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WarMare Makes a Challenge…

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr. and C. Johnson

The fans inside the stadium cheered loudly as they waited for the promised match to begin. They were soon cheering even louder when they heard the opening strains of WarMare’s theme song, “Get off my back,” from the movie soundtrack of ‘Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron’. A few seconds later, WarMare herself exited the back, proudly wearing her ring outfit: A black mask which covered up half of her face and her long flowing red mane, which in its appearance made it look like the kind of face masks that were worn by horses that were ridden by Medieval knights during jousting tournaments, although it also reminded some people in the audience of the masks that were once worn by royal executioners to help hide their faces; a red ‘halter’ that went across her muscular shoulders and two black straps which went over the halter and between her breasts before finally being attached to a red belt that went across her shapely waist; a black ‘jumpsuit’ which started at the middle of her firm upper chest; the aforementioned red belt, which contained one large silver oval in the middle and four smaller circles of the same color, two of each placed upon either side of the larger oval; two large silver bracelets that were firmly placed upon her muscular arms, just above each hoof; and two knee-length boots which covered the bottom part of each leg of her jumpsuit. She stood in front of the curtain for a few seconds, listening to the crowd’s enthusiastic cheers, while holding in her right hoof a microphone. After releasing a loud snort, the buxom redhead headed for the ring, moving towards it with purpose. Although enjoying the crowd’s enthusiastic cheers, the angry personification of war had only one thought on her mind, giving her soon to appear opponent a major, total defeat in the ring. WarMare quickly reached the ring. Without a moment’s hesitation, she jumped forward, soon feeling her feet hitting the ring’s apron with little trouble. Once that was done, the black clothed female equine headed towards the ropes. After reaching them, she placed her free hoof upon the top rope. Then, in one very fluid motion, WarMare jumped upwards and then springboard herself over the ropes, her feet soon landing inside the ring, as she showed to the approving audience in that single move both her athleticism and her strength. WarMare then released the top rope, and walked slowly towards the center of the ring. She was soon standing in the middle of the ring, as her theme music ended. The buxom mare slowly looked the crowd over, while listening to them loudly cheer her name. After a while, WarMare placed the mic in front of her mouth, before she released a very loud snort that soon quieted the still cheering crowd.
Once the crowd had finally quieted down, she said into the mic, “Erste off, ich vould like to take dis moment to welkommen du people to der erste official match off der Western California Alliance Wrestlink.” The older mare then stopped speaking, to allow the crowd a chance to cheer upon hearing that information. WarMare then showed the crowd the palm of her free hoof, to get them to stop cheering. Once the cheering had died down again, she continued. “Now, ve plan to give du der best im vrestlink. Und speakink off vrestlink, let’s get dis show on der road, ja? Tol, do du still vant to fight der best fighters around? Vell, bully boy, vhy don’t du come out here und prove it to der erste rider off der end times. Ich vant to see iff du can stand up to WAR!!!!! Ou, are du eine off dose peaceniks vho believe im makink love, ne war? Blah, dose kinds off people make me sick, since war help to separate der strong from der veak. Come on, big boy, how about showink WARMARE how strong du are? NOW!!!”
WarMare then slowly pulled the mic away from her face, as she released another loud snort, while waiting for Tol to appear.
About thirty seconds after the hooded equine had finished making her challenge, the lights dim down as a deep baritone voice shouted from the speakers, “Hold it now!” while the hard bassline from Public Enemy’s “Shut ‘em down” began to pound throughout the stadium and over the once more roaring crowd. The large screen then flickered on and started to show two large taped hooves emerging from the darkness, followed by Tol’s snarling face. White smoke then started to trickles from the big bovine’s flaring nostrils as the screen image cuts to a full shot of the muscular bull as he stood within a circle of light, his wide chest heaving as his arms suddenly snapped to the side before he proceeded to throw his head back, his muzzle quickly opening as he released a loud roar.
WarMare, along with the presently screaming crowd, heard the loud shout from the back, quickly followed by the playing of Tol’s theme song and the start of his new entrance video. The muscular female warhorse released a light snort, as she thought, .oO(Ich see dat he’d finally put together an entrance video. Gut, even iff it does need some more work.) With the mic still in her right hoof, WarMare looked towards the curtain, expecting to see Tol soon appearing from behind it and hoping that he would accept her challenge.
From behind the entrance to the back quickly emerged the real bull, dressed in his cutoff blue jean shorts and white t-shirt, the hard cut of his heavy form easily apparent to everyone both within the stadium and who were watching the upcoming match on their television sets. With a mic tucked inside the front of his shorts, Tol lifted his taped hooves towards the ceiling and loudly roars, mimicking his image on the screen.
WarMare wasn’t disappointed to see Tol finally appear. She quickly noticed that since her first match against him, as Brunhilda, that he had obviously done a bit of work on his body, which she could tell through the way his T-shirt was presently draping across his muscular form. The female equine vet also noticed that Tol had also added some tape to his hooves since that match, obviously to protect them from injury. The black clad mare then watched him roar loudly inside the stadium, which impressed the presently viewing audience, but not her, as she gave him an expressionless look on her face, which some in the crowd thought came pretty close to a look of contempt for her future opponent.
