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Cruel, But Necessary, Punishment

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr. and R. Jakobi

The excited crowd seated inside the arena cheered lustily as they waited for the match between WarMare and Morgan to begin. They were soon cheering even louder when they heard the opening strains of WarMare's theme music, "Get off my back," from the 'Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron' movie soundtrack, which informed them that the physical personification of the first rider of the end times was about to appear.
Within seconds of the ending of the song's opening line, WarMare herself burst through the curtains, much to the large crowd's raucous cheers of approval. As she stood proudly before the curtain in her black and red ring outfit, the buxom redhead released a loud snort before she began to purposefully walk towards the ring. As she walked, the veteran mare looked over the crowd, as she heard their loud cheers. Anyone looking back at her would see that on her masked face was placed her usual look of anger and contempt for those who thought that they could easily defeat war. Upon reaching the ring, she headed for and then proceeded to walk up the steel steps. As she now walked across the apron, the ebony-clad redhead heard the ring announcer announce to the still loudly cheering audience inside the arena, as well as to those who were planning to watch the upcoming match on television, the following:
"Good evening, Ladies and Gentlefurs, and welcome to WCAW Wrestling. Tonight's match is a pin-fall-counts-anywhere match. Now entering the ring, standing tall at 6'3" and weighing in at 215 pounds, the first rider of the Apocalypse, WARMARE!!!!!"
After reaching the ropes, WarMare effortlessly entered the ring by walking over the top rope, after having pulled it down with her hooves. The buxom mare then walked towards the middle of the ring. Once there, she stopped. WarMare looked silently at the still cheering crowd. She then lifted her head up high, before releasing a very primeval sounding whinny which lasted for a while. Once she was done whinnying, and as her theme music stopped playing, WarMare lowered her head back down and then released a short snort before turning around and heading for a corner. Once she had reached her corner, she stopped in front of the turnbuckles, and turned around again, thus revealing to everyone in the arena that she now held within her right hoof a microphone. She waited until the crowd had stopped cheering for her before finally releasing a loud snort into the mic.
She then said into the mic, "Morgan, ich haff been told dat du haff been un bad boy, und dat du need to be punished. Vell, guess vat, ich'm to be der insturment off dat punishment!!! So, get ihr ass out here und be prepared for der beatink off un lifetime!!!"
After saying that, WarMare swiftly threw the mic out of the ring and then started to limber up, while an attendant retrieved the microphone from the arena’s floor. As he ran towards the announcer table with it, the buxom redhead released another short snort, while she waited anxiously for Morgan to appear.
The stage suddenly went dark, as the outline of the Canadian flag began to appear across the arena’s walkway. In lieu of his regular theme, however, Morgannus had opted to go with a darker, more industrial tone to his opening theme. As Prodigy's 'Voodoo People' started to play, the draconian pushed his way through the curtains. The audience quickly saw that his dark green dragon wings were folded against his back while the horns in his hair had been dulled purposely so that he wouldn't receive any complaints from this match’s ref. As his red eyes looked balefully from underneath his blonde hair, Morgan proceeded to trod across the walkway in his brown hobnail boots. As he flexed his fingers, and pushed the fist of one of his gauntlets into the palm of the other, he gave his opponent a low bow.
WarMare continued to warm-up in front of the turnbuckle in her corner as she watched the arena’s lights go dark and then heard the start of Morgan's theme music, quickly noticing that it was different from before. The buxom mare then looked across the arena, soon seeing the draco walking towards her and the ring. As she watched him approach, then bow before her, the red clad monsteress released another loud snort as she waited for her latest victim to finally get his carcass into the ring.
As the crowd alternately cheered and jeered him, the lights became brighter as the draconian continued to walk towards the stage, sweat already glistening across his scarred chest. A bit of agitation could be noticed in his step as Morgan heard the announcer make his presence known to the audience.
"…AND her opponent, from Montreal, Canada, standing in at six foot, and weighing 225 pounds, MORGAAAAAAAN DRAKEWING!"
