing): But, off course, silly boy. (Smiles, then continue the story) Anyway, vhen she got to der American University, she’d discovered dat un mistake haff been made.

I: Oh, a mistake?

E: Ja. It seems dat dey dought dat dey vere givink der job offer to un older male teacher, mainly because her name vas close to un male professor vho just happen to be her vater, vho vas now retired. Dey planned to send her back home, unless she could convince der University’s President otherwise. Vhich she soon preceded to do, erste by givink him un blowjob inside his office, und den screwink him until she haff finally convinced him dat sendink her back to Deutschland might ne be un gut idea. Und, so she did. Den she vould spend der rest off der film tryink to get both der rest off der school’s professors und der students to accept her as der new German instructor. Und she did, by showink dem how good un teacher she vas…

I: As well as screwing those who might have the biggest influence upon both groups?

E (Chuckles): Du must’ve seen der film, mein herr, but ja, she did do dat, vhich included her havink un orgy mit der football team near der end off der film after havink helped tutor der team’s quarterback so dat he vould be able to past der test im der German history course dat he vas takink dat term.

I: Tutor him, huh? Screw and tutor him sounds more like it, yes?

E (Laughs): Ja, she screwed him. But only to make sure dat he vas payink attention to her lessons. Every time he passes eine off his tests, he had un chance to fuck her.

I: Talk about your incentives!!!

E (Laughs louder): Ja, und der fact dat he vas der eine dat ich did der Frankenstein shoot mit did ne hurt.

I: I’m betting that it was the hottest scene in the first film.

E: Vell, der fact dat der scene combined der zwei fantasies off fuckink der hot lookink teacher mit vatchink eine femme takink on der entire football team, how could it not be?

I: Hmmm, I see what you mean. So, how successful was the series?

E: It vas rather very successful. Im fact, she vould be mein erste recurrink character at mein new studio.

I: Really? I’m guessing that she’s now like the Red Mare character. A character that you can’t use because she was created at another porn company.

E (Smiling like the cat that has swallowed the canary): Oh, really? Ich’m guessink den dat du haff ne heard der news?

I (A bit confused): Uhm, haven’t heard what news, Eva?

E: Dat DoeMare Productions haff finally gotten der full rights from Fuchs Films to mein old Red Mare character, includink all off der films. Im fact, un script ist right now beink written for un film mit der character set for Summer 2011. (Smiles)

I: That’s great, Eva, but how did that happen?

E: Vell, iff du recall, der studio haff der distribution rights to der series, ja?

I: Yes, I do.

E: Vell, dere been un major spike im der DVDs sells off der series, especially after der series vas mentioned im der zweitens und drittens parts off dis interview, as vell as un lot off letters from people tellink us dat dey vanted to see more off her, so, ich got im contact mit Fuchs Studios to buy der full rights to both her und der films. It took un vhile, but zwei months ago ve got der complete rights to her, so ve can make new films mit her, usink either me, ou un new actress. Although, to be honest, ich dink dat most people vill be vantink to see me in her fur outfit again.

I: And why do you say that?

E (Smiles naughtily, as she lowers her left leg, after having first moved her right hoof): Oh, just call it un hunch.

I: Along with all of those DVDs that your studio had sold?

E (Laughs): Ja, dat too.

I: And what about the sexy teacher character that we were just talking about?

E: Oh, ich still play her from time to time. Ich did say dat der studio haff complete control off der film library off der company dat ich vork for erste here in der U.S., ja? Dat also include control off all der characters dat appear im der films dat vere made by dat studio.

I (Blushing): I seems to have forgotten that. Sorry.

E (Laughing good naturally): So it vould seem. Und ihr apology ist accepted.

I (Smiles): Thanks. Now then, Eva, if I have my information right, after you had done those three films and the second photoshoot, you did one more shoot, before going on your second strip show tour, with this one going through both New England and the Mid-Atlantic States?

E (Smiles): Oh ja, dat ist correct, mein herr.

I: So, what was that particular photoshoot about?

E (Smiling even more): Vell, it involved me havink un little fun mit mein porn name, Brunhilda.

I: Oh? In what way, Eva, especially, as I recall, you have already done a photoshoot under that name?

E: Hhhhmmm, ich did at dat, didn’t ich? (Chuckling) Vell, im dis case, Brunhilda ist also der name for un Valkyrie, vho ist eine off der main characters im Richard Wagner’s famous Ring cycle.

I: Yes, I do seem to recall that.

E: So, der shoot vas derefore based on dat particular Brunhilda, so ich’m am once again clad im leather, but, dis time lookink more like eine off dose female fantasy characters. Anyway, at der start off der shoot ich’m shown ridink on horseback. Ich den get off der horse, und look towards der camera. Ich den slowly start to take off der leather, doink so eine piece at un time until ich’m only vearink un half-cup bra, showink off mein breasts und un g-string panties. Ich den haff un few pictures taken inside dat outfit, before ich start to take dem both off until ich am standink before der camera im der nude, soon doink un few poses im der buff, includink un few mit me seated on der horse’s back.

I: I see. I’m betting that the horse enjoyed feeling your naked form sitting atop his bare back? (Smiling)

E (Chuckling): Now cut dat out, du naughty boy.

I: I do try. So, how well did this shoot do?

E: Pretty vell. Im fact, it vas un bit more successful den der Brunhilda shoot dat ich did im Germany un few years earlier. It certainly did make der magazine publisher happy to see dose numbers. (Chuckles)

I: Oh? Any idea why that was?

E (Shrug shoulders): Ich really haff ne idea, other den dat people must like to see me takink off leather.

I: Or maybe they like seeing you dressed up as a Valkyrie, before they get to see the goods the leather was hiding?

E (Thinking): Hhhmm, ich haff ne dought off it dat vay. Ich guess ich may haff to do somethink to find out der truth off dat statement.

I: Oh, by doing another such photoshoot in a similar fantasy outfit?

E (Looks at the interviewer for a while, before smiling): Maybe. (Says it in a playful tone, before lightly laughing)

I: Seriously?

E: Seriously, ich need to think about vat to do to find out der validity off ihr last comment.

I: Fair enough. Now then, on your second strip show tour, where did you go to this time?

E (Leaning back against the chair, accidently giving off a good view of her boobs): Hhmm, vere did ich go on mein zweitens tour? Ich recall makink stops in Portland und Bangor, Maine; Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Boston, Worcestor, Salem, Lexington, Cambridge und Plymouth, Massachusetts; Providence, Rhode Island; Hartford, New Haven und New London, Connecticut; New York City, Albany, White Plains, Syracuse, Buffalo und Troy, New York; Erie, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, Altoona, Gettysburg, Reading, Scranton-Wilkes Barre, Chester und Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Camden, Trenton und Jersey City, New Jersey; Wilmington und Dover, Delaware; Baltimore, Annapolis, College Park und Hagerstown, Maryland; Washington, D.C.; Arlington, Alexandria, Richmond, Virginia Beach, Petersburg, und Hampton Road, Virginia, mit un few other places vhose names escapes me at der moment. Ich also recall dat tour lastink about vier to fünf months, because off how far ve haff to travel between each place, since der tour began on der Fourth off July.

I: Man, that’s a lot more places than you had visited during your first tour.

E: Vell, ich only visited drei states im mein erste tour. On dis tour, ich visited elf states und der U.S. capital.

I: Hmmm, I’d noticed that you did not mention stopping in Vermont during the tour?

E: Vell, ve didn’t. At least for dis tour.

I: Any reason vhy?

E (Shrugs her shoulders): It just vasn’t und ich haff ne idea vhy it vas so. Although, iff ich hazard un guess, it vas because off der vay dat der tour vas set up, since der tour started near der Atlantic Coast, und did ne go inland until ve vent north off New York City towards Albany, den headed westwards.

I: Well, I seem to recall that Vermont isn’t too far from Albany. You could’ve made a short stop from Albany, then head west.

E: Vell, as ich said, ich didn’t organize der tour, so, ich haff ne idea vhy Vermont vas skipped durink der tour.

I: Okay, fair enough. So, was it the same arrangement as the first tour?

E: Ja. Same numbers off shows for der same number off hours. Und before du ask, ja, dis time ich did perform un couple off sex shows. Eine show in New York City und eine in Washington, D.C.

I (Raises an eyebrow): Okay. I can understand why you did one in New York. But D.C.?

E (Giggling): Vell, it ist der nation’s capital. Enough said? (Smiles and then winks)

I (Nods his head): Fair enough. Anyway, back to the tour. You said that you began the tour on the Fourth of July? Did you wear anything special for the occasion?

