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Green Room Story: Happy Anniversary, Brunne!!!

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

A Chevrolet Corvette was slowly approaching the Green Room’s driveway. Inside the vehicle, in the driver seat, sat Gloria Summers, better known to the world as Lady Liberty. The blonde mare/tigress mix was listening to her roommate and best friend Kelly Goodwin, known as both an FBI agent, and, by some, as the superheroine Brown Lotus, as she sat next to her in the car’s front passenger seat.

“So, young Brunne has been around for twenty years, huh?” queried the raven-haired cheetah/tigress mix.

“That was what Katherina has told me, Kelly,” replied Gloria, as the pair got closer to the Green Room. “And, it’s actually twenty plus years as a character. She’s supposed to be a twenty-two years old woman now. It would seem that her writer and his brother allow their characters to age, ala that old comic strip, Gasoline Alley.”

“I see. You know what I find interesting, Gloria?”

“And what’s that, Kelly?”

“That she’s, technically, older than both of us?” commented the feline.

Gloria thought about that for a few seconds. “You know, I’d never thought of it that way.” She then snickers. “Better not tell ‘Granny’ Brunne that. She might take offense.”

“Don’t worry, Gloria. I don’t think I’m ready to hear her say, ‘Get off my lawn, you blasted young whippersnappers’.”

This soon caused the two friends to start laughing at Kelly’s comment. A short time later, the pair finally reached the building that they were using as the Green Room. The two roommates, as Gloria started to park her car, saw parked to the right of the building, next to a pair of Pferd Hanoverian cars, one a blue 1999 model, the other a light green one made in 2006, was a black Ford Expedition, the back door of which was open, and in front of which stood a couple of mice, one male, one female. The pair, who appeared to be taking something out of the vehicle’s rear, didn’t appear to be too out of the ordinary, except for the following: the male one’s fur was colored green, while the female was colored pink, not exactly a couple of colors that you would expect to see, outside of maybe a Japanese anime. As they looked at the pair, after the car had been parked, Gloria and Kelly noticed that the dark pink-haired female was clothed in a short-sleeved light brown shirt that was covered by blue coveralls, which left some skin exposed, and light brown sneakers, along with what appeared to be a couple of bird feathers inside her pink hair as well as a large green headband, and a Native American-style necklace around her neck, while the green-haired male who was with her was clad in a short-sleeved blue shirt, blue jeans and brown sneakers, and was also wearing a Native American-style necklace, as they now headed for the Green Room’s open front door.

Kelly looked at Gloria, as the buxom blonde mare was taking the keys out of her car’s engine, after having earlier unlocked the car’s trunk. “Ever see them before, Gloria?”

“Nope, although the female pink mouse, for some reason, does look familiar to me. Anyway, let’s go and greet them, shall we?” Gloria replied, as she began to open the driver’s side door.

“Okay, Gloria,” said the two-breed feline, as she started to open the passenger’s side front door.

The two friends then exited Gloria’s car, soon revealing what they were wearing once they were both outside the vehicle: In Kelly’s case it was a light blue blouse, female khaki slacks and white Keds sneakers, while Gloria was clad in a light grey shirt, blue jeans and black Keds sneakers, before she pulled out a black handbag, which she quickly placed over her right shoulder. As Kelly walked towards the back of the car and the open trunk, the mare/tigress looked at the two mice, noticing in the process that the pair was moving a big platter that contained several different kinds of cheeses, as they neared the front entrance into the Green Room. As she pressed the button on her car keys to lock the vehicle, she said to the mice, “Hi, I’m Gloria. Mind if I ask you two a question about the platter that you’re both carrying?”

As the pink mouse almost reached the front door, she heard Gloria’s question. Looking at the bigger mare, she said to her, “Hi, nice to meet you and your friend, Gloria. As for me answering your question, uhm, not right now, Gloria. My brother Belz and I need to get this platter into the Green Room before we both lose our grip on it. Maybe later, okay?”

“Uhm, sure,” said Gloria, before she saw the pink mouse start to walk through the open door, shortly followed by first the platter and then her brother Belz. .oO(Belz, huh? Now where have I heard that name before?) she asked herself, as she turned her head, just in time for her to see her feline roommate closing the car’s trunk with her right paw while she held a couple of large black garment bags in her left. She then watched Kelly approach her with the bags before she proceeded to hand one of the bags over to her. “Here’s your clothes bag, Gloria. Do you really think we should dress up nicely for the party?”

Gloria smiled as she took her bag from Kelly. “Thanks, Kell,” she said to her best friend, before she got a good grip upon the upper part of the hanger. As she began to place the bag across her strong back, she said to the cheetah/tigress mix, “Nothing wrong with making a good impression, Kell. After all, we’re going to be working with her for a while, right? Especially since we’re both suppose to be her mentors, remember?”

“Hhmmm, you do have a point there, Gloria,” said Kelly, as Gloria started to head for the Green Room’s front door. As Kelly started to follow her roomie, both she and Gloria saw Brunne’s aunt, Katherina, exit the Green Room. The two friends saw the redheaded mare clothed in a light grey tank top and light blue jeans, that were covered by a white apron, that had written upon it, in bold black letters, the words, “KISS THE COOK”, and white sneakers. As they saw her start to approach the trunk of one of the two Pferds, the green one, they saw following her out of the building a black-haired, tawny-furred lioness, who was dressed in a short-sleeved light blue blouse and dark grey slacks, that, like Katherina’s clothes, were covered by a white apron, and black sneakers. The pair next saw the lioness head towards the Expedition. The two then looked at each other, before they looked back at Katherina, whom they now saw using a set of keys to unlock the green Hanoverian’s trunk. The duo started to approach Katherina.

The brunette-furred mare was starting to take something out of the car’s trunk when she heard a familiar voice queried, “Hey, Katherina. How are things going with the party prep?” The older female equine stopped what she was doing before she turned her head. She then smiled as she now saw Gloria and Kelly both standing behind her, each one carrying a black garment bag, as well as Gloria’s black handbag on her right shoulder. “Hello, Gloria, Kelly, nice to see that you two have finally arrived,” said the German-born equine, before she went back to the car’s trunk, to finish pulling out of it what she was now holding in her hooves. “And everything is going along smoothly, like clockwork, thank you.”

“Hi. Well, we have just gotten here, Katherina,” said Gloria, as Kelly nodded her head in agreement, as the pair saw the older redheaded mare pull out of the trunk a big package that was wrapped in dark blue gift-wrapping paper that was covered by a few chibi versions of Katherina’s twin sister, Eva, clothed in her Brunhilda wrestling outfit. As the two friends watched Katherina start to close the trunk, she said, “Mind if I ask you a question, Katherina?”

Katherina, once she was done closing the car’s trunk, looked over at Gloria and Kelly, just as the two mice were exiting the Green Room, while the lioness that the pair had seen earlier was starting to walk back towards the Green Room, carrying a large bowl, one which the pair figured must contain within it some kind of salad. “Sure, go right ahead, Gloria. If you two don’t mind following me into the Green Room while you’re asking it?” With that said, Katherina turned around and began walking towards the building.

“Okay,” said Gloria, as she saw the older mare walk back towards the Green Room with the package, while also seeing the raven-haired lioness starting to reach the entrance into the building. Following behind Katherina, along with Kelly, the blonde mare asked, “Who’s the lioness that’s about to enter the Green Room, and who are the two mice that are right now going through the back of the Expedition?”

Katherina, as she heard the younger mare’s question, chuckled, before saying to her blonde friend, “Actually, that’s two questions that you are asking me, Gloria,” as she saw the raven-haired big feline starting to enter the building with the big bowl.

As she and Kelly followed the package-carrying redhead to the door, Gloria grinned sheepishly before replying, “Okay, it’s two questions. Can you answer them for me?”

The older redheaded mare chuckled before saying, “Okay, I’ll answer them, since you’d asked me so nicely. Anyway, for the first of your two questions, the lioness is Connie DeLeon. She’s the head of the cafeteria at my ‘older’ sister’s adult film studio. She’s here to help my sister with the food that’s going to be served at the party. In fact, I think that she’d just went into the Green Room with the fruit salad.” Katherina then began to walk through the Green Room’s open door. As she entered the vestibule, she looked into the main room, whereupon she saw Connie walking towards a table in the middle of the dining room, upon which was already placed several platters, dishes and bowls that were filled with various kind of foods, while she saw inside the kitchen, standing in front of a table, her twin sister, Eva McEqqus, and a platinum blonde, cream-furred lapin. Her ‘older’ sister was wearing upon her sexy form a form-fitting light green dress, which stopped just above her knees, with a white apron placed atop it, light grey stockings and black dress shoes, while the bunny femme who was with her, was presently clad in a red blouse and a knee-length black skirt, with a yellow apron with several red hearts placed atop it, as well as the words, “HUG THE COOK”, that were placed in the middle of the apron. She noticed that the pair was presently placing some cake batter into three cake pans, using long wooden spoons to help with the flow of the batter. “Hi, Sis, Frau Jessica,” Katherina said to the pair, as she headed for the back bedrooms with the package.

The ‘older’ redheaded Rhenish mare looked back at her ‘younger’ sister, as she and the cream-furred lapin continued to pour the batter into the cake pans. “Hi, Sis,” she said to Katherina, before she went back to watching the batter slowly enter a pan, as the lapin, Eva’s partner, Jessica Thumper, simply nodded her head.

Gloria and Kelly quickly entered the Green Room behind the older mare, carrying behind them their garment bags, soon seeing the lioness inside the dining room, placing the bowl that was in her paws in the middle of the table that she was now standing in front of, before they looked into the kitchen, where they saw Eva and the blonde lapin that was with her pour the last of the cake batter into one of the pans. “Hi, Eva,” the pair said to Eva, as they stopped in front of the living room couch, which had been placed to one side to keep it out of the way, before Gloria added, “Who’s your bunny friend?”

Eva looked at the blonde mare/tigress mix and the black-haired two-breed feline. She smiled at them, before saying, “Hi. Gloria, Kelly. The lapin is my best friend and co-partner, Jessica Thumper.” The ‘older’ redheaded mare then looked at her old friend. “Jessica, this is Gloria Summers and Kelly Goodwin, a couple of friends of my twin sister, Katherina.”

Jessica looked at the other two femmes, just as Belz and the female pink mouse began to reenter the building, carrying another platter, this one containing various kinds of cold cuts. “Hello, Gloria, Kelly. Any friends of Katherina’s sister are friends of mine.” The lapin then looked over at Connie, before saying to her, “Connie, do you think you can help Shayla and her brother with the cold cuts.”

“Sure thin’, boss bunny,” the raven-haired big lioness said to the platinum blonde lapin, before she went over to help the pink and green mice with the platter.

The two friends looked at each other, before Gloria said, “I’d thought I’ve seen her face before.” The big blonde mare with the tiger markings then looked over at Katherina, who was just starting to reenter the dining room. “How in the world did you manage to get Shayla the pink mouse and her brother to help you, Katherina?

Katherina looked at Gloria as she headed towards the kitchen. She chuckled slightly, before she pointed to the pair in the kitchen. “You’re asking the wrong person, Gloria. My sister and her partner are the ones who know why they’re here.”

Gloria looked at Eva and Jessica, as the redheaded Rhenish mare now held open the oven’s door for the cream-furred lapin, as she was pushing the three cake trays into the oven. “Well, would you care to tell us, Eva?”

Eva, after she had finished closing the oven’s door, looked back at the younger mare, as Jessica headed back to the kitchen table. The older Teutonic equine simply smiled, before saying, “Well, before that web page that she is best known for was created, she and her brother for a time worked at the studio.”

Hearing her answer caused both Gloria and Kelly to blink. “Wait a minute, they’d worked at your studio? When was this?” queried the mare.

“Early in the 2000s. My artist was still working on my back-story, back then. Let’s just say that my back-story for the web page was different from my original back-story and let’s leave it at that, okay?” commented Shayla, as she answered Gloria’s query, as the pink-furred mouse was placing some of the roast beef cold cuts onto a nearby smaller platter. Her green-furred brother chuckled lightly, as he was doing the same thing with some ham cold cuts, which caused Shayla to look at him and give him the evil eye.

“Okay, didn’t know about that, but still, how did you get her…” began Kelly, when Eva replied, as she also went back to the table, while Jessica began to knead some cookie dough with a roller, “A long time ago, and it was in the original version of Helena’s yahoo group, when it was turned into a role playing group. I can still remember that little rp between her and my Jamie.” Hearing this caused Shayla to blush a very deep red, which could be seen even with her pink fur, while her brother Belz chuckled a little bit louder.

“Blez, shush,” said the still blushing pink mousette, as Gloria and Kelly looked on in a bit of shock.

“You two are not saying,” began Kelly, as Eva started to chuckle, as she saw her ‘younger’ sister start to enter the kitchen.

“Oh, yeah, she rode him alright. Rather well, too, come to think of it,” answered Eva, as she started to knead some cookie dough as well, which caused Shayla to blush even more, while Jessica, also started to chuckle, as she continued to knead the dough in front of her, while Belz tried not to fall onto the floor, as he was starting to laugh a whole lot harder.

Shayla looked once again at her brother. “It is not that funny.”

“Not why I’m laughing. Only just realized that the stallion in the Pink Mouse web page might have been created in part because of that series of pics that our artist drew of you and James doing the nasty from that now lost storyline.”

“Lost storyline?” said Gloria and Kelly together, as Katherina stood in front of the oven, checking on the cake.

“Careful with the laughing, Belz. We don’t want to ruin Brunne’s birthday cake, now do we?” commented the ‘younger’ redheaded mare.

The pink mousette simply sighed before she shook her head as she watched her older brother start to get control of himself. She then looked at the two roomies. “Yes, lost. Seems that Helena’s group got moved over to Smartgroups for a while when Yahoo, for lack of a better word, wasn’t being adult-friendly…”

“Furry friendly, my dear. Furry friendly. Those morons deleted my group twice around that time, the original version, and then the revised one about a week after that one,” corrected Eva, who presently had an angry look on her face.

“Okay, I stand corrected. Furry friendly in the early ‘00s,” Shayla said.

Looking once again at the two friends, Eva continued the story, “Anyway, our writer had, in the meantime, been uploading all of the earlier storylines from both his Yahoo and his Smartgroups rps at his Yahoo email account as a sort of storage facility. Well, a few years ago Yahoo deleted a large number of his emails, when they seem to be having problems with his email account, so that a lot of his older storylines are now gone forever.”

“Including, from what Eva had told me earlier, that particular storyline,” added Shayla, with a slight grumble in her voice.

“Well, they certainly don’t call it yahell for nothing,” remarked Katherina, as she walked away from the oven, satisfied that everything was going well with the cake pieces, while Connie, after she had helped place some turkey cold cuts onto another plate on the table, headed once again for the Green Room’s front entrance to once again exit the building.

“Sadly, that is so true,” added Eva, as she flatten the dough in front of her even more with the roller in her hooves, as did Jessica. “But, I do believe that we are all getting a little bit away from what we are supposed to be here for. My daughter’s anniversary.”

“Besides, there’s still the pictorial evidence by our artist, remember, sis?” quipped Belz, with a low chuckle, which caused Shayla to roll her eyes, before she went back to the roast beef.

“I see,” said a slightly surprised Kelly. “Well, we both knew what Brunne’s folks did for a living before hand,” the two-breed feline added.

“Well, yeah,” answered Gloria, before she looked over at Eva. “Speaking of your hubby, where is he?”

Before Eva, who was now starting to use some cookie cutters upon the cookie dough that she had finished flattening just a short time earlier, could reply to Gloria’s query, she heard Connie say from outside the front door…

“Who around ‘ere knows someone who drives a Rolls-Royce?”

Everyone stopped what they were doing. “A Rolls-Royce? Are you sure, Connie?” asked Katherina, as she looked directly at the raven-haired lioness, as she now stood before the open door, while Gloria and Kelly looked at each other.

“Oh, yeah, a black Rolls-Royce. And its driver is presently parking it to the right of the two Pferd cars,” the tawny-furred big cat added.