The red and black clothed female warhorse continued to limber up inside the ring as she heard Morgan’s name being announced to the audience. WarMare then released an even longer snort as she continued to wait for her opponent while thinking about whether she should make their match either a short or long one, to gauge how badly she wanted to punish Morgan for not being around the previous few months and thereby missing his assigned matches.
Morgan, after hearing the announcement, suddenly ran towards the ring, soon sliding his body under the bottom rope, his stomach flat against the canvas. Once inside the ring, he looked about shiftily from side to side, before slowly getting up to his knees, and then to his feet. He then spread his wings wide as he undid his gauntlets, soon sliding them over to an attendant. As he brushed some dust off of his black and blue hakama, he saw the attendant walked away with the gauntlets. Once that had been done, Morgan took a ready stance and waited for the bell to ring.
WarMare watched Morgan finally enter the ring, as did the ref, a rather buxom looking female polar bear, who was presently standing to the left of the two opponents. Once she saw that Morgan was ready to fight, the redheaded ring vet nodded to the ref, as she stopped warming-up.
The ref in turn, as she saw the mare get into a wrestling pose, looked over at the skunkette bell ringer, and nodded to her to ring the bell.
The skunkette nodded back and then proceeded to ring the bell, thus starting the match.
“DING DING!!” loudly went the bell.
Upon hearing the bell ring, WarMare headed towards Morgan, while she watched him approach her.
As soon as they got into the middle of the ring, the pair began to lock up, with each one trying to push the other back towards their original corner. The pair immediately got nowhere, and soon found themselves stalemated.
The buxom redheaded monster angrily snorted, before she quickly released her grip upon Morgan's right arm and then proceeded to arm dragged him onto the floor. She was quickly on top of him, soon placing his left arm behind his back in an arm bar. She then placed her right knee against his back, trying to put some pressure against it.
"Time for ihr punishment to begin," she said to him, while trying to add a little bit more pressure on his arm by torquing it.
Morgan flowed easily from the arm drag into the arm bar, giving a good grimace of pain as he felt the hold being applied. He began to flap his wings against WarMare's legs, trying to at least obscure her vision as he tried to scoot himself towards the ropes. When that didn't work, he started to clench his free hand into a fist, soon pounding it against the ground as he tried to concentrate on his next move. As he now kneeled on the mat, he tried to push himself backwards, aiming to at least throw the angry redhead off balance.
Anyone watching the match would see that Morgan was this time trying to pace himself, with some probably thinking that he uses a different set of tactics for when he was involved in more normal wrestling.
As she continued the arm bar, WarMare could feel the draco's wings flapping themselves against her strong legs, while she also felt him trying to drag his body towards the ropes. She prevented this from happening by dragging him back towards her body, and then she added a bit more torque to the move, causing him to grunt lightly from the pain. The buxom redhead then snorted lightly, as she began to hear his free fist beating itself against the ground, before she suddenly felt him pushing himself back against her body, trying to push her off of him. She decided at this point to just let go of his arm, and then to roll a short distance away from him until she was on one knee. Quickly deciding to not give him a chance to catch his breath, WarMare jumped Morgan from her present position, planning to hit his back with an elbow drop.
The move soon produced a loud grunt from the draco as she forced him back onto the mat. WarMare then got off of Morgan and quickly got back up. She then began to pull him back up by his head, before releasing a loud grunt as she felt Morgan hitting her gut with an elbow, causing her to double over. WarMare then released an even bigger grunt as she felt herself being hit just above her chest with a clothesline which sent her onto the mat with a loud ooofff.
The red and black clad monsteress shook her head as she tried to recover from Morgan’s last move before releasing a light grunt as she felt her stomach being hit a couple of times by one of Morgan's feet. Now trying to gasp for air, WarMare turned her head around just in time to see Morgan trying to bounce himself off of the nearby ropes and then run back towards her. The veteran mare decided to wait until the last moment and then when she saw him jump into the air, to try and hit her stomach again with a knee drop, she quickly rolled away from her present position so that all Morgan would do would be to hit the mat knees first, which he soon does as a grunt could be heard escaping his throat.
