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My, You're A Big One!

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

"German translated into English."

Eva sat atop a brown stallion inside the grounds of her family's large estate located several miles east of Cologne, Germany. The middle-aged mare, who was at that particular moment looking at the mansion's front facade, wore on her sexy form a light blue blouse, a pair of brown riding pants and black knee-length riding boots, which were presently placed within the stirrups of the young Hanoverian stallion's saddle. With her hooves having a firm grip upon the steed's reins, she pulled lightly on them, to make the stallion turn around. The stallion quickly did as requested, while releasing a light snort. After the equine had finished the maneuver, Eva gave him a gentle pat on his lower neck, just below his light grey mane. She then looked ahead. "Are you sure that you don't want to take a ride with me, mother?" she asked the older Hanoverian mare who presently stood before the open driver-side front door of her Pferd Bohemian sports car.
The older mare, Eva's mother, Helga Pferd, looked at her daughter as she stood before her car. She wore on her pretty light brown frame a navy blue three-piece female business dress, along with a white shirt, dark grey stockings and black shoes, her graying chestnut mane cut at her shoulders. Smiling at her eldest daughter, as her tail moved slowly back and forth, she responded, "While I would love to go riding with you, Eva dear, I unfortunately have some prior business commitments that need to be taken care of. For example, I have a meeting in about an hour with Chancellor Merkel at the company's main automobile plant, and then there's the meeting that I have with the board of directors afterwards. Those meetings are so much fun," the older mare says in a very sarcastic tone.
Eva sighed, as she kept looking at her mother. "Don't tell me about board meetings, mother," the younger mare said, as she thought about the board meetings that she help to conduct at her studio back in the states. "They can be so boring at times."
The older mare snickered. "Oh, yes, those meetings that you have at your porn studio back in America. I figure that they can get very steamy at times, considering what you people do for a living," Helga said to Eva in a teasing tone.
Eva rolled her eyes, as she watched her mother snicker. "Please, mother. The proper term for my business is adult entertainment, not porn. And our meetings do not turn into the scenes of out-and-out debauchery that you're thinking of, in spite of what some adult films might have depicted, including some that my company have produced. We take things very seriously when we're in the board room."
"Whatever you say, dear, whatever you say," said Helga, not believing what her still sighing daughter was telling her since she had seen her participate in just the type of film that she'd just mentioned, as she continued to tease Eva. "But, I'm sure that they're a lot more interesting then some of the board meetings that I've been stuck in."
Eva sighed once more. The Rhenish German/Hanoverian mare then watched her mother start to enter her car. "Anyway, you will be home for dinner, yes?"
Helga stopped, then looked back at her daughter. She smiled. "Of course I'll be home for dinner, honey. After all, I wouldn't want to miss being around my favorite son-in-law and my favorite granddaughter after they've gotten back from touring the city."
The younger mare couldn't help chuckling at her mother's last comment. "Stop being such a kidder, mother. Jamie is presently your only son-in-law since Katherina is still unmarried."
Helga laughed. "So, I'd noticed. Anyway, I'll be home tonight. You just better be here when I am, young lady." The older mare then entered her vehicle.
Eva laughed a little bit louder, as she felt her horse move slightly under her seated form. She gave the impatient stallion another light pat on his neck to calm him down, as she said to her mother, "Of course I'll be here, mother." She then shook her chestnut red mane, causing it to whip about, as she watched her mother, who was now seated in her car, close the door. The younger mare then looked at the stallion that she was mounted on. She lightly hit the equine's flanks with her strong legs, then pulled lightly upon the reins to get him to turn to her right. "Let's go, Hans," she said to her young steed, as she heard him whinny lightly, then felt him turn to the right as he had been told to do. Eva felt the stallion start to walk across the estate's grounds as she heard her mother's car head towards the mansion's now open gate, which it soon drove through.
Eva proceeded to ride the stallion across the grounds, the pair soon moving near the woods. As she led the stallion onwards, she looked around the estate, noticing how well kept it was. "*Looks like Helmut and his staff have really outdone themselves this year,*" mused the smiling mare as she looked at both sides of the tree-lined gardens as she moved through it seated atop the horse. As she listened to the click clack of the stallion's horseshoe-covered feet as they each glide effortlessly across the cobblestone-covered trail, Eva looked at the flowers that were presently sprouting up inside the estate's gardens this cool spring morning: various kinds of roses, lilacs, lilies and daises. The middle-aged mare liked what she saw. She then looked back at her horse. Smiling, she lightly snapped the reins.
"Let's go for a run, boy," she said to the stallion, as she used the reins to pull the stallion towards the forest. She then snapped her legs harder against the horse's flanks, while yelling, "Giddy-up, Hans!" The stallion snorted lightly, before he turned to the direction that Eva now wanted him to go. The steed then started to gallop towards the woods.
Eva tightens her grip on the reins as she felt the stallion's muscular form move under her butt as they entered the woods. With a slight smile on her face, as she watched the scenery zip past them, she said, "Yes, that's the way, Hans." Now looking ahead, she soon noticed that they were quickly approaching a low wooden fence, which was nestled between a couple of hedges. Smiling, she lowered her upper body until it was just above Han's long tapering neck and mane, as she said, "Okay, Hans, let's jump the fence."
The stallion released a loud snort, as it now galloped even faster towards the approaching fence.
"Faster, Hans, faster," said the still smiling mare, as she saw them getting ever closer to the fence. As they did, Eva enjoyed the way her butt was bouncing hard against the saddle, making her feel as if she was riding her hung hubby's hardness instead of the stallion's back. Eva hhmmed internally, before she lustily mused, "*This feels so good.*" It was a short time after she had that thought that she began to notice that Hans was getting closer, in fact getting a bit too close, to the fence. This caused her to quickly raise her upper body, seconds before she started to pull back on the stallion's reins to get him to slow down, while at the same moment yelling, "Whoa, Hans, WHOA! You're getting too close to the fence! Stop boy!"
Hans snorted loudly, before he started to slow himself down, going from his present gallop into a slower trot, before he finally came to a full stop just in front of the fence.
Unfortunately, the stallion's stop was too sudden and thus was strong enough to force Eva's feet to lose their grip upon the stirrups and then, thanks to a sudden short buck by Hans, send her body flying off of his back.
"Eeeekkkk!!!" yelled a surprised Eva as she felt herself suddenly flying off of the stallion's back. The buxom mare then saw herself going over the fence and hedges, quickly followed by her seeing what was awaiting her on the other side - a muddy pond. "Ooooohhh…" she started to say, as she ready herself for impact, quickly placing her arms in front of her face for protection. She then felt herself land, face first, into the mud-filled pond with a muddy-sounding splash. For a while, the brunette mare was under the muddy waters of the pond. When Eva finally reappeared, her body and clothes were now covered from head to toe with muddy water. The redheaded mare, as she now sat near the water's edge, looked at herself for a short while, watching the muddy water slowly drip off of her body. "Oh, this is just nice, dammit," she said, before she released a loud angry snort. Eva then looked behind her. The middle-aged mare quickly noticed Hans standing behind the fence, his head presently in front of the top railing. As she kept looking at him, she thought that she saw him laughing at her, basing it on the way that his head and mouth were presently moving. Eva snorted again, as she scooped up some mud from the pond. "Ooooohhh, you think that's funny, hmmm, Hans?" she said to the stallion before throwing the scooped up mud directly at the stallion's face.
Hans, his head now leaning over the fence, looked down at his mud-covered rider as she sat near the muddy pond. He snorted a little at her as he shook his head and moved the lips of his mouth. The stallion, as he heard Eva's comment, was a little confused by it. He then felt the thrown mud hit his face, landing just above his nostrils and below the bridle's noseband. The surprised Hans' eyes then looked downward, soon watching the mud slowly drip down his nose. He then looked back at a now standing Eva and snorted at her in disgust.
Eva looked back at the snorting stallion. She snickered at him, as she started to wipe some of the still dripping mud off of her body and clothes. "Serves you right for laughing at me, Hans," the buxom mare said, as she proceeded to wipe some of the mud off of her pretty face. Once that was done, she turned, then started to approach the fence and Hans. "Come on, Hans, we might as well find ourselves a place to properly clean ourselves up, yes?" Eva said to the stallion as she walked under the fence. Now standing before Hans, the mare grabbed his reins. Eva quickly turned around, then started to walk him towards a pond which she knew was nearby, one that she was certain would be cleaner than the one that she had just fallen into, so that they could both take a bath to get rid of the mud. "And don't you get any ideas, Hans," she said to the trailing stallion with a light chuckle in her voice.
The stallion, as he followed her, lightly whinnied in response to Eva's last comment, which sounded like a light chuckle to the walking mare.
"Especially that kind of idea," added Eva, before she released another light chuckle of her own. As she led the slightly confused stallion towards the other pond, Eva had no idea that another pair of eyes was presently watching them from inside the woods.

As Eva led her stallion away from the muddy pond, she had no idea that they were being watched from within the woods by a pair of red eyes. The eyes, the left one of which had a scar across it, were attached to a young male dragon who went by the name of Drakon Fireblade. Drakon, who appeared to be about half Eva's age, had been watching Eva from inside the woods, watching her and her mount from the very moment that he had first heard the stallion's galloping feet as they hit the ground near where he had been walking inside the forest. The black and red scaled draco, who was presently clad in a sleeveless black vest over a white t-shirt with a red biohazard symbol placed in the center and a pair of dark color cargo pants with black shin pads placed just below both knees, and carrying a gray backpack on his back behind his presently folded wings, had been looking over the older mare as he observed her get out of the muddy pond. As he watched the muddy water drip off of her body and clothes, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked in spite of the dripping mud, as well as how muscular she appeared. Drakon also noted another thing about Eva: she was a female equine, and this draco had a thing for mares, mainly because they tended to have large breasts. Knowing this about her was presently causing his penis to rise inside his pants. "*My, she's a pretty looking mare,*" he thought to himself, as he followed her and the stallion from inside the woods, trying to do it as silently as he could, as he recalled hearing her say something about her going somewhere else to clean herself off. "*I wonder what she'll look like in the nude once all of that mud is removed from her body?*" he pondered, while he also thought that there was something familiar about her, even if he couldn't place her at the moment. As he kept following her, he didn't notice that one of his feet had walked over and then snapped a small branch that was in front of him. "*Damn!*" he thought, as he heard the branch break under his big feet. Drakon stopped, then quickly ducked down, hoping that she and the stallion had not heard the snap.
Hans, as Eva continued to lead him towards the pond, gave a light whinny, then stopped, as he heard a light snap exit the nearby woods. Eva also stopped after she had felt the stallion stop moving. The buxom mare looked back at Hans. "Problem, Hans?" she asked the stallion, before looking past him. As she did, Eva caught a quick glimpse of a ducking Drakon's brown hair. This caused the older mare to raise an eyebrow. Then a wicked smile began to form on her pretty face as a naughty idea came to mind. "*Ooooohhh, I got myself a peeping tom. Let's have some fun with him,*" Eva naughtily thought, before she looked back at her horse. "Come on, Hans. There's nothing back there," she said to the surprised stallion, before she turned back around and continued walking towards the pond, pulling along the confused equine. As she walked along, certain that she was still being followed by her mysterious admirer, Eva's wicked smile became even naughtier. "*I hope you're well hung, Mister Peeping Tom, cause I plan on giving you a hot little show that I'm sure will get a rise out of you once I'd gotten us to the pond,*" the older mare thought to herself, before she started to lightly snicker.