As the two sisters and Jessica started to leave the kitchen, headed for the front door, the two roommates continued to look at each other.

“Who do we know that owns a Rolls-Royce?” Kelly asked Gloria.

“Not many, but it better not be a certain lion,” replied Gloria, with a low snort, as the two mice started to follow the others towards the Green Room’s front door. The two best friends quickly placed their garment bags across the back of a nearby chair before they also headed for the Green Room’s front entrance to join the others. Upon reaching it, they looked at the presently parking vehicle. Looking at the driver’s seat, Gloria phewed in a low voice while Kelly said to her, “Well, at least it ain’t a certain male feline.”

“Thanks heaven for that,” Gloria said back to Kelly, as Eva, who now stood next to her ‘younger’ sister, looked at Katherina.

“More friends of yours, sis?”

“The canine driver of the Rolls-Royce, yes, yes she is. The two mares who are with her, I think that your daughter might know them a lot better, especially the younger one,” replied the ‘younger’ of the two twins, before she looked at Gloria and Kelly. “What was this about a certain male feline, who should not be mentioned on such an occasion as this?”

As Eva said, “I see,” Gloria looked back at Katherina.

“Because he’s one of the few people that I know of who actually owns a Rolls-Royce, although I’d forgotten that Ben and his wife also owns one. I’m just glad that it’s her instead of him that is parking it right now,” answered the tiger-stripped mare, as the others continued to look at the presently being parked black vehicle.

“I see,” said Katherina to Gloria, before she looked back at the vehicle.

Meantime, inside the vehicle, sat the car’s driver, Rupee Punjab-Maddog, the Indian-born mixed-breed canine who is better known as Super Genie, the pretty wife of the famous lawyer, Ben Maddog, who is also known as Electro-Mutt. Rupee, who was wearing a light blue sleeveless dress, had just finished parking the Rolls. “I guess that we’re finally here, April, June,” she said to the two female equines who were with her in the car, before she looked at the building. “And it would seems that we have a welcoming committee.”

“So it would seem, Rupee,” said April Rein-Ryder, the superheroine known as Starlight, who was presently clad in a dark green dinner dress. “I recognize from my records Gloria, Kelly and Brunne’s aunt Katherina, and I would guess that the other mare with them is Brunne’s mother, Eva. But the two mice, the lapin and the lioness who are with them I’m afraid I do not recognize.” She then looked into the vehicle’s back as Rupee turns off the Rolls’ engine. “Do any of them look familiar to you, daughter?”

The person that April was presently looking at was her daughter, June Ryder, who went under the superheroine code name Dreamlight. The younger mare, who was clothed in a light grey dress, looked back at her mother, after taking a good hard look at the group standing before the Green Room’s opened entrance. Shaking her head, she replied, “Don’t recognize any of them, mom, Mrs. Maddog. But, I’m betting that they’re friends of either Brunne’s mom or her aunt.”

“Hmm, you might be right, young one. I guess that the best way for the three of us to know for sure is for the three of us to get out of the car and meet them, yes?” said the canine, as she pulled the keys out of the engine of her car. She then proceeded to open the driver’s side door of the Rolls and then started to exit it, soon showing the others that she was wearing on her feet black shoes and what appears to be tan stockings on her legs, before revealing the rest of her body. April and June quickly followed her out of the car as the two mares exited the passenger’s side front and right back doors, respectively, showing that the older mare was also wearing black shoes and dark blue stockings, while June was wearing on her feet white shoes and beige stockings on her legs. As the two mares closed the car doors, Rupee was waving at everybody at the front door, while saying, “Hello, everyone. I would gather that this is the Green Room?”

“Yes it is, Rupee. I’m guessing that you and your two companions are here for the party?” queried Katherina, as she and the others watched the canine lock the Roll-Royce, as the older of the two mares headed for the car’s trunk, while the younger one headed for the building.

Smiling, Rupee answered, “Yes, we are, Katherina. By the way, thank you for the invitation.”

“You’re welcome on the invite, Rupee. I’m sure that my niece will be happy to see you again, as well as April and June,” replied Katherina, before she looked at her sister. “By the way, Eva, I would like you to meet Rupee Punjab-Maddog, April Rein-Ryder and her daughter, June. You do remember me telling you that they would all be coming to the party the other day?”

“Yes, you did, sister. And how nice to finally meet you, Ms. Maddog,” Eva said to Rupee.

Rupee nodded her head in agreement to the redheaded mare’s comment. The canine then looked at Katherina’s twin sister. “And how nice to finally make your acquaintance, Mrs. McEqqus. I can see where your daughter gets her good looks from.”

Eva blushed slightly as she heard Rupee’s comment on her beauty. “Thank you for the nice compliment, but you should actually be thanking our mother, Helga, since we did get our own good looks from her,” answered the ‘older’ of the two twin mares, as she saw April’s daughter, June, approaching them, while the older mare was starting to retrieve something from inside the just opened trunk of Rupee’s car. At the same time, Jessica went back into the Green Room, headed for the kitchen, to check up on the still baking cake, to make sure that all there pieces were rising with no problem, before going back to the table to continue rolling the cookie dough.

Rupee smiled. “Very well, I will say it to your mother when I actually meet her, Mrs. McEqqus, and please, call me Rupee,” said the Indian-born canine, before she saw the lioness head for the Expedition, followed by the two mice. She then looked over at Gloria and Kelly, as she started to approach the building herself. “And it’s nice to see you two again, Gloria, Kelly. You two are both looking rather well.”

“Thanks, Rupee, nice to see you again as well. I’m guessing that April and June also got invites to the party?” answered Gloria, as Kelly nodded her head in agreement, as the two saw the other mare start to close the door of the car’s trunk, as she was now holding onto a small package with blue and green stripes wrapping. The young blonde mare then saw April begin to approach the building as well.

“Another package for Brunne?” asked Kelly, as the cheetah/tigress mix also saw the older white Arabian mare approach the group.

The mixed-breed canine looked at Kelly. Smiling, she answered her, “You are quite right, Kelly. It is indeed a package for young Brunne.” Rupee then looked at Katherina. “It would appear that you and your older sister have things under control here, Katherina,” she commented, as she saw the lioness and the two mice start to enter the building with yet another platter filled with food, this time appearing to be several cooked chicken pieces.

Katherina smiled, before she said to Rupee, as the canine stopped in front of her, “Thank you, Rupee, but, you should know by now. We Germans like things to be orderly.” As the redheaded mare chuckled a bit at her little joke, June, who had stopped before Brunne’s mom just a short time earlier, was saying to her…

“Nice to finally make your acquaintance, Mrs. McEqqus.” She then added, after she had taken a quick look into the building, “By the way, where is your daughter?”

“I would like to know the same thing, Mrs. McEqqus. I do not recognize her heat signature being anywhere within the local vicinity,” added April, once she had joined the others.

“Mom, think you can at least act normal here? Please?” asked a bit embarrassed June.

“I will try, for your sake, dear,” answered the older white Arabian mare, before she reasked her question about Brunne’s present location, this time in a more normal speech pattern.

Eva blinked a couple of times, as she was caught off-guard by April’s original computer-sounding speech pattern. After regaining her composure, she replied, “Please, call me Eva, June, April, Rupee. As for Brunne, she is at the moment with my stallion. The two of them are showing my brother and his wife, Maria, around right now.”

Hearing that caught the others’ attention, especially Gloria. “Wait a minute, you’re saying that your older brother, the General, will be here for the party?”

“Yes, our older brother, Hans, and his wife, are here. Too bad their three kinds were unable to come with them. Especially his son Fritz,” Katherina replied.

“Actually, I think Fritz is kind of glad that he’s presently performing his military commitment back in Germany right now,” commented Eva, before she started to chuckle.

Katherina looked at her sister, before she started to think. “Hhhmmm, you know, you might be right there, sister.”

As the others listened, while Connie, Belz and Shayla walked past them as they once again exited the building, June, who was a bit curious about what the two older redheaded mares were talking about, queried, “Mind if I ask you a question, Mrs…., uhm, I mean, Eva.”

The Rhenish-Hanoverian mix looked at the younger white Arabian mare. “Sure, go right ahead, dear.”

“Do Brunne and Fritz hate each other?”

“June!” said April, a bit taken aback by her daughter’s question to Brunne’s mother. “That’s personal information.”

“Sorry, mom. I’m just curious.”

“That’s okay, April, and no, Brunne and Fritz do not hate each other, June,” answered Eva, before she continued to chuckle.

“It’s just that he can do without the noogies that she tends to give him every time they see each other,” added Katherina, as she also started to laugh, which catches the others by complete surprise.

“Noogies?” said a surprised June. “That’s it? I’m kind of confused here, Eva.”

“I guess you would be, if you don’t know the two of them very well, June. Brunne tends to give her cousins head noogies every time she sees them. Fritz never did liked it, especially as they got older, but, well, Brunne is just showing her younger cousins how much she like them, in her own special way,” said Eva.

“I’m guessing she just doesn’t do it in public,” commented Gloria, as she was in her mind imagining Brunne giving an embarrassed stallion a noggie out in the open with other people watching.

“Not lately,” answered Katherina, while Connie and the two colorful mice once more entered the Green Room with another platter, this once filled with specially cooked oats. Before she could say anything else, the ‘younger’ redheaded mare heard a car horn. She looked in the direction that the loud honk had come from, as did the others, who all saw coming towards the building a late model white Camaro, within which sat two young female furs. Inside the car’s driver seat sat Megan, the flyer, while in the front passenger seat rode Amy, the squirrel. “Seems we have some more early guests,” commented the blonde mare, as they all saw the car coming closer to the building.

Meanwhile, inside the Camaro, Megan was presently starting to turn the vehicle to the right, planning to park it next to Rupee’s Rolls-Royce. As she did, she heard Amy whine, “Why didn’t you let me drive, Meg?”

The female kanga, who was wearing a light blue dress, answered, as she was trying to carefully park the vehicle, “Two reasons. One, I have a driver’s license while you only have a learner’s permit. And two, I rather not have you behind the wheel while you’re still learning how to drive a car.”

“But I won’t learn anything unless I’m allowed behind the wheel,” moaned Amy, who was dressed in a sleeveless red dress with rather thin spaghetti straps. Upon her lap was placed a small package, which was in orange wrapping paper.

“And considering how, pardon the expression, ‘squirrely’, you can get, I rather not take any changes,” answered Megan, as she finished parking the car. She then looked to her left, whereupon she saw the crowd standing in front of the Green Room’s still opened door. “Hmmm, it looks like we aren’t the only ones here for Brunne’s party,” the flyer said, as she started to unbuckle her seat belt.

“Geee, I drink one bottle of Kolt soda and I get a rep. Its discrimination I tell you,” replied Amy, as Meg rolled her eyes, before Amy also unbuckled her belt. She then looked to her left, as Meg started to get out of the car, soon showing to the others that she was wearing white shoes upon her feet and nude stockings on her long legs. “So I see. I know Frau Pferd said that she had several relatives coming, but I wasn’t expecting to see this many mares,” Amy commented, before she started to exit the car, revealing the red shoes and light green stockings that she was wearing upon her feet and legs respectively.

Meg, recognizing April and June as Starlight and her daughter, Dreamlight, replied, as she closed the door, “I don’t think that they are all related to Brunne, Amy.” The flyer then waited for Amy to close the passenger’s side front door, before she took her key from her black handbag and used it to lock the car doors, with a loud beep-beep. She then headed for the car trunk. As she did, she said, “You go on ahead, Amy, I need to get my package for Brunne out of the trunk.”

“Okay,” said Amy, after she had adjusted her dress, and then made sure that she had a firm grip upon both her package for Brunne and her dark red handbag on her left shoulder, before she started to approach the others. .oO(Need to give a good first impression,) she mused as she approached the others, while she saw a lioness and a pair of very colorful looking mice walk out of the building, and head for the Explorer, while her friend Meg started to open up the trunk of her Camaro.

“I recognize the flyer as being Brunne’s friend, Megan, but who’s the squirrel that is approaching us?” queried June.

As she saw her get closer, Rupee replied, “Ah, I recognize her now. She was one of the cheerleaders that came to Colmaton with Brunne during that nasty weekend when Gloria almost got killed.”

Gloria looked at Rupee. “She’s the one with the superheroine website, right?”

“Yes, she is, Gloria. From what young Brunne has told me about her, she’s one of the few people who do not see supers as either a threat or a fan boy’s fantasy date,” replied the Indian-born mixed-breed, as Megan started to look inside her car’s trunk, and Connie and the two mice came back to the door, now carrying a couple of trays, both loaded with different kinds of sauces and condiments.

Hearing that made Kelly blanched a little. “Thanks heaven for that. Those kinds of sites just give me the creeps, especially considering what they say they all want to do to us.”

Katherina snorted. “And they all wonder why they don’t get the time of day with any of us female supers. Pervs.”

This gets a bunch of affirmatives from the other super femmes, just as Amy has almost reached them. As she saw the lioness and the two mice enter the building, she stopped in front of the group standing before the door. The female squirrel then did a double take as soon as she saw Katherina and Eva standing almost next to each other. “Uhm, hi, guys, I’m Amy, Amy Braunstone. Which of you two mares is Brunne’s mom, as I think I’m seeing double.”

Katherina and Eva looked at each other. They then smiled, before pointing at each other and saying at the same time, “She is.”

This caused Amy to blink again, while the others tried to keep from laughing. Except for April, who was wondering what the whole point was. Before Amy could say anything, she heard Megan say from behind them…

“The one wearing the ‘Hug the Cook’ apron is Brunne’s mom, Amy. The other one is her aunt,” while she approached them, carrying a medium-sized box, that was inside light brown wrapping paper that was covered by little chibis of both Germania and Lady Liberty, which quickly got the attention of both Gloria and Katherina.

.oO(Chibis?) the two mares thought simultaneously, both surprised.

Amy blinked for a third time, before she looked back at her approaching friend. “How were you able to tell them apart, Megs? Those two looks the same to me, even with them wearing different clothing.”

“I would like to know that myself,” queried Katherina, while Eva simply nodded her head, before Megan stopped in front of her.

Megan looked at Amy. She smiled at her friend, before she started to lean on her tail. “Elementary, my dear Amy. It’s all in their hairstyle. Mrs. McEqqus’ hair tends to be big and fluffy, even if straight, while her sister’s hair tends to be somewhat more curly,” as she tried to do her best imitation of Basil Rathbone’s Sherlock Holmes.

Amy blinked one more time, then looked at the two mares. “You know, Meg, you’re right. I didn’t notice that before.”

“Besides, I’d seen a few of Mrs. McEqqus’ films to easily recognize her,” the flyer added with a blush, which caused the older of the two redheaded mares to chuckle.

“Oh, I have a fan? I’m guessing that my daughter was the one to tell you about my films, hmmm?” said Eva, as she continued to lightly chuckled, before she heard a voice from inside the building say:

“The cake is done, Eva. What kind of icing do you want placed on it?” asked the voice, which belonged to Jessica, who, at the moment, was placing one of the cake pieces on top of another, after having earlier removed all three cake pans from inside the oven.

Looking into the building, Eva said, “I’ll tell you in a moment, Jess,” before she looked back at the female kanga, “You can answer my question, later, my dear. Right now, I need to help my friend finish the birthday cake. I hope that you like German chocolate cake, as that’s one of Brunne’s favorite.”

Megan replied, “Yes, I do. Just be sure that Amy gets only one piece.”

Raising an eyebrow, the older Rhenish mare asked, “How come?”

“Too much sugar tends to make her hyper, if you know what I mean,” answered the young flyer, while Amy blushed.

“Hey, it’s not my fault that a lot of sugar tends to make me twitchy,” Amy said in her defense, which caused the others to laugh.

Eva, as she laughed along with the others, turned and headed back into the building, intending to help Jessica frost the cake, then to start baking the cookies.

Rupee, meantime, looked at Katherina. “Excuse me, Katherina, but could you tell me where my companions and I can freshen up while we’re waiting for Brunne, her father, her uncle and her aunt to arrive?”

