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Tol makes a challenge....

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr. and C. J. Johnson
Text version by Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

The lights went up inside the building and the house speakers started to burst out the bassline of Public Enemy's song, 'Shut 'em Down!'. As the song played, Tol stepped out from within the back, his eyes soon squinting as they were quickly hit by the stadium's lights, temporarily blinding him. After allowing his eyes to adjust to the strong lights, he curled his lips into a scowl, before looking at the crowd. As he started to look at the audience, he listened to their loud choruses of cheers and boos. The scowl still on his young face, the ebony bull began to slowly walk towards the ring, showing no response to the crowd's loud noises, although soaking it all in. As he walked confidently towards the ring, the young bull was actually holding back the twin feelings of fear and excitement that he was silently feeling, as he knew that this would be his first actual official match, something that he had been training for long and hard since he had joined the league. In fact, this has been something that he had been dreaming about since he was a young bull watching wrestling on television. Only now he would actually be participating inside the ring, just like his boyhood idols. This thought caused him to smile internally.
After what felt like hours to him, Tol finally reached the ring. Upon reaching it, he looked over the crowd again, whom he saw were now cheering and jeering themselves hoarse. .oO(Stay calm, Tol. Just remember what you'd been taught by your trainer,) he thought to himself, before he looked back at the ring. With the scowl still on his visage, Tol looked over the ring for a moment, as he pondered how well he would actually do tonight against his first actual opponent, whomever he or she might be. .oO (Well, here goes nothing,) he thought, before he placed his hooves onto the ring's apron. With a light grunt, he lifted himself up onto the apron with the help of his long muscular arms, in the process showing the audience how strong he was, as he heard a loud gasp escape their collective lips. Once on the apron, he approached the ropes. Tol soon placed his hooves onto the top rope, pulled it down, and then effortlessly stepped over it with his strong legs, lifting over first one leg and then the other.
Now inside the ring, Tol moved towards the center, where he saw an object lying on the mat. Upon reaching the center of the ring he bent down and picked up the object, which turned out to be a microphone. After straightening himself back up, Tol looked over the crowd once more, whom he heard still cheering and booing him. He then placed the mic before his mouth, as he heard the house speakers finally end his theme song. After his theme song had stopped playing, he released a loud snort through the mic, the sound of which was enhanced by the device. This caused the crowd to go silent, so that they could hear what Tol was going to say. Once the crowd was quiet, Tol cleared his throat, then started speaking into the mic:
“My name is Tol and I want to be the best wrestler, fighter, champion, whatever, in this league! If it involves some sort of competition or fight in this ring, I want to dominate it! So, since I am new here, let me get right to the point. Anyone; male, female, alien, I don't care who you are! I challenge any of you in the back to a match! Tonight! Street fight, regular match, yiff, barbed wire, Japanese death match! Doesn't matter to me what it is! Lightweight, cruiserweight, super whale size! Don't give a damn who you are!” As he spoke, he walked around the ring, making a few gestures with his free hoof that caused some members of the crowd to loudly boo him, creating some cheap heat in the process.
Tol then paused and glared around the crowd yet again, listening to their now very loud boos. After letting that occur for a while, he continued his speech. “Just bring whatever part of you that want a fight to me, and I will promise you that a fight is what you'll get!” he loudly bellows, before raising his heavily taped fists in the air, which elicited some more loud boos, as well as a few cheers, from the huge crowd. The black bovine then gave a loud snort into the mic, before he dropped it onto the ring mat. Tol looked at the crowd. He then surprised them by heading back towards the ropes. Upon nearing the ropes, Tol dropped his big form onto the mat and slid it under the bottom rope, thus exiting the ring. Tol then got up on the apron, and jumped onto the stadium's concrete floor. He looked at the crowd's shocked faces, as they had all been expecting a match. Tol smirked at them. The ebony bovine then began to head towards the back. As he did, Tol heard a chorus of very loud boos of disappointment from the crowd, as it appeared to them that he was planning to wait for an answer to his challenge in the back and not inside the ring, as they had all expected. .oO(I hope the fish knows what he was doing when he suggested that I do this. I don't want people to hate my character too much,) Tol thought, as he hoped that someone from within the back would quickly answer his challenge to help calm down the crowd.
Almost as soon as Tol had started to walk towards the back, Richard Wagner's famous opera song, 'The Flight of the Valkyrie' began to play, only with it being performed to a heavy metal beat, while simultaneously, the Trinitron came on and started playing the opening helicopter scene from the war film, 'Apocalypse Now'. This caused the crowd to cheer loudly, and Tol to stop his movement, as everybody in the building instantly knew what this all meant. They weren't disappointed as they soon saw standing in the middle of a spotlight at the top of the ramp, Brunhilda.
Tol heard Brunhilda's theme music start to play, which caused him to stop where he was. The black bovine, as he listened to the crowd's loud cheer, saw the mare on the ramp, standing in the middle of a spotlight. He nodded his head slightly in her direction, while pondering why she was standing there, technically blocking his way. Was Brunhilda coming out there in her capacity as the Vegas branch's manager, to tell him whom he would be facing in the ring, or was she there in her capacity as a wrestler and would therefore be the one to actually take up the gauntlet that he'd just thrown? He didn't have to wait long as he soon noticed how she was clothed.
The muscular-looking brunette-haired mare, who was both the league's yiff and dom champ, as well as this branch's manager, was wearing her ring outfit, which revealed to everybody inside the building, including Tol, both her toughness and her sexiness: a black leather bodice/corset combination with woolen edging at the bottom covered up part of her bosom, her abdomen and her waist, while at the same time revealing her well-formed upper body, including her cleavage; a teardrop-shaped gold brooch that was placed at the center of her aforementioned bodice; three circular-shaped emeralds which were placed at the bottom part of her bodice, although two of them were presently hidden by the woolen edging of her upper bodice; a golden belt that went across her sexy waist, with two black triangles located near the belt's buckle; a three-piece black leather 'skirt' with woolen edging, that was now swaying in the air as she began to walk towards the ring, partly covering both the front and the back of her black panties/trunks, which, in turn, hid her groin and her firm ass cheeks respectively; and lastly, a pair of black leather boots which stopped just above her knees, which easily bend with each movement of her long, sexy legs, as she headed towards the ring. The buxom female equine, who was being followed by the previously mentioned spotlight, also wore under her flowing, shoulder-length, red hair, a light grey tiara which contained in the middle of it a circular-shaped bright red ruby and two rhombus-shaped smaller gems on either side of the larger ruby; a grey necklace with a golden brooch in its center on her lovely neck; and finally, a pair of woolen sweatbands, one on each arm, placed just above her strong hooves, with the right one presently having a very firm grip on another microphone. As she headed for Tol and the ring, the picture on the Trinitron started to change. It now showed to the audience the WWII-era German Pocket Battleship, 'The Bismarck', about ready to fire its 16-inch main guns.


Tol watched Brunhilda start to make her entrance. As he did, the black bull nonchalantly hooked his thumbs into the front pockets of his cutoff jean shorts and calmly watched the spotlighted older mare as she started to walk towards him, admiring her sexy form as she approached both him and the ring. He then winced as he heard the loud boom exit the speakers. .oO(Stay calm, Tol,) he told himself, while he listened to the pop that it was getting from the audience.
The buxom mare, after the boom had ended, placed the mike before her mouth. As she did, the picture changed again, now showing a WW I-era German artillery battery about ready to fire all of its guns. As she kept walking, and now pointed a finger at the stationary bull, Brunhilda snarled, “Get right back im dat ring, mein herr!!!” This caused the crowd to cheer ecstatically as they knew that they would finally get to see what they had paid for: a match. And even better, it would be a match that would include one of the crowd's favorite wrestlers, Brunhilda. After the cheers had died down, everyone in the building then heard an even louder and bigger...


This was quickly followed by another scene appearing on the Trinitron, this one showing the earth being churned up by a big explosion.
The ebony bovine winced again as he heard the second and louder boom escape the building's speaker system. Tol then watched the Trinitron, seeing it starting to change scenes. As he did, he became somewhat impressed by the entire spectacle that the mare had produced for her entrance, before he began to realize that the more experience mare was using psychological warfare, trying to get into her opponent's head, meaning at the moment, him, to win the match before it could even get started. The younger bull was impressed even more by this, but he quickly decided to try and not give in to the champ's mind game, although noticing that her confident, yet sexy, approach, would be enough to scare most people. Instead, Tol decided that he would concentrate on looking at her form, soon noticing how sexy she looked in her ring outfit. .oO(Hhhhmmm, what a body.)
After the second explosion had died down, Brunhilda continued, as the Trinitron now showed an old painting, which showed Franco-Prussian War-era Prussian Infantry advancing towards a French Infantry position during the decisive Battle of Sedan. “If it's un match du vant, rookie, den it's un match dat du are goink to get. From me! Ich dink dat it's time for dis vet to show du how ve actually do dinks around here.” As the older mare got closer to the still stationary Tol, who was now chuckling at her, the scene on the Trinitron changed one more time, now showing the Allied Infantry v. French Calvary battle scene from the British war film, 'Waterloo'.
Brunhilda stopped in front of the black bovine. She looked up at him for a few moments, obviously trying to intimidate him with her presence, as she heard her theme song and saw her film stop playing. As the crowd proceeded to cheer her on by loudly chanting her name, and she saw the spotlight that had been following her go out, the buxom mare said to Tol, with an audible tone of derision in her voice, and her finger now pointed at the ring which was behind the younger bull, “Du, me, im der ring. Normal match. Pinfall, Submission, KO? Vat do du say, rookie? Dink du're ready to take on der farm's yiff und dom champ?” Brunhilda stopped. The champ pulled down her free arm until she had it against her side. The older mare then looked at Tol for several seconds, as she heard the loud pop that she was now getting from the audience. Then, with a derisive chuckle, she added, “Ou are du afraid off losink to un veteran off mein caliber?” Brunhilda stopped speaking again, then started to look the younger, muscular bull over, especially looking at his crotch. The older mare then loudly smirked, before she continued. “Ich vould've suggested un yiff match between us, big boy, but ich don't dink dat du vould last even un minute once ich get mein strong hooves around ihr member.” Brunhilda then dropped the mic onto the floor. She then looked back up at Tol, releasing an even louder snort as she waited for his reply. .oO(Du just better ne disappoint me, Tol,) she thought while waiting for his response, as the crowd cheered even louder for her.
After the buxom mare had stopped in front of him and had replied to his challenge with what sounded to him like a challenge of her own, Tol rubbed his chin thoughtfully. The ebony bull raised an eyebrow as he thought over her comment that he wouldn't last a minute under her hands during a yiff match. .oO(Really trying to get me by my ego, hmmm, Brunhilda? Well, let's see what you'll do when you hear my answer,) he thought, as he looked at her just dropped mic, while hearing the pop that she was getting from the fans. He finally reached down to pick the mic off the floor. After picking it up, the black bovine looked back at Brunhilda's sexy form, while he waited for the crowd to stop cheering. .oO(I wonder what it would take on my part for me to get the same sort of pop?) he mused, before he placed the mic in front of his lips and started his response.
Brunhilda watched Tol pick up the recently released mic and then waited patiently for his response to her comments, while enjoying the cheers that she was getting from the crowd. She then saw him place the mic before his mouth after the crowd had stopped cheering. The buxom equine wondered how he would reply to her challenge to his bullhood.
“Not even a minute, eh, Brunhilda? Ok, tell you what, babe, since you're the vet, and the champ here. Let's do a yiff match, and let's see just how far I would have to go to get that gold belt to go from around your sexy waist and onto mine!” the bull growled, as he heard some boos escape from the crowd's mouths and a very loud snort of anger escape the mare's lips. Tol smiled, then turned around and moved back towards the ring. After reaching the ring, and then getting back onto the apron, Tol headed for the ropes. Upon reaching them, he stepped over the ropes again. Once inside the ring, the ebony bovine turned around and looked back at the still angry looking mare. He raised the mic back to his muzzle and, with a smirk, added, “Or maybe we should just see if you can even pin my hugh shoulders to the mat, much less handle my member with your tired old snatch!” He grinned at her as he heard even more boos exit the crowd, and then flipped the mic into a corner, before heading for a different one. Once he had reached that corner, he quickly turned around. His back now facing a turnbuckle, Tol adjusted his white elbow- and kneepads, then began to warm up. As he warmed up, he took his camo muscle shirt off of his muscular form and tossed it into the crowd. He watched a buxom looking cow catch it in her hooves. Tol smiled, then winked at her. He saw her swoon onto the floor, before he looked back at Brunhilda, wondering how she would reply to his response to her earlier comments.
Brunhilda snorted angrily as she heard the black bull's reply to her earlier comments. .oO(Oh, gut eine,) she thought, while she watched him head back towards the ring. After waiting for him to enter the ring, and then watching him head for a corner, she ran towards the ring, and to the cheers of the crowd, effortlessly jumped onto the apron. Once on the apron, the older mare looked at Tol, watching him remove his shirt, revealing his well chiseled upper body. As she saw him throw it into the stands, then begin warming up, she entered the ring, going through the middle ropes, one leg at a time. She then walked over to the center ring and the first mic. After picking it up, she put it before her muzzle and said, with an audible snort, “So, du're villink to see vhether ihr member vill be un challenge for me, hmmm, big boy? Okay, Ferdinand, du're on! Un yiff match, erste eine to cum loses! Oh, und don't be surprised iff du find out dat it'll be un long vhile before du can see mein belt anywhere near ihr big vaist, as ne male can resist me once mein sex gets itself firmly wrapped around deir hard member.” The mare then threw the mic out of the ring, turned around and headed for her own corner, while listening to loud cheers of encouragement from the audience.