E (Smiles): Ja, ich did. On dis tour durink all der shows fer dat day ich started it off mit vearik un outfit dat ich still vear un version off for patriotic occasions, especially since ich’m now un citizen off der United States.

I: Oh, when did you become an American citizen, Eva?

E: Du mean ven did ich und mein stallion become citizens off der United States.

I: Okay, I stand corrected. (Crew laughs.) When did you and your husband become citizens of the United States?

E (Smiling, while sitting proudly): July Fourth, 1995. Und before du ask me, ve did ne haff un hard time mit der required citizenship test, mainly because ve vere both determined to pass it.

I: I’m guessing because of the little girl that you two have had by the time you two took the test?

E: Ja, it vas, but she certainly isn’t little any more. (Laughs) But, ich dink dat ve are startink to get un little bit ahead off ourselves, again, ja?

I: Yes, we are. Would you care to describe the outfit that you wore for that first July Fourth show?

E (Smiling): Ja, ich’ll be happy to. Ich wore un strapless blue corset mit vhite stars dat haff un low plungink neckline, showink to der audience un large part off mein breasts, red und vhite striped medium-heel boots, red und vhite striped just above der elbow gloves dat started at mein vrist, un black bowtie und red earrinks.

I: A black bowtie, Eva?

E: Ja, un black bowtie. Just because ich vas goink to take it off, doesn’t mean dat ich can’t look very classy vhile doink so. (Smiles)

I: No, it doesn’t. (As a smiling Eva starts to swivel her chair.) So, how well was it received?

E: Before ou after ich took it off? (Smiles as the crew laughs.)

I (Chuckling): Ok, I walked into that one. And before you took it off to show the audience the goods?

E (Laughing): Touché. It vas vell received vhen ich erste came out vearink it, especially vhen ich showed der audience der back off it.

I: Oh?

E: Ja, as it exposed most off mein sexy back to deir naughty eyes, although it did cover up enough off mein firm tush to tease dem before ich finally took off der outfit. (She stops swiveling the chair)

I: And I’m betting that the audience was enjoying it even more when you was slowly showing them every part of your sexy form as you was taking off that red, white and blue outfit?

E (Giggling): Und how. Ich can still remember all off der vhistles und catcalls ich got vhen ich took off der corset. Especially vhen dey saw dat mein nipples vere both covered by un large vhite star.

I: Just being the little tease that we are, are we?

E (Laughs): Ne comment.

I: Tease. (Causes Eva to laugh louder). Now then, lets get back to the sex show?

E (Nods, as she slowly stops laughing): Okay.

I: Did either of these shows involved audience participation?

E: Ne, neither off dem did.

I: If that’s the case, then who was your partner in these shows?

E: Mein stallion, vho else? Let me just say dat it vasn’t just der males vho vere enjoyink dose shows.

I: Oh. There were some females at these shows?

E (Nods): Ja, un few. Most off dem came to get un gut look at mein stallion in action.

I: Really?

E: Ja. Seems he already haff un few females fans here in der U.S. Mainly because off his beefcake looks und his accent, but also because off his...

I: Horsehide?

E (Looks at the interviewer, before she starts to laugh): Remember guys, he said it, ne me. (Causes both the crew and the audience to laugh)

I (Blushes): Ha ha, very funny, Eva. But still, I am correct when I say that those females came to see him because of what he’s packing, yes?

E (Chuckles): Ja, dey did come to see him because off his big cock, und to see in use it on me.

I: Which I’m guessing he did a lot in those shows?

E: Drei times per day actually, right after ich’d finished doink mein strippink.

I: So, that would mean that you actually did six of these sex shows with James, three of them during the two nights that you did them?

E: Vell, iff du vant to get technical about it. (Laughs)

I: I would guess that if he did the two sex shows with you, then James was on the tour with you?

E: Vell, ne. Just durink der part off der tour dat vas set between New York City und Washington, D.C.

I: Oh, why was that?

E: Vell, at der time dat der tour haff started, he vas involved in eine off dose short loops dat most studios do to keep some off deir, for lack off un better term, B-listers, vorkink before der cameras, in between deir big films. Und he haff to go back to LA to do another eine after der sex show in Washington, D.C..

I: So, James was an B-…

E: Ne. James ist un A-lister, both, den und now. He just likes vorkink mit der actresses vho vork on his members…ich mean, vork mit him in dose loops. (Laughs)

I: Right, whatever you say, Eva. Do any of those loops, yourself?

E: Ja, ich haff done un few over der years. After all, dey do ne take as much time to do as does un feature film. Also, du don’t haff to vorry about tryink to keep der film interestink to der audience. Dey’re just meaninkless fluff.

I: Meaningless fluff that will still end up with your pretty neck covered in a necklace or two from one of the male studs that you’re screwing with in those loops.

E (Laugh): Du are un naughty boy today, mein herr!!!

I: And you are a naughty tease, so I guess that we’re even. (Crew laughs)

E: Touché, mein herr. Touché. Even iff du are right. (Laughs)

I: Whatever. So, would you care to give us an example of one of your sex shows?

E (Smiling naughtily): Ich be happy to. Erste, ich vould come out im mein costume, dance around der stripper pole for un vhile, den start to remove mein outfit until ich vas only vearink some lingerie…

I: Which was…

E My aren’t ve eager to know. (Crew laughs) Normally it vould be un black corset mit un garter belt attached to it, panties und stokinks, sometimes mit und sometimes mitout shoes. Den ich vould dance around for un vhile before ich vould start to look around for James, vho vould normally be in der front row. Once ich find him, ich vould dance in his direction, den ask him iff he vanted to come on stage to screw me royally. Of course, he vould refuse to come up to fuck me, until he vas encouraged by der crowd to get on stage. Den ich vould approach him, und after givink him a kiss on the lips, ich vould start to remove his clothes until he had only his briefs left. Meantime, Jamie vould usually place his hooves upon the cup off mein corset und start to play mit mein breasts, to help get me excited vhile ich slowly proceeded to pull down his briefs, showink der audience his big cock. Den der fun vould really begin. (Smiles)

I: Oh?

E: Ja, ich vould den start to rub his cock, den get onto mein knees und start givink him un blowjob to get his cock hard. Ich dink du can figure out der rest from dere.

I: I think we all do, but, would you be so kind to verify it for us?

E (Laughs): Honestly. Du are un very naughty boy. (Chuckles) Anyway, der zwei off us vould den fuck like minks vhile der audience vould vatch. Und, ve vould end each show mit Jamie cummink on mein boobs.

I: I’m guessing that the audience approved?

E (Smiling): Und how. Ve got un standink ovation after each show. Und, ich also recall tis cute lookink blonde deer doe vho vanted to ride Jamie’s cock after eine off der shows. Im fact, it vas after der last show im Washington.

I: So, did she get her wish?

E (Being mischievous): Du’ll haff to ask Jamie dat. (Chuckling)


E (Laughs): Truthfully, he did allow her to give him un blowjob. But, ich am pretty sure dat he vas der only male dat fucked me durink der tour, before he vent back to LA.

I: How can you be so sure of that, Eva?

E (Smiling): Vell, it vas durink dis period dat his sperm entered eine off mein eggs.

I: Wait, are you telling me that he got you pregnant around this time?

E: Ja, although, off course, it vould be un vhile before either off us vould realize dat his sperm had finally hit der bullseye. (Smiling)

I: Which would mean that?

E: Dat dis occurred about nine months before our daughter vas born. Ja, it does at dat, as her birthday was im late June 1988.

I: Hmm, if your daughter was born in June, that would mean that you were impregnated sometime during the month of October 1987, yes?

E: Dat vould be correct, ja.

I: It must have made things interesting, huh?

E: Vat did?

I: You being pregnant, of course.

E (Chuckling): Ja, it did. But, ich dink dat ve are gettink ahead off ourselves once again.

I: Oh yeah. (Blushing a bit) Let get back to the tour.

E (Laughs): Ja, lets.

I: I’m guessing that after the sex show in Washington that James went back to California?

E (Blushing): Vell, ne exactly.

I: Oh?

E: Ja, he stayed around for un couple of weeks vhile ich toured Northern Virginia before finally heading back to Los Angeles. (Smiles)

I: I’m guessing by the smile on your pretty face that the two of you must’ve done a lot of things together?

E: Oh, ja.

I: Such as?

E: Der usual. Eatink out together, goink shoppink, visitink der local sites und der beaches off Virginia Beach…

I: That was not what I was asking about, and you know it.

E (Acting innocently): Vatever do du mean, mein herr?

I: You are such a TEASE!!!

E (Laughs)

I (Shakes his head as Eva keeps on laughing): Come on, be serious.