Before the younger of the two redheaded mares could reply to Rupee, while Connie, Shayla and Belz once again walked out of the building, Megan asked, “Brunne’s uncle, the General, is here?”

Katherina looked at Megan. “Yes, he is, and so is his wife. She and her father are showing them both around right now, although it’s really to keep her occupied while we get the party ready.”

“I see. So, will he be wearing his dress uniform?” asked Amy, curious.

The older mare looked at the young grey squirrel. “I don’t think he’ll be wearing his dress uniform, my dear. In fact, I don’t see a reason for him to be wearing it at the party. Any particular reason why you wanted to know that, Amy?”

“Well, I was kind of curious to see if he got some kind of medal for helping to solve the…” Amy started, before she heard Megan say:

“I’d thought you’d promised me that you wouldn’t ask about the storyline while we were here, Amy?”

Amy looked at the flyer, as she continued to stand on her tail. She said to her friend, with a sheepish grin, “Sorry, Meg, just can’t help myself sometimes.”

As Megan shook her head as her friend continued her sheepish grin, Katherina chuckled, before she looked back at Rupee. She then turned around, and started to enter the building, while saying to the canine and her two companions, “Just follow me, Rupee. The bathroom is in the back.”

“Thank you, old friend,” said the mixed-breed canine as she saw the younger of the two Rhenish redheads enter the building, before she followed her inside, soon followed by her two companions.

As the four femmes headed for the door which led into the bedroom area, as well as to the bathroom, Gloria looked at Kelly, “Well, I think we had better head that way too, since we both need to get changed for the party.”

“Right,” said Kelly, as she saw Gloria start to reenter the building, before the pair heard Megan ask:

“Uhm, excuse me, ma’am, do you mind if my friend and I also come inside?” as she pointed at her friend Amy, who smiled back at the pair, as her tail twitched happily behind her.

Kelly looked at her and Amy, smiled, then said, “Sure. Just wait in the living room, okay?”

“Thanks,” said the young flyer, as she watched the raven-haired two-breed feline turn around and walk into the Green Room, who, it turn, was seeing her roommate retrieving their garment bags from the chair that the pair had placed them onto earlier, before she headed for the backroom area. She then turned to look at Amy. “Come on, Amy,” Megan said to her female grey squirrel friend, before she got off her tail, and, with her package for Brunne still in her hands, headed for the building.

“Ok,” Amy said, as she started to follow Kelly and Megan into the Green Room with her gift for Brunne.

Meanwhile, in front of the Explorer, Connie was pulling a black garment bag out of the back of her car, while behind her stood Shayla and Belz, as the green mouse carried a package with brown wrapping in one paw and a black garment bag in the other, while his pink-furred sister was holding a similar color bag across her right shoulder. As she closed the door to the trunk of her vehicle, she said to the other two, “So, ready to go back inside and change, guys?”

“Yeah,” said Shayla, as she watched the tawny-furred lioness turn around and start walking towards the Green Room, just as Amy finally entered the building. “By the way, is that ass that I’d been hearing about also going to be at the party?”

“Uhm, wat ass are ye pertainin’ to, Shayla,” queried Connie as she proceeded to lead the two mice back towards the building.

“Yeah, sis, what ass?” asked her older brother, as he walked to his younger sister’s right.

Shayla looked at her brother. “A certain ass of a jackal that goes by the name of Tom Matthews. You know, the one who keeps chasing super femme skirt to show off their assets on that piece of crap he claims is a TV show,” answered the pink mouse.

“Oh, him. Don’t worry about ‘im, ‘oney,” said a smiling Connie, as she started to enter the Green Room.

“Yeah, sis, don’t worry about him. Besides, you shouldn’t be worrying anyway. I mean, he chases after skirts with something up front,” said Belz with a slight snicker, since his younger sister was small in the chest.

Shayla shot her older brother an angry look over his comment about her being flat chested. “So said the small male mouse who was looking at the porn ewe’s big chest in that old picture that was drawn by our artist.”

“Guilty as charged, sis. At least I’m not chasing after super female booty to show it to a bunch of witless pervs on TV like he is.”

“Whatever,” said the pink female mouse, before she turned her head, just in time to see that she was almost at the door that led into the building. As she had walked back into the Green Room, Shayla asked, “And why should we not worry about him, Connie?”

As Shayla walked into the Green Room, to be quickly followed inside by her older brother, Katherina, who was now inside the kitchen, after having shown Rupee and the others where the bathroom was located, was using a cookie cutter to create some star-shaped cookies, heard Shayla’s comment. Looking up, the redheaded mare looked at the female pink mouse. “And this would be who?”

Connie, as she started to head for the bedroom area with her garment bag, stopped and looked over at Katherina. “Tom Matthews.”

Upon hearing the pervy jackal’s name, she chuckled. “Oh, him. Don’t worry. He won’t be showing up tonight, Shayla.”

Looking at the redheaded mare, after having stopped, as her older brother walked past her, after also entering the building, Shayla said, “Oh, and why is that, Frau Pferd?”

“Because he won’t be showing up, in any way, shape, or form, as he’ll be too busy entertaining his girl friend, Henrietta?” Katherina then snickered, soon followed by Eva.

Looking at the two snickering mares, as were Megan and Amy, who had both found themselves a couple of chairs to sit down in, Shayla asked, “Henrie…you mean the female hippo who’s jumping his…Wait a minute, how did you swing that?”

“Oh, let’s just say that his super femme skirt chasing will got him into trouble and let’s leave it at that…” said a still snickering Katherina, as Shayla shrugged her shoulders before she turned and started to head for the backroom, as she watched her brother walk through the entrance.

Amy looked at Megan, after she had seen Eva, with Jessica’s help, finish putting the icing on the German Chocolate Cake, while seeing Katherina go back to making cookies with the cookie cutter. “Any idea what Brunne’s aunt meant by that?”

“No, and quite frankly, since it involves Tom Matthews, I really don’t want to know what it is,” replied the flyer, as she went back to watching what the trio in the kitchen were doing.

“Ok,” Amy said, as she looked towards the bedroom, just as she saw the mixed-breed canine walking through the door. As she saw Rupee head for the kitchen, the young grey squirrel thought, .oO(Although, I hope it’ll keep him away from here for the night.)

At that moment, Tom Matthews was walking into a very fancy-looking restaurant, a big grin plastered across his face. .oO(I still can’t believe that redheaded porn mare had promised me a night I would never forget if I went to this restaurant instead of coming to the party for that sexy daughter of hers. Now then, which table did she say my date would be…) thought the pervy jackal before he finally saw what he was looking for: At a table placed towards the back of the restaurant, near the kitchen, with her back to him, was seated a rather large-sized femme, who was wearing a yellow dress, just as the older of the two redheaded mares had said she would. .oO(Must be one of her porn friends, even if she does looks rather big,) thought Tom, before he first adjusted his red tie and then straighten out his light brown jacket before he heads for the table. As he got closer to it, he said to the seated femme, “Hey there, babe, today’s your lucky day…” before he stopped, as he saw her turn around to reveal herself to be his ‘girlfriend’, Henrietta. .oO(What the!!!) the jackal asked himself, as his mind crashed upon seeing her.

“Tommy, you kidder, I thought you’d already promised me that when you’d called me earlier to asked me to meet you here for dinner, remember?” said the big hippo femme, before she reached out and got a firm grip upon a still shocked Tom’s arms. She then said, “Yoo hoo, Waiter, my boyfriend is finally here. You can bring us the menus now,” as she pulled the jackal towards her. “I hope you have brought a lot of money with you, honey, ‘cause I am hungry like you wouldn’t believe.”

.oO(I’d been played, again!!!) said Tom, before he felt himself being pulled towards the female hippo. .oO(Aww, come on, can’t you writers give me even one little break???)

Several hours later, as a few more guests arrive for the party, Eva, Katherina and Jessica, with a little help from Connie, who was now wearing a strapless blue cocktail dress with a sweetheart neckline, light grey stockings and medium-heel black shoes, had finished setting up the food for the party. As they did so, another car was starting to approach the Green Room. Inside the vehicle, a dark blue 2008 Pferd Berlin, were seated four equines, two stallions and two mares. In the car driver’s seat was seated the car’s owner, the night’s guest of honor, Brunne, who was at the moment turning the vehicle to the left, planning to park it to the left of a 2000 Chevy S-10 pickup. To her right, in the passenger seat, sat her father, James. Seated behind her was her aunt, Maria Pferd, a blonde-haired, dark brown-furred Rhenish mare. Seated to her aunt’s right, and behind her father, was a Rhenish stallion, with now starting to grey red hair and brunette fur, who was her uncle Hans Pferd, her mother and her aunt’s older brother. After a while, Brunne finally finished parking her car. As she and the others began to unbuckle their seatbelts, after she had turned off the engine, Brunne looked at her father. “Hey, dad, what’s with all the parked cars? Somebody throwing a party inside the Green Room?”

The brunette-haired Clydesdale stallion, who was wearing a two-piece light grey suit, with a white shirt, light blue tie and brown dress shoes looked back at his young daughter, whom he saw was dressed in a short capped sleeves olive green Tahari dress with a high scoop neckline, tan stockings and black low-heeled shoes, and red circular earrings in her ears, as both his brother- and sister-in-law started to exit the car’s back seats. “Yes, honey, it is a party. It’s a party welcoming both your uncle and aunt,” James replied, as he started to exit the car, trying to keep his young daughter from realizing that the party was actually for her until they have all entered the Green Room.

The duo in question ears perked up as they heard James’ reply to their niece, as the pair both knew that the party in question was actually for her. They decided to play along as they closed the doors, as they both revealed what they were wearing: a three-piece dark brown suit, with a white dress shirt, green, red and gold tie with a bridge-shaped gold clip keeping it in place, and well polished black dress shoes for Hans and a small capped sleeves pleated black Laundry dress with a high square neckline, white stockings and black high-heeled shoes, with a horse collar-style necklace and black circular earrings, with a red pocketbook in her hooves for Maria.

“A welcoming party for us, James? You and your friend didn’t need to go to all this trouble on our account,” said Hans.

“Yes. This is too much. After all, you and Brunne showing us around I think was more than enough,” added Maria, as she adjusted the bottom part of her dress.

“Hey, this was actually your sister, Eva, idea, to introduce you two to several of her and Katherina’s friends, since most of them haven’t met you before,” replied James, as he closed the door behind him, before he looked across the top of the car, whereupon he saw his daughter also closing the driver’s door, as she held a dark green pocketbook in one of her hooves, while holding her car keys in the other.

“Mom’s idea, huh? Knowing her, she’s going to having quite a spread out there, waiting for us to eat,” said the young redheaded Clydesdale femme, as she locked her car. She then turned her head, whereupon she saw a familiar looking grey Indian motorcycle, which was parked opposite the earlier mentioned pickup. “Seems that it’s not only her and Auntie Kathy’s friends that she’d invited to the party, as I also see Eddie’s bike out here,” Brunne said, before she started to head for the building, after having placed her keys into her pocketbook, a big smile on her pretty face, soon followed by her father, aunt and uncle.

“Eddie? Oh, you must mean your boyfriend Edward?” asked Maria.

“The one who constantly call you ‘Wonder Girl’, Brunne?” Hans asked his niece.

Brunne rolled her eyes, before she answered, “Yes, one and the same. I really do wish that that silly wolf haven’t had given me that nickname.” She then snorted lightly.

“Now, now, dear, the lad did not mean any harm when he called you that, even if most of the time it was just to tease you. After all, you were always a strong girl,” said James, as the four equines got closer to the building’s front door.

“Tell me about it. I can still remember the first time that you met your cousins. I can still see the look upon Fritz’s face when you beat him at arm wrestling the first time he had challenged you to see which of you two was the stronger one, before you gave him that first noogie,” said Hans, which soon caused Brunne to blush.

“Hey, we were little kids then, Uncle Hans. I was about five, iirc,” said Brunne in her defense, as she heard first her father, then her aunt, and finally, her uncle, start to laugh.

“Except you still continue to give our Fritz, and our daughters, noogies every time you see them, Brunne. Especially, Fritz,” responded the older dark brown-furred Rhenish mare, between chuckles, which caused Brunne to blush even more deeply.

“Hey, I’m just showing him, Helga and Maria, Jr., how much I love them, Auntie Maria. Speaking of them, I’m sorry to hear that they couldn’t come with you two.”

Hans shrugged his strong shoulders as he continued to walk behind his niece and her father. Couldn’t be helped, my dear. Fritz have his military responsibilities, while our daughters have their classes, Helga with University and little Maria with the Gymnasium. Besides, we did mention that they all give you their love, yes?”

“Yes, you did, Uncle Hans,” replied Brunne, with a light sigh, as the four equines got even closer to the building. “Still, would have been nice to have seen them in person,” she added, sounding very disappointed.

“Who’s to say that we won’t see them soon, ‘Princess’,” James said to his daughter, calling her by a nickname that he hasn’t used in a long while.

“Really?” started Brunne, before she blushed. “Oh, yeah, our annual family Christmas in Germany. I forgot about that,” said the younger mare as the three older equines chuckled loudly.

Meanwhile, as the foursome were getting closer to the front door, near the window across from it, Shayla, who was now clothed in a grey silky sequin dress with skinny straps, nude stockings and black dress shoes, while she continued to wear in her hair her feathers and her big green headband and the Indian-style necklace around her neck, was at the moment, as she held in her right paw a glass filled with grape juice, talking to Gloria, who was wearing a grey sweater dress, dark brown pantyhose and grey suede boots, while her ears were sporting gold earrings, and she wore upon one wrist a beige bracelet and a black wristwatch on the other, as she held in one of her hooves a glass filled with orange juice.

“So, I’m not the only one with mommy problems, huh?” she said to the taller blonde mare with the tiger stripes, before she took a sip from her glass.

“Yeah. Although it doesn’t sound like yours is…” Gloria started to reply, before she, as she looked over Shayla, noticed Brunne coming towards the building, quickly followed by her father, and a mare and stallion whom she guessed must be Eva’s older brother and his wife. She then looked at the short pink mousette. “Excuse me, Shayla, but I think the guest of honor is about to arrive. I better go tell Eva.” With that, she turned around, and headed for Eva, who was at the moment talking to April and Rupee.

Shayla blinked, before she turned her head, and looked through the nearby window, soon seeing the reason for Gloria’s abrupt departure, especially noticing James. After she had finished looking over the brunette-furred Clydesdale stallion, she mused, as she drank some of her grape juice, .oO(Hmm, Belz might be on to something with his earlier comment. Might! After all, it’s not like I have a front row seat to our creator’s thought processes. And speaking of which…)

As the pink mousette was thinking, Gloria had just reached Eva, April and Rupee, with the older redheaded mare, as she held in her left hoof a glass that was filled with cherry schnapps, saying something to the mixed-breed canine as the white Arabian mare listen, “…I’ll be honest with you, Rupee, I’m still worry about…” As soon as she did, the younger mare said, as she got the trio’s attention, “Sorry to interrupt your conversation with Rupee, Eva, but Brunne, your husband, your brother and his wife are almost at the door.”

Eva, as the others looked on, replied, “Are you sure?”

“I’d just saw them coming closer to the building just a short time ago.”

“Ok, thanks Gloria,” said Eva, before she looked at April and Rupee. “Will you two please excuse me a moment, ladies?”

“Sure, Mrs. McEqqus, no problem,” said the mixed-breed bitch, while the white Arabian mare nodded her head in agreement.

The redheaded mare nodded her head, then walked into the middle of the living room. After stopping, she clapped her hooves together to get everybody’s attention. Once she was sure that everyone inside the building was now looking at her, the older brunette-furred Rhenish mare said to everyone, “Everybody, the Guest of Honor will be here in a bit. Is everybody ready to wish her a Happy Anniversary?”

