What's New in Kandor
April - June 2008


Well, I got a mail from Stanley Alston... Well I think mostly remember him. Stanley write stories and his brother Scott, made the artwork. They are both good so their work togheter is very nice. Now Stanley have made a new story, it is a fighting story, but it is for all travellers so you can go direct to it by using this button here: Well, then we have Scott Alston. He have made 4 drawings and they are both in colour and b/w. This is for all ages so, but you will only come to Scott's index, when you use this button here: /Aradd


Well, the update should be next week, but I got a mail from Kyian, so I decided that we make a extra update with his two new drawings. Well, both have nudity, you know what that means? No, not register and login, that is not the way here, but you will only come to Kyian's index when you use this button here:
Also fixed a error for the
Orangina movie is fixed. It is now okey to download.
Later this summer I hope we can get a bigger update here in Kandor. /Aradd


It was needed to add some new drawings and we start with Purple Griffin. He have done several new drawings, but notice that those that are under... well, 18 should not see this. You other can use the button and go to page P side 2:
Notice that the drawing: purplegriffin_000_0021.jpg is a replacement of: pregers_unicorn.jpg. The reason is higher resolution.
Then one drawing was missing in Lord Foxhole's section. This is now added, and yes you guess right: Adults only, so this button will only take you to page 2 in the L section: /Aradd


So it is really time for a update. It is much to do, isn't it? I got a mail from Morgan and he have done a sketch and this is for all ages, so you will be right there when you use this button: .
Then we shall go and take a look in Lunarwolf's section, well not you there, you are not old enough, but Lunarwolf  have now coloured two old drawings... Yes, he think he can fools us, but that is not possible. The original artworks is from 2003, but the coloured version is new, I am sure you want to see them. On the same page, we have another artist: Lord Foxhole. This artwork is from 2006... Eh, what to say, better late than ever, I shall contact Lord Foxhole to check this with him, well, his section, is for adults only:
Tanialassie is a artist that do colouring and changes to other artist that have give permission for that. Vagabundo did a coloured version of this artwork and Tanialassie have made, eh, a lesser change, so that is the reason that it can fit here in Kandor. Well, Furronika's section is for adults only so you will only come to page 2 when you use this button here:
Then we have come to the last artist in this update. Chris Sawyer is a very well known artist and horses is he expert to do. It was needed to make a new index to Chris Sawyer as the update in his section is not small: 28 new drawings and 2 comics with toghether 8 pages. Some is for all of you, other, well you have to wait to you are 18 or more... Here is the button:
For those that like to travel in Kondor, should check the forum for information. Later it will be a bigger update here in Kandor, I also hope that it will be possible to add new artists here. /Aradd


We have being offline for a few hours. I got problems with to upload the menu file. And then it was needed for me to visit my horse. Well, now I am back and I think we also must add the first pages of Canis Majors new comic. This for all ages and just use the the button here and take a look. Yes, I agree that it is to few comics with equine's... /Aradd


Yes, back with a new update. We are lucky that it is only one Bernal, otherway it should not have being any free artwork for us to see... Now we shall take a closer look at Canis Major. He did a artwork exchange with Lightstep and she made a drawing also. Nice to see and I send them a notice that it was really time to update their sections. Canis Major's section have being changed to four sub sections and  18 drawings is added. Well unlucky for some of you Canis Major's all ages section is not update, but the others is... Here is the button:
Then of course we should move fast to Lightstep's section. She have not being updated for three and a half year. But better late than ever. Five new drawings is now added to her section. I am sure you want to see them, but we have some nudity there, so the button will only take you to page 2 in the L section:
Remember now: Fans yelling! Money talks! So remember to support the artists and the unicorns...
I am soon back with another update.../Aradd


It was some artwork made by Chris Goodwin, remember him? Yeah. I got a reply that it was okey to add them also in his section. Remember your age? I can see that some of you is not old enough, but the rest can use this button here: As usually they are marked with the 'new' icon.
So, as right now Kandor is not involved in the later Run Like Hell update, but I shall take a look and see if it is possible to make some more updates here in Kandor. /Aradd


Hm... The update is delayed as I have hoped that I should get a reply from one artist that reuploaded some artwork, but one of them have not the correct filename. The name here in Kandor is correct anyway. Now we can not wait anylonger so we start with three drawings made by Chris Goodwin. They are added in his section, but before you go there, a little notice about the drawing 2288345451_b43e6abab0_o.jpg. There is filesize limitations here in The Forgotten Empire so this jpg file is over seven mb.  But 117671834023 is Chris best so far, isn't it? Now Chris Goodwin's section is for adults only so you will only come to page 2 in the C section when you use this button here:
Then Alex have done a new drawing. Seems now that he event need to colour his own artwork anylonger as other do it. So the new drawing is in original b/w but then thanx to Antar Dragon it is also in colour. Well, colour or not, this drawing is for adults only, so this button will only take you to Alex Spastic's Main Index: /Aradd


Time for another update. It should also be a update in Kondor and Ellgar, but that will be tomorrow. Now we shall take a look at a 'old' artist: Horse Maestro. Well, in his section 27 new drawing is added and also his section is resorted, from 3 sub directorys to 5. Horse Maestro mentioned that he will do a break from new drawings, but I will also include him in the Kondor update, that will be online tomorrow. Meantime you can go and take a look here:
Then we shall continue with two new artists. Well, no one of them is new but they are new here in Kandor and we all wish them welcome. I think the name Extro don't tell many of you so much, but if I tell you that he is one of the two artist behind the Zoorama comic, I think mostly of you know what he can do. Now, this time it is for all ages as Extro's adult artwork will be added in Ellgar in the next update. So here is the button, this time for everyone, yes, your lucky day:
Then we have also another new artist: Mayra Boyle. I must addmit that I nearly missed her gothmare drawing, but when I saw it, it was really time to add her here. Now we have some nudity here, so the button will only take you to page one in the M section:
That was all for today.../Aradd


So, now we have come to the first update in april. First it is needed for you all, that is old enough, to rename one drawing. The drawing 1184302455.jpg to morning_molly.jpg. You can go to Alex's section here to see it, and it is of course in his Molly section... ... Yes, it have being even more fun if it was possible to add something new from Alex, but unlucky he have not done anything new that can fit here in Kandor. But Mira have done someting new and it is added in his section. Also his thumbnail is changed to a coloured one. Well, Mira's section is still for you older ones so just speed up your wheel chairs and use this button here: /Aradd