WarMare kept rolling away until she was once more on one knee, breathing in some air as she tried to recover from the foot stomps. As she does, she released an angry snort as she watched her opponent start to get back up from his recently botched move. She waited for a few seconds before starting to charge at Morgan from her present position. The red maned mare then grunted loudly as she felt her strong shoulders hitting Morgan's gut hard, before she proceeded to pick him up by his legs and ran him back towards the turnbuckles that were behind him.
WarMare soon heard him release a loud ooooffff as she slammed his back against the turnbuckles. The angry warhorse then proceeded to quickly place her hooves upon both of the middle ropes before she started to slam her right shoulder continuously back and forth into Morgan's stomach, trying to soften him up for her next move.
"Now it's time to start ihr punishment!!!"
Morgan was soon leaning limply against the ropes, his wings sliding under the gaps between his body and the turnbuckles as he felt his midsection taking a hard beating from WarMare’s shoulder hits. His hands then slid themselves along the upper ropes, before he started to raise them up above his head for a hammerfist. He then swung them down as hard as he could between WarMare's shoulder blades. The move soon stopped the blows to his stomach, and he then added two more hard hits against her shoulders to force his opponent to back away, giving the draco enough time to quickly grab her hair and jump up, soon driving both of his knees hard into her chin, causing her to grunt in pain.
WarMare continued to slam her strong shoulder into Morgan's gut before she released a loud grunt as she felt his fists hit hard the area between her shoulder blades, causing her to stop her attacks. The buxom monsteress then released two more grunts in reaction to the next two hits against her shoulders, forcing her to release the ropes and to start moving back. She then felt her hair being grabbed before she released a loud oooff in response to Morgan's knees hitting her exposed chin.
.oO(Oooohhh, du are goink to pay for dat, Morgan,) WarMare thought to herself as she shook her head to clear it, while she continued to move back.
To those in the audience who were close enough see the action in the ring, both fighters appeared to be momentarily dazed before they saw the ref close in to check up on them to see if the two could continue the match.
Morgan shook out his hair, while he told the ref that he was able to continue. He then looked at the redheaded mare and gave her a defiant glance.
"Well, Frau, you're gonna have to pick up the pace. You KNOW I'm a slow learner..."
After telling the ref that she was also able to continue, the redhead looked back at Morgan. After hearing his comment, she released a loud snort, as they heard the ref tell them both to continue the match before quickly moving out of their way.
WarMare watched Morgan carefully as she saw him suddenly run out of his corner, planning to hit her with another clothesline, obviously thinking that he was now the one in control of the match. She allowed him to get close enough to her before quickly lifting up her right hoof and letting him run head first into a big boot, which caused him to land back onto the mat with a big oooffff.
"Du got dat right about beink un slow learner," she said to him in a derisive tone as she looked back at the now prone draco, before she quickly fell and hit Morgan's chest with an elbow drop, which caused him to release another loud oooffff. The big mare then got off of him. Standing up once again, she looked back down at her now groaning opponent. The buxom redhead then released a loud snort, before she attempted to lift him up once again by his head.
WarMare soon had Morgan’s body placed atop her left shoulder before she lifted him back up and then performed a quick and hard body slam to put him back onto the mat, which caused him to release another loud groan. She then said to the lying Morgan, with a loud snort, "Are du learnink anythink now, Morgan?"
Morgan, as he laid on the mat, rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand as he felt a little bit of blood trickle down from his gums. "Yeah...I'd say I am..." he replied, as he felt WarMare lifting him up once more to his feet. He then felt her starting to prepare him for an irish whip into the opposite corner. As she started the move, he suddenly pivoted on his heel, quickly reversing it and then quickly pushing her stomach-first into the nearby turnbuckle.
"I'm learning that you keep leaving yourself open to counterattacks."
As he watched the angry mare trying to catch her breath atop the top turnbuckle, Morgan rushed her, soon planting an elbow into the small of her back, which he quickly followed up with a kick at the back of her knees.