E: But ich am. Dat vas vat ve did together, vhen ve veren’t foolink around im our hotel room.

I: Which I’m guessing that you two did a lot of during that time? Fooling around, that is.

E: Ne comment.

I: Come on.

E: Ich said, ne comment. (Laughing)

I: Okay, okay, you win. Now then, according to my notes, you returned to Los Angeles from your second strip show tour around Christmas time?

E: About un veek before Christmas, ja.

I: And after taking some time off, you started work on a new porn film, yes?

E (Nods her head): Ja, im fact it vas der zweitens film as der naughty professor.

I: Oh, and what was the premise for this particular film?

E (Places her right leg over her left leg): Let’s me see. Ich recall mein character becomink involved mit un new science professor, eine vho vas teachink Biology, und dat she soon found herself im un rivalry for his affection mit un sexy lookink female philosophy professor. Der zwei off us vould spend most off der film tryink to get him into each others’ bed, in fact mit der both off us beink successful un few times. But, towards der end off der film, ve both discovered dat ne only vas der other professor actually un married man, but dat he had also been foolink around mit eine off his female students. So, der zwei off us decided to get together, und revealed to his wife vat he vas doink behind her back, mit both us und der student, before helpink her to catch him havink sex mit der student. After doink dat, der film ended mit us drei femmes beink involved im un lesbian dreisome, mit me fuckink der other female professor mit un strap-on dildo vhile she vas suckink der science professor wife’s pussy.

I: Hmmm, interesting. So, who played the male professor, and who played the other four femmes that you’d mentioned.

E (Smiling): Vell, let’s see, der male professor vas played by Pollux Leoni, vho vas un new male performer, vhile mein rival vas beink played by Lisa Deere, der wife by Jessica Thumper und der student by den newcomer Cherri Blossom. Dis vas der erste film dat ich’d did mit either Pollux ou Cherri, vhile dis vould be der zweitens film dat ich vould do mit Lisa, as she had un bit part im der original film.

I: I’m guessing from the fact that you did not mention Ms. Thumper that this was not either the first or the second film that you did with the naughty rabbit?

E (As she swivel her chair while still smiling): Ne. She haff haff un part in all off der other films dat ich’d mentioned earlier, although dis vould be der erste eine dat ich vould do any actual scenes, either sexual ou non-sexual, mit her. Und un naughty rabbit indeed. (Starts to laugh)

I: If that’s so, then that would mean that she was in all four of your early films?

E (Nods): Ja, she vas at dat. Und ich know eine dink, she vas certainly eager to get her naughty tongue into mein vet stall. (Starts laughing harder)

I: I just bet she was. (Hears Eva laugh even louder) Well, I’m guessing that it was as successful as the first one?

E: Ja, it vas. In fact, it made more money den did der original film. Ich know for un fact dat it helped Cherri mit her career. Und ne just because off her sexy look. Dat middle eastern fennec fox certainly knows how to ride un cock.

I: From the few porn films that I’d seen her in, she most certainly can at that, which includes that of your stud hubby.

E (Snickering): She certainly can at that.

I: Okay, now according to my notes, you then did several loops after that particular film. Is that correct?

E: Ja, dat ist quite correct. Ich believe dat ich did vier ou fünf off dem durink der next couple off months after der zweitens teacher film vas done und before ich did der dritter eine.

I: Four or Five?

E (Smiling): Ja, vier ou fünf. Ich did say dat dey vere quick to do, especially since dey only involved usink just eine set.

I: Yes, you did at that. Anything in particular about these loops?

E (Thinking as she stops swiveling the chair around): Hmmmm, ne dat ich can dink off. Except for maybe der fact dat ich vore un scarf around mein neck in every eine of dem.

I (Raising an eyebrow): A scarf?

E: Ja, un scarf. (Shrugs her shoulders) Und ich vasn’t der only eine. Seems to be some sort off unwritten rule dat each off us femmes dat did dese loops haff to vear dem. All ich know ist dat it certainly drove some off der studs dat saw us vearink dem horny. (Smiling naughtily) Ich know dat it did to mein Jamie since he vas in zwei off der loops dat ich performed im. Hmm, vat un fuck. (Giggles)

I: Really. Got him horny just by wearing it?

E: Oh, ja!!! (Giggles even louder) Un ne just him. (Smiles)

I: Oh?

E: Ja. Especially im der erste loop dat ich did. Ich played un housewife vho haven’t been gettink sex from her husband for several months, so, she ist awfully horny. So, she’s home, cleanink her house, vhen she hears der doorbell ring. After hearink der ring, she goes over to der door und soon she sees standink before her dis handsome lookink young ferret vho vas sellink subscriptions to several magazines. Vell, ich can tell du dat it certainly vasn’t der magazines dat she vanted to get her hands on at dat moment.

I: And something tells me that he was interested in more than just selling you some magazines once he saw your bod with the scarf around your neck? (Crew snickers)

E (Giggling): Oh, ja, dat’s for sure. Anyway, ich told him dat ich vould be more den happy to buy un couple off magazine subscriptions from him, except dat ich didn’t haff enough money at der moment to pay for dem. He told me dat he vas sure dat ve could come up mit some sort off arrangement.

I: Which involved the two of you getting undressed and fucking like a pair of minks, right?

E: Du must’ve seen der loop to haff figured dat eine out, mein herr. (Hears the crew start to laugh while the interviewer blush)

I: But, that was the result, wasn’t it?

E (Snickering): Ja, it vas, until ich got him to blow his wad onto mein boobs. (Points at her bustier-covered breasts while she continues to laugh)

I: Okay. Anything else?

E (Thinking again): Vell, dere next zwei loops dat ich did involved me im un pair off female only sex scenes mit erste Rebecca Minx, und den mit Helen Sheepadopolous, mit me usink un strap-on dildo on both of dem, before dey used dem on me. (Starts to smile naughtily) Ich certainly enjoyed vorkink mit dem, since both off dem knew how to get me off. Und der fact dat Rebecca could talk mit me in German, certainly didn’t hurt.

I: I guess that would kind of explain why she plays your boss in the Gertrude 0069 series, eh, Eva?

E (Chuckles): Maybe, but ve’re gettink ahead off ourselves again, naughty boy.

I: Fair enough. Was there anything else, Eva?

E: Hhhhmmm, only dat mein favorite eine off dis particular group off loops vas eine im vhich ich played un young nurse vho vas to give dis handsome lookink patient un sponge bath, vho, upon seeink his member, instead gives him un tongue bath, before givink him der ride off his life before makink him cum.

I: Talk about your bedside manner, eh? I wished that you were my nurse if I ever had to go to the hospital. (Hears his crew laugh)

E (Snickers, after she takes her right leg off of her left and the place it back onto the floor): Now du’re just beink un naughty boy.

I: Maybe. Maybe not. It could happen.

E: Ne comment. Anyway, ihr next question, ja?

I: Okay. After you had completed this series of loops, you worked on your third film as the naughty college professor. Is that correct?

E: Ja, it ist.

I: So, what did she do this time?

E: Let’s see. Dis film had mein character beink harassed by un government official. It seems dat, since her green card to vork im der U.S. haff actually been vritten up for her sire, she vas technically in der country illegally, und thus could be deported unless she could get her papers corrected. But, vhen mein character vent to haff it taken care off, der official vho vould haff been able to make der correction for her, told her dat he vould do so, in exchange for her havink sex mit him, vhich came as un complete shock to her.

I: Really?

E: Ja, really, as she certainly vasn’t expectink someone to be demandink sexual favors in exchange for un green card. It kind of ticked her off, und she told him dat she vould do ne such thing. After hearink her response, he laughed at her before he told her dat unless she did so, dat she should expect herself to be goink back home.

I: So, what did she do?

E: She left his office, ticked off, und tryink to dink of un way dat she could legally get her green card, while at der same time exposink him.

I: And how was she going to do that?

E (Smiling): Oh, mit un little help from her freunds. Und ich mein mostly some off der students und her fellow professors vhom she had befreunded since she had started vorkink at der university.

I: And I’m going to guess that she had made a lot of friends since she had started working there, yes?

E: Ja, she did.

I: And I’m guessing it wasn’t just because she had a friendly demeanor?

E (Blushing): Oh, du could say dat. (Starts to chuckle)

I: I bet. (Eva chuckles louder) So, how was she going to expose the government official?

E: By havink eine off der younger female students pretend dat she vas un foreign exchange student vho needed to renew her green card und vhen he gave her der same threat, she vould accept der deal, but, dey vould haff it arranged so dat dey could record him tryink to haff his vay mit her, vhich dey vould then turn over to der proper authorities to bust his ass.