The ebony bull nodded his head in acknowledgment of the mare's response, before he watched Brunhilda toss the mic out of the ring, turn around and head for the opposite corner. As he watched her butt sexily sway from side to side, he got a firm grip on the ropes behind him. Tol stretched his strong body against the ropes for a moment, then straightens up. He next proceeded to crack his thick neck, moving it first to the right, then the left, while seeing one of the stadium staffers remove the other mic from the empty corner.
Brunhilda reached her corner, which placed her opposite of the black bull's present position. After reaching it, the older mare turned around and faced Tol. She then started to do a few stretching exercises of her own to help limber herself up for the upcoming match, including one that made her 38C breasts jiggle inside her bodice with each move she made, which Tol should notice if he was looking at her. .oO(Luckily ich haff on mein removable trunks instead off mein regular eines, as ich'd figured dat he vould accept un yiff match iff ich hit der right buttons,) she thought as she continued her warm-ups. .oO(Besides, ich haff never meet un guy here vho vouldn't vant to try to yiff der champ.) The mare then silently snickered at the truth of her thoughts.
Tol looked back at the sexy mare, whom he now saw standing before the opposite turnbuckle, and also warming up. The black bovine took a deep breath as he watched her, soon enjoying the sight of the mare's delicious cleavage jiggle inside her top. This caused him to blush. He then shook his head so that he could get control of his hormones and concentrate upon the upcoming battle, not ogle at the champ's sexy body. .oO(You can beat her, Tol. Just try to forget about how sexy she looks and instead concentrate on how to wear her down.) “Let me know when you're ready, champ,” Tol said to her, before he started to roll his wide shoulders. After he was done doing that, the ebony bovine brought up his taped hooves. He spread his fingers apart, then brought them against his muscular chest. As he did, Tol began to notice how quiet the crowd had gotten. .oO(They must be waiting for the match to start,) he thought to himself as he continued to warm-up.
Brunhilda looked at Tol as she heard his comment. She stopped her warm-ups and after releasing a light snort, got into her wrestling pose. “Ich'm ready now,” she told him, while putting on her game face. The buxom mare watched Tol nod his head in response, and then got into a wrestling pose of his own. The champ then waited for the bell to ring, as did Tol.
The two didn't have to wait long:


Upon hearing the bell ring, Brunhilda and Tol exited their respective corners and walk towards the center of the ring and each other. Upon reaching the center, the two combatants proceeded to circle around each other, both looking for an opening, so that they can make the match's first move. After spending almost thirty seconds circling each other, the black bovine moved forward, his hooves in front of his muscular body, as he looked to see if the champ would accept them for a test of strength between them.
.oO(I hope she does accept. I want to see how strong she actually is,) thought Tol, as he waited for the older mare to accept his invitation. The still nervous young bull started to ponder how well he would actually do in the ring against the veteran mare. He mentally began to admonish himself for still being nervous. .oO(Come on, Tol, this is no time for butterflies. Just concentrate on the match, and beating the champ.)
Brunhilda looked at Tol, seeing his fingers in front of his body, obviously offering her a test of strength. She smiled at him, as she saw an opening for her first move. .oO(Oh, ich am so goink to take advantage off dis,) the veteran mare thought to herself, before she moved forward, her hooves now in front of her sexy body, as she acted as if she would actually accept Tol's invitation. Brunhilda saw Tol smile back at her, figuring that he was anticipating the chance to show her just how strong he was. Brunhilda smirked lightly, as she wasn't going to give him that chance. At least not yet, cause as soon as she got close enough to him, the buxom mare suddenly turned to the inside of the now surprised bull's body and aimed a strong right elbow into Tol's exposed stomach. As she heard the crowd's loud cheers of approval, her elbow strike caused the caught off-guard bull to ooff in reaction to the impact and to bend his upper body down a little. As this happened, the veteran went on the attack, moving her arms so that she soon had the left one placed at the wrist of Tol's right arm and the right at the elbow. She then bent her back forward and quickly performed a judo toss, which soon landed a still surprised Tol onto his back, as the crowd cheered louder in reaction to her first moves. Brunhilda smiled as she looked at the now prone black bovine.
“Ooof!” a surprised Tol exclaimed as he felt her elbow thud against his hard stomach, as he had actually expected Brunhilda to accept his test of strength offer. As his upper body bend over from the hit, he started to feel her arms grabbing his right arm. .oO(Oh, fuck,) he thought, before he felt himself being tossed over her strong back in a judo toss. As it was happening, Tol quickly moved his free arm to help cushion his expected fall onto the mat as he'd been trained to do. The ebony bovine still loudly grunted as his free arm slapped hard against the mat in the break fall while he also felt his strong back slam onto the mat and then a harsh breath puff exit his lips. .oO(Note to self, the champ can be a tricky bitch. Need to watch out for that in the future,) he told himself while he shook his head as he laid on the mat, hearing the cheers that the mare was getting in reaction to her moves. Tol was no longer feeling the butterflies in his stomach as the sting that he was now feeling in his back had replaced them, thank to his recent fall.
Brunhilda smiled as she heard the air exit Tol's lips, before she released his arm and moved away from the downed bull. The champ was soon standing behind Tol, waiting for him to get back up as she planned to slap a light chokehold around his beefy neck, so that she can weaken him early in their match, as she started to hear her name being chanted by the crowd. “Come on, show me vat du got, big boy.”
The bull heard Eva's taunt behind him. Tol was shortly back on his knees, before he tensed up his neck as he felt her place the chokehold around it. At almost the last second, he twisted his body to the side, as he planned to counter her move.
Brunhilda watched the big black bull get up. With a smile on her pretty face, she walked over to him, and quickly placed the chokehold around his neck. As she started to get a firmer grip around it, she felt him start to turn his body to the side, soon having the side of his body facing her chest. Before she realized what he was trying to do, she began to feel his strong arms start to grab her waist.
Tol quickly moved his arms and soon had a firm grip around the mare's sexy waist. Now pushing off of one of his knees, he quickly took Brunhilda off her feet and soon stretched her body on the mat with a modified side slam. He heard some loud gasps leave the audience, while he released an oof as he felt his back hit the mat along with the champ's. As soon as he felt their bodies hit the mat, Tol released the mare's waist and then rolled away from her.
.oO(Vat der...) Brunhilda started to think as she felt Tol lifting her hard body off the mat, before she felt herself being slammed onto her back with the modified side slam. The veteran loudly oofed in reaction to her body hitting the mat, feeling herself releasing some air from her lungs. She then felt the young bull let her go. As the bull rolled away from her, she laid down on the mat for a couple of seconds to regain her breath. .oO(Verdammit, ich need to vatch out for dose,) she thought, before she also rolled away, but in the opposite direction. As she rolled away, Brunhilda heard the fans' chanting of her name start again. At the same time, the ring veteran thought, .oO(Tol should've taken advantage off me lying down on der mat. His mistake.)
Once he was far enough away from her, Tol stopped his rolling. He then started to get up. Now back up, the black bull looked back at the champ, hooves up again. As he looked at Brunhilda, he released some air. .oO(I hope that hurt her some,) he thought to himself, his head now into the match.
Once Brunhilda was far enough away from him, she kipped back up. She looked back at Tol. The older mare snorted at him, as she saw him standing before her in a defensive pose. .oO(Can't vin by stayink on der defensive all der time, Tol,) the sexy mare thought, before she placed her left hoof in front of her and started to curl her fingers back and forth in front of her body several times, taunting him to come and get her. The champ noticed that the bull was hesitant to move towards her, not knowing whether to charge her or not. But that only lasted for a short while, as he finally decided to charge her.
Tol blinked his eyes in total surprise as he saw Brunhilda standing before him, waving her left hoof back and forth before her sexy form, actually telling him to attack her. .oO(What is she up to?) pondered the bull, as he stayed where he was for the moment, debating whether he should actually charge her or not, as it could be just a ploy on her part to do some more damage to him. As he heard the roar of the crowd behind him, who were still chanting her name, the ebony bull finally came to a decision. .oO(Well, the trainer did tell me that I'll never be able to win a match without taking changes once in a while, so here goes.) Tol then charged at the buxom brunette mare, hoping as he did so that he had not fallen into a trap.
Brunhilda smiled at the charging Tol, watching his approach. The brunette mare waited for him to get near her, not moving out of the way. When he got near enough to her, Brunhilda moved towards his approaching left side, quickly wrapped her right arm around his left, and using her hip and his own momentum against him, launched him into the air with a hip toss. As she turned around and then watched him fall onto the mat with another oof, she held onto his arm and pulled it back, putting it into an arm bar behind his back. Brunhilda, as she got onto one knee behind him, watched Tol sit up on the mat. The brunette mare smiled, as she heard his moans of pain in reaction to the pressure that she was now placing on his arm with the arm bar. After a while, she got up, pulling him up with her, while keeping the move in place. Then she oofed, as she felt her stomach being hit with a hard elbow by Tol's other arm. She then felt a second, even harder elbow strike hit the same spot, causing her to ooff yet again, and making her release his arm, as she double over from the hit.
Tol groaned softly as the mare cranked up the arm bar, angrier with himself for letting himself get taunted into such an obvious rookie mistake. .oO(I need to start using my head if I want to kept that from happening to me again.) He then felt himself being pulled off the mat. Once he realized that the mare had just pull both of them off the mat and onto a vertical base, he decided to counter her move. The black bull quickly aimed a strong elbow strike with his free arm at Brunhilda's firm abs. He heard an oof escape her lips as his elbow hit soft flesh. He then did it again, hearing another oof from her. The bull then felt her release his extended arm. After he had elbowed himself free of the mare's move, Tol snorted and then charged towards the nearby ropes. The black bovine turned his big body around, then felt his muscular back bounce off the ropes. As he started to feel his momentum sending him back towards the seemingly still doubled over female equine, he pulled back his arm, cocking it for the follow through on the clothesline from hell that he plan to hit her chest with. As he got closer to her, he began to hear some boos from the audience, as well as a few low cheers. .oO(Time to go down, champ!)
Brunhilda heard the ropes, which were just a short distant before her, bounce, as if something had just hit them. She looked up, just in time to see Tol charging back at her, obviously planning to hit her chest with a strong clothesline from hell. The veteran mare waited for him to get closer, then she quickly lowered her head, ducking under the bull's clothesline attempt. Brunhilda then watched Tol rush pass her. The redheaded mare quickly got back up and turned around, just in time to see Tol's body bounce off the far ropes and charge at her again, still aiming to hit her chest with a clothesline from hell. Brunhilda waited for him again, then at almost the last moment, jumped high into the air, and hit the charging bull's chin with both of her feet as she performed a flawless standing drop kick. She saw Tol's neck snap back from the impact, before seeing his body hit the mat hard, another oof escaping his mouth. At the same time, the older mare's own body hit the mat, causing her to release an oof of her own from the impact, as the pair heard the crowd, as they watched their match commence, start to cheer themselves hoarse.
.oO(Shit!), the bull thought, as Brunhilda ducked under the clothesline. He continued on towards the far ropes. As he reached them, Tol turned his big body around to rebound it off the ropes again, as his momentum was now far too great for him to easily stop. As the big bull headed back towards the buxom mare, he was still determined to hit her with a clothesline from hell. But as he got closer, the bull noticed that Brunhilda was standing still. This made him wonder what she was up to. .oO(Is she going to actually give me room to connect?) he thought, before he saw her leap upwards. (Crap!) was all the bovine was allowed to think before the mare's boots crashed hard into his chin. As he crashed back hard onto the mat, his breath again shot from between his lips and his hooves thudded into the mat. As he laid on the mat, Tol pounded his left hoof against it, while moaning in pain.
Brunhilda laid on the mat for a couple of moments, breathing in some air as she did so, before she started to get up, hoping that her last move would keep Tol down for a while as she started to figure out how to ultimately get him into position for the final yiff. As she heard his moans of pain, and his foot pounding the mat, the sexy mare started to realize that it would not be an easy task, as it was now obvious to her that she would have to wear down the bigger, although less experience, bull, in order to do it. But she was confident that she would be able to pull it off thanks to her years of ring experience. .oO(Just need to use der ring to mein advantage und to his disadvantage,) Brunhilda thought to herself, as she stood up. As she heard the cheers of the audience, and then heard them begin to chant her name yet again, she looked in Tol's direction, to see what he was doing now.
The big bovine laid on the mat for a few moments more, as he collected both his breath and his thoughts after the mare had almost kicked his jaw off with her last move. He finally stopped banging his hoof on the mat. Tol then growled loudly, before he rolled over, got up and faced the mare. As he heard the audience's cheers and jeers get louder, the black bovine started to rock his strong body back and forth from his hips to his knees, before he began bouncing on his feet, to make sure that he was okay. .oO(Ok, charging bull is not going to work on her. No more rookie mistakes! Act like you know what you're doing, Tol!) he chastised himself as he looked at the buxom mare. With that thought finished, he stepped towards Brunhilda, and when he had moved into her range, he stopped in front of her and fired off a couple of quick jabs at her pretty face, expecting them to be parried by her. After he had felt the mare slapped aside the last jab, Tol aimed and snapped a low kick at the outside of her left thigh, grunting as he felt the impact of his shin against her strong leg.