The veteran mare blinked in surprise at the draco's sudden counter before she felt her stomach hitting hard against the turnbuckles, causing her to release a loud oooofff. She then released a second ooofff in reaction to her feeling her back being hit by Morgan's elbow. Quickly figuring out what Morgan was trying to do, WarMare placed her right arm across the top rope seconds before she felt him hit the back of her knee with a kick, thus preventing herself from falling down onto the mat.
"Und ich'd learned dat du never dink at all," the buxom mare snorted back to Morgan before she suddenly moved her body from right to left so that her left elbow could connect with the draco's stomach, to force him back. She soon heard a big oooff as she felt her elbow connect with its intended target. As WarMare leaned her body against the top rope, the redheaded mare saw the draco doubled over in pain, his arms presently covering up his now hurting stomach.
She decided to take advantage of the situation by grabbing his hair. With an angry snort, WarMare quickly lifted Morgan's body back up, then pulled the still groaning draco forward, soon slamming his head hard against the top turnbuckle. She then did this three more time to further disorient him, as she heard Morgan grunt loudly in response to each hard hit. After the last hit, the angry warhorse released Morgan. She then moved away from him and the ropes.
WarMare then waited behind the draco, with a move ready for when he got off of the ropes. Upon seeing the draco moving backwards from the top turnbuckle, WarMare in turn moved forward. She was soon placing her strong arms beneath Morgan’s armpits. Before Morgan could realize what was happening, the buxom redhead had finished wrapping her hands behind his neck, placing the surprised draco in a full nelson. She then started to put some pressure on his neck by pushing his head forward a little bit.
"Ich hope tis hurts du real gut!!!!"
Morgan predictably gritted his teeth as he shook out the cobwebs, while feeling himself trapped in her arms. As he grunted from the increasing pressure, he could feel his wings pushing themselves against WarMare's strong stomach. Although they were pinned between the two fighters, Morgan tried to use his wings to get some separation between them by trying to open them up. At the same time, his arms flailed about as he tried to use them to reach backwards towards the mare's neck, but the present angle made it impossible to do. As he growled in frustration, he continued to use his wings to force some room between them. When Morgan was finally able to make some room he began to crouch down. He then tried to push his full weight backwards in a bid to push WarMare back into the turnbuckle again and hopefully break her hold on him in the process.
WarMare smiled as she watched Morgan waste his time trying to counter her move. The redheaded monsteress then started to feel Morgan pushing her back into the turnbuckles, which caused her to create a loud oooofff as she felt her back hit the turnbuckles hard. This forced her to release the full nelson. She then started to lay her arms across the top ropes. She was soon gasping for air, but as she did, she got a firm grip upon the top ropes. And just in time, as she saw Morgan now trying to take advantage of his last move and charge her so that he could flatten her big body against the ropes with an avalanche. WarMare waited to time her counter right, and when she saw him getting ready to jump up, she lifted herself up via the ropes so that she could lift up both of her strong legs so that she could hit Morgan's body with them as he came back down.
The counter worked perfectly as she felt the soles of her feet hit Morgan right between his neck and his upper chest, causing him to release a loud grunt and to fall backwards onto the mat. The monstress at the same time grunted in reaction to the hit before she brought her feet back down. Once they were back on the mat, she looked back at the presently floored draco. As she breathed in some more air, WarMare noticed that her counter had presently stunned him. Seeing that, the angry mare let go of the ropes and fell forward, soon landing on top of the flatten draco. She grunted loudly as she heard the draco release a loud ooofff in reaction to her landing on him. Now lying atop of Morgan, WarMare looked directly at him.
"Time to end dis," she said with a snort, before she started to move around, intending to pin his shoulders onto the mat with her own shoulders and back, while also attempting to grab ahold of his right leg to prevent him from kicking out. As she did, WarMare was once again breathing in some air as she was starting to get a bit winded from their match.
"Und stay down iff du know vat's gut for du!!!"
