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All Out War in the Ring

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr. and C. Johnson

The fans seated within the stadium cheered loudly as they waited for the next match to begin. They soon began to cheer even louder the very instant they began to hear the opening strains of WarMare’s theme song, "Get Off My Back", from the movie soundtrack of "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron". A few seconds later, the reason for their loud cheering, WarMare, finally appeared as she quickly exited the back room, clad regally in her black and red ring outfit. The redheaded monstress then stood before the curtain for several seconds, as she listened to the crowd’s loud, lusty cheers for her, a microphone placed firmly in her strong right hoof. As she did, the Trinitron suddenly came on, soon revealing to the ruckus audience some scenes from her most recent victories. After releasing a long, loud snort, the buxom mare then started to head for the ring, moving towards it with a purpose. Although she was enjoying the cheers that were coming from the audience, the angry personification of war had only one thought upon her angry mind, giving her next victim a major thrashing inside the ring. As she approached the ring, she heard the announcer start to tell the fans inside the arena, as well as to inform those who were watching the show on television:
"Welcome, ladies and gentlefurs, to WCAW Wrestling. Tonight’s opening match is an Anything Goes Match, with one pinfall. Now heading for the ring, at 6’3" and weighing in at 215 pounds, is the first rider of the endtimes… WARMARE!!!!"
WarMare, after a while, finally reached the ring. Without any hesitation, she jumped forward, her feet landing firmly onto the ring’s apron. Once that has been accomplished, she placed her free hoof upon the top rope. Then, in one very fluid motion, the buxom redhead jumped into the ring, in the process showing off both her athleticism and her strength to the audience. WarMare then released the top rope, and slowly walked towards the center of the ring. The angry black and red clad mare soon stood in center ring, just as her theme music and entrance ended. The angry mare then proceeded to look around the crowd, while listening to them continue to loudly cheer her name. WarMare then looked around both inside and outside the ring, to see what materials she could later use as weapons during the upcoming hardcore match. She then turned her head, and began to place the mic before her pretty, if mask covered, face, before releasing a loud snort into it which soon quieted the crowd. Once the crowd was silent, she began to speak into the mic:
"Ich vant un fight, und ich vant un fight NOW!!! Ich am eager, nay, ich am MORE dan eager to put der newbies im der place, like ich just did Lady Emerald der other day! Anybody im der back dink dat dey haff der balls und guts to not only face me im der ring but to actually pin me for der win? Ou do dey dink dat dey can actually go toe to toe mit me, like der ‘little’ bronto did durink mein last match? Ou maybe Lady Emerald dinks dat she can come out und face me again, maybe learn how to actually fight to win un match? Vell, ich don’t care vho it ist dat ich face, just as long as dat person actually has der guts to come out und face..." WarMare then stopped talking. As she took the mic away from her mouth, she looked towards the curtain. With a loud snort, she placed the mic back before her mouth and loudly yelled...
The black and red clothed monstress then released another loud snort into the mic before she flung it out of the ring, just barely missing the head of the referee, a white-furred, blonde-haired, buxom female polar bear clad in a two-piece referee outfit.
"Hey, watch where you’re throw..." the female ref began, just as she received an angry stare from the angry redheaded mare. This caused her to loudly gulp.
WarMare looked at the now nervous referee for a few seconds more, the angry look planted firmly upon her pretty visage, before she finally turned around and headed for a corner, much to the female polar bear’s relief. As she did, one of the stadium’s attendants, a male raccoon, retrieved the mic, and then headed with it towards the announcer table. The buxom mare soon reached a corner. She then quickly turned around and was soon once again looking towards the curtain and the back room. As she continued looking at the curtain, she started to warm-up, waiting eagerly for her opponent for the league’s first hardcore match to present him or herself.
After a few moments, music began to play "Riot" by Three Days Grace and as the pounding music roared out, a shopping cart full of metal garbage cans, sticks and other instruments of pain infliction started to roll in from the back. As the chorus of the song loudly blast from the speakers, the Trinitron lights up, and Tol’s entrance video began as the ebony bull emerges from the back, wrists crossed over his head as his hands gives the bull horn sign. He was dressed in his usual ripped jean shorts and tight muscle shirt, his wrists and fists taped as he lowered his hands, reaching for a mic stuck in the cart. Nodding to acknowledge the crowd, he directed his gaze to the mare already in the ring.
WarMare, who was still warming up in her corner in the ring, and the referee, began to hear the new music as it started to pound out of the arena’s loud speaker. As the redheaded monster and the female polar bear listened to the music, WarMare proceeded to release a loud, angry snort as she began to see the shopping cart filled with weapon suddenly exit the back, shortly followed by the Trinitron coming on once again, this time to show Tol’s new entrance video. .oO(So, he has der guts to actually face me again?) pondered the mare, before she finally saw her opponent for the hardcore match actually exit the back, showing her that it was indeed Tol that she would be facing. .oO(Und it also sounds like he has gotten himself un new theme song, as vell as finally puttink together un entrance video. It’s about time!!) As she watched him start to pose for the crowd, WarMare began to hear a lot of cheers and a few boos exit the crowd in response to the still rookie black bull. She meanwhile continued to warm-up inside the ring, while she watched the black bovine head towards the weapons-filled cart. She then saw him pull a mic from inside the cart, which he then placed before his lips. WarMare then heard Tol say:
"WarMare...you seem to be kinda antsy tonight...and you know I hate to see you in that state! So I just happen to know the cure for that condition...a no holds barred thrashing!" he snarled into the mic. Tol then pushed the cart down the ramp and to ringside, leaving it outside as he jumped from the floor to the apron, before he started to step over the top rope. "Oh and don’t worry....I brought enough toys to share!" he growled as he took off the shirt, then tossed it out into the crowd as he began to work out the kinks, warming up for the fight ahead.
The buxom redhead just snorted even louder as she listened to the words that were now exiting the younger bovine’s lips, soon making her want to just get out of the ring and start pounding on him at that very moment. .oO(My my, aren’t ve beink der cocky bull!!! Guess it’s time dat ich put du back imto ihr place, ja?) she mused, as she heard the announcer say,
"And now in the ring is her opponent, at 6’8" and weighing in at 325 pounds, TOL!!!!!"
WarMare then watched him stop in front of the ring with the shopping cart before he jumped onto apron. The red and black clad monstress then saw him enter the ring, before she watched him remove his shirt. She then saw him toss it into the sold-out crowd, where it was soon grabbed by a rather buxom looking brunette-haired Guernsey, who then proceeded to clutch it very close to her body. As she watched him stand across from her inside the ring, the living personification of war looked directly at Tol, before releasing a loud dismissive snort. She then pointed at him and said, "Oh, ich’m feeling antsy alright, Tol. Ich’m anxious to just let loose und beat up on somebody’s candy ass. How nice off du to actually volunteer for der privilege of being beaten down once again by Var!!!! Du must be un real glutton for punishment to vant to face me again, Tol, especially after our hell im der cell match several months ago. Ou maybe du dink dat by constantly facink me im der ring dat it vill help to toughen du up for some off der other vrestlers. Well, quite frankly, ich don’t care vhy du are out here, as ich intend to make du un vell beaten up loser." She then looked over at the cart as she put her finger down. The buxom mare then released a rather sadistic sounding snort. WarMare then looked back at Tol. "Oh, don’t vorry, ich plan to share der veapons im der cart mit du, Tol. As long as dey all end up hurtink du, big boy!!!" She then got into a wrestling pose, while saying to the bigger bull, as she gave him a very angry stare, "Ich’m ready to start beatink up on ihr candy ass any time du are, bully boy!!!"
The polar bear referee then looked over at Tol to see if he was also ready to start the match.
The ebony bull listened to WarMare as she raged and slowly shook his head, before bringing the mic up to his mouth again. "Just because you beat me twice, you think that I am going to cower and tremble like those in the back?..HAH! You just don’t know me that well...let me clue you in on a little secret. I won’t stop coming after you until you lay beaten at my feet...and tonight is going to be that night!" he growled and then toss the mic down by his hooves.
The redheaded monsteress listened to Tol’s response, as did the ref. As she watched him throw away the mic, she sarcastically chuckled. "So, du aren’t afraid off facink me, are ve? Gut, den ich’ll haff to make du fear me. As for me lyink beaten under ihr feet, du haff better be sure dat ich am unconscious vhen it happens, cause du are ne goink to like how ich’ll reply to such un occurrence, iff it ever happens." WarMare then released a very loud snort while she stayed in her wrestling pose, giving Tol an angry gaze.