Brunhilda looked at the now standing Tol. She hurriedly put her hooves up in defense as she watched him approach her present position. The veteran mare saw the ebony bull aim a couple of quick jabs towards her muzzle. She used her hooves to easily parry both jabs, before she grunted in pain as she suddenly felt his shin hit against her exposed upper left thigh. At that moment, the mare quickly realized what the bull was trying to set up .oO(Verdammit, ich fell into dat eine,) Brunhilda thought, as she ignored the pain caused by the hit, while trying to come up with something to counter Tol's impending move.
Pressing his momentary advantage, the bull stepped over to Brunhilda's left side, and then placed his right leg around the mare's just kicked left leg. He quickly grabbed one of her shoulders and pushed forward with his upper body, while also kicking back with the entwined mare's leg, driving both of them hard into the mat. He began to hear Brunhilda's groaning voice, as she laid down on her back next to him, his arm and shoulders now lying across her well-formed chest. Tol then drew a loud oof of his own as his back finally impacted with the mat. He then started to slap his other hand against the mat. .oO(I have to keep her down or in reach of me, or she will pick me apart with her speed), the black bovine thought as he moved away from Brunhilda, trying to get himself in a better position so that he can push the prone mare over onto her stomach so that he can yiff her. .oO(Unless I can slow her down.) Tol quickly got back up, then looked over at the moaning mare. He walked over to her. The ebony bovine stopped, lifted his foot and stomped it into Brunhilda's stomach, hearing an oof escape from her mouth in reaction to his move. He then stomped on her stomach a second time, hearing the champ release a bigger oof from it. Tol then headed for her strong legs.
Still reacting in pain to the earlier kick to her upper thigh, Brunhilda didn't react quickly enough to prevent Tol from getting close enough to her before she felt him grabbing her left shoulder with his arm and then placing his right leg around her left. Unable to prevent the developing move, she decided to instead brace herself for the impending impact, as she felt him start to perform a russian leg sweep on her. Via her own past training, Brunhilda allowed her shoulders, instead of her back, to take the initial impact as she felt herself hitting the mat. But it still caused her to oof in reaction to it. She then gasped loudly as she felt first the bull's shoulders and then his arm land hard against her chest, just above her breasts. This caused Brunhilda to lie down on the mat for a while, as she mentally cursed herself for allowing it to happen. As she heard her name being chanted even louder by the audience, she felt Tol physically move himself away from her. As she wonder what Tol was going to do next, the moaning Brunhilda suddenly oofed, releasing some air from her mouth as she felt a hard stomp hit her firm stomach. Before she could recover from that, the mare felt a second, bigger stomp hit the same spot on her stomach, causing her to lose even more air. After that second stomp, the champ realized that Tol had hit her stomach with a couple of hard foot stomps. As the older mare gasped for air, she started to feel herself being turned onto her stomach via her legs.
As he watched her lying on the mat, gasping for air, the black bull grabbed Brunhilda's strong legs and quickly turned her unto her stomach. With that accomplished, Tol released her legs, turned, then walked towards the buxom mare's back. .oO(I'm going to make sure you stay down, champ!)
.oO(Okay, what is he up to now?) Brunhilda thought, before she felt a third foot stomp, this one hitting her strong back, which caused her to once again oof in pain. But after feeling the third one, the veteran mare started to get a very good idea of what Tol was planning to do to her. While breathing in some air, Brunhilda turned her head slightly, and looked back, soon confirming her suspicions, as she saw Tol heading back for her legs, obviously planning to place her in either a boston crab or an ankle lock, to remove her speed. .oO(Oh, like ich'm goink to let tat happen,) she thought, while placing both of her hooves flat against the mat. She waited in her present position so that she could time her move right. As soon as she saw that he was behind her and now trying to grab at her legs, Brunhilda moved her arms up and then lifted both of her legs upwards, so that she would hit his exposed chin with a double mule kick. The sexy mare then felt the back part of her boots hit flesh, then heard a big oof, followed quickly by a big, loud thump onto the mat, which told her that her move had worked. With that completed, the champ pushed off her left arm, and after feeling her body hit the mat, quickly roll away from a moaning Tol.
“That should keep you down, champ,” Tol said in a low voice after the foot stomp on the mare's back, before he turned around and headed for Brunhilda's legs once again. After he had reached her feet, Tol began to lower his head, then moved his arms toward the older mare's lower left foot. He planned to place it in a ankle lock, and hold it in that position for a while, until he was sure that he had removed her quickness. But the world suddenly exploded as he felt his chin being hit hard by the mule kick. “Ugh!!!” he yelled, before he felt his body crash hard against the mat, causing him to grunt loudly in pain. Tol laid down on the mat, hearing the crowd cheer in approval for Brunhilda's last move, while he tried to mentally recover from the strong kick. After a while, the ebony bovine turned around, and after shaking his head to help clear out the cobwebs, he started to get back up. .oO(Oww,) Tol thought, as he stood up, before he shook his aching head once again. As he did that, Tol looked around the ring, until he saw Brunhilda, who had just reached the ropes, and was now using them to pull herself back up. After he had rubbed his rapidly getting sore jaw with one of his hooves, Tol looked back at the now standing mare, and with a loud snort, charged at her again, planning to hurt her for that last move. .oO(I'm now going to introduce you to real pain, champ!)
Brunhilda didn't stop rolling away until her body was lying next to the ropes. After stopping before them, she used the ropes to pull herself back up. Once she was up, the buxom mare turned her body halfway around, just in time to see that Tol was not only back up, but also heading towards her. .oO(Heavens, he's pretty fast for un big guy,) she thought in actual praise, before she aimed a strong left elbow strike at the approaching Tol to stop his charge, to a loud cheer from the crowd. She heard an ooof escape his lips, as it connected with his sternum. Brunhilda then quickly dropped back down, and performed a quick leg sweep on the stunned bull's legs, which forced a surprised Tol to fall forward and hit the top rope, arms first. As he lay across the rope, the experienced mare rolled away from him, trying to get some distance between them before going back at him. .oO(Ich vas right, dis ist goink to be un hard eine. Gut, as it has been un vhile since ich had un real vorkout.)
Tol gasped loudly as he felt his upper chest hit hard against the champ's upraised elbow. As he tried to recover from her counter, he gasped as he felt his legs being swept out from under him by the experienced mare. The ebony bull loudly grunted as he felt his upper body hit the top rope hard, his arms now lying across it. The big bull let the ropes support him for a few seconds, as he shook the last of the cobwebs from his skull. .oO(Gods, that mare can kick!) he thought before giving off a harsh snort and then getting off the ropes. As he did, Tol watched the mare getting up out of the corner of his eyes. Giving a final shake of his head, the bull turned around and approached Brunhilda warily. At the last moment he gave a quick burst of speed and connected with a hard shoulder block against the veteran mare's chest that staggered her into the ropes. He then grabbed her wrist. Tol looked at her for a couple of seconds with a angry look on his face, then grunted and proceeded to irish whip the mare towards the opposite ropes, while he bounced himself off the ones that she had just vacated to give him some momentum so that he could cause some damage to her on the rebound, while hearing some boos escaping from within the stadium.
Brunhilda, now standing up, looked back at the black bull. After taking a short breath, she watched him approach her, planning to let Tol get close enough, before attempting to sidestep him and hit his stomach with a quick snap kick. Because of that, she was caught off-guard by his sudden burst of speed and then oof loudly as she felt herself being hit hard in the chest with his shoulder block, which forced her back into the ropes. She then felt Tol grab one of her wrists. She looked at him and noticed the angry look on his face. The mare gave him an angry look in return, before she felt him irish whipping her hard body towards the opposite ropes. Brunhilda went along with the move, and as she reached the ropes, placed her legs together, jump up, flawlessly bounce off the middle rope and perform a slight turn to the right so that she would hit his body with a cross body press to force him onto the mat.
As he charged after her, Tol saw the champion mare show that her veteran status was well earned as she leapt up, hit the middle rope and then crashed into his charging chest with a cross body press! .oO(Damnit!) Tol thought, as he gave a loud groan as he felt Brunhilda's sexy form crash on top of his body as he hit the mat hard under her. The ebony bull's arms, in spite of the pain that he was presently feeling from the well-executed counter, suddenly popped up before the veteran mare could press her advantage. He locked them around her ribcage below her breasts. “Gotcha!” Tol growled triumphantly as he quickly bucked his hips up from the mat. The black bovine then turned their bodies around using only his shoulders. Once that was done, he placed himself atop of the now prone Brunhilda, putting his legs and waist between her legs as his thick arms flexed and then started to squeeze the champ's ribs in a crushing bearhug. As he heard her grunts of pain, Tol placed his head between the mare's bosom, eyes going a bit wide from the smell of her leather bodice, as his ear pressed against her chest bone, his panting breaths feeling hot against the side of her breasts. He then proceeded to tighten his arms even further around her ribs, causing her to grunt in some pain from it.
Bruhilda grunted as she felt her flying body hit against Tol's running form, forcing him onto the mat. But the older mare was then surprised as she felt the black bull's arms suddenly wrap themselves around her ribs and then started to squeeze them. Brunhilda grunted in pain from the bearhug. As it happened, she started to make a quick assessment of her present situation, especially after she had felt Tol turn them both over. Brunhilda now felt the bull's strong body lying atop hers, the bearhug still on. The veteran, as she grunted again, soon realized where the bull had placed his head and lower body, as well as noticing that her arms were still loose. Brunhilda smiled, before she released another grunt from his arms squeezing her mid-section. The mare quickly put her new plan into motion. She moved her legs into position so that she would soon have them placed around his waist, while she started to move her right arm so that it would soon be just above the bull's head, and at the same time moving her left so that it would hit Tol's exposed side with a left punch as a distraction to her other moves. After she had gasped from another squeeze, she struck: Brunhilda heard Tol release an ooofff from the punch to his side, before she snapped her strong legs around his waist, placing it in a leg scissors. The buxom mare then placed her right hoof onto the back of his head, and before Tol could realize what was happening, she pressed it against her leathery bodice-covered breasts. As she felt his head moving between her soft cleavage, the champ said to Tol, while she started to move her left arm so that she would complete the breast smoother, a move that Brunhilda wouldn't normally use, but was so appropriate for the present situation, “Grunt, ich do believe dat it ist ich who haff got du, mein herr.” After releasing another grunt from his hug, she pressed his face even harder against her boobs, now using both of her hooves, while also tightening her legs' grip around his waist.
Brunhilda figured that being a rookie, it would take Tol a while before he would realize what she had just done, and what his overall situation was now. She knew that with both his nose and mouth now pressed hard against her breasts, even if partly covered by the bodice of her ring costume, it was only a matter of time before he became light-headed from lack of air. The veteran mare also knew that her leg scissors would also help in cutting off his circulation. But Brunhilda also knew that the only way for Tol to break both of her holds would be for him to try and force her to let go, and if he tried to use his arms to do it, the bull would have to release the bearhug, and she could try to outlast the bearhug until he was almost out of breath if he refused to end the hug. With a naughty smile, she taunted, “Grunt, let's see, Tol. Ich dink dat du'll soon be havink un, uuuhhhh, hard time gettink out of dis, ja?” With that, she added some pressure to both of her moves.
Tol's cheeks burned fiercely as he felt the mare's leg scissors start to squeeze even tighter around his waist, while her strong arms pushed his head even deeper between her breasts. .oO(I can't believe I did this!) the bovine thought to himself as he fumed internally. He flexed his arms, then squeezed them even tighter around the older mare's ribs, making Brunhilda hiss in a short breath. Tol then grunted as he felt her strong legs squeeze even tighter around his waist. His ears now burning even more as he heard her comment about their present situation, Tol learned that though his instructors may have told him that where he had placed his head earlier may have been the perfect spot for his present position, they didn't have him practice the move on busty equines! The ebony bull now started to feel the effects of the buxom mare's double squeeze on his body as he began feeling woozy, before he released another grunt. Tol tried to move his head to give himself a quick breath, but to no avail, as the champ had a very firm grip on his head. He then released another grunt as he felt her tighten both her holds. Tol started thinking about a way to get out of his present predicament, while he heard the crowd's loud cheers for Brunhilda.
After releasing another loud grunt, Brunhilda smiled as she thought that she now had the black bovine right where she wanted him. The buxom mare simply added some slight pressure to both moves, while keeping Tol from being able to move his head away from her boobs. .oO(He should start feelink woozy soon, und when he does, ich'll strike.) “Enjoyink mein boobs, Tol? Some folks say dat ich haff un really nice pair of breasts,” the buxom mare taunted with a light chuckle, as she started to feel the bull's bearhug loosening its grip around her ribs. .oO(Soon, real soon,) she told herself as she continued to wait for the right moment to strike.
Summoning up his strength, the bull slowly started to slide his knees up and then, with a loud grunt, began to lift the buxom mare's sexy body up along with his own, until he finally had them both standing upright, to the surprise of the viewing crowd. Once on his feet, though, Tol felt Brunhilda start to clamp the leg scissors and breast smoother even tighter around his body. At this happened, he kept his bearhug locked around the champ's ribs. But, as he did, he started to feel even woozier, as he still couldn't pull his muzzle out from between Brunhilda's cleavage. .oO(Getting woozy. Need to get free. Now!) he thought as he began to rock back on his feet, while preparing his counter.