Drakon, looking through the tall grass, noticed that Eva and the stallion were still walking ahead, having missed seeing her actually stop and in the process caught a glimpse of his lowering head. "*Phew, guess they didn't hear the branch snap,*" he happily thought, before he got back up and started to follow them again, eagerly waiting to see the mare's naked form as she washed herself in the pond. Thinking about it was causing his cock to get even harder inside his pants. "*I can't wait to see what her boobs look like with nothing covering them.*"

Eva and Hans finally reached the pond. The redheaded mare, as she released the stallion's reins, took a quick look at the pond. She instantly noticed how crisp and clean the water looked, in comparison with the muddy pond that she had fallen into just moments ago. The buxom mare then looked back at the stallion, whom she saw heading towards the water. "Hold on a minute there, Hans. Let me get the saddle and the blanket off of you before you head for the pond," she said to the horse, as she walked towards him. As the stallion was getting closer to the pond, Eva placed one of her hooves upon the reins and with a slight pull, used them to stop Hans' movements. This caused Hans to snort loudly in obvious disappointment. Once Eva was sure that he wasn't able to go any further towards the pond, she walked over to the saddle, planning to take both it and the blanket off of his back. "Now, now, Hans, take it easy, big fellow. This won't take long," she said to the still snorting stallion, as she placed her hooves upon the saddle's cinch.
As the mare started to unbuckle the saddle from Hans' back, Drakon had finally reached a section of the woods that he was certain would give him an excellent view of both the pond and Eva. Once in position, he sat on the ground, hoping that neither the mare nor her horse had heard him. After accomplishing that, the draco looked at his pants. He quickly placed his paws upon his pants' zipper, and then proceeded to pull it down. Once that was done, he placed one of his paws inside his pants, which soon went through the fly of his white briefs. Drakon then pulled out his eighteen-inch penis, which at the moment was not yet at its full length and thickness. With his cock now revealed, and after placing one of his paws upon it, he looked forward. The muscular young dragon quickly noticed that Eva had just finished removing the saddle and blanket from the stallion's back, and was at that moment starting to place them on the ground. She was soon laying them against a nearby tree, while Hans' mouth joyfully chewed upon some grass. As he watched her put them down, getting a good look at her firm, but still covered, ass, in the process, Drakon started to rub his cock. "*I can't wait to see what she looks like nude,*" he eagerly thought to himself, as he now started to observe her every move.
As Hans continued to eat, Eva finished putting down the saddle and its blanket. After getting back up, she walked back towards the stallion. As she did, the redheaded mare said to him, "Okay, Hans, you can go into the pond now." Although he had heard her, the stallion decided to ignore her and keep eating. Hans then released a loud grunt of surprise as he felt something smack against his right haunch. He lifted his head up, and then looked back, where he saw Eva standing next to his right butt. The stallion looked at her for a while, before giving her a low snort in protest. The redheaded mare responded by giving him a light chuckle, then saying, "Come on, stubborn boy, move. Otherwise, you won't get clean, yes?" After hearing her reply, an unhappy Hans shook his head, then snorted again, before finally turning his head back around and then starting to walk towards the pond. As he walked ahead, he could hear Eva chuckling behind him. This caused him to release a light whinny of protest.
The still chortling Eva just ignored Hans' reply, as she watched him walk towards the pond. She said to him, "Awww, quit whining, you big baby. I'll help you get rid of the mud from you muzzle once I'd gotten undressed." The brunette mare heard him snort in reply to her comment. As she continued to snigger, the buxom mare placed her hooves onto the second button of her still muddy, if now of dried mud, blouse. As her eyes gazed towards the woods, sure that her ‘audience' was in there watching her every move, Eva started to slowly unbutton her blouse. "*Okay, peeping tom, time for me to give you a nice, slow, hot, striptease, yes?*" she thought to herself as she slowly started to open up her blouse, taking her time with each button that she would unbutton. As she did so, the brunette mare slowly started to reveal the front part of her muscular, yet sexy looking, upper body, including her well-endowed 38C chest, which was presently being covered by a lacy, black wonderbra. After she had finished unbuttoning her blouse, Eva slowly moved her hooves until she had one placed on each half of her now opened blouse. She then started to slowly remove her blouse from her not as muddy body, revealing first the back of her neck which wasn't covered by her long chestnut mane, then her strong shoulders, her muscular back, the back part of her bra, which was shown to be held onto her shoulders via a pair of spaghetti-style straps, and then finally her strong arms, while at the same time revealing that she was wearing a watch on her left arm. Soon her blouse was being held in her hooves, as she showed off to the viewing dragon's all of her muscular, yet sexy, upper body. Once that had been completed, Eva turned around, showing off her 38C boobs to the draco's happy gaze, as well as the black cups of her tight wonderbra which were presently covering them as if they were a second skin. Eva then headed for the tree where she had earlier placed Hans' saddle and blanket. As she walked towards it, she thought to herself, "*I hope you liked what you'd seen so far, ‘Mr. Peeping Tom', ‘cause this old stripper is just getting warmed up.*" She then released a light chuckle as she got closer to the tree.
As he watched Eva from his hiding place within the woods, Drakon lightly moaned as his paw continued to rub his hardening penis. As he saw her slowly unbutton her blouse, the draco had no idea that the brunette mare already knew that someone, meaning him, was in the woods watching her undress, and that she was undressing herself slowly to get a rise out of her watcher. As the young dragon felt his cock get even harder inside his stroking paw, he thought that he could feel his eyes actually pop out of their sockets the very instant the almost topless mare's bra-covered boobs came into his view, as she turned her sexy, if partly muddy, body around. "*Ooohhhh, my… What a big pair of boobs you have on your body, baby,*" Drakon thought to himself as his eyes now looked over Eva's boobs, noticing how big and firm they look to him from inside her wonderbra. As he kept staring at her boobs, Drakon watched her walk towards the tree where she had earlier placed the stallion's saddle and blanket. As his paw continued to rub his now almost fully erect prick, he thought, "*Ooohh, yeah, baby, hhhmmm, I can't wait to see the rest of your sexy body once you'd taken off the rest of your clothes.*" The draco now tried to suppress another low moan, as he began to daydream about himself moving his hard cock in and out of the hot looking older mare's snatch, enjoying her loud lusty moans as he fucked her for hours on end. Drakon's daydreams ended when he saw the buxom mare stop in front of the tree. As he continued to watch her, the draco now started to muse about him putting his mouth around her boobs and joyously sucking upon her Grand Tetons. "*I am getting so horny looking at her. I just wished I could remember who she is.*"
Eva finally stood before the tree. She slowly placed her blouse across the back of the saddle. The buxom mare then sat on the saddle, her body facing towards the woods, so that her peeping tom admirer could get a good view of her 38C bra-covered boobs. With a naughty smile still on her sexy face, the naughty female equine swiftly placed her left leg across her right. Eva next placed her hooves upon the riding boot's zipper. Then, in one swift movement, she proceeded to unzip her boot, placed her hooves atop its bottom heel and then slowly started to pull it off her leg. Eventually, she revealed her sexy foot. Once that had been completed, she placed the boot next to her on the ground, leaning it against the saddle, then she put her left foot back onto the ground. She then raised her right leg, placed it across her left, and then proceeded to take off her right boot. After she had finished removing her other boot, the redheaded mare placed it next to the left one. Eva then got back up. The buxom mare then looked over towards the pond, where she saw Hans standing at its edge, his still muddy nose inside the water, presently drinking from it. Eva smirked as she watched him drink for a few moments, before she turned around. With her ass now facing the woods, and a getting hornier Drakon, the naughty porn queen placed her hooves atop the belt buckle of the black belt that was holding up her riding pants. She then started to unbuckle her belt. As she did so, Eva pondered about how her silent audience was reacting to her impromptu strip tease. "*Hopefully he's getting a ‘big' rise out of it,*" she thought, as she released a low, naughty giggle.
The dragon in question, Drakon, was presently definitely getting a rise out of her strip tease, as he released some low moans of lust inside the woods as he continued to watch the buxom mare undress herself, having already enjoyed her slow removal of her riding boots. He looked at her bare feet for a few seconds, before he looked back up, intending to watch her take off her belt. As he observed her start to unbuckle her belt, the draco's paw proceeded to move even faster along his now fully erect eighteen-inch cock. Drakon then saw Eva's hooves unbutton the pants' top button, then proceed to unzip her pants. As he waited to see her firm butt and sexy long legs to finally appear, he released another low moan. "*Ooohhh, she certainly can move as if she'd been stripping like this all of her life,*" thought the getting even hornier dragon, as he watched the buxom mare sexily lower her mud-caked pants down her long legs. He finally saw her butt, which was presently covered snugly in a pair of lacy black panties, to be quickly followed by the appearance of the upper part of her sexy legs. As the pants went even lower down her legs, Drakon's eyes went back up to the redheaded mare's buttock. He quickly noticed that the panties which were covering both ass cheeks was a stripper-styled g-string type, which allowed him to see most of her big, soft, yet firm, ass. As he continued to look at her firm ass, and stroked his erection, his brains finally figured out where he had seen her ass before. Once he did, the answer hit him like a ton of bricks. "*No, it can't be her!*" Drakon mused, as he now watch her slowly step out of her pants, doing it as if she was a well-trained stripper, which in fact he began to realize she was. As he suppressed a gasp, he thought, "Ooooohhh, my… It is her. No wonder she'd looked so familiar. Ooohhh, how I'd dreamed about pounding that firm, dangerous ass of hers,*" thought the now moaning draco, as he rubbed his cock at an even faster pace as he continued to look at the sexy older mare whom he now recognized as being Eva McEqqus, a.k.a. Brunhilda, the adult entertainment actress, ex-stripper and wrestler. "*Oooohhh, how I would just love to slide my tongue between those firm, sexy ass cheeks of hers right now,*" he lustily thought, as he began to enjoy the rest of her strip tease, not yet realizing that he was now moaning loud enough for the still stripping sex mare to hear him.
As Eva placed her pants atop of her blouse, she heard Drakon's loud moans exit the woods. The buxom mare ears shot up in reaction to the moans, before she quickly smiled as she listened to them for a while. "*I thought he would enjoy it,*" the buxom mare thought with a snicker, as she placed her hooves upon the top of her panties. Eva then started to pull them off of her firm ass, doing it as slowly and sexily as she could. As she did so, Eva heard her efforts being awarded as she heard some more loud moans exit the nearby woods. The brunette mare tittered lightly as she listened. "*I still got it,*" she mused, as she stepped out of her panties. Eva was soon nude, except for her wonderbra. The well-endowed female equine then placed her panties on top of the rest of her clothes on the saddle, while she opened her legs up a little bit so that her peeping tom could get a better look at both her asshole and the back part of her newly exposed pussy. Eva then heard a loud whinny from her left. She quickly turned her head, where she saw Hans, who was now standing inside the pond. The stallion was looking at her, obviously waiting for her to wash the mud off of his muzzle, as she had promised him earlier. Eva giggled as she saw him waiting for her. "I'll be there in a moment, Hans. Hold your horses, big guy," she said to him, before she turned her head. Eva then started giggling as she realized what she'd just said. The buxom redhead then placed her hooves on the front part of her bra, right between her firm breasts. "I just need to take off my bra first," she added between chuckles, before she started to unclasp her bra. The buxom porn queen then slowly started to pull back both cups of her bra, soon revealing her 38C breasts to the still hiding dragon's full view. As she did so, Eva naughtily thought, "*This should really get him going.*" The mare then proceeded to sexily remove her bra from her sexy body.
Darkon kept quickly rubbing his now hard meat as he watched the semi-nude female equine start to pull the cups of her black bra away from her firm boobs, before she let her bra start to slide down her muscular arms. This made him release another loud moan. "*Oooohhh, by the goddess, I can't wait to get a good look at her firm boobs,*" the draco mused, as he started to feel his eighteen-inch cock release some warm pre, which was soon covering his still stroking fingers. He then gasped as he saw Eva's voluptuous breasts finally appear before his eyes. Drakon, as he watched her place her bra atop of the rest of her clothes on the stallion's saddle, soon noticed how firm and shapely her 38C bosom were, in spite of her age. In fact, he noticed that they didn't have the normal sag that one would expect from someone of Eva's advancing age. "*She obviously is taking very good care of herself,*" he thought, as his eyes moved from her big breasts and started to focus on her nipples. He began to see that they were getting harder thanks to their contact with the cool morning air. The getting horny draco's paw was now moving even faster along his erection, as he started to drool from watching her hardening nips. "*Oooohhh, how I would just love to wrap my mouth around those firm, juicy boobs of hers and suck, lick and kiss them while I'm pounding her pussy like crazy,*" he thought to himself, as he felt some more warm pre exit his still stroking paw. As he kept rubbing his hard meat, Drakon could feel his scrotum starting to fill up with his spunk, warning him that he was getting closer to an orgasm. "*Ohhhh, yes, make me cum for you, you sexy mare*."
