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At the Beach, Part 1:

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

As the sun started to enter through a bedroom window, a door slowly opens. A young female equine’s head soon peaked through the slightly opened door. The head looked around the room. She quickly noticed a couple of bodies lying asleep atop a queen-sized bed set in the middle of the aforementioned bedroom. The bed sheets were placed below the two forms, revealing what the pair was wearing. The female, who was sleeping comfortably upon the bed’s left side pillow, wore a hot pink slip gown. To her left slept her stallion husband, who wore only the bottom half of his white pajamas.

The now smiling figure opened the door a little wider, before slowly walking towards the still sleeping pair. She was soon standing before the redheaded mare, her mother. Still smiling, the young filly yelled:


The young equine’s yell startled the older horses awake.

"Who, what, where…" yelled James, the brunette Clydesdale stallion, who had woke up with a fright.

Eva, the redhead Rhenish mare, woke up a little more slowly, stretching her pretty form as she did. The older mare then looked towards her left, where she noticed her young daughter, Brunhilda.

"Guten Morgen, kind," Eva said to her daughter, as she smiled at the filly. She then looked at her daughter. The pre-teen brunette mare was dressed in a green robe, which covered her yellow pajamas. She then asked the still smiling filly, "Und vat, may ich asked, Brunne, brings du so excitedly into our room?"

James, who now realized that it was Brunne who had woke them up, added, as he rubbed his brunette-haired neck, "Yes, lass, why be ye hear?"

"Oh, nothing much, mom, dad, other than that you two did promise to take me to the beach today," answered a smiling Brunne, as she slowly swayed her body back and forth.

"Aye, we did say tat, dinnae we?" quickly replied James, as he looked at his pretty brunette-haired wife, who nodded in the affirmative.

Eva looked back at her daughter. "Okay, kind, ve’ll take du to der beach, once ve’d gotten dressed, ja?" Smiling at her, she added, "Und dat’s goes fer du too, honey, ja?" The older mare then gently tapped her brunette-haired daughter on her white striped nose.

"Yay!" yelled the enthusiastic filly as she headed for the door. "We’re goin’ to the beach." She was soon out of the master bedroom, heading for her own room to get her beach outfit.

After Brunhilda was back in her own room, the two older equines looked at each other. This lasted for several minutes. As a naughty smile crossed Eva’s pretty countenance, James queried, "Ye are not thinkin’ tae be wearin’ one off those skimpy swimsuits of yers, are ye lass?"

Eva looked back at her hubby. "Nein," answered the Rhenish mare, as the Clydesdale released a loud sigh of relief. "Ich vasn’t thinkink about any off those until du’d mentioned dem." At that moment, an even naughtier smile crossed her face.

"Oh, then vat were ye thinkin’, lass?"

As she moved closer to James, Eva said, "Ich vas thinkink dat ve haff enough time to do somethink dat shouldn’t take too long to do, ja? Und ist enjoyable." She then placed a hoof upon James’ brown knee, hoping that he would get her hint.

"OH!!!" said James, as Eva began to snicker.

About two hours later, after arriving at the beach near their Santa Monica home and quickly changing into their swimsuits, the three equines were walking across the beach, presently looking for a place to sit down. In the lead was Eva. The older mare was wearing a golden two-piece swimsuit. She was carrying in her left hoof a picnic basket, which contained their lunch and a small folding chair in her right. Behind her walked James, who was clad in a black male swim briefs. The Clydesdale stallion was carrying in his hooves a couple of large folding chairs and a large beach umbrella. Walking behind the older pair was Brunhilda. The young filly was dressed in a white one-piece swimsuit. She was carrying in her right hoof a beach blanket and a paperback book in her left. The young brunette was also wearing a pair of dark sunglasses. All three equines were wearing wooden sandals upon their hooves.

After the trio had walked past a seated raccoon couple, Eva stopped. She looked the area over. Satisfied, she said to the other two horses, "Dis spot ist perfect." She turned. Eva said to Brunne, "Du can put down der blanket right here, Brunne honey." The older mare pointed at the soft sand before her hooves.

"Yes, mom," said the young filly, as she saw where her mother’s finger was pointing, before walking past her smiling father, who in the interim had placed the umbrella and the chairs upon the beach. Now standing next to Eva, and after giving the older mare her book, Brunne snapped open the blanket and quickly placed it atop the sand. After smoothing it out, she moved next to her mother.