I: So, was your character able to bust the official?

E: Oh, ja. By literally catchink him mit his dick im her pussy, after havink taped him forcink her to haff sex mit him im exchange for renewink her green card.

I: Ich’m bettink der scene before der actual bust vas un hot eine?

E (Smiling): Oh ja. It vas eine off Cherri Bloosom’s hottest film scenes.

I: Oh?

E: Ja. She ist, after all, from der Middle East. Und der Le sisters vas still livink mit deir folks im Bangcock at dis time, so it ve certainly couldn’t use either off dem im der scene. (Laughs)

I: What about Rebecca…

E: She vas involved im several loops at der time, so she vasn’t available for dat film.

I: I see. So, I’m guessing that your character was then able to get her green card after that was over?

E (Swivels chair): Oh ja, she did. Im fact, she threw un danka party at her place to celebrate.

I: Which quickly turned into an orgy, yes?

E (Laughs): Vell, considerink dat it vas only der zweitens sex scenes dat ich did for dat particular film, off course it vas.

I: Just two?

E: Ja. Dat vas how der film vas vritten up. Besides, dey vanted to give some off der other gals vorkink at der studio some on-screen time.

I: Okay. How well did the film do?

E: Vell, it did okay. But…

I: Not something to shout about?

E (Nods her head): Ja, dat ist correct. It vas eine off der few major films dat ich did dat didn’t brink un lot off people in.

I: Okay. Now then, after you did that film, you did a few more loops, then you went to your first porn film convention, is that correct?

E: Ja, it ist, und ich did.

I: Anything of interest?

E: Vell, zwei off der loops might be off interest.

I: Oh?

E: Ja. Der erste eine had me dressed up as der Bride off Frankenstein doink fer real vat ich simulated doink im der earlier pictorial.

I: Oh. The pictorial was that popular?

E (Smiling): Ja, it vas. In fact, dey actually had me do un sequel to dat eine, only dis eine vas un lesbian loop.

I: Lesbian?

E (Giggling): Ja, lesbian. Du see, most off der loops dis time around had un female only flavor to dem, und dat vas der erste eine. (Smiles)

I: I see. So, what did you do?

E: Vell, der Bride had un little fun mit un female Mummy…

I: A female Mummy?

E: Ja, un female Mummy.

I: I’m guessing that would’ve been Cherri as the Mummy?

E (Chuckles): Off course.

I: Okay. Please continue then.

E: Danka. Anyway, der Bride ist hidink out inside un local museum, in der Egyptian exhibit, vhen der sarcophagus suddenly opens up, revealink inside it der wrapped-up body off un female fennec fuchs. She looked at der female Mummy’s sexy form as she saw its eyes open up. Der female Mummy, after openink her eyes, slowly stepped out off her sarcophagus, before she noticed der Bride, vhom she den looked over. Ich don’t dink ich need to tell du vat happened next.

I: I’m guessing that the two of you made out like minks in heat?

E (Laughing, being a bit sarcastic): How did du guess? Ja, ve vere, until ve brought each other off im un sixty-nine.

I: Okay. Anyway, you mentioned that there were three loops that you thought might be of interest. That makes one. What was number two?

E: Vell, der zweitens eine had me involved im un dreesome mit James und Robert at un swimmink pool, in vhich ich vas originally sittink im un foldink chair, sunnink herself, vhile vearink dis pretzel style black eine-piece swimsuit, soon catchink der attention off un pair off studs vho vere also at der pool. Anyway, eine dink leads to another, und, (Smiling) ich vas soon involved im un double penetration mit dem, as vell as givink eine off dem un blowjob vhile beink fucked doggie style by der other.

I: From the look on your face, I’m guessing that you were enjoying yourself while doing that particular loop.

E (Still smiling) Oh, ja.

I: Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it around this time that you had learned that you were pregnant with your daughter, Brunhilda?

E (Nods): Ja, it vas. After ich had finished der last loop dat ich vould do before goink to der aforementioned con, ich visited der doktor for un check-up. After der doktor haff performed several tests on me to make sure dat dere vas nothink vrong mit me physically, he told me dat ich vas goink to haff un child. (Smiles)

I: From the way that you’re presently smiling, I’m guessing that it wasn’t too unwelcome an event for you?

E: Nein, it vasn’t. Ich always vanted to haff un kinder. Ich just vasn’t expectink it to occur vhen it finally did.

I: Oh? Care to explain that, please?

E: Vell, ich vanted our child to come vhile both me und mein stallion vere ready to haff un child. After all, ve vere still livink in un apartment. Un nice eine, ja, but still un apartment. Ve vanted to at least be livink in un house in un nice neighborhood by der time our erste child vas born.

I: I see. Well, I guess that you two now had to change your plans as far as that was concerned?

E (Nodding): Ja, ve most certainly did.

I: So, how did James react when he heard the news?

E: Jamie’s reaction to der news dat ich vas pregnant?

I: Yes.

E (Snickering): How else? He stood before me im shock vhen ich told him, before he started to act goofy as he vas tryink to make sure dat ich vas feelink okay, den promisink to take very gut care off me, before he finally got control off himself. It vas kind of fun to vatch lose control for un vhile.

I: I can guess it was at that. So, how far ahead were you?

E: Hmmm, ich recall der doktor tellink me dat ich vas about drei to vier months along.

I: Three to four months, Eva?

E (Nods): Ja, dat ist vat ich recall him tellink me.

I: Okay. So, what did your employer do when you told him about you being pregnant?

E (Starts to think): Hhmmmm, ich kind off recall him sittink before me mit un blank expression on his face, (Giggle) before finally gettink control off himself und askink me how ich felt. He den told me dat he vould need to talk mit both me und Jamie about vat ve vere goink to do mit mein filmink schedule after ich haff returned from der con.

I (Raising an eyebrow): After you’d come back from the con, right?

E: Ja. After all, ich vas goink to der con as un company employee, promotink deir films, ne as un private con goer.

I: So, that meant three more days of work for you, not three days of fun.

E: Actually, for both me und Jamie. But, ve made der most off it. (Smiling impishly)

I: I don’t think that I need to know what that look means!

E: Ich guess du don’t. (Starts laughing, as does the crew)

I: Guess not. First, where was the con held?

E:Inside un hotel in downtown Los Angeles. Der con took over several hotel floors, includink un few ballrooms, as vell as eine large room to use as un kind off dealers’ room.

I: I’m guessing that a lot of porn film companies attended the con?

E: Ja. Almost every major porn film studio dat vas in operation at der time vas represented.

I: I’m also guessing that a lot of people went to the con?

E: Vell, un lot more den ich vas expectink to see dere, to be honest. Der hotel vas real crowded dat veekend, although ich’m sure dat ne all off dem vere dere for der con. (Starts laughing)

I: Why would you say that?

E: Vell, der reactions dat ich got vhen ich valked around der hotel in mein Bride off Frankenstein costume for eine off der meet und greets dat ich vas scheduled to participate in dat veekend.

I: I’m guessing it was from them seeing this stacked mare walking around the hotel dressed in a floor-length white gown, white gloves, black stockings and black shoes, as well as long black hair with a couple of white stripes, than anything else, Eva?

E (Thinking): Hhhmmm, du may haff un a point dere. Although it could be dat un few off dem might ne haff been expectink to see der Bride valkink inside der main lobby, headink for eine off der main ballrooms. Anyway, ich’m certain dat un few off der males dat ich saw lookink at me got un rise out off seeink me im dat outfit. (Snickers)

I: I’m sure that a few of them really wanted to…ride the Bride after seeing you walk past them.

E (Groans): Mein gut, dat vas awful.

I (Shrugs): So, how many of you, including you and James, went to the adult film con representing your studio?

E: Beside der support staff, who vere dere to handle der studio’s ware dat ve vere to put on display as vell as sell at der con, it vas un total off sechs, drei males und drei females.

I: Who were the other four?

E: Let’s see. (Thinks for several seconds) Besides me und Jamie, it vas Helena Sheepadopolous, Rebecca Minx, Robert Stag und un young male fox vho’s name escapes me at der moment, und vho ist ne longer im der business.

I: Okay. So, what did the company have you guys do at the con?

E: Vell, dey haff us erste man un booth for vier hours un day, zwei im der morink und zwei im der afternoon, mainly un female mit un male partner. Dey haff us females vearink der costume off eine off our characters dat appeared im der films dat ve vere sellink at dat particular time, thus part off der reason for me vearink der Bride off Frankenstein outfit dat ich’d mentioned earlier, mainly to get der attention off der male attendants, before me und mein partner for dose zwei hours showed dem vat ve vere sellink, tryink to see iff dey vould buy der product, vhether it vas un video, un film ou un marital aid. Ve vould also give dem un catalog, iff dey couldn’t find anythink dat dey might vant to buy at der booth.