Turning his eyes towards the large mare who stood proudly in the ring, Tol released a harsh snort and began to stride purposefully towards the ring. Once he had reached it, the black bull stopped his movement for a moment to swiftly take off his t-shirt, much to the loud delight of the female fans in attendance, as they could now see his muscular torso. After quickly tossing his garment into the crowd, Tol turned around and then proceeded to jump from the floor and onto the apron, his eyes firmly locked on WarMare as she continued to stand in the center of the ring, looking back at him. After approaching the ropes, the black bovine soon held the top rope in one big hoof. He then quickly stepped over the ropes, quickly entering the ring. Once inside the ring, he released the ropes. The younger bull then lifted up a hoof, signaling for his entrance music to end. As both his theme music and entrance video end, Tol stood before the ropes, his eyes still fixed on the muscular mare. The ebony bovine then quickly took the mic from inside his shorts. Tol now began to walk around the buxom female equine, while he lifted the microphone towards his muzzle so that he could start speaking to both her and the audience.
WarMare snorted loudly as she watched the younger bull approach the ring. The physical personification of war then snorted even louder as she saw the younger bull stop his movement, take off his tee and throw it into the crowd, while she heard several young females ooohhh lustily over him and his present physique, with at least one of them actually fainting. She then watched him finally reach the ring and then jump onto the apron. As he began to enter the ring, WarMare placed the mic back in front of her mouth, and sarcastically quipped to him, “About time du got here, Tol. Ich’d dought dat du’d decided not to come face ‘death’ at mein hooves.” The black hooded female equine then pulled the mic back down and waited to hear Tol’s response to her earlier challenge. She then followed the bull’s movement as he proceeded to walk around her. The redheaded mare then waited to hear what he would say in response to her earlier comments...
“You know...I was in the back just now...minding my own little business...wondering who I was going to be rumbling with tonight, and lo and behold...I hear my name being called!” the bull said to her and the audience in his gravelly bass voice. “Let me rest your mind right now, my soon to be foe...I LOVE TO FIGHT!” he barks loudly. “So as you can see...I am already strong...” the bovine smugly smirked as he curls a thick arm, in the process showing her and the crowd his hard bicep. “But, you don’t want to see it...do you, WarMare?...You want to FEEL it!...So you got yourself a match!” And with those last words, the big bull quickly tossed the mic out of the ring and quickly began to adjust his knee and elbow pads, while glaring at the buxom female equine.
WarMare followed Tol’s movements around her as she heard him speak to both her and the audience before finally hearing him say that he would indeed accept her challenge which was soon followed by a loud eruption of approval from the fans who have come to the stadium to see a match and weren’t disappointed by the fact that they would soon be seeing one between these two powerhouses. As she heard the fans continue to yell their approval, the masked mare smugly smirked as she watched the optimistic bull throw his mic out of the ring. As she watched him start to adjust his elbow and kneepads, WarMare put up her free hoof which she then used to help silence the crowd. After hearing the crowd go silent, and as she saw Tol now looking back at her ebony-covered form, WarMare placed the mic once more before her mouth. After releasing a loud snort, she said, “So, ich see dat du aren’t afraid of facink war, eh Tol? Vell, dat’s gut. Ich prefer dat ich give mein opponent un gut reason to fear meetink me im der ring. As for me feelink ihr muscles, try to remember dat du’ll also be feelink MEIN muscles as vell. Oh, und by der vay, come up mit un better tagline, bully boy. Du don’t look Irish to me, und ich don’t dink dat Finlay like people stealink his lines. Lucky for du dat he’s im der WWE right now, ja? But for now, it’s time to go to WAR!!!!!!!” With that final line, WarMare threw her own mic out of the ring , quickly turned around and headed for a corner.
The ebony bull snorted harshly again to cover up a laugh after hearing the mare comments about his obvious lack of Irish heritage, not having realized whom he sounded like when he said it. Tol now rolled his head from side to side to loosen up his thick neck as he did a last squat as WarMare tossed the last mic out of the ring.
Upon reaching her corner, WarMare turned back around to face Tol. After getting into a wrestling pose, she asked him, “Are du ready, big boy? Und ich hope dat du’ll do un lot better against me den du did im ihr match mit Brunhilda.” She then gave him a very devilish, yet mocking, grin.
The big bovine stood straight and then moved into a modified boxing stance as WarMare faced him. “I am more than ready....as you will soon find out, WarMare. And as for my last match...it’s a pity that you have to be the one to feel my improvement!” Tol replied with a wicked grin of his own as he stepped towards the middle of the ring, waiting for the bell to ring to officially start the match.
WarMare looked over at Tol and released a very derisive snort. “Ich'll believe dat vhen ich feel it, rookie.”
The pair then heard the bell ring: DING! DING!
Upon hearing the bell, the black-clad mare immediately charged the bull. As she got near him, WarMare lowered her upper body and opened up her arms until she had hit Tol’s strong body, acting as if she was planning to bring him down with a tackle. But instead, WarMare, after releasing a loud ooff in reaction to the impact of their hard bodies meeting each other, wrapped her strong arms around the bull’s tight waist, lifted him up and started to run with him, heading for the turnbuckle that was presently behind Tol. As the buxom redhead did so, WarMare released another ooff as she felt the bull hit her back with one of his arms, desperately trying to stop her before she could finish the move. Before Tol could perform another such hit on her strong back, she heard him instead release a loud ooff of his own as she rammed his back hard into the unforgiving turnbuckle.