James then approached the duo. Within several minutes he had placed the larger chairs at the blanket’s upper right and left hand corners.

While James began to open up the umbrella, Eva placed the basket towards the middle of the blanket. The pretty Rhenish mare then opened up and placed the smaller chair towards the lower right hand corner of the blanket. She then gave Brunne back her book, just as James finished setting up the umbrella behind the chairs, so that it would cover the trio from the sun’s warm rays.

"Thank you for holding my book, mom," said the young filly, as her mother smiled, before the mare gently patted her on the head. This made Brunne blush. "Mom, please, not in front of everyone."

Brunne’s whine caused Eva to giggle, before she turned and sashayed towards the chairs. "Du’re velcome, kind," replied the still giggling redhead. She then sat in the upper right hand chair while James sat in the other one. A few minutes later, the filly sat in the smaller chair.

While James and Eva, drinking water that they had retrieved from the basket, were watching some of the beach activities, Brunhilda was looking at her book. The young mare soon heard a familiar voice yelling:


Brunne looked up. Looking before her, she saw a pre-teen female striped skunkette approaching her and her parents. The skunkette she immediately recognized as her friend, Cathy. The platinum blonde, black and white-furred young femme was wearing a two-piece light green swimsuit and a pair of wooden sandals. She was presently waving at the filly.

"Hi, Cathy," the young mare yelled back, while returning the young blonde skunkette’s wave. "I wasn’t expecting to see you here today."

"Hey, it was my folks’ last minute idea," answered the enthusiastic Cathy, as she now stood before Brunhilda. "They wanted to get away from it all for a while," she added, as she leaned closer to Brunhilda, her paws resting upon her knees. "So, what brings the team captain and her family to the beach? And, by the way, nice suit. Although I seriously think that you would look better wearing a two-piece like your mother’s."

"Thank you, Cathy, I think," started the blushing filly, before she looked at her mother’s outfit. After a few minutes of looking, the filly continued, "Although I think I’ll wait until I’m in my late teen before I start wearing one of those." As her mother smiled in approval, Brunhilda added, "I think you look nice in yours though, Cathy."

"Thank you," replied Cathy, as she turned around to show the filly the rest of her swimsuit. "I just hope the guys around our age on this beach will think the same."

*I keep forgetting that girl is interested in boys,* the young mare mused, while shaking her head. "Anyway, to answer your question, this is my reward for graduating from 7th grade, that’s all."

"OOOh," said Cathy. The young two-tone mustelid then asked Brunne’s folks if it was alright if she sat next to their daughter. After being given an affirmative reply from the older equines, Cathy quickly sat to Brunhilda’s right. As she did, she heard the mare comment:

"By the way, Cath, which sport did you mean when you said team captain? Baseball, Basketball or Soccer?" Brunne then released a low snickering whinny.

As she lay back upon her elbows, Cathy answered, in an embarrassing tone, "That’s right, I forgot that you’re team captain in three sports." After a short giggle of her own, the blonde skunkette looked at the brunette filly. Cathy then queried, "So, are you ready for high school, Brunne?"

Brunne, who a few minutes earlier had returned to reading her book, stopped. After a short blink, and then a double take, she looked at Cathy, who was smiling at her. The still surprised young filly finally replied, "Isn’t it a little early to be talking about high school, stinky? I mean, we still have one more year in junior high."

Cathy replied, "Come on, Brunne, haven’t you ever thought what it would be like to be in high school? Especially the high school boys?" As a dreamy look came across Cathy’s visage, Eva began to snickers while James started to raise a disapproving eyebrow. Before the young mare could reply, the skunkette added, "And please, don’t call me stinky, okay?"

"Whatever!" Brunne said with a snicker. She then noticed Cathy looking to her left. The mare decided to look in that direction, to see what the young mustelid was looking at. Brunhilda soon saw what Cathy was seeing. It was several males and females surfing upon a huge wave. As she continued to watch the surfers, Brunhilda heard the now standing blonde skunkette announce:

"Hey! Isn’t that Eddie on the lead board?"

