What's New in Kandor
September 2006
Well, I could ask you if you is ready for this, and I am sure that you should said yes...
But that should not be correct...
A bigger update here in Kandor was promised, and as usually, unicorns always keep the promises... But that is only possible thanx to the fantastic artists that is here.
Remember to give feedback to the artists...
Now there is time to start this update, but first there is time to take a tour to The Maze...
Well there, I think I will lock the gate, and throw away the key... hehehehe...
Well, I can let you out, if you can give some information about who have done the drawings in there...  32 drawings is added in The Maze, go here right now, so I can throw away the key...

So, now there is time for the artist update... Yeah, I already know: You think that you are ready... Okey, here we go and we start with the letter B. There we can find one new drawing made by Black UniGryphon. You can go direct to see the drawing the last unicorn...
It was a long time since Darkwolfe was update... He have also uploaded some old artwork and also made some new ones. I am sure that you will like them all, but there I see a problem... You there, you are not old enough. You other can go here: Yeah, the update there is 10 drawings... Then we shall go to Dreamaria. She have done three drawings for you all and another 3 for some of you... You can guess, yeah... Go to Dreamaria's section just click on this button here: .
So I think everyone remember Ek Goya. Have you seeing his comic? No? Okey, here we have some little nudity so I think mostly of you can take that, but can you take the humour?
So after the comic I think we shall go to  Haunted Beanie. He now expand from one drawing to seven, good isn't it? Well, we still have some nudity so you will only come to page 1 in the H section when you click here: .
Good news for you all, is that Kadath are back with two new drawings. They are both for adults only, so you will only come to his section when you click on this button here:
Nice, isn't it? Well, we must travel on here...  But we will still be in the K section:
Kemono Love have done four new drawings. Also Kendra is back with 3 new drawings. That is nice, isn't it? There is nearly a reason to change Kendra's section from nudity to adult, but okey for this time... Hm... Then we have some adults only... Kerocat is back. Remember him? Well, now you  will do, he now advance from one drawing to 8, yes that means seven new drawings. Now to see Kemono Love's, Kendra's and Kerocat's new artwork, just click on this button here:
Kerstin Orion is also back... It was some time since last time... Kerstin have done three new drawings, but remember your age... Adults only:
So now we continue to the section M. There we find Magallanic Fox. He have done two new drawings, they are Kadath's character Diamond. Magallanic Fox's section is for adults only...
Hm.. Why is everyone in so much hurry when I said it is for adults only...?
Well, here is the button:
Still in M? Okey, I think we shall take a close look in Mercae Killar's section. She have done 4 new drawings. And Mercae Killar's section is for adults only.
So here is the button to page 2:
In page 1 in the N section, we find three updated artists: Nelena Dis'kai, Nexus and Nuclear Ninja. Nelena have not done anything new, bad news I know, but this drawing was missed so it is now online for you to see. Then Nexus have done one drawing, and Nuclear Ninja have done 2. This button will take you to page 1 in the N section:
Time to go to section O. There we find Orena, don't miss this new drawing, as from my point of view, this is Orena's best drawing... eh, so far... :-) Orena's section is for adults only, so you will only come to page 1 in the O section when you click on this button here: .
Pendragon is back with new drawings. Three new drawings is good news... Pendragon's section have some nudity, so you can go to page 1 in the P section with this button here: .
So time to go the S section...  Sailor Anna have done 8 new drawings and her section have being changed. You can go to Sailor Anna's new index, if you just click on this button here:
So we shall be here in the S section...
Scott Allston have done a new drawing with Eva McEquus. Well, I know that it shall be a colour version later, but now you can see it here in b/w and this is for all ages:
So then we shall take a look at ShinigamiGirl's section. She have done one drawing for you all, and... another for you that have the correct age: The button will take you to ShinigamiGirl's index...
Strider Orion have done 10 new drawings, both for all ages and you that are old enough... It was needed to do a new index also for Strider Orion, so you can go and take a look here, but remember: You are on your own: .
The we also have a new drawing by Sudonym that I have found. I added it here, and do you like zebra's? You do? And are you old enough? Hm... Was that not a lie? Anyway, here is the button to page 7 in the S section:
Then we shall take a look at the section T. T-Mike-T have done 2 new drawings. His section is for all ages, so this button will take you direct to TMike-T's drawings:
So now we shall go to the Library. Stanley Alston have done two new stories. Both are for adults only, so you will only come to Stanley Alston's story index page 2, when you click on this button here:
Now there is time to add some other information. For the first time in eight years, I decided to remove one artist here. I have sent some information to artists, but I have not sent to the artist with name start on the letter between S - Z. The mail, that later some of it, will be aviable for all visitors here, was sent as information about Kandor. Some artist have sent drawing back, but the mail was mostly as information about the restart of Kandor. I got a reply from Chip'n'Death:

Dont e-mail me again.. btw Fuck You!

Nice reply, isn't it? Well, that he don't want more mails is okey, but the rest? Well, I am sure that I am not the only one that things that behavior like this, is not what we want to have here in Kandor, or nowhere else either. So Chip'n'Death section is removed, and as you can guess, I have not send any mail to him about that.... Otherway with that attitude, I don't think it matters for him anyway...
I have also updated the info about how many drawings and artists there is here in Kandor. As this is not FurAffinity or something like this, I know that you like exacly what you see here. So I hope the 307 artists with 2889 drawings can keep you busy for a while... /Aradd