Turning to the referee, as the same raccoon who had already retrieved WarMare’s mic began to take his out of the ring, Tol assumed his fighting stance and nodded. "Let's get this beating started!" He then returned his glare to the leather clad fighter in front of him and tenses, getting set for the start of their match.
The referee nodded back. The female polar bear then looked over at the skunkette bell ringer. "Ring the bell!!!" she yelled at her, before she got out of the way so that she would avoid being caught in the initial impact between the two hooved fighters. The skunkette quickly nodded her head in understanding, then looked at the bell before hitting it with the hammer, thus ringing it.
"Ding! Ding!"
Upon hearing the bell ring, the crowd loudly roared as the match that they have been hoping to see finally start. As soon as she hears the bell, WarMare just ran towards Tol, surprising him as she did, since he wasn’t expecting her to just go at him. The black and red leather clad mare just barely missed Tol as he used his speed to get himself out of her way by simply sidestepping to his left. She responded to that by quickly raising her hooves and using them to keep herself from hitting into the turnbuckle by grabbing the upper ropes. She released a loud snort before she turned her muscular female form around. WarMare then released a loud grunt, as she felt her stomach get hit by a left snap kick from Tol, which forced her to double over. She then released an even shorter grunt as she felt a right uppercut by the black bull hit her masked face, which quickly caused it to snap back and forced her to land against the top turnbuckle with a grunt. This was then followed by several quick, hard, right hands to her face, which caused her to grunt in reaction to each landed hit, as she realized that Tol was trying to start things off by trying to beat her down so that he can wear her down later. After feeling a sixth right hoof hit against her left cheek, she lifted up her left arm and used it to block what would have been his seventh straight hit against her face. She then snorted and looked angrily at the black bull before she aimed a right hoof of her own at his head, which connected hard, forcing him back with a grunt. She then followed it up by following after him, and started to unload on him, soon hitting his face with several right hooks. "Playink for keep, ja? Gut," she said to him, before aiming her seventh straight right hook, which caused him to ooofff as he hit against the top turnbuckle. The mare then released a loud snort, before aiming a right boot at his face, which connected, making him go ooooff. She then snorted again before pressing her boot hard against his face, trying to squeeze it hard against the top turnbuckle. The black and red clothed female warhorse then heard Tol grunting loudly, as she now placed her hooves onto the ropes to her left. As she put the pressure on against his face with her black boot, she felt his hands grabbing onto her boot and then trying to push her away from him. WarMare snorted, as she tried to keep her foot in place. As she does, she started to hear the number 1 being shouted. She snorted before turning her head to her right and seeing the ref starting to perform a five count.
Tol snorted in anger, as he struggled to catch a breath as he felt the mare’s foot blocking off his air supply. His hooves stamped hard at the mat as he tried to get some footing so that he can push the mare away from him. He grunted loudly as he just can’t seem to get a good grip upon her foot as he felt his vision swimming.
"Come on, WarMare, you know the rules, hardcore or no hardcore. You need to move that big foot of yours from his face. Two..." said the referee.
WarMare snorted at the polar bear ref, as she kept her foot against Tol’s face, in spite of the black bull still trying to push her foot away, while listening to the ref’s continuing five count. But once she has heard her count hit four, the angry mare pulled her boot away from Tol’s hurting face, and then pulled it away from his hooves as he was never able to get a strong grip upon it. The red and black clothed monsteress then looked at Tol, as his body laid against the turnbuckle, trying to catch some air. She then released the rope, moved forward quickly and aimed a quick left snap kick at the black bovine, soon hearing it connect at his stomach, as Tol released a loud ooff in reaction to the hit. WarMare then moved her leg away, and then moved herself back, as she watched a wounded Tol land onto his knees on the mat. The buxom redhead then released another snort, before she started to exit the ring. She then jumped off of the apron, and started heading towards a steel chair that was near the announcer table. Upon reaching it, she swiftly snapped it closed and then headed back towards the ring, obviously planning to use it upon Tol. "Let me introduce du to der chairman off der board, Tol," she said to him in a dismissive tone, as she got near the ring.
Tol grimaced as he felt WarMare’s leg once again connect with his stomach with another hard kick, hitting the mat with his knees as he gasped, more in surprise than in injury from the kick. .oO(Forgot how fast she is out of the gate, but she is in for a shock or two as well,) the bovine thought as the equine retrieved a chair from outside the ring. Her dismissive taunt alerting him to the mare sliding back into the ring, her visage relating nothing but bad intentions as the crowd stiffens in anticipation of a quick ending to this match.
The buxom redhead soon reached the ring. She placed the chair on top of the apron before shoving it into the ring. WarMare then pushed her body onto the apron before proceeding to roll herself back into the ring. The red and black clad monstress then got back up, picked up the chair and then headed for Tol, believing that he won’t be able to get away. As soon as she had reached him, she stopped. Looking at him, she released an angry snort as she lifted the chair, soon getting ready to land it upon the top of his hard head, while the crowd pondered if this would lead to a quick end of their match.
With a shake of his head and a angry snort, the bull shoot low from the corner as the chair wielding mare was winding up for a brutal blow with the steel chair, quickly darting around to the monstress’ right side and then burying his thick shoulder into the back of her knee in a vicious chop block! The steel chair was soon flying out of the ring as WarMare exclaimed in surprise and pain as she dropped awkwardly to her knees, pitching forward with her right shoulder into the second turnbuckle in a body jarring crash. "Hello Chairperson, nice to meet you!" the angry bull growled as he took quick advantage of the situation, soon lunging from his knees to a football charge into the stunned redhead, swiftly burying his knee into the same right shoulder. His muscular thigh then hit WarMare in the face, soon knocking her head back against the turnbuckle as the bull’s full body weight slammed into her.
Being taken completely by surprise by Tol’s sudden move, WarMare released a loud whinny of pain as she felt her right leg get hit by the black bull’s strong shoulders, which soon pushed her forward. She then released an even louder yell as she fell onto her knee on the floor before she felt her right shoulder slam itself against the middle turnbuckle, while at the same time she released the steel chair into the air. As the chair loudly clang against the hard floor outside the ring, the monstress released another loud yell as she felt Tol’s knee ram itself into her just hit right shoulder, while also feeling his thigh hitting against her exposed face, which slammed it into the middle turnbuckle, soon causing her to start seeing some stars. As she released some light whinnies of pain from the recent set of moves against her, WarMare tried to shake her head in an attempt to quickly clear it.
After pulling himself from the mare with a grunt, Tol quickly took her right wrist, before stepping between the ropes as he used his greater strength to drag her towards the metal ring post. Quickly hoping over the apron stairs, the bull then slammed her right shoulder into the unmoving post, wrenching it as he placed a hoof on the apron for leverage, soon drawing cries of pain from both WarMare and the nearby ringside fans before finally letting go of the appendage so that he could pick up the wayward chair and slide it back under the ropes.
The buxom redhead, while still shaking her head, felt her right wrist being grabbed, and then felt her whole body being dragged forward. Her first indication that what was presently going on was bad for her was when she released a new loud whinny of pain as she felt her shoulder being slammed hard against the ring post, and then feeling it being wrenched against it for a while. "Aaahhh, ich’ll get du for dis, mark mein, aaahhhhh, words, Tol. Ich’m goink to make du, aaaahhhh, pay for dis," she said to the black bull, as she felt him trying to pull her arm out of its socket, obviously trying to limit her strength if he was successful in his present endeavor. She was soon able to breathe again the very moment that Tol has finally released her arm. WarMare laid on the mat for the moment, trying to recover from the last series of moves, not yet knowing what Tol was planning to do next.
Meantime, the referee moved over to her. As she started an eight count, she asked the seemingly wounded mare, "Are you able to continue the match, WarMare?"
With a defiant snort, she answered, "Hell, ja!!!" As soon as she heard four, she placed her hooves onto the mat, and as she ignored her aching right shoulder, she started to pull herself up.
Upon hearing the mare’s answer and then seeing her starting to get up, the polar bear moved out of the way, just as Tol came towards the buxom mare with the chair that she had intended to use on him earlier.
"Since you like this chair so much..." he soon trailed off as he got to a knee, his eyes not leaving his foe as he winds up and brought the chair down towards WarMare’s back and shoulder, giving a snarl of surprise as she unexpectantly rolled herself away from the intended blow, the chair soon slamming into the vacated corner post with a loud thwack!
