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Welcome to the Big Time, Rookie!

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

The crowd seated inside the stadium mumbled lightly among themselves as they waited for the match to finally start. They then began to loudly cheer as they heard the opening strains of the Wagnerian song, ‘Flight of the Valkyrie’, while the Trinitron came on and began showing the helicopter scene from the war film ‘Apocalypse Now’. Brunhilda was then seen exiting through the backstage curtain, clad in her full wrestling gear, as she headed towards the ring. As she smiled at the cheering crowd, while carrying a microphone in her right hoof, Brunhilda saw the scene on the screen change, soon showing to everyone at the arena the German Battleship, the “Bismarck” getting ready to fire its 16-inch main guns. As the redheaded mare, and the audience, heard a loud ‘BBBBBOOOOOMMMMM’ reverberate throughout the building, the ring veteran continued on towards the ring. As the buxom mare got closer to the ring, the screen started to change again, now showing a World War I-era German artillery battery getting ready to fire all of its guns, soon followed by several scenes showing the earth being ripped up by several loud explosions. This was accompanied by an even louder ‘BBBBOOOOOOOMMMM’. As Brunhilda got even closer to the ring, the scene changed again, this time showing a picture of a Franco-Prussian War-era Prussian Infantry unit advancing upon a French infantry unit during the decisive Battle of Sedan. The buxom redheaded mare then stopped before the ring. Brunhilda smiled at it before she jumped onto the apron, just as the Trinitron began to show the French Calvary v. Allied Infantry Squares scene from the war film ‘Waterloo’. The mare soon stood before the ropes. After putting the mic inside the waistband of her outfit, she placed her hooves onto the top rope, quickly leaped upward and after bouncing off of the top rope, had successful landed herself, feet first, inside the ring. As she let go of the top rope, her theme music and the Trinitron both stopped playing, as the announcer told to the audience:
“Good evening, ladies and gentlefurs and welcome to WCAW Wrestling. Tonight’s match will be a regular match, with one pinfall. And now entering the ring, at 6’3” and weighing in at 215 lbs., from Cologne, Germany, the fighting Valkyrie, BRUNHILDA!!!”
The mare then walked towards the center of the ring. Once there, she stopped and then began to pose for the audience, who has been cheering for her from the very start of her appearance inside the arena.
Brunhilda, after a while, stopped posing. She then put up her hooves, to get the crowd to stop their eager cheering. Once they had stopped, she quickly pulled the mic out of her waistband and moved it towards her mouth. Brunhilda then waited a few seconds more, before finally saying to them, “Guten Abend, ladies und gentlefurs, und welkommen to WCAW. Hopefully du vill enjoy vat ist goink to be presented to du tonight.” The buxom mare then quickly turned her body around and began to look back towards the curtain. “Oh, und volfie, ich hope dat du vill brink out ihr A-game tonight. Ich hate it vhen ich’m given ne competition by mein opponent. Du vill give me un fight tonight, ja?” She then put down the mic, waiting for the rookie she-wolf to appear.
Luna Gold then appeared, wearing her wrestling outfit, a black bikini top and a pair of black shorts. As she walked towards the ring, her theme music, “System of a Down’s Psycho,” played in the background. Her body shook as she was nervous, as this was to be her first official league match. She soon jumped into the ring, almost slipping onto the mat. After regaining her footing, she looked over to Brunhilda. She saw that the mare was huge compared to her. Brunhilda was in fact a few inches taller and over fifty pounds heavier then the she-wolf. This was defiantly going to be an uphill battle for her, thought Luna.
The announcer then informed the audience: “And now for her opponent, at 5’9” and weighing in at 156 lbs., LUNA GOLD!!!”
Brunhilda heard her opponent’s theme music start to play before she saw her approach the ring. She watched her opponent very carefully, quickly noticing how much smaller Luna was compared to the older wrestling vet. Brunhilda also noticed the canine almost slipping onto the mat as she jumped into the ring, rolling her eyes as she thought that the rookie was trying to imitate the last part of her own ring entrance. The redheaded mare then saw her opponent looking her over. She smirked, as she placed the mic back before her mouth. “Ja, take un gut look at me, rookie, as dis vill soon be comink after du.” After she had finished making her comment, she added, “So, tell me, honey, are du ready to start der match, ou do du need time to varm up?” Brunhilda then put the mic down, as she waited for the younger she-wolf to reply, before she turned around and headed for the opposite corner. Upon reaching it, she stopped, turned back around and once again looked over at Luna, as she pondered whether their match would be short or long.
