What's New In Kandor
May 2005


It is really time for a update here, isn't it?
With over 41 000 visitors I think we can say that this site is a success.
But it should be even better if I could get in contact with the artist that I still
looking for. But lucky for us, we have some artist here already. And today,
we start with Sailor Anna. She have done 7 new drawings. And to make it easy for
you, and I mean people that is over 18 this time... I have put the new drawings in a own
section. You can go to Sailor Anna's index if you click on this button here: .
Now you shall know that Sailor Anna have update her guest archive. I haven't any information about the artist that is there, so you will not find them here. Sailor Anna haven't no information either about this artists, but if you have, remember to send me a note. One artist that is there, you can also find here, so the drawing he have done, is something for you to see. Yes, Flinthoof have done. You find them in the  equine colour section, and easy way to see it, is to click here: .
Well, back to the S section: Strider Orion have done a new artwork. This is in his adult b/w section. You will only come to Strider Orion's index when you click on this link here: .
So where shall we go now? Okey, we talk a tour to the F section again. There you find Furrtiv. She have done a new cool drawing. Furrtiv's section is for adults only, so you will only come to page 2 in the F section when you click on this button here: .
So we continue with Mei. He have done a new very good drawing, and if you guess that his section is for adults only, you guess right. So when you click here: .
Yes, we have some nudity there... Now we have no more latest addition buttons left here, but there is some more to add. So we just use this button again: .
If you are brave and click on it, you will come to page 4 in the T section. Yes, Tony Handlir have done a drawing with Eva McEqqus. It is in 2 versions. So now we can end the latest additions update...
New artists? Yeah. Lucky for us all, we have permission from new artists. It is really nice that so many artist want to be here and they are very welcome! We start with a artist from Japan: Hayate is a new artist for me, and maybe for you all here. Lucky for us, he have done several drawings, and a part of them is a story. Now it is the problem that the text is in Japanese language, so it is not so easy to understand. I got no reply on the mail I send to him and asked if he wanted to have his mail address here or not. So right now it is not added here. Hayate's section is for adults only. You can go to section H and take a look: .
So we continue with another new artist: Sentinel. I send him a mail and I got a reply that he have
forgott the site there the drawings was. Lucky for us, he gave his permission to have them here.
Sentinel's section is for all ages. You can go and take a look  directly if you click on this button here: .
Another good artist is Miysis. Now we have some nudity here... Hey not so hurry!
I can see that several of you there, is not old enough. But all others, are welcome to
take a look at Miysis drawings. You can do it if you click on this button here: .
We have also another new artist here. If we move to page 3 in the M section, we
find Moopy. So is there anyone here that likes bondage drawings? Hey, now I was
left alone here, it seems that everyone have clicked on this button here: .
So, it have not being any time to check how many drawings there is in this section. But
with this update, it is 232 artists here. Now I hope you still will continue to follow this site,
and the artist that is here. Because here the horses rules, and it is nice to see that we now
have so many artists here. / Aradd


Hm... I am not suprised that the artist can't hold their horses...
Well, that is luck for us, as it means a new update...
We start with Wolfie. He have done a new version of Leda and
the swan. Well, this is for adults only, so you will only come to page
2 in the W section, when you click on this button here: .
Ther is needed to take another look at Azaela's section: One drawing was missing and
that is now, of course, fixed. Azaela's section have some nudity, so you will only come to
page 4 in the A section, when you click on this button here: .
So, Gabriel Logan is back with new b/w preview drawing, and we want to see it...
But I think mostly visitors here, knows that Gabriel's artwork, is for adults only.
So you will only come to page 1 in the G section, when you click on this button
here: . Well, then we have Becky Short. The cool mare auction drawing
is finished. Well, sorry to say for you, this was a commission so it is already sold... But we
can have it here and that is nice. Now I decided to keep the sketches also, so we all can
see how the drawing was made. That is cool, isn't it? There is one thing I don't like and
that is to rename files. But this time it was needed to do as Becky have the same name
on the finished drawing as the sketch. So now, those that are old enough: Download
both one.jpg that is the new one, and 1.jpg that is the sketch. (Both drawings are marked
with 'new' even so just replace one of them, if you downloaded it in the last update.) For those that are old enough, can click on this button here: .
So we have one latest addition button left here... So it is best to use it: Tremaine have
started to do furry horses again. Well, the old one's I got is from mars -98. So now, after...
seven years, it is very nice to see some more. And we can hope that Tremaine doesn't stop
with this 3 new drawings. Notice now that his section, have changed from nudity, to adults only.
So when you click on this button, you will only come to page 4 in the T section: .
So we could have ended here, but lucky for us, some new artists wanted to be here: We start with
Gearlock. She do some cool artwork and if you like bondage, this is something for you... .
Well, you just got to page 1 in the G section there... We continue with Jeddibub.
She have done 3 very good drawings. I hope we can see some more from her.
We got some nudity... Okey very much nudity, so you will only come to page 1
in the J section, when you click on this button here: .
So now we continue with another new artist. This drawing is very good and it
is bad that we only have one drawing from the new artist Sabarika. The drawing was for
sale on Furbid, but I got permission to have it here. Remember if you ask for a commission
from a artist that is here, or buy artwork, remember this site, so I hope you will give permission
to the artist so we can have it here. Now I think you want to see Sabarika's drawing, but this is
nudity, so you will only come to page 1 in the S section: .
So now it is time for a new button. This site is also for tracking artist and artwork. We have
a problem that one drawing here is corrupted. If you have this drawing, made by Chris Sawyer,
send it to me, or to Chris, as he haven't it himself. Well, it should be a new rule here on internet:
If the artist want to remove or delete his or her own artwork, they must first ask their fan club.
If not over 90 % agree with it, the artist have no right to delete it... Well that is something I wanted
to see in all this copyrights... :-)
Now when you click on this button you will come to Chris Sawyer's index: /Aradd