WarMare heard Tol’s comment. Thinking quickly, she dropped back down and then rolled to her left, just as she heard the chair clang loudly against the bottom turnbuckle, thus avoiding a very nasty chair shot against her back. She then continued on, soon rolling herself both out of the ring and then off of the apron, so that she could recover outside the ring, while pondering what to do next to regain control of the match.
"Still planning on fighting...good," the bull snarled as he toss the now bent chair out of the ring again, and as he flexed his hands to work out the stingy aftershocks of the blow, he proceeded to stalk the now rising WarMare.
"Du got dat right," she answered him in an angry voice, as she now stood on her feet, including the still hurting right one, and then started to walk outside the ring to help clear her head. She then released a loud gasp as she felt something grab her hair from behind, before she released a louder grunt as she felt her head being slammed against the apron. This was soon followed by a second grunt as her head was bashed a second time against the apron by Tol. The black bovine then released her. The black bull then started to go back to his shopping cart to get something to use against the presently wounded mare while she tried to recover from feeling her head being slammed twice against the apron. WarMare began to shake her head as she tried once again to clear out the cobwebs, while pushing herself away from the apron, having no idea that in the meantime Tol was inside the cart, looking for something to use on her. She then headed in the direction of the retaining wall, towards the crowd. Tol was soon following after her, carrying in his hooves a nasty looking large kendo stick.
WarMare soon reached the wall divider, breathing a little hard, while her head finally began to clear. She then looked towards her right while feeling at least two fans patting her shoulder, just in time to see Tol charging at her with the kendo stick. Knowing how much damage the stick would cause her if it ever hit her still hurting shoulder, she waited until Tol was almost upon her. She then duck down, to the obvious surprise of the bull, who desperately tried to swing the stick at the monstress, and missed. He was then surprised to feel a couple of arms grab his legs and then felt himself being lifted by the buxom redhead, as she has just used her longer years of ring experience to outsmart Tol, as she now intends to push him into the crowd by using a big back body drop. Grunting in reaction to feeling Tol’s big bulk upon her still hurting right shoulder, she quickly lifted him up and then dumped him into the crowd. She then rested against the retaining wall, trying to get her strength back. As she does, she saw Tol trying to get back up. WarMare released a loud snort, as she watched him get up. The buxom redhead then waited until his head was placed near the wall. She then reached for it and grabbed it, before slamming it hard against the wall a couple of times, before finally shoving him back into the crowd. "Now ve’re even," she said with a loud snort, before she pushed herself off of the wall, and then headed for the cart herself to procure a weapon of her own, while ignoring the pain to the knee that she was still feeling from the earlier chop block.
Tol groaned and shook his head, trying to clear it from the mare’s just completed attack upon the wall with his noggin. Several fans were soon helping to get the big bovine off of them, while the black bull was sure that he had felt someone actually grab a pawful of his package while he was sprawled among them. Upon seeing that WarMare had her back to him, as she headed over towards the shopping cart to pick up a weapon, Tol silently slipped his form over the guardrail and then charged her, soon seeing his leather clad foe not picking up his approach till it was too late! He then saw WarMare half turn her body, just in time for it to take a hard body tackle into her middle, before they both crashed into and then over the cart full of weapons, sending both fighters sprawling onto the floor in a heap.
WarMare finally reached the cart. She began to look through it, trying to find a weapon that she knew would do the most damage on the black bull. She was so busy looking through the cart, that she did pick up Tol’s heavy footfalls until he was almost upon her. The buxom redhead does hear him soon enough to turn herself around, just in time to release a loud gasp as she felt herself being tackled in the middle of her body, before feeling herself being forced into the cart. Their momentum then sent them over the cart, before they finally landed onto the hard floor behind it, which caused WarMare to grunt loudly as she felt her back landing hard against the unforgiving floor. She then groaned loudly as she felt her chest rising up and down, gasping for air, before she finally pushed the black bull off of her with a strong shove. The hurting mare then laid on the floor for several moments, as she tried to recover from the crash. After several minutes have past, her upper body rises up from the ground. Sitting up, she looked over at Tol. She snorted in anger as she started to get up, prepared to do some major damage to the black bull.
Tol saw that WarMare had recovered first, the mare soon smiling grimly as she got hold of a nearby 2x4 and quickly brought it across her torso towards the large bull who suddenly blocked the shot with a garbage can, which gain a huge dent for its trouble. A second swing was soon aborted as Tol quickly brought the can over the leather clad equine’s noggin with a loud reverberating "TWONK!" forcing her to close her eyes for a moment. Tol then pressed his advantage with a hard kick to her stomach which caused the mare to double over long enough for the bovine to grabbed onto her right arm and then twist it behind her back, before using his powerful legs to send the monstress hurtling towards the ring steps injured shoulder first!
The buxom redhead, once she was standing up, looked down, and saw a 2x4 lying directly in front of her. With an angry snort, she quickly picked it up, and with a grim smile, looked over at her opponent, who was now also standing up. With a loud, angry whinny, she aimed the solid wood object directly at the bovine’s chest, only to hear a loud clang as she saw Tol counter her attack with a trash can, soon watching it get dented from the hit. The mare, seeing her latest move being thwarted, released a bloodcurdling whinny, as she got back into position to aim the 2x4 again. WarMare then released a loud gasp as she felt the can hit her right on the head. This forced her to release a loud whinny, as well as the wood, which fell onto the floor with a loud crump. The buxom redhead was now once again shaking her head, trying to get rid of the cobweb, just as she felt something grab her right arm before she began to feel it being pulled behind her, soon feeling herself being placed in a rather nasty arm bar. She soon released a loud snort, before saying, "Ich am goink to crush du, Tol," before she released a low gasp as she felt herself being whipped towards the ring’s steps, soon hitting them with her right shoulder, causing her to release a loud gasp from the hit. She then laid against the steps, breathing quickly while feeling her shoulder throbbing in pain from the collective damage. .oO(Need to use mein experience to get meinself back into this match,) she thought to herself, while trying to recover.
The crowd roared loudly at the sound of the mare’s sudden impact with the steps reverberate throughout the arena, while several fans at ringside looked on in concern, as the ref soon chided the pair.
"Ok, you two...get it back in the ring!" she yelled at them, before pulling back quickly as she saw Tol snarl at her.
After watching the polar bear ref move back, the black bovine went back to continue pounding on the mare.
As she heard the polar bear tell them both to get back into the ring, the red and black clad monstress came up with an idea, hoping that Tol was dumb enough to fall for it. She stays where she was for the moment as if trying to recover her strength, while watching Tol get closer to her with each step. WarMare, as she continued to rest against the steel steps, then watched a presently overconfident Tol raise both of his arms over his head, obviously planning to hit her head with a strong double sledgehammer. .oO(Need to time it....now,) she mused, as she saw the black bovine starting to lower his hands. The buxom redheaded veteran quickly fell onto her side, while at the same time aiming her right leg directly at the bull’s exposed left knee. She heard a loud yelp as her leg successfully connected with Tol’s knee, before she heard an even bigger yell as the black bovine’s hooves connected with the upper ring steps instead of her head. She then turned onto her side, and aimed a quick single leg mule kick at his stomach, connecting with it as she heard Tol release a loud grunt, which forced him back. WarMare then started to get up, planning to use the breather that she had just created for herself to her advantage. Standing once more, she saw Tol charging at her again. She waited until he was almost upon her, before falling onto her side again, and then getting her legs into position to perform a drop toe hold. WarMare then heard a loud clang as Tol’s head hit the top ring steps hard. As she heard him moaning loudly in pain, she turned around and once again raised her upper body. The buxom redhead then got back up and walked slowly over to the cart.
Once she was back at the cart, she quickly picked up a street sign. She then walked back over to Tol, quickly turned around and with one strong swing, slammed it against Tol’s face with a loud bang, thus causing it to dent. She then loudly snorted as she watched Tol fall onto the floor in a crumple heap. She then falls onto the floor as well, onto her knees, while letting go of the street sign, as she breathed in some air, while grimacing in reaction to the pain she was still feeling in her right shoulder because of her last move.
The black bovine groaned as he tried to clear his head of the stars taking residency in front of his eyes as he winced and rubbed the spot where WarMare had battered his head with the street sign, as well as the collision with the ring steps. .oO(Ok...that part didn’t work out so well...damn...) Tol thought as he slowly rose from the ring steps, shaking his head as he stands.