“Ready, willing and able, Mrs. McEqqus!!!” happily announced Edward, Brunne’s lupine boyfriend, who was presently seated on a couch, as he wore a dark-grey three-piece suit, with a white dress shirt, a blue tie and black dress shoes. The young blonde, grey-furred timber wolf was seated next to Cathy, Brunne’s platinum blonde skunkette friend, who was presently wearing a strapless red dress, with elbow-length red gloves, light blue stockings and black shoes, along with a pearl necklace around her neck, as she held a glass filled with tomato juice in her right paw.

“What bow-wow has just said, Mrs. M!” the black and white-furred skunkette added, as the blonde lupine started to get up, after licking his tongue at her. This caused Cathy to start chuckling lightly.

“Everyone else?” added the sexy redheaded mare, as she also chuckled lightly, while she looked around the room, before she began to hear affirmatives from the others. She then looked towards the back. “What about you three back there?”

“I’m ready, Mrs. McEqqus. I’m not sure about the other two though,” replied Kelly.

“Yeah, I’m ready. I’m still not sure how I let you guys talk me into this,” added Katherina, who, with Kelly, was hiding in the bedroom area, as Eva chuckled.

“Just relax, Katherina. Just do it the way that we’d rehearsed it a short while ago and it’ll be all over quickly,” added Jessica. She then said, “By the way, is Belz ready?”

At this point, everyone began to hear a little music being played. As it did, Belz, who was presently clothed in a black three-piece suit, with a white shirt, black bowtie and black shoes, could be seen seated upon a stool in front of a piano, which he was presently playing, answered, “Just say the word, Eva.”

June, who presently stood next to Shayla, said to her, “I didn’t know your brother could play the piano?”

Shayla replied, as she watched her sibling moved his fingers across the piano’s keys with very little trouble, “You ain’t the only one, kid.”

Meanwhile, back outside, the young Clydesdale mare in question, Brunne, along with her father, uncle and aunt, had just about reached the door leading into the Green Room, with the three older equines all walking in front of her. As they got to the front door, she heard her sire say, “Why don’t you go through the front door first, ‘Princess’?” The redheaded mare looked at her father, as he now stood before the door, while raising an eyebrow, made curious by his request. “Uhm, any particular reason why you would want me to go through the door first, dad?”

James, looked back at his daughter, as Hans and Maria stood to his right. As he smiled at his young daughter, the brown-furred stallion answered, “Wouldn’t do for the guest of honor and his wife to go through the door first, aye?”

With the eyebrow still raised, Brunne went over her father reply. She thought it over, before finally saying, as she shrugged her shoulders, “I guess not,” before she walked to the door, soon walking past her aunt, uncle and then father in turn. Upon reaching the door, she placed her right hoof upon the door and turned the knob. Once that had been done, she pushed the door forward, and started to enter the room, whereupon she saw a group of people standing in front of the door, with her boyfriend, Eddie, and her best friend, Cathy, being the ones closest to the now open door. The young mare was about to say something when she heard everyone inside the room suddenly yell:


Hearing the yell surprised the young mare for a while, as she blinked several times, before she saw Eddie come forward, wrap his arms around her and after giving her a big hug, start to place his mouth against hers and give Brunne a big kiss on the lips. Although caught off-guard at first, Brunne went with the flow, as she began to wrap her own arms around the grey-furred wolf’s body and then give him a big kiss back, while at the same time pushing his body backwards, to the surprise of most of the people inside the room, as her father, aunt and uncle finally entered the room, with the Rhenish mare quickly closing the door behind them.

Cathy, who was presently standing behind the two lovers, quipped, as she watched them continue to kiss, “Okay, you two, break it up. This isn’t Time Square during V-J Day, ya know,” which caused most of those inside the room who got the reference to laugh.

“Yes, Brunne, darling, let poor Eddie breath,” added Eva with a light chuckle of her own, while Shayla added, “I guess we now know who’s in charge of their relationship.”

Looking behind the still kissing pair, James said, “You heard your mother, my little ‘Princess’, time to let the wolf breath.”

Brunne, who had closed her eyes during the kiss, blushed deeply as she heard the comments from her parents and the others as she continued to kiss Eddie. A few seconds after she had heard her father’s request, she ended the kiss. Her eyes now opened, she looked down at Eddie, who was presently on Cloud 9, before she pulled them both back up. The brown-furred Clydesdale mare then looked once again around the room, before she looked at her mother. “Let me guess, this was your idea, mom?”

A smiling Eva looked back at her young daughter, as she saw Brunne release the still out of it lupine. “I can’t tell a lie, honey. It was actually mines, your father and your Aunt Katherina’s idea.”

“Really?!?” asked Brunne, as she looked back at her father, as her lupine boyfriend started to snap out of his present stupor.

“Yes, really, ‘Princess’,” said James, as he proceeded to walk over to Eva.

Brunne then looked at her aunt and uncle, while the others inside the room began to approach the young brunette-furred Clydesdale mare. “And I’m going to guess that you two knew about this as well?”

The two older German-born equines simply smiled, before her Uncle Hans replied, “Only since last night, Brunne.”

“Which would mean that me and dad showing you two around…”

“Was a ruse to keep you away so that you wouldn’t find out about it, while giving your mother and the others a chance to prepare the Green Room for the party? Yes, it was, honey,” replied Brunne’s aunt, Maria, as James, who now stood next to Eva, was giving his wife a kiss on her cheek.

At this point, Brunne turned her head again, soon seeing all of the food that there was to eat, as well as all of the people that were presently inside the room for the party for her. The young mare then started to blush before finally saying, “Gee, thank guys. To say that I was not expecting this party would be an understatement.”

“I think that we can all tell that by the way that you’re blushing even redder than your hair is right now, Brunne,” quipped Megan, as the others began to lightly laugh at the flyer’s comment.

Brunne proceeded to laugh as well, as she looked around the room again. “Uhm, by the way mom, dad, where’s Auntie Kathy? I don’t see her anywhere in the room. For that matter, I don’t see ‘Auntie’ Jessica, either.”

“Oh, they’re here, honey,” started Eva, just as Belz began to play the opening notes to “Happy Birthday.” “In fact, I think that they and a third person whom you know should be coming out of the bedroom to wish you a ‘Happy Birthday’ very shortly, dear.”

“Huh?” said Brunne, as she began to hear a voice, along with the others inside the room, that began to sing ‘Happy Birthday’, before everyone started to turn their heads to look towards the area leading to the bedrooms.

“Happy Birthday, To You,” started the voice, as it came out of the bedroom area, which revealed itself to be Kelly. The black-haired cheetah/tigress mix, as she continued to sing, was clothed in a loosely worn white collared shirt, black tight jeans, which was held up by a white belt with a gold buckle, black pantyhose and strappy 3-inch wedge-heel grey shoes, as well as a silver necklace that was placed around her neck, while upon one of her arms she sported a wristwatch. As the two-breed feline continued to sing, heading towards the young redheaded mare, a second figure, who was also singing the song, exited the room, revealing herself to be Brunne’s aunt, Katherina. The older brunette-furred Rhenish mare was presently dressed in a red matte jersey dress with one-shoulder strap on her shoulders, leaving the right one bare, having also changed her clothes, beige stockings, and low-heel black dress shoes, as well as a horseshoe collar-style silver necklace upon her neck, like her ‘older’ sister, and horseshoe-style gold earrings on her ears, while Eva wore the same kind, but in silver, on hers. As Katherina now walked towards her niece, to join Kelly, who was presently singing in front of the still surprised redheaded Clydesdale mare, a third voice could be heard entering the room, as another femme began to leave the back, this one being the cream-furred lapin, Jessica Thumper. The buxom bunny femme was clothed in a light blue strapless bra top playdress, light brown stockings, and medium-heel grey dress shoes, as well as circular red earrings on her long ears. She soon joined the other two femmes, and with them, proceeded to sing together the final notes of the song.

As the others in the room cheered, a blushing Brunne said to the just finished trio, “Gee, you guys didn’t have to do that.”

“We’re not quite finished, honey,” said Jessica, who was looking towards Belz, while Brunne said, “Huh?” as everyone else in the room began to hear the opening chords to “Happy Anniversary.”

“Okay, girls, from the top,” said Katherina, before she, Kelly and Jessica together proceeded to sing “Happy Anniversary” as the trio stood before Brunne while the others in the room watched them sing.

As the others listened, June, who was now standing next to Megan, Cathy, Amy and Jessica’s adopted daughter, Holly, who was clothed in a sleeveless black dress with a very high neckline, black stockings and low-heel black shoes. The young Arabian mare said to the other four femmes, “I didn’t know that Brunne’s aunt could sing this good, considering that picture of her as Germania with Beethoven.”

Holly looked at June. “Guess it just goes to show you to not believe everything you see, huh?” she said with a light shrug.

“I guess so,” answered June, as the young goth bunny, whom the young white mare thought sounded a bit like the actress who played Raven on the old ‘Teen Titans’ TV show, turned around, just as it sounded like the trio were about to finish the song. .oO(Boy, does she sound like she could give Wednesday Adams a run for her money on the weird meter.)

At this point, as June turned her head, Belz finished playing on the piano, just as the threesome had finished singing “Happy Anniversary.” As everyone else inside the Green Room started to applaud, Brunne moved forward, and started hugging Katherina.

“Gee, thanks for the songs, Auntie Kathy,” the younger redheaded mare said to her aunt, as the applause started to die down, while Belz began to get off of the piano stool.

“You’re welcome, honey,” the older brunette-furred Rhenish mare said, as she gave her niece a light hug back, before the two ended their hug, as the applause finally ended.

Brunne released Katherina, before she looked at the platinum blonde lapin and then the raven-haired two-breed feline. “The same goes to you two, ‘Auntie’ Jessica, Kelly.”

“You’re welcome, sweetie,” replied Jessica, as she approached Brunne, before she gave the taller, younger mare a hug as well, which Brunne quickly returned.

“The pleasure was all mines, kiddo,” added Kelly with a smile, before she started to walk towards the grouping that included Gloria and Shayla.

Meanwhile, Eva was having a quick conversation with Connie. Once they were done, as the tawny-furred feline headed for the food table, the redheaded mare turned around and once more slapped her two hooves together to get everyone’s attention, just as Belz had reached the group which included his sister, soon followed by Kelly. “Everyone, we can start eating the food that has been set on the table as soon as Brunne had finished blowing out the candle on her cake.” The older redheaded mare then looked over at her daughter, who at the moment was ending the hug with the cream-furred lapin. “Anytime you’re ready, honey.”

Brunne, after she had released Jessica, looked over at her mother. “Sure thing, mom, just kindly point me to the…” she started to say, as she now looked over at the food table, whereupon the younger redheaded mare saw placed in the middle of the table a three-layer cake covered with yellow frosting, on top of which was placed a lit candle that was shaped as the number 22. Brunne looked back at her mother. “German chocolate cake, mom?” she queried, as she walked towards the table.

“Yes, German chocolate,” the older redhead replied with a smile, as she watched a smile move across her daughter’s face as she knew that the cake was Brunne’s favorite.

A now smiling Brunne quickly reached the table, soon stopping in front of the cake, which she saw was flanked on its left by several plates filled with home baked cookies, and on the right by several more plates, with these being loaded with either several different kinds of cheeses or condiments. She took a quick look at the cake and then at the candle for a while, before closing her eyes, soon deep in thought, as the others in the room watched. She then opened her eyes, and then in one quick motion, took a deep breath, opened up her mouth and then blew out the candle.

As the others in the room clapped, as they watched the candle’s light go out, Eddie, who just moments earlier had positioned himself so that he was now standing to Brunne’s left, asked her, as she picked up a small carving knife to start cutting up the cake, “So, what exactly did you wished for, ‘Wonder…” before he stopped in his tracks, as he saw her start to give him the ‘Pferd stare’. “…uhm, Brunne?”

Brunne snorted, before answering him, “Now, now, Eddie, first no ‘Wonder Girl’. And, second, that would be telling.” Before she chuckled, as she turned back around, while she heard the male timber wolf lightly say, “Sorry,” before she started to cut into the cake. “Anyone else want a slice of cake?”

As she heard a few of the others say that they did, Brunne began to hear her mother tell everyone inside the room that they can all start eating, as soon as she had said grace, and once they had finished eating, those who had brought gifts for Brunne could then give them to her.

Eva took only a few seconds to say grace. Once that had been done, everyone in the room quickly picked up a plate, and after filling their plates up with whatever food they wanted to eat, started to eat, all pondering what gifts the young mare was going to receive once they were all done.

As everyone ate, they all began to slowly congregate into smaller groups who were soon talking among themselves. One such group was soon gathered around Brunne, which included Cathy, Eddie, June, Holly, Amy and Megan. As the others were eating, June, who was looking at Cathy, said to her, “…you’re kidding, Cathy.”

The platinum blonde skunkette, who was at the moment swallowing a piece of the German chocolate cake which she had gotten only a short time ago, shook her head, before she replied, “Nope, Eddie’s eyes were as big as saucers as he got a good look at Brunne’s endowments after he had helped pull her back up after her wipeout when he was giving her surfing lessons when we were younger. I don’t know which of the two were more shocked by what had just happened, him or Brunne.”

Both Brunne and Eddie blushed a very deep red as they heard Cathy tell the others about what had happened at the beach that summer after the trio had just finished seventh grade.

“I would have to say that Eddie was,” commented Holly, in her low monotone voice, as she pointed at the grey-furred lupine. “After all, Brunne at least had enough sense to cover up and go under the water once she had realized what had just happened. Wolf boy, here, from what I have heard, just kept on staring at her.” The black clothed lapin then started to munch nonchalantly on a carrot stick.

“Uhm, can we please change the subject, guys? I mean, it’s not like we planned for that to happen,” Eddie barked in a low voice. “Not that I didn’t mind seeing her, uhm, developing rack, but I’d known Brunne since elementary school. I mean, she was like the sister who could hurt me good if I did something stupid.”

“Which I did a few times while we were growing up, especially when I didn’t like being called ‘Wonder Girl’,” added Brunne, before she looked at a grimacing Eddie as he remember the number of times he found himself in trouble when he used his nickname for his present girlfriend. “By the way, what exactly did you mean when you’d said that you didn’t mind seeing my developing rack, Eddie?” As she waited for a reply from Eddie, as did the others, Brunne proceeded to eat some of the cooked corn that she had earlier gotten from the food table.

“Uhm, can I plead the fifth on that?” asked Eddie, as he began to sweat a little bit.

“Come on, Eddie, spill, we’re all friends here,” said Amy, curious about how the canine would answer, as Brunne kept on looking at the now sweating blonde timber wolf, as she continued to eat her corn.

Megan rolled her eyes before saying, “If Eddie doesn’t want to answer the question, Amy, that’s between him and Brunne. Although she does seem to be giving him that speak up or else look of hers.”

Amy quickly looked over at Brunne, just as the young redheaded mare started to eat some of her cake. The female squirrel looked her over for a few minutes, before she looked back at the flyer. “Yeah, that’s the look alright. I’d start talking if I was Eddie.”

June, who also noticed the look, said to her fellow mare, “Is this really necessary, Brunne?”

After she had swallowed the cake piece inside her mouth, Brunne looked over at the white Arabian femme. With a smile, Brunne answered her, “I know what I’m doing, June.” She then looked back at the still sweating grey-furred timber wolf. “Answer the question, Eddie,” she said, as she started to eat some more of her cake.

“Well, uhm, it’s like this, Brunne, aaahhh, isn’t it a bit hot in here?” said Eddie, as he continued to sweat, while at the same time hoping that Brunne would just drop the subject. When he saw the buxom young redhead, as she continued to chew the cake piece now inside her mouth, once again give him the look, he sighed, before finally answering her, “Ok, sure, I’d wanted to see what you’d looked like with nothing on. But, as the lord is my witness, Brunne, I wasn’t expecting it to be because that white swimsuit of yours would get translucent after you had fallen into the water.” The blonde timber wolf then lightly gulped as he waited for Brunne’s reply to his response.

The others all went silent as they heard Eddie’s response to Brunne’s query. They then turned their heads and looked at the presently cake eating femme, all wondering how she would respond to his answer.