I: Must’ve been an interesting two hours for the fans to be seeing a naughty Bride standing before them?

E: Ven ich vasn’t valkink around im dat outfit. As ich’d said earlier, der costume certainly got un rise out off un few males. (Starts snickering)

I: So, I guess you wore the costume for all twelve hours that you were working the booth?

E (Shakes her head no): Ne, only for sechs hours, und only because people kept on requestink to see me im it after der erste zwei hours. Ich also vore it durink der company’s big meet und greet on eine off der con nights. Ich can still recall der large number off requests dat ich got from males vho vanted to haff deir picture taken mit me in dat costume durink it. (Laughs) Ich still can’t believe der number off guys vho vanted to place deir heads between mein, ou rather, der Bride’s chest before der picture vas taken.

I: Well, you do have a nice pair of teats, Eva. Who wouldn’t want to place their head between them?

E: Un lot of guys, it vould seem. (Shakes her head as she continues to laugh)

I: If you say so. Did you do anything else besides the booth and that big meet and greet?

E (Gets control of herself before she answers): Vell, durink der erste un dritter days, dey haff me participate in un sort off panel, vhere ve vould tell der press und der fans vat der company vas plannink to release durink der next sechs month to un year after der con, before ve did un question und answer session.

I: I’m guessing that they had a lot of questions to ask you?

E: Boy, did dey, und ve all answered dem as best ve could, unless dere ve some project dat der studio vanted us to keep under wrap until dey vere ready to release it.

I: Did you go out there in costume, or in regular clothing?

E: Regular clothing, although it vas un sexy lookink strapless black dress, mit un slit along both side off it tat stopped at just below mein hips, und matchink color shoes, along mit earrinks und un pearl necklace, mit both der dress und der pearl necklace really showink off mein boobs. (Point to her breasts)

I (Starts chuckling): For someone who wonders why guys are so attracted to your boobs, you certainly seem to give them a lot of incentive.

E (Blinks a couple of times, before looking at her bustier): Oh, ich do, don’t ich? Ich sometimes forget dat. (Laughs, as does some of the crew)

I: Anyway, how long did the session last?

E: Un hour und un half as ich recall, mit du last half hour involvink us havink our pictures taken mit der fans.

I: Anything else of interest happened during the con?

E: Vell, only dat ich saw un few folks dressed im costume, liked ich’d mentioned for der con in Europe dat me und Jamie vent to for our old company, Fuch Films.

I: I’m guessing that a few of them went to the con dressed up as your Red Mare character, Eva?

E: Ja, dey did. In fact, ich vas surprised by how accurate most off dem vere.

I: Really? I’m guessing that means that that particular series of films wasn’t just attracting guys, eh, Eva?

E: Hhhmm, ich guess so. (Laughs) Ich can honestly say dat seeink dose costumes vas un present surprise.

I: Oh, why is that?

E: Remember vhat ich’d said earlier vhile ich vas talkink about mein erste strip show tour?

I: Oh yeah. You’d learned about how popular she really was here in the U.S..

E (Nods her head): Dat’s right.

I: But it was still something that you were getting use to, correct?

E: Ja, dat ist correct. But, as ich said before, it vas un pleasant surprise.

I: Did you do anything else at the con?

E: Vell, ich did go to un couple off con parties, mainly to relax un little bit, after everythink dat ich did durink der day. Dat’s it.

I: Really? So, did you have fun at the con?

E (Raises an eyebrow): Oh, are du implyink somethink, hmmm?

I: Well, it was an adult film con. I just can’t see you leaving it without at least one sexual escapade, and I mean other than with either your husband, or one of your co-workers from the studio.

E: Du are un very naughty boy, du know dat? (Says it before she starts to giggle)

I: I think you’d already said that about me. Anyway, did you, or did you not?

E (Starts thinking, as she leans back against her chair once again, giving another good view of her 38C boobs): Let’s see…did ich haff any sexual escapade durink der con dat did ne involve Jamie ou eine off mein co-workers?

I: That’s right.

E: Hmmm, ich can’t dink off anythink, at der moment, but, iff ich do remember somethink, ich’ll mention it before der interview ist done. Fair enough?

I: Fair enough. (Looks once again at his papers) So, did you and James spend any time at the hotel after the con was finally over?

E: Ja, eine day und nacht. Let’s just say ve spent un lot off time together, und leave it at dat, shall ve? Und it vasn’t all sex. Ve spent some time together at der pool, just relaxink.

I: Oh, and I would guess you wore something very sexy while at the pool?

E: Vell, ich did vear un black one-piece swimsuit, which showed off all off mein curves. (Chuckles) Ich can still remember der looks dat ich vas gettink from some off der males vho vere dere. (Places her right hoof on her chin and starts to rub it) Come to dink off it, ich seems to recall un few off der females also lookink at me. Although, dey could’ve been lookink at Jamie und his swimsuit. (Starts to giggle)

I: So, did anything happen?

E: Hhhmmm, other den me takink un short swim inside der pool, ne, although ich do recall un lot of guys lookink at me vhile ich vas swimmink inside der pool.

I: Oh?

E: Ja, hee hee, ich just happen to know mein vay around der pool, as iff ich vas un real ‘sea horse’. (Starts to laugh as she leans forward, after releasing her chin)

I: Sea horse, huh?

E: Ja, although, ich’m sure dat dey vere either lookink at mein boobs ou mein ass every time ich swam past dem. (Laughs a bit louder.)

I: Hhhmm, interesting, although not surprising, since they are both very nice assets for you. (Hear Eva start to laugh even louder) Anything else?

E (Stops laughing after a while): Hhhmmm, ne dat ich can dink off. After havink un little fun, ve left der hotel der followink mornink und vent home.

I: So, did you two enjoyed the con?

E (Smiling): Oh ja, ve most certainly did. At least ich know dat ich’d enjoyed it. (Giggles, before she leaned back into the chair)

I: Was the con successful, money-wise? For the studio, that is.

E: Oh ja, it vas. Ve sold most of der videos und marital aids dat ve had brought mit us to der con, as vell as give away most off our catalogs, so, ve vere soon receivink un few orders, as vell as some pre-orders for der videos dat ve planned on releasink im der next sechs months.

I: Ok. Anyway, you had mentioned earlier that your boss wanted to talk with both you and James about what the company was going to do about your pregnancy after the con?

E (Nods her head): Ja, ich did.

I: So, when was the meeting held, first off?

E: About zwei days after our return from der con, iff ich recall correctly. Ich und Jamie vent to see him erste dink im der mornink.

I: What did you guys talk about?

E: Vell, ve talked about der pregnancy. He asked me how far along ich vas, und vhen ich told him, he next asked me iff Jamie und ich plan to haff un abortion.

I: And your answer was?

E: Ve both snorted upon hearink der suggestion, und ich told him dat ich vas goink to allow it to go to full term, in ne uncertain terms, und Jamie backed me up 100%.

I: I see. So, what happened next?

E: Vell, upon hearink our replies, our employer told both off us dat since ve vere goink to haff der baby, dat ve vill haff to come up mit some sort off arrangement to vork around it, as it was obvious dat ich vouldn’t be able to vork for un vhile, especially after givink birth.

I: And did you two come up with something?

E: Ja, ve did, after ich’d finished doink un shoot in sexy lingerie for Frederick’s off Hollywood.

I (Raises an eyebrow): Wait, you did some modeling for Frederick’s of Hollywood? Why didn’t you mention that before now?

E (Chucking): Vell, maybe because du didn’t ask, me? Anyway, may ich continued?

I: Sure, go right ahead, Eva.

E: Danka. Anyway, after doink der shoot, Jamie und ich talked about vat der zwei off us vere goink to do for der next few months, especially durink der period vhen ich vould stop vorkink in front of der cameras und ich finally vould give birth.

I: And did you two come up with something?

E (Nods): Ja, ve did, after un few days off dinkink it over, vhile ich vas involved im un new photoshoot.

I: Oh, care to tell us?

E (Looking at the Interviewer): Dat depends on vhich eine du vant me to talk about erste, big boy. (Laughing as she notices the bulge in his crotch.)

I (Blinks at her comment): Well, I guess you can start with the photoshoot, then tell us about your and James’ plan for you to work around your pregnancy.

E: Ok, but only because du asked so kindly. (Laughs) Anyway, der photoshoot had me dressed up like der Bride once more.

I: I see. So, what did they have you, or rather, her do this time?