Well, it is really time for a update here. We start with the short information
that a few drawings have being removed from the b/w misc section. Also
notice that Tony Handlir's Yahoo group is deleted by Yahoo. That have also
happens with The Woodlands 2 furry role playing group. I don't know why
Yahoo agree to have adults groups and then deleted them. Seems that
internet is ruled by nearly the same lunatics that we have in the real world.
Now we start the update with some new drawings from Black UniGryphon.
She have so many new one's so it was needed to make a new index to her.
In her section we also have a new character: Jeboah. A kind of equine/dragon
hybrid, maybe the same kind as Shinigami Girl. If you want to see Black Unigryphon's
drawings, yes, I know you will, but I bet that you take a look in the nudity section first...
You see! Unicorn's have always right and here is the link: .
Black Unigryphon told me that she should have some more new drawings in the middle of may.
Well, that is the 15, so I think we will wait to may the 16 before we ask her where the drawings is... If she not have contact me then... :-)
We now jump to Gabriel Logan. He made art trade with Strider Orion, and in the last update you could see the sketch of this drawing. Gabriel Logans artwork is for adults only. You can go to page 1 in the G section, when you click on this button here: .
And when we are talking about Strider Orion: He have done some new drawings. One of them is
a 300 hits drawing as thanx to the visitors on furaffinity.net. That is nice and as there is over 150
visitors/day here I hope we can look forward for a drawing like this one several times/week. No?
Anyway, go and take a look at Strider Orion, he also have done some drawings with Red Shetland.
You can go and take a look here: .
I got a mail from Ice Man. There is one drawing that is changed in his section: The nude Rho3C drawing with the coloured rings on, is changed to new version without the rings, Rho3. You have nudity here, so you will only come to page 1 in the I section when you click on this button here: .
Ice Man suggest that you delete the old drawing and use this instead. I agree with him. Remember Becky Short's Mare acution sketch? Well, now she have continue to draw and now you can see the new version of it. I really look forward to see when this drawing will be finished, and I know that I am not alone with the waiting.
Here is the link to page 1 in the B section: .
So now we are done with the latest additions... New artists?
Oh yeah. We are lucky that there is artist that want to be here. We start with: Dej anthro artist.
He like to draw horses and that is very good news for us, isn't it? Well, we have some nudity here
so you will only come to page 2 in the D section,
when you click on this button here: .
As you see so is Dej anthro artist from furaffinity.net and notice that if you want to see the adult drawing there, you must join the site. Yes, I know that sucks, soon we are forced to log in when we leave our home's... Lucky for you that you can see the artist horse artwork here... :-) Well, we continue with a artist that is added in this and the Erotic Animal section also. We are talking about Fugueraven. As you can guess his section is for adults only... Hey there, not so hurry! Well, you will only come to section F page 2 when you click on this button here: .
We continue with a very cool zebra drawing.
Yeah they are really cute, ain't they? We have a new artist and her name is Azalea. We can
hope that she will do some more of this artwork for us here, and you have some nudity here,
so you will only come to page 3 in section A when you click on this button here: .
So then we have a artist that have make a drawing of  Dreamesque. The artist Quaylak is of course very welcome here, and this time, we have a drawing for all ages, you can go directly and take a look at Quaylak's drawing when you click on this button here: .
If you want to see some more of Quaylak's artwork, you can just click on the link at his section and take a look at the other drawings he have done... Well, I think that we all hope that he, and the other artist here, will continue to do this kind of artwork and for me, it is nice to see that we have some more visitors/day than last month. That is nice. So we must also take one artist more. Yes, I know that it is a little to much for you humans out there, but we must welcome Ravn. A very nice artist that have a non adult drawing here. Ravn is also added in my other section, but the drawings there, is for adults only. Now you can take a look here
at Ravn's drawing: .
Now it is time to stop this update... But it is not so easy to
stop this horses, so we can see how long it will take to the next update.../Aradd