Brunhilda continued the leg scissors/breast smoother combo, feeling Tol getting weaker above her, although he still kept the bearhug around her ribs. .oO(Shouldn't be...vat ist...) she started to ponder, as she felt Tol trying to get up. Snorting, Brunhilda added to the pressure, but soon felt her back no longer lying against the mat. Now in the air, the veteran mare went to squeeze her holds even tighter around Tol's form, although guessing what he was planning to do, but planning to make things hard for Tol, even if he was able to perform the move. .oO(Dis ist goink to hurt some.)
Turning his body around, Tol suddenly dropped back down to the mat, delivering a spinebuster to the champ's strong back while he released the bearhug. As he heard the mare loudly oof under him in reaction to his move, he brought his arms up and quickly pulled his head free from the champ's bosom with a loud gasp. Once free, his chest began heaving in some sweet air as he pushed himself free of the moaning mare. He then started rolling towards the near corner to get away from Brunhilda. Tol rolled his body until he had reached the corner. He then sat on the mat, his arms now hung on the bottom ropes as he struggled to regain his breath, which was long and ragged, thanks to the breath smother. As he slowly regain his breath, his eyes didn't leave Brunhilda, soon watching the determined mare start to get back onto her knees. He was impressed by her resilient. .oO(Man, that is, huff, one tough mare. No wonder she uses, huff, that nickname.)
Brunhilda felt the black bull turned his body around, with her still attached to him. .oO(Just as ich dought,) she thought, as she prepared for the spinebuster, which occurred almost as soon as she had thought about it. She grunted loudly as her shoulders and upper back hit the mat hard, forcing her to release her grip on Tol's body. As she laid on the mat, groaning once again, the older mare felt Tol roll himself away from her. As he did, she thought that he would once again try to take advantage of her present position, knowing that she certainly would. When she didn't feel anything, the moaning mare slowly turned her head, and soon saw where Tol actually was, lying against the bottom ropes, trying to regain his breath thanks to her breast smoother/leg scissors combo. The veteran smiled as she saw that. She then turned around and after a while got on her knees. Brunhilda then grunted, as she ignored the pain that she was feeling in her back. The buxom mare, as she heard the cheers of the crowd, then started to get up, although taking her time doing it, not knowing that she had gained Tol's respect because of her resilient. .oO(Come on, champ, ignore der pain. Du haff felt vorst den dis im der past,) she reminded herself.
In spite of the stabbing pain that she was feeling in her back, she was finally back on her feet. Brunhilda quickly noticed that Tol was still trying to get back up, although his arms were now lying atop the middle ropes. .oO(He should still be feelink der effects off der breast smoother for un little bit longer, so, ich just need to time dis right.) With that, she charged towards Tol, ignoring her complaining back and ribs. As she ran towards him, Brunhilda saw the surprised look on Tol's face, soon followed by the bull falling quickly onto the mat, obviously hoping that her body would soon hit hard against the turnbuckle. The older mare smiled, as she neared the bull, as she had other ideas.
Tol's body continued to lie against the middle ropes as he tried desperately to pull his hurting form back up to a vertical base as he watched Brunhilda approach him. .oO(Come on, Tol, get up before she can get any closer,) he thought when he saw the beginning of her charge. His eyes went wide upon seeing this, as he knew that he would be in the perfect position for an avalanche the very moment he was back to vertical. So, in a desperation move, he let go of the ropes and dropped back onto the mat. He grunted as he felt the mat hit his back yet again, while hopping that the champ would now ram herself against the turnbuckle so that he could take control of this match.
Instead of continuing towards the turnbuckle, Brunhilda jumped up, turned her body at a slight angle so that she wouldn't get her feet tangled in the ropes, and landed squarely on top of a surprised Tol's stomach with a modified butt bomb. Brunhilda heard a loud oof escape his lips, as she felt her ass hit his stomach, telling her that he had not been prepared for her move. The veteran mare then turned her head and saw Tol lying on the mat, the wind knocked out of him for the moment. Brunhilda turned her head, got back up, then jumped onto the ropes. She soon had her hands holding onto the top ropes, and her feet standing on the middle ones. The champ looked down, noticing Tol trying to regain his breath, while he looked up at her trunks-covered firm ass. “Ich hope dat du're enjoyink der view, Herr Tol,” the older mare said to him with a mischievous grin, before she pushed off of the ropes. Brunhilda oofs as she heard Tol release another gasp, as she felt her ass once again hit his stomach, this time with a banzai drop. This move caused Tol to lose yet more air. Brunhilda then got off of Tol's body. Once back up, the veteran mare helped the black bull get back onto his feet, by using his head to help lift him up. As soon as she had him back up, she aimed a quick uppercut at the black bovine's chin, to disorient him. After she had felt it connect, and heard him ooff from it, she aimed a knee at Tol's stomach. This caused him to ooof again while he started to double over.
Tol realized that his plan had not worked when he felt something heavy hit his stomach, causing him to release a loud oof, and his feet to involuntarily jerk upwards. .oO(Dammit, what did she, aaahhh, just do?) he pondered as he felt the heavy form that was atop his stomach finally move itself off of him. The ebony bull began to breathe in some air as he slightly moved his head. As he did, he quickly noticed Brunhilda trunks-covered ass staring down at him. Tol smiled as he got a good view of the champ's firm ass cheeks. He only realized the trouble he was in when he heard her taunt. This caused his eyes to go wide once again. .oO(Oh, ooooffffff,) he gasped as he felt her ass hit his stomach for a second time with the banzai drop, causing him to lose even more air. The bull then laid down on the mat, moaning in pain from the champ's two moves, while hearing the audience's loud cheers. .oO(Reminder, aahhh, need to work on, ooohhh, strengthening my abs,) he thought, as he felt the brunette mare get off of him. Once all of the extra weight was off his body, he tried to breathe in some air. Tol soon felt a couple of hooves clamped themselves around his head. .oO(What now?) he thought, before he felt himself being pulled back up. The black bull soon felt the mat once more under his feet, but before he could do anything, he felt his head rock back as his chin was hit by the uppercut. Before he could recover from that, he released another grunt as he felt his sore stomach getting hit by a knee. .oO(Okay, I have had quite enough of being her plaything,) Tol thought, as he decided to charge her as his body doubled over from the last move.
As soon as she'd finished kneeing the bull's stomach, Tol decided to charge her. Brunhilda was caught off-guard by the move because of her present position and the sexy mare loudly ooof, as she felt his shoulder hit her squarely in her hard stomach. But as she was being pushed back by the still charging bull, the veteran mare quickly grabbed for his head with her right armpit, and as she fell, grabbed his head and then performed a quick ddt on him. After she had oofed from the impact, losing some air in the process, Brunhilda turned her head to see what kind of an affect her last few moves have had on Tol. .oO(Ich hope dat dey haff veaken him enough for me to try und yiff him.) She then turned around and started to get back up again, keeping a good eye on the bull as she did. As she got up, Brunhilda heard her name being chanted once more by the supportive crowd.
The black bovine grunted as he felt his shoulder hit the champ's stomach. Tol was about to smile because of the success of his move, when he felt something grab his head. Before he knew what was happening, the ebony bull felt his body flying in the air and then suddenly slamming against the mat. This caused him to release a loud ooff and then moan in reaction to the mare's ddt. Tol groaned loudly as he dragged his body to the side, his head hurting. He then turned onto his stomach, before he began to push himself off of the mat. Once he was up, the ebony bovine vigorously shook his head to clear it. As he did, Tol realized that the champ's recent series of moves had most definitely hurt him physically, as he felt a dull fire start to rage within his abdomen. He also knew that his jaw would soon be swollen because of her hits against it. The ddt that the veteran mare had just delivered had actually hurt him the least, due to his hard head and his thick neck muscles, but it still didn't feel like a friendly caress. .oO(How in the hell am I supposed to yiff her when I'm feeling like this?) he mused to himself as he saw Brunhilda get back on her feet. As Tol held an arm across his midsection, he sucked in a deep breath, wincing at the pain that it caused him. Once that had been done, the black bovine then started stepping towards the mare once again. .oO(Need to come up with a move that she isn't expecting,) Tol thought as he got closer to her.
The now standing Brunhilda looked back at the ebony bull. She quickly went into a defensive position while she searched for any sign that would tell her that her moves were wearing Tol down. The older mare thought she saw it when she noticed how hard Tol was presently breathing. Brunhilda then saw him wincing in pain from the breaths that he did take, followed by her watching his arm go around his midsection. .oO(It shouldn't be too much longer,) Brunhilda thought with a light smile, as she watched the bovine now start to slowly approach her. As she took a couple of breaths of her own, while ignoring her own sore back, the veteran waited to see what the approaching rookie would now try to do. As she waited, the buxom mare listened to the pop that she was still getting from the audience.
Knowing that he had to quickly change the flow of the match, the bovine moved in to once again jab at the champion's face, sure that she would be expecting another feint for the shoulder block or another leg kick. As Tol felt Brunhilda's forearm parry his jab again, the black bull suddenly ducked forward and headed for the mare's legs, making her utter a surprised “ooof!” as he successfully grabbed them and quickly forced her onto her back. He smiled as he saw her shoulders hit the mat hard. Still grunting with effort because of the pain that he was still experiencing, the bull took her legs and pulled them upwards until he had them tucked firmly under his armpits. The black bovine then got onto his feet, his face streaming with sweat as he began to turn his body around in the middle of the ring, starting to perform a giant airplane spin on the surprised mare.
Brunhilda saw the jab coming at her face, which she parried with ease. .oO(Okay, vat ist he...) she pondered, when she saw the black bull ducking under her. “Vat ist...” she exclaimed in surprise, before she felt her legs being grabbed by Tol's arms. Brunhilda then felt herself being quickly brought down by a double leg takedown. The veteran mare oofed loudly as she felt her strong back and shoulders hit the mat, causing her to wince in pain yet again. She then felt Tol pull her legs forward, although also noticing the ebony bovine having a hard time doing so. .oO(Okay, dat's all ich needed to know,) she thought with another smile, before she saw him get back up and then start to spin her around with a giant airplane spin. .oO(Ich just need to last dis erste,) the mare thought, as she waited for the move to end, while thinking of what to do once it was over.
Tol gritted his teeth and spun the mare around harder with each circular motion, while watching the surprisingly calm look on Brunhilda's pretty face as he lifted her body higher. He finally released her body with a gasp, then staggered back until he fell onto one knee as he saw Brunhilda crash back onto the mat near the far corner. He heard her release a loud oof, which caused him to smile, thinking that he had finally brought her down. “Ahhh, <pants> stay down for a minute will you champ, and I'll be right with you...”, the bull quipped to the prone buxom mare as he woozily stumbled back toward the opposite corner. Upon reaching it, he hung his arms against the top ropes, then rested his tiring form against the turnbuckle. His chest started to heave for needed air as he tried to regain his wind. This, in turn, caused Tol to clutch at his midsection because of the pain that it caused him. .oO(I hope she stay down after that move,) he thought as he watched her.
Brunhilda tried to conserve as much energy as she could as she felt herself being swung around by Tol, her eyes closed with a light grimace on her lips. .oO(Oh, ich know dis ist goink to hurt some,) she thought, just as she felt him let her go. She felt her body rise up, before feeling it start to fall down. The buxom mare braced herself as best she could for impact. Brunhilda felt her body hit the mat hard, causing her to release a loud oof as she landed. She was soon gasping for air as she felt her back hurting yet again, while the shocked crowd watched her, wondering if Tol have finally been too much for her. The mare laid on the mat, seemingly unable to move to the audience, because of the move's effects on her body. But as she laid down, she listen for any movement by Tol, while she used her eyes to check her surroundings. She soon noticed that she was lying just in front of the turnbuckle. Brunhilda smiled, as she started to formulate a plan, while trying to catch some rest and allow her head to stop spinning. .oO(Vhich der stadium vould stop spinnink already,) she thought.
Tol continued to look at the prone mare, while listening to the boos from the crowd. He quickly noticed that she was not moving. This gave the bull an idea. He thought that if he could hit her with a splat that it should disorient her enough so that he could remove her panties and then push his big meat into her pussy and start to yiff her. Tol thought that the move was at least worth a shot as he doubted that the buxom mare would be in any position to actually get out of the way. With that, the ebony bull pushed himself off of the turnbuckle. The sudden move made him wince. But he was determined to take advantage of his last move, so, as he ignored the pain, Tol ran towards her, prepared to hit her body with a flying splat. When he got near Brunhilda's lying form, he jumped.
Brunhilda soon started to hear some heavy footsteps moving in her direction. She moved her head slightly so that she could see what was going on. The veteran quickly saw that it was Tol coming at her with a full head of steam. She figured that he was planning to fall on top of her while she was still down. Brunhilda decided to stay where she was until she saw what he was going to do. Almost as soon as she saw him jump, intending to hit her with a splat, she turned her body to the right so that she could roll herself out of the line of fire. Brunhilda soon heard a big boom behind her now rolling form, informing her that Tol had crashed and burned behind her, as she heard the crowd cheer in approval, as they saw that Brunhilda was not going to give up. Breathing a sigh of relief, as well as knowing that her plan had succeeded, Brunhilda kept rolling away from Tol until her prone body was lying on the ring apron. The veteran mare then placed her hooves onto the ring ropes, and with a painful grunt, she was soon using them to pull her still aching form back up. Once back up, and after she had shook her head a few times to help her get rid of her present double vision, the brunette mare saw that Tol was still on the mat, lying face down, but presently trying to get up as well.