As the fans pondered how much more punishment the pair were going to inflict upon each other, they heard the referee yell, "Come on you two, bring it back into the ring!"
WarMare looked at the ref. She released a loud grunt of defiant, before getting back up. As she did, she saw a hurting Tol shaking his head, obviously trying to clear away the fog. Snorting loudly, she approached him, and then hit his head with a strong right hook which caused him to release a grunt. She quickly followed it up with two more hooks, which sent him reeling towards the ring, until a fourth one forced him right into the apron with a grunt, chest first. She then grabbed the back of his head and slammed it right against the apron, hard.
Tol tried to raise his hooves up in defense, but the redheaded mare’s blows were too fast for the momentarily stunned bull as one strong right hand connects, followed by two more as he stumbled back, soon hitting the apron. The crowd roared as his head was slammed against the apron soon after, loving the back and forth battle as evidenced by their loud applause.
"Come, on, into the ring, you two," said the polar bear femme.
"Hold ihr verdammit horses!" announced WarMare to the ref, before she pulled up a hurting Tol’s legs. She then rolled him back into the ring, before pulling herself up onto the apron and then rolling herself back into the ring as well. Once she was back inside, she took in a few short breathes before getting back up. Once up, she looked over at Tol. With a loud snort, she bounced herself off of the ropes behind her and ran towards him. She then jumped into the air and landed a knee across his upper sternum, performing her guillotine leg drop. WarMare then rolled off of the presently rolling bovine. She then got back up, while preparing to attack him as soon as he got back up while rolling her right shoulder, to determine just how bad it was.
Feeling himself being rolled back into the ring, the ebony bovine made a mistake in picking that location to try and recover as the equine’s hard leg drop made that quite clear. Rolling on the mat, Tol shook his head, clearing it finally of the aftereffects of the head shots. .oO(Dammit...not this time, filly...) he thought as he saw her rolling the shoulder he had been focusing on, glad to see that he has been at least partially successful. Slowly, the bovine got to a knee, seeing WarMare striding towards him to inflict even more damage. As she cocked back her right hand to strike again, the bull surged forward, soon burying his thick shoulder hard into her midsection causing her to double over with a loud "Ooooof!" as the air was driven from her lungs.
The redheaded monstress continued to roll her right shoulder until she saw Tol starting to get to his knee. She released a light snort before she started to walk towards him, planning to inflict more pain. As soon as she was near him, she raised up her right hoof, quickly turning it into a fist, as she planned to hit his face with a right straight. But before she could get ready to hit the ebony bull with her fist, she released a loud oooff, as she was hit in her stomach by the bovine’s strong shoulder, which caused her to double over in some pain. Now trying to regain her breath, she said, "Ich...huff...am goink...puff...to make du pay...huff...for dat!!!"
Now rising to a standing position, Tol grabbed his foe’s right wrist, soon twisting the leather clad warrior’s arm in a painful lock before he pulled her towards him, soon driving his own left shoulder into her pained right one. He repeated the move twice more, then finished with a hard short arm clothesline across her upper chest, sending the mare crashing to the mat with a loud thud. "What's good for the goose...." he snarled as he jumps high into the air to land his own hard leg drop across the mare’s sternum. Instead of moving off of the mare, Tol stretched her right arm from her body and lifted up a knee, before bringing it down into the muscled part of her shoulder again, keeping it there as he presses his weight behind it. "Ask her if she submits!" he bellowed at the referee, punctuating his request by driving the knee into WarMare’s shoulder again.
WarMare released a loud yell as soon as she felt Tol twist her right wrist behind her back after grabbing it. The leather clad monstress then released a loud grunt in reaction to feeling her right shoulder being hit by his left, followed by two more even louder grunts after she has felt him hit her right shoulders twice more. WarMare then released an even louder grunt as she felt his clothesline hit her chest hard before she released an even louder one as she hit the floor as a result of the hit. As she laid on her back on the mat, she said, "Du vill soon be im un lot off pain...," before she released a loud whinny as she felt the black bull’s leg land across her chest, hitting her breasts in the process. This caused WarMare to roll around on the floor in pain under him as she started to wonder how to get even with the bull for that last move. "Ich vill...grunt...hurt du...grunt...bastard!!!" The buxom redhead then felt her right arm being stretched by Tol. She started to moan in pain from the move. WarMare then started to bang her right leg against the mat, just as she felt his knee leaning hard on her shoulder. The redheaded mare then released a loud snort, as she heard the bull order the referee to ask for her to give up as she felt his knee once again being driven hard into her right shoulder.
The polar bear femme looked at Tol, before she looked at WarMare. She asked the black leather clad monstress, "Do you submit!!"
"NEIN!!!" instantly yelled the mare, before she released another snort, followed by a grunt of pain. "Ich refuse to give up," she told the ref, before releasing another loud yell, as she felt Tol’s digging his knee even deeper into her hurting shoulder, while he was also trying to separate her right shoulder from its socket.
The referee then back off after receiving her answer.
WarMare continued to grunt in pain, her right foot now banging against the mat, as the black bovine tried to put on the pressure, while calling her a stubborn mare. The buxom redhead snorted in response to his comment, while ignoring the pain she was feeling, as she looked around. She soon noticed that they were close to the ropes. After releasing another moan of pain, she began to stretch her left arm, trying to reach the bottom rope with her free arm, while ignoring the obvious pain that she was feeling. The black leather clad monstress then grunted as she felt Tol adding to the pressure as he began to realize what she was trying to do and was attempting to prevent it by adding even more pressure to her hurting arm.
"Do you submit," the referee asked WarMare again, as she saw Tol trying to dig his knee even deeper into her right shoulder.
"NEIN!!!" replied WarMare, as the living personification of war refused to give into the pain, as she could feel her fingers getting closer to the bottom ropes. After releasing another whinny of pain, her left arm finally reached the ropes, which she then grabbed, much to Tol’s annoyance.
"Okay, Tol, you have to let her arm go," the polar bear told a grumbling Tol, before she started a five count.
The buxom redhead grunted lightly as she felt Tol pulling even harder on her arm, while hearing the ref perform a five count. She then felt the bull finally release her hurting right arm just before the she-bear reached five. WarMare breathed a sigh of relief before releasing another grunt, as she felt a foot hit the fleshy part of her right shoulder, before she heard Tol grumbling before he began to walk away from her. She laid on the mat for a few seconds, breathing in some air, before she began to use her arms to lift herself up, via the ropes, ignoring the pain that she was feeling in her right shoulder as she does. Once she was back on her feet, she looked ahead, just in time to see Tol charging at her once again, obviously trying to hit her with a hard spear. Thinking quickly, WarMare placed her hooves onto the top ropes, and then lifted herself up, so that both of her feet could hit Tol hard in the face. She heard a loud grunt, as her feet connected with the target, while she ignored the pain to her right shoulder that the move had caused. WarMare then put her legs back onto the mat, before she watched an angry Tol approach her again. She allowed him to grab her still hurting right arm, but when he attempted to irish whip her into the opposite corner, she countered the move and then irish whipped him into the other corner, soon hearing him release a loud grunt as his back hit the turnbuckle.
As she heard the crowd loudly roar as they continue to watch the match, WarMare took the opportunity to exit the ring, and then head for the cart to get a new weapon to use against the black bull. Once out of the ring, she headed for the cart. Once she had reached it, she found what she was hoping to find. The redheaded monstress soon reached down and picked up her new weapon, a kendo stick, just as she heard a loud noise approaching her. Looking up, she can see Tol, who had just left the ring once again charging after her. WarMare waited, before sidestepping a little to her right and they slamming the kendo stick into the now gasping ebony bovine’s chest, causing him to double over in pain as the stick broke in half. With the broken stick still in her hoof, she slammed it hard against his back, causing him to fall down in more pain. Then, with a loud snort, she smashed it against the back of his head, which produced a loud yell from the bovine. "Now, ve’re even!!!!" she said to him, before pulling him up by the neck. Once he was up, she rammed a couple of hard right knees into his gut, before ramming him against the restraining wall, head first. She smiled as she heard a loud grunt escape Tol’s lips after his head had hit against the wall.
The black bovine sagged against the wall, his back and head hurting quite violently due to the equine’s continued abuse. After a few moments, the ebony bull staggered towards the ring, soon rolling himself under the bottom rope. .oO(Damnit...I thought I was close,) he thought as he ignored the various pains shooting through his muscled form as he started to get back up.