E: Ich’m gettink to dat, du impatient boy. (Chuckles)

I: Sorry.

E: Dat’s okay. (Smiles, then laughs) Anyway, it vas another simulated sex scene, only dis time ich vas involved im un dreisome mit der stud vho ich did der original shoot mit, und mit Cherri, vho vas once again dressed up as der female Mummy from der lesbian film loop.

I: I’m guessing that the original shoot and the loop were both popular enough for this to be done?

E (Nods her head): Ja, der loop certainly vas. Not as much as der original shoot vas, but it vas close enough for der studio’s head to set up der shoot before ich told him about me beink pregnant.

I: Care to tell us about what you three did in the scene?

E (Smiles): Sure. Vell, after our little encounter at der museum, ich brought her ‘home’ mit me to meet mein ‘husband’. After gettink us to der castle, ich showed her to der monster, vho vas, snicker, very happy to see me, based on der bulge inside his pants. Vell, as soon as she saw his bulge, der female Mummy vas seated im front off der very much surprised monster’s pants, pullink it down, und den startink to ‘suck’ on his now revealed big erection, must to mein surprise. As ich vatched her suck on mein now moanink ‘husband’s’ hard-on, ich slowly removed mein vhite gown, revealink once more mein cupless black corset und matchink color g-string panties, before joinink her im givink der monster un blowjob, der zwei off us soon takink turns pretendink to suck on his meat, much to his enjoyment. Ve also pretended to kiss each other un few times, before ve finally stopped. Der monster den removed his clothes, und den proceeded to take turn ‘screwink’ eine off us, in various positions, vhile der eine beink ‘fucked’ vas lickink der other eine’s pussy. Der Mummy und ich den got involved in un 69, mit me beink on top, lickink each other’s bush, vhile der monster ‘fucked’ eine off us at und time, before he pretended to release un load on mein face to end der scene.

I: That must’ve been one hot shoot?

E (Chuckled): Ja, it vas. In fact, ich can remember dat after der shoot vas over dat Cherri und der actor playink der monster makink out in his dressink room to get some release from der shoot.

I: What! Didn’t they invite you?

E: Dey did, but ich declined deir invitation. As ich had other ideas to relieve mein horniness. (Snickers)

I (Raising an eyebrow): Oh?

E: Ja. James fuckink me in mein dressink room until ich finally blew. (Laughs)

I: I see. I should’ve expected that.

E (Laughing): Ne comment!!! (Then thinking about what she and James did) Mein goot, Jamie certainly knew how to hit mein sexual buttons dat day.

I: I just bet he did. (Eva laughs at the interviewer’s comment) Okay, now that we have the photoshoot out of the way, can you now tell us what idea you and James came up with to work around your impending pregnancy?

E (Chuckles): My, my, aren’t ve eager to know. Anyway, dis vas our idea: Ich vould continue to vork im full-length films, loops und photoshoots until der end off der funfter month off mein pregnancy. But, as ich do, any fuck scene dat ich vould do mit un male other den mein Jamie, dat stud vould haff to pull out off mein pussy before he came, so dat dere vould ne be any confusion mit our child’s parentage. Den, until it vas obvious dat ich vas pregnant, ich vould only do adult scenes mit other females. Also, ich vould do un few more lingerie shoots, both before und after it vas obvious dat ich vas pregnant, mit me modelink maternity clothink at dat point, until ich vas no longer able to do so.

I: What about James? What would he be doing during all this?

E: Vell, he vould do vat he vould normally do. Vork before der camera, vhen he ist suppose to be involved im un film, un loop, ou un phootshoot although he vould, off course, also keep un eye on me to make sure dat nothink happen dat could cause me to haff un miscarriage. Plus, he planned to call his mudder to help me durink der last zwei months off mein pregnancy.

I: His mother? Why not…

E: Because Mary, by den, had finally retired from servink im der British Army. Jamie dought it vould give her somethink to do for un vhile, especially since ich vould be havink her erste grandchild, und ve both figured dat she vasn’t goink to let anythink happen to either me ou der fetus.

I: And what about your own mother?

E: Vell, to be honest, neither Jamie nor ich vere sure dat mein mudder vould be able to get to der U.S. without mein sire knowink about it.

I: Because neither of you two had yet to buried the hatchet, correct?

E (Nods her head): Sadly, ja. Ve vere still ne speakink to each other.

I: I see. Now, to get back to you, Eva. What did the head of the studio think of yours and James’ plan to work around the pregnancy?

E: Vell, he told der zwei off us dat he vould dink over our suggestion before tellink us vat he dought off it.

I: And how long did that take?

E: Just un few hours, actually. Und he told us dat he accepted everythink, although he reminded us about der porn film con dat ve vere contracted to go to durink der time vhen ich vas suppose to give birth, vhich haff slipped both off our minds.

I: So, what did you two say to him on that?

E: Vat else could ve say, other den dat iff ich vas to give birth around dat time, den ich vould ne be able to make der con anyway. So, upon hearink dat, he backed off, und accepted our idea.

I: So, how many films, loops, etc. did you do before you were unable to work in front of the cameras?

E: Let’s see… (Starts to swivel the chair from side to side as she thought) ich recall meinself doink around vier feature films, about zwölf loops, fünf photoshoots und several lingerie shoots, mit most off dose havink me modelink maternity clothink.

I: I would guess that the majority of those films had you doing mostly lesbian scenes?

E: Mit der loops, ja, since most of dem vere done vhen it vas gettink close to vhen ich vould ne longer be able to perform before der cameras. (Chuckles) Ich certainly know dat der other studs at der studio veren’t happy dat ich vould ne longer be vorkink over deir big tools vhen der time came.

I: I’m sure they were. What about the feature films?

E: For der feature films, it vas just der last eine. After all, feature films do take un lot off time to make, und der studio’s owner decided to get der erste drei films done quickly, since der scripts for each eine had already been vritten.

I: So, were any of those three films interesting?

E (Thinking, while still moving the chair around): Probably der zweister off der drei films.

I: Oh, and what was that particular film about?

E: Vell, der film had me vorkink at un big hospital as its administrator, und ich vas goink out mit der head off surgery, vho, in turn, vas runnink around fuckink der hospital’s head nurse vhenever ich vasn’t around.

I: Interesting. So, who was playing the hospital’s head surgeon?

E (Smiling): Thomas Blacktail. In fact, it vould be der erste film dat ich vould vork mit him.

I: Thomas Blacktail, the Native American raccoon?

E: Ja, der same. Und let me tell du, he can enter mein wigwam any time. (Chuckle)

I (Raises an eyebrow): He was that good, huh?

E: Oh, ja. (Smiles)

I: Okay. And who played the head nurse in the film?

E: Rebecca Minx. (Smiles even more broadly, as she stops moving the chair)

I: I’m guessing by the smile on your face that you did at least one lesbian scene with her.

E: Actually zwei. Mit der zweister eine havink me fuckink her mit un strap-on, after findink out dat she haff been foolink around mit mein stud.

I: Oh?

E: Ja. Der erste eine, ve vere both alone in mien office, both off us feelink horny. (Snickers) Gott im Himmel, she certainly haff me flyink high by der time der scene vas done.

I: What was it about the film that made it interesting in your opinion?

E: Vell, it vas actually eine off der erste film dat ich played un authority figure. Und ich mean as in der person in control, since ich did play un few films as un teacher. So, ich spent part off der film tryink to get der staff to do deir jobs, even iff it meant me givink dem some incentives. (Snickers)

I: Meaning?

E (Snickers): Du do really need me to paint du un picture? Havink sex mit der boss, vat else?

I: Of course, silly me. (Eva laughs even louder) So, who else was in that film?

E: Hmm, der others in der film vere Jessica Thumper, Marilyn Cheezick, Cherri Blossom, Lisa Deere, Helena Sheepadopolous, Tomas Clyde, Jamie, off course, Robert Stag, Pollux Leoni, Peter Chang, und un few others vho are no longer in der industry. Mit Cherri und Helena, der pair played un pair off candy strippers. Ich can still remember der scene dey did mit Jamie vhen he vas playink un patient vho vas vaitink to be given un sponge bath by dem, until dey both got un gut look at his erection.

I: I guess at that point they decided to give him a sponge bath, but not the kind that he was there for.

E (Laughing): Ja, as dey gave his member der sponge bath, ne his body. Ou at least dey did, until ich caught dem, because off der noise dat dey vere makink, mit Helena ridink his cock, vhile he vas givink der fennec fox’s bush un tongue bath. Vell, after vatchink for un vhile, ich vent into der room, und…turned it into un viersome, mit Jamie endink it by comink on mein boobs, vhile ich made Helena cum on mien face.