Too late, he saw Brunhilda rolling around, telling him that she was not as helpless as she had appeared. .oO(Ahhh, tricked again!) thought the bull before he landed face first onto the mat, creating a loud boom in the process as he missed her. Tol began to see stars as his head started to throb from the headache that he was now feeling .oO(Blast, she did it to me again,) he chastised himself, as his right hoof started to bang against the mat because of the pain that he was now feeling. As he heard the audience's yell of approval of Brunhilda last move, Tol tried to regain his wits about him. After lying on the mat for a while, Tol, after he had stopped pounding his leg against the mat, placed his hooves firmly onto the mat. .oO(Need to get up, and get back into this,) he told himself, as he slowly started to get back up, while being ignorant of what the champ now had in store for him once he was back on his feet.
Brunhilda instantly knew what she needed to do. Ignoring her sore back, she climbed the ropes until she was standing on the top ones on either side of the turnbuckle. Once there, as she shook her head again, which helped to finally clear out the cobwebs, she waited for Tol to get back up. Almost the instant she saw him standing vertically, Brunhilda bounced off the ropes and with a flip, headed right for Tol. The mare caught the bull by surprise, and soon had her strong legs wrapped around his neck in a head scissors. Before he could react to her move, Brunhilda proceeded to spin her body around some while using her momentum to flip his body off of the mat, thereby performing a hurricanrana on the bigger black bovine. .oO(Obviously he'd forgot dat ich can do moves like un cruiserweight,) she thought, as she released an oof as she hit the mat, before she was rewarded with the sounds of an even heavier oof which exited a surprised Tol's mouth as his back hit the mat, hard. As she caught some air while lying on the mat, the older mare was sure that her last move should've been more than enough to prepare the match for its final stage.
Now back on his feet, the black bovine looked around for Brunhilda. His first indication of where she was was when he heard a bounce behind him, which caused him to turn his body around. His second indication was when he felt her legs wrap themselves around his head. Caught sorely off-guard by the mare's hurricanrana move, the black bull felt himself being lifted into the air. He then released a loud oof as he felt his back hit the mat yet again. Tol now laid groaning on the mat, taking in deep lungful of air, as he decided to let his head clear before he got back up. .oO(Drat, grunt, I forgot that she can perform cruiserweight moves,) he chastised himself as he heard the crowd's loud cheers.
As she listened to the audience's loud roars in approval of her last attack, Brunhilda turned onto her front and slowly got up, still ignoring her sore back. Once back up, the sweating champ breathed in some air while looking back at the groaning bull. “Ich dink it's time to start to do vat everyone here haff been vaitink for, ja?” she announced, while hearing the crowd's roar of anticipation. She then started to approach the prone bull.
Letting out another groan, the equally sweating bull heard Brunhilda's statement and began to turn over onto his stomach and move towards the ropes as she approached him. Upon reaching them, Tol used the ropes to work his way back onto his feet. As he did, he could hear the mare's footfalls moving towards his back. Tol waited for her to come closer, while he sagged on the ropes in apparent fatigue. The black bull waited till she was very close to him, before he pushed himself off of the ropes and using his right elbow, hit the surprised mare with a back elbow strike, striking her hard in the sternum. Hearing her oof and then seeing her clutch at her chest, Tol started to wrap his arms around the brunette mare's waist. Once he had completed the move, he suddenly turned them both around, so that his hurting body was now facing the outside of the ring and hers was looking towards the center.
Brunhilda watched Tol start to get up as she continues to approach him. She noticed how slowly he was moving, figuring that she had finally wore him down. The mare figured that just one more move by her should lead to the final end game. Therefore, Brunhilda was caught off-guard when she felt the bull's elbow hit her upper sternum. She oofed from the blow, soon clutching her chest. Thus, the mare was left unprepared for his next move, as she felt herself being grabbed around the waist by Tol, and then suddenly being lifted and turned around by him, showing her how strong he still was. The mare started to grumble because she had allowed herself to not concentrate on the match, but at the same time she prepared herself for the coming impact. .oO(Just need to stay cool.)
Tol held onto the buxom mare for a bit longer as he got ready to perform the move, while listening to the crowd's loud boos, as well as several low cheers. Then, with a loud bellow, the ebony bovine flexed his knees and then popped his hips hard. He fell onto the mat on his back as Brunhilda sailed over his head to crash onto the mat with a loud thud due to the release suplex he had just used on her. Once on the mat, he heard the crowd go silent. .oO(Now, huff, stay, huff, grunt, down champ!)
The buxom mare heard the bull's loud bellow and then felt him start the suplex. As he did, Brunhilda put out her arms so that the impact would not be as hard on her back as Tol would've hoped. The mare then felt her body go flying and then hit the mat, causing her to release a seemingly loud oof. She winced as she felt her back getting hurt some more. Brunhilda then laid down on the mat, not moving for the moment, as she conserved her strength for what she had planned to do next.
Spent, the black bull panted harshly on the mat, before he slowly got up yet again onto his hands and knees. He then started to make his way to the prone mare. Tol then got up as soon as he'd reached her. Now standing once again, he headed for her waist. Moving as fast as his shaking hands would allow him, Tol began to remove the bottom part of the mare's clothing, pausing only for a moment as he tried and shake the fog from his head. He soon had the 'skirt' removed from her body and then started to take off her panties/trunks.
Brunhilda felt Tol's hooves trying to get under her 'skirt' so that he could get at her trunks. Brunhilda looked up at the bull, quickly noticing how slow he was moving. She then saw him shake his head, obviously still affected by the hurricanrana. The buxom mare then watched him decide to just remove the 'skirt'. After feeling it come off, Brunhilda watched the black bovine attempt to pull off her trunks once again. As the champ felt him pulling it down her sexy legs, she smirked lightly, since she knew that only the farm's other veterans knew that she wore two different versions: her regular one for normal matches and her second version, which was made with velcro so that it could be easily pulled off her. Since Tol did not know that, he was pulling the second version off of her body as if it was the first. As he did, Brunhilda planned to use that knowledge to her advantage as she kept resting her body, waiting for the right time to strike. Brunhilda soon felt the cool air striking her now exposed pussy, which was also seen by the people in the front rows, who began to oooohhh as soon as they saw it. She soon felt Tol pulling the trunks completely off her legs and then watch him turn around to throw it out of the way. Brunhilda then looked up at Tol, noticing the smile on his face, believing that he was about to beat the champ. She then saw him starting to pull down his shorts as he stood over her. Brunhilda smiled back at him, while she thought, .oO(Got du.) She quickly moved her nearest leg towards Tol's nearest leg and as he started to pull his shorts past his knees, she struck.
After he had finished removing the 'skirt', Tol went for Brunhilda's dark trunks. Upon reaching them, the ebony bull started to pull them down. He had heard that the buxom mare had specially made trunks that could be snapped off during yiff matches, but since those matches had been organized and this one had been made at the spur of the moment, he doubted that she was wearing those trunks over her groin. Thus, he proceeded to pull her trunks down her sexy, strong legs, never for one minute thinking that they were actually the removable one. As he removed it, Tol looked down at the mare, noticing the calm look on her face. .oO(Must be resigned to accepting defeat?) Tol thought, just as he pulled the trunks off her waist to finally reveal her pussy to both himself and the people in the front rows. As he heard folks go ooohhh upon seeing her now exposed snatch, he himself internally went hmmm as he looked at it. .oO(Can't wait to put my member into that juicy piece. Need to apology later for calling it old and dry,) the black bovine mused as he proceeded to pull the trunks completely off of the champ's legs. Tol then got up, turn and threw it out of the way, watching it land near a turnbuckle. He then looked back at her. With a smile, he placed his hooves on the top of his shorts. “I'll be right with you champ. I have a friend here who's eager to make your acquaintance,” he said with a chuckle, before he started to pull down his short, unaware that the buxom mare had just moved one of her legs and had placed it near one of his.
Brunhilda quickly moved her foot so that she would sweep an unsuspecting Tol off his feet, catching him still in his shorts. “Happy Landings, Tol,” she quipped as her trip attempt worked, confirmed to her satisfaction when she heard a loud boom onto the mat and a loud grunt escape from the black bull's lips, shortly followed by him grumbling about not making sure that she wouldn't be able to interfere. She smiled as she heard his grumbling, then rolled a short distance away. The buxom mare soon stopped rolling on the mat and slowly proceeded to get back up. Brunhilda grimaced as she did, plainly glad that she exercise almost everyday, else she wouldn't be able to take as much punishment as she was taking today, and withstand the complaints that she was getting from her sore back. Once back up, the champ looked back at Tol. The bottomless brunette mare, as she took in some breaths as she was getting tired, saw the bull trying to untangle himself from his shorts. She then noticed the ropes that were behind him. With that, she came up with a new plan.
Tol was caught off-guard when he felt something hit against one of his legs as he started to pull his shorts past his knees. “Dammit!” he yelled, as he felt himself falling forward, then releasing a loud grunt as his body hit the mat hard, face first. As he laid on the mat, he started to grumble. “Should've made sure that she was really unable to interfere,” Tol grumbled as the mare rolled away. The black bull laid on the mat for a few seconds in his present position, taking in some needed air. .oO(Need to get out of these shorts,) he thought to himself, before he turned around. Once he was on his back, the black bovine placed his hooves upon his shorts and went back to pulling them down his legs, hopefully getting them off before the champ could take advantage of his present predicament. .oO(Come on, Tol, move faster,) Tol thought, as the ebony bovine pulled his shorts towards his footwear while he revealed his massive bullhood, which elicited a few gasps and moans from the folks in the front row, especially several females. As he heard a loud wolf whistle from within the crowd, the now blushing bull finally was about to move his shorts to his ankles when he thought he had just heard a loud bounce come off of the ropes that were in front of him. He then whimpered. .oO(Not again?) Tol thought, as he looked towards the ropes.
Getting up as much speed as she could muster, a sweating Brunhilda ran for the ropes, ignoring the screams that she was getting from her sore back muscles. As she reached the ropes, she jumped up. The buxom mare soon felt her feet hit the middle ropes, and she then bounced off of them, headed for Tol. She quickly flipped her body while in the air, and soon saw the look of shock and surprise on Tol's face, as well as his now exposed sixteen-inch cock. Brunhilda braced herself for impact as best she could, before she felt her chest hit Tol's stomach, causing the black bull to ooff as she hit him with a lionsault. She in turn oofed from the impact of their flesh meeting again. The buxom mare then laid on top of a hurting Tol for the moment. As she did, Brunhilda looked at him, soon seeing that the attack had knocked the wind out of him yet again. Not taking any chances, though, the champ moved her body slightly to her right and aimed a fast, but strong elbow strike at his chin. .oO(Dis should, grunt, make him see dinks mein vay,) Brunhilda thought as she felt her elbow hit flesh. She looked at Tol, and thought that she saw him seeing stars from that last move. Smiling, the sexy mare rolled down his body headed towards his legs and his penis, planning to go after his cock. At the same time, she planned to leave his shorts alone since they were still at his ankles so that if her last move didn't do the job, he would still need to get up and take them off, leaving himself vulnerable to another attack. .oO(Iff he's still feelink perky, mein threeway to hel finisher should put un stop to dat,) Brunhilda thought, as she knew that the three rolling german suplexes should be more than enough to finally put an end to all resistance, considering Tol's present condition. .oO(Still, mit all off mein moves, he should be down for der count now. Guess he's just un stubborn bull.)
The ebony bull's eyes went wide as he watched the semi-nude mare's body falling towards his almost nude form. “Oh…” was all he was able to say, before he oofed loudly from the impact of their hard flesh hitting each other yet again, forcing him back onto the mat with a loud thud. He laid on the mat, groaning, while feeling Brunhilda, strong, sexy form lying atop his. .oO(I need to learn to get out of the way of flying mares,) the ebony bull thought, as he saw her looking at him. Before he could react, Tol groaned as he felt the mare's elbow suddenly snap against his chin, rocking his head back as he saw stars and then causing his head to smack hard against the mat. As he breathed in large heaving gasps of air, Tol felt Brunhilda's body starting to roll towards his legs and his exposed cock. .oO(When did that happen?) the black bovine thought, before remembering that he had originally been in the process of removing his shorts when the vet had suddenly lionsaulted him. Tol looked down and, as he ignored his pain, and just as the mare had gotten near his legs, he swiftly brought his knees up. His shorts, as they were still entangled in his legs, slowed the move down enough for the mare to turn her head aside just enough to avoid the full thrust of the move, but she still took a hard blow to the side of her noggin.
Brunhilda was rolling down the bull's legs when she thought that she had felt his legs start to move under her. .oO(Vat in der...) the mare started to think, as she stopped and moved her head back, just in time for it to get hit by one of Tol's moving knees, causing her to grunt in pain. .oO(Verdammit, dis ist gettink tiresome,) the veteran mare mused, as she tried to shake her head to get it cleared. As this played out, the crowd cheered loudly, although the majority was still chanting the champ's name.