She then went back to the cart to see if she could find a new weapon to use against Tol. She soon did, as she found a bag filled with thumbtacks. WarMare picked up the bag, and then headed towards the ring with them. Upon rolling herself back into the ring, she looked up to see a somewhat groggy Tol also heading back towards the ring. Smiling sadistically, she moved to the center of the ring, where she opened the bag and started to drop some of the tacks onto the mat. Once she was done, she threw the bag out of the ring. As she heard it land onto the floor, she approached Tol, who had just rolled himself back into the ring. She quickly welcomed him with a quick left snap kick towards his head. The buxom mare soon saw her leg get caught by the bovine, who was now planning to prepare her for a big swing. She snorted, before she jumped up and lifted up her right leg, soon using it to hit the back of Tol’s head with an enziguri. She heard a grunt exit Tol’s mouth, before seeing him fall onto the floor with a grunt. WarMare soon felt her own body hit the floor, face first, making her release a loud grunt in the process.
Tol wore a look of surprise on his face for a moment after he has felt the enziguri connect, soon seeing stars before he felt himself hitting the mat. He groaned lightly, reaching his arms back to hold his aching skull as he rolled a little on the canvas.
The pair was soon lying on the mat, both gasping for air, while the crowd wondered which one would get back up first.
The referee was soon looking at the wounded pair. "Either of you want to give up?" she asked them, which produced a couple of loud nos from both of them.
After several seconds of lying on the mat, the redheaded warhorse started to get back onto her feet, to the crowd’s cheer, followed shortly by Tol, which was also greeted by loud cheers. WarMare then hit the black bovine with a left hook to the face, which produced a loud grunt from the bull. She then produced a loud grunt of her own, as he came back to hit her with a right straight to the face. She then came back with a right cross to the chin, releasing a low whinny because of the pain that was caused from her using that arm. The pair was soon exchanging hard blows, until WarMare got in close enough to aim a right knee into Tol’s gut. Once she saw him double over, she quickly grab his neck and spun him around so that she could perform her crush the rebellion neckbreaker on him, which created a loud grunt to exit Tol’s lips. After a couple of seconds lying on the mat, catching some badly needed air, WarMare raised her upper body. She then got back up. The buxom equine femme then waited for Tol to get back up, stalking him as she waited, while getting her right hoof ready. Upon seeing Tol get up, she snapped her right hand around his neck, although wincing from the pain it caused. She then used her left to grab the bottom part of his trunks, on the right side. She then lifted him up, before carrying him as fast as her still hurting shoulders would allow her, towards the thumbtacks. When she was close enough, she threw him, in a modified broken mast chokeslam at the thumbtacks. WarMare soon heard a loud yell exit Tol’s mouth as she watched him land, back first, into the tacks. "Happy Landings," she said to him in a nasty tone, as she enjoyed watching him squirm in pain. She then added insult to injury by first walking towards him, and then walking across his stomach, which made some of the tacks dig deeply into his flesh. "Ich hope dat ich’d tenderized der beef dat du’re carrying Tol?" she then said to him in a sarcastic tone, as she turned around and look back at him. WarMare then waited to see if he would come back up from that, as she breathed in some more air, while ignoring her still hurting right shoulder.
Tol’s mouth formed a wordless cry as he was chokeslammed onto the carpet of thumbtacks, arching his back before he was stepped on by the leather clad mare, driving the sharp metal points even further into his hide. After a minute or so, he stirred, slowly getting to his feet, drawing several cries of "Holy shit!...and Look at his back!" from the crowd. His wide back was covered in shiny metal discs, with several trickles of blood flowing from his upper shoulders to the back of his thick thighs. He staggered to his feet, his angry gaze finding WarMare as she taunted him again as she wound up for a right cross that sent the bull reeling into a corner. As the equine approached her opponent, he strikes out with a hard kick to the gut, doubling her over as Tol snarled and gripped her head, pulling it against his side as he dropped her into a wicked spike ddt! The crowd roared as the bull rolled out of the ring, grabbing two tables and soon pushing them under the ropes.
The buxom mare snorted loudly as she saw the bloody bull start to get back up. WarMare slowly walked over to Tol and then hit him with a strong right cross to the chin which sent him flying into a corner. With an even louder snort, she quickly went after him, only to release a loud grunt as she felt her stomach being hit hard with a kick. As the buxom redhead began to double over from the kick, while covering her stomach with her arms, WarMare felt the black bull wrap his arms around her head before feeling her body being pushed downward, soon feeling it hit the mat hard, forcing her to release a loud grunt because of the ddt. She then lay down on the mat for a while, groaning loudly as she was approached by the referee.
"Can you continue the match?" the polar bear asked the mare.
"Ja!!!" said WarMare, with a vicious snarl, as she tried to shake off the effects of the ddt and the pain that has been produced by it.
The referee, upon receiving her answer, nodded her head and started to walk away, just as Tol started to bring the two tables into the ring.
The large bull set up one of the tables in the corner opposite from where WarMare was beginning to stir. Satisfied with his work and shedding thumbtacks, he moved towards his downed foe. Lifting her to her feet by the hair, the bovine tossed her into the corner, following up with hard, fast shots to the body and jaw with his clenched fists, turning WarMare’s head left and right before a hard uppercut knocked her head back and she sagged in the corner, being held up by the ropes.
The redheaded mare soon started to get up, having no idea what Tol had planned for her, before she released a loud yelp as she felt her hair being pulled on, which pulled her back up. WarMare then felt herself being thrown into the corner, soon releasing a loud whinny as she felt her still hurting right shoulder hitting against the top turnbuckle. She soon proceeded to shake her head, before she started to release several loud grunts in response to the hard shots to her head. She then released a very loud whinny as she felt her head hitting hard against the corner. WarMare, as she used the ropes to keep herself up, started to once again shake her head as she tried to get the stars out of her eyes.
Grabbing her right arm, he grunted and irish whips the mare into the other corner and into the table, leaning over it with a thud, her back barely having time to bounce before Tol’s muscled shoulder crashes into her midsection as he speared the monstress through the shattered table as they both fell stunned into the corner.
The black clad monstress began to feel her right arm get grabbed and then felt herself being irish whipped into the opposite corner, at the moment being unable to prevent it. She soon felt her body moving forward before she released a loud grunt as she felt her back hitting against the table. .oO(Vat ist...) the buxom redhead began to think, as she tried to get back up, before releasing a loud whinny as she felt Tol’s shoulder slam itself against her midsection and then felt her back hitting against the table, soon causing it to break apart underneath their combine weight. She then felt her hurting back slam hard against the floor, with Tol soon lying on top of her and the broken wood lying all around them. The buxom mare then started to groan in pain, as she heard the referee start to count.
The polar bear referee followed the two combatants, before she saw the pair falling through the wooden table. She walked over to them, then started to do a count. "One....Two....Three…" the referee began to count, not really sure if either combatant will even stir by the time she had finished the ten count. As she reached five, the bovine began to stir, a moan of pain soon exiting both fighters lips as they slowly made their way to standing positions.
"Not done yet, WarMare?" the bull growled, before throwing a left hook that was blocked by the mare. "Nein!" she replied while trying to rock the ebony warrior with a left body kick which was checked by a raised knee. The crowd was standing now, cheering as WarMare chopped at Tol’s wide chest, soon driving him back and then roaring again as the bull answered with a vicious headbutt that leaves them both staggered.
WarMare continued to moan as she heard the ref’s count reach five, just as she felt Tol start to get off of her. As soon as he was off of her, the redheaded mare started to get up as well, still in pain while still trying to get rid of the stars in her eyes. She growled as she heard the black bull’s question before she raised one of her arms to block his hook. The black leather monstress then aimed a left leg at his stomach, trying to kick his stomach, only to have it blocked by his knee. After bringing her knee back down, she aimed the first of several hard chops at his chest, which caused him to grunt and start to move backward. As she heard the crowd cheer them on, she aimed several more chops, which forced him further back, before she released a loud grunt as she felt Tol head butt against her head, which soon disorients her. WarMare then started to shake her head to get rid of the pain she was now feeling.