The young redheaded mare listened to her boyfriend’s reply to her question, while she calmly chewed the cake piece that was inside her mouth. A few seconds after she had swallowed it, she wiped her mouth with a napkin. After doing that, she looked directly at the still sweating grey-furred lupin. Brunne didn’t say a word for a few seconds more before she finally said, “And when exactly were you hoping to see me with nothing on?”

“After we had gotten married, if that actually happened, of course. I mean, Brunne, considering what your mom looks like with her clothes on, even in a swimsuit, me and the other guys all thought that you wouldn’t look any different. I just got a, gulp, early view, and, was quite surprised by what I’d saw.” Eddie then smiled at Brunne, while hoping that he wouldn’t have to start running for his life. “Not that your developing, you know, looked bad or anything. I was just surprised to see it where I saw it. In public, sort of.”

Brunne stood there for a while, once again quiet. She then asked Eddie, “Is that the truth, wolfie?”

As the others now looked at Eddie, he replied, “Yes, it is.”

The brunette-furred mare was once more quiet. She then smiled, and said, “Okay, I believe you, bow wow. But if I catch wind that you weren’t…”

“I am, I am. It’s the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,” answered Eddie, as he could hear his heart, which had been thumping away as he waited to hear his girlfriend’s reply, finally started to slow down as he begin to relax.

“By the way, have you told anyone else…”

“Nope!! Nobody else!! Na-da!!” Eddie quickly replied to Brunne. “Nobody, but you, me, and your folks, or your teammates, know what you look like under your clothes, then or now.”

“That’s good to know. And let’s keep it that way, okay?” the young mare said to Eddie, before she stepped up to him, and kissed him on his left cheek.

Eddie stood still for a few seconds, before he suddenly fell onto the floor, with a silly grin on his face.

Brunne looked at her boyfriend, and chuckled, before she said, “Could someone please help me with him?” She then put her plate upon a nearby chair before she started to walk towards his front.

“I will, I will,” enthusiastically said June, before she handed her plate over to Cathy, and then walked over to the out cold timber wolf’s legs, while Brunne was getting a firm grip under his arms.

Once she had a firm grip under Eddie’s armpits, Brunne looked over at June, who was just then getting an equally firm grip on his legs. “Ok, on the count of three, we both lift Eddie up.” After she saw a nod from the white Arabian, Brunne counted to three, and lifted Eddie by both his armpits while June lifted up his legs. The two young equines then started to walk Eddie towards the couch, while the other youngsters followed them.

As Brunne and June were reaching the couch, they were being watched by some of the adults in the room. Among those looking at the scene was a black and white-skin male orcan who was presently clothed in the United States Army’s new Class A dress uniform, made up of a blue jacket and slacks, with a white shirt, black tie and black shoes. Upon the right breast of his jacket was placed a nametag upon which was embossed the name ‘Orca’, while on both sleeves was placed the three chevrons and one rocker of a staff sergeant, with the insignia for the 6th US Armored Division placed above the one on his left sleeve. As he and the other adults in the group that he was with (Eva, James, Jessica, Hans, Maria and Gloria) watched the two young mares start to place the still unconscious Eddie onto the couch, Orca commented, “Like mother, like daughter,” before he started to drink from a glass filled with orange juice.

Eva started to whistle, as the others, except for James, as he started to chew on some cooked oats, and Jessica, who had a good idea what he was talking about, looked at Orca as he continued drinking.

“Would you, uhm, Orca is it, care to explain that?” asked Gloria, as the others also pondered what the younger orcan had meant, while Brunne was at the moment waiting for her boyfriend to wake up as he lay on the couch.

After he had finished drinking his juice, Orca looked back at the others. With a slight blush, although not visible to the rest because of his black skin, the orcan answered, “I meant that she was being a tease like her mother is sometimes back at the stadium where she runs the wrestling league.”

The others then looked at Eva, who was still whistling. “Tease?” queried Gloria.

Eva looked at the younger tiger-striped female equine, as she stopped whistling. As she lightly chuckled, she quipped, “He means I like to sneak up on the others when they are not paying attention after they have finished with their work outs. You should see how high they tend to jump when I say boo. Especially Orca, here. You would think that someone in the army would be a bit more alert to his surroundings.” The redheaded German-born mare then chuckled a bit more as the others looked back at a still blushing Orca.

“Is that the truth, Sergeant?” asked Hans, as everyone in the group continued to look at Orca.

“Uhm, sadly, it is, General, sir,” answered Orca, as Eva started to hum again.

“First, when I’m not in uniform, Sergeant, it’s Herr Pferd. Second, that sounds like my sister alright. She can be a tease when she wants to be,” commented Hans, before the older stallion began to drink from his glass which, like his sibling, was filled with cherry schnapps.

“I know that from a lot of experience at home,” added James, as Eva continued to hum.

Gloria looked at the older redheaded Rhenish mare. “And here I thought that all of you Germans were humorless.”

“My dear, we Germans do have a sense of humor,” commented Maria, in defense of her fellow countrymen’s sense of humor.

“Yes. It’s just that it tends to be more satirical, with some bite to it,” added Hans.

“And we tend to aim it at our fellow Germans from another part of the state,” Eva said, before she added, “Me, I just tease folks, which Orca knows all too well.” She then looked over at Orca. “Isn’t that right, Orca?”

“Yeah, she’s right about that,” answered a still blushing Orca, before he started to drink some more of his orange juice.

Gloria looked at the once again chuckling mare. “So, you’re able to sneak up on all of them at the stadium?”

“Yes,” said Eva, before she started to sip some of her own drink.

“So, think you can show me how you’re able to do it?” the blonde mare asked, as the others started to notice Brunne proceeding to sit in Eddie’s lap a few seconds after the blonde timber wolf had finally woken up.

Eva looked at Gloria. “You mean like the move that I’d shown you before Colmaton went loony toon because of Major Panzer’s murder over at the rp?”

Gloria nodded her head. “Yes. Speaking of which,” she turned her head and looked at Hans. “Thanks for helping me…”

Hans interrupted. “Just doing what I was ordered to do, Fräulein Summers. Besides, we aren’t really out of the woods yet in that rp, yes?”

Gloria thought for a few seconds, before she nodded her head in agreement. “You are right, Herr Pferd, and we shouldn’t really be giving out any possible information while it’s still going on.”

The redheaded Rhenish stallion nodded his head, before the group started to talk about something else.

Meanwhile, in another part of the room, there was another grouping, this one which consisted of Katherina, Kelly, April and Rupee. The foursome appeared to be talking shop, after having also watched Brunne and June place the out cold Eddie onto the couch, before seeing Brunne seat herself upon his lap after he had woken up.

“I see that young Brunne likes to tease her boyfriend,” commented Rupee, as the mixed-breed canine looked at the young redheaded Clydesdale mare’s aunt, who was just then chewing on some cheese.

Katherina, after she had heard the mixed-canine femme’s question, swallowed what she had been eating and looked back at Rupee. “Just like my ‘big’ sister does, at times. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. After all, she doesn’t take things too seriously. And considering what we have to deal with in some of the stories that we’re in, that might come in handy.”

“I find that kind of interesting, Katherina, since you were originally used in a zap-a-zine, and, from what I have heard, your creator wanted you to be kind of strait-lace, with little sense of humor,” remarked April, before she started to drink from a glass, which was filled with lemon juice.

The older redheaded Teutonic mare looked at the younger white Arabian mare. With a light smirk, she answered, “Yes, that is so true. He wanted me to be the one to take things a bit more seriously than Mega, although she would also show a rough side if the situation calls for it, which it did on at least one occasion. As well as be the one to react to the things that would happen to us. I guess he thought that since I’m German, that I would be better to show the appropriate humorous reaction to the situation when it occurred. I really do not know, although I do admit what my reaction towards the end of the story with the swimsuit in place of my armor would’ve been my reaction no matter what.”

“You mean you throwing the phone out the window in exasperation?” asked Kelly.

Katherina nodded her head before saying, “That’s the one. After all, that was just my frustration showing, and I’m sure that you all wanted to do that in at least one of the stories that you have been involved in.”

The other four simply nodded their heads in agreement upon hearing the redheaded, brunette-furred mare’s comment.

“Speaking of a sense of humor, Katherina, do you think your writer will give that to you, instead of having you react to stuff in a humorous vein as he have in the past?” asked the two-breed feline.

Katherina looked at Kelly. She shrugged her shoulders. “Who knows. Guess it’ll depend on how he’ll use me in future stories. But, I know this, I think that I’d been in the US long enough to not be portrayed as so strait lace as I was then.”

“Especially if you run into a certain Major Hochsetter wanna-be,” added April.

The others looked at her. Katherina upon hearing that, said, “Before or after my niece goes into her WWHD act?”

“WWHD?” asked April, a bit confused by the reference.

“What would Hogan do?” answered the other three, before they look at each other and started laughing at the fact that they all knew what Katherina had meant.

“From what I’d seen of your niece,” began Kelly, between chuckles, “she would try to do something to make him look even more ridiculous than he already is.”

“Yeah, that does sounds like how Brunne would act around him from my own past dealings with her,” commented Rupee.

April, not yet understanding the reason for the laughter, said, “Still, Katherina, how would you act around him?”

As the others look at her, Katherina thought over her response to April’s query. After several seconds of being quiet, she finally replied, “Hopefully, with words that will make him think. Because, he sounds like someone you need to outthink, if anything else.” The buxom German mare then started to drink the pilsner beer that was in her glass.

“You wouldn’t try to punch his lights out?” asked April.

Katherina, after she had finished drinking, looked back at her fellow mare. “Only if he said something that would piss me off royally.”

“Well, with the way he operates, that shouldn’t take long,” quipped Kelly.

After thinking it over, Katherina added, “When you put it that way, you may have something there.”

“Yeah, a possible black and blue serval if he’s not careful with his ps and qs around you,” commented the mixed-breed canine to the mare with a grin, before the group started to laugh over her comment.

As the group around Katherina laughed, Jessica leaves the group that was standing around Eva, as they continued to talk among themselves. The platinum blonde lapin then walked towards a fourth grouping that consisted of Shayla, Belz and Connie. As she neared the trio, Jessica could hear Belz say to his sister, “…told you I saw her in that film’s orgy scene.”

As she watched Connie, who was chewing on some ham, blush as she heard Belz’s reply to his sister, after he had asked her if she had been in the orgy scene of DoeMare Productions’ latest released porn film, Jessica stopped in front of the trio. She then said to both Belz and Shayla, “So, are you two enjoying yourselves?”

The threesome turned their heads and looked over at the buxom cream-furred lapin.

“Yes, we are, Ms. Thumper, thanks for asking,” said Belz, with a smile, as he looked up at Jessica’s ample chest.

“We are,” added Shayla, before she noticed that her brother was now looking at the platinum blonde rabbit’s breasts. The pink mousette then rolled her eyes, before she said to her older green-furred sibling, “Her eyes are up front, brother dear.”

As both Connie and Jessica chuckled, Belz looked at his sister, before he said, as he turned back to look directly at Jessica’s face, “Yes, and she has a very lovely shade of blue eyes.”

Shayla rolled her eyes again as she heard her brother’s response as he now looked at the sexy lapin’s pretty face.

“Oh, ain’t that sweet,” said Jessica with a snicker, before she added, “By the way, Belz, thanks for playing the music for those two songs which Katherina, Kelly and I sang earlier.”

“It was my pleasure, ma’am. Glad to help out,” said the now smiling green mouse.

The pink mousette shook her head, before she said to the buxom bunny, “How long do you think it’ll be before we start giving out the gifts to Brunne?”

Jessica raised an eyebrow, before she turned her head. She was soon looking at the group that was around Brunne, as she now sat to the right of Eddie on the couch, having at some point removed herself from his lap, with all of them, except for her adopted daughter Holly, laughing at a comment that one of them must have just made as they continue to talk among themselves. “Hopefully not too much longer, Shayla.”

“I hope so, ma’am. I do have a kid to take care of ya know,” said the pink mousette.

“Hey, mom is keeping an eye on her, sis,” commented Belz.

“My point exactly,” commented Shayla, before her brother realized what she had meant earlier. “Ah, now I see.”

Jessica laughed, before she looked over at Connie, who was presently drinking some apple juice. “Enjoying yourself, Connie?”

Connie, after she had moved the glass away from her mouth, looked back at the cream-furred lapin. The black-haired lioness smiled, before answering, “Yes, ah am, Ms. Thumper. It was certainly nice of Mrs. McEqqus ta invite me. After all, it’s not very often tat ah’m used in a story.”

Belz, as he looked the lioness over, remarked, “Really, considering your looks, I’m very surprised that your writer doesn’t use you more often.”

Connie blushed. “Well, considering tae number of female characters he now has, ah am just happy tat he’s using me at all. Tere are a few gals he still hasn’t used, and ah don’t mean tae new ones either.”

The lapin nodded. “Well, considering what he is doing right now, I’m sure that he’ll get to all of them at some point. Even you. Just have a little patience, Connie.”

Connie listened, then smiled. “Okay. I just hope he’ll use me soon.”

“I’m sure he will,” said Jessica with a smile, at the two mice watched them, although Belz was looking at the two femmes’ chest.

Shayla shook her head. “Their eyes are above their chests, ya know.”

Belz looked at his sister, as the other two femmes started to chuckle as they realize what she’d meant. “I’m a guy, remember. At least I’m not a skirt chaser,” he said to his pink-furred sibling, as the two femmes continued to laugh.

The pink mousette rolled her eyes, before commenting, “You’re right about that, Belz. Just try to make it so obvious in the future.” She then started to smirk, as she saw the questioning look on her brother’s face, before she turned and started to head for the food table, to reload her plate with some cheese.

Belz blinked, as he watched his younger sister leave, before he started to follow after her, while saying, “Hey, what did you mean by that crack?” while Jessica and Connie tried not to laugh out loud as they kept on laughing.

About half-an-hour later, as the people inside the Green Room continue to eat, talk and congregate among themselves, Eva, as she stood next to her brother Hans and Gloria, took a quick look at her left arm, upon which was placed her Timex watch. Upon seeing the time, she said a couple of quick words to both her brother and the younger blonde mare to excuse herself, before she walked over to the center of the building’s living room. Once she was there, Eva lifted up her right hoof and started to tap one of its fingers against the glass that she was still holding in her other hoof, which very quickly got everyone’s attention in the room. Once she was sure that she had everyone’s attention, the buxom redheaded mare stopped. Eva then smiled, before she said, “I would first like to thank all of you who were able to come here to help celebrate my young daughter’s anniversary. You have no idea how much me, my husband and my ‘younger’ sister appreciate you all coming here.” After hearing a few “You’re welcome” leaves the lips of the others in the room, she continued. “Now with that said, I realize that a few of you have come to the party with gifts to give to my lovely daughter.” Eva then began to look at Brunne, whereupon she saw the surprised look on her slightly taller daughter’s pretty face.

“Gifts, really, for me?” asked Brunne, surprised by the sudden revelation. “Gee, you guys really shouldn’t have,” she added, as Eddie, who was still seated to her left, kissed her on her left cheek, which soon caused the young mare to blush.

“You’re worth it, Brunne,” said Kelly, which the others in the Green Room who had brought the young mare gifts all agreed with.

“Gee, thanks guys,” Brunne said in a sincere tone, as Eddie pulled back from her after he had finished kissing her cheek.

The older redheaded Rhenish-Hanoverian mix smiled, before she continued. “Now, if I can continue, those of you who have brought my young daughter gifts can start handing them out to her in five minutes.”

After Eva had said that, everyone who had brought Brunne a present began to head for the bedroom area, where they had all placed their gifts for safekeeping. Seeing the high number of people who were heading for the back really surprised Brunne, especially after she saw Eddie get off the couch and head for the bedroom area with the rest.

“You too, Eddie?”

Edddie stopped and looked back at Brunne. “Actually, the gift is from me, Cathy, Holly, Jason and Medea, honey.” The grey-furred lupine then smiled, before he once again headed for the bedroom area.

