What's New In Kandor
April 2005


So now it is time... Another update...
We start with sketch by Gabriel Logan, and you know it now,
don't you? Adults only, so now when you click on this button, you
will only come to page 1 in the G section: .
Okey, maybe we shall go back to letter A. I don't know if Alex means that this is
what they mean when they say, "One size, fits all", but it seems that this unicorn
is soon in great trouble. Yes, you guess right, this drawing is for adults only. You
can go to Alex Spastic's section, when you click on this button here: .
We continue with another update: Wolven Silver have done a new drawing. Now it was
needed to change Wolven Silver's section from nudity to adults only... oh, I can see that
you like that... hm... remember your age... you will only come to the W section page 2
when you click on this button here: .
So shall we continue with a new artwork from Tony Handlir? Okey. He have done a
new drawing with Eva McEquus. Now I haven't meet her, but she seems to be a
very nice person, or shall we say mare? Anyway: Tony's artwork, is for adults only.
So you will only come to page 4 in the T section when you click on this button here:
. So we have one button left. Uni Gal is one of those artists that gave
me permission to have her artwork from the beginning. It was so, that if you want to do
a site, large like this one, you need to have something to start with. So I asked some artists
for permission... Many of them, I think, was suprised when I over a year later, send them the
link to this website. Now you can go and see Uni Gal's new artwork, but it is in her
adult section, so you will only come to her index when you click on this button here: .
So, and now? Yes, we have some new artists here, and you know we have the good artists here...
We start with a artist from Japan, and his name is Mei. He is doing good artwork and we have some nudity here. I haven't Mei's mail address but he have given me permission to have his artwork here.
Now you can go and take a look in the M section page 2: .
We continue with Shimmerfox. One of her artwork is a rocking horse, very cool, isn't it?
That is what every kid's want, isn't it? Go and take a look yourself, but we have some
nudity here, so you will only come to page 4 in the S section when you click on this button here: .
Another artist, that is well know on internet, is Shane Nelson. He have done a drawing with
Eva McEquus and he give the permisson to add it here. This drawing is for all ages, so you can
take a look at it here: . If you want to take a look at Shane's other artwork and the other artists here, just go to their own websites. Well, we continue on the letter Q. There we now have a new artist. Nice isn't it? We have a little nudity here in Q t Nevermore's section. Also notice that if you look at her own website there is a furry horse with the name Sik. Sik is a herm unicorn, and you know the reasons for that I don't have any herm or male equines here, don't you? Now you can take a look at Q t Nevermore's artwork here: .
Well, now we have problems again: No more new artist buttons. So we need to use this button again: . Well when you click on it, you will come to page 1 in the L section, and there you will find Longtail. Her artwork is very good and the drawing here, is with the character Sailor Anna. This is for adults only... with this it is time to stop this update.
But don't worry, your night - mare will be here soon again... /Aradd


