What's New in Kandor
November 2006

Yes, it is time for another update, and as you already know: The artist and their horses here, they really rules!! Well, as usually the will not disapoint you and this update is not small. There is nice to tell you all fans here that I now have got in contact with Purple Griffin. His mail address is now changed to a working one. Also he sent a new drawing to me, but before you will travel to his section there is, maybe, a need of information about the bjob drawing: It is added twice as bjob.gif seems to be scanned in lineart. Lineart just choose either black or white, nothing between that. The bjob2.jpg drawing is scanned in grey scale, but unlucky in lesser resolution. That is the reason that there is 2 drawings that is the same in Purple Griffin's section. His section is for adult only, so you will only come to page 2 in the P section when you click on the button here:
Yosshi have done 4 new drawings and this time, they are all for all ages. I know you want to see them so just click here and you will be on your way.
We shall take a tour to the M section. On page 3 we find both Morgan and Moro. Morgan have done one new sketch and Moro have 3 new drawings. Decided to change Moro's section from nudity to adults only. It will, of course, never be needed to register and login here in Kandor. If humans ignore the warnings, that is their own problems, not unicorns. So now I suggest that you, if you are old enough, click on the button here and check Morgan and Moro's new drawings: . Well, then it is needed to look at page 2 in the M section. There you will find that both Mei and Micah Fennec have done new drawings. Mei have done 2 new drawings and Micah Fennec have done 6 new drawings. And do you know what? They are all only for adults, so you there, yes I can see you, better that you go back and look at Cartoon Network instead. You other can go to page 2 in the M section just click here:
Well, shall we go to section C? Okey. there we will find Canis Major. It was now needed to make some changes in his section: A new index is made and you can go and take a look at the 5 new drawings, both for all ages and adults only. Go and take a look here:
Well, it is not time to leave the C section yet... Chris Sawyer have done a new drawing. It is for all ages, so you can just go direct to take a look at it, just click here:
Time to take a fast run to the section K. There we have some updates also... Kadath have done 5 new drawings, 3 is for adults only and 2 is for all ages. Then we have Kendra. She have done 3 new drawings. There we also find Kerocat that sent me a new drawing. Kerocat's section is for adults only. Well, Kendra's section have some nudity, so the button will take you to page 1 in the K section, then you can easy travel on and visit Kadath, Kendra and Kerocat. Here is the button: eehh, well, we are out of buttons, and you know what we do? Yes, we start over again:
So, shall we look at the H section? Okey, there we find Haunted Beanie. He have done something new; a comic page. Well, this is page 1, but I think I am not the only one that wants to see page 2 and so on. Haunted Beanie's section have some nudity so you will only come to page 1 in the H section if use the button here:
So, take a walk? Okey, the we can go to the D section. On page 3 you will find Dreamaria and Dreamsque. Dreamaria have done 3 new drawings and 1 are for you that is old enough... the other 2 is for all ages. Then it have also being so that Dreamsque's section have being changed from nudity to adults only. And if you take a look, you will understand. Yes, some have fun, others have only work, now I suggest that you take a tour to the D section page 3, just click here:
So time for some more for you that is not so old... Stanley Alston sent me a mail and as you maybe remember, he is not doing drawings, but his brother Scott Alston do it. Scott have now done the coloured version of  Eva ringside and you can go direct to see it. Just click here:
So the we now will go to Lunarwolf's section. He is hiding in the L section, of course, and he is on page 2. Lunarwolf's section is for adults only. He have one new drawing and also found a old one. But that doesn't matter to us, do it? It is new for us, and that is what we count here. Now you better use this button here: and you will be on your way.
Back to S? Okey, but I will do it just for you. There we find a well known artist: Space Cat. She have done 9 new drawings. Space Cat's section have some nudity so the button will only take you to side 6 in the S section... Here is the button: .
And now we have used the last latest addition button again...
Start over again? Okey, then we shall go to the A section. There we find Alex Spastic. Well, you know him, don't you? Well, his section is not small but it is always nice to see some new drawings. Alex Spastic have done 3 new drawing in the b/w adult section. Hehehe, I like the tailpull drawing, it is fun, isn't it? Hm, maybe I shall pull the dragons tail? Well, guess it is no time for that, but it is time for you to go and check this, just click here:
We shall stay here in the A section for a while: Ayelet Ripley have done one new drawing. Nice to see as it was a long time since her section was updated. Ayelet Ripley's section have some nudity so the button will only take you to page 3 in the A section. Here is the button:
So then I think we shall take a tour and see what Ultra Violet have done. A new b/w drawing. Her section is for adults only. For those of you that are old enough... Well I am sure that you will like her new drawing and here is the button:
If we take a tour to the F section, we find Firebringer there. She have done 4 new drawings: 3 in the b/w section, for all ages and one in the colour adults section. You remember your age? Right? Okey, here is the button: Then we shall go to the W section.
Windhund have done one new drawing, but it is in 2 versions. The also don't have the same filename at all. Now it is so that Windhunds section is for, yes you guess right, adults only. So this button here: will only take you to page 1 in the W section.
So in the N section you will find NachT. He have done 2 new b/w drawings and his section is also for adults only... The button will take you to page 1 in the N section and here it is:
We must quick go to the S section: Slygoat have done some new artwork, they should have being in the other update, but I remember it to late. I am sure you will see Slygoat's new drawings so don't miss them... Now there is so that Slygoat's section have some nudity so this button here: will only take you to page 5 in the S section...
So now we have come to the end of this update. Remember to give your favorite artist some feedback... And your favorite unicorn? Well, it is not needed to give any feedback to me... Better that you give it to the artist, it is nice to see that Kandor now have passed 129 000 visitors.../Aradd