Morgan hissed a little in reaction to the body flop, and then started to struggle against the pin attempt, but was unable to stop her from actually being able to pin down his shoulders, and grab his right leg.
The ref quickly got onto the mat after seeing the pin and was soon starting to pound out on it:
"ONE! TWO!..." but no, as it seems that the draco's wings were able to push one of his shoulders off of the canvas, thus breaking the pin.
Quickly the ref slid a hand under the gap as Morgan's leg drew up, flopping upwards as his free arms tried to give some hard chops to WarMare's armpits to force her to break the pin. It seems that there was a bit more fight left in Morgan than the mare had originally thought.
WarMare snorted as she felt the draco trying to get his body out of the pin while she waited to hear the female ref make the three count. She soon started to hear the count, but was soon surprised by Morgan being able to get one of his shoulders up at two and a half. Before she could get it back down, she felt her armpits being chopped at by the draco’s arms. The redheaded monsteress released a loud snort, before she decided to let go of the draco's leg and then rolled herself off of his body and then away from him, rather angry at the fact that he wanted to prolong the match.
The polar bear ref watched all this, while getting her paw out from under Morgan's body. As she watched WarMare rolls away from Morgan, she also got out of the way, soon back on her feet and once more watching the two fighters to make sure neither of them broke the rules.
Once the buxom redhead had pushed off of him, Morgan rolled himself onto his stomach, before stretching his wings out. Figuring that he most likely wouldn't be able to pull off that stunt again, he decided to try and a different tack. As he slowly got up, Morgan grabbed hold of the middle rope. As the draco turned around, he saw that WarMare was back up and appeared rather mad. As he watch her start to charge him, Morgan suddenly drew his other hand onto the top rope, then proceeded to pull it down and then kneeled on the mat so that the angry mare would throw herself over the draco’s body and out of the ring onto the stone floor below.
The mare rolled a safe distance away, before she finally stopped. WarMare then got back up and looked back at Morgan, soon seeing him trying to get back up via the ropes. The redheaded monsteress released a angry snort before she charged at him, intending to knock him out of the ring with a clothesline. As she got nearer, she saw him grab the top rope and pull it down.
At this point, her instincts kicked in. WarMare placed her hooves in front of her body to help with her subsequent landing, right before she found herself flying over him. She then turned her body around in midair so that she would land on her back, which she soon did with an ooooffff, in order to keep her body from being hurt too badly by the fall.
She was now lying on her back on the ground, feeling the pain caused by the landing. As she heard the fans released a collective groan, WarMare looked back up, just in time to see Morgan getting ready to jump off of the apron to hit her with a seated seton. Without hesitation, she quickly lifted up her knees, so that his ass would hit them instead, which it soon did, causing him to release a loud ooofff, while she grunted from the impact.
"Ich hope dat hurt!!!" she yelled at the now moaning draco as she felt him rolled off her body, while she brought her legs back down.
She continued to lay on the mat, trying to rest a little, while seeing the ref get out of the ring, she listened to Morgan’s own groans of pain while she ignored her own presently hurting back and knees. WarMare finally started to get back up.
Once she was back up, WarMare noticed that Morgan was also trying to stand up. She waited until the draco was almost back on his feet before charging at him again. The redheaded monsteress soon wrapped her strong arms around a surprised Morgan's waist and then slammed his back hard against the ring, causing him to release a loud grunt, to the cheer of the viewing fans.
The mare quickly released his waist, before aiming a right uppercut against his chin which connected. After hearing him release a loud oooffff, WarMare moved back. The angry mare then released a loud snort, while looking at the hopefully dazed Morgan, while still trying to ignore her own sore back.
"Time to end dis..." she said, as she aimed a couple of hard body blows at his stomach, to help soften him up for one of her finishers. WarMare soon heard him grunt loudly in reaction to both of her blows, with the second one causing him to double over. As soon as she saw this, she grabbed for his head. When she was ready to perform her move, the angry redhead quickly shoved his head between her strong thighs, so that she could prepare him for a last ride.