Tol quickly braced himself for the equine’s charge as the echo of the ringing bell still rang in his ears, as he planned to resist what he thought would be a tackle takedown. Instead, the bull’s eyes grew large as he felt WarMare start to pick him up and then proceed to drive him back towards the corner that he had just recently left! .oO(What the??) he thought as he brought down a hard forearm upon the running mare’s back. “Oooofff!” Tol then grunted as he felt his wide back being slammed hard into the turnbuckle. .oO(Ugh! She seems to be much more aggressive this time....oooff!) thought the big bovine as he felt his back stinging from its being slam against the turnbuckle.
To prevent him from recovering from the hard hit, WarMare quickly placed her hooves onto both middle ropes, lowered her upper body, and then proceeded to ram her right shoulder several times into Tol’s hard chest, hearing him release a few loud oooffs in reaction to each of her hard shoulder hits. After performing a fifth hit, the redheaded mare stopped, quickly released the ropes and then pulled her body back from his. WarMare looked at Tol, and said to him in a mock tone, “Come on, bully boy, show War how much you’d improved,” before she released a loud whinny, then charged at him, intending to hit his body with a hard avalanche.
As WarMare’s shoulder thrusts ended, Tol took a deep breath and grunted in response to the mare’s taunting. As the masked equine charged back towards the corner, the ebony bull waited until just the last moment, soon showing off a bit of his unexpected agility as he slid just enough out of the way to let WarMare crash into the turnbuckle, chest first! With a low growl, after getting back up, Tol stood behind the mare, grasped the sides of her head in his hooves and then delivered several vicious head butts against the back of WarMare’s noggin.
WarMare charged once again at Tol, expecting him to still be in the corner for her avalanche attempt. She was therefore surprised to see the bovine suddenly move his big form out of the corner. .oO(Vas it...) she started to think before releasing a loud oooffff as she felt her chest hit hard against the turnbuckle. The masked redhead then released a light groan of pain as she started to move away from the corner, feeling her breasts hurting from the impact. But before WarMare could go back too far, she felt a couple of strong hooves grabbing the side of her head, that was quickly followed by something hard hitting against the back of her head, which caused her to let loose with a light whinny of pain in reaction to the hit. This was then quickly followed by three more hits against the back of her head as WarMare felt herself being head butted by Tol. .oO(Oh, ich am so goink to make him pay for dose,) she thought to herself in anger.
After giving the back of the redheaded equine’s head four hard blows, Tol moved his hooves away from her head and quickly placed them around her waist. He was soon grunting loudly as he swiftly popped his hips against her firm rump and then release suplexed the lightly stunned mare out of the corner to land her body hard back to the center of the ring. Tol also landing hard on his back after having performed the move, was soon shaking his head in reaction to the head butts that he had earlier completed, while he also took several deep breaths as he laid on the mat. “Feel the improvement yet, WarMare?” he growled at his female opponent, as he turned his body around and started to quickly get off of the mat.
The buxom mare, as she felt the bull release her head, started to shake her hurting head to try to quickly clear it. As she did, WarMare was thus unable to prevent Tol from wrapping his strong arms around her waist until she suddenly felt his crotch bumping against her rump as she began to feel herself being lifted off of the mat. The redheaded warhorse instinctively put her arms out to help soften the coming impact, but WarMare still released a loud grunt when she felt her back hitting against the mat at the end of the suplex. She lay down on the mat for a few moments, sucking in some air while letting her head continue to recover from the earlier head butts. The black-clothed mare then snorted loudly in response to Tol’s comment to her, before she began to sit back up ala Undertaker. Once seated, WarMare looked back at the bull as he started to get up. “Ist dat der best du got?” she said to Tol in a mocking tone, before she started to get back up as well.
Once more standing up, WarMare began to approach Tol, who was in turn walking towards her. As the two got near to each other, she aimed a strong right hook towards his face, which found its target against the bovine’s left cheek, which brought a smile to the redheaded mare’s face, as she saw her blow staggered him for a moment, much to her satisfaction. The redheaded mare then saw Tol come back towards her and then felt him hit her face with a right cross of his own, which caused her to release a light whinny and to stagger back for a bit before she righted herself, and then with a snort hit him back with another strong right hook. The two then spent the next few seconds exchanging punches to each other’s face, causing each to release loud grunts of pain while neither would back down until WarMare was able to get up her left forearm up to parry a right hook from Tol and quickly land a strong right punch of her own at his upper sternum. As she watched him react to that hit, WarMare quickly followed it up by moving forward and wrapping her arms around his body, including his arms, thus placing him into a very strong bear hug. She then began to squeeze his strong body against her breasts, soon enjoying his grunts of pains that her squeezing were causing. “So, do du like mein anaconda squeeze?” she queried Tol, before she aimed her head forward to head butt the bull in retaliation for his earlier head butts against the back of her head.
Tol let out a few grunts of pain as the mare’s masked head crashed into his face, the situation not being helped by her arms squeezing him tightly. .oO(Ungh!!...No damn squeezing this time!) he thought to himself as he began to bring his arms up.
After giving Tol’s head a second quick head butt to help keep him disoriented, the buxom redhead proceeded to pop her own hips, before falling backwards, lifting up Tol in the process, as she performed a belly-to-belly suplex on him, soon hearing his loud grunt as his back hit the mat hard. She also grunted as well as she felt her own back hit the mat. WarMare then rolled away from Tol. She lay on her back for a few moments, to let her head clear from all the head butting. As soon as she thought that her head was finally cleared, the hooded mare got back up. WarMare then looked towards Tol, who was also getting up, and began to approach him, her arms once more up in defense. “Still dink du can stop War?”
