What's New In Kandor
Mars 2005


Well, back again. I got a hardware hard disk failure, and that was
not any fun at all. The hard disk was not old either... So now a update,
and this time... well, only new artists: We start with the letter F, and
there we find Faeree. She haven't any own website, but you can find
her artwork on furbid. Just follow the link that is added at her section.
But Faeree's artwork have some nudity, so you will now only come
to the F section page 1 when you click on this link here: .
We continue with another new artist: G-Dog have also not any own
website, but he told me that he have also make some more horse drawings
than this that was made on a bbs paint board. And it is very good done, as you
can see... But here we have some nudity that is nearly adult contents, so
I don't think you have the age, but all others here can go to the G page and
take a look at G-dog's drawing. Yeah, we can only hope he will do some more.
And here is the link: . So then we continue with Smallhorse: I haven't
heard anything from him for a long time, so it was nice when he send me a mail.
Now his furry equine drawing is added here, and for you that also like 4 legged
horses... Well, I recomend that you go to my other animal artist section and take a
look at Smallhorse's drawings there. Well, we have a little nudity here, so as usually
you will only come to the correct page, and that is page 6 in the S section. You
can easy go there by clicking here: . So this was not all, as I haven't
add some of the new drawings from other artists here, but that will be in the next time...
Well, if the hard disk will work, I will be back. /Aradd


So the horses fools you, didn't they?
Yes it is time for a update. The reason? Well, you will see: We start with the A letter.
On page 3 you can see Ashendons new index:
Now in 2 sections, one all ages and another for adults only.
And in the adults only section, you will find
2 new drawings... here is the link to the index: (artist removed).
So then we have Gabriel Logan... well, you know that this is for adults only, didn't you?
A new Amilona drawing is always welcomed. I think her tits is getting bigger and bigger in
every new drawing... Hm... so you think it is nice? Yeah, I agree with you and you can
go to page 1 in the G section when you click on this button here:  .
So, now a new artist: I got permission from Steve Martin to add one of his drawings here.
And it was a long time since I got permission so it is really time to add Steve Martin here, isn't it?
I think you will not miss this cute unicorn and we have some nudity here, so you will only come
to page 7 in the S section when you click on this button here: .
In the next update, it will be a little information about the contents on this section.
Until then... stay tuned... /Aradd


Yes, it is very much time for a update here:
We start with the letter D, and there you find Dan Tovar.
He have made a new drawing, and lucky for you that are under
the age of 18, his section is now for both adults and non-adults...
So you, yes, you, I think you are one of the few that have follow the
rules that to not visit section if you are not in correct age... Oh, not you either?
Okey, anyway, the new drawing with Dan Tovar is for adults only, but you
can see his new section here: .
So time to go to the letter E. Ebony Tigress have done a new drawing. She pointed
out that she likes bridles... well, I can think one point of it is who is holding the reins?
Ebony Tigress section have some nudity, so you can only come to the letter E when
you click on this button here: . So then we can move on to the letter
G and there we find Gabriel Logan... He have done a new drawing with his character
Moonstar. This time is she with a dragon. What they are doing? I don't tell you but
you can take a look yourself... if you are old enough: .
Then we must go back to the letter F. There we will find Firebringer. She have done
2 b/w drawings, and they are for adults only. Firebringers section is now also for non-adults
and there you will find a new colour drawing. You can go to her section here: .
So now we have come to the letter S. There we find Shinigami Girl. She have also a new index.
And lucky for you there is a non-adults section also... You can all take a look in the colour section.
It is nice to see a character sheet so we can read some information about the characters. I hope
some more artists will take a look at this and do the same. Otherway for you that have the age for
it, don't miss the wakonda drawing, very cool horse, isn't it? Now you can go and take a look at
Shinigami Girls section here: . So now I have no more latest additions buttons left.
And I that have only start the update here... But we take a new artist instead: Jeff Phoster is playing in
The Woodlands 2 Yahoo group, and he created 3 characters for it: 2 female equines and one male.
You can see his 2 female equines here on this web page, and if you want to play, you can click on
the link on Jeff Phoster's section to go the Woodlands 2. To see his characters, well, we have some
nudity here, so you will only come to page 2 in the J section when you click on this link here: .
Well this was not all, wasn't it? But now we will wait several days until the next update... But
with horses, you never know, maybe they are already here when you least expected it... /Aradd


Yes, it seems that it is already time for a new update here.
This is a xtra update and the reason is that if I wait longer, it
will be to much for the poor humans that come to visit this place.
As we know, they can mostly often just handle one or two things at
the same time... So there is not a good day for those that are not so
old... And we start with: Canis Major that have made another cool
drawing with a furry female and a 4 legged stallion... oh, well it seems
that he is 5 legged in this drawing... and yes, Canis Major's section is
for adults only. So when you click on this button here:
you will only come to page 1 in the C section... More? Yes. Blackduckling
have made a new drawing that was for sale on furbid, and as she can not have
adult artwork on her own site, we have it here. Nice isn't it? Well, you can
go to the B section if you click on this button here: .
We shall continue with another artist that made mostly adult artwork... Gabriel Logan, well,
you wasn't suprised, wasn't you? He have made the colour version of the mare Moonstar.
Want to see it? Okey, you can go to the G section if you just click on this button here: .
On internet I found a drawing by Ultra Violet. And she gave me permission to add it here.
It is a ? on the drawing, but you can just ignore that. Ultra Violets section have some nudity, so
you can go the main page U when you click on this button here: .
And this was all for this time. Today it was no new artists, but maybe it can be that in the
next update. /Aradd


Okey, it is allready time for a new update here. The reason is
that we can not wait any longer...
So, so you feel for some hardcore? Well, okey, you can go and
take a look at Ryouma Sakamoto's new artwork. But for those
that are not 18 or more, we can take no risks so you will only
come to page 3 in the R section when you click on this link here: .
More yiff? Well, it seems that some here never get enough. Okey, we move on to Wraith Flametail.
I have also added Wraith Flametails new website, so you can also take a look there...
Well, his artwork is for adults only, and when you click here:
you will come to page 2 in the W section.
I found a old drawing made by Lunarwolf, and this was needed to add to his
section. Lunarwolf's section, is... well, you could guess that, it is for adults only.
And if you click on this button here: you will come to page 2
in the L section. Well, SnakE did a drawing on a bbs paint forum, very nice. It is of course
needed to add it here... Hm... seems that the most visitors here is smiling lucky... yes, SnakE's
section is for adults only... You is happy now, isn't you, okey, well, if you click on this
button here: you will come to page 6 in the S section...
New artist? Well, lucky for us all, Micah Fennec decided to do a furry horse drawing.
The characters is Honeytails, but as her section is for all ages, Micah Fennec's isn't.
Here we have nudity so now you can go and take a look and say hallo to Micah Fennec
here: .
It is very nice news that some artist have started to do furry equines and I hope they will
continue with it and also if you have doing a drawing that you think can be here, just
contact me. Thanx. /Aradd