The now fully nude mare, after she had placed her black bra on top of the rest of her clothes, once again heard the loud moans of her admirer exit the woods behind her, quickly noticing that they were now getting louder. The buxom female equine smiled, as she placed her hooves on the bottom part of her two firm fun bags. Eva proceeded to rub and squeeze her firm bosom, her fingers soon stroking her hardening nipples. "*Hhhmmm, I hope you've been enjoying the show, Mr. Peeping Tom, as I'm now going to make you cum for me good,*" mused a soon chuckling mare, before she released a low moan of her own in reaction to her hooves playing with her boobs. After moving herself a few inches to her left so that her audience could get a better look at her nude form, Eva started to move her nude hips and waist to her left and right, moving them as a belly dancer would, which she was as she had actually had taken several belly dancing lessons to help her keep her sexy body in excellent shape. With a naughty smile planted firmly on her pretty face, the now belly dancing mare started to raise her left breast, until she had it very close to her mouth. Once it was before her face, she began to lick her hard nipple with her tongue. Eva licked it for a while, before she covered it with her mouth and gave it a kiss. The sexy porn mare kissed it for a while, as she heard an even louder moan exit the woods. The buxom mare released her breast with a loud smack, and then went back to licking it. After a while, she went back to sucking on her nipple. Eva then heard another loud moan, this one telling her that her secret admirer was getting ready to explode. The porn queen quickly released her breast, and, as she went back to licking her nipple, smiled. "*Hhhhmm, got you real close to exploding, eh, big boy? Let's see if I can get you to go over the edge?*" With that thought, the brunette mare stopped licking her left breast, then released both of her firm boobs. Eva then started to slowly move her arms down both sides of her voluptuous form, while she continued to perform her belly dance. Eva's arms slowly went down her sexy form, headed directly towards her pussy. She soon had her hooves placed before her getting wet cunny. With a smile, she placed a finger upon her clit and started to rub it. As she did so, Eva pondered about how her secret admirer would react to seeing her playing with her clitty. "*Probably explode?*" thought the still dancing mare, before she released a low moan of her own in reaction to her finger rubbing her clitty. "*Hopefully, it'll be very soon.*"
Drakon moaned even louder as he saw the porn mare hooves rub even harder on her firm boobs while her mouth kept sucking on her hard left nipple. "*Ooooohhh, by the goddess, she's good,*" he thought to himself as he also watched her seductive belly dance. As he kept watching her dance, the draco began to feel his cock getting even closer to unleashing its load, as he released some more hot pre onto his stroking paw. After he had released another loud moan, Drakon saw the buxom redheaded mare let go of her breasts, then start to lower her arms along both sides of her still dancing form. As he continued to enjoy her show, the horny draco still didn't realize that the dancing porn queen was doing this to get him to explode for her, since she knew that he was looking at her from somewhere within the woods. But, he didn't care, as he saw her hooves reach her pussy, with one of her fingers now rubbing her clitty. While he watched her, the young dragon released another loud moan, as he felt himself getting ready to unload his hot seed. Drakon started to lean his head back, as he listened to Eva's low moans as she kept rubbing her clit. Her playing with herself made him stroke his own cock even faster. "*Oooohhhh, my, I'm going to…* AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Drakon loudly moaned as he finally came, releasing several long jets of hot dragon cum from his eighteen-inch erection that soon fell onto the ground in front of him. As it did, the dragon wished that he was coming on Eva's firm boobs, covering it with his hot seed. "Oooohhh, goddess, what a hot body!!"
Eva kept rubbing her clitty while she continued to perform her belly dance. As she danced, she listened for any noise that would indicate to her that she had gotten her secret admirer to cum. The buxom dancing mare, as she released a light moan of her own from playing with her clit, soon had her patience rewarded when she heard a very loud moan escape from the woods. Eva smiled as she listened to the loud moan that she had been waiting for. "*Hmmm, I still got it,*" the smiling porn queen mused, as she turned her body around, to show to her secret admirer her muscular backside, especially her firm ass cheeks, as she kept on belly dancing. While she did, Eva moved her finger away from her clit, then placed both of her arms behind her head, just as she heard another loud moan exit the woods, informing her that her secret admirer had just cum for a second time. The naughty mare decided to continue doing her belly dance for a little while longer. She then stopped. As she began to put her arms down, Eva looked over towards the pond and Hans. Upon seeing the still waiting stallion, who snorted as he looked back at her, the sweaty and mud-caked buxom mare said, "I'll be right with you in a moment, Hans." She then turned her head, until she was looking back at the woods. With a naughty smile on her sexy visage, she announced, "Oh, and to whomever is in the woods that has been watching me, would you care to join me in the pond? After all, I would like to get as good a look at you as you have been getting of me, hmmm? It's only fair, yes?" After releasing a light giggle, the buxom redhead turned her sexy body around until she was facing the pond. Eva then began to sexily walk towards the pond, sure that her secret admirer would literally jump at the chance of meeting her in person. "Now, now, Hans, I'll get the mud off of your muzzle in a moment, don't worry," Eva said to the still snorting stallion in a naughty voice.

Drakon, as his paw continued to stroke his erection after having released his second cum shot, blinked his eyes several times after he had just realized what he had just heard the buxom mare say to him. "*Join her? Me? Ooohh, by the goddess, she knows that I'm in here. But, how did she find out?*" he panicky thought to himself, while he watched the naughty mare sexily approach the pond. After releasing a long gulp, the young draco looked downwards, taking a good look at the lower half of his body. Drakon quickly noticed his cum-covered fingers, then he saw his closed paw that was still wrapped around his still erect eighteen-inch penis as it poked through the open fly of his pants, and finally he saw the cum that was still dripping out of the slit at the top of his cock. "*What do I do now? Stay here and continue to watch her, or go out there and reveal myself to her? Especially in my present state of dress?*" the dragon asked himself.
As the young draco decided whether or not to reveal himself to her, Eva reached the pond. The buxom mare then walked straight into the water until her body was almost waist deep inside it. She then dived in. Eva stayed underwater for a time, allowing the water to remove as much of the dried mud off of her body and hair as she could, before she finally reappeared, spraying water everywhere as she did. The porn queen then started to swim towards a still waiting Hans. "I'll be there in a moment, Hans," Eva told the snorting Hans, as the stallion watched her perform the breaststroke as she swam towards him, so that even more dried mud would fall off of her nude form. The redheaded mare was soon floating in front of Hans. She looked at him for a while, before she stood up. Now standing waist deep inside the pond, with water and more dried mud dripping down her sexy body, the sex goddess looked at the stallion's still mud caked muzzle and giggled for a while. She then scooped up some water in her hooves and threw it at the surprised Hans' nose. The stallion snorted in reaction to the splashed water hitting his muzzle. He looked at the still giggling nude and less muddy mare as he felt the water slowly dripping down his nose. Hans lowered his muzzle sideways into the water, then quickly lifted some of it upward, splashing it right back at Eva. The nude female equine gasped as she felt the cool water hit her body, while trying unsuccessfully to cover up her wet form with her arms. As she blinked, Eva heard Hans whinnying at her, which sounded to the mare like he was laughing at her. "Ohhh, being a smart ass, hmmm, Hans?" she said to the stallion with a mischievous smile, before she splashed some more water at Hans' face. She started to giggle, then lightly shrieked as she felt Hans splash some more water right back at her. The pair was soon just splashing water at each other, with Eva almost forgetting about both the rest of the dried mud on her nude body or that there was a third person still watching them from within the woods.
Back in the woods, Drakon, his paw no longer wrapped around his still erect penis, was watching the pair splash each other with water. As he continued to spy on them, he kept mulling over the mare's recent invitation. At the moment, he was still undecided. "*Should I take her up on her offer or not?*" he asked himself, as he saw Eva splash some more water onto the lightly whinnying stallion's muzzle, which was becoming less muddy with each splash of water. The draco then raised an eyebrow when he heard the wet buxom mare suggest a truce, before he saw her wade towards the stallion. He now saw her wading next to Hans' right side, starting to remove the last of the mud from his muzzle by using her hooves to scoop up some of the water from the pond and then dropping it onto his nose. As the young dragon watched her wash the stallion's muzzle, the draco enjoyed watching the movement of every sexy and less muddy curve of her firm, voluptuous form. As he did, Drakon finally made up his mind. He decided to accept her earlier offer. The draco first got up. He then stuffed his no longer fully erect cock back into his pants, although realizing that his pants would now be showing a large tent around his groin when he finally left the woods. After he had zipped up his pants, and as he tried to ignore the semi-erection that he was now sporting, he looked back at Eva. As he observed her dropping some more water over the stallion's muzzle, he took a deep breath. "*Well, here goes nothing.*" he thought, as he started to step out of the woods, and into the clearing.
At that moment, Eva was presently dropping some more water onto Hans' muzzle, noticing that there was almost no mud left upon the stallion's nose. As she listened to him whinny, she smirked, "Just a little while longer, you big baby, and all of the mud will be gone. Then I can go and wash the rest of the mud off of my own body." Eva quickly heard an unhappy snort exit Hans' throat. She giggled. "Hey, I need to get cleaned up just as much as you do, big boy," she said with a smile, as she washed the last of the mud off of the stallion's nose. "Maybe even more!" As she said that to the stallion, the buxom porn queen pondered upon whether her secret admirer would actually take her up on her offer and reveal himself. "*Well, are you going to join me, or are you too embarrassed by the fact that I know that you're out there to leave the woods?" she pondered as she looked at Hans' now cleaned muzzle. Eva smiled. "There we go, Hans, clean as a…" she began, when she saw the stallion's head suddenly start to move up and down. Eva raised a curious eyebrow as she watched Hans' head movements, before she finally asked, "Something wrong, Hans?"
Just as soon as she had asked the stallion her question, Eva heard, "Uhm, Mrs. McEqqus, I don't want you to be mad at me, but, uhm, I'm the one who'd been watching you from inside the woods. And, well, I can't help it if you just happen to have a body to die for, uhm, ma'am."
The sex goddess, as soon as she had heard the voice, realized that it was coming from behind her and Hans. As she did, Eva smiled, which only Hans could see at the moment. As she continued to smile, she said to Drakon, in a cold, almost menacingly sounding voice, "So, you'd been spying on me and my horse, hmm? I bet that you were enjoying yourself, watching me get undress, hmm? Seeing my firm boobs and my tight ass come into view as I remove every last stitch of clothing from my body. And I bet that you were jerking yourself off as I got undressed, right? I can tell by all of the loud moans that I was hearing coming out of the woods as I took off my clothes. So, tell me, do you like seeing me standing before you, in this pond, with nothing on? Hmmm?" The mare, as she spoke, was having a hard time trying to stifle a giggle as she gave Drakon a taste of her ‘WarMare' aka ‘Pissed off mare' wrestling routine, sure that it would make him feel very nervous. "*Don't you dare go and faint on me, mister,*" she thought to herself, before she added, "Well, did you!?!" She then stopped speaking and waited for his response. Hans gave a whinny and a loud snort as he looked at the draco. Eva gave the stallion a light pat on his neck to calm down Hans. "*Come on, say something.*"
As he listened to the mare reprimand him for watching her get undress without her permission, while also noticing the tone of her voice as she did so, Drakon internally gulped in reaction to it. At the same time, he was feeling himself getting aroused as he kept looking at her strong , yet sexy looking, nude back and butt. "Uhm, yes, I in fact did enjoyed looking at you get undressed, Mrs. McEqqus, uhm, I mean Brunhilda, uhm, I mean, ma'am," he finally nervously replied, while at the same time feeling his semi-erect cock starting to become firm once more, creating an even bigger tent inside his pants. "I mean, I just couldn't help myself. I mean, I just happen to like looking at strong, sexy mares, like you, ma'am. I happen to find them hot." He then whimpered to himself as he felt his eighteen-inch cock beginning to press hard against the fabric of his pants, trying to get out of them. "Please don't be mad at me, ma'am. I didn't mean any harm while I was looking at you get undressed."