“No, I don’t need to warm-up. I’m ready now,” Luna said to her opponent, still looking a bit intimidated. How could she win against her? she pondered. Luna was just a rookie and was smaller than Brunhilda. She just hoped that she could outmaneuver her and hopefully use her smaller size to her advantage. As long as Brunhilda wasn’t fast, that is.
The mare nodded and quickly threw the mic out of the ring. As one of the ground crew picked up the mic and proceeded to take it over to the announcers’ table, she tells the ref to start the match.
The male ref, a skunk, nodded his head, then looked at the skunkette bell ringer and quickly told her to ring the bell to start the match.
The skunkette nodded and proceeded to ring the bell.
Upon hearing the bell, Brunhilda slowly started to approach her smaller opponent, her defenses now up, deciding to take her time, so as not to reveal, yet, how fast she can be when she wants to be, thanks to her being half sports horse. Once she had reached center ring, the mare will proceed to start circling around her opponent, to look her over. She will then pretend to move in and aim what would appear to be a right hook at Luna’s chin, but would then pull back quickly, not allowing her opponent to try to grab her arm, revealing that she was actually showing her a faint, before she would go back to circling Luna. Brunhilda would then move forward again, this time offering her a tie up to see how strong the she-wolf actually was, while at the same time showing her how strong she was, as she intended to push the she-wolf into one of the turnbuckles. At the same time, she will look out for any counters attempt, as she would use her long ring experience to decide on the correct counter to counter any counter move attempted by Luna. Meanwhile, she waited to see if Luna will actually accept the tie up.
Luna circled her as well. She knew she wasn’t as strong as Brunhilda. So, when Brunhilda decided to move in, Luna decided to charge at her, trying to take her by surprise. She figured that Brunhilda was going to do a few fakes and was probably thinking the same about Luna.
The mare was surprised to see that the she-wolf would charge at her so early in the match when she began to move in. But Brunhilda was only surprised for a few seconds, as she waited and then moved to the side and tried to hit the charging Luna just above her chest with an elbow check. If she connected with her counter, Brunhilda will then try to quickly follow up her move with an attempt to grab Luna’s nearest arm and put her into an arm bar.
The mare succeeded as Luna doubled over from the hit, but soon she was feeling her arm being grabbed. Before Brunhilda could finish her move, Luna tried to slip out from under her and tried to kick out her legs.
After the she-wolf had gotten under her, and once she had realized what Luna was now trying to perform, Brunhilda allowed it to happen, but when she came down, the ring vet her moved her knees around, intending to land them on top of her prone opponent, so that she could perform a knee drop upon Luna’s hopefully exposed stomach. She would then quickly get back up once the deed has been done. Brunhilda would then try to pull Luna back onto her feet, so that she could perform an irish whip on her, to send the rookie she-wolf towards the opposite turnbuckle. She then planned to quickly follow after her, while keeping an eye on her to see if the young lupine might try to counter her move.
Luna did not expect her opponent to land on her. When she did, the air from her lungs quickly rushed out. Now gasping for air, Luna felt the mare pulling her up and then felt herself being thrown against the turnbuckle. Now seeing her opponent launching herself towards her, Luna decided to duck under the mare. If successful, Luna would try going for her legs again.
The veteran mare watched her previous set of moves against Luna work, before she started to follow up on the last one. Brunhilda then saw her opponent now trying to duck under her. While she continued on, the buxom redhead would move her body slightly to the right, so that she can lift up her right knee and aim it at the side of her opponent’s soon to be exposed muzzle to try and disorient her. If her move worked, Brunhilda will then move back, and try to pull the hopefully still disoriented Luna back up, and then quickly place her into a bear hug. The veteran mare will then attempt to hug her for a while before trying to perform a quick belly-to-belly suplex upon the she-wolf, intending to start taking control of their match.
Luna suddenly felt a sharp pain in her muzzle which helped to disorient her a bit. She started to shake her head to attempt to clear it but was quickly grabbed and placed in a bear hug, followed by a belly-to-belly suplex which made her head spin even more. All she could do now was to try and crawl away from the mare until her head had finally had a chance to clear.
