What's New in Kandor
January - Mars 2007


So Furronika is back. He have done many new sketches and I have now got the permission to add them to the Forgotten Empire. For Kandor, only one drawing will be added, also one for Kondor and the rest, that is many, will be soon in a update in Ellgar. Now as you can guess, Furronika's artwork is for adults only so when you click on the button, you will only come to page 2 in the F section.  I want you also to notice that Furronika is male, not female, as some people think... /Aradd


So,time for another update. Kyian have done a new armour. Well, today it can be a good suggstion to be protected. Now you can see the new armour here: . /Aradd


So, time again.... I got a new drawing from Nono. This time her mare have a Warhammer armour to wear. Nice, isn't it? Well, there is also some nudity in Nono's section, so you will only come to page 2 in the N section when you click on this button here: .
Then we need to add a little information; Chris Sawyer decided to change his name to Buck Sawyer. Here in The Empire, we call him Chris (Buck) Sawyer, but in other sites he will use the name Buck Sawyer. The reason is that since a long time there is problem that he is not the only one with the name Chris Sawyer, there is also other that is well known with that name and Chris is tired that people can not separate him with the other Chris Sawyer.../Aradd


Time to add another character to The Tavern. We can see Bridget Abdulmajid... Well, I am nearly sure that mostly of you, don't know her with her real name, but if I say Diamond, the zebra lady that is created by Kadath, I think mostly of you, know who she is. Now you can see her character info here, but as it is nudity here, you will only come to The Tavern side 1 when you use this button here: .
Then I have also added a old feature to Kandor, for those that have following my travelling here maybe remember that this feature was also added in mars 2003. If you click on the ChangeDetection button at the top, you can get mail when this What New in Kandor is updated.
The same feature will be added to Kondor and Ellgar also. But remember that as I have understanding, this button only monitoring this what new page, so if you want to have information about the other two lands you need to add your mail address there also. In Ellgar and Kondor the buttons will not be added until later. /Aradd


Yes it is time again... The artist Kyian is back with a drawing, both in b/w and colour. This is for all ages and also now notice that Kyian's index have being changed. That is needed when the artist pass several drawing and there is need to resort them a little. Now you can go to Kyian's index if you just click on this link here:
Then we have another update... If you go to The Tavern, you can meet some of the characters and also read some background information about them. Now the beta versions are replaced and I hope we can have many characters in The Tavern. Notice that there it will be sorted by the characters names, not the creators. You can go and take a look here: .
So it is always nice to say welcome to a new artist: Huthro have done several horse drawings and are also working on a comic. I hope he can keep us updated with information. Now there is so that Huthro have no scanner when the drawings was made so he have used a digital camera. I hope this can be replaced in the future with scanned versions. Huthro's section have some nudity so you will only come to page 2 in the H section when you click on this link here:
It is very nice to see that Kandor soon have reached 150000 visitors. I really hope that you all like to be here in Kandor and there is no risk that it will be needed to register and sign in here. As that is not the unicorn way to do things... /Aradd


So, already february. Well, the time is running fast, but not faster than the mare's here... Now Kyian is back with a new drawing in colour. This is also in the nudity section, so you can go and take a look at it here: . Then Kyian have give some help to Nono with the drawing Schocked. Nono have also done another drawing, Aurora draws. Notice that this Aurora is Nono's character and it is not the same as Aurora Ali'Una. Now you can go to page 2 in the N section and take a look:


So, now it is time to add a new artist: Nono. She have only made 2 drawings, but have promised to do some more... And we will remember her to keep her promise, don't we? Well, Nono's section have some nudity, so you will only come to page 2 in the N section, when you click on this button here:


So, it seems that Kyian is back again, now with a drawing that I know many of you want to see. And with this drawing, his colour section is changed from all ages, to nudity. That means that some of you, yes that's you, will be at legal age to see it. Now if you just click on the button, you will come to Kyian's index, and from there you can go the rest of your way... alone... Here is the button:
Now all links here is checked so everything here should work, or? Well, there is one thing no software can check: if a link is working, but, it will not take you to the correct place. If you click on a link and come to a not correct place, you can give some help to report it. Just use the forum or send me a mail about it. Bugs is not allowed here in Kandor, they can stay on other sites, but here we don't want them. /Aradd


Kyian have sent the low resolution version of elvenmare drawing. Now this is changed to the high resolution version and as there is no file size limitation here in Kandor I will that those that have slow connections think that it will take a short time to download the new version as it is over 3 mb in filesize. Here is the button: /Aradd


I got a new drawing from Kyian. The drawing, elvenmare, is in his colour section. Want to see it? Yeah, I am sure about that, and as this is for all ages, you will be right there when you click on this button here:   /Aradd


So new year and... new artists? Well, this artist is not new, I think many remember him: TOR. It is really time to add his furry equine drawings here in Kandor and I am sure that you all want to see them... as the rest of the drawings here... So, this time TOR's section is for all ages so you can just click here: and you will be there faster than lightning. Then I have added the very short story that was added in the start of  Kandor. The name was not official as I only call it Furry Female Equine Website as it was a beta version... The story that was added when this was started 27th of september 2004 is now added in The Castle. The name of the update was Amused to Death after a Roger Waters (from Pink Floyd) album. You can read it here, if you want. /Aradd