Eva, still facing away from the draco, replied to Drakon in her still stern voice. The buxom mare said, "So, you like to look at mares, hhhmmm? And I'm guessing that you also like to look at my body a lot, if you just happen to know both my real and stage names. You do realize that this kind of puts me at a disadvantage since I know neither what you look like, or your name, yes?" As she spoke to him, Eva slowly turned her nude and less muddy body around, doing it in a slow and very sexy manner so that she could arouse Drakon even more. As she finally faced the young dragon, she quickly looked at him from head to toe, noticing that he was a dragon. As the naughty female equine looked him over, she sexily cooed, "My, my, aren't we a big bruiser?" Her eyes then stopped when she got a good look at the huge bulge that was presently inside his pants. Smiling, as the porn queen realized that this was in response to what she had done to him just moments earlier, Eva added, "Hmm, and it looks like we mares also tend to get you very highly aroused as well, or is it just naughty old me? *Giggle* And by the way, big boy, were you planning to force your hard friend on me later on? And give him to me good and hard, hmmm?" She then teasingly licked her tongue at the shocked draco. "Well, were you?"
Drakon blinked as he saw Eva slowly turn herself around until she was finally facing him while still wading inside the pond. As he looked at her wet form, he loudly gasped in shock as he heard her comments about both his erection and what he was going to do with it. "What?!? Uhm, like no. Never! I would never do that. I'm not that kind of dragon, ma'am," he told her very emphatically. "Besides, from what I have seen you do inside the wrestling ring, I believe that I would have a very hard time even trying to force myself upon you. Wait, I mean, I wouldn't try to force myself on you, ma'am. Really." Drakon hoped that the mare would believe what he was telling her.
Eva giggled lightly as she listened to the nervous sounding draco's response. "Ooohhh, so, you'd seen some of my wrestling matches, hmmm, big guy?" she asked him, as she exited the pond, leaving Hans alone in the water. As the water slowly drip off of her nude, sexy, even less muddy, form, once she was no longer inside the pond, Eva added, as she walked towards Drakon, "Which also means that you must know about how nasty I can get when I get pushed while I'm inside the ring, yes? But, with all that aside, tell me, big guy, how can I be certain that you're telling me the truth when you say that you mean me no harm, since you look like someone who could overpower me, if given half the chance. Hmm? So, how can you prove to me that you won't try?" As she kept approaching him, her eyes looked at the surprised draco's crotch. The buxom mare smiled, as she enjoyed seeing the tent that was presently inside Drakon's pants. Eva mused, "*Come on and walk into my trap, big boy, so that I can see how big you really are where it counts.*" As that thought crossed her mind, her grin began to become even naughtier, as she also thought about the trap that she was about to spring on the unsuspecting dragon.
"What, attack you? Now Mrs. McEqqus, I can assure you that I would never take advantage of a female, especially one as sexy-looking as you," replied the unhappily sounding Drakon, as he kept falling deeper into Eva's trap without yet realizing it. By the tone of his voice, he was obviously upset that the buxom redhead didn't seem to want to accept him at his word. As he watched her get closer, Drakon could feel his erection starting to throb even harder inside his pants, causing it to tent out even more. "*Come on, Drakon, stop thinking naughty thoughts about her,*" the draco mentally told himself, as he saw Eva get even closer. He then said, "I mean, how can I convince you that I really do mean you no harm, ma'am?" The draco eagerly waited for her response to his question, just as he saw her stop right in front of him. Drakon's eyes were soon looking over the mare's nude form, before they finally stopped at her firm boobs and taut nipples. As he looked at them, he could feel his cock getting even harder inside his pants. This caused him to wince in slight pain. "*Ohhh, come on, control yourself, Drakon. Even if she is a sex goddess in the flesh, this is really no time to be getting horny,*" he admonished himself, although he couldn't help but to keep looking at her firm breasts.
Eva looked at Drakon as she stood before him, her hooves placed against both sides of her body. She then looked at his nervous face for the next few seconds, before she started to give the dragon a smile that would make the Cheshire Cat proud. "So, what can you do to make me realize that you mean me no harm, hmmm, big boy?" she rhetorically asked the draco, as she moved her right hoof forward. Eva quickly had her hoof placed firmly against the male dragon's tented crotch, which caught him completely by surprise. As she watched him moved his head away from her big boobs, to look down at his covered crotch, she proceeded to move her hoof slowly up and down his tented pants, shortly feeling how thick his cock felt against it. The mare's crotch rubbing was soon rewarded as she started to hear a few light moans start to exit the draco's lips. This caused her smile to become even wider. As she kept rubbing his crotch, the buxom mare said, "Hmmm, at the moment, I can't think of… wait a minute; I actually do have an idea. Maybe if you would take off all of your clothes, that might convince me of your sincerity." She then licked her lips, as she heard a few more moans escape Drakon's lips as she waited for his reply to her question. As the buxom porn queen waited, she kept sliding her hoof across the dragon's tented crotch, enjoying every minute of it. "Well?"
Drakon felt very nervous when he noticed the Cheshire Cat-like smile that was now plastered on the buxom mare's pretty face. He gulped. "*I'm getting a bad feeling that I'm not going to like her… huh?*" the draco mused when he started to feel Eva's hoof touch the top of his tented pants. "*What is she…*" the dragon started to ponder when he felt her hoof begin to slowly move up and down his crotch, causing his erection to throb even harder inside his pants. "*Please, stop,*" he thought, as he began to feel his body start to give in to the pleasure that the buxom redhead was presently giving him with her hoof movements. He released a low moan of lusty joy. Drakon then blinked a couple of times as he listened to her suggestion. "What? Take off my clothes? In, oohhh, front of you? Aaaahhh, I don't, ooohhh, know, uuhhhm, ma'am. I'm, ooohhh, not sure if that…" he started to answer her, before his voice proceeded to trail off as he began to fully enjoy what her hoof was presently doing to his pants-covered eighteen-inch cock. He then released a low moan, which brought a very big smile to the buxom porn queen's pretty face.
The buxom redhead smiled wickedly as she enjoyed listening to the draco's low moans as she kept on rubbing his crotch. Eva quickly noticed how hard Drakon's cock was throbbing inside his pants as she continued to tease it with her hoof rubbing, obviously wanting to get out of its prison. She lightly chuckle as she thought about what his cock would actually look like. "Well, I'm waiting, big boy. Will you take off your clothes to make me trust you or not? Will the answer be yes, or no?" the naughty mare teasingly asked the dragon, before she proceeded to give his eighteen-incher a very firm squeeze. She squeezed the draco's crotch for several seconds, hearing a few low moans escape the dragon's mouth in response to her hoof squeezing. Eva then released her grip upon Drakon's pants-covered cock before returning to stroking it. "Well, I'm still waiting, big boy," she teasingly quipped before she started to snicker between rubs.
As he started to enjoy the way the porn queen was rubbing his throbbing crotch, Drakon finally decided to just give in. After releasing a higher sounding moan, he answered, "Okay, okay, aaahhh, you win, Mrs. McEqqus. Ooohhh, I'll take off my clothes to convince you, aaahhhh, that I mean you, hhhmmm, no harm." He then proceeded to release another high moan, as he felt his erection throb even harder inside his pants, thanks to the buxom mare's expert rubbing of his crotch. "*Please stop that!*"
Eva listened to the dragon's reply to her query as she kept rubbing his crotch. Upon hearing his response, she smiled. "Good! Now that wasn't so hard to do now was it?" the porn queen said with a grin, before she started to giggle as she finally stopped rubbing his crotch. The buxom mare then pulled her hoof away from the younger draco's crotch. She then moved back from him a few feet. Eva next placed her hooves upon her sexy hips while saying to Drakon in a teasing tone, "Well, don't just stand there, big boy, start stripping." The porn queen then gave him another Cheshire Cat-style grin. "Now!"
Drakon sighed as he placed his paws onto his bag's straps. After removing it and putting it on the ground, he put his paws onto his vest. As he started to take the vest off, he commented, "If I didn't know better, Mrs. McEqqus, I get the distinct feeling that you would prefer that I was doing this like I was a Chippendales dancer." The young dragon chuckled at his comment before he placed his now removed vest onto the ground to his immediate right and on top of his bag. Now he started to pull off his tee, soon revealing his muscular chest to the porn queen's naughty gaze.
Eva, who in the meantime had placed her arms under her shapely breasts, smirked back at the dragon. The buxom mare then answered, as she looked at the draco's strong chest as she watched him take off his tee, "Gee, and what makes you think that Mr… Hmm, you never did give me your name, young dragon. I mean, do you think its fair that you should know my name but I don't know yours? I know I don't." The older redhead then chuckled, which made her big breasts shake.
Drakon, his tee now in his paws, looked at the mare before he dropped it on top of his vest. As he looked at the mare's bouncing juggs, and moved his paws towards his shin pads, he replied, "Now where are my manners? My name is Drakon. Drakon Fireblade, Mrs. McEqqus." After removing the shin pads and then adding them to the growing pile, the dragon started to unbutton his pants. As he did, he remarked, "By the way, has anyone ever tell you that you are such a tease, Mrs. McEqqus?"
As she watched Drakon start to pull down his pants, seeing for the first time the white briefs which were covering, or rather, barely covering, the draco's throbbing hard-on, Eva chuckled in response to his comment about her being a tease. "Well, Mr. Fireblade, what was your first clue? *Giggle* By the way, I hope that big piece of meat inside your shorts is for me, big boy. I tend to like my meat to be big, hard and full of juice. After all, I hate for all of my hard work to have gone to waist." The buxom mare chuckled even louder, as she heard a light whinny behind her. Eva turned her head and saw Hans. She noticed that the wet stallion was starting to exit the water. The brunette mare said to him, "Just go and find yourself some place to dry off, Hans. We're going to be here for a little while longer." She then released another chuckle, before she looked back at the draco. "Hopefully, very long." Eva smiled naughtily at Drakon after making that last comment.
The younger draco blushed as he heard her comments, including her response to his earlier tease comment. As he started to step out of his pants, he said, "I'm guessing that my first clue would've been when you started to rub my crotch with your hoof, Mrs. McEqqus." Drakon quickly noticed her right hoof shot straight to her face, before watching her start to laugh even harder. The dragon raised an eyebrow as he stepped out of his other pants' leg. He asked, "And what's so humorous, Mrs. McEqqus?" As he proceeded to drop his pants on top of the rest of his stuff, Drakon, now only in his briefs, waited for Eva's response to his query. As he did so, his eyes suddenly lit up, as he finally realized why the buxom mare was laughing so hard. "*Ooohhh, by the goddess. That tease!*" Drakon then proceeded to blush an even darker shade of red.
Eva, as she saw the light of recognition finally enter the young dragon's eyes, chortled for a little while longer. She then said to him, "So, you'd finally figured out that my earlier stripping was for your benefit, or rather for the benefit of whomever it was that was watching me from inside the woods?" After releasing another chuckle, the buxom mare looked directly at Drakon's crotch. She quickly queried, "So, did you enjoy the show, big boy? And when are you going to show me Mr. Happy? When I'm too old to actually enjoy looking at the big slab of meat that you're obviously hiding from me?" Eva smiled at him again, then proceeded to once again lick her full lips. "I really hope not."
