What's New in Kandor
April 2006

Already time for a update? Okey, this will not be a small one. One of the reasons for it is the animation you can read above... Rest of the information you will find in the end of this update.
We must start with Sudonym. If you have a drawing with the name Pegasus.jpg and S-Pegasus.jpg you should check them as they are the same, but the jpg quality is better in the Pegasus.jpg drawing.  Now the drawing Stormdragon is added. It is not new, but it was missing in the archive. Better late than ever.... :-) Style Wager have done a new Rhianna drawing. I am sure that you want to see it. But both Style Wager's and Sudonym's sections is for adults only, so you will only come to page 7 in the S section if you just click on this button here: 
So, then we shall continue with (artist removed). In his section there is added 22 new drawings. I am sure that you want to see them and I hope (artist removed) will do a drawing in colour in the future...
Here is the button to Ashendon's new index: (artist removed).
Orena send me a drawing and I also already have one new from him so 1+1 is 2, isn't it?
Well, now it was needed to change Orena's section from All Ages to Adults only. That means that visitors like you there, is not old enough. The rest of you, can go to the O section and take a look, easy way to do it, is that you just click on this button here: .
So then there is more good news: Kadath is working on a comic. You can see a preview of it here, and also a new drawing is added in the All Ages section. Now you can go to Kadath's index if you just click on this button here:
So, Dana King sent me a new drawing. Very good and I know that you want to see it. Now there is so, oh, you could guess it? Very good! Yes, Dana King's section is for adults only. So now you will only come to page 1 in the D section when you click on this button here: .
I think that we now take a tour to the J section. There we will find Joseph. He have done a new sketch and Joseph's section, yeah I know you know, is for adults only. You will come to page 3 in the D section. Just click on this button here: .
So then we shall continue with a new drawing made by Becky Short. When you look at it, remember that this is not so far from our reality, as if someone is a little different, it is easy to not be accepted. At the same page, we have a new drawing from Blackduckling. It is added in her colour adult section. You can take a look at both Blackduckling and Becky Short's section if you just click on this button here:
Well, this could have being the end of this update, but it is not. It is always very nice to welcome new artists here and this time it is 3 new artist and we start with:
Kamilya. She have done 5 drawings and I hope that she will done some more, well, I know that we all want that... But now there is time to take a look... Kamilya's section have some nudity, so you will only come to page 1 in the K section, when you click on this button here:
So the next artist is very well known... Kyle Hutchings have done a zebra drawing for some year ago. It is good and the bad is that it doesn't seem to do some more of this kind of equine artwork. But I think we all here will wish her and Kyle Hutchings a very nice stay here in Kandor. This drawing is for all ages, so you will come directly to Kyle Hutchings section when you click on this button here:
The next artist... Well, I have not so much information about her, she prefer to call herself Miss Beast. Her drawing was in the misc adult section, but one artist contacted me and told me that it was made by a friend of her. I then got permission and the artist wanted to call herself Miss Beast. She also gave permisson for other adult drawings, but this one is the only one I have. Now I think many of you want to see it? Okey, help yourself and if you click on the button, you will be in the M section, page 2:
So, now at last, we have come to the end of this update. For those that want some information about Kandor, can read it here below. /Aradd

People that have being here for a while, maybe remember that I have mentioned that it is soon time to close the gates to Kandor. One of the reconstruction of Kandor is already done, as all artist that I am looking for, is removed and added in a own section in The Castle.
It is not possible to say when Kandor will return, the reason is that I can not tell how long time of work I still have to do, also there is other thing that is needed to calculate with: I need sometimes answers from artist and that can take a while, the fastest reply I got, was 2 hours and the slowest took 2 months. So it is. If you have added this link:
to your favorites, and I hope you have, it will not work anymore from the 11th of may.
Even when the site return, this link will not be used!!
All information will be added at the main gate here: