What's New In Kandor
October 2005


One drawing removed from the misc colour nudity section: Das Boob.jpg
Request is sended to the artist. /Aradd

(Part 2 of the yesterday update)

Okey, we make a extra update here: I just thought I was finished with this update when I got a mail from White Wolf. So I decided to make a extra update as the next update will take nearly a week from now. White Wolf's section have nudity and bondage so I expect that you don't want to see it... Hey, where is everyone? So, you have already clicked on this button?: .
Well, you will only come to page 1 in the W section, then you are on your own... / Aradd


There is time for another update... And a notice to the new visitors here:
The info that it is 238 artists and 2292 drawings in the artist section, is not correctly.
It is more but it will not be corrected until all sections are reconstructed.
Now we continue with the update and in the section P we can find 2 new artists:
PickleJuice is well know for his transformation sequences. I have not yet decided if I shall put the complete sequences here but if so, the artists that have made this kind of sequences will have a mail from me. PickleJuice have made many drawings and you can see more if you visit his own website... Well, on the same side in the P section we also have a new artist: Pipkin. Well, Pipkin have only do one drawing, you will get it in both b/w and colour and the drawing is Dreamaria. There is only hope that she will do some more drawings, as we hope that all artists will do. Now I suggest you take a teleporter tour by just click here: . You will come to side 2 in the P section... Good luck...
Well, we continue with a travel to the C section. I got a reply from Cattoon. I have send him mail 2 times earlier, but it have not worked. This time it was lucky that it do it, so we now have a short comics serie that he have done. We can hope that he will do some more, don't we? Well, this is for adults only, so you will only come to page 1 in the C section when you click here: .
So, time to go to section H. There we will find Hellfire. In her section, there is some drawings that is not for you, yes, I can see that you are not old enough... But for you others, you can just click here: and you will go to page 1 in the H section.
I just got a mail from Marc Leonhardt. He is one of the several artists a am searching for so it was nice that he found this website... He have given permission to have his furry equine drawing here, and it is a zebra, well here we have nudity and bondage, so you will only come to page 1 in the M section when you click here:
We must take a bedtime story, before we go to sleep... Eh, well this is not for children...
Stanley Alston is back with a new story, and of course you find it in the library.
This story is for adults only, so you will only come to Stanley Alston's index when you click on this link here:
Now this was the end of this update. The reconstruction work will continue... Hm... I hade a hope that it should have being enough with around 50 hours of work for this, but that is already passed.... /Aradd


So another day, another nightmare? No? Well, this time you have right because in this update, we only have cute mare's...
But before we go, some information: I got a mail from Frobiaz that the drawing 1116291184936.jpg in the misc sections adult colour was made by Malachi.
That is correct and also now notice that the correct name of the drawing is : 142004.jpg,
so I recommend that you rename the drawing to that. So it is as I download it from a forum and the bad points with the forums today, is that often the file name is not correct, and also there is no information added by the uploader about the artists name...
So now to the update here, and as the usually latest updates, it will be only new artist added as the site is still under reconstruction. We start with...
Arania is a artist that also make transformation series. I got permission from her and we have some nudity here, so this link here: will only take you to page 4 in the A section.
We continue with the artist Freha. I got a hint about Freha from the artist Tawnya, and Freha have now given permission to have her furry horse artwork here. Freha's section is for all ages, so if you just click here: you will be right on your way.
(Artist removed 2012-04-09)
So was that all? No, it wasn't.
If you take a tour to the section K, we have some kind of bondage artwork: Yes, the artist Kkatman is now here. It is a little bad that he only have done one furry equine drawing, but as we know, mostly of the artist only make a few horse artwork and I think vixen's is the mostly artwork... Well, now you can go and take a look at Kkatman's drawing, and you will only come to page 5 in the K section when you click on this button here:
So, now there is needed to rush over to the section O.
There we find a artist that is new, and it seems that the reason for this sketch was that OggyWolf was bored on his work. Well, we can only hope that OggyWolfs boss stands on our side, and give him more boring work... hehehe... Well, the sketch is for all ages, so just click here:
and you will be on your way...
So I just got a mail from a artist that I am searching for, and it is nice when the artists find this site.
The artist ZBB have done some fan art to Sailor Anna but he have also done some more artwork. Now there is so that ZBB's section is for adults only... so that mean's that mostly of the visitors here, is not old enough... you are? Well, that was something new, but I will only give you a link to page 1 in the section Z, and here it is: .
Well, many new artist, isn't it? Well, we take a last one:
Midori have done a very good horse drawing, and there is some nudity here... Well, it seems that we are out of new artist button, so we just using this one: It will take you to the page 3 in the M section. Now I hope you have enjoyed this update, and remember to give some feedback to the artists, because without the artist no Kandor.../Aradd