The young dragon stood still for a while, soaking in everything that the older mare had just told him. He then chuckled. "By the goddess, you really are a big tease, aren't you, Mrs. McEqqus? A pretty one for an older mare, but still a tease. I should've known that your earlier stripping was only being done for my benefit. Or was it for your own benefit, hmmm? A pretty good show it was too by the way. Really got me cumming in approval. As for you seeing my friend, Mr. Happy…" Drakon stopped talking, then placed his paws upon both sides of his hips, at the elastic band of his briefs, while hearing Eva laugh at his comments. "Why not right now? After all, you kind of earned it thanks to your earlier little tease, or rather, teases." The draco then started to pull down his briefs. "I just hope it's as big as you say you tend to like them," he added with a chuckle.
Eva looked at Drakon's crotch as she watched his paws start to pull down his briefs. With a smirk, she responded, "So do I. *Giggle* So do I." She then licked her lips.
Drakon smirked. "I just hope that you can handle seeing what I got packed in here, Mrs. McEqqus. After all, you did help to bring him out with your ‘little' strip tease," commented the dragon with a light chuckle, as he pulled his briefs past his crotch, finally revealing to Eva's horny view his hard bouncing eighteen-inch monster. After sighing in relief as he was glad to finally have his throbbing erection out of its tight confinement, the young draco went back to pulling down his briefs. "*Oh, that feels so much better.*"
The buxom redhead moaned lustily as she looked at Drakon huge erection after it had been released from his briefs. Eva, with a naughty smile, cooed, "My, my, he is a big one isn't he? As for me being able to handle him, hmmm…" The porn queen smirked as she approached Drakon as he started to step out of his briefs. "If I can handle bulls with sixteen-inch erections, both at work and inside the wrestling ring, I'm sure that I can handle a dragon with an eighteen-inch cock. And if I can't, I should immediately resign as president of the San Jose branch of the King Size Club." Eva now stood before the young dragon, as she watched him finish getting out of his briefs. After seeing him add it to the rest of his clothes, the buxom mare placed both of her hooves onto Drakon's big meat and proceeded to stroke it with one of them. As she did, Eva smiled, as she heard the first of his moans exit his lips. Eva then said in a teasing voice, "Hmmm, so, tell me, big boy, how much do you like mares like me, hmmm? Like maybe like them enough to slide this bad boy in and out of their tight pussies maybe?" The older mare giggled, then licked her lips as she patiently waited for Drakon's response.
Drakon, after dropping his briefs on top of the rest of his clothes, gasped as he felt Eva's soft hooves firmly grasp his cock. He then started to moan as he felt one of her hooves start to stroke his hard-on. As he listened to her query, the draco looked at the porn queen, just as he saw her lick her naughty lips. After releasing a moan and then a chuckle, he answered, "Ohhhh, yeah, you tease. Hmmm, I can still remember fucking this buxom brunette-with-white-stripe mane mare who, aaahhh, yeah, keep me hard, baby, ran this small farm. Goddess, did she know, ooohhh, yeah, how to ride my cock." Drakon then released a loud gasp as he proceeded to enjoy feeling Eva's expert hoof stroke his eighteen-inch erection. "Goddess, you're so good at this."
Eva looked up at the draco. Smiling lustily at him, she cooed, "Ohhh, did she now, Mr. Fireblade? Well, I guess I'm going to have my job cut out for me, hmmm, big boy? And, I have years of experience doing this, big boy. Try to remember that." After releasing a light chuckle, the buxom mare moved forward a little until she finally had her head placed directly in front of the underside of Drakon's huge erection. At this point, she stopped stroking his cock. Then, with a big smile on her sexy face, the buxom mare placed her tongue at the top part of his cock, just under the helmet. Eva then started to slide it downward, and before long she was moving her tongue up and down the length of the underside of the young draco's eighteen-inch hard-on. "*Hhhhmmm, taste so nice. I just hope, oohhhh, that you're enjoying this, big boy.*"
Drakon loudly gasped as he felt the brunette sex goddess' warm tongue, and at times her mouth, start to move along the underside of his erection. After releasing a loud moan, he announced, "Oooohhh, by the goddess, that feels so good! You have, aaahhh, yeah, lick it good you naughty little horsy, no idea how much I've dreamed about you doing this to me, Mrs. McEqqus!" The draco then released another loud moan as he started to feel the buxom mare's expert tongue start to lick his cock's hard helmet. "Yeah, aaahhh, suck it good, baby!" Drakon happily said, as he closed his eyes in lusty enjoyment.
Eva continued to lick the top of the young dragon's cock head with her tongue. After kissing it with her mouth, she stopped. The buxom mare then looked at Drakon. With a light giggle, as she went back to rubbing his erection, she cooed, "I think I have a very good idea, big boy." After another giggle, the porn queen stopped rubbing the moaning draco's cock and went back to licking his hot meat with her expert tongue, soon touching every last inch of his hard eighteen-incher with it. "*Hmmm, can't wait to start riding this big boy. I am getting so horny to ride this big hunk of dragon meat. Ooohhh, and I'm betting that he can't wait to ride me either. *Giggle* Hhhhmmm!!! Taste so good!*"

Drakon, as he continued to moan in reaction to Eva's mouth expert sucking and licking of his hard-on, was now lying back on a light green blanket that he had earlier retrieved from his backpack. With his elbows resting on top of the blanket, he looked ahead, where he saw Eva. The draco noticed that the buxom mare's was presently lying on her stomach in front of his bent, spread muscular legs, her expert mouth bobbing quickly up and down the length of his eighteen-inch hard-on. As he released a loud moan in reaction to her tongue, which was presently teasing the head of his massive meat, Drakon now began to feel the porn queen's tongue start to lick the base of the helmet of his shaft. "Ooohhhh, by the goddess, that feels so good. Yes, hhhmmm, suck my cock good, Mrs. McEqqus. Aahhhhh!!!!"
The porn queen chuckled lightly, as her tongue licked across the young draco's piss slit, while her mouth moved up and down the length of Drakon's thick eighteen-incher. As she listened to his lusty moans, Eva's slowly moved her expert mouth along the length of the dragon's thick cock until she released it with a loud, audible pop. She then placed her left hoof upon his erection. Eva moved her hoof up and down Drakon's hard cock. The buxom porn mare then looked directly at his face. She smiled at him, then cooed, as she picked up the pace. "Hhhmmm, so tell me, big boy, am I everything that you'd dreamed of?" After giggling for a few seconds, Eva placed her mouth back atop of the dragon's hardness and was soon sliding her mouth once more up and down the still moaning dragon's penis. As she did so, Eva's tongue was licking along the side of Drakon's big erection, causing him to moan even louder. "*Hhmm, he certainly has a lot of meat on him. But, *Giggle*, I'd never been unable to handle big ‘meat' before.*" After another internal giggle, Eva proceeded to suck even harder on Drakon's eighteen-incher.
Drakon moaned loudly as he felt the more experience sex mare's tongue lick across his piss slit, while her mouth was still sucking on his dragonhood. He then gasped when he felt her mouth release his erection, quickly followed by one of her hooves grabbing his hard meat and starting to rub it. The young draco then looked at the smiling redhead's face. "Ooohhh, a lot more than I'd expected, Mrs. McEqqus. Aahhh, a lot more," he answered her. Drakon then moaned loudly as he felt her mouth go back to sucking and licking on his erection. "Ooohhh, yes, aahhhh, a lot more. Hhhhmmm, yeah, slut, ooohhh, by the goddess, suck my big cock good, baby!!!!" he lustily said, as he enjoyed feeling the buxom mare's expert mouth go to work on his eighteen-inch hard shaft, while he also felt her tongue naughtily licking along the underside of his hot flesh. Drakon soon gasped as he felt his cock release some pre into the porn goddess' mouth, which he started to feel her mouth start to swallow with little trouble. "Yeah, aaahhh, suck it, baby. Drink it all up! Goddess, you're good!!"
Eva's tongue kept moving up and down Drakon's hard shaft, along with her expert mouth, while she used one of her hooves to play with the draco's scrotum. The buxom mare smiled as she heard his comments, before she proceeded to lick up his just released pre. The redheaded porn queen, after she had finished licking up the last of Drakon's spent pre, removed her mouth from the dragon's erection. As she proceeded to rub the bottom part of the dragon's hard shaft with her left hoof, while the right kept playing with his balls, she queried, "So, tell me, big boy, did you enjoy yourself while watching my little strip tease earlier? I mean, it certainly sounded to me like you were giving me some roaring approval." Eva then started to giggle as her hooves kept on rubbing the draco's cock and balls. The buxom redhead then licked her lips as she anxiously waited for his response.
Drakon blushed a very deep red, then moaned loudly in reaction to the porn queen's continuous rubbing of his hard meat. He finally answered, "Ooohhhh, yes, aaahhhh, I enjoyed it very much, Mrs. McEqqus. You certainly, hhhmmm, do know how to strip." The dragon then quickly added, "Just as much as I'm, hhhmm, right now am enjoying the way that your mouth is sucking on my erection." Drakon then added another loud moan in reaction to Eva's hooves presently rubbing his cock and scrotum.
As she listened to the draco's reply to her query, Eva smiled. The buxom redhead then said, with a long titter, "That was what I'd thought, big boy. And that's because I have had many years of practice taking my clothes off." She then placed her mouth once more against the back of his cock. Eva then gave Drakon's cock another long upward lick. As she enjoyed hearing his moan of approval, the porn mare stopped. Eva released her hold on his cock and his balls. Then, with a very naughty smile on her visage, the porn queen started to get up.
Drakon, as he watched her get up, asked Eva, "Uhm, what are you doing?"
Eva, as she looked back at Drakon with a very seductive smile on her pretty visage, replied, "I plan on giving that monster cock of yours a horsy ride that it'll never forget, big boy." The naughty redhead then chuckled, before she started to move forward. Soon, her nude body was standing directly above the young draco's still prone body. Eva then started to lower her body. Her vagina was soon directly above Drakon's cock. "Here we, aaahhhh, go, big boy," the buxom mare announced, as she could feel her sex starting to engulf the dragon's eighteen-inch hard-on. "*Aaaaahhhh, so much, ooohhhh, meat!! Hhhhmmm, I hope I can take it all in.*"
Drakon gasped as he started to feel Eva's hot pussy slowly cover his cock. "By the goddess, Mrs. McEqqus, your pussy is so wet and, aaaahhh, tight," moaned the dragon, as he felt more and more of the older mare's vagina covering his hard erection. As Eva kept covering his dragonhood with her sex, Drakon's paws immediately shot up towards the porn queen's well form breasts and quickly cupped them. His rough fingers were soon rubbing the firm flesh of her bosom while his thumbs slowly teased her taut nipples. "Yeah, aaahhh, cover my big dick, baby," he announced in a lusty voice, while hearing her moan in reaction to both his cock being inside her sex and his paws joyfully playing with her big boobs.
Eva, sitting on her knees as they were placed firmly against both sides of Drakon's upper body, moaned lightly as her pussy slowly moved up and down the length of the dragon's big cock, covering more and more of it with each slide. As she enjoyed the feel of the draco's rough paws squeezing her big melons while his thumbs rubbed her nipples, the porn queen said to him in a very lusty tone, "Oooohhhh, yeah, put it in me good, big boy! Yeah! Hhhhmmm, I want to feel every last hard inch of your hard meat pounding inside me!" The buxom redhead then moaned loudly as she felt Drakon's hips start to move upwards in reaction to her own downward thrusts. "Yeah, stud, aaahhh, give it to me ggggooooodddddd!!!!" After she released another, much louder, moan, Eva lustily licked her lips, as she felt her hips start to react in time to the young dragon's own hip movements.
Drakon, now lying back on the blanket, started to moan louder as he pushed more and more of his eighteen-inch dragonhood into the sex goddess' tight cunny. "Ooohhh, yes, aaaahhh, take it all up that tight cunt of yours, baby!" he announced to her, as he started to feel Eva's pussy muscles begin to suckle on his thrusting member. This caused the young dragon to release another loud moan, as well as to cause him to squeeze even harder on the sex mare's firm breasts. As his thumbs continued to play with her nipples, Drakon released a light growl as he felt Eva's hips begin to move even faster up and down his hard cock, covering more of it with her tight sex with each hard thrust. "Aaaaahhh, fuck, yeah, ride me hard, bitch!"