“Get off!” Tol growled as he pushed himself free of the hurting mare. He then lifted his legs, and kicked himself free of his shorts, as he panted and then moaned in pain as his sore midsection cramped in protest. Tol then got up. Gritting his teeth and pushing the pain from his protesting stomach, he charged the champ as she got back onto her feet, taking her enough by surprise for him to be able to lift her up and then slam her sore back hard into the corner turnbuckle, first hearing her groan and then ooof loudly as his heavy frame followed hers in for a big splash. After completing the move, Tol immediately clutched at his stomach and staggered back, unable to press his advantage or to further punish Brunhilda's back and he dropped to a knee because of his hurting midsection. While on his knees, he put his hoof onto the middle ropes, holding onto it for dear life, while trying to suck in as much badly needed air as he could. .oO(Boy did that ever smart. Huff. Just hope it wasn't a mistake backing off from her as I'm almost out of energy.)
Brunhilda grunted as she felt herself being pushed off of Tol's still prone form, soon hitting the mat with a groan. After shaking her head again, she started to get back up, while listening to the bull's moans, taking note. .oO(Doesn't sound like he can take too much more pain around der midsection,) she thought, as she slowly stood up. But as soon as she was back up, the buxom mare felt herself being grabbed around her waist and then being lifted up. .oO(Oh great,) she thought, before she felt her back being shoved hard into a corner turnbuckle. This caused the mare to grunt loudly, before she released a low whinny of pain as she felt Tol's body smash against hers. As she felt the black bovine pull himself off of her body, Brunhilda placed her arms across the top ropes to keep herself from falling onto the mat. She then started to breathe in some air, wondering if this was going to be it for her, as she felt her back yet again screaming in pain in reaction to Tol's last move. But when she heard a grunt from in front of her, Brunhilda look ahead, seeing Tol standing on one knee, his hoof on the ropes, clutching his stomach and breathing in air. Upon seeing that, the fighting mare thought that she had at least one last chance to get the yiffing started and in her favor.
Tol stayed where he presently was, trying to regain his strength, while hoping that his completed combo had finally done in the champ. .oO(God, she's one stubborn mare, I'll give her that. Huff, but even she can't take this much punishment and stay vertical,) the black bull thought, before he winced in reaction to the pain in his stomach. Tol then started to think, as he looked at her present position, .oO(If I can just get enough rest, I think I should be able to get up, grab the champ's legs, and then put my thick cock into her juicy looking snatch and pump her against the turnbuckle for all she's worth and bring her off. Grunt. I just need to get enough time to rest first.)
But the mare wasn't going to give him that time. Brunhilda placed her hooves tightly onto the top ropes. When the buxom mare was ready, she lifted up both legs, and as she ignored the pain to her back, she aimed her feet right at Tol's chin. The veteran was rewarded by a loud grunt of pain from the ebony bull as her legs connected with his exposed chin. As she watched Tol move his other hoof from the rope to cover his once again hurting face, Brunhilda brought her legs back down onto the mat. She then pushed off of the ropes and turnbuckle and charged. As she got close to him, she lowered her upper body and hit Tol's stomach hard with her shoulders. As the mare heard a loud oof escape his mouth, she swiftly wrapped her arms around the nude bull's waist. Brunhilda then lifted him up and then fell, slamming his back hard against the mat, followed by her shoulder ramming hard into his stomach as she ended her spear. She then laid on top of him for a short while, breathing in some more air while hearing him moaning under her very sweaty nude body. .oO(Dis has better mean dat he can't come back.)
Any ideas that Tol had of yiffing the mare quickly vanished as soon as he felt his head rock back from the mare's sudden kick, his jaw now sending his brain sharp spikes of pain as he started to stagger back onto his feet. But as he did, Tol grunted loudly just as he got caught by the champ's very vicious spear. “Auugh!” he managed to shout as his midsection seemed to almost cave in as he was now driven hard into the mat, any wind that he had managed to gain back now exploding from his mouth as he now felt the mare's shoulders hit his stomach. The big bovine twitched and groaned in pain as he felt Brunhilda's semi-nude lay on top of him. .oO(Well, ahhhh, so much for that idea.)
The buxom mare looked back at Tol. After taking in a few more breaths, she moved herself forward until she was now sitting atop his chest, looking down at the prone bovine. The mare snorted, lifted one of her hooves, and then proceeded to aim a few hard right punches at the bull's face to keep him disoriented. Some of the people in the front row, as they heard Tol's grunt in response to each hard strike, counted each punch. After the fifth one, she stopped, as did the counting fans. Brunhilda then looked at the moaning, hurting bull. “Ve are now goink to, huff, get to der, puff, gut part, ja?” which she said in a matter of fact tone of voice, which caused a loud choruses of approving cheers from the audience to erupt. The veteran mare then turned around. Brunhilda swiftly placed her legs atop both of Tol's elbows so that he would be unable to move his arms. She then lowered her body until she was facing his crotch and cock. The older mare quickly placed a hoof upon the bovine's sixteen-inch cock, and then started to stroke it. As she did, the veteran kept an eye on Tol's legs to make sure that they wouldn't suddenly shoot out at her again. .oO(Time to end dis before eine off us end up im der hospital.)
The wounded young bull tried to breathe in some air as he noticed the champ looking at him. He then saw her start to stand up until she was straddling across his strong chest. .oO(What is she going to do, ugh!) began the bull when his world exploded once more as he felt her first punch hit his face. Tol urked in response to the other hits against his face before he felt his eyes start to roll back as the last punch from the mare's fist snapped his head back into the mat, unable to do anything really besides stare up at the bright lights. .oO(Lights. Uuuunnnhhh, means I'm on my back. How?? Get up. Gotta get up,) he thought, as he tried to think his body back into the match. But his body refused, deciding that it would agree with the champ and it therefore only twitched as he felt Brunhilda pinned his arms with her strong legs. His legs laid flat on the mat, not even a danger to a fruit fly as the redheaded mare gripped his shaft in her strong hooves. Despite his body's pained protests, Tol's cock began to stiffen at Brunhilda's warm touch, making the bull give a different type of groan. “Traitor!” he weakly hissed as he felt himself growing aroused, weakly lifting his head to see that the mare's bare rump was now facing him. Stifling a groan he called out. “Since I'm, ummmph, not going anywhere, let's make this a bit, *huffs* more, friendly, ok?” he queried, as he strained his tongue out to give the mare a tentative lick along the inside of her strong thigh.
Brunhilda smiled as she felt the bull move his elbows to no avail under her muscular legs, telling her that the arms were indeed trapped. After seeing that his legs weren't going to attack her and after snickering at Tol's comment in reaction to his sixteen-inches of prime beef getting hard under her still stroking hoof, the buxom mare proceeded to give a quick lick to the underside of his now hard prick. As she did, the veteran heard Tol's query, followed by his tongue licking her thigh, which caused Brunhilda to moan onto the head of his erection. After she felt another lick, Brunhilda asked Tol, “Oh, und vat exactly are du goink to suggest, hmm, big boy?” As she waited for his response, the older mare went back to work licking on his hard beef, tasting every last part of his sixteen-inches of now hard flesh with her very experienced tongue. After feeling another lick by Tol on her thigh, this one very close to her sex, Brunhilda made her move and was soon covering Tol's beefy meat with her mouth. Once his cock was inside her mouth, the champ proceeded to suck on it, moving her mouth up and down its full length, while at the same time using her expert tongue to work over its hard flesh. Brunhilda planned on getting Tol so randy for her to cover his cock with her tight sex that he won't be able to keep from cumming inside her and lose the match not too long after she does cover it with her snatch. And with him being younger, the buxom mare didn't think it would take her too long to get his erection ready to launch. .oO(Ich vounder vat he has im mind, hhhhmmmm, other den givink mein pussy un vet tongue bath,) Brunhilda wondered, as she heard the crowd cheering on her expert display of cocksucking before moaning as she felt Tol's big tongue once again licking against her thighs.
As Tol moved his tongue closer to the mare's bare sex, he let out a low moan of his own as he felt her tongue exploring his rigid cock. “Mmmmm, *pants* I suggest, gods, right there, umm, no more hitting. You let me up, and we do this purely on who can make whom cum first. Ahhhh!” the bovine moaned louder as Brunhilda took his meat into her mouth. His large body gave a shudder of pleasure, and as he awaited her reply, he thought, .oO(Not really eager for her to clear her mouth just yet.) He then covered the champion's pussy with his lips, and lightly started to explore her folds before finally sliding his thick tongue inside her hot juicy sex. .oO(Hmmm, tasty snatch!)
Brunhilda's mouth moved along the length of Tol's hard cock at a very good pace as she listened to Tol's suggestion. As she heard it, the mare started to burn mentally as she recalled a similar suggestion, more of a taunting, which had led to the end of her first reign as the league's yiff champ. She then started to gasp as she felt his thick tongue starting to lick her cunny. The champ gave Tol's cock a few more quick licks before she released it. As she used her hooves to keep it erect, and then gasped from Tol's tongue licking of her pussy, Brunhilda answered, with a very loud snort, “Nein, aaaahhh, ich am ne goink to fall for dis cheapo stunt, aahhh, yet again. Ich'm goink to make du cum on mein terms, und, aaahh, dat's der end off it. Especially since ich know dat du are, aahhh, ne longer able to beat me down, und, oohh, du know it.” Brunhilda then covered his cock again with her mouth, and after moving her body up a little, to get as much of her cunny away from his mouth as she could while still keeping her feet atop his elbows, she went back to sucking on his cock.
Tol was puzzled as to why his suggestion have seemed to had angered the mare, when he'd had been sure that she would've accepted it. Then it dawned on him. Tol mentally kicked himself as he recalled hearing the story about how she had been goaded into a similar situation a long time again, and its final result. .oO(Nice going, idiot. You just have to forget about that,) he admonished himself, before he licked her pussy yet again with his tongue. Now knowing that his suggestion wouldn't be heard by her again, even though he had meant it, the bull decided to just concentrate on licking her tasty pussy, as he gave an all over shiver as Brunhilda continued to lick and suck hard on his thick shaft. .oO(Aahhhhh, god, she's good!)
Brunhilda now moved her mouth quickly up and down the length of the bull's sixteen-incher, while she used her tongue to lick the flesh of his hard-on. As she moaned again from feeling his tongue barely reaching her pussy, the champ's own tongue began to work over the head of Tol's cock, going swiftly around it and licking on the slit. Tol should tell that she was trying to get his cock so edgy that she wouldn't really need to do too much more to get him to explode. Brunhilda was sure that the bull would be trying as hard as he could to keep that from happening, including trying to think of things that would make most males lose their erections. But the champ knew that it would be to no avail, as she knew that she was working on his cock too well. As soon as she felt his pre enter her mouth, she would then relent and start to ride his cock, knowing full well that she would have Tol exploding in no time based on past experience. .oO(Ihr cock ist mein, Tol!) she thought to herself as she increased the strength of her cock sucking, before releasing a light moan on his cock as she felt his tongue once again barely touching her pussy. .oO(At least he won't be able to get it inside mein pussy now,) she thought, before working even harder on his erection to get his pre to start flowing.
Tol blinked as he could no longer feel the mare's pussy near his tongue. He then looked ahead, where he saw that the buxom mare had moved her pussy out of his tongue's range. Brunhilda's sudden moving of her cunny away from his mouth, as he moaned and shivered in reaction to her sucking of his erection, made Tol give a grunt of surprise. .oO(Not going to give up giving her some pleasure while she's, aahhhh, sucking on my cock,) thought Tol, before he strained his head forward until he had it close enough to her sex so that he could start to move his tongue again. The black bull was soon giving Brunhilda's hard clit some teasing attention as he struggled to think of a way to prevent the mare from bringing him off with her heavenly mouth. However, his cock soon had other ideas, as it throbbed hard under the mare's attentions. He groaned, then released a hot spurt of pre that was soon starting to cover the champ's tongue. .oO(God, aahhhh, she is Gggggoooddddd!!!)
The older mare continued to slide her mouth and tongue along the younger bull's sixteen-inch cock, taking her time as she now teased it. Brunhilda then gasped as she felt his tongue starting to lick her clitty, surprising her as he did so. This caused her to moan onto his cock, before she started to move her mouth and tongue along his hard meat at a faster pace. Shortly, she placed her hooves onto his scrotum and started to rub them as she moaned again in reaction to his tongue still licking her hard clit. .oO(Okay, time to really go to vork on his, hhhmmm, cock, iff ich vant to get him to release his pre,) Brunhilda mused before she started to suck Tol's erection even faster. As the mare released another gasp from his tongue licking her clit, the champ began to feel the bull's pre start to enter her naughty mouth. At first she gagged on it, before she began to use her expertise to start swallowing what his sixteen-incher was releasing. .oO(Vill soon, ooohh, be time for me to start ridink dis bull,) Brunhilda thought, as she continued to suck on the black bovine's cock until she was sure that she had swallowed all of his released pre.
Tol gasped as he continued to leak pre onto the mare's tongue while his own tongue kept working on the champ's hard clit. The black bull gasped as he felt Brunhilda's tongue licking on his cock, drinking in his pre. .oO(Oooohhh, what a tongue she has,) the young bull thought to himself, while he continued to lick the buxom mare's hard clitty. He gasped as he released some more pre, which he also felt the mare's tongue swallowing. .oO(Aaaaahhhh, just hope I can last,) he thought, as he continued to lick Brunhilda's clit.
A short time later, after she was sure that she had swallowed all of Tol's pre, Brunhilda stopped and moved her mouth away from the ebony bull's erection. As she stroked it to keep it hard, she said, “Now it's show time.” With that said, the buxom mare moved her legs away from his elbows and then moved her sexy body until she was seated on his stomach. The fans started to cheer as they realized what was going to happen next. As the audience cheered, Brunhilda turned her head and with a mischievous smile, said to Tol, “Guess vat ich'm goink to do next, big boy?”
Tol blinked as he felt the mare's expert tongue stop licking his erection. He next felt Brunhilda's warm mouth let go of his hard meat, soon followed by the mare's firm butt moving away from his tongue. The black bovine, moaning as he felt her hooves rub his hard meat, heard her comment. He felt Brunhilda move her legs forward, taking them off of his elbows, and soon sitting herself atop his stomach. Tol, gasping for breath because of her being on his hurting stomach, ponder what she was up to, when he heard her question. “Uhm, ride my cock?” Tol said, as he looked back at the smiling mare.
After hearing his answer, she smiled even wider and said, “Oh, du are so right, Tol, und ich'm goink to make sure dat du release un big load, big boy.” The champ, with a chuckle, then got up, and after a quick turn around, she placed her pussy just above his cock. With a smile, she said, “Time for me to start ridink dis bull.” After a short snicker, the older mare started to cover his cock with her pussy. Brunhilda released a low grunt as she felt her vaginal muscles slowly covering Tol's thick erection. “Hhhhmmm, ich always did like dem big,” she said with a snicker, as she felt her vaginal muscles starting to move around and squeezing on the bull's hard-on. After she had gotten more than half of it covered with her snatch, she stopped and then started to move her pussy back up until she had only the head covered with her sex. With a moan, Brunhilda moved her pussy back down, before pulling it back up. The champ was soon moving her pussy up and down Tol's thick cock, starting to develop a nice rhythm. She looked at the bull. With a smile, she said, “Just un, hhhmmm, matter off time, big boy.” She then released a low moan, while the crowd cheered at the show that they were now watching.
Tol watched the mare get up. He then saw Brunhilda standing over him, her pussy poised above his erect cock. The bull quickly noticed the smile on Brunhilda's face get even wider, as he heard the audience's approving cheer. As he heard their cheers, Tol looked at the mare's pussy. He noticed how juicy it presently looked, obviously ready to ride his big bullhood until it was ready to release its load into her. .oO(I just hope I won't blow my load the instant she covers my meat,) he thought. The young bull then grunted in helpless lust as he felt the champ lower herself onto his throbbing shaft. He was soon moaning loudly as he felt the mare start to ride his thick hard-on with her hot sex. His fists began hitting the mat as his back arches in reaction to each of Brunhida's hard thrusts. He bit his lip hard, tasting a bit of blood, as he fought and strained to resist the feeling of her pussy muscles as they moved around his hardness, but his body was already stating its losing battle as he started to move his groin in time to the buxom mare's thrusts against it.
Brunhilda continued to move her hot sex up and down the length of Tol's hardness, as she felt her vaginal muscles sucking hard on his erection. The older mare looked at the black bull, smiling as she watched his hoof pound the mat in reaction to her pussy as it worked over his thick cock. After she released a light moan, she quipped, “Awwww, come on, big boy, du know du can't vin. Hmmm, just give im to der feelink und cum inside me.” Brunhilda released a light giggle before she released another moan, as her pussy muscles sucked even harder on Tol's thrusting meat.
“Unggh, but hopefully, ahhh, later than sooner!” the black bovine gasped to the riding mare, as he tried to keep at least some semblance of fighting off his orgasm. Reaching up slowly with his hands, he was soon cupping the mare's bouncing breasts under her bustier, his hugh fingertips rolling over her hard nipples. With a loud grunt, Tol began to roll his hips up towards the buxom mare's tightening pussy, the pain in his midsection easily put aside for now as he tried to hilt himself inside the champ's hot sex. “Ooohhh, god, you have yourself, hhhmmm, one tight snatch there, aahhhh, champ!” Tol groaned loud and long as the mare uses her well trained pussy on his stiff cock, his hips rocking upwards to meet her downward thrusts. .oO(Ungh!!! Can't hold out too much longer. Gotta try something!) the bull thought frantically as he racked his brain for a way out, then trembles as his thick meat bucks inside Brunhilda again.
The champ snickered lightly. “Oh, ich dink it'll be der other vay around, stud,” she cooed just as she felt his hooves grab her firm breasts and started to play with them and her hard nipples. The older mare smirked, “Oooohhh, ist dis ihr last effort, Tol? Hmmm, iff it ist, it isn't goink to vork.” After another moan, the champ proceeded to move her own hips in reaction to Tol's thrusts while her pussy muscles began to squeeze even harder on the ebony bull's erection. “Shouldn't be, hhhmmm, too much longer,” Brunhilda said, looking down at him with a very big grin on her visage. She then started to move her hips from side to side, trying to increase the pressure on the bull's sixteen-inch cock so that he'll finally explode inside her pussy before he can have any effect on her body. “Come on, stud, ich know du're enjoyink dis. Hmmm, start actink like it.” After feeling his hooves squeeze her boobs hard once again, she said, “Hmmm, dat's better.” Brunhilda smiled as she kept on riding Tol's cock, knowing that the bull didn't have too much longer to go before he would finally explode inside her pussy. “Should be any, aahhh, minute now,” she announced to him.
The young bull was panting hard, his hooves gripping the champ's breasts firmly. As the mare began to move her hips from side to side, a loud groan escaped his muzzle and his hips bucked up harder. Closing his eyes, the ebony bovine timed the champ's movements. .oO(One, unnggh, two, hip wiggle, gods!!, And THREE!) Tol's eyes popped open as his hooves moved from Brunhilda's delicious boobs to her full hips, clamping down tight on them as his own hips popped up from the mat, hilting his cock inside the mare as he grunted in effort and rolled his body forward! The mare's back hits the mat with a soft thud and the bull uses the momentum to now curl the mare up, her legs spread around his waist and her shoulders pinned to the mat. Tol's arms supported his weight as his hips involuntarily pulled back and then drove downward, giving the mare a hard full stroke of his bullmeat! “Ah ha!! The tables have, uunnnggghhh!!!” Tol gurgled as his hips slapped hard against the pinned mare's groin, his eyes rolling back in his head.
The mare continued to gasp and moan as she kept riding the bull's cock, while at the same time feeling his hooves rubbing her breasts as she tried to bring him off with her pussy muscles. “Come on, Tol, give...huh,” she gasped as she felt his hooves move to her waist followed by a gasp as she felt his cock slide hard into her pussy. Brunhilda then felt herself being pushed onto the mat, followed by an oooff as she felt her back hit the mat. She then started to gasp as she felt the bull's hard cock sliding harder and faster inside her still sucking pussy. Upon hearing the black bovine's comment, she snorted, then gasped, before she said, “Ne body, but ne body, aahhhh, does dis to me,” as she placed her hooves on the mat. She then announced, “Ne, ich haff ne, because ich can tell dat it's only un matter off time before du cum, Tol, aaaahhhh, ou haff du forgotten how long ich haff been ridink du?” She den had her pussy muscles squeezing even tighter on his thrusting cock. Brunhilda then proceeded to wiggle her hips which should make his movements inside her even harder to perform.
The ebony bovine only had a couple of moments to savor the position reversal before he felt his hips start to beat against the mare's in a rapid rhythm, a sharp bolt of pain moving through his battered midsection. But the pleasure now coursing through his body kept him moving. As the champ spoke, Tol moaned, not really needing the reminder of how long Brunhilda had been in control of his bucking bullmeat. As she tightened her muscles around his shaft and wiggled those full hips, the bull grunted loudly, having to work harder to drive himself deeper into the squirming mare's sex, with a look on his face half torn between a grimace of pain and lust.
“Ich'm sure dat im, aahhhh, un few minutes du'll be gettink dat tinglink feelink im ihr balls, tellink du dat du can't hold back much longer, especially after du haff alright bucked. Und dese hard thrusts aren't exactly, hhhmmm, helpink du im ihr present condition. Dey're just bringink du dat much closer to der final explosion,” Brunhilda said, once more playing mind games with Tol, while getting ready to make her move. As she continued to match his strokes with the movement of her hips and the squeezing of her vaginal muscles, Brunhilda added, “Oooohhh, are ve gettink closer to orgasm, Tol? Are ve, hhhmmm, startink to lose it? Ich doubt dat du can hold it im too much longer, aaahhh, ne matter how hard du pump ihr hard meat im mein pussy.” The older mare then felt some juice exit her pussy, which started to slicken up the bull's still sliding hard cock. .oO(Better hurry dis up,) she thought, before her pussy added even more pressure on Tol's thrusting penis.
“Aaahhh, dammit, you couldn't be more, mmmmph! wrong, champ! *pants* I can do this for a while yet,” Tol grunted, while his body bore the truth of the mare's earlier statement, as he could feel his thick cock starting to twitch and buck inside her. “You said you, shit, love 'em thick and big, so how does it feel, getting slammed by your favorite kind, auuugh! of cock?” he said breathlessly. .oO(She's right, I'm a minute or two from losing it. Damn!) the bull thought as he could feel his orgasm churning even now.
Brunhilda smirked. She then released a light moan in reaction to Tol's hard thrusts. The buxom mare then added, as her pussy muscles squeezed even harder on Tol's hard cock, which caused him to moan louder, “Erste, ich haff more experience havink sex, aaahhhh, rookie den du, und because off dat experience, ich know vhen someone ist about to unload. Und, hhhmmm, dat presently fits du to un T, big boy.” As she kept talking, the champ silently moved her right foot just enough so that the heel of her boot would hit Tol's face when she was ready. After she'd heard a grunt exit the bull's mouth, Brunhilda hoped that her move would force him to lose his grip on her waist so that she can get him off her. After the mare had released another moan, she continued, “Und vhile ich do like, hhhmm, dem big, ich also...”
Tol's eyes rolled back again, making it perfectly reasonable that he had no clue of what was happening when he felt the mare's boot slamming hard into his face. As a bolt of pain tore through his sore jaw, one of the hooves gripping Brunhilda's waist flew to his muzzle, while at the same moment, a stutter went through his hips as they stopped in midthrust, hilting himself inside the champ again. “Son of a...!!!” the bull exclaimed as he held his sore jaw, then trembled all over as his excited cock throbbed on the edge of orgasm.
Upon seeing his hoof shoot up to his face, Brunhilda pushed off of one of her arms to push them both over. As she did, she said, “...like to be im, aaahhhh, control vhen mein opponent cums.” The older mare then felt herself and the surprised Tol fall onto their sides, both oofing as they landed. This caused Tol's other hoof to lose its grip on her other hip. As soon as this has happened, the experienced mare used her elbow to push off the mat and then with her strong legs push the ebony bull's body back onto the mat. Brunhilda quickly heard an oof under her body. The older mare looked down and saw the black bovine once more lying under her. Brunhilda smirked, then said, “Now vere were...oh, ja, tryink to brink du off.” She then went back to her pussy riding of Tol's hard meat. As she rode his bullhood, Brunhilda looked at Tol yet again and said, “Du're time ist, aaaaahhh, almost up, rookie. Give it up.” The champ then started to pound her pussy really hard against the bovine's groin, as she felt some of his pre enter her tight pussy. She licked her lips, before adding, “Give it to me gut, stud, und ich might, aahhh, let du pound me to orgasm afterwards. Ooohhh, ja!” Brunhilda released some more pussy juice, which made it easier for her to ride Tol's cock. The crowd cheered as they watched the pair mate, wondering which of them would actually cum first.
Tol gave a harsh grunt as the mare upended them both, with her soon ending up on top yet again! The bovine was now torn between anger and pleasure as the champ started to ride his throbbing bullmeat just the way he liked it, hard and rough! “Aaaaaahhh, gods! Damn it! Fuck!” he bellowed as his hooves rose up, trembling before they grasped the redheaded equine's bouncing breasts. Tol soon had a firm grip on her hypnotically dancing tits, enjoying the feel of them in his rough hooves. Tol gasped loudly as he felt her velvety snatch slick up more juice for his rampant cock, his hips bucking up quickly in order to meet her hard grinding drops on his crotch.
Brunhilda smiled as she kept riding the black bovine's thick cock, releasing a low whinny in between hard thrusts. After another moan, she cooed, “Come on, big boy, aaahhh, give it to me, gut. Ooohhh, ja, pump it in me.” The champ then gasped as she felt his hooves return to her breasts. Brunhilda added, as she felt Tol's hooves happily rubbing them, “Hhhhmmmm, ja, rub mein big boobs, Tol, ooohhhh, rub dem real gut, stud.” She then moaned loudly as she felt her pussy muscles squeeze even harder on the bull's sixteen-inch meat, trying to get him to explode inside her sex. “Any time now, hhhmm, stud,” the older mare said with a chuckle, followed by a loud moan, as she released some more of her juice onto his thrusting cock.
The ebony bull had barely recalled Brunhilda's earlier implied reward for accepting his defeat as he felt his vision start to get clouded, his large body quickly succumbing to the mare's hot pussy. A minute of hard frenzied bullriding later, the champ could feel her opponent's body tensing up tightly under her firm hips, as the bull snorted loudly, then wordlessly bellowed as his thick cock began to violently tremble inside her, his heavy load of cum soon rocketing through his shaft to explode deep inside her pussy! “Auuuuuughhh! Fucking cumming!!!”. Tol shouted loud enough for the fans in the cheap seats to hear as he bucked and shivered into his long delayed orgasm, soon pumping his white spunk into the champ's hot snatch, giving her the win.