Tol saw WarMare suddenly dashed towards the ropes, obviously trying to catch her weary opponent off guard, by trying to knock him down with a flying body block. Instead Tol released a grunt as he surprisingly caught her in his arms, before he took a step back and proceeded to twist the mare over his shoulder and then drop her right arm over his knee in a forceful shoulderbreaker. Tol then let her slump onto the mat as he himself fell backward, soon trying to catch his breath as he watch her body writhe on the mat in pain. "By the way...we aren’t even close to even..." he growled a few moments later as he gave the bull horns sign with his hand, before dragging the equine back to her knees as he grabbed her around the waist, grunting with effort as he swings her body up for his Bully Bomb powerbomb. The bovine circled his body once, twice and then a third time as he gave a short hop, soon bringing the equine’s head and shoulder crashing to the mat as he finished the move, the thumbtacks soon digging into both fighters back and rump!
The buxom redhead, once she had finished clearing her head, looked back at Tol. She released a loud snort as she looked at him. She then ran back towards the ropes, which she then bounced off of and then ran back towards the black bull. WarMare then jumped into the air, planning to knock him down with a flying body block. She released a loud grunt, as she felt herself being caught in midair by Tol. She then felt her body being placed over his shoulder before she released a loud whinny as she felt her still hurting right shoulder being slammed hard into his knee. As she rolled on the floor in pain, WarMare heard his comment. The mare snorted loudly in defiance before she felt him pulling her up onto her knees. WarMare then felt herself being lifted, before she felt the bull trying to place her in his powerbomb move. She then released a loud grunt as she felt her body being spun around. WarMare then felt her body being slammed hard onto the mat, releasing a loud whinny as she landed on top of it, then onto some of the tacks that she had released only minutes earlier. The buxom redhead then lay on the mat, trying to recover from the just completed move.
The crowd erupted at the execution of the move, as the exhausted bull tossed WarMare’s legs from his chest, and then draped his body over her shoulders as his arm grabbed and cradled her leg, waiting for the polar bear’s count.
The mare soon felt the bull release her legs, before she felt him draping his body across her shoulders and then felt his arm grabbing one of her legs and pulling it up. .oO(Ich refuse to lose...) she thought, as she started to hear the referee’s count.
"One, two..." started the polar bear femme, her paw hitting the mat after saying each number.
As soon as she has heard one, WarMare’s instincts took over and with some effort, she rolled her body under the black bull, getting her shoulder off of the mat before the she-bear could yell three. WarMare heard Tol snort loudly in anger as he felt her get her shoulder off of the mat. The black leather clad female equine then felt Tol release her leg, before he pushed her back onto her shoulders, and grabbed at her leg again for another pin attempt.
"One..." began the referee.
The buxom redhead snorted loudly before rolling her shoulders again, once again getting it off of the mat, to the frustration of the black bull. She then felt him trying to roll her back onto her shoulders, only for her to once again roll her shoulder back off of the mat, this time before the ref can actually start a count. WarMare then heard the bull release a loud snort of anger before he got off of her. As she felt him get off of her, the angry wrestling vet tried to regain her composure as she pondered what the bovine was going to do now. She turned her body a little bit, just in time to see him trying to set up the second of the two tables that he had brought into the ring earlier. The wounded mare snorted lightly, as she started to think up an idea of trying to use it to her advantage. The black monstress then started to get up, ignoring the pain that she was feeling with each move of her big frame. She was soon back on her feet, to the cheer of the crowd and to the surprise of Tol, who had just finished putting up the second table. WarMare watched the angry bull approach her, and started to aim a hard right straight at her head. The buxom redhead waited and then sidestepped so that the straight would miss her head, before she caught his arm with one of hers and at the same time aim a quick right knee to his stomach which made him double over with a loud grunt. She then suddenly lifted him up and fell back, slamming him face first into the mat, while releasing a loud grunt of her own because of her landing upon her sore right shoulder. WarMare then rolled away from the bull and was soon seated on one knee. With a loud snort, she quickly got back up, while seeing the bull starting to do the same. WarMare then walked towards the table. As she does, she saw the bull trying to get at her. A nasty smile soon crossed her face, as she approached the table. .oO(Ja, keep comink, big boy, so ich can give du un piece off ihr own medicine,) she thought, just as she reached the table first. She quickly turn around, just in time to see Tol charging at her, obviously planning to slam her through the table once again. Still smiling, WarMare waited until almost the last moment, when she sidestepped the bull again, and then grabbed at his neck, before attempting her collapsing bridge facebuster which slammed both of them through the table, with the black bull going through it face first with a loud grunt as she released one of her own.
The referee looked at the pair, seeing neither of them moving at the moment, as they lay in the middle of the just destroyed table. As the crowd watched, she started a ten count. As she reached three, she began to see movement within the broken wood.
WarMare snorted loudly as she could feel her face lying among the wood, while at the same time feeling some blood exiting her wounded nose. With a loud grunt, she rolled her body until she was able to roll Tol wounded frame onto its back. Once she has placed the bull onto his back, the buxom redhead rested her big breasts across the black bull’s chest. She then started to grab for his legs, as she heard the polar bear referee change the count.
The polar bear referee got her body onto the mat, and once she saw that WarMare was resting her body on top of Tol’s wounded frame, and saw that his back was indeed lying on top of the mat, she started to make a count.
Tol blinked as he heard the referee begin her count, feeling WarMare’s body lying on top of his own as a couple of shards of the destroyed table jabbed themselves into his muscled back. In a rush, the memories of the mare kicking out from the powerbomb and his own face first meeting with a table come storming back into his mind.
"Two!..." the referee counted as her paw hits the mat a second time.
The bovine moved with more of a convulsion than a kick out, as he grunted and brought his shoulders off the mat barely a moment before her paw strikes the mat a third time.
"Thr....only two," the ref said, holding two fingers up in the air.
WarMare gave an irritated whinny, then placed her forearm across the bovine’s bleeding face, pinning Tol again but the referee was only able to get a two count before the ebony bull was able to kick out more forcefully this time.
WarMare laid on top of Tol's prone body, among the destroyed table, as she listened to the polar bear referee’s count, hoping that the match was now over. .oO(Come on, count faster,) she thought to herself, as she felt some more blood start to leak out of her nostril and then roll down her face when she suddenly felt the black bovine push his shoulder up just enough to stop the count. She blinked as she saw the ref show her two fingers. The now angry redhead released a loud whinny of disgust before she pushed Tol back down, so that she can pin him again. WarMare soon had the bovine’s shoulder back under her body, his shoulder once again down on the mat, while she started to hear the polar bear’s count again. The black clad mare then blinked her eyes again as she felt the ebony bovine with a more determine push get his shoulder up once again, also ending this count at two as well. She released an angry snort before she released him and then started to get up from among the debris, much to the fans’ surprise. WarMare then released a light snort, while breathing in some more air, as she felt the pain that her body was at the moment going through.
The angry mare then moved off of her foe, before stepping out of the wreckage of the table, while Tol let out a light groan and then crawled away from the table towards the ropes. He soon gave the fans in the front row a great look at his hurting face, the tape wrapped around his fists growing more and more reddish as he lifted himself back to his feet, while leaning heavily upon the ropes. The bull’s chest now heaving heavily as he tried to regain his focus and ignored the pain of his aching body as he saw from the corner of his eye the aggressive equine charging across the ring at him. Tol held his place till the last second, when he dropped down to the mat while pulling the ring ropes down! "Happy landings!" Tol rumbled as WarMare emitted a surprised sound of dismay as she tumbled over the top rope, before striking the apron and then hitting the arena floor with a painful sounding thud. The muscular bovine then lay on the mat for a few moments, before finally shaking the last of the daze from his head before beginning to roll his body under the bottom rope and onto floor.
Once she was able to stand, WarMare looked back at her wounded opponent. She snorted, while she wiped the rolling blood away from her nostril. The black leather clad monstress then walked away from Tol, planning to do a move which she hope will finally end their match. As she moved away, she watched Tol start to use the ropes to pull himself back up. Once she had believed that she was far enough away from him for her purposes, she ran towards Tol, planning to hit the wounded ebony bovine with a clothesline that should knock him out of the ring and onto the floor, which she would then quickly follow up with a suicide jump from the top rope to damage him enough to finally end their nasty match. As she got closer to him, and started to pull up her right arm, WarMare blinked she saw Tol suddenly pull down the top rope while placing his wounded body close to the floor. "Du bastard," she yelled at him in anger, before she found herself flying past both Tol and the pulled down rope. She soon released a loud grunt as she felt her hurting right shoulder hitting against the apron, before releasing a second, louder grunt as she landed, face first, upon the stone floor. WarMare was soon releasing a loud groan as she was lying on the floor, trying to keep from going unconscious. .oO(Can’t go unconscious.) As she struggled to stay awake, she does not know that Tol was now out of the ring and approaching her.