A second head butt by the masked mare soon clouded his head for a moment, and the next thing he knew, Tol found himself flying ass over head as he was suplexed in return. Breaking his fall with his arms spread out help save his wind, but the hard throw still hurt! The ebony bull quickly got back to his feet and watched WarMare for a moment as she approached him once more. As the masked mare asked her question, Tol snorted harshly and snarled out his answer: “Yes.” With that, the bull threw out a hard left jab at her head, which WarMare neatly blocked with a forearm, but as she swung back in response with her own blow, Tol stepped in closer and delivered a hard european uppercut to her chin which snapped the redheaded monster’s head back. Pressing his advantage, the big bovine grasped her shoulder and lifted his knee hard into WarMare’s midsection, doubling her over in the process.
The black dressed mare snorted loudly as she heard the bull’s defiant response to her comment, while watching him get back up as she continued to approach him. WarMare then saw him try to aim a jab at her face. She immediately raised her arm up and blocked it with ease with her forearm. She then attempted to aim a jab of her own at his face. The hooded mare then a bit too late saw his elbow coming towards her chin before she felt it being hit with the hard uppercut, which caused her to release a loud grunt in reaction to it as she felt her head being snapped backwards. Before she could respond to that move, WarMare felt Tol grabbing one of her shoulders before she released another loud grunt as she felt the black bull ram a hard knee into her stomach, causing her to double over in response.
Quickly wrapping a thick arm around the equine’s neck, Tol just as quickly gripped a handful of her jumpsuit around her thigh and then hoisted her up high in the air for a vertical suplex. The bull then held WarMare in the air for several seconds, showing off his strength to the crowd before finally turning slightly around and bringing the mare’s strong body back down to earth with a loud thud! As he got off the mat, Tol wiped his muzzle and growled. “You should rather be asking yourself....can you stop me?” he bellowed towards her before he started to circle her, eagerly waiting for the presently lying equine to get back up again.
Still doubled over from the previous hit, WarMare started to feel a thick arm wrapping itself around her neck, which was soon followed by her feeling the bottom part of her pants being stretched upward. She released a loud snort before she felt herself being lifted up into the air by Tol. WarMare soon felt herself being held up in the air, staying in that position for a few seconds as Tol showed off to the audience, while she began to feel some blood rushing towards her head. .oO(Ich’m goink to make him pay for dis,) she thought to herself before she felt her body falling back down. The veteran mare braced herself for impact before releasing a loud grunt as she felt her back hitting against the mat. WarMare then laid on the mat for a while, hearing Tol’s taunt at her, as she brought in some quickly needed air to her lungs as she started to recover from the move. After a few moments, the redheaded personification of war suddenly released a loud snort and lean back up again, while watching the bull circling her. “Ha, du must still fear me, else du’d try to pin me.” WarMare looked at him, soon acting as if she was going to get back up, but then she suddenly lowered her upper body and went onto the right side of her muscular body, before attempting to aim a roundhouse right leg against the back of Tol’s nearest knee. She connected with it and then pulling her leg forward, WarMare swiftly tripped the black bovine onto his back with a thud. The angry mare then used the momentum from the move to roll herself away from him. Once she was far enough away, the ebony clad veteran began to get back up. Once she was up again, she saw Tol trying to get back up as well. Snorting, WarMare began to charge him.
Tol didn’t even bother to respond to the redheaded mare’s taunting, in part because of the trip that soon had his back hitting the mat hard! .oO(Tricky veteran indeed...) the black bull thought as he started to get back up. “Uh-oh!” he exclaimed as he saw the masked equine charging towards him.
As she charged at him, she noticed Tol seeing her coming at him and trying to counter her move by trying to hit her chest with a clothesline. WarMare snorted, then quickly ducked under the taller bull, so that he missed her with the clothesline. The redheaded mare meanwhile continued on towards the ropes. WarMare quickly turned her body around, and soon hit the ropes with her strong back, using the momentum to send him back towards the black bull. As she did so, she saw him start to turn around. Hoping that she had timed it right, WarMare jumped up and aimed both of her legs at the black bull’s muscular chest. The redheaded mare soon felt her legs connect with the bovine’s upper body, causing him to move backwards towards the far ropes while she fell onto the mat with a loud grunt.
Irritated by his whiff of a clothesline, the black bovine was completely taken off guard by WarMare’s sudden dropkick, admiring the technique even as he felt some of his air leaving his chest in a harsh grunt as she connected. Trying to shake his head clear, Tol looked up to see the equine charging into him and then knocking him over the ropes.
WarMare, after her grunt, quickly got onto one knee. As she did, the black-suited female equine looked back at Tol, and saw him with his back against the ropes, trying to recover from her standing double drop kick. WarMare got back to vertical, then charged again, trying to time her next move right. As she got closer to him, WarMare lifted her right arm and placed it in position for a clothesline. “Over du go, Tol!” she yelled at the black bovine, as she hit the still partly stunned bull’s upper chest with her arm, her momentum soon sending him backwards over the ropes and out of the ring. She then pulled herself back as quickly as she could so that he couldn’t grab her so that he could take her over with him. Now from a safe distant, the angry warhorse watched him fall out of the ring, headed for the hard ground outside the ring. “Ich dink ah can stop du, Tol!” she said, in response to his earlier taunt, as she heard some loud cheers exit from the crowd.