After completing her most recent set of moves, Brunhilda promptly turned around and noticed Luna trying to crawl away. The veteran mare decided to not give Luna the chance to clear her head. Brunhilda quickly followed after her younger opponent, before finally trying to stop her. If successful in her endeavor, Brunhilda will then attempt to pull Luna off of the mat, so that she can place the rookie she-wolf into a standing side headlock, her face soon to be pressing against the mare’s right 38C boob. She would then put as much pressure as she could on the move, without hurting the younger lupine femme as she did so, to help keep her disoriented.
Brunhilda succeeded in picking Luna off of the mat and placing her into the headlock. But Luna was not done for yet. She attempted to throw her body weight into Brunhilda in a desperate attempt to back her into the nearby ropes.
Brunhilda smiled as she first placed Luna into the headlock, and then slowly started to add some strength to move. But she was suddenly caught off-guard by the rookie lupine femme throwing her body against her, which caused her to hit the ropes behind them. The redheaded vet released a light grunt as she was forced to release her grip upon Luna’s head. Brunhilda then released a loud snort, as she quickly got off the ropes, and waited for Luna to move far enough away from her before moving backwards a little to bounce herself off of the ropes, as she planned to reach out for the she-wolf’s head from behind, and attempt a flying lariat, so that she can put the rookie lupine femme back onto mat with a loud thump, while she herself would also release a grunt from the impact of her own body hitting against the mat. If the move worked, Brunhilda will then attempt for an early pin. Not so much to win the match, but to make the she-wolf waste precious energy getting herself out of it to help wear her down, as she began to use her years of ring experience against her younger opponent.
Luna sidestepped to the left, knowing that if Brunhilda could bounce off those ropes, she could take control of the match. Instead, Luna will jump onto the ropes herself and hope to land on Brunhilda.
The mare saw the she-wolf jumping towards the ropes. She waited and then tried to catch Luna in mid-air, planning to then get down onto her left knee and slam the she-wolf’s back against her knee with a back breaker. She figured that Luna would not be able to get away if she timed her catch attempt right. The vet, if her move worked, would then release Luna and try the pin attempt to make her waste energy kicking out of it.
When Luna jumped, she landed into Brunhilda’s outstretched arms and was soon slammed onto the mare’s bent knee. “AHH!” she screamed in pain. Unable to move, she found herself being pinned.
The redheaded vet, after seeing her move work, quickly got off of her knee, after releasing Luna. Once she had done so, Brunhilda got the hurting she-wolf into position and then placed her strong back on top of her to pin her shoulders to the mat. Brunhilda then grabbed the she-wolf right leg and was soon raising it high into the air so that Luna would have a harder time kicking out of her pin, as she heard the referee start the three count.
The referee, after seeing Brunhilda deliver the back breaker and then successfully pin Luna, got onto the mat to make sure that the bigger mare did indeed have the cruiserweight pinned. Once he was sure, he lifted up his paw and quickly slammed it onto the mat, while he yelled... “ONE!!!” He then raised his arm again so that he could slam it once again for two.
As she heard the ref yell one, Brunhilda pushed her back even more firmly against Luna’s shoulders and upper chest while tightening her grip around the she-wolf’s raised leg to make sure that her opponent would now be unable to kick out, as she watched the referee begin to lower his arm for the second time, waiting for him to yell two.
“Two!!” the ref yelled as Luna was unable to kick out of the pin. She waited for the three count to end as the ref slowly raised his hand. “Three!” he yelled.
Upon hearing the ref yell three, the redheaded mare instantly let go of the vixen’s leg, while the referee turned around to tell the skunkette bell ringer to ring the bell to officially end the match.
The skunkette nodded her head and proceeded to ring the bell, just as Brunhilda was starting to get off of Luna’s prone form.
Once she was standing, Brunhilda turned around and offered Luna her hoof so that she could pull her back up. “Good match,” she told Luna, before the announcer told the audience:
“Here is your winner, by pinfall, BRUNHILDA!!!!”
Luna got up and quickly brushed herself off. Looking at Brunhilda, she said, “Thanks. I’m going to feel this in the morning.” She then cracked her back before she headed out of the ring and then walked towards the back planning to go upstairs to her locker to change.
The mare smirked upon hearing the vixen’s response. “Sounds like du’ll do alright here,” Brunhilda said to Luna, before she also headed for the ropes. She then left the ring as well, and also headed for the back, so that she could eventually go to her locker and also change.

The End

Brunhilda © 2009 Stanley L. Alston, Jr.; Luna Gold © 2009 Poinsonavp
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