Brunhilda looked at the lead surfer. The pretty young filly shortly noticed that it was a young blonde, male timber wolf. The gray wolf, clad in a pair of light brown swim trunks, was presently hanging ten on his surfboard. "Yeah, it’s Eddie alright, showing off as usual," quipped the brunette mare, as she tried to suppress a smile. At that moment, she and Cathy saw the wave knock Eddie off his board.

"Well, he isn’t showing off now," remarked Cathy with a snicker, before the two young mammals saw the timber wolf’s wet blonde locks break the water’s surface. As he swam towards his floating board, she then looked at the seated filly. "Want to see if he’s okay?"

Brunne looked towards her parents. She saw her sire now munching upon a sandwich while her mother was drinking a bottle of grape juice. "Do you mind, mom?"

After taking the juice bottle out of her mouth, the older brunette mare looked at her hubby. After taking another bite from his sandwich, he gave her a nod of approval. Eva then looked back at her young daughter. "Sure, kind. Just as long as du come back in time fer lunch, ja?"

"Sure, mom," announced Brunhilda as she got out of her chair. After placing her book on the chair, she and Cathy ran towards the water. As they did, they could see the wet canid swimming towards shore with his board. At the same time, James pulled his chair closer to his presently smiling wife.

As the duo neared the water, the mare yelled to the approaching blonde timber wolf, "Hey, Eddie, don’t you ever get tired of being a hot dog?" She smiled while the blonde skunkette giggled at her comment.

"Just about as much as you get tired of bein’ ‘Ms. Wonder Girl’, Brunne," shot back Eddie, just as he and his surfboard exited the water. After stopping in front of the two femmes and placing the bottom part of his board into the sand, he added, "Hey, babes, what’s happenin’?" as he started to shake himself dry.

"Not much," answered Cathy, as she and Brunne watched him shake. She then noticed the little drier canid carefully looking over her swimsuit. Smiling, she added, her arms placed beneath her developing bosoms, "Other than watching you getting wiped out a few minutes ago with the greatest of ease." Brunne tried to stifle a giggle as she got the mustelid’s quip.

"Quite the contrary, blonde, I was wiped out with the best of them."

"So we’ve noticed," replied Brunne, arms akimbo. "But seriously, Eddie, what were you doing out there, you ‘hot dog’?"

"If you must know, ‘Ms. Wonder Girl’, I’m doin’ some surfboardin’ to get myself ready for the surfin’ contest next week."

"Surfing contest?" said the two surprised femmes in unisom.

"You’re kiddin’, right?" added Cathy.

"Nope," replied Eddie, as a little water dripped off of his gray fur. As he took a good look at the young brunette mare and her developing form, he smiled and added, "By the way, Brunne, nice swimsuit."

Blushing, after hearing the canid’s kind words, the mare is for the moment at a lost for words. After several minutes of silence, she finally said, "Why, thank you, Eddie. You really think so?"

"Yeah. The way you fill it out almost makes me forget how much of a tomboy you are."

As Cathy giggled at Eddie’s comment, Brunne released a loud snort.

"I’ll tomboy you, you ‘hot dog’," announced the mare as she ran towards the young wolf.

Thinking quickly, before the angry mare could get too close, the blonde canid dropped his surfboard and started running in a northerly direction. "Aw, come on, Brunne, I was only kiddin’. You know I didn’t really mean the ‘tomboy’ part. Besides, shouldn’t it be the predator that chases prey?"

"I’m a tom boy, remember," answered Brunhilda, as she got closer to the running canine. "Besides, shouldn’t you be more concerned about what I’m going to do to you once I’ve caught you?" the young mare queried in a sort of joking tone.

As the two mammals continued to run along the beach, laughing as they did, Cathy, who had picked up Eddie’s dropped surfboard, looked at the running duo. Shaking her head, the two-tone mammal commented, "Gee, the way those two are acting, you think they were married." The young blonde skunkette then looked back at Brunne’s parents. She noticed James presently kissing a giggling Eva’s pretty neck, as the mare leaned against him. Looking back at the still running pair, Cathy shrugged her shoulder and said, "Nah." The young mustelid then headed towards the seated equines, dragging Eddie’s board along the beach as she did.

Eva McEqqus © 2001 Scott and Stanley Alston
James and Brunhilda McEqqus, Cathy and Eddie © 2001 Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

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