Friday and party, right? Okey, party time for all!
We start with Aeryn: She send a new 3D drawing with her
zebra mare, and this time she is not alone, she have a company with a tigress.
Seems that this can be dangerous for the zebra? Maybe, and if you want to
take a look, you can go here: Hm, remember that Aeryn's section
is for adults only, so you will only come to page 1 in the A section...
So, we continue with Gabriel Logan: His yahoo group is... yahoo'ed, so he have
make a new website, you can see the link to his section, and if you want to see the
new preview drawing of his zebra mare you can go to his section here: .
Of course you will only come to page 1 in the G section as Gabriel's artwork is for adults only.
So now we continue with Kemono Love. If you remember his old drawing, that was made on a
bbs paint board, this new drawing, is made of him as a regular drawing and the quality is very high... So I know many will see this, but... Hm... you there! You are not 18! So DON'T go here: .
So now we have some to the letter S. Some of you are lucky: Shinigami Girl have made one (1)
new drawing for all ages... :-) so you can check it here:
Oh, by the way: She have also made a new adult drawing, you find it in the adult colour section...
Hm... why are everyone in the adult section and not in the all ages section? Well, let us go back to
letter B: Blackduckling have made a new drawing that is for sale on furbid. You can go to her
furbid auction from her section, but you will only come to page 2 in the B section... just click
here: Notice: I got a mail from BlackUnigryphon. She told me that some of her artwork is now for sale on Furbid and FurEauction. Notice also that FurEauction is sponsered
by Techwolf, that is also sponsor of this website. BlackUnigryphon's section is updated with the
new links to her websites and auctions... So, we could just stop here, but why do that?
More to the party: Oh yes! We say welcome to Ice Man. He have done some very good artwork,
and I am sure that you don't want to miss this drawings. If you want to see other drawings made by Ice Man, I recommend that you visit his own website. He have promised that it will soon be updated with a lot of new drawings... We have some nudity here, so when you now will see Ice Man's artwork you will only come to the letter I, and just click here and you are on your way...
So, then we have also another new artist, and it is nice to have her here: Topaz Dawnrose. Well, I can tell you that my favorite drawing made by her, is that one that is the thumbnail for her section. Topaz Dawnrose's artwork is for all ages, so you can start to click on this button here: . If you want to see some more artwork by Topaz, you can check her own website and you find the link on her section... So, we have one new artist more, and this artist: Betty Short, is also in my other section. Now there is not any links from this section to the other one, as this is for both ages: under and over 18 years, but my other section is for... hm... shall we say 29 years old or...? :-) Anyway: Betty's artwork is for adults only, and she also takes commissions. I have not got any more information from Betty, but if you want a commission, just send her a mail, and ask her for more information. Now you can go to page 1 in the B section, and remember: Adults only... :-)
So, now it is a end... No it is not: There is one artist update more... :-) Ultra Violet send me 2 drawings, and now you have something to do: the drawing scan57.jpg is replaced with the new drawing: StripesandCurves.jpg and notice that the other drawing that is marked 'new'
is new: CostumePony.jpg. UltraViolet asked me if we wanted it, and of course we want it!!
Now Ultra Violet have some nudity, so you will only come to page 1 in the U section, when you click on this button here:
So now it is the end of this update. I have not the time to check how many drawings there is on this section, but when I now made a quick check it is 236 artists here. I shall check it and
in the next update I hope it will be a exacly number of how many artists and drawings it is here.../Aradd


So, really time for a update? Yes, it is. We start with the information that
the following artists mail address doesn't work:

Eoghnved Mmrkuudnen
Terrie Kitten
Sylph Studios

So, we start with the letter A, and there we find a new sketch by Agro Antirrhopus.
This sketch will you not find anywhere else, and now it is time to change Agro's section
from nudity, to Adults only, and that also means that when you now click on this button
here, , you will only come to page 1 in the A section...
We continue with Drakkor. He have done a new drawing of Shinigami Girl. Like the character?
Well, in that case you can also go to Shinigami Girl's section, but first I suggest that you take
a look at Drakkor's section, and here we have some nudity, so you will only come to page 4
in the D section when you click on this button here:
When I should start this website, it was needed to have some artists permission before I
even start to do anything. One of the artist that was, and is, very needed is Flinthoof. He
have done 164 drawings that you will find in his section, and he have now made a new
zebra drawing. Unlucky for us, Flinthoof mostly drawing roo's. Well, they are also cool, but
as we here already know: the horses rules! Yes, they do, and I know you will see Flinthoof's
new zebra drawing, but, we have some nudity here, but you will come to Flinthoof's huge index
when you click on this button here: .
Remember G-Dog? Yes, he was a new artist last update, and now he is here with a new drawing.
G-Dog's section is for adults only, so now when you click on this button you
will only come to page 1 in the G section.
Well, in the K section, you will find Kthanid. He have done over 1000 drawings, and 7 of them
is with furry equines. Kthanid's section is for adults only, so you will only come to page 3 in the
K section, when you click on this button here: .
So here we could end, but it is needed to add something more: Serena Kitty send me a new drawing by mail. And of course it is welcome here. As Serena's section is for adults only, you will only come to page 2 in the S section when you click on this button here: .
So, now it is time to stop this latest addition updates... We continue with 2 new artists:
Well, the first artist here, is not new for those that have being on internet for a while.
Bucky Boy have done over 400 drawings, and I have found 3 drawings with furry equines.
They are now added here, and if you want to see some more drawings made by
Bucky Boy, you can easy go to his websites. Well, here we have some adult contents, so
you can only come to page 3 in the B section, when you click on this button here:
So we continue with another new artists: Moonbane.
As you will see Moonbane's drawings is very good... And in the reply he send to
me he told me that he would do more horsedrawings, that is very good news, isn't it.
Now we have some nudity here, so you will only come to page 3 in the M section
when you click on this button here: .
The informations about how many artists and drawings you can find here, will
be added later as I haven't the time to check it right now. Also notice my new mail
address that is added on the main index. Later I will change the mail address on the
websites here, but it is more than 80 pages, so it will take some time to do it. /Aradd