The redheaded Clydesdale mare looked over at both Cathy and Holly. “Really?” she asked her two friends.

“Yeah, really,” said Cathy with a smile.

“We’re all sure that you’ll like what we had gotten you, Brunne,” Holly added in her monotone voice.

“Oh, I’m sure I will,” Brunne replied, as she saw the last person enter the bedroom area. She then looked over at her mom.

Eva, looking back at her kind, said, “Oh, don’t worry honey, we got you something as well.”


“She means herself, me, your Uncle Hans and your Aunts Katherina and Maria, honey,” said her father, who had, in the meantime, been walking over to his wife. “And, I have the gift on my person, so don’t you worry,” James added, as he stood to the right of his wife, and then gave her a quick peck on the cheek, after having first wrapped his arms around his sexy wife’s waist.

“James, please,” said Eva with a chuckle, as she felt her husband’s lips touching her right cheek, as the first person with a gift began to exit the bedroom area.

Brunne just shook her head. “My folks. I have to deal with this all the time.”

“Could be worst, Brunne. They could be a couple that don’t love each other,” said Cathy.

“Hmm, when you put it that way,” replied the young redheaded mare, as more folks started to leave the bedroom.

It takes a while, but Eva and Katherina are soon able to get a little order out of the chaos of whom would give their gift to Brunne first. As the seated young redhead looked to her left, she saw that the person now in front of her was Orca, whom she quickly noted had two items in his hands, an envelope in his left hand and a long, big, stick-shaped object, which she quickly noticed was wrapped in what appeared to be white wrapping paper that was covered with the Philadelphia Phillies’ stylized red Phillies symbol, in his right. As she now looked directly at the black and white-skinned orcan, she heard him say to her, as he approached:

“Happy Birthday, Brunne. I hope you’ll like what I’d gotten you,” he said to her, as he started to offer her the two items.

Smiling at Orca, she eagerly took the two items from his hands. She then placed the big stick-shaped object against the couch, before she started to open up the envelope with her hooves. “Oh, I’m sure I will, Orca,” Brunne said to him, as she pulled a card out of the envelope. The brunette-furred mare then read the card. Once she was finished reading it, she placed it onto the couch to her right, before she proceeded to pick up the big stick-shaped object. She looked at the item for a while, pondering what it could be, although sure that the kind of wrapping it was in should be a major clue. After she had finished looking it over, she began to remove the wrapping. “Gee, I wonder what this could be…” the young redheaded mare began, when she saw that the wrapping had been covering a baseball bat. As Brunne continued to pull the wrapping paper away from the bat, she started to notice that there was some writing placed at the top of the bat. As she looked at it, Brunne began to notice that the writing was actually an autograph, and she then recognized the name of the autographer, “Roy Halladay,” and that underneath his autograph was placed two more names, “Ryan Howard” and “Chase Utley.” A surprised Brunne blinked, before she went back to unwrapping the bat, in the process revealing even more players’ autographs, until, by the time she had removed the wrapping, she had realized that the bat had been signed by every member of the 2010 Phillies team, along with the team’s manager, Charlie Manuel. She then looked at Orca. “How were you able to swing this, Orca?” she asked him, as some of the others looked at the bat, and the signatures that were on it, as the young Clydesdale mare went back to looking at it as well, while at the same time being careful not to smear the signatures as she slowly turned the bat around in her fingers.

Orca, blushing a bit, answered, “Well, knowing how much you like baseball, Brunne, and the Phils, I’d thought that you would get a real kick out of owning a bat that had their signatures on it. As for how I’d gotten them all to actually sign the bat, a guy in my unit has a relative who works in the team’s front office who was willing to get them for me, after I’d told him how much of a fan of the team you was.”

The young mare smiled, before saying, as she got up, after placing the bat onto the couch, “Thanks, Orca.” She then gave the surprised orcan a quick hug of thanks. As Orca blushed, Brunne ended the hug and then sat back down, while saying, “Okay, who’s next?”

As Orca slowly walked to his left to get out of the way of the others, both Gloria and Kelly stepped forward, with the pair carrying a couple of packages which they had earlier retrieved from the trunk of Gloria’s Corvette before the pair had changed clothes. She saw that one of the boxes appeared to be big enough to contain some clothing inside it, while she thought that the other box looked like it could contain some shoes. The two boxes caused the young mare to raise an eyebrow, as she had no clue what the tiger-striped, slightly older, blonde mare and her black-haired cheetah/tigress mix roommate might have placed inside the boxes when the two friends finally stopped before her. As the younger mare saw the pair smile at her, she asked them, “I’m going to have to guess from your smiles that you two have brought me something of interest, hmmm?”

The two friends looked at each other before they both looked back at Brunne. “I guess that would be up to you, Brunne,” Kelly answered, before she looked back to Gloria. “Mind if I go first, Gloria?”

“If you like,” replied the buxom blonde tiger-striped mare to her best friend, while she placed the package in her hooves onto the floor.

The raven-haired mixed breed feline nodded her head, before she started to place the package that was in her paws onto the floor next to the package that Gloria had just put down.

Seeing what Kelly was doing confused the younger mare, as well as a few others inside the Green Room. “Uhm, Kelly, why are you placing the package next to the one that Gloria had just put down?” she queried the cheetah/tigress mix.

After she had put down the package, Kelly looked back at Brunne, as she finished hearing Brunne’s query. Chuckling a bit, Kelly answered, “Actually, it’s part of Gloria’s gift to you, Brunne. As she heard Brunne say “Oh,” in reply, Kelly placed her paw into her right pants pocket and pulled out a small white envelope. As she walked towards Brunne, she said, “My gift to you is inside the envelope, Brunne. Happy Birthday, honey,” before she stopped in front of the young redheaded Clydesdale mare. The older two-breed feline then presented the small envelope to Brunne.

Brunne looked at the envelope that was in Kelly’s right paw for several seconds, before she took it from her. She looked at the cheetah/tigress mix. “Thanks,” she said to Kelly, before she looked back at the envelope. She then turned the envelope over to the back and proceeded to open it. After lifting up the envelope’s back flap, she looked inside it. Brunne blinked before she pulled out of the envelope a Visa Gift Card. The redheaded Clydesdale mare then blinked a few times as she noticed the amount on the card: $2500.00. After she had looked at the card for several more seconds, she looked back at a now smiling Kelly. “Are you sure that you can afford giving me this much money, Kelly?”

Kelly quickly replied, “Yes, I’m sure of it, Brunne. I’m also sure that you’ll spend it wisely.”

Brunne thought over what Kelly had just said. She then smiled and said, “I’m sure that I won’t get ridiculous with the spending when I do use the card, Kelly.” The younger redheaded mare then chuckled, before she turned her head and looked over at Gloria and the packages that sat on the floor next to her, as she started to put the gift card away. “So, what’s inside the packages, Gloria?” the younger mare asked the slightly older mare.

Gloria looked back at Brunne. She smiled at the redheaded Clydesdale mare, as she picked up one of the packages. “I think that it might be better if you open up the box and find out, Brunne,” the brunette-furred, tiger-striped mare said to her as she handed the younger mare the package.

“Okay, if you said so, Gloria,” Brunne said to the tiger-striped older mare with a light chuckle, as she took the package from her. Brunne this time very quickly removed the package’s yellow wrapping paper, soon revealing within it a white box. The redheaded female equine then looked at the box for a few seconds, before she removed the box’s top, soon revealing some paper that was covering whatever Gloria had given her. Brunne then pulled one part of the paper to the left, followed quickly by her pulling the rest of the paper to the right, revealing to her a light blue dress jacket. The young female Clydesdale then blinked before she proceeded to place her hooves into the box and then slowly pull the blue jacket out of the box, producing some ooohhhs from everyone else inside the room, before she looked back down, whereupon she saw a skirt of the same color lying within the box, which she guess would reach to just below her knees. Brunne then looked at her mother. “Well, I guess that this would help to explain why you were asking me about my body measurements a few weeks ago, eh, mom?”

As Eva simply smiled, Gloria said, “Yes, that was exactly why she asked you that, Brunne. I wanted to make sure that these suits that I was ordering for you would fit you perfectly.”

Brunne looked back at Gloria. “Suits, Gloria? You mean that there’s more than just this one?” she asked the older blonde as she placed the jacket over the top part of her blue cocktail dress, soon seeing that it did look like it would fit her with very little trouble.

Gloria nodded her head, before she said, “Yes, five suits, Brunne. After all there are going to be times when you will want to look nice and I mean beside going out with Eddie on a date.” The older mare chuckled, as did a few of the others, while both Brunne and Eddie, who was standing next to Cathy, blushed. “And the other four suits are right now being shipped to your and Cathy’s place via UPS, Brunne, so expect to see a few packages in a few days.

“Okay, point well taken, Gloria,” said Brunne, as she placed the package onto the couch, to the right of the bat, after having placed the jacket back inside the box. She then asked, “And the other box, Gloria?” as she watched the older blonde mare head back for the other box, while also pondering what she’d meant by several packages.

As she stopped next to the second package, which was covered in red wrapping paper, Gloria replied, “I think that I’ll also let this one speak for itself,” as she picked up the package. The blonde mare than turned around and headed back towards Brunne.

Brunne looked at the once again approaching tiger-striped slightly older mare. “Ok, Gloria, I’ll play along with the mystery theme,” she said with a light chuckle, as she saw Gloria stop in front of her with the second package. The redheaded mare then accepted the package that the buxom blonde mare handed over to her, before she started to tear off the red wrapping paper. Brunne soon revealed to everyone who were near her another white box, before she opened up its top, revealing inside it a pair of classy looking, low-heel, black dress boots, which soon produced some more awws inside the Green Room when Brunne took one of the boots from out of the box to take a closer look at it. After she had finished her inspection of the boot, she looked back at Gloria. “Gee, Gloria, you really shouldn’t have. I mean this must’ve set you back a few dollars.”

Gloria just smiled, before finally saying, “Oh, think nothing of it Brunne. Besides, I don’t see anything wrong with spending a little money on people who you think are worth it. And, I truly think that you’re worth it.”

Brunne blushed upon hearing Gloria’s words. “Gee, thanks, Gloria. I really hope I won’t disappoint you,” she finally said, before she placed the boot back inside its box.

“Oh, I’m sure you won’t, Brunne,” Gloria said, before she and Kelly both smiled at the younger femme before the two roommates moved out of the way. Gloria then stopped. She looked back at Brunne and said, “Oh, I’d almost forgot to mention, Brunne. When the packages with the other suits arrive, you’ll also be getting four more boxes with boots in them for a total of five boots to go along with the five suits.” The blonde mare then turned around again and joined her best friend.

“Okay, I’ll keep that in mind,” Brunne said, as she placed the top back atop of the boot box. Once that was completed, and after she had placed it on top of the box containing the suit, she looked back at the others, before saying, “Ok, who wants to go next?”

Almost as soon as she had said that, Brunne and the others heard a loud, “Me, me, me, me!” coming from the back of the crowd. The young mare looked ahead and saw that it was Amy who was practically screaming at the top of her lungs to get Brunne’s attention. She then looked at Megan. “How many pieces of cake did Amy eat, Megs?” the redheaded mare asked the flyer, as Amy blushed, as she realized that she might have overdone it in trying to attract Brunne’s attention.

Megan, as she, once again, carried in her paws the medium-sized box that was inside light brown wrapping paper, covered by little chibis of both Germania and Lady Liberty, answered, “As far as I know, just one piece of cake, Brunne. I get the feeling that she’s just a little bit too enthusiastic right now about giving you her gift.”

Brunne chuckled lightly after hearing Megan’s reply. “I can hardly tell the different with her. Ok, Amy, if you want to give me your gift that badly, you might as well, come on down.”

As Brunne chuckled a bit more loudly as she realized that she’d just sounded like the former The Price is Right announcer Rod Roddy calling down onto the stage a brand new contestant from the studio audience, she watched Amy approach her, carrying in her paws a small box with orange wrapping paper. As soon as the female grey squirrel had stopped in front of her, she said to Megan, “By the way, Megs, where in the world did you get the wrapping paper with the chibis of Germania and Lady Liberty?”

Megan looked at the box in her paws. She then looked back at Brunne, whose query had also piqued the interest of both her Aunt Katherina and Gloria, as they had both been pondering that same question all evening. “This? Oh, I’d saw it at the department store where I’d gotten your gift. I’d thought it looked kind of cute, and I’d asked the gal who was going to wrap it up for me to use it. I hope you think the same thing, Brunne. About it being cute, that is.” Meg then smiled at Brunne, as she once again leaned against her big tail.

Brunne listened, then chuckled once again. “Yeah, it certainly is cute at that.” The redheaded Clydesdale mare then looked back at Amy.

The young squirrel looked at her bigger friend, before presenting the package to her. As Brunne took it from her, she said, “I hope you’ll like what I’d gotten for you, Brunne.”

“I’m sure I will,” replied Brunne, as she placed the small package onto her lap. The brunette-furred mare then began to unwrap the package, before pulling off the top. She then blinked, before she said, “To say that I wasn’t expecting you to get me something like this is an understatement,” as she pulled out of the box an expensive looking black Poochi handbag. Brunne then looked at Amy. “Well, I guess I know what I’ll be carrying my stuff in when I’m going out wearing one of the suits and boots that Gloria has just given me,” said the young mare, which produced a lot of giggles from the others. “Gee, thanks Amy,” Brunne added, before she got up and gave her friend a big hug.

“You’re welcome, Brunne,” said Amy, as she felt the bigger mare hugging her. “Just be sure to let me breath when you’re done hugging me,” she added, as this caused the others to laugh even louder.

“Oppps, sorry about that,” Brunne said, before she ended the hug. As Amy walked to the side, the buxom redheaded Clydesdale mare returned to the couch. Once seated, she said, “You might as well come forward with your gift, Megs,” as she proceeded to place the handbag back into its box.

As she watched Brunne place the bag back into its box, Megan quickly got off of her tail before she began to hop towards the redheaded female equine. It doesn’t take long for the young flyer to reach Brunne, who by this point had placed the box containing the bag onto the couch, right next to the box that contained the boots that Gloria had earlier given the younger mare. Megan then looked at Brunne as she offered her the box with the chibis wrapping. “I hope you’ll like what I’d gotten for you, Brunne,” she said with a smile.

“Oh, as I’d just said to Amy, I’m sure I will,” the redheaded female Clydesdale said, before she took the proffered package from Megan. After smiling at Megs, Brunne looked at the box that was now placed across her lap. She then started to remove the wrapping paper. A few seconds later, she had finished removing the wrapping paper, revealing the box that had been hidden under it. She then removed the box’s top, revealing the paper that was inside the box, protecting whatever it was covering. Brunne next pulled back the paper. She then proceeded to gasp, as she looked at what the paper had been covering. “Oh my, Megan,” the brunette-furred mare said, before she began to pull out of the box to show everyone in the Green Room what Megan had gotten her: A sexy looking sleeveless little black dress with a low, plunging neckline. While she placed the dress against her seated form, the redheaded female equine heard a lot of ooohhhhs and aaaahhhs leave the lips of everyone inside the room, except for Eddie, who had collapsed onto the floor almost as soon as he had seen the redheaded mare place the dress before her pretty form.

As Cathy, who was holding onto the gift that she, Holly, Jason, Medea and the now once more out cold lupine had gotten for Brunne, tried to wake up the just collapsed grey-furred male timber wolf, the black-clothed young lapin quipped, “We all know that Brunne’s a knockout, but this is ridiculous, Eddie.” Holly then shook her head, before she walked towards Cathy to help her reawake the fainted blonde canine.

“I’m thinking that we might need a corpsman for this one, if he keeps falling down every few seconds,” commented Orca, as he and the others looked on as Cathy and Holly both try to wake up Eddie.

James, as he stood next to his wife, as they both stood to the right of everyone else in the living room, shook his head as he saw what was going on around Eddie. As he watched his daughter start to put down the little black dress, he commented to Eva, “And I do think that we both know where our daughter gets her good looks from, hmmmm?”