Eva was now moving her hips rapidly as she proceeded to match Drakon's cock thrusts in and out of her tightening sex. As the porn queen enjoyed the feel of the younger dragon's strong paws as they rubbed her boobs, she loudly moaned, "Yes, that's it, aaahhh, fuck me with your big cock, stud! Yeah, hhhmmm, start hammering my pussy good and hard with your cock, big boy! Ooohhh, yes, ooohhh, make me feel it!" The buxom mare then released a loud whinny, as she began to match Drakon's hard cock thrusts. "Yes, fuck me!!!!"
Drakon gasped loudly as he continued to feel the more experienced sex goddess' tight pussy muscles suckle even harder on his thrusting meat, while her sexy hips kept on matching each of his hard thrusts inside her hot sex. After releasing a loud roar, the draco's rough paws proceeded to give the horny mare's firm boobs a very strong squeeze. As he heard her whinny in response to the squeeze, he announced, "Oooohhh, yeah, slut, aaahhh, that's it, ride me good! Yeah, ride me, bitch! Aaaahhhh, I can't wait to fill your tight, juicy pussy with my hot spunk, baby!" The young draco then closed his eyes, as he felt his hard cock fire some pre into the older mare's eager snatch. Drakon then heard a light joyous whinny exit Eva's mouth, followed quickly by the porn mare moving her hot sex up and down his dragonhood at an even faster pace. This caused him to release another roar, as he kept his eyes closed. "Yeah, that's it, you sexy slut, aaahhh, ride my cock hard!!!!" he said, while his thumbs went back to rubbing the mare's taut nipples.
As the pair continued to mate, Hans stood several feet away from them to their left. The now dry brunette stallion was presently grazing on some grass, trying to ignore the noisy duo. After he had heard a loud whinny escape Eva's lip, the stallion stopped eating. He lifted up his head, then looked to his right, where he saw his redheaded rider still happily riding Drakon's erection. Hans watched the pair fuck each other for a while, before releasing a light snort. He then moved his head from side to side, causing his mane to shake, as if trying to show his disapproval of what the buxom mare was presently doing with the well hung dragon.
"Yes, aaaahhhh, fuck me good, stud!" announced the still riding mare, as she felt her pussy muscles working on Drakon's hard pole, while her sex slid faster and faster along its hard length. Eva then heard Hans' snort. She quickly turned her head to look at the stallion. The buxom redhead looked at the stallion for a while, noticing his look of disapproval, as she felt Drakon's erection continue to plough in and out of her tight pussy. She smiled at him, and in a naughty tone, said to the stallion, "We'll go home, ooohhh, when I'm good and ready, Hans. Aaahhhh, yeah, Drakon, fuck my pussy! And, hhhmmm, right now, I'm not ready!" Eva giggled, then released a loud, lusty, gasp, as she felt Drakon's dragonhood sliding even faster inside her wet sex. "Not by a, aaahhhh, long shot!" Eva then started to move her sexy hips at an even faster pace to match Drakon's pace, which soon caused some loud smacking sounds to occur each time their flesh came into contact with each other. At the same time, the sex goddess felt the dragon's paws starting to loosen their grip upon her firm breasts. She smiled as she had a very good idea what was coming next.
The stallion snorted again, before he turned his head back and then lowered it. Hans then went back to eating the grass.
As he felt the buxom porn star's tight cunny continue to slide up and down his hard shaft, Drakon started to release his firm grip upon Eva's big breasts. The young draco then began to move his paws away from her boobs until he had then placed along both sides of her shapely form. After releasing a low growl of lust, the dragon opened his eyes. He began to watch her 38C melons as they continuously bounce in front of him. As he enjoyed what he was now seeing, including the lusty smile that was presently planted on Eva's sexy face, Drakon proceeded to place his rough paws onto her shapely hips. The dragon, as he listened to the loud squishy sounds that their mating was creating, smiled back at the buxom redhead. "Yeah, aaahhh, fuck me good, slut! Yeah, baby, hhhmm, ride my cock!" he said to her, as his paws proceeded to get a firmer grip around her waist. After feeling her butt hit against his groin once again, Drakon began to move upwards, intending to push Eva backwards. The young dragon was planning to place the porn mare's sexy back onto the blanket, so that he could fuck her sex even harder with his erection. As he did so, he gasped loudly as he felt his cock release some more pre into her still sucking snatch. "Oooooohhhh, I plan to pound your pussy good, slut!" he said to Eva with a growl, as he started to gently place her back onto the blanket.
Eva felt herself being forced backwards by Drakon. "*Hhhhmmm, just as I'd expected,*" she thought to herself as she loudly giggled in reaction to his expected move, before she finally felt her sexy back resting itself against the wooly blanket. The sexy porn mare then released a loud, lusty whinny as she began to feel the young dragon's eighteen-inch erection start to pound the inside of her sucking sex at an even faster pace. "Hhhhmmm, yes, aaahhh, ram it into me good, big boy! Yeah, ooohhh, by the goddess, fuck me good, stud!" lustily announced the redheaded mare, as she felt her pussy muscles sucking even harder upon Drakon's thrusting member, trying to pull it even further inside her, while at the same time starting to move her arms upward. Eva shortly had her arms placed atop the draco's strong shoulders, right between his wings. As she kept feeling his erection slamming itself inside her tight sex, and her pussy slowly matching his hard thrusts, Eva started to rub Drakon's back with her soft hooves. "Yeah, fuck me good!" the buxom porn queen announced, before she began to use her arms to pull the younger dragon's body closer to hers. Eva then released another lusty whinny as she felt her pussy start to release some of its hot juices onto Drakon's thrusting hardness. "Fuck me!" she announced, before lustily licking her sexy lips once again.
Drakon growl lustily as he continuously rammed his hard erection into the whinnying mare's pussy. "Aaahhhh, by the goddess, you have a real tight, ooohhhh, pussy, baby! Hhhhhmmm, yes, take it all in there, slut!" the younger dragon loudly announced between hard thrusts. He then began to feel Eva's arms moving atop his strong back, while he happily listened to her lusty moans. "Don't worry, aaahhh, fuck yeah, take it all, baby! I plan on fucking you real good!" he said in reply to her earlier horny comment. The horny draco then released a loud moan, as he felt the sexy mare's cunny juices start to cover his hard thrusting dragonhood. This caused him to thrust his hard-on even faster inside Eva's experience snatch. Drakon then suddenly found himself being pulled towards a now giggling Eva. "What the…" he began, before he felt the porn queen's lips start to press themselves against his own. The young dragon, although surprised at first, was soon enjoying the kiss he was now having with her. Drakon started to press his mouth firmly against hers, while at the same time, thrusting his eighteen-inch erection even harder inside her sex. As they kept kissing, Drakon began to feel his scrotum filling up with his seed, warning him that he was going to come once again and soon. "*Aaaahhhh, fuck!" he thought between thrusts.
The buxom redhead gasped and moaned in reaction to each of the dragon's hard cock thrusts inside her tight sex, as her hooves rubbed Drakon's muscular back. She suddenly smiled. "Hhhhmmm, you are a strong one, aren't you, Mr. Fireblade?" Eva said to the draco. But, before she could hear his reply, she pulled his upper body towards hers with her strong arms, chortling loudly as she did so. The buxom mare looked at the surprised dragon's face, smiled naughtily at him, then proceeded to press her sexy lips against his. Eva kissed Drakon for a while, enjoying what she was doing to him, before she started to slip her tongue into his mouth. As she began to french kiss the dragon, the porn mare continued to feel his erection hammering into her sucking cunny, while now also feeling his hard scaly, chest moving itself back and forth across her still bouncing breasts. "*Yes, aaahhh, fuck me, stud!*", she mused, as she felt some more of her hot pussy juice exit her cunny, to cover the dragon's erection.
Drakon continued to lustily kiss the older sex queen's lips while at the same time feeling her tongue moving just as lustily inside his mouth. The young dragon was soon french kissing her back with his own tongue. As he did so, Drakon was thrusting his eighteen-inch erection at an even faster pace inside Eva's ever tightening snatch. After releasing a short gasp of lust into the porn mare's mouth, he felt his cock fire some more of his hot pre into the buxom redhead's sucking pussy, as he felt himself getting closer to his third orgasm of the day. "*Ooohhh, by the goddess, what a, aahhhh, fuck!!!*" he thought between hard thrusts, as he was enjoying his hard fucking of the more experience porn star.
"*Yes, stud, aaahhh, fuck me with your big cock!!!*" lustily thought Eva as she continued to french kiss Drakon while matching his hard thrusts inside her ever tightening snatch. The porn mare lightly whinnied into the dragon's mouth in reaction to her feeling even more of his hot pre entering her tight sex. As she felt his cock start to pound her pussy at an even faster pace, causing their bodies to once more create loud squishy sex sound with each hard impact, Eva could tell by this that the younger draco was about ready to cum inside her pussy. "*Hhhhmm, yes, cum in me, big boy!! Fill me with your hot seed!!!!*" mused the buxom redhead as her pussy muscles began to squeeze even tighter around Drakon's thrusting hard-on, trying to help bring him off. "*Yeah, aahhh, cum for me, big boy!!!*"
The young dragon kept mating with the buxom porn star as they continued to french kiss each other. As they did so, Drakon enjoyed feeling his chest sliding back and forth across the porn goddess' bouncing big boobs and taut nipples. He soon began to feel himself getting even closer to releasing his hot seed into Eva's waiting snatch. "*Oooohhh, by the goddess, I'm going to explode!*" he thought between hard thrusts as he felt the older redheaded mare's pussy muscles clamp themselves even tighter around his thrusting cock. For Drakon, that was the last straw. As he felt his balls getting ready to unload his hot seed, he reluctantly pulled his mouth away from Eva's. Now looking down at the buxom redhead, while his hips slam themselves even harder against hers, the draco loudly announced, "By the goddess, I'm… FUCK!!!!", right before he started to fire a thick rope of his hot seed into Eva's still sucking pussy. With a loud roar, Drakon continued to cum inside the porn goddess' hot sex, as he felt her pussy muscles becoming even tighter around his cock. "Yes, take it, aaahhhh, all in, bitch!!!" he yelled to her, before he lowered his head and then started to kiss her lustily around her neck. The dragon then moved his head down her body until he had it placed right on top of her right bouncing breast. He then started to suck on her breast, his tongue soon licking on its hard nipple, as he continued to pound Eva's tight snatch, filling it up with even more of his hot seed.
Eva continued her french kiss with the younger dragon as she kept feeling his hard-on thrusting in and out of her sucking snatch. "*Yes, hhhmmm, fuck me, stud!*" the buxom mare thought as she kept matching Drakon's hard cock thrusts inside her tight pussy. The porn queen then released a very loud gasp as she felt the draco's mouth move away from hers. After releasing a light whinny, Eva looked up at Drakon's face. As she could feel her pussy muscles start to suck even harder upon the dragon's sliding cock, she quipped to him, "Hhhmmm, not much longer, eh, aahhhh, stud?" The redheaded mare released a low gasp, then closed her eyes, as she felt the first drops of the young dragon's hot seed begin to enter her hot sex. "Yes, aahhh, cum for me, baby!!!" she announced lustily, as she heard Drakon's own loud, lusty roar of joy, while also feeling her pussy proceed to suck even harder upon the draco's still thrusting eighteen-incher. Eva then started to giggle as she started to feel the dragon's lip start to kiss her neck. The porn queen then released a light, lusty whinny while she felt his mouth move from her neck down to her right breast. With her eyes once again open, she cooed to Drakon as his mouth was now sucking on her right boob and nipple, "Oooohhhh, yes, stud boy, hhhmmm, suck my tittie." As she felt even more of his hot seed enter her still sucking snatch, Eva could feel her pussy muscles sucking even harder on his shooting erection, trying to drain him of his cum.
