What's New In Kandor
June 2005


Just a information update: I got a mail from Kerstin Orion that 2 drawings in Strider Orions section was not made by him. The drawings was: Femstri.jpg and Kerstin.jpg. The 2 drawings was made by AmyKitty and as there is no mail address aviable on her website, it is not possible to get in contact with the artist. If you have any information about how to get in contact with her, just send me a mail. Thanx. You can see AmyKitty's website if you click here! /Aradd


;BEGIN Warning "This update is not small" ;END Warning
Good evening. So where shall we start? Well, is there anyone that remember the wanted button? Seems that no one have the corrupted drawing, made by Chris Sawyer. So one visitor that belongs to the fan club of this site, and of course the artists here, remaked the drawing. Chris Sawyer have give permission to replace it as a orginal. You can now go and download a correctly version and the name of the visitor is: (=LØn3_\\/\\/€£f=). Hm, strange name, isn't it? Well, the drawing have some nudity, so you will only come to the Chris Sawyer's index, when you click on this button here: .
So we continue with Molly Margay. She have done 19 new drawings. She also have some stuff for sale it is some misc and there is some horses also. You can go and take a look here! (Link removed) But the artwork you will find if you click on this button here: (Artist removed by personal reasons).
We continue with Civasco. He have done over 500 drawings. It is bad that lesser than 10 is furry equines. But lucky us is that he send me a new one with mail. Civaso's section is for adults only, so you will only come to page 2 in the C section when you click on this button here: .
I know something that is very popular and that is draft horses. Luck for us, Kerstion Orion started to draw a draft horse, a war mare, and more lucky that she finished the drawing... :-) But that is not the only new drawing in Kerstin Orions section. Also notice that one drawing is replaced with a higher resolution. Now you can go to page 2 in the K section when you click on this button here: .
So, another well known unicorn artist, is Alex Spastic. This time it seems that one of his unicorns have got a large work to do... Eh, well, this is for adults only, so you will only come to Alex Spastic's section when you click on this button here: .
Hm... If we just move to page 3 in the A section, we find (artist removed) there. He have done 8 new drawings. I got a mail from (artist removed) and he told me that he have started to do a comics with furry unicorns and also dragons and so... The comic is a commersial project, but I hope we can get a page here to look at. Information will be added here, when it will be aviable for sale or so. Now I think you want to see the new drawings from Ashendon, and the easy way, is just to click on this button here: (artist removed).
Yeah. A latest addition button 5! Cool, isn't it? But it is needed with another one also: Honeytail have done several new drawings: 8 new to be exacly. Her section is for all ages, and you can go directly by clicking on the brand new button here: .
But we ain't finished yet... Hayate have done 8 new pages, yes, pages, as in his section it is a comic. Hayate is from Japan and it would be cool to have the text in the pages also. That have not being aviable to do. But I hope maybe it can be fixed someway as the story is not easy to follow without the text. Now this is for adults only: . Hm... okey, okey one more: Dreamesque have done 3 new drawings. It was now needed to change her section from all ages to nudity. So you will only come to page 4 in the D section when you click on this button here: .
Hm... Seems that I must do more latest addition buttons... or? So the show is not over yet... We have some new artists here also: Ferdy Mapache  is a artist and he have no own website. That is very bad, as his drawings is very good. We can hope that he will continue with this equines. Now he also told me that this drawing is not finished. Well, it looks very good already now, so I think all here wants to see it. But there is some nudity here, so you will only come to page 1 in the F section when you click on this button here: .
So, then we have 2 new artists here: Extro & Nexus. And they have done a complete comics. It have taking 3 years to make it, and this is very good and I think that more than I think that this is very good as we both have humour and sex in it... Yes, sex so this is for adults only and you can go and take a look here: .
So now we have come to a point of information. The long awaited information about how many artist it is here. So here with this update, there is: 233 artist here (235 if you notice that the new zoorama comics is done by 2 artists) they have 2220 drawings. And it is 7 comics with 89 pages. Then there is 4 writers and in the rpg game that is added here, it is 6 players. The story section have 33 pages. The misc drawing section have 26 drawings. There is 2 question I got. One of them was when I was making this section last year. I got several questions how I was doing when I sort the drawings out and so on. Information about that will be in the next update, if around 2 weeks and notice that the drawings that is added there as examples, will be for adults only... The other question, well, I don't know how many times I got it, it is very many, is how I look in real life. Well, I have never thougth that is a important question. But it seems that it is for several people so if you click on this link here, you can see how I look in real life. Now we will not meet until the next update... /Aradd