The older redheaded Teutonic mare giggled before she looked up at her husband. Eva answered James, in a loving tone, “Yes, I most certainly do, Jamie.”

After she, for a while, watched Cathy and Holly wake up Eddie, Brunne looked over at Megan. With a chuckle, she quipped, “Hopefully he’ll stay up when he sees me wearing this for the first time.” She then added, “Thanks for the dress, Megs, although I think most of us would have expected a different reaction when a guy see a gal with a dress like this.”

“A wolf howl, maybe,” Megan replied with a giggle, as Eddie started to get back up. The flyer than said, “You’re welcome, Brunne. Just be sure that there’s a mattress in the vicinity if he falls down when he sees you actually wearing it.”

The redheaded Clydesdale mare chuckled as she replied, “Hopefully there won’t be any need for that in the future.” She then looked in the direction of Eddie, Cathy and Holly. “I think that both you and Cathy should be next, Eddie. At least it’ll help keep you on your feet.” Brunne then chuckled a bit louder, as she started to put the dress back into its box.

“She may have a point there, bow wow,” Cathy said to the blonde timber wolf with a giggle, before she started to approach her best friend with the gift that she, Holly, Jason, Medea and Eddie have all gotten for the redheaded Clydesdale mare.

Eddie, as he watched Brunne put away Meg’s present, shook his head, before saying, as he watched Cathy walk towards his girlfriend, to Brunne, “Uhm, sure. There won’t be a need for a mattress, Brunne,” before he also started to walk towards her.

“Let’s hope not, bow wow. It would be a bit hard to explain to the neighbors if you two ever do decide to get marry,” commented Holly, which caused the others in the room to laugh, while she walked towards the right side of the couch.

Brunne giggled upon hearing the younger blonde lapin’s quip, while she saw Cathy and Eddie walk towards her with their gift. The redheaded mare then looked at the gift that was in her best friend’s paws, noticing that it appeared to have a rather large oblong shape, and was covered by wrapping paper that contained several stylized red Phillies Ps. “Let me guess, you two got this wrapped at Citizens Bank Park?”

Cathy chuckled, before she answered, “The wrapping paper certainly is, Brunne, but not what is inside it.” The blonde, black and white-furred mephit then handed their gift over to the seated mare.

“Thanks,” said Brunne, as she accepted Cathy, Holly, Jason, Medea and Eddie’s present from her best friend’s paws. She then looked at the gift for a while, as she pondered what her oldest friends might have gotten her. Brunne then proceeded to remove the wrapping, soon revealing to both herself and to everyone else in the Green Room that the wrapping had been covering: a first baseman’s glove. This caused Brunne to blink, before she looked up at Cathy, then Holly, before she looked over at Eddie. “Uhm, thanks, Cathy, Holly, Eddie. But I already have a first baseman’s glove. And a pretty good one at that.”

Cathy and Eddie, the later a bit reluctantly, chuckled, while Holly just shrugged her shoulders, after they have all heard Brunne’s comment, as they saw the redheaded mare look once again at the glove, obviously figuring out how to break it in, if she accepted it. “Just take a look at the back of the glove, Brunne,” said the blonde skunkette.

Brunne looked at Cathy. She raised an eyebrow as she looked at the still chuckling skunkette and her timber wolf boyfriend. She then proceeded to turn over the glove so that she was looking at the glove from the back. As she looked at it, she started to notice some writing on the glove. She soon realized that the writing was actually a signature that read “Albert Pujols” whom she quickly recognized as being the first baseman of the St. Louis Cardinals. She then saw above his name the signature of “Ryan Howard” of the Phils, then to the right of both that of “Prince Fielder” of the Milwaukee Brewers. As the young mare continued to look at the signatures on the glove, she quickly realized that both Cathy and the others had somehow gotten the signatures of every first baseman of the sixteen National League teams. Brunne then looked back at her three old friends. “How did you three…” she started to ask them, when she heard Eddie say:

“…get their signatures? By telling them that we were getting them for whom I think is one of the prettiest gals in the world, who just happens to love baseball. Showing them your picture didn’t hurt.” The blonde timber wolf then blushed.

Brunne raised an eyebrow before she looked over at Cathy.

“He means the picture of you in the baseball uniform, Brunne,” said Cathy, with a light chuckle. “You know, the one showing you trying to catch a throw from our school team’s third baseman.”

The brunette-furred Clydesdale pondered what picture the platinum blonde mephit was talking about, until she recalled the one which showed her stretching upwards to catch a high throw during her second year on the Penn baseball team. This caused her to blush a very deep red as she recalled how she appeared while she was trying to catch the baseball. “You still have that picture, Eddie?”

“Uhm, yeah, I do,” said Eddie, as he blushed an even deeper red.

Cathy chuckled, before saying, “Okay, you two love birds, you can talk about that at a later time.”

Brunne looked back at Cathy. “Uhm, yeah. Anyway, thanks you guys.”

“Anytime, Brunne,” Cathy, Eddie and Holly said in unison, before the first two started laughing.

The redheaded mare just shook her head, before she said, “Okay, who would like to go next?”

Almost as soon as she had asked the question, while she was placing the signed mitt with the rest of her just received gifts, next to the baseball bat, Brunne heard Belz’s query, “Would it be alright if my sister and I went next?”

The redheaded mare turned her head and looked to her left, whereupon she saw Belz holding onto a box that was wrapped in brown wrapping paper, with his sister, Shayla standing next to him on his right. Smiling at the pair, she noticed that Belz was having a bit of a problem holding onto the box. With a slight chuckle, Brunne said, “Sure,” before she looked at Rupee, April and June. “You guys don’t mind waiting a little bit longer do you?”

“Not at all, Brunne,” replied Rupee, while the two white Arabian femmes nodded their heads in agreement, as they held onto their gifts.

Belz looked at the trio. “Thanks,” he said to them, before he turned his head and approached Brunne, along with his sister. Upon reaching the young Clydesdale femme, he and Shayla stopped before Brunne, before he offered her the package.

As Belz started to hand the gift to Brunne, Shayla said to the young redheaded mare, “I hope that you will like the gift that we are giving you, Brunne. It might not be clothing or a piece of sporting equipment, but I’m sure that you’ll be able to use it, just the same.”

Brunne, as she took the package from the green-furred male mouse, looked at Belz’s pink-furred sister. With a chuckle, she said, “Thanks for the gift, Belz, Shayla. As for me being able to use it, I think we’ll find out the moment I unwrap it.”

“True,” agreed Shayla, as she, along with her older brother and everyone else in the Green Room’s living room, watched Brunne start to tear away the wrapping paper.

Brunne doesn’t take long in removing the wrapping paper. Once she was done, she revealed to everyone’s view another white box. She then pulled off the top, revealing some white paper lying atop what was inside the package. Brunne then pulled back the paper, then blinked, before she took out of the box what Belz and Shayla had given her, a black on black pottery bowl, which contains several symbols along the side of the bowl, which she soon realized looked like her and her family, around some geometric symbols. The young mare looked up at the two colorful mice and said, “Gee, guys, you really shouldn’t have.”

Shayla smiled, before saying, “Think nothing of it. I’m sure that you’ll put it to good use.”

“Oh, I’m sure I will,” she answered with a smile, before she looked back at the bowl.

Shayla nodded before saying, as she started to look at her brother, “Okay, Belz, let get out of the way so that the…” when she saw her older brother looking at Brunne’s chest a bit too much. Shayla sighed, before she grabbed his nearest ear, ala Moe Howard of the Three Stooges, which caused him to squeaked out in pain. “Come along, brother dear.”

“Hey, ouch, not so, ouch, hard…”

As the others laughed, Brunne looked up at the pair. “Well, at least he isn’t Tom,” she quipped, before she started to gently place the bowl back into the box.

“That is so true, young Brunne. He would be trying to make a move on you,” said Rupee, as she, April and June started to approach Brunne with their gifts, while the two mice, with Belz still yelling as his sister kept a firm grip upon his ear, continued to move to another part of the room.

Rupee and the two female white Arabian mares stopped before Brunne with their gifts for her, just as Shayla had finished moving her brother out of the way. The Indian-born canine mixed-breed smiled at the young mare. “I hope that you’ll enjoy the gift that I have gotten you for your birthday, young Brunne. It might not be as much as a few of the other gifts that you have so far received, but I think that you’ll appreciate it just the same.” The older canine then handed the package to Brunne.

Brunne took the small package while saying to Rupee. “Thanks for the gift, Rupee, and I’m sure that I’ll like it.” The redheaded Clydesdale mare then looked at the small box, with its wrapping, before she began to tear away the wrapping paper. She then took the top off of the package, and then looked inside the box. Brunne then proceeded to pull out of the box what was a ruby pendant necklace, colored red, which caused the other females in the room to loudly ooohhh, as she looked at it. She then looked back at Rupee. “Gee, thank you, Rupee. It must have cost you a pretty penny?”

“Oh yes, it did, young mare. It was made especially for you. Or. rather, it and the matching set of earrings.”

“Matching earr…” began Brunne, before she looked back into the box, and noted that there was still inside it a pair of ruby earrings, also colored red. Brunne then looked back at Rupee, with a smile on her face. “Thanks. Although you guys are really starting to spoil me. Keep this up and I’ll start thinking that I’m royalty or something.” Brunne then started to chuckle, as she began to place the necklace around her pretty neck.

“I don’t think you’ll ever have to worry about that, young one. I think that your friends will keep you well grounded enough so that something like that will not happen to you,” commented Rupee, as the necklace’s ruby pendant dropped between her cleavage, as Brunne removed the earrings from the box.

“Yeah, I’m sure that we’ll keep her so grounded that she’ll get sick of it,” quipped Holly, as the others in the room laughed.

Brunne looked at Holly. She chuckled, before replying, “Oh yeah, I can so believe that.” She then looked back at Rupee. “Thanks again, Rupee. I’m quite certain that these will go well with the dresses that both Gloria and Megan have given me,” said the young mare, before she started to put the ruby earrings back into the small box.

As she smiled, Rupee replied, “You are welcome, young one. Take very good care of them.” The older canine then moved to the side, as Brunne proceeded to place the small box with the ruby earrings with the rest of her gifts, as April came forward with her gift.

“I am quite sure that you’ll be able to fully utilize my present, Brunne,” said April, once she stood before the young redheaded mare, while her own daughter sighed as she listened to her mother speak.

Brunne looked at the older Arabian mare, as she took the package from her. “Oh, I’m sure I will, once I find out what it is,” she said to April, as she looked over the gift’s wrapping paper.

“But, of course, Brunne,” replied the older white mare, as she waited to see how the younger Clydesdale mare would react to what she was giving her.

“Well, I guess there’s no time like the present, eh?” the brunette-furred Clydesdale mare quipped, which caused everyone else in the room to chuckle, before Brunne started to tear away at the gift’s wrapping paper. She blinked once she saw what had been hidden beneath the paper: A brand new Dell laptop computer. The young mare looked over the device for a while, before she looked up at April. With a smile, she said to the older mare, “Thanks, April. I’m sure that I’m going to be putting this to good use, once I’d gotten it formatted and such.”

“I am glad to hear that you are happy with my gift, Brunne,” said April, as she showed the slightest bit of a smile upon her face, which came as something of a surprise to her daughter.

.oO(Ok, I don’t see that too often,) thought June, as she saw Brunne booting up the laptop, to make sure that it was working properly, as well as see what she would need to add later to protect it from computer viruses and similar nastiness.

“Do not worry, Brunne. It should have the required amount of ram, memory, anti-virus, anti-malware, anti-spyware, firewall and similar forms of protection to keep it safe.”

Brunne looked at April. “Well, you can’t be too careful, April. You can always miss something.”

The older white Arabian mare began to think over what Brunne had just said. She then nodded her head. “You are quite correct, Brunne.” She then looked at Eva and James. “You two have certainly raised an intelligent daughter, Mr. and Mrs. McEqqus.”

“Well, we have tried,” quipped James, as Eva chuckled, while Brunne, in a slightly embarrassed voice, yelled, “DAD!” as she turned off the laptop.

“Told you we would keep her grounded,” quipped Holly, which caused everyone else in the building to chuckle.

Brunne rolled her eyes as everyone else continued to chuckle, while April moved to one side to join Rupee. She then looked over at June. “I guess that you’re next, huh?”

June looked at her fellow young mare. She then said, as she walked up to the slightly older Clydesdale mare with her own gift, “I hope that you’ll like what I’d gotten for you, Brunne. It may not be as fancy as some of the others, but, I’m sure that you’ll like it, just the same.” As the younger white Arabian mare reached her new friend, she saw her add the laptop to the rest of the gifts. June next offered her gift to Brunne, as she watched her turn back around to face her.

After she had finished adding the laptop computer to her other gifts, Brunne turned back around, soon seeing June getting ready to hand over her gift. As she took it from the younger mare, she said, in response to her earlier comment, “Oh, I’m sure that I’ll like it, June. Once I’d seen it, that is.” The brunette-furred Clydesdale mare then began to remove the gift’s light red wrapping paper, soon revealing to everyone inside the Green Room the white box that was underneath the wrapping. Brunne then placed her hooves on two of the sides of the box’s top, quickly pulling it up, revealing that inside the box was a denim purse, which was lying on top of one of several blouses. Brunne pulled up one of the blouses, and then looked at it, before she looked up at June. “Old Army, huh? Thanks, June. I’m sure that I can use these for more normal wear.”

“Including the pants?” asked June.

“Pants?” queried Brunne, as she put the blouse in her hoof back inside the box.

“Yeah, right under the blouses.”

“Really?” asked the young redheaded mare, before she looked back down at the box. She then lifted the blouses that were opposite the blouses that were under the denim bag, soon revealing to her that there was a pair of pants beneath them. “Well, what do ya know, pants. How many of these did you get me?” Brunne asked, as she started to put the blouses back inside the box.

“Three of them, I believe,” replied June, with a warm smile. “So, do you like it? I mean, considering that you come from the big city and all.”

After she had finished putting the blouses back, Brunne looked at June. “Of course I like it. I mean, it came from you, and that’s all that matter. After all, they do say that it’s the thought that counts, right?”

June looked back at Brunne, who was now smiling at her. “You’re right. Thanks, Brunne, you’re a doll,” before she moved closer to give the seated redheaded mare a hug.

Brunne chuckled, before she hugged June back. “You’re welcome, and that’s what my boyfriend tells me at times.” The two then ended the hug. As June walked back, Brunne, as she started to pick up the top of the box, asked, “So, who else have a gift to give me?”

Upon hearing Brunne’s question, Jessica looked at Eva. The platinum blonde lapin asked her friend, “Do you mind if Connie and I went with our gift first, Eva?”

The redheaded Rhenish mare looked at the cream-furred rabbit femme. She smiled at Jessica and replied, “I don’t see why not, Jess.”

Jessica smiled back, before she looked over at the tawny-furred lioness and said to Connie, who was holding onto a package with dark blue wrapping paper with Eva chibis that were all wearing her Brunhilda wrestling outfits, “Come on, Connie.” The two buxom femmes then walked forward. Once they were in front of Brunne, the cream-furred lapin smiled at the brunette-furred Clydesdale mare before she said to her, “This is from me and everyone else who work at the studio, Brunne. We’re all quite sure that you’ll like what is inside this particular package.” As Jessica spoke, Connie handed the package over to Brunne.

As Brunne accepted the package from the buxom raven-haired big cat, she said to the lapin, “Well, I’m sure that I’ll like what you guys have gotten me, ‘Auntie’ Jessie.” She then looked at the wrapping paper, before quipping, “Cute. Real cute,” before she started to remove the wrapping paper.

As everyone else watched, June, in a light whisper, queried Gloria, “What did she mean by cute, Gloria?”

The blonde tiger-striped mare looked at the younger white Arabian. She answered her, as Brunne revealed the white box that was beneath the Brunhilda chibis wrapping paper, “Her mother’s stage and wrestling nickname is ‘Brunhilda’, June. And, Brunne was named after her mother’s nickname.”

