What's New In Kandor
July 2005


So you are not looking for small updates? Well, lucky you as the
artists here, never sleep and they have now done some more artwork for you.
We start with (artist removed) and his section have now being changed. A new
section was created: Dragondarke, and that is the name of his new portfolio
that will be official in november. More information about that, will be added here
later. Now you can go to Ashendon's index if you just click here: (artist removed).
Also notice that the drawing: (artist removed)_Random is in 2 versions. This one is
in the higher resolution. Also: The drawings facomic1 & 2 belongs not to
Dragondarke anylonger as the story is changed.
Dreamaria have also done some new artwork and now you need to notice that
the drawing: dreamaria.jpg is 2, so it was needed to rename one of them.
As the new one was in colour, I renamed it to dreamariaC.jpg.
You can go to Dreamaria's section, but it is some nudity there so
you will only come to index D page 4 when you click on this button here:
So we continue with a new drawing from Chris Sawyer. This time it is a drawing in colour
and I know many like it, I am sure that you also do it, but now wait a second. You there,
you are not old enough to see it... Feel the tickling in your neck? Yes, that is my horn, so
remember; I am watching you... Well you others can click on this button here:
So this time we shall continue with some new artists here, yes there is more than one new artist.
We start with: Jessica M Sanders. She have done 4 very good artwork, all in colours, and you
can go directly to see them if you just click on this button here:
Very nice. Now we have to proceed to another artist: Dark Ahroun. He have done 9 drawings
and now we have some nudity here so you will only come to index D page 1 when you
click on this button here:
Well then we have another new artist and now we have come to the adult contents here.
Unicornsrkool have done 5 drawings and 4 of them is for adults only... Yes I am still watching you
there, so don't try to sneak in here! Well, you other can go to index U and take a look,
and the easy way, is to just click on the button here:
Now there is time for some information for those that wants some:
Last year, when I was starting this section, is was not official online for around 10 weeks.
Meantime I send nearly 300 mails and mostly artist give permission to have their artwork here.
Unlucky 61 artist have not send any reply, and they are added in a own section
(Link Removed)
It was also 3 or 4 artist that don't wanted to be here as they didn't like
the graphic layout on this website. Well, the most important is:
The Drawings, and that the site is easy to navigate.
This website have 6047 files in 1167 maps, and it is using 223 mb in server space.
So it is not so small...
Lucky for us, we now have 238 artist and 53 000 visitors that seems to
agree that the drawings is more important than the layout.
If I could got a dollar for each site I have visited with nice graphic,
but not much in it, I could have bough Microsoft today, and pay it cash.
BUT, it is time for a layout change as this layout you see,
is only temporary and if the site shall continue, it is needed
to change the layout here. If you want to see the new layout
you can check the index Z and the artists there. Just click
here , and take a look. Hope you like it. And slow internet users
don't need to be worried: I will never make any heavy graphic websites,
as I know there is many that have a slow connection still today. /Aradd


Hot summer? Well, the horses here, are much hotter and lucky for you,
it is time for a update. Well, this update... yeah you guess right: is not small.
We start with Blackduckling. She have done some new drawings, some
of them should have being added here earlier, but it was not so easy to get
them. Now they are here and it is 5 new drawings. Blackducklings
section is for adults only so you will only come to page 2 in the
B section when you click on this button here:
If we continue to letter C, we can find the artist Cirrel there. It was a long
time since he did a furry equine but know he have done one and I am sure
that you here want to see it, but it is one problem for some of you... Yes,
Cirrel's section is for adults only, so you will only come to page 2 in the
C section when you click on this button here:
Well, we continue with Kerstin Orion, well I know that many now will
be disapointed as her section with this new drawing, make it needed to change
her section from nudity to adults only...
Hey, not SO hurry, because there is one artist more there...
Kemono Love have done 2 new drawings, and his section have some nudity...
Okey, I know you are in hurry so just click here
and you will
come to page 2 in the K section.
We continue to the M section. There we find Mei.
He have done a new drawing and I think all here agree with the text on it... Hehehe... Well, Mei's section have some nudity so you will only come to
page 2 in the M section, when you click on this button here:
So, this was not all, we have only started...
Strider Orion have also done several new artwork. It was needed to change is section.
But as usually here, all new drawings for this update is marked with the 'new' icon.
You can go directly to Strider Orion's section here:
I know the mostly here is sorry that only the adults section is updated there...
Hm... We shall now go to the T section. There we find The Burning Donut.
He have done a new drawing, but if you have download drawings from him before,
it is needed for you to check the drawing; ponymaid. The old name was ponymaid.GIF,
but my computer told me that it was a jpg drawing. So now the name is changed to ponymaid.jpg.
I will send a mail to The Burning Donut about this. Now his section is for all ages, yes that is a luck, so you that are not 18 can see something here. You can go directly to The Burning Donut's section if you just click on this button:
So now we have also some other, important information. Yes, you know that all information here
is important, don't you? So, the artist Moonbane, AKA Ernst G Schmid, have now change his artist name from Moonbane to Windhund. So remember to rename your map on your harddisk!
Windhund have done a new drawing, in 2 versions. Windhund's section have some nudity, so
you will only come to the W section page 1, when you click on this button here:
Hm, yes we are alredy out of latest additions buttons, but there is something more new here:
Stanley Alston have write the part 2 of the Interviewing Eva McEqqus. You can read the
story here:
So now we have some to a request. We have something new in the misc section, and
the artist for this serie, that is for adults only... Hey, wait a second, I am not finished yet!
Well, the serie is not complete, I know that many want's to see it complete, but
the poster that fixed it to internet, didn't have all drawings, and as usually, he didn't
remember the artist name. So know I hope you can go and take a look at the
serie, and if you have any information, or is the artist, remember to contact me.
Here is the link: .
So this was all for this time! /Aradd


