What's New in Kandor!
February 2006

So, this is your lucky  day as there is already time for another update here. And the reasons is several, one of them, is that it was not possible to add more artists and updates last time as I know you humans can not handle so many thing at the same time... But now there is time for some more artists here, and we start with Sushi Pooch. Well, it seems that zebra's is very popular here, and well, they are very cute, ain't they, so if you want to see a nude one, you can go to page 10 in the S section. The easy way to see it is just to click on this button here: .
Well, it should be new artist number 5 as this is a kind of extra update... So then we have another artist: Blue Hawke. Well, he have done a drawing and this unicorn, well, I can just say that it seems that she can defense herself. You can go and take a look right here: .
Nice, isn't it? Well, then there is a need to travel to page 1 in the R section. We have some nudity here, so I think you will continue yourself, if you are old enough... Here is the button: ... Yes, we have no more buttons so there is need to use them again.... :-)
Well, we can stop here, but why, as I just got a mail from Ebon Epona. Very nice and her artwork is for all ages, so I think you will see it right away? Okey, here is the button: .
Don't push it to hard!
So, now when you have take a look at the R and E section, you can see that they have all being cleaned out: All requests for artist is removed. Well, there is some reasons for it, one is that they are all in The Castle and the other is that with this update, Kandor have reach the goal: 300 artists. Another reason is that it should be faster and easier to browse.  Notice that this time the number of drawings in not correct it will be changed in the next update. Later it will be needed for some link changes here, and when that will be, there is so that Kandor is needed to close the gates and all visitors must leave. How long it will be closed, I am not sure, but it will take some time and more information about this will be, added in the next update. Next update will be in the end of this month.
Of course new artists here is still welcome! But I will not send any request as this also save some time for me, and maybe sometimes I have hope that the site should have being a little more spread over the internet. So it have not being and that have cost me a lot of time. Now with the goal here, the site, from when I started to do it in the spring 2004 and now in february it have taking around 600 hours of work, that including the around 100 hours for just mail sendings. But I hope you have enjoy your stay here in Kandor, and it is very kindly that the artists have give the permission for the drawings as the rules here is simply: Artists that not want to be here, should not be here.
So it is, and now enjoy your stay! /Aradd


Before we start there is only one thing I need to know... Do you have your seat belt on? Okey, now; full throttle:
We start with Windhund. He sent me a mail and thought that I should like the new nightmare drawings and he have right... But there is a question we all have, where is nightmare 3? Well, I think you can give some help with sending him a mail and ask what he have hide her. A few hundred mail will help him to remember, now also notice that with this update, Windhound's section is changed from nudity to adults only, and you can use this button here:
So there is much to take a look here, Blackduckling have made some new drawings and also change some drawings that is now in higher resolution. The only problem is that some of them have not the same name. You can get some information in her section and all new and changed drawings, are marked with the icon. I think you are in hurry to see them so just click on this button here to come to her new section... Nice isn't it...
So there is another replacement I am sure that you want to have... Foxxfire have released a higher resolution of his latest furry equine drawing. This is for adults only and you can go to Foxxfire's section, if you just click here: .
So, now there is a need to travel to page 5 in the S section. There we have 2 artists that have done new artwork: ShinigamiGirl and Shimmerfox. ShinigamiGirl have done 2 new B/W artwork, on in all ages, and the other, well, that drawing is for adults only... Shimmerfox have made a very good colouring work, so I think you want to see the new artwork from these artists and the easy way to see it, is just to click here: .
So you want to stay in the S section? Okey, lucky for you there is another update there: Space Cat have made a drawing that is not so new, but maybe you have not see it before. It is a very good artwork, but as you know, the artists here is those that rocks, so I know that you will not be disapointed, so just click here: and you will come to page8, because there is some nudity in Space Cat's section...
So, someone says that Diamond's are for ever... Well, maybe, but there is other diamonds that are much more cute: Kadath's zebra mare; Diamond is now in more drawings and as Kadath's section is for adults only, yo will only come to page1 in the K section... Kadath tried to not mention the ocscrewedmeover2bykadath but the sketch is very good... So now just click here: and you will be on your way...
We shall take another look at Diamond, and the reason is that Kyrin have done a drawing with Diamond. Kyrin's section is now changed in 2: one all ages and another for adults only. Unlucky for many of you, only the adult section is updated, and you can check it here:
So now I there is no more latest addition buttons left, but we need to continue anyway:
Ice Man have done 3 new drawings, and I  think you remember that his section is for adults only.
Now I know you want to see them, and you will come to the section I if you just click here: . So now there is need to go to the P section. There we find PenDragon. He have done a new drawing, and it seems that it should be a cover for a comics, if so, I think I am not the only one that look forward to see it... Now you can click here to see PenDragon's new drawing...
So, now there is very nice to say welcome to some new artists here. We start with Venus In The Furs that you now will find in the V section... Well, she have done some drawings with nudity here, and it also seems that there is the zebra's that rules today, but that is cool. Now I suggest that you take a look at Venus In The Furs artwork and to do that, just click here:
So, then we have another artist: Nexus. Well, if you don't know who he is, I can just tell you that he is one of the creators of the comic: Zoorama. He is in 2 sections as one of his drawings is a wallpaper, yes, I have it myself in one of my computers. I also release a new quick button: Travel to the Wallpaper Store. Now you can go to take a look of one of the drawings by Nexus. Just click here and you will come to page2 in the N section. Yes, Nexus section is for adults only...
So now we shall go to the S section again. That is the largest section here in Kandor, and now it will be even larger. Shiyosha is a artist that have a own drawing style. I think I am not the only one that likes it, and she have also doing a comic. Well, if you should by a new TV, I suggest that you don't install it this way. Now you can go and take a look at Shiyosha's section, and yes, of course there is need to ask what the comic 1 is... Here is the button:

So now we have come to the last artist, well that can be a lie, can't it?
Jennifer Uprichard did a drawing of one of her Furcadia characters. Very nice as it is a furry horse. Now you can go and take a look at it and this drawing is for all ages so when you click on this button here: .
So this was not all, but we must stop here. Notice that it can take some time before the last part of the Welcome to your nightmare will be added at the main page. The reason is that the time is not on my side... /Aradd