What's New In Kandor
December 2005


Now we have soon come to the end of this year. So here come the last update for this year.
It should have being a little larger, but there is some artists that have not send any reply, so I decided to not update some of them. That is very bad as the site takes so much time. Only the mail sendings takes around 100 hours/year...
We start with:
Ek Goya: Well it was a long time since he did a equine, so it was nice to see this new one. And I am sure that you also want to see it, but there is a little problem: Ek Goya's section, is for adults only, so you must remember your age here and when you click on this button here:
you will only come to section E page 1.
Canis Major is a popular artist, lucky for you he have now done some more new drawings.
Canis Major's section is for adults only, so, yes, remembe your age, I know you there, you are not old enough, and you others, well if you click on this button: you will come to page 1 in the C section. So, we continue with:
Scott Alston's newest drawing, it is the coloured version of Eva punching and as Scott Alston's section have being reconstructed, you can go right ahead if you click on
this button here:
So, we continue this tour for the people that is not so old: ShinigamiGirl have done 3 new drawings and they are added in the B/W section for all ages. It is easy for you to take a look just click here:
So you want to go to page 5 in the D section. Okey, there you will find Dreamaria. She have done 12 new drawings so now it was needed to sort them out a little. Well, her section is still for adults only so you will only come, yes, to page 5 in the D section:
So, now there is time for another update:
The rpg The House of fear have being updated with a new chapter. The contents is only for adults, so when you now click here: you will only come to the index page for the rpg.
So, shall we be in the library? Okey, I think many want to stay there as we have a new writer here in Kandor's library: Avanti Halfhorse. I think many already know him, and the story Adolphus tails is in 15 chapters. The story have not come to the end yet, and Avanti Halfhorse told me that he should send me a short description about the main characters. That is a good point as it is more fun to read when you can think how they would look like. The best thing is a drawing or so, but that is often not aviable. You can take a look if you click on this button here: .
Well, now there is need to take a close look at the other new artists here:
We start with PenDragon. He have done several drawings and I am sure that you want to see them. Now there is so that PenDragon's section have some nudity, so you will only come to page 1 in the P section when you click on this button here: .
So, we have another artist that have done a drawing: NuclearNinja have done a drawing to Dreamaria's character. That was a good choice of him. Now the drawing is for adults only, so when you click on this button here: and you will come to page 2 in the N section.
So, time to travell to the section L. There we find Lord Foxhole. Well, when I contacted him, it took a long time for him to remember the drawing... Well, this must be his best drawing as it is a furry unicorn, so I am sure when you have seeing it, you will remember it. Lord Foxhole's section is for all ages, so you will go right ahead, when you click on this button here: .
So now we have come to the last new artist in this update: Sabretoothed Ermine have done a donkey and the name of the drawing is giftwrapped. Well that is a present that I would to open, wouldn't you? Well, I saw it first, now it is the lucky day for some of you as she still have something on her, so that means that this is for all ages.
If you click on this button here: you will be on your way.
Now this was the end of this update and soon it is the end of this year.
With 291 artists, 2664 drawings, 8 comics with 103 pages and the writers here I think we can call this site a success. But even as Kandor is a large country, it should never be so that any artist just shall feel that they only are "one of many". All artist and writers here is important so we shall just keep a eye on them. Now I wish you all a happy new year, and the only promise I will give you, well that is a secret until sometime in january. /Aradd