Tol now felt himself tumbling over the ropes before feeling his body smack onto the ring’s apron. Then, as he heard the crowd cheered itself crazy, he began to roll off of it and fall onto the hard floor below, then he proceeded to roll along it before his body finally impacted with a loud thud against the barrier which separated the ringside seats from the ring. The bull lay motionless on the ground for a few moments, as some concerned murmurs began to move through the now worrying crowd. But the murmurs soon ended as a large hoof began to grip the barricade and slowly moved up until the front row ticket payers soon found themselves getting a good long look at the now snarling bovine’s angry face. Once he was standing upright again, Tol shook his head to clear it before he turned towards the masked mare who was still standing in the ring.
WarMare continued to look at the downed bovine from inside the ring, wondering how much damage her last move had actually caused. When the mare saw that the black bull was not moving as he lay against the barrier, she pondered if she would now win the match by ko. WarMare then saw Tol start to get up. As she did, the redheaded mare secretly smiled as she was actually in the mood for a long, hard fight. Upon seeing him looking back at her, she said to him, in a very mocking tone, “Hey, come und get me, big boy. Ou are du finally scared off War?” WarMare then waited for him to get back into the ring with an eager look on her face.
Tol looked back at her for a while, releasing a loud snort of defiance in response to her latest taunt, before he finally ran towards the apron and quickly dove his body headfirst under the bottom rope, even as WarMare moved towards him. After pushing himself back to his feet, the ebony bull quickly charged the equine, soon feigning another clothesline attempt which his opposition easily dodged. Now running into the ropes, Tol bellowed loudly before launching himself into a flying shoulder block which WarMare turned into as she spun around to face her opponent! Releasing a loud ooof, he knocked her off her feet as he felt his own back hitting the mat once again with a loud grunt. With her now on the ground, and deciding to press his momentary advantage, the angry bull jumped back up to his feet and then sprang up quite high into the air for someone of his big size and after quickly extended his legs out, he dropped one of his thick muscular thighs across the stunned mare’s chest.
WarMare quickly ran towards the bull after seeing him returned to the ring. She loudly snorted when she saw him charging her and now trying to hit her with another clothesline. She easily ducked under it, like she had done earlier. The buxom mare then stopped her movement and quickly turned around, only to turn herself right into Tol’s unexpected flying shoulder tackle. The surprised move knocked her off her feet, causing her to ooof from the hit and then releasing a second one in reaction to her feeling her back hitting the mat. She then released an even bigger ooofff as she felt the big bull’s thighs hit across her chest. This temporarily knocked the wind out of the masked mare.
Tol, thinking that he finally had her, rolled his body so that he was soon covering WarMare’s body with his, as he also grabbed at one of her legs to help prevent her from kicking out. He then eagerly waited for the three count and the win.
The winded mare soon felt herself being pinned by Tol. As soon as she heard one being shouted by the referee, WarMare moved her body to her left, which made her kick out so that the pinfall attempt would end at one and half. The still winded vet tried to regain her breath as she felt Tol trying to pin her down again. She quickly kicked out of his second pin attempt, this time ending it at one. WarMare then released a snort of defiance, as she heard a louder one from an angry Tol, before she felt him get off of her. As soon as he was off her, the vet quickly rolled away, intending to get herself out of the ring , to give herself a chance to recover from both the moves and the pin covers.
Tol snorted loudly in anger as he felt his buxom opponent kick out of his pin attempts, not once, but twice. .oO(Okay, that does it,) he told himself, before he rolled off of her. Tol then started to get up. As he did, he saw her rolling away. The black bull snorted as he got up, deciding to quickly follow after WarMare so that the ebony clothed vet wouldn’t be able to get away from him.
WarMare soon found herself lying outside of the ring, atop the apron, before she started to use the nearby ropes to pull herself back up, as she heard the loud cheers of the crowd. As she did so, she quickly noticed Tol running towards her, obviously planning to not give her a chance to recover. She snorted loudly, and waited for his arrival. The black-garbed veteran lowered her shoulders as he got closer, and using the ropes to help her, shoved them hard into the charging bull’s stomach, which caused Tol to release a loud ooff of surprise, and then to start moving backwards. As she saw him retreat, WarMare quickly pulled her shoulder back out of the ring. She then jumped onto the middle ropes, before slingshoting herself over the top rope and then proceeding to hit Tol’s retreating upper body with her airburst move (a seated senton) which caused the stumbling bull to fall down onto the mat under her weight, before she saw he lying on the mat under her with her butt seated atop his chest.
WarMare looked down at the bull. She snorted at him before hitting his face with a right hook. She then rolled off of him and quickly got back up. WarMare, now standing, then proceeded to hit his chest with a couple of hard stomps, before finally backing off. The redheaded mare then waited for him to get back up, getting ready to set him up for one of her major moves. .oO(Time to start settink du up for War’s End, bully boy,) she thought to herself as she waited for Tol to get back up.
Tol groaned on the mat as he brought an arm across his wide chest and proceeded to rub the areas that WarMare had just stomped on. Shaking his head to help clear it, he started to roll onto his stomach, quickly noting that the mare was already lying in wait for him to rise. .oO(Probably has something nasty in store for me....well...let’s see it, gorgeous,) the bull thought to himself as he rose to one knee, acting more hurt than he actually was.
The redheaded warhorse snorted loudly as she watched the bull start to get back up. .oO(Time to set du up, Tol,) she thought, as she started to walk towards him, while at the same time watching out for any tricks by him.