Well, this update is with no drawings. Instead I have offered some time to
put togheter a list of artist that have not send any reply. That is bad as
we don't know if they want to be here or not. Of course their names will
be removed. That will be in the reconstruction update in october.
Now if you take a look at this list and if you see any artist you have
contact with, I hope you can mentioned that we here, are looking for
him, or her. Of course, not all artists want to be here, that we have to accept.
Now take a look at this list, and if you can give some help, it is welcomed as
things like this takes to much time. To solve that, the erotic drawings section will
closing in the 20th september. This section will still be online.  /Aradd


Yes, this update could have being done a little earlier, but there is some human's here and
you know, they are tiny and fragile, so we can not expect to much of them. Now I hope they have
rested from the last update, and this will not be a so large update. We start with (artist removed).
He have done 13 new drawings and I know you want to see them. Some of them is from his
comics that will have the name: Dragondarke. I shall ask Ashendon if we can get a
character sheet of him, that would be cool, wouldn't it? You can click here if you
want to see the new drawings they are all in a new section: (artist removed).
So, you can do cool things with a few colour also. G-Dog have done a new drawing, and
this is 2 mare's and one stallion that seems to have fun... Well, it is for adults only, so you
can go and take a look at page 1 in the G section here:
So we continue with Hayate. Well, his section is a mess and in the next update it will be needed
to clean it up. The reason is that the comics pages and the stand alone drawings,
are in the same section.
So it should not be and that will be fixed in the next update.
The new one's is marked with 'new' of course.
You can take a look here, but that is only if you are old enough:
Well, if we now trot's over to the B section we will find a new drawing from Becky Shorts.
She is one of the artists that take's commissions here and if you contact any of the artists here,
I hope you remember to give permission to have the artwork here, if the contents is something that
can fit here. Well, Becky's section is for adults only and I think you like asses, don't you?
Nice isn't it? Well, that is not all. Shinigami Girl have done a commission and she
gave permission to have it here.
Lucky for us, isn't it? This is 3 drawings in one page and that is cool.
Well, all 3 situations is adults contents...
Hm... why I always have a feeling that I am alone here in this
What's new section when I write that?
Hey you, come back here, you are not 18, but you other can go and check this:
Yes, there is a new one in the b/w adult section also... Oh, so you already have seeing that.
Well it seems that sometimes even human's can be quick... Now it is time to continue to another artist: Dej anthro artist have done 3 new drawings. His section have nudity so as usual, you will only come to the index page. 
If you click here:
. You will come to page 2 in the D section. We can hope that Dej will do some more artwork... So we could end this update here, but lucky for us all... Yes, we have new artists here.
Mercae Killar send me a mail and told me that she have found her name here.
That was good news that she found us and now her mail address is working and she have
give permission to have her artwork here. She have done 5 drawings, and we have some nudity here, so with this button you will come to page 2 in the M section:
Go and say hallo to her, but don't tell her that I send you, we don't want to scary the artists here... or?
Well, we have now also a new artist with adult contents. It seems that a crocodile have found out that he can do something more fun with a zebra lady than to eat her. Well, we welcome StudPup also known as SmuttPuppies. You can go and take a look at page 8 in the S section if you
click on this button here:
So with this it is time to end this update and now there is 2246 drawings and 235 artists.
I will end this update with the information that it can happen  that the erotic drawing section you
also find here, will be taken down. The reason is that it is not possible to have the time
for everything, but there is also other reasons that the erotic artist
section maybe will be closed. In that case it doesn't matter for this section,
it will still be here. /Aradd