Approaching the mare, the bloodied bull lean down and picked up a steel chair that had spilled from the cart of weapons he had earlier brought to the ring. He winced as he straightens up, putting aside his battered body’s protest as he stood over the now stirring WarMare. "Time to end this…" he growled while bringing up the chair before bringing it down across the equine’s hard back with a vicious crack that made the ringside fans recoil in sympathy. Tol quickly followed that first blow with a couple more before lowering the now twisted, unusable chair and then tossing it to the side. Breathing heavily, he tossed the chair to the arena floor, before glaring down at the mare as he picked her up and put his foe back into the ring between the bottom and second rope. Meanwhile, the referee has been trying to clear the ring of the debris now scattered though it, before turning to look back just as Tol slide his body under the bottom rope and straddled the mare’s back as she lay facedown on the canvas.
WarMare started to shake her head, trying to get her body back up. As she started to put her arms onto the floor, she released a loud whinny as she felt her back being hit hard by a steel chair between her shoulders. She then released two more equally loud whinnies in response to feeling her back being hit twice more by hard steel. Now back on the floor, the black leather clad mare released a loud moan in reaction to the pain she was now feeling. .oO(Can’t give in to der pain,) she thought to herself as she felt her body being pulled off of the floor, and then being moved towards the ring, as if she was nothing more than a carcass. The monstress created a low snort of defiance, before she felt her body being put back into the ring with a grunt. She was soon lying on the mat, trying to regain her strength, while hoping that Tol has made a rookie mistake which she hope she can exploit, in spite of the pain that she was now feeling. The buxom mare then started to feel something straddling across her back. .oO(Vat ist...)
After taking a deep breath, the bovine crouched and quickly slide his hands underneath the mare’s armpits, before leaning forward as he clasped his now interwoven fingers behind her neck and sat back down, soon completing the first part of his finishing move as he tighten his arms around her neck, using his strength to make the full nelson as painful as possible as he forced her to arch her back in the modified camel clutch. "Give up or I’ll break your neck, WarMare!" he snarled as he tightens the move, soon resting his weight upon her lower back as he inflicted even more damage on her shoulders, neck and lower back.
WarMare felt something going under her armpits. Before she could think any more, she felt her back being pulled up, followed by several fingers leaning against her strong neck. The buxom mare snorted loudly in defiance, as she moved her eyes to get as much bearing as she can because of the visual limitation of the move. "Never!" she snarled, before she saw the ursine standing to her right.
"Do you submit?" asked the female referee.
"Nein! she snarled, as she continued to look around. As she released another snort, then a light whinny from the pain, she was finally able to figure out her surroundings. WarMare blinked as she realized that Tol has indeed made a rookie mistake by not putting her into the middle of the ring. As she released another grunt, while yelling another "Nein!" to both Tol and the referee, she figured that she was close enough to the ropes to attempt to move one of her legs towards it, since Tol has done a second mistake by not sitting so high up on her back. After releasing another nein, which she knew would only make Tol angrier, WarMare moved first her right leg to the left and then to the right, soon learning that there was nothing even close to it. As she released another whinny from the maddening pain that she was feeling, she tried the same thing with her left leg. After a few tries, she could feel her leg brushing against what she knew had to be the bottom rope. WarMare then released another moan as she felt Tol pulling back even more on his finisher. .oO(Must ignore der pain,) she mused, as she heard the referee ask her once again if she was going to submit. She ignored the ref while she moved her left leg towards the bottom rope. With a loud grunt, she could feel her leg getting closer, while hearing Tol making another threat about breaking her neck. "Blow it out ihr ear," she snarled at Tol, before releasing another loud snort of pain, just as her leg was able to finally hook the bottom rope. She released a light whinny because of the pain from her present position, while the fans in the front row yelled at the referee to see what the screaming mare has just done.
The ref heard the mare’s scream, and was about to ask the mare if she was now finally willing to submit, when she heard the fans yelling at her. She looked around and saw that WarMare’s left foot was just barely lying across the bottom rope. She got up and looked at Tol. "Tol, release the hold. Now!" She then started to count to five.
WarMare continued to whinny in reaction to the pain, before she heard some grumbling from Tol, before he finally released the hold. She then lay on her back, trying to recover from the pain, while she removed her leg from the rope. She then released a loud oooffff, as she felt a foot start to hit her back. The angry monstress then released a few more grunts in reaction to the foot stomps that she was now feeling against her back before they finally stopped. She then felt her body being dragged across the mat until she soon found herself lying near the middle of the ring. The buxom mare turned her head and saw an angry Tol stomping off towards the far turnbuckle. As she started to breath in some air, a plan started to develop inside the hurting ring veteran’s head. .oO(Now, iff he’s angry enough to,) she started to think, as she watched him reach the turnbuckle and start to go up the ropes. .oO(Ja, he ist,) she thought, as she breath in some more air, while she kept a close watch on Tol. The monstress then watched Tol place himself into position for an obvious elbow drop from the top rope so that he could hurt her injured shoulder some more. .oO(Must time this right,) she thought, just as she saw him jump off of the top turnbuckle. As soon as she saw him jump, WarMare rolled her body towards him, so that she was soon hearing a loud thud behind her, followed by some loud yelling by Tol. Ignoring him, she rolled her body towards the just vacated turnbuckle. Upon reaching it, WarMare started to use the ropes to pull her wounded body back up. As she ignored her really hurting back, she heard the ref asking her if she could continue. "Ja, now move away," the redheaded monstress snarled, as she continued to pull her body up. Once she was back up, she turned her body around, just in time to see Tol charging at her once more, obviously planning to hit her with an avalanche. Snarling, she placed her arms onto the top ropes and lifted up her body and with a snort, aimed her feet at Tol’s head, soon connecting. As she did, she released a loud whinny of pain in reaction to the pain she was now feeling from the hit. "Ich hope dat hurt du as badly as ich’m feelink right now," she snarled, as she put her legs back down. The angry, hurting, personification of war soon saw the black bovine moving away from her, appearing groggy from her legs hitting him square in the face.
With another snort, she released the ropes, and charged at him, before she lowered her shoulder and hit Tol with a rather nasty spear in the stomach which made both of them release a loud grunt before hitting the mat together. WarMare then rolled off of the bull, before she started to groan on the mat, as did the wounded black bull.
The polar bear referee was soon standing over the prone pair once again. She looked them over and after hearing a few moans from both, started to count. "1..." she began, before looking at the pair again. After a few seconds, she counted again. "2..." she announced, before looking at the pair again, to see if either of the obviously wounded pair would actually be able to beat the count. "3..."
WarMare continued to lay on her back, moaning as she heard the white ursine counts four. The black leather clad mare then snorted before she looked over at the bull. She heard Tol also moaning, as he lay on the mat next to her. As she heard the referee now say five, she snorted, "Ich hope dat hurts, huff, un lot, huff, bastard," before she started to move. WarMare rolled her body until she was once again lying on top of Tol, her breasts now lying against his rising chest, ending the ursine’s count at seven. She then reached for the bull’s nearest leg, attempting to lift it up, as the referee got herself into position for a new count. As the angry mare started to hear the ref count one, she got his leg up. WarMare then waited for the referee to finish the count, breathing hard as she waited for the match to finally end so that both combatants can finally seek some medical attention. "Und stay down, this time, bastard!!!!"
The bloody and battered bovine lay on the mat, as the referee counted both combatants down, his broad chest heaving in a great breath of air as the polar bear reached five. Shooting pain seems to radiate from almost his whole chest as his lungs suck in great gasps of air, the bull fighting through the shock of WarMare’s spear to clear his head. As Tol heard the ursine’s voice reach five, he felt the mare covering his chest, her arm getting his leg hooked as he felt the ref’s paw slapping against the mat again. "Two!" he heard the polar bear count as he bent his head back and saw the white paw coming down for three.
WarMare snorted as she waited for the finally count of three, while lying atop of the bull. "Come on, hurry it up."
With a harsh grunt, Tol shoot his arm up and out, his large hand soon stopping the ref’s count as he caught her wrist, stopping its downward motion. "No," he simply stated as he kicked free of the pin with a convulsion of his weary body.
The referee, as she was about ready to count three, blinked as she felt something grab her paw. She then looked down and saw that it was Tol. She growled, while trying to pull her hand away from his grip, "Hey, no interfering with the count!!!!"