As he watched the masked equine approach, Tol took a deep breath and waited. When WarMare’s hooves reached out to grasp him, he charged forward off of his knee and quickly rammed his strong shoulder into her midsection, making her exhale in surprise as he drove some wind from her lungs. Legs still pumping hard, the ebony bovine drove WarMare into the near corner with a bodyshaking impact, growling as he pulled back and began to drive that same shoulder into her stomach again and again. After three driving shoulder thrusts, he kept the mare pinned in the corner with his larger frame as he rocked her chin with a hard european uppercut! Now grasping at her wrist, Tol looked as if he planned to irish whip the redhead out of the corner, but then he suddenly put on the brakes and sent her chest first back into the corner that he had just pulled her from!
WarMare, as she reached out to grab the bull’s head with her hooves, released a loud gasp as she felt her stomach being hit by Tol’s hard shoulders. .oO(Lousy bastard vas playink possum,) the masked mare thought as she felt herself being pushed backwards, before releasing a loud oooff, as she felt her back hitting hard against the turnbuckle, which was soon followed by a few more as WarMare felt Tol driving his strong shoulder several times into her hard stomach. After the third one, she felt him stop, then she released a loud whinny of pain as she felt her chin being hit by his elbow, which caused her head to snap back once again. As the buxom redhead tried to shake her head clear once more, she felt Tol grabbing her arm and then felt him start to pull her away from the corner. WarMare expected him to attempt to irish whip her, which she would allow to occur, but she would attempt to make sure that it didn’t end the way the black bull was expecting it to end. So, she was completely surprised when she instead felt herself being turned back around and then rammed right back into the corner, front first with a loud grunt, as she felt her boobs bounce against the ‘buckle once more. As she shook her head, and felt her front hurting again, WarMare released a moan, while thinking, .oO(Ich need to regain control of dis match.)
Now seeing WarMare facing away from him, the bovine swiftly placed his arms under the mare’s armpits and began to place his hooves behind her neck, soon starting to interlock his fingers as his biceps bunched. .oO(Time to feel my power, WarMare!) he thought as he got ready to cinch in the full nelson.
While still shaking her head to clear it, the buxom vet began to feel Tol’s strong arms going under her armpits and heading towards her neck with his fingers, to place her in a full nelson. WarMare immediately realized that she had only seconds to think of a way to keep herself from being placed in the move. While she continued to shake her head while also beginning to feel his fingers starting to place themselves against her strong neck, the black-clad mare moved her right foot upwards and then swiftly aimed it downwards to stomp it hard atop of the bull’s foot. She soon heard the black bovine’s grunt of pain in reaction to the unexpected move, which she continued by having her other foot stomp upon his left foot. The vet then alternated stomping on both of Tol’s feet, to get him angry enough to forget about the move. When she thought that she had him riled up enough, WarMare then lifted up both her feet. But as she did so, she suddenly moved her body forward so that she could pull him forward with her, which, because of their present positioning, led to her body hitting the ropes while his head hit hard against the turnbuckle with a loud thud. The mare soon heard a loud roar being released by a surprised Tol, who also released her body which was soon landing against the ropes. WarMare was now resting her still aching body against the ropes, trying to regain some air while she heard the black bull’s loud moans in response to her last counter.
.oO(Oh, ich’m goink to make him pay for dose hits against mein boobs,) thought the redheaded mare, as she turned around and looked back at the bull. She then released a loud snort, before getting herself off of the ropes. WarMare slowly approached Tol, before stopping in front of him, and aiming a hard snap kick against his chest. She quickly heard a loud grunt escape Tol’s throat, while she watched him double over from the hit. After putting her leg back down, she aimed a european uppercut of her own against his chin, which snapped his head back up. She then ran back towards the ropes, bounced off of them, and went back at him. Once she was near him, the redheaded vet jumped up, wrapped her firm legs around his neck and performed a couple of loops around his neck before finally flipping him up into the air with a hurricanrana. She ooff as she felt her back hit the mat, which was quickly followed by an even louder oooofff coming from Tol as he landed hard upon the mat. She lay on the mat for a while, trying to regain some more cooling air, as she heard the crowd’s loud cheers in reaction to her just completed move. WarMare then turned her body around and looked before her, soon seeing Tol, who was lying on the mat, presently banging one of his feet against it. “Und ich’m far from done, Tol. Der vorst ist yet to come,” she snorted, before she turned around again and started to get back up.
The big bovine heard WarMare taunting him yet again as he pounded his foot against the mat for a couple moments more, before he finally got some feeling back into it after the female equine’s previous stomps. The fact that his chest and neck were still stinging from the snap kick and the hurricanrana didn’t exactly help his mood either. Now shaking his head as he got up, he could see that the mare was getting back onto her feet as well. “For your sake, I hope you have more, because so far...all you are doing is making me angry!” Tol growled loudly at her as he cracked his neck before he started back towards the mare.
The buxom redhead looked back at the now standing black bull. After releasing a loud snort, she replied, “Talk ist cheap, big boy. Show me!” She then prepared to walk towards him.
WarMare snorted in scorn at him and walked towards Tol, with the two figures soon meeting each other in the center of the ring for a tie-up. For several moments they strained against each other before Tol grunted as he placed the redheaded mare in a headlock and started to squeeze her head. After pushing him off of her, WarMare watched him hit the ropes and leaped up to perform a standing dropkick. However, the ebony bull was not there as he held onto the ropes tight and stopped his movement as the equine came crashing back down onto the mat.