I: Wow, talk about your hot scenes.

E: Ja, it vas. In fact, it vas nominated for best porn scene for dat year.

I: Oh? Did it win?

E: Ja, it did. Ve also von best picture, but ve’re gettink un little ahead off ourselves, ja?

I: You’re right. So, besides those three scenes, how many more did you do?

E: Hmm, ich did eine scene mit Thomas right at der start off der film. In fact, it vas der film’s openink scene. Un scene mit him und Rebecca after findink out dat der pair haff been cheatink on me, und un orgy scene at der end off der film. Und let’s just say dat it vas un very hot scene. (Snicker)

I: Anything in particular about the scene?

E: Vell, just dat ich started der scene suckink on Thomas’ cock vhile ridink Pollux’s hard-on, den endink it brinkink off Rebecca vhile Jessica vas doink der same to me, vhile ve vere suppose to be celebratink der anniversary off der hospital’s foundink.

I: I see. It must’ve been some hot and heavy celebration? (Laughs)

E: Ja, it most certainly vas. (Laughs also)

I: I’m guessing that the film was a success?

E: Ja, financially, beink eine off our biggest grossink films dat year und critically, as it von der zwei awards dat ich’d mentioned earlier.

I: Right. That must’ve been a surprise?

E: Ja, but un very pleasant eine, for both me und der company. (Smiles)

I: Okay. Now then, what about the twelve loops?

E: On der loops, only drei might be off interest.

I: Oh, just three?

E (Nods): Ja, just drei.

I: And they were?

E: On der erste eine, ich’m at un pool, vearink un light blue one-piece swimsuit, und seated on un foldink chair, vhile vatchink der pool beink cleaned by dis very hunky lookink stag vho vas doink it topless.

I: I would guess that was Jessica’s husband, Robert, whom you were ogling, yes?

E (Laughing): Ja, it vas.

I: I guess this would probably be the first time that a mare was interested in getting a taste of venison?

E (Laughing even louder): Dat vas awful, even iff it vas true.

I: So, what happened next?

E: Vell, ich got up, valked over to him, und proceeded to seduce him, before ich started to suck on his cock. After un vhile, he vas hammerink mein sex but gut before ich finally got him to cum on mein breasts.

I: Enjoyed the fuck, did we?

E (Smiles): Like du vould ne believe. (Starts to laugh)

I: And the second one?

E: Hmm, in der zweistens eine, ich played un fitness instructor vho had der hots for eine off her students.

I: Oh, one of the males?

E (Chuckles): Ne, eine off der females, as dis vas eine off der loops dat vas done as it vas gettink close to me beink too big to perform before der cameras.

I: Ah, I see. So, who was the lucky girl?

E: Marilyn Cheezick.

I: Marilyn? Any particular reason why they’d picked her for the role?

E: Other den havink der zwei off us im der same film, ne dat ich now off, although ich certain had ne problem lickink her mouse hole vhen ve got to it. (Chuckles)

I: Oh, un equal opportunity twat licker, eh?

E (Laughs): Hey, ich am bi-sexual, ou haven’t du noticed? Besides, ich’d always did vant un chance at her mouse hole.

I: Really?

E: Ja, ich did. (Smiles)

I: Okay. So what else did you do?

E: Hhhhmm, ich recalled asking her character iff she vanted me to help her lose weight privately, which she happily agreed to. So, ich had such un session set up at der gym after hours. Den, vhen ve vere by ourselves und ich had her liftink some leg veights on der veights machine, ich told her dat ich vanted to suck on her boobs so badly.

I: And her reaction was?

E: She looked at me, mit vat erste appeared to me to be un shocked look on her face, before ich saw her facial expression change as she placed her paws upon her boobs und den asked me, vhile squeezink dem, vhy it took me so long to say so, vhich, off course, surprised me. It seems dat she haff vanted to suck on mein pussy for just as long as ich vanted to suck hers.

I: And I think we can all guess what the two of you did then?

E: Ja, she got off der machine, ve took off our clothes, den started to make out, mit me goink at her boobs, before ich let her suck on mein tits, und den ve sucked on each other’s pussy, before ve took turn fuckink each other mit un strap-on dildo…

I: Hmm, not often that we hear you let yourself get humped by a female who wasn’t a herm. Your idea or the studio’s?

E: Actually it vas mein idea, und Marilyn vas certainly eager to do it. Ich vould guess it vas because she dought it vas kind off kinky dat she vas fuckink someone vho vas both bigger und stronger den her. (Smile) Ich know dat ich’d certainly enjoyed it, considerink dat by den ich vasn’t gettink much real beef im mein holes. (Chuckles)

I: I can bet. So, how did you two end the scene?

E: Bringink each other off vhile usink un double dildo, mit her beink on top off me, den kissink each other on der lips, before ich asked her iff she vanted to do it again. Off course she said ja, as der loop ended.

I: And the third loop?

E: Like der eine dat ich’d just mentioned, it vas un lesbian loop, but dis time ich did un scene mit zwei other gals.

I: Oh, and they were?

E: Jessica und Marilyn.

I: I see. And the loop’s plot?

E (Chuckles): Believe it, ou ne, der drei off us playink Cowboys’ Cheerleaders vho vere foolink around inside der locker room after vorkink on some routines fer der next football game.

I: You’re kidding?

E: Ne. After all, vat guy hasn’t ever dought about dat at least once?

I: Okay, I have thought about it a few times. (Follows by some crewmembers saying that they have also thought that.)

E (Smiling): Vell, ich dought as much. (Snickers)

I: Okay, so what did you three gals do?

E: Hhhmmm, let’s see. Ve enter der locker room in costume, den head for our lockers. Ve den take off our clothes until ve vere down to our panties, ou at least mein character vas, as der other zwei still haff on most off deir clothink as der zwei off dem haff been vatchink me get undressed, vhisperink to each other as dey did so. At der moment dat ich vere down to just mein panties, ich felt un pair off paws cup mein character’s boobs, to her surprise, followed by her hearink un voice tellink her dat she had always vanted to rub her big teats, vhile she began to feel her panties beink pulled down. She then looked down, und saw dat it vas der mousette vho vas pullink down her panties, before she started to feel der lapin’s paws rubbink her boobs together.

I: And what was your character’s reaction to what those two obviously had on their dirty minds?

E: She simply smiled, before tellink der lapin dat she’d been varned by der other cheerleaders about dose zwei, before askink her how deep her tongue can go, as she planned to give as gut as she got. She den began to moan as she started to feel Marilyn’s character’s tongue movink along her pussy lips vhile hearink Jessica’s character tells her dat she plans to put her tongue inside her hot bush as deeply as she could, before givink both off mein nipples un hard squeeze, causink me to moan.

I: So, I’m guessing that you three cheerleaders then spent the rest of the loop trying to see which one could get across the goal line first?

E (Laughs): Dat’s der vorst eine yet.

I: Hey, what can I say. Anyway, did you three budding porn queens?

E: Ja, ve did, for most of it, but ve finished der loop involved in un daisy chain, mit mein tongue movink drough Marilyn’s pussy, vhile she vas doink Jessica’s snatch, vho, in turn, vas eatink me out, until ve all came together at der same time, even dough der sex scene started mit dem goink at mein bush und breasts.

I: I’m going to guess that you three drank up a lot of Gatorade after doing the scene. (The crew laughs, while Eva groans)

E: Du are bad, mein herr, bad.

I: Whatever. Now then, Eva, what about the five photoshoots?

E (Thinking for a while): Let’s see. Only eine off dem comes to mind.

I: Oh?

E: Ja, vhere ich vas dressed up like un typical fantasy princess, livink inside un castle as ich vaited for mein prince to come. (Chuckles as she just realized the pun that she had just made)

I: Oh, and what kind of outfit did they have you wear for the scene, Eva?

E: Mein dress, hhhmmm? Vell, ich vore un full-length kelly green gown, mit un very low square neckline to show off mein cleavage, und long sleeves, along mit un vhite apron dat covered mein vaist, as vell as black shoes underneath der gown, un pearl necklace upon mein neck, silver earrings on mein ears, und un conical hat mit un long flowink veil coverink mein coiffured hair.

I: My my, Eva, that sounds like a very interesting outfit to look at. Too bad it had to come off, eh?