"Wat ist.." began WarMare, before she felt her body being pushed up as Tol kicked free of the pin, to her surprise. "Dis ist gettink to be pretty annoyink..." she announced, as she began to get up, ignoring the pain that she was still feeling as she did so.
After letting go of the ref’s wrist, he rolled away from the leather clad equine, holding his midsection as he groaned in pain. Slowly getting onto all fours, he saw WarMare rising as well, clearly irritated that her foe has escaped defeat again by such a slim margin. .oO(Too bad, WarMare...if you didn’t like that....you won’t like what comes next even more,) he thought as he gathered himself as the equine made an angry snort and then rushed towards the bovine, intent on giving the bull a punt to the ribcage.
Once she was back on a vertical base, the hurting mare looked over at her equally hurting opponent. She released several loud snorts while breathing in some air. Then, with one very angry snort, she ran after the black bovine, sure that Tol would be too hurt to get out of the way of her next move.
Tol roared as WarMare drew back her foot, springing up to catch the equine with a vicious clothesline that almost spun his adversary around, sending her crashing onto the mat as the bull collapsed to all fours again.
The black clad female monstress released a loud whinny as she was caught off-guard by the clothesline that came out of nowhere, soon causing her to fall hard onto the mat with a loud grunt. WarMare was once again lying on her back, quickly breathing in some air, while feeling her chest smarting from the last move. .oO(Need to put him down!!!!) she thought, as she laid on the mat, while the polar bear ref was performing a new ten count.
After a couple of harsh panted breaths, Tol got back to his feet, moving slowly over to his fallen foe as she groans, before taking her hands into his as he pulled her roughly up to her feet. The mare then surprised her opponent with a hard right hook, which made the ebony bull stagger back before he snarled and returned the favor with a straight left to the snout causing WarMare to likewise stagger back. The crowd roared as both fighters wearily pummel each other for a few seconds.
The buxom redhead snorted as she felt herself being roughly lifted back up, while the ref ended her count. As she was being lifted, she planned to spring a surprise on Tol, as there was still some fight left in the monster. Once she was back on her feet, she aimed a quick right hook at Tol’s face. Although not as hard as it would have been earlier in the match, it still caused him to stager away from her. This gave WarMare a chance to breath in some air, which was soon short lived, as she whinnied in reaction to her snout being hit by a left straight from Tol. This caused her to stagger as she felt her muzzle once again bleeding blood. She stopped, and as soon as Tol was almost on her, aimed a strong right hook at his muzzle. She was soon in a fight with him, both hitting the other with hard blows to the other’s face while the crowd cheered them on.
Tol felt his right eye beginning to swell shut and growled loudly, before kicking the monstress hard in her midsection, making her gasps and bend over at the waist.
WarMare was feeling her blood trickling down her face, as she saw Tol’s right eye starting to swell shut. .oO(Just one more, huff, hit should do it....OOOFFFFF!!!!) she began to think, just as she felt Tol kicking her once again in the stomach, which caused her to bend over once again.
The bull’s entire body protested as he locked his massive arms around the mare’s waist, before straightening up to lift her up into the air over his shoulder. Quickly, he shifted his grip under her armpits as he staggered back a step, his head down as he muscles WarMare into the crucifix position with sheer strength. Tol gave a loud bellow as he falls to his knees, soon bringing his arms forward as he drives his foe’s shoulders and the back of her head into the mat with a powerful crash. His arms now feeling like lead weights, he looked around and pushed the mare onto her back from where she was folded up after the punishing move.
The redheaded mare released a light whinny of pain as she felt Tol’s arms grab her around the waist. WarMare then felt the black bovine trying to lift her up. .oO(Ist he nuts?) she thought as she felt her big body being lifted into the air, before feeling him getting ready to put her into the crucifix position. Although weak, she tried to shake her body so that she could make him loosen his grip on her. Soon releasing that it wouldn’t work, she relaxed her body so that the move wouldn’t be as punishing as it would appear. She then felt herself being pushed backward before releasing a loud whinny as she felt her back and head hitting against the mat, soon seeing stars because of the head bump. She was soon groaning in pain on the mat, while the fans in the front row began to ponder how bad the move actually was.
He grunted and moved her more towards the center of the ring onto her back as he covered her this time, making a pained noise as he hooked her leg, his torso covering hers as he cinched in the pin attempt. "Take...<pants> your own advice..." he gasped as he took in a deep breath and forced his arms to cinch tighter as the referee began her count.
WarMare laid on the mat, still groaning, as she felt Tol’s form lying on top of hers, while feeling one of her legs being lifted into the air. At the moment, she was unable to move to break Tol’s grip because of her head hitting the mat, which also caused her to not respond to him, while still groaning.
The polar bear referee got onto the mat, and after seeing that the black clad monstress’ shoulders were indeed on the mat, began to count. "ONE!"
As Tol laid on top of her, WarMare slowly began to feel the fog lifting, but she was still feeling too hurt to push Tol off of her.
"TWO!!!" yelled the ref, as her paw hit the ground.
Her head still throbbing, the black clad monstress made a final, but futile effort to push the black bovine off of her body. She then released a last angry snort that should make Tol pause.
"THREE!" announced the polar bear femme, as she slammed her paw down for the third and last time. She then looked over at the bell ringer, telling her to ring the bell.
The bell ringer did, and rang the bell as quickly as she could, while the polar bear ref moved out of the way of the two combatants.
WarMare laid on the mat, breathing for air, feeling her body in pain as she heard the bell being rung. She released an angry whinny upon hearing the bell, before she pushed Tol off of her. With a snort, she said, "Ich told du earlier dat du haff better be sure dat ich vas out vhen du von dis match Tol," while the announcer said to the cheering audience,
"Here is your winner, by pinfall, TOL!!!!"
She then rolled a short distance away, before raising her lower body back up. She then looked at Tol, who was starting to get up as well. WarMare got up, just in time to see Tol trying to charge her. The buxom redhead moved to the side to get out of the way. She saw Tol run past her, and go right into the turnbuckle that was right behind them with an ooff. She released a snort, before moving her right hoof, putting it into position to grab him by the throat when he turned back around. WarMare, in spite of the pain that she was still feeling, moved herself quickly, and grabbed the surprised black bovine by the neck. She gave him a very angry look, before snorting loudly, as she reached for his right shoulder, which she quickly placed upon her shoulder. WarMare then grabbed Tol’s trunk, and before he could react, she lifted him up into the air and with a very nasty whinny ringing inside the stadium, slammed him back down onto the mat with a very powerful chockslam. She then released his neck. As she breathed in some more air, while some more blood flowed down from her muzzle, she looked at Tol. "Ich vant un rematch vhen du are better, swine," she said to the presently prone bovine, before going to the ropes and exiting through them as her theme music began to play.
The battered bovine groaned as WarMare made known her desire for another battle, his back spasming in pain from the vicious chokeslam. As the black bull rolled over onto his side, his blurry eye watched the angry mare leave the ring.
WarMare slowly headed for the back, while a para team came through the curtain, planning to check on Tol, while the ref looked at him. As she walked through the crowd, she used the right sleeve of her outfit to wipe away the blood from her muzzle, although knowing that she was going to need to see Doctor Quack once she was past the curtain.
"You know, I should’ve disqualified you when you grabbed my wrist earlier. Guess its a bit late for that now, huh?" said the polar bear femme, with a slight smirk, as she continued to look at the panting bull, just as the para team were almost at the ring.
Tol slowly made his way to his knees, shaking his head as blood dripped down from his chin. His eye swollen as the gleam from some of the thumbtacks still embedded in his hide glint off his ebony back. Looking at the referee evenly, he said, "Yes it is...especially since this hand is the one that is raised tonight!" as he raised his fist in the air, the white tape around his knuckles completely crimson . The bovine soon stood up on at first shaky legs and then gripped the top rope.
"Hey WarMare!" he bellowed, "don’t you worry...you and I aren’t done by a long shot! The next time we meet....somebody is going to get carried out of this ring on a stretcher! That’s not a threat....it’s a damn promise!!" Tol snarled as the para team got close, shaking off any help as he made his way over the top rope, stepping over it and dropping to the ring floor. The bloody bull let out a short sharp hiss as he made his way to the back, turning to acknowledge the fans once more before he went behind the curtain.

The End

WarMare © 2008 Stanley L. Alston, Jr.
Tol © 2008 C. Johnson

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