Brunhilda kept riding the bull's cock, moaning loudly with each thrust as she pondered how much longer it would be before the bull finally gave in and unloaded inside her sucking sex. She moaned, then gasped, as she felt first his body and then his cock start to tense up, telling her that he was getting ready to unload his hot cum inside her hot snatch. “Ooooohhhh, ja, cum im mein pussy, stud,” the older mare said, as she felt his hooves squeeze her boobs tightly, then heard him snort loudly and then finally felt his cock twitch inside her snatch before he began to finally release his hot cum inside her sweet pussy. This caused Brunhilda to whinny, which was soon covered by his own loud shout announcing that he was cumming. As the victorious champ felt her victory continue to enter her snatch, she cooed, “Hhhhmmm, want to bring me off now, Tol?” while she continued to ride his spurting penis. As Brunhilda waited for his answer, she released another, more lusty, whinny of joy.
As he heard the fans scream wildly as they heard his loud roar informing them that the champ had won yet another yiff match, the young bull released another loud moan as he felt his orgasm ripped through his body, his hips leaving the mat as he packed the mare's hot sex with every inch of his thick meat as his hot load continued to explode inside her. Tol answered the champ's question with a vigorous nod and a smile. “Mmmph! would be *pants* a pleasure. You got me off fair and square, Brunhilda.” Tol then moaned again as he now rubbed his thumbs over the mare's hard nipples.
The buxom mare whinnied loudly as she felt the black bull's thick seed enter her pussy, as she kept riding his erection. As Brunhilda felt some of his hot cum exit her pussy and start to cover his still thrusting groin, she heard his response to her query. She smiled, then gasped as she felt his thumbs continue to rub her hard nipples. “Gut,” the redheaded mare said in response, as a grin covered her pretty face. The veteran mare then stopped her hip movements, just as the bell sounded, declaring the end of the match.


As she felt Tol's cock start to hit against her cervix, the pair and the audience heard the following announcement:

*And your winner by orgasm, the yiff champ, BRUNHILDA!!!!!!!*

After she released another moan, and heard the crowd's loud and enthusiastic cheers for her victory, she said to Tol, “Hhhhmmm, put me back on mein back, big boy and hhhmmm, go to town.” After saying that, she went back to riding the bull's erection, moaning loudly as she released some more pussy juice onto his hard cock.
Tol gave the mare a nod and moved his hooves from her boobs back to her hips, soon holding Brunhilda onto his shaft as he gave her a wink and then, with a grunt of effort, brought his knees up and performed once more the position reversal that he had done earlier, only this time placing the yiff champ on her back much more gently. “That sounds like the best offer I have had all day, champ, mmmmm,” the ebony bull groaned as his still hard cock continued to throb inside the mare's wet pussy.
The crowd, seeing that they were continuing, started to whistle in approval, while someone in the front seats yelled, “Hey, Tol, think ya can bring her off now????” Brunhilda chuckled along with the crowd after she had heard the comment, then said to Tol, “Just show me vat du got, big boy! Oooohhh!!!!” She then licked her lips in anticipation.
The bull also heard the question and gave a light snort of amusement, before he spread the mare's long legs wide as he started to straddle her lower thigh. He soon had the buxom mare's right leg resting against his wide chest. Once that had been accomplished, Tol started to slowly pull back his powerful hip, letting those in the first couple of rows get a good look at the fat bullcock that was still sliding inside her sex, shining with her juices and his cum. “Well let's find out, hmmm?” the black bull responded as he pushed his hips hard, soon hilting himself inside the champ yet again. .oO(Mmmm, stomach isn't hurting too bad. Good, now to have some fun!), Tol thought as he started to thrust his hard meat back and forth, slowly building up speed as his free hoof moved over to the mare's hard clit, soon teasing the nub with his fingers as he rocked her body with long, forceful strokes.
As she laid on her strong, although sore, back, Brunhilda snickered as she heard the black bovine's reaction to the question. “Just forget about dem, und, aaahhh, vorry about me.” She then gasped as she felt Tol's hooves spread her legs apart, and then placed her right leg onto his strong chest, as he began to straddle her sexy form. “Hmmmmm, that's better,” she said with a light giggle, before he started to move his hips forward. The buxom mare began to moan as she started to feel the bovine's hard meat once more move in and out of her sucking vagina, moving slowly at first to allow the people in the front row to get a good look at his thrust movements, before he proceeded to move his erection inside her at a faster pace. This caused Brunhilda to gasp, then moan, as she felt her breasts bouncing back and forth on her chest in reaction to Tol's hard thrusts before she started to match his hard strokes. “Oooohhh, ja, aahhhh, bring me off big boy!” the champ yelled, as she started to feel the head of his cock banging once again against her cervix, while at the same time she felt his fingers rubbing her clit. “Ja, bring me off!” she announced, as she released yet more pussy juice onto his bullhood. As they mated, Brunhilda began to feel her orgasm building up inside her. With another moan, the buxom mare said, “Oooohhh, its goink to be un big eine!!!!” After yet another big moan, she yelled, “Really give it to me!!!!” as she also felt her pussy muscles squeezing hard on the bull's thrusting meat. As they fuck, the audience were getting into it, cheering for her and encouraging Tol to bring her off.
Tol let out a groan of pleasure as his hips pushed forward yet again, driving his hard cock inside the buxom mare's cunny, while his face moved from her face to her bouncing tits as he drove her hard. Hearing the crowd's reaction to the mare's pleasure made the young bull look around a little, his strokes not stopping as he heard the cheers and saw the lust in their faces, both male and female. .oO(Wow, so intense,) Tol thought, then he gave a loud groan as he felt and heard Brunhilda's request as her slick pussy muscles squeezed his fat bullmeat again.
Brunhilda gasped and then whinnied loudly as she felt Tol's big cock move in and out of her tight pussy. The champ released a loud moan as she kept matching the bull's hard strokes as she felt his groin bouncing hard against hers. Brunhilda then groaned loudly, as she released some more pussy juice onto the black bovine's hard meat. “Ooooohhh, ja, fuck me, stud, aaaahhhh, really give it to me!” the buxom mare announced, as she closed her eyes while feeling her big boobs bouncing up and down on her prone form, while also feeling Tol's finger rubbing her clit.
“As the unnnhh! champ wishes!” the bull said with a smile, as he leaned forward a bit before he sped up his hard cock thrusts. Tol grunted with effort as the smacks between their wet flesh grew louder. His fingers were still moving over the mare's bulbous clit as he started to really pound his hard meat into Brunhilda's sweet snatch. “Cum all over that big dick, sexy!” Tol growled lustfully as he heard the audience's encouragement to bring the champ off. .oO(God, aahhh, easy for, ooohhh, them to say. They're not the, ooohhhh yeah, pumping her bush,) thought Tol, although enjoying the cheers that he was now getting.
As she heard the crowd's cheers of approval, the champ quipped, “Hhhhmmm, ich just hope, aahhh, dat der fans don't see dis as, oohhhh, un invitation to join im.” Brunhilda chuckled, then released a loud lusty whinny. The buxom mare then proceeded to gasp and moan louder in time to each of the big bull's harder thrusts inside her pussy. Her pussy muscles soon squeezed even tighter around Tol's hard cock as she also heard their groins make loud sucking sounds when they hit together. With each thrusts, Brunhilda began to feel her orgasm coming even closer. “Ooohhhh, ja, aahhhh, fuck me, gut! Ja, fuck, mmmmmmeeeee!” she said as she finally started having her orgasm, her pussy juices beginning to flow freely onto the black bull's big dick. The buxom mare then started to release a very loud whinny of joy while her pussy muscles started to tighten up yet again on Tol's erection as she tried to bring him off once more.
Tol gave a ragged chuckle to the mare's quip, wincing a little at the end as his midsection began to ache again. .oO(Maybe. just maybe, I might have overdid it just a little,) the black bull thought as he then looks down, watching Brunhilda's body shake and jiggle under his pounding thrusts. .oO(Then again, nahh!) The bovine's thick cock then began to ache and jump in the sexy mare's clenching pussy as he felt the urge to cum again.
Brunhilda gasped and moaned as she kept feeling the bovine's thick cock move in and out of her tight pussy, as she continued to have her orgasm. After releasing another loud whinny, the buxom mare felt her pussy lips squeeze even tighter around Tol's hard meat, as she released some more pussy juice. “Aahhhhhh, ja, hhmmm, bring me off!” she said, as they heard the crowd's cheer of approval.
Using the yiff champ's flexibility to his advantage, Tol leaned forward a bit more, taking some of the strain off of his midsection as he grunted and let his body move the way he liked best, hard and deep! Hearing her whinnies and moan spurred him on as he gasped with each hard thrust. “Unnngghh! Cumming in your hot pussy again, champ! Gods!” he bellowed as his hips drove hard again, slamming his fat length fully into the mare as he began to fill her spasming sex with another load of hot seed.
The buxom mare released another loud whinny, as she kept feeling her big boobs bounce in reaction to the black bull's harder thrusts, as she felt him lean himself closer to her sexy form. Brunhilda then released a gasp as she felt his cock fire again, filling her pussy with more of his thick cum. “Oooohhh, ja, aaaahhh, fill me up,” she moaned, before she released another whinny as yet more pussy juice exited her cunny.
The young bovine groaned as he felt his cock being coated yet again with the older mare's hot juices, as his fat shaft bucked and throbbed while he unloaded inside her. “Ahhhhhh, yes, damn that's a good little pussy,” Tol said with a deep growl of pleasure as he slowed down his thrusts, eventually stopping, as he felt his and the mare's orgasm crest and finally ebb. Giving the champ a hugh grin, he gave Brunhilda a last couple of slow thrusts, as he let her wet tight snatch milked out of him the last of his orgasm. "Mmmmm, thanks for letting me bring you off, champ, but I think I'm done for the night, you worked over my ribs pretty good.” Tol then gave a light groan, as he shivered from their activity and then leaned forward to give the mare a quick kiss.
Brunhilda gasped and moaned loudly as she continued to ride Tol's thick cock as it continued to cum inside her pussy. She then felt the bull's cock thrusts slow down and then after two more thrusts, which caused her to gasp, stop moving altogether. The champ then heard Tol's comment. With a light chuckle, she replied, “Du're velkommen.” The buxom mare then saw him leaning forward. She snickered, then kissed the bull. The kiss last for a while, as they heard the audience cheered them on.
The pair finally ended their kiss. Brunhilda looked up at Tol and said, “Ich ding ve need to end it, else der cleanink people vill really be pissed at us.” She saw Tol nod in agreement, and then gasped as she felt him pull his cock out of her pussy. The mare then giggled, when she felt his cock no longer inside her cunny. Brunhilda then felt the bull move away from her, and then watched him get up. She then saw the black bull head for his shorts, wincing with each move he made.
Once he was up, Tol headed for his shorts, wincing with each move that he made. .oO(I am so going to rest up before I get into another match,) he told himself, as he reached his shorts. He quickly picked them up, and then headed for the ropes. Once at the ropes, he exited the ring, taking his time as he did so because of his still hurting midsection, while listening to the crowd's cheering for him, with the females being among the most enthusiastic cheerers because of his still exposed bullmeat. He smiled. .oO(I just hope they'll be cheering like that for me when I actually win a match and not because I'd just sent the winner into orbit,) he thought while chuckling. He waved at the crowd, then winced before he got off the apron. Once on the floor, he walked as quickly as he could towards the back. .oO(Oh, I better go see the doctor. God, I am so going to be aching for a week. That mare can hit hard.)
As Tol headed for his shorts, Brunhilda also got up. After doing a stretch, which made her boobs stick out even more, to the enthusiastic cheers of the males and a few females in the audience, the buxom mare headed over to pick up the pieces of her costumes. She picked up her trunks, then her skirt. After picking them up, and then adjusting her top, Brunhilda looked at the cheering crowd. As she heard them cheer for her, Brunhilda gave them a quick bow, and then turned and headed for the ropes to exit the ring. As she did, the mare saw that Tol had already exited the ring and was now headed for the back. Brunhilda chuckled as she watched him for a while, before she finally exited the ring, just as her theme song began to play, and then jumped off of the apron. The buxom mare then headed for the back, following Tol.
Tol walked towards the back, looking at the faces of the cheering crowd. As he did, he quickly noticed the buxom cow who had earlier caught his shirt. She smiled at him, and then yelled something to him. Tol couldn't make it out over the rest of the cheering fans, but he was getting a very good idea what she meant as she was looking at his still exposed crotch. The black bull chuckled, before stopping and then throwing his shorts at her. He saw her catch them and then watched her swoon once again onto the floor. Tol chuckled at that before he continued into the back. He soon entered the back, walking past several furs who were carrying some cleaning equipment, and then a few of the other wrestlers who started to congratulate him before he headed off to see the in-house doctor.
As she watched Tol enter the back, Brunhilda saw the cleaning crew exit it, going past him in the opposite direction, headed for the ring to clean it up and prepare it for the next match, a yiff match between Braveheart and Haggis. .oO(Ich hope Jamie put dat bitch im her place,) she thought, as she smiled at them, while at the same time hearing the crowd's loud cheers of approval. Brunhilda walked past the cleaning crew, getting closer to the back. She stopped in front of the curtain. The champ gave the crowd a wave, then gave them a quick shake of her big boobs before finally walking into the back amidst their approving roar.

The End

Tol © 2006 CJ Johnson
Brunhilda and Braveheart © 2006 Scott and Stanley Alston
Coelacanth, Haggis and Furry Fight Farm © 2006 Martin Evans
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