June thought over what Gloria had just told her as the brunette-furred Clydesdale mare started to take the top off of the box. She then said, “Oh, yeah. I think she might have mention that at some point in the…” when she and Gloria both heard some more ooohhhs, quickly followed by a shout of “Medic, Medic!” The two mares then turned their heads to see that…

Eddie was once again lying on the floor, as Orca was saying Medic for a third time, as Brunne held in her hooves a wild strawberry Lace-trim slip with a double-V neck. As the others continue to look at the slip, Brunne looked at both Jessica and Connie. “So, this is what you guys got me, eh?” She then looked down at Eddie, as Cathy was once again trying to revive him. “This is what, the fourth time that he has collapsed onto the floor because I was given something of a sexual nature?”

“Maybe third, but who’s counting,” commented Holly, as Eddie starts to revive.

Meantime, Jessica answered, “That, and several others, Brunne,” as Connie nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, Brunne, we’d gotten you several lingerie outfits, although we didn’t expect your boyfriend to collapse over so tame an outfit,” added the raven-haired big cat.

Brunne raised an eyebrow, as she put down the slip, before she looked back into the box. She then saw directly underneath the slip a strapless black satin lace-up corset with matching color lace panties. As she pulled out the corset, Eddie looked up. Upon seeing the corset, he collapsed once again. “Honestly, Eddie!!!”

“I think it’s now four times, Brunne,” remarked the younger cream-furred lapin as Cathy went back to waking up the once again out cold blonde timber wolf.

Brunne sighed, as she put the corset back into its package. “Guess I’m going to have to break him of that, else I’m going to start thinking that I’m in some kind of Japanese Anime.” She then looked at Jessica and Connie, as the later was looking over at Eddie and Cathy, surprised at Eddie’s reaction to the lingerie. “Thanks for the naughty outfits, guys, although I think I may have to get Eddie up for him to see them.”

“Well, it should be fun while you’re doing it,” Jessica quipped, while winking at the young redheaded mare.

Brunne thought about what Jessica had just said to her, before she looked back at Eddie, as Cathy was finally waking him up. She then smiled. “You know, it might be at that,” she added with a slight chuckle.

“Like mother, like daughter,” said James in a low voice, before he oofffed, as he felt an elbow hit against his stomach from his wife.

“I heard time, Jamie,” Eva said to James, before she started to chuckle, as Brunne was placing the top back onto the box with the lingerie inside it.

Once she had finished closing the box that contained the lingerie, Brunne asked, “So, is there anyone else with a present for me?” As the redheaded mare started to place the lingerie package with the rest of the gifts, she heard her mother say:

“I think that would be us, honey.” as Connie and Jessica walked out of the way, before she looked over at her brunette-furred hubby. “Jamie, if you please?”

Brunne, after she had finished placing her most recent gift with the others, and, at the same time, saw Eddie being helped off the floor by both Cathy and Holly, watched her father approach her, while at the same time seeing him start to take something out of the lower right hand pocket of his jacket. As she saw him get closer, Brunne could see that the item now in his hoof was a white envelope with some words written upon it. As she got a better look at the writing on the envelope, as her father now stood before her, Brunne could see the words that were written upon the envelope. As she was planning to further inspect the writing, the young redheaded mare heard her father say, “Brunne, what is inside the envelope is your gift from me, your mother, your Uncle Han, and your Aunts Katherina and Maria. We all hope that you’ll like what we have gotten you.” She then saw her father offer her the envelope, while smiling at her. Brunne, as she started to take the envelope from her father’s hand, replied, “I’m sure that I’ll like what you all have gotten me, dad.” The brunette-furred Clydesdale mare then looked at the envelope, soon seeing the writing on it, which said, “To Brunne.”

“Well, are you going to open up your gift or not, Brunne?” her Aunt Maria asked her, before she heard her Uncle Hans add, “Give her time, honey.”

Brunne looked at her mother’s older brother and his wife. Smiling at the pair, she quipped, “What Uncle Hans said, Auntie Maria,” before she looked back at the envelope. The redheaded female equine then turned over the envelope and began to carefully open it up with her fingers. When she was done, Brunne looked inside the envelope, whereupon she saw a pair of airline tickets. Brunne blinked, before she pulled them out of the envelope. She then looked at one of the tickets, which had as its final destination the city of Bremen in Germany. Brunne looked up, then looked at her folks. She asked them, “Uhm, what’s with the airline tickets, mom, dad?”

Eva looked at her daughter. She then said, with a light chuckle, “Oh, the tickets? I would suggest that you look back into the envelope, honey.”

Brunne raised an eyebrow, before she said, “If you say so mom,” while everyone else in the room were all curious about what was going on. Brunne, after she had placed the two plane tickets to the side, went back to the envelope. She looked inside the envelope until she realized that there was a letter inside. She then pulled the letter out of the envelope, which she quickly saw was written in German, her mother’s native tongue. Since she knew how to read German, Brunne started to read the letter. As she read it, her eyes lit up. The redheaded Clydesdale mare then looked at her folks. “This is for real, mom?”

“Oh, yes, it is, darling,” Eva said with a smile, as her father James, her Uncle Hans and her Aunts Katherina and Maria all did the same, as Brunne read the letter again.

“What’s for real, Brunne?” queried Cathy, as she now stood behind Brunne.

Brunne turned and looked at the platinum blond skunkette, before she pointed to the two airplane tickets now on the couch. “My folks and my relatives have just given me an all expenses paid trip for two across Germany for me and a companion of my choice.”

As the others in the room ooohhhs, Cathy said, “Seriously?”

Brunne handed her the letter. “See for yourself, Cathy. By the way, Cathy, you do remember your high school German, ja?”

As she took the letter from Brunne, Cathy quipped, “I sure do. How else was I going to understand what you and your folks were all talking about when you guys went into ‘German’ mode.” Cathy then proceeded to read the letter, although having some difficulty at first as her German was a bit rusty. But, once she understood what she was reading, she looked back at Brunne. “Your folks can afford to do this for you, Brunne.”

Brunne looked at her still smiling folks. “They must, else they wouldn’t be doing it, Cathy. So, when can I use it, mom, dad?”

“Anytime you want to, honey?” answered James, with Eva nodding her head in agreement. “You just need to decide whom you want to take with you when you do go.”

“Hhhmm, yeah, that’s the present sticking point,” Brunne said, as she started to think over who she was going to take with her. She then turned her head to look at Kelly. “Kelly, on the Visa Gift Card, I can use it on anything I want to buy, right?”

“Hmm, I would guess so,” quickly answered the raven-haired cheetah/tigress mix, as she pondered about Brunne’s question.

Brunne smiled, before she looked over at Eddie. “Oh, Eddie?”

“Uhm, yeah?” asked the blonde timber wolf, as he noticed the smile upon Brunne’s pretty face. .oO(What is she up to now, as I see that she got that Pebbles Flintstone look in her eyes.)

“How would you like to go with me and Cathy on a trip to Germany next summer, Eddie?” asked Brunne, which caught both the blonde skunkette and Eddie by surprise.

“Me and Eddie?” queried Cathy.

“Me and Cathy?” asked Eddie.

“Is there an echo in here?” answered Brunne with a light chuckle. “Yes, you and Cathy. I mean, is there anything wrong with me asking for my two best friends to join me?”

“Well, no, Brunne, but…” started Eddie, before Cathy added, “your folks only sprung for two tickets.”

With a big smile, the buxom redheaded mare answered, “I know, but then I’d remembered the gift card that Kelly had given me earlier. I’m sure that there’s enough money on the card for me to buy an airplane ticket for Eddie, and also pay for his hotel room and such. As long as we don’t go overboard with it, that is.” Brunne then looked at her timber wolf boyfriend. “So, what do you say, Eddie?”

Kelly looked at Gloria. “Well, I never thought that she would use the card to help pay someone else’s way.”

Gloria replied, “I wouldn’t have either. She certainly is full of surprises, isn’t she?”

Kelly nodded her head in agreement. “Yes, she sure is. Good thing that they’re good surprises.”

As the blonde tiger-striped mare nodded her head in agreement, Eddie had been thinking over Brunne’s suggestion, as he heard her say, in a kind of naughty voice, “Well, I’m waiting, Eddie.”

“And to think that she at times claim to not be like her mother,” quipped Holly, which produced a quick, “Well, I’m not,” from Brunne, while her mother laughs.

“Okay, I accept your invitation,” answered Eddie, which produced a smile from Brunne.

“Good,” said Brunne, before she looked back at her parents and her other relatives. “Does it matter where in Germany we go?”

The redheaded mare’s questions, caused her folks and her relatives to look at each other, before her mother looked back at her. “After landing in Bremen, I guess not.”

“Good. I always did wanted to visit the part of Germany where our family originally came from,” answered Brunne.

“The Oder River Valley region?” asked her Uncle Hans.

Brunne looked at the brunette-furred Rhenish stallion and nodded. “Yes, Uncle Hans.”

“Well, just be careful, Brunne, as most of it is actually now in Poland.”

“Oh, I will. Besides, I’m sure that Eddie will protect me if something bad happens.”

Eddie blinked. “I thought that you would…” he started to say, before he received an angry look from Brunne. “Hey, I’m just saying that you would be able to ko a crook long before I can lift a finger is all, honey.”

Brunne thought over the timber wolf’s comment. “You know, you do have a point there,” she answered, which brought chuckles from everyone else in the room and a loud phew from Eddie.

A short time later, the front door to the Green Room opened. Out the door walked Brunne, Cathy and Eddie, all carrying the gifts that Brunne had earlier received. The three friends, as the door closed behind them, all started walking along the driveway, all headed for Brunne’s 2008 Pferd Berlin, intending to place all of the gifts into the car’s trunk. As the three furs walked, Brunne looked at the other two and said:

“Thanks for volunteering to help me put the gifts into my car, guys. I really do appreciate the offer.”

As they get closer to Brunne’s car, Cathy looked at the redheaded mare. The blonde skunkette smiled at her old friend and replied, “Hey, what are friends for, Brunne. Besides, it’s our way of saying thanks for taking us with you when you decide to use that gift from your folks and relatives. It’s not often that I get to see any part of Europe, free of charge.” She then started to giggle, as Brunne rolled her eyes.

“Only because they’re paying for the first two tickets and such, and I’m going to be using the card that I’d gotten from Kelly on Eddie. Speaking of my bow wow, how are you holding up back there, Eddie?” Brunne asked Eddie, as she took a quick look behind her.

“I’m fine, thank you,” answered Eddie, who was carrying several boxes in his arms as he walked behind the two femmes. “Just be sure that you’ll tell me when we reach your car, Brunne, thank you.”

“Sure thing, bow wow,” Brunne said with a chuckle, as she turned her head back around . As she did so, she soon noticed someone in the driveway, who appeared to be looking around, as if lost. Brunne quickly noticed that it was a male wolf, who appeared to be younger than the three of them, who was clothed in a light grey three-piece suit, a white dress shirt, a blue tie and black dress shoes, while holding in his paws a map. She said to the others, after she had stopped walking, “Hey guys, have either of you seen this guy before?”

Cathy, who had stopped walking as soon as she had saw Brunne stop, also looked at the seemingly lost lupine. She looked back at Brunne and replied, “Nope, this is the first time that I’d ever seen him.”

Brunne then looked over at Eddie, who had just barely been able to see that the two femmes have just stopped, because the packages in his arms had almost completely blocked his vision. “What about you, Eddie?”

Eddie looked past the packages in his paws. He looked at the other male wolf. After looking at him for a while, he looked back at his equine girlfriend. He shook his head while saying, “Never seen him before in my life.”

The redheaded mare then looked ahead and said, “Well, might as well find out what he’s looking for.” With that, she started walking again, while saying, “Hi. Do you need any help, sir?” as Cathy and Eddie followed her.

The young wolf, as he continued to look at his map, via a flashlight, blinked his eyes as he heard a voice calling for him. He turned around, and saw three furs approaching him, a female mare, a female skunk and a male timber wolf, with all of them carrying stuff. He quickly said to the redheaded Clydesdale mare, “I really do hope so, miss. I’m Nero, and I’d been trying to find the Green Room for the last hour or so. I’m supposed to be wishing this gal that goes by the name Brunne McEqqus a ‘Happy Anniversary’ for my creator nero9295. But, I can’t seem to find the place on the map that I’d been given.”

Brunne and the others, after they had stopped once again, looked at each other for a few seconds. They then started to chuckle, which caused the young wolf to raise an eyebrow as he pondered what they were laughing at. Brunne then looked at Nero and said, “You’re actually standing in front of it, Nero.”

“What?” he said, before he looked past the trio, and saw the building in question. Blushing a little, he said, as he folded up the map, “So I am. I just hope that Brunne won’t mind me giving her a late ‘Happy Anniversary’.”

“Well, I don’t think that she’ll mind at all,” began Cathy, before she looked over at the redheaded equine, “will you Brunne?”

“No, I won’t,” said Brunne with a chuckle, before she headed for the trunk of her car. Once there, she used the key of her car to open up the trunk, before she said to the others, “Ok, guys, put the gifts inside.”

The wolf blinked, as he looked at Brunne, as Cathy and Eddie approached the now opened door of the trunk, so that they can place the gifts inside it. “You’re Brunne?”

The redheaded mare smiled at Nero, as Cathy started to place the gifts that were in her paws into the trunk. “That’s what it says on my birth certificate, Nero.”

“I see,” said the young lupine, as he blushed a little. “Well, in that case, a belated ‘Happy Anniversary’ to you, Brunne. Uhm, is there’s any food left to eat? I haven’t eaten in a while, and…”

“Sure, go help yourself. Just tell whoever is at the door that I said it’s okay for you to go inside,” said Brunne with a smile, as Eddie, with Cathy’s help, started to place the boxes that were in his paws into the buxom redhead Clydesdale mare’s car.

“Gee, thanks, Brunne,” said the canine, before he turned around and began to walk up the driveway towards the Green Room’s front door.

“And thanks for the ‘Happy Anniversary, Nero,’” said Brunne, before she heard a “Your welcome,” exit Nero’s mouth. She then turned around, and began to place the packages that were still in her hooves into her car. Once all of the packages were placed safely inside the trunk of her Pferd Berlin, she closed the door. She then said to the others, “Well, let’s get back to the party, shall we guys?” Brunne then looked over at Eddie. “I think it’s been a while since the last time we’d dance together, eh, bow wow?” She then winked at Eddie, before she began to walk towards the Green Room, where she saw Nero starting to walk through the front door, which was at the moment being held open by her mother.

As Cathy followed after Brunne, snickering, a once more blushing Eddie stood glued to his present spot, before he finally started chasing after the two femmes. “Hey, wait for me, you two,” he said to them, which caused Brunne to also chuckle as she and Cathy both continued towards the Green Room’s open door to rejoin the party.

The End

Eva McEqqus, Mentioned: DoeMare Productions © 2011 Scott and Stanley Alston

Brunhilda ‘Brunne’ McEqqus, James McEqqus, Katherina Pferd, Hans Pferd, Maria Pferd, Cathy Smelt, Eddie Howl, Connie DeLeon; Mentioned: Helga Pferd, Fritz Pferd, Helga Pferd II, Maria Pferd, Jr., Jason Sheepadopolous, Medea Sheepadopolous, WCAW Wrestling, Furriston Stadium © 2011 Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

Jessica Thumper, Holly Thumper © 2011 Scott Alston

Gloria Summers, Kelly Goodwin; Mentioned: Timothy Bordick, Bethany Spencer-Summers © 2011 Train

Shayla Abukcheech and Robert ‘Bealzabub’ Abukcheech; Mentioned: Micah Abukcheech, Abigail Abukcheech © 2011 Shane Nelson

Rupee Punjab-Maddog, April Rein-Ryder, June Ryder, Tom Matthews, Henrietta; Mentioned: Ben Maddog © 2011 MojoRover

Megan Nundah, Amy Braunstone © 2011 Boss Hoss

Orca © 2011 Orca1

Nero © 2011 Nero9295

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