WarMare was soon upon Tol, putting up her hooves. The two wrestlers were soon tied up in the middle of the ring, unable to move each other’s form. Suddenly, the black masked equine found her head being placed in a head lock against the side of the bull’s hard body. She released a low grunt as she felt him starting to squeeze her head. But the more experienced vet slowly moved her body around so that she soon had it placed sideways against Tol’s body. WarMare then lifted her arms and proceeded to hit Tol with a strong elbow to his side. After a second one made him lose his grip, the redheaded mare used her arms to push him off of her and towards the far ropes. Expecting him to bounce back towards her, WarMare immediately got up, then jumped to perform a standing jump kick and then released a loud oofff as she felt her back hit the mat instead of her feet hitting his flesh. She then looked up and snorted loudly as she saw Tol holding onto the ropes. .oO(Verdammit, vasn’t expectink him to do dat,) she thought as she remained lying on the mat, feeling her back hurting slightly from that last miscue.
Tol moved in quickly to seize the momentary advantage, and after grabbing her strong legs and then spreading them, he dropped down elbow first into the hard muscle of her left thigh, following that up by cranking back the leg in an armlock as he sought to slow WarMare down. .oO(This should slow you down, fast,) thought the black bull, as he kept cranking back her leg.
While still lying on her aching back, WarMare felt her legs being grabbed, then lifted. The redheaded warhorse looked up and saw Tol standing in front of her, just as he was beginning to spread her legs apart. She mentally prepared herself for what he was obviously planning to do next then released a loud grunt as she felt his elbow hit her left thigh. The masked mare then felt the ebony bull place her leg in an armlock. She leaned on her back, and as she grunted in reaction to the move, the warhorse soon banging her left arm several times against the mat in seeming pain. But it was all a ruse to get Tol to become too confident in his present move as she knew that his move wasn’t actually the right move for the present situation. After one more hard bang against the mat, the buxom redhead suddenly raised her upper body. After releasing a loud grunt she raised both of her arms and put them together into one big fist, which she then swung at the side of Tol’s exposed head, soon hitting it with a loud crunch. WarMare soon felt the bull release her leg, that was quickly followed by a loud grunt and a crash by Tol as his body hit the mat. Taking in some needed air, the buxom warhorse stayed on the mat for a while.
The big bull was puzzled for a moment by the noise he was hearing from his opponent as he continued to crank on the redheaded mare’s leg, knowing that he hadn’t hurt WarMare nearly enough for her to be having that kind of reaction. .oO(Something is wrong here...) he thought, just as the equine’s fists suddenly crashed into his melon, making him see stars for the moment as he at the same time lost his grip upon her leg and then felt his body crashing hard onto the mat.
A short time later, as she heard Tol still groaning in pain from the hit, WarMare began to get back up. The mare released a low grunt as her left leg hit the mat. She then proceeded to check her leg. The vet soon discovered that the leg was a bit sore from what Tol had just done to it with the armlock, but she quickly realized that it wasn’t painful enough to keep her from moving around on it. Once she was satisfied with that assessment, WarMare looked before her, seeing a slightly dazed Tol starting to get back up. Releasing a snort, she walked towards him. Once she was in front of the black bull, the old warhorse quickly connected with a hard right uppercut to his chin to keep Tol disoriented. Once that was done, she walked around him, and after getting behind him, WarMare wrapped her strong arms around his waist. Once she was ready, she fell back, while lifting him up into the air so that she was soon slamming his exposed back against the mat as she performed a german suplex. The vet then kept her arms locked around Tol’s waist, as she rolled them both around and then pulled him back up with her. After setting him up, she fell back again, soon hitting his back against the mat with another german suplex. WarMare, after releasing another loud snort, rolled them both over for a second time and lifted the two of them up once more. After setting Tol up again, she fell back for the third time, releasing the black bull this time so that he would hit the mat hard in a german suplex release as she finished her threeway to hell finisher. The old warhorse then laid down on the mat for a while, trying to regain her breath after moving around such a heavy load in such a short amount of time. She then turned onto her side, and soon saw a moaning Tol still lying on the mat.
Tol was now trying to get back up, still feeling a bit dazed from the hammer blow to his hard skull, soon giving up a surprised urk! as he felt the mare uppercut his chin hard. As he shook his head, Tol began to feel the mare’s strong arms moving around his hard waist while he groaned internally. .oO(Damnit!..hold on Tol!) he thought as he prepared himself for impact, which was soon all for naught as he felt WarMare put him through the threeway to hell and then left him lying on the mat, groaning in pain.
Deciding to take advantage of his present condition, the black clad mare turned around and got back up. She then charged Tol, jumped up and hit his exposed stomach with a modified version of her airburst, her firm ass landing hard on his stomach, hopefully knocking the wind out of his sail. She then grabbed onto one of his legs and quickly laid her strong back on top of his black chest, pinning his shoulders onto the mat in the process. As she breathed in some more air, WarMare waited to hear the referee start the three count, while hearing the crowd’s very loud cheers of approval.
The big bull’s body was really letting him know how it felt about the punishment it was taking as he felt the mare’s tight rump slam into his stomach, knocking more wind out of him. With another groan he lay there as the mare pinned his shoulders to the mat. As the ref counted one, the bovine flinched, willing his body, or at least a part of it, to move..... “Two!” the crowd roared as the ref’s hand slapped against the mat again. With a weak shout, the bull strained and his body convulsed as the ref’s hand came down again, with barely enough strength for him to finally dislodge a shoulder from the mat, thus stopping the count a couple of scant inches from the mat. The crowd cheered the continuation of the match, even though some awww’s of disappointment were heard. Tol weakly rolled away from the veteran’s grasp and as he shook his head once again, started using the ring ropes to pull himself back up to his feet.