So the time is running fast, isn't it? Well it is time to speed up with a update here.
I read a comment that I really liked: Tremaine got a comment that he didn't drawn to much unicorn's, so he did that. I am sure you want to see her, but Tremaine's section, is for adults only, so you will only come to page 5 in the T section when you click on this link here:
Strider Orion have done a drawing with Kerstin, and it is in his adult coloured section.
I know you want to see it so, you can click on this link here: , but if you guess that you only will come to Strider's index, you guess right.
I think we shall stay in the S section for a while longer. Got a mail from Stanley Alston and he told me that his brother, Scott Alston, have done a new drawing. Scott Alston's section is for adults only, so you can just come to page 2 in the S section when you click on this button here: .
So in the M section, we can find the artist Mei. Well, he have done 5 new drawings and it was also needed to change his section. The new drawings are all in the adult section... Seems that the visitors here, have always very hurry  when I mention that it is for adults only. Now this button here: takes you to Mei's index only.
So we continue with Kendra. She have coloured one of the sketches that she did earlier and also added a drawing with Dreamaria. Here we have some nudity so you will only come to section K page 3 when you click on this button here: .
So in the N section, we find NichT. Well, it was a long time since he did any equine drawings, well at least any females, but now we can add 2. I think many of you remember that NachT's section is for adults only, so you will only come to page 1 in the N section when you click on this button here: .
Well, I think I fooled you a little this time... Yes, we have a new artist: Magallanic Fox.
Nice, isn't it? Well, Magallanic Fox have some nudity in his section, so when you click on this button here: .
So now we have come to something completely different.
The artist and visitors that have followed me for a longer time, maybe remember the old fan archive that was in the now closed erotic drawing section.
As a part of the reconstruction work here in Kandor now the fan archive have returned but now it is renamed to The Dungeon. The artists that have made some drawings that is in this very adult section, have got a mail from me, so they already is scared to death. Now if you want to enter this part of the castle, you need to be at least 21 years or older, also notice that even then, you will be in more than knee-deep trouble. The button here, will only take you to the castle: .
So now I wish you a nice travelling here... /Aradd


Well, maybe I should do something different today as it is my birthday. But we all know it, don't we?: The show must go on!
So, one thing I think is cool, is as it seems that not only the female equine's rules here. Also the female artists do it. We start with ShinigamiGirl and she have done 12 new drawings. I maybe shall point out that in the drawing transformation it isn't me that is the black unicorn. But for those that want to see, you can read the information at the end of this update. Now I think you want to see ShinigamiGirl's new drawings, and if you just click here: you will be on your way...
It was a long time since Cirrel made a new furry equine drawing, so it is now nice to see that he have done 2. Cirrel's section is for adults only, so you will only come to page 2 in the C section when you click on this link here: .
Hm... We continue in the B section. There we find Blackduckling. She have done a drawing with a zebra. So you also like zebra's? Yeah, they are cool. Now Blackduckling's section is for adults only so you will only come to her index, if you just click here: .
So, Chris Sawyer is back with 5 new drawings. All is for adults only. So I know you are in hurry to see them. So if you click here: you will come directly to Chris Sawyer's index...
So then we have Gabriel Logan. If you have take a look at his section earlier, I know you have... Hehehe... Well, as you could see one Amilona drawing was missing: 007. I have sent him a mail about it, but he send a reply that the drawing wasn't so good. Well, know we have it here anyway and as you can see, the drawing is very good. So as I think, it is better that the artists give their fans a chance to see the drawings as many artist is to critical against themself. Criticism is good but only in the correct way. So here you can go to Gabriel Logan's section right away: , also notice that the misc colour section is updated.
So now we take a tour to Foxxfire: He have done 2 new drawings: One was for sale on Furbid, I don't know if it is still there. Both this drawings is for adults only, but you can easy go to Foxxfire's section if you click on this button here: . So then we shall go and take a look at Melissa O'Brien's section. It is nice to see that she have done something new for the fans of furry equine's. Melissa O'Brien's section have some nudity and that is the reason that this button here: only takes you to the M section page 2.
So that could have being all, but it is scary time's here in Kandor...
The roleplaying group that is in the House of Fear III have add some more to the story. This is for adults only and the new part is added in a own section, so if you have already read the other part of it, you can easy now read some more. Now you can just click on this button here: then you are on your own, don't blame me.
So, a short information: In the next update that will be in next week, there will be some more scary things... The Dungeon will be opened for the visitors that is at least 21 years or more. Some of you, maybe remember it as the Fan archive from the now closed erotic drawing section. Other here maybe have not seeing it before. Well, the contents is drawings that some artists have done for me and with me, and then I think you can guess that this is the reason that 18 years old is not enough... /Aradd