Drakon continued to slide his tongue lustily around Eva's hard right nipple as he fired more and more of his hot spunk into the buxom mare's greedy snatch. As he listened to her light lusty whinnies, the younger dragon mused, "*Yeah, baby, hhhmmm, take it all!!!*" He then placed his right paw onto her firm right breast and started to squeeze the firm flesh with it while his mouth kept on sucking her boob. As he kept listening to the redheaded mare's lusty whinnies and then heard them start to get even louder, the young draco decided to move his mouth away from her breast. Drakon then looked at the sex queen for a while. A lusty smile soon appeared on his face as he enjoyed seeing her reactions to his hard cock thrusts into her tight snatch just as he felt the last of his hot seed exit his still erect penis. After releasing the last drop of his sperm into her sex, he announced to her, "Aaahhhh, I'm going to, ooohhhh, yeah, slut, hhhmmm, ride my cook good and hard, bring you off, baby!!!" After he'd released a lusty growl, Drakon proceeded to fuck the buxom mare even harder and faster with his eighteen-incher. Shortly, he started to feel the head of his erection banging hard against the sex goddess' g-spot. He smiled, as he enjoyed seeing her reaction to his hard-on hitting her secret spot. "Yeah, aahhhh, ride me good, tramp!!!!" After releasing another lusty growl, the young dragon placed his mouth once more around Eva's right 38C boob and went back to licking and sucking on it and the nipple, while his paw continued to squeeze the firm flesh.
Eva lightly moaned as she kept feeling the younger dragon's hard meat continuously pound her tight pussy, filling her getting wetter sex with its warm seed, while also feeling his mouth continue to suck and tease her right boob and nipple. "Oooohhh, yes, hhhmmm, fuck me good, stud!!!" the buxom redhead said between moans, before releasing a few light whinnies in reaction to the draco's hard thrusts. The sex queen then began to feel his paw start rubbing the flesh of her firm right breast, which caused her to moan even louder. Eva next felt Drakon's mouth release her breast as he released even more hot spunk into her greedy snatch. She looked up at the younger dragon, then smiled back at him before she closed her eyes as she released a loud, lusty whinny, as she felt her cunny muscles proceeding to suck even harder on Drakon's hard thrusting erection as it released the last of its hot spunk into her pussy. "Oooohhh, yes, hhhhmmmm, make me cum good, aaahhh, stud!!!!" she lustily replied to his comment as she matched each of his hard thrusts inside her wet sex. Eva quickly reopened her eyes, moments before she released an even louder whinny as she started to feel the head of the draco's cock banging against her g-spot. The porn goddess then moaned louder as she felt his mouth return to her right breast and went back to sucking and licking upon both it and its hard nipple while his paw happily rubbed its firm flesh. As it occurred, she proceeded to feel his erection bang ever mercilessly against her g-spot. Eva began to release some more pussy juice over his erection as she lustily yelled, "Yes, aaahhh, fuck me, stud!!!! Oooohhhh, please, hhhmmm, bring me off hard!!!!" The redheaded porn queen then reclosed her eyes, before she lustily licked her juicy lips as she kept on mating with Drakon. "Yes, ooohhhh, fuck me!!!"
Drakon's tongue kept moving swiftly around the buxom redhead's hard nipple, while his mouth sucked hard on the mare's firm breast. "*Hhhhmm, nice boob you have here, horsy,*" thought the young draco to himself, as his paw squeezed her firm right breast and his hard eighteen-incher continued to pound the porn queen's wet snatch. After sucking on Eva's boob for a few seconds more, he released it. The young dragon looked down at the still moaning mare. He smiled at her. Drakon then proceeded to hit her g-spot with several more hard thrusts from his erection, which caused the porn mare to lustily whinny in reply. He then swiftly pulled his erection out of Eva's pussy. Still looking at her, he said, "You know, Mrs. McEqqus. I'd been dreaming about eating you out. So, I think I will now, slut!" After a light chuckle, Drakon lowered his head onto her muscular chest. The young dragon then started to kiss her warm flesh with his mouth, which caused her to lightly chuckle. He then started to move his body slowly down her body, his mouth kissing her hot flesh along the way, while enjoying the giggling that he was now hearing from her in reaction to his kisses, as he got closer to her pussy. Soon he had his face in front of the buxom redhead's wet cunny, looking at it for some time. Drakon smiled, then proceeded to move his tongue back and forth across Eva's juicy snatch, happily licking up both her juices and his recently released cum. As he did so, he began to hear the older mare's loud moans in reaction to his tongue licking. Drakon then slid his tongue along her cunny at an even faster pace, while at the same time also working on her clit. The younger dragon was soon enjoying hearing and feeling the buxom redhead's reaction to his tongue lapping of her wet snatch. "*Hhhmmm, I'm going to bring you off real good, slut!!!*" he thought between his quick tongue licks on Eva's clitty and cunt.
The redheaded mare whinnied and moaned loudly in reaction to the young draco's continuous pounding of her wet snatch with his hard-on and to his mouth and tongue working over her firm right breast and its hard nipple. Eva soon gasped as she felt his paw squeeze her boob once more, before he suddenly released it. The porn queen looked up at the smiling Drakon, while she kept feeling his erection moving swiftly in and out of her sucking cunny. She then released a few loud, lusty moans as she felt the head of his cock start to bang hard against her g-spot. Eva then followed that up with a louder, longer gasp as she felt his eighteen-inch erection suddenly pull out of her hot, wet sex. Upon hearing his remarks, she smirked at him. "Ooohhh, is that so, big boy. Well, *Giggle*, go for it!!!" the porn goddess replied with a titter, before she felt the young dragon's mouth kiss along her voluptuous form as his body headed towards her snatch. She then moaned loudly as she felt his tongue start to go to work on her wet sex. The buxom redhead was soon giggling loudly in response to each of his tongue's quick licks inside her cunny and on her clit. As she started to feel his tongue lick even faster across her pussy, Eva lustily announced, "Hhhhmmm, yes, aahhhh, suck my pussy good, big boy!!! Oooohhhh, yes, hhhmmm, make me cum good, stud!!!" The buxom redhead then whinnied loudly and started to hump her pussy against Drakon's happily sucking mouth. "Yes, suck my pussy!!!" she whinnied lustily, as she felt herself getting closer and closer towards her first orgasm. "Yes, aaaahhhh, make me cum, stud!!!" she quickly added, as she released more of her pussy juices, which she soon felt Drakon happily licking up with his tongue.
The dragon lustily smiled as he enjoyed listening to Eva's loud horny responses to his tongue's quick lapping of her wet sex. As he now moved his tongue swiftly against her clitty, Drakon began to feel the porn queen's hot cunny moving roughly against both his face and his hard lapping tongue. "*Hhhmmm, yes, slut, hhhmmm, I'm going to bring you off real hard!!!*" he hornily thought to himself between quick licks, as he started to feel her pussy juice rubbing against his face. This quickly encouraged him to lick her pussy even faster so that he could finally bring the buxom porn mare off. "*Hhhhmmm, it shouldn't be too much longer, slut,*" Drakon thought, as he started to push his tongue even deeper inside Eva's juicy snatch while at the same time happily licking up her just released juices. "*Yeah, cum for, hhhmmm, me, baby!!!*"
Eva gasped and moaned loudly as she kept feeling Drakon's tongue expertly licking up her just released cunny juice before she started to feel it begin to concentrate on her clitty. "Oooohhhh, yes, aaahhh, lick my clitty good, stud!!!" she loudly moaned in reaction to each of his fast tongue licks upon the fleshy nub. The buxom porn queen, as it continued, kept on rubbing her hot sex against Drakon's face before she felt his tongue go back to licking her pussy. As it did so, Eva could feel herself getting closer and closer to her orgasm. The redheaded mare released a loud moan as she felt the younger dragon's tongue proceed to slide itself even deeper and move faster inside her hot cunny. After she felt a few more fast licks move inside her hot sex, she started to feel her voluptuous form getting ready to cum. "Ooohhhh, yes, IIIIIII'MMMMM… aaaaahhhhh!!!!!" Eva loudly shouted as she finally came, before releasing a loud, lusty whinny of joy as she also released some more hot pussy juice from her still thrusting pussy. The older sex queen soon began to feel the younger draco's tongue start to eagerly lap up her now flowing hot cunny juices, causing her to scream even louder. "Yeah, stud, aaahhh, lick my pussy!!!!"
Drakon mentally smiled as he listened to Eva's loud lusty screams as he helped her along in her orgasm with his long tongue. "*Yeah, hhhhmmm, naughty slut, cum for me!!!*" thought the younger draco as his tongue continued to lick along Eva's snatch, while also lapping up the buxom redhead's newly released hot juices. "*Hhhhmmm, tasty snatch!!*"
Hans, as he kept eating the grass while hearing the pair's continuous mating, raised his big ears upon hearing Eva's loud orgasmic screams of pleasure. The stallion quickly raised his head, then looked to his right, upon which he saw the dragon. He saw that the dragon was presently lying on the blanket on his front, directly in front of the stallion's loudly moaning rider's pussy, his wings partly folded and his big tail moving joyfully behind his body as he ate out Eva's pussy, causing her to scream loudly in reaction to his tongue movements. Hans watched this go on for several seconds more, before he finally released what sounded like a questioning whinny. He then waited patiently for the redheaded mare's response.
Eva moaned loudly in response to each of the dragon's long tongue licks against her wet pussy, as she continued to have her orgasm. "Yeah, aaahhhh, keep sucking my, ooohhhh, cunt, big boy. Hhhhmmm, yes, suck it like that!!!" she lustily told Drakon as she continued to rub her hot sex against the draco's licking face. After feeling a few more licks inside her pussy, she felt the dragon finally end his muff diving of her sex. As she felt him move his face away from her cunny, Eva started to relax as her now sweaty body laid atop the blanket, while gasping, "Ooohhh, that felt so good, stud!!!" She then started to giggle, before turning her head to her right to look directly at Hans. She smiled at the stallion. The buxom mare then laughed, before saying, "I'll tell you when we're ready to go, Hans. Just not right now. So be patient, you big baby."
Hans blinked as he heard her answer. He then quickly snorted, turned his head and went back to eating the grass, as he heard Eva's laugher get even louder.
Drakon continued to suck and lick Eva's juicy pussy as he began to feel the last of her pussy juice exit her sex. The young draco sucked on her cunny for a little bit longer before finally deciding to stop. He then proceeded to move his face away from her juicy snatch. Drakon, his face now covered in her juices and his cum, looked at the now lying buxom mare. He noted the sweat that was recently created by their love making slowly falling off of her voluptuous body and onto the blanket, while at the same time he watched her shapely boobs just as slowly move up and down in front of his admiring eyes. The equally sweaty dragon then saw Eva move her pretty face to look at Hans. He next heard her comments in response to the four-legged stallion's earlier whinny, as well as Han's unhappy sounding snort in response to it. As he watched the now laughing Eva turn her head back, he said to her, "You seems to like teasing him, don't you?"
Eva, her head now resting on the blanket, looked at the sweating Drakon after she had heard his query. The buxom sex goddess slowly raised her upper body until she was resting on her elbows. She looked at him for a short while, seeing his sweat slowly roll down his muscular form and collect onto the blanket along with her own. Then, with a smile on her pretty face, she said, "Aw, he knows that I'm only teasing him. Besides, he's my ride home, so I can't be too mean to him, yes?" The buxom mare was then silent for a moment. But only for a moment, as the smile on her pretty face began to get naughtier. "Hmmm, let's see, you'd just finished pounding my chamber, sucked on one of my big pearls and just ate me out. So, tell me, big boy, have you been dying to slide that big sword of yours between my big hills?" Eva then chuckled loudly while starting to shake her boobs in front of the young dragon's admiring face as she waited for his response to her latest question.