WarMare stayed on top of Tol, as she heard the ref say first one, and then two. She soon saw him getting ready to slam his hand against the mat for the third time when she suddenly felt the ebony bull being able to get a shoulder off of the mat. .oO(Vat der...) the black clad mare thought, before she felt Tol push her off of him while also hearing the fans cheering that the match was still going to go on. .oO(Verdammit,) WarMare thought as she turned around. Now on one knee, the buxom redhead noticed how slowly Tol was rolling away from her, telling the more experienced vet that her last set of moves and the pinning attempt had obviously slowed him down. After she had released another loud snort, she proceeded to get back up, while still looking at the retreating bovine.
Tol panted harshly for a moment and then faced the equine marauder again. He winced and fell back into the corner, then snorted and straightened back up again, while waving a clenched fist towards WarMare. “We ain’t done by a long sight,” he panted to her. Then the ebony bull raised his fists in and left the corner to meet the mare once more in the center of the ring.
The now standing redhead looked once more at Tol, quickly noticing how hard a time he was having getting up, in spite of his defiance. WarMare just snorted as she realized that she was the one now in the driver seat. The vet then allowed him to approach her, and began to circle with him, while he counter circled her. WarMare then saw the bull try to attack her with another clothesline. Trying to time her move right, she bend her body backward until it finally formed a U as she did her going under the bridge counter move so that he would miss her with the clothesline. WarMare, from her new position, watched the surprised Tol continued on to the ropes. She quickly got back up to a vertical base, just as Tol hit the ropes with an oooff, bouncing off of them. She then approached the surprised black bull, stopping in front of him and aiming her right knee right at his stomach. WarMare now heard him released a loud ooff in reaction to the kick, before seeing him doubles over in pain from the move. The buxom ebony clad vet then quickly turned her body around, jumped up into the air, and as she wrapped her arms around his neck, lifted her legs up so that her rump would hit the mat when she came back down. She soon came down, her rump hitting the mat as she pulled him down with her. WarMare then grunted as she felt his chin hitting hard against her strong left shoulder as she performed her dam buster finisher, while hearing Tol releases a loud grunt in reaction to the shoulder hit. The buxom mare then released the dizzy bull’s chin. WarMare let his body simply fall onto the mat behind her. The ebony clad mare quickly turned around, seeing a hurting Tol lying on the mat behind her. WarMare, after releasing a snort, quickly rolled herself onto the black bull, grabbed his right leg and was soon lying on top of his upper body once more, pinning him once again to the mat, waiting for the ref to make the three count again, doubting that Tol’d would be able to get out of that last move.
Tol rushed forward with the clothesline, exclaiming a snort of surprise as the mare dodged it with her deep bridge, before he bounced off the ropes only to be meet with her knee into his stomach. “Aughk!” was all he had time for as WarMare applied the dam buster on his chin. The big bovine froze into place and then fell to the mat with a loud crash, not moving or responding at all as the mare pulled his leg up and pinned him again. This time the count goes uninterrupted. “1!....2!......3!!!!” counts the ref and the crowd roars loudly as the match was finally decided!
WarMare stayed on top of Tol, her arms holding tightly onto his lifted right leg as she heard the referee go 1, 2, 3. Upon hearing the number three being announced, she released the black bull’s leg and then got off of his body. She lay down next to him for a few seconds as she heard the fans cheer her victory over the larger bull. The redheaded black clad mare’s upper body then rose, ala Undertaker, once more, before she looked back at the breathing form of her recently defeated foe. She snorted. “Enjoyed feelink mein vrath, Tol?” she said to him, before she started to get up, as the bell finally rang, officially ending the match. She then heard the announcer say, “Here is your winner, by pinfall, WARMARE!!!!” As she heard the fans cheer even louder, the now standing redhead felt the referee lift up her left arm in victory, while her theme song started to play once more. WarMare looked over at Tol, whom she saw was starting to slowly get back up. “Iff du vant another go at defeatink war ich’m always available,” she said with a snort, as the ref finally released her arm. After saying that, she went towards the center of the ring and as she stood there, released a loud whinny, this one of victory, to the delight of the crowd. It lasted for a while, before she finally stopped, turned around, and purposefully headed for the ropes so that she could exit the ring.
Tol shook his head as he slowly got off the mat, watching WarMare take in her well deserved cheers as her victory was announced. He waited till she had moved towards the ring ropes before finally speaking out. “I’m glad to hear that you will be available for a rematch...because I want one...you and me...Last person standing...in a cage. What do you say, WarMare?” Tol rumbled to her before he stopped and then eagerly awaited the equine’s answer.
WarMare placed her hooves onto the middle ropes when she heard Tol’s still defiant voice. The redheaded warhorse turned around and looked back at Tol. Upon hearing his challenge, she laughed. Her laugh lasted for a while before she finally stopped. WarMare then looked directly at the ebony bull, an angry look upon her pretty visage. “Oh, du really like beink punished, eh, Tol? Un Last Man Standink Match, hhhmmm? Und im un cage, ne less. Sure, ich’ll accept ihr challenge. But, ich get to choose vhen der match vill occur. After all, ich’m sure dat du vill vant to face un few other folks erste, ja?” With that, WarMare exited the ring, and began to walk up the ramp towards the back.

WarMare Copyright 2006/2007 Scott and Stanley Alston
Tol Copyright 2006/2007 C. Johnson

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