E (Blushing): Vell, ja, it vas, but dat vas der idea, ja? (Laughs) Anyway, der erste dink dat ich took off vas der hat, vhich ich den placed upon un nearby chair. Den ich sexily removed der gown, soon revealink to der viewer dat ich had been vearink under it un black corset vhich pushed up mein breasts, und matchink color g-string panties, as vell as beige stockinks on mein sexy legs, vhich vere held im place by der garters off mein corset, und lastly der previously mentioned black shoes. Ich next proceeded to move around in mein undies, to show dem all off from every possible angle. Ich den vent back to der chair, picked up der hat und den placed it back atop mein head, before ich turned around again, und after placink mein hooves upon mein panties, slowly started to pull it down mein sexy legs, until ich started to reveal mein pussy.

I: Hhhmmm, sounds like a typical stripping shoot.

E: Ne so fast. Ich never did say vat kind off shoot it vas, now did ich? (Smiling)

I: No, you didn’t at that. Sorry about that. You may continue, Eva.

E (Still smiling): Danka. Now vere vas ich? Oh ja. Ich pulled down der panties den stepped out off dem, before addink dem to der gown vhich ich had earlier placed on der floor. Ich den sat down im der chair. Once ich vas seated, ich looked down at mein pussy for un vhile, before ich placed un few fingers from mein left hoof atop it und den started to slide dem between der lips off mein pussy. Ich den proceeded to play mit mein sex for un vhile, tryink to get meinself off.

I: Oh, I see now. It was a masturbation pictorial.

E: Partly ja, as ich spent most off der remainder off der shoot playink mit both mein pussy und mein breasts until ich’d finally came. Und before du ask me, it did settle mein horniness, (Then with a naughty smile on her face) until ich had un chance to ride mein stallion’s erection later on.

I: Okay, since you’d beaten me to the punch on that one, care to tell me why that one was memorable?

E: Mainly because it vas der next to last shoot ich did before it vas too obvious dat ich vas pregnant. After dat, any shoots ich did involved me modelink maternity vare until der middle off mein final trimester.

I: Next to last shoot? What about the last shoot?

E(Smiling): Oh, dat eine vas just photos from der Cowboys’ Cheerleaders loop dat ich’d mentioned earlier.

I: So, it was just photos from that loop.

E: Ja. It vasn’t der erste time dat eine off der loops dat ich vas involved in vas also packaged as un magazine, und it certainly vouldn’t be der last.

I: I see. So, I would guess that by the time that you had completed that last lingerie shoot, it was time for you to get off your feet?

E: Ja, it vas. At times, it felt like Brunne vas ready to leave der vomb right den und dere.

I: By which time, your mother-in-law, Mary McEqqus, was already in the country, helping to take care of you, yes?

E: Actually, both Mary’s husband, und Jamie’s father, Charles.

I: Oh? Care to explain that?

E: Vell, at dat point, Charles had just retired from der British military, und, since Jamie vas goink to be busy vorkink to help support our soon to be expected child, und Mary vas goink to keep un eye on me, ve needed somebody to get dinks like food und drink…

I: And, since he had free time on his hands, he volunteered.

E: More like drafted (Snicker), but ja, he helped out.

I: I would guess that they lived with you and James.

E: Nein, in un apartment dat vas down der hall from ours, although Mary vould sleep on our couch from time to time, vhen she felt exhausted from helpink me.

I: Why that kind of arrangement, Eva?

E: Vell, our in-laws did ne vant to impose upon us, especially vhen it vas goink to be drei people livink im our apartment, alonk mit such dinks as cribs, der appropriate clothink und toys for der arrivink baby.

I: So, how did you and Mary get along during that time?

E: How vell do du dink, hmmmm? (Waits for his answer to her question)

I: Well, taking a wild guess, I would say that you two got along pretty well.

E (Laughing): Oh ja, dat’s it in un nutshell. Except towards der end, vhen ich got real bitchy just as ich vas about to give birth.

I: And James and his father?

E: Charles vas very helpful to Mary, as ich’d mentioned earlier, vhile Jamie vould comfort me as much as he could, no matter how tired he vas after comink home from der studio. Although he vas un bit fearful about eine dink.

I: And that was?

E(Laughing): Me gettink horny, vhich did happen un few times. Ich know it drove him up der vall vhen it did happen.

I: And why was that?

E (Looking coy): Let’s just say dat ich vas un handful for him to handle und leave it at dat, ja?(Laughs)

I: Insatiable appetite, huh?

E: Du could say dat. (Smiles and snickers, causing her 38C boobs to bounce once again inside her red bustier)

I: Ok, I’ll take your word for it. (Eva laughs) According to my records, there were a few false alarms?

E (Nods her head): Ja, der vere, iirc, drei false alarms durink der final month before ich gave birth to our little girl.

I: Must’ve been unnerving.

E: Ja, but at least it gave all off us un bit off practice for vhen it finally did occur.

I: Speaking of which, would you like to describe what actually happened on the day that your daughter was born?

E: Sure, iff du don’t mind it beink just der highlights?

I: Your decision, Eva.

E: Ok. Highlights it ist. Let’s see. (Places her left hoof against her left chin, and as she thinks, she starts tapping her cheek with one of her fingers.) Ich woke up around 8 am, feelink un bit queasy. Ich put on un robe, den vent to der bathroom. Vhile ich vas inside der bathroom, ich felt un rather big contraction vhich told me dat der baby vas ready to come out. Ich got to der door und told Mary dat it vas finally time. Next dink ich know, ich hear her tellink her husband to get mein bag, vhile she vas takink me back to mein room to put on me some more appropriate clothink, den after she had called der hospital to informed dem dat ve vere on our vay, she took me to mein car, placink me into der car’s back seat, all der vhile tellink me to take deep breaths. Meanwhile, Charles haff left un message for Jamie at der studio to meet us at der hospital, got mein bag, left der apartment, joined us at der apartment buildink’s parkink lot, placed mein bag inside der car’s trunk, und den got into der vehicle, before der zwei off dem drove me to der hospital.

I: How was the trip to the hospital?

E: Fast ist all ich can say, as ich vas lyink down on der seat, gruntink und breathink as ich felt der baby kickink inside me, so ich really haff no idea vat Mary did to get us dere, und Charles never ever talked about der ride.

I: Charles never talked about it, eh? Any idea why that may’ve been?

E (Shrugs, as she moves her left hoof from her chin): Ich never dought to ask him.

I: Ok. So, what happened after you three have finally arrived at the hospital?

E: Hhhmmm, vell, Mary und Charles helped me out off mein car, before Charles helped me to der buildink vhile Mary carried mein bag, after gettink it out off der car’s trunk. Once ve got inside der buildink, ve vent to der receptionist und told her vhy ve vere dere. After givink her der appropriate information, includink der name off mein insurance carrier, she called for un nurse, vho arrived mit un vheelchair, into vhich ich sat down, und vas den taken to un room, vhile mein in-laws vaited in der reception area for Jamie to arrive from der studio, mit ve still breathink.

I: I guess that your obstetrician arrived not too long after you were placed inside your room at the hospital?

E: Ja, he did, und un gut dink dat he did, as ich could feel der contractions gettink closer by der minute, even mit me breathink.

I: So what happened next, Eva?

E: Vell, mein doktor took un look at mein vagina to see iff dis vas un actual labor ou another false alarm. Vell, he quickly discovered dat dis vas indeed un labor as he saw dat mein vater haff broken sometime between our leavink der apartment und me beink placed inside der room at der hospital. Also by den, Jamie haff finally shown up, und entered der room. After his arrival, der obstetrician had me placed into another room so dat ich could give birth.

I: And James?

E: Off course, he came alonk for der ride.

I: So, seeink du about to give birth didn’t…

E (Chuckling): Vell, he vas im der military, und fought im un var, so…

I: He stuck around, and watched.

E: Ja, holdink mein right hoof der entire time, vhile ich gave it un stronk squeeze every time ich had un contraction, especially vhen it vas un strong eine.

I: That must’ve been painful for him.

E: Ja, but he took it. (Snicker)

I: So, how long was the labor?

E: Acht hours. Acht long hours. Und it vas vorth every minute off it!

I: Because of the end result, right?

E: Ja, der birth off mein daughter, Brunne, at 10 pm on June 26, 1988. (Smiles)

I: And, sadly, you’ll have to tell us more about it as it would appear that our time is up, Eva.

E (Blinks): Are du sure?

I: Yes, it is. (Points at the clock on the wall)

E (Turns her head to look at the clock): So ich see. Just as ich vas gettink to der gut part.

I: Well, you can continue talking about your daughter’s birth when we continue the interview, Eva.

E (Chuckling): Du’re right, ich forgot about that.

I (Nods): Anyway, thanks again for the interview, Eva.

E (Smiles): Du are quite velkommen, mein herr.

Eva McEqqus © 2010 Scott and Stanley Alston

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