Drakon looked back at Eva, as he listened to her response to his question about her teasing her ride. He shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, if you say so, Mrs. McEqqus." The dragon, upon noticing the naughty look that was now on her sexy visage, raised an eyebrow, as he pondered what was now on her naughty mind. He then blinked in surprise as he heard her question about him ever having wanted to tittie fuck her breasts. As he thought over her question, Drakon began to give her an equally naughty look of his own before eagerly replying, "But, of course I'd dreamed of banging your hills and valleys with my sword. What guy hasn't?"
Eva lightly giggled as she heard the dragon's lusty reply. "I'd thought as much, big boy," the naughty redhead said to him, before she proceeded to place her upper body back onto the blanket. Once in position, the buxom mare then placed her hooves against the sides of her breasts. Looking back at Drakon, she naughtily said to him, "Well, are you going to bang my big hills or not?" The porn goddess then giggled even louder as she waited for him to approach her breasts.
The sweaty young draco snickered as he got up. Once that had been accomplished, he approached Eva. Now standing above the sex queen's voluptuous, sweaty form, with his still hard, wet erection pointing proudly before him, he looked down at her. "No need to ask me twice, slut," he told the still giggling redhead, before he started to lower his body. Drakon was soon seated in front of the porn star's well-formed chest, his cock soon placed between Eva's 38C bazoomas. The dragon gasped as he began to feel the flesh of the buxom mare's breasts start to cover his eighteen-inch erection. He then sat still as he allowed the porn goddess' firm boobs to firmly warp themselves around his hard cock. Once it was completely covered, he slowly began to slide his sperm and pussy juice lubricated hard-on between her big, pearls, moving it faster and faster with each hard thrust he made. "Hhhhmmm, yeah, baby, aaaahhh, I'm going to fuck your big hills good," he told her, between thrusts, before he released a loud moan as he suddenly began to feel Eva's well trained tongue start to lick across the head of his cock as it emerged from between her breasts. He was soon moaning even louder in response to each of her quick tongue licks on his hard-on each time it reappeared. "Yeah, aaahhh, lick it, baby!"
Eva watched Drakon get off of the blanket, walked towards her body and then finally sit himself down before her shapely chest. She next watched him placed his wet and still hard cock between her firm boobs. The sexy redhead then proceeded to wrap her breasts around the young draco's hard meat, while telling him with a chuckle, "Talk is cheap, stud. Hhhmmm, show me." Eva enthusiastically licked her lips, just as she felt Drakon's eighteen-incher start to move back and forth between her sexy boobs. She was soon moaning lustily in reaction to feeling the young dragon's hard cock sliding swiftly between the soft flesh of her big breasts. "Yes, hhhmmm, fuck my titties, stud," Eva said to him in a lusty tone. As she felt his cock once more slide backward between her bosom, the buxom redhead suddenly placed her mouth as close to the hole that was formed by her two boobs as she physically could, opened up her mouth and then proceeded to slid her tongue across the length of the head of Drakon's dick when it next popped out from between her boobs. Eva did this a few more times, enjoying the loud moans that she was getting from the draco in reaction to her cock licking. "Oooohhh, yeah, aaahhh, fuck my tits, stud!!!" she lustily said between licks as she continued to enjoy their titfuck.
The young draco gasped and moaned lustily as he kept sliding his hard erection between Eva's firm breasts while at the same time feeling the buxom redhead's tongue expertly lick his hard cock as it continuously exited from between her soft bosom. He would sometimes feel her tongue slowly lick across the head of his hard-on, at other times she would give his cock a few quick licks and at still other times she would just slide her tongue all the way across the helmet, from top to bottom; all of which was driving the young dragon crazy with lust. "Yes, aaahhhh, suck my cock, bitch!!!" he lustily announced as he released some pre from his cock, which was soon dribbling down the length of the porn goddess' chest and neck. Drakon then released a loud gasp as he felt her lips start to kiss his hard eighteen-incher, right at the piss slit. This and her continuous licks along the length of his dragonhood were driving him even more nuts. "Aaaahhhh, yeah slut, oooohhhh, make me cum between those pretty boobs of yours!!!", he lustily said, as he started to titty fuck Eva's fleshy fun bags at an even faster pace, while feeling his scrotum start to once again fill up with his hot cum. After another gasp escaped from his lips, he placed his paws on top of her boobs, and was soon rubbing and squeezing Eva's hard nipples with his fingers, as even more pre escaped from his erection. "Aahhhh, fuck!!!!"
Eva's expert mouth and tongue was joyously working over the head of the young draco's big meat as it continuously popped out from between her big boobs. Her mouth now started to kiss the head of his erection while her tongue was effortlessly sliding across its piss slit. "*Yes, hhhmmm, fuck my titties, stud!!! Aaahhhh, keep fucking my big hooters!!!*" she lustily thought to herself as she felt some of his pre slowly dribble down her neck and chest, before she began feeling his paws start to cover her boobs. The buxom redhead then started to gasp and moan as she felt the dragon's strong paws start to play with her hard nipples. Eva then released a loud moan as she felt even more of Drakon's pre slide down her sexy chest and neck. "Yes, aahhh, play with my, ooohhh, nipples, stud!!! Hhhhmmm, yes, just like that!!!" the horny porn queen lustfully announced, before her tongue went back to work licking on Drakon's still sliding hardness, causing the dragon to moan even louder than before.
The dragon continued to play with the moaning porn mare's hard nipples, while at the same time he kept sliding his thick erection between her soft boobs as he felt her tongue continue to lick and kiss its constantly escaping head. As he slid his erection even faster between Eva's breasts, Drakon could feel himself getting ever closer to his latest orgasm. The young draco closed his eyes as he said, "Ooohhh, by the goddess, I'm going to, aaaaahhhhh…" before he came once again. As he now released a loud, lusty roar and squeezed hard on the sex goddess' nipples, causing her to whinny loudly as he did so, Drakon proceeded to unload his hot spunk upon Eva's upper body, soon covering it all in his white seed. "Oooohhhh, yeah, aaahhhh, I'm going to cover you in my, ooohhh, spunk, slut!!!!!"
Eva's tongue kept on kissing and licking the head of Drakon's cock as it continuously popped out from between her firm breasts. "Yes, hhmm, fuck my boobs, stud!!!" the buxom porn queen announced, as she began to feel the young dragon's erection move even faster and faster between her firm boobs. She then whinnied loudly as she felt the draco's fingers squeeze her nipples hard as he announced to her that he was coming once more. Eva loudly gasped as she felt Drakon's hot spunk start to hit her sexy body, soon covering her breasts, chest, neck and shoulders and part of her chin in its hot white juice. "Yes, aaahhh, cover me in your seed, stud!!!" Eva yelled, as she felt more and more of the dragon's cum cover her brown fur. The buxom mare joyously licked her lips before she gave the dragon's still spurting erection another lick and getting some spunk on her pretty face in the process.
Drakon growled loudly as he felt his still thrusting erection released some more of its hot spunk onto the sexy porn mare's breasts and upper body, while he continued to feel Eva's tongue licking the head of his cock. As he once more squeezed the buxom redhead's taut nipples, he felt his hard-on fired even more of his white seed onto the porn queen's hot flesh. "Oooohhh, yes, hhhmmm, take it all, slut!!!" he joyously yelled as he began to feel the last of his spunk start to exit his eighteen-inch dragonhood. After a few more hard thrusts between Eva's firm breasts, he finally stopped. As he breathed hard, while still seated atop her body, he looked down at the sexy porn star. The young draco soon watched his spent spunk slowing drip down the front part of Eva's sexy form and onto his blanket, soon missing in with her earlier released sweat. He chuckled as he watched it, before saying to her, "You are, *huff*, a real mess, *puff*, Mrs. McEqqus. You, *huff* need to take, *puff*, another bath to get clean." He then gave the older sex goddess a very toothy grin, before giving her nipples a light squeeze. He was rewarded with a light whinny, which made him grin even wider.
The buxom sex goddess continued to lick on the head of the growling dragon's hard cock as she felt even more of his spunk cover her upper body and face. Eva then moaned loudly in reaction to the draco paws' squeezing her taut nipples once more. As she saw the last of his spunk exit Drakon's hard-on, she said to the sweaty young dragon, "Hhhmmm, don't mind if I do!" before her tongue licked the head of his erection as it continued to appear from between her big breasts. The porn mare then watched him stop moving his cock between her bosom. As she now watched him chuckle, Eva released her breasts from around his cock. As she felt her firm boobs collapse back against her body, the naughty redhead placed her hooves atop her upper body and then started to rub Drakon's recently released spooge across her sexy form. After hearing his comment, Eva smiled and said in a naughty tone, "Hhhhmmm, I don't think, *huff*, that I'm the only one, *puff*, who needs to take a bath, *huff*, eh, big boy?" She then released a light, lusty moan as she felt his paws once again squeeze her taut nipples. The porn goddess then chuckled. "Now cut that, *puff*, out, or I'll be force to, *huff*, suck your cock again," Eva playfully admonished the younger dragon, before moaning once again in reaction to another nipple squeeze by Drakon.
As Drakon playfully squeezed Eva's taut nipples, Hans, who had just finished eating some more grass, looked over at the spooged-covered pair. The stallion, as he looked them over, loudly snorted in disapproval, and then whinnied at them. He was soon waiting for a response.
Drakon was the first to hear Hans' whinny. As he kept rubbing Eva's nipples, he commented, "I think he wants to go home, Mrs. McEqqus." He then looked over at Hans. Snickering, he added, "I'm guessing he'd probably had gotten horny from hearing us screwing each other like crazy." Drakon proceeded to chuckle at his comment.
After releasing a light whinny in reaction to the young dragon's paws still squeezing her still hard nipples, the porn goddess also looked towards Hans. With a light chuckle, she said, "Alright, alright you big baby. We'll go home, but I need to wash off this gunk first, okay?" She then looked back at Drakon. After hearing his comment, she replied, with a titter, "Probably. *Giggle* I hear that he's quite a stud back at the stables." As she heard a protesting whinny from Hans, a still chuckling Eva stopped rubbing the draco's spunk into her skin. The porn queen then added, "But, first, I do believe that I need to get up. So, if you would please?" She then released another moan in reaction to her breasts still being squeezed by Drakon's paws.
Upon hearing her request, a blushing Drakon stopped squeezing Eva's nipples. "Ooops, sorry about that, I kinda got carried away there. Of course, I'll help you up." He then started to get off of Eva's sexy body. Soon standing up, and positioned to the lying redheaded mare's right. Drakon offered her his right paw, to help pull her up. "Need any help getting up, Mrs. McEqqus?"
Eva looked up at Drakon. She smiled at the messy dragon, as she took his proffered paw. The equally messy buxom redheaded then allowed Drakon to pull her body off of the blanket. "Thank you," she said to the dragon as she now stood up, feeling his spunk and her sweat drip down her sexy form. The mare then looked at the pond. As a naughty smiled crossed her face, she said, "Last one in the pond is a Frenchman." She then quickly ran towards the pond, loudly laughing as she ran.
The sweaty young dragon, who had been smiling after having helped the older mare get back up, blinked a couple of time, as he was confused by her latest action. As he watched her run towards the pond, a smile crossed his face. He chuckled and then began to run after her. As he did so, he said to her, "Hey, wait for me." Drakon then heard a loud chuckle exit Eva's lips, seconds before she reached the pond and dived right in.
Hans, as he watched this new development, silently shook his grey mane in disapproval of what was now going on. The stallion then snorted loudly before he started to eat some more grass. As he did, he could hear the pair's loud laughter behind him as they started to play around with each other in the pond.

The End

Eva McEqqus and DoeMare Productions © 2006 Scott and Stanley Alston
Helga and Katherina Pferd, Pferd's Estate, James and Brunhilda McEqqus and Hans © 2006 Stanley L. Alston, Jr.
Drakon Fireblade © 2006 Marcus Schulte

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