"Prepare for un final ride from war, Morgan," she announced to him, the watching ref and the nearby audience, as she started to wrap her arms around his waist.
Morgan took the hits and the abuse with a bit of grace, countering them when he could, but even the draco had his limits. Soon, the cut above his eyebrow was opened up again, and he was partially blinded by the sweat and grime of their war. The two shots to the chest soon caused him to double up like an accordion. and he soon felt his head resting itself between WarMare's strong legs. Even as his small horns poked the inside of WarMare's thighs, he gave off a small giggle in reaction to the fact that he was presently rubbing his head against her strong, yet sexy legs. This quickly turned into a strangled erk as he felt her applied her arms around his waist.
As the red and black clad monstress began to wrap her arms around the draco's waist, she heard him start to giggle. This caused her to release a loud snort.
"Oh, du find dis funny, hmm?" she announced to him in an angry tone, as she finished wrapping her arms around Morgan's waist. WarMare waited for a couple of seconds before she proceeded to lift the draco up off of the floor. The buxom redhead soon had Morgan's legs seated upon her strong shoulders. She looked up at the draco and snorted angrily. WarMare then drop downward, while lowering both her shoulders and Morgan's body. She then heard a loud oooffff escape Morgan's lips as she slammed the draco's back hard against the stone floor while she felt her legs and ass also hit the floor, causing her to release a grunt of her own. The redheaded monsteress then released the draco's waist, before she looked down at him, seeing him lying flat against the mat.
"Get up from dat, Morgan" WarMare snorted at him in a derisive tone, before she started to get back up, planning to pin Morgan soon afterwards, as the ref got into position for what looked like would be the end of the match.
The loud oooooof was the last sound that WarMare would hear Morgan make as she completed her finishing move. The prone draco looked like he was seeing stars circling about his head, soon allowing the mare to make the easy pin.
WarMare, after she had gotten back up, looked back at Morgan. Seeing him not moving, she quickly laid atop his body, while grabbing both of his legs to make sure that he wouldn't be able to kick out this time.
It was all a matter of routine now as the ref went back down onto the mat and began to slap her big paw against it to make the count.
"ONE! TWO! THREE!" yelled the ref, before she looked over at the skunkette, quickly telling her to ring the bell to end the match as she got up.
The skunkette nodded then rang the bell three times as the crowd gave an appreciative roar.
The match itself was short, but sweet, as Morgan's losing streak continued.
Once she had Morgan pinned, the red and black clad mare heard the ref perform the three count, which was quickly followed by the ringing of the bell, officially ending the match. As she released a loud snort, WarMare let go of the draco’s legs, and began to get back up. As she did, she heard the announcer say over the cheers of the crowd:
Here is your winner, by pinfall, WarMare!!!!
The redheaded monsteress then heard the start of her theme song being replayed, while she looked back at Morgan. As she did, WarMare finally noticed the cut on his head, as well as the blood that was now dripping down his face. She released a loud whinny, before she moved forward and began to pick up the draco.
Morgan gave a small bit of grunting as he was being lifted up by her.
"Okay, sleepy beauty, du can sleep vhile ich take du to see der doktor. Gut match by der vay."
"No thanks," he said in response to Eva's words. "I already own a penguin..."
The buxom mare, after a while, had his body draped across her left shoulder. As the ref watched her, WarMare then turned around and began to head back up the ramp, headed towards the back.
Morgan's eyes then rolled back as he slipped into a catatonic semi-conscious state while he was being carried like a trophy on WarMare's shoulder, soon to be taken out of the arena and towards the med room, soon to be followed by the ref.
After a while, she exited the back through the curtain. WarMare then headed for the med room. As she did, WarMare rolled her eyes as she recalled Morgan’s last words to her, before she finally reached the door to the doctor's room. She then opened the door, walked inside and closed it behind her.

The End

WarMare (Eva McEqqus) © 2007 Scott and Stanley Alston
Morgannus Drakewing © 2007 R. Jakobi

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