What's New in Kandor
October - December 2008


I got a mail from Shadarack Tailroam that he have found his name on the missing artist section. For 6 years ago, he did a sketch to Sailor Anna and now it is added to his section here. This time, it is for all ages, so the button here, will take you directly to Shadarack Tailroam's section: Of course he is now removed from the missing list in The Castle. I also wish all travellers here in Kandor a nice Xmas. /Aradd


I got a mail from Stanley Alston, well, I don't think i need to introduce him as for those as I think mostly of you over 270 000 travellers already know him... Now he have done a story with Germania and Lady Liberty. Well, I have already pointed out that it should be nice if Scott could do a matching artwork for it, but meantime you can read the story here... It is some light adult situations in it, but I think you here can handle it. Here is the button:
As usually information will be posted in the forum. /Aradd


So time again. Now a new artist: Alsem sent me a mail and as you can see, the artwork looks very good. Alsem have done some more artwork, but this is the only one with a mare in it. Now there is some nudity here so you will only come to page 1 in the A section, and here is the button:
Well, then it is also time to say welcome to a new writer, well, he isn't so new. For those that have read the very adult rpg from Woodlands 2 already know him. He call himself Hooves and mostly of his stories is gay. Also it is always someone that will be castrated in the story, well I think that ones is that is the looser. Now, the stories here in Kandor have of course some straight action and it is included mare's otherwise it should not be here, as you know. Well this is as you already understand, for adults only, here is the button to Hooves index: /Aradd


Time for a new artist. If I say
Kate Trewin i think there is many of you that don't know her, but if i say Wombie, also known as Callisto, I think there is many of you that knows her. Kate have some nudity in her section and you know what that means, don't you? No, not that you should click on the button so hard so you need to buy a new mouse to your computer, no, that means that you will only come to the K section page 1, then you are on your own, but I now that travellers here in The Forgotten Empire can handle this without any annoying login and register. You have handled this for many years now, and that is good. Here is the button, and remember, don't push the mouse button to hard now: /Aradd


I got a mail from Stanley Alston. He and his brother, Scott, is back with a new interview part 3 and a character information about Germania. It later will be time to add some more characters there. If you are one of the artists, and have made a equine character, remember to add some information and contact me. We start with the button to the Tavern: The for those that want to have some answers about Eva McEqqus, you should use this button here: Then the new artwork from Scott is added in a own sub section. This time it is for all ages, and that means you can use this direct button to see the 18 new drawings:
Then it is some changes in The Maze. The artwork horseflesh1.jpg is removed from BW Nudity, you can find it in Nduli's section. In colour section the drawing:
1190202987.jpg have the original name: sarcy_badonkadonkdonks.jpg. Sarcy is one artist that is not in Kandor.
In Colour Adult section the the drawing pny.jpg is removed. The drawing is made by a artist that call himself ee. /Aradd


I got a mail from Kyian, a well known artist here in Kandor. This time it is a sketch that contains nudity, and you know the rules, don't you? Well, the button here, will only take you to Kyian's index and then you are on your own:
Then we have a new artist here in Kandor, for those that visit Ellgar, she is not new any longer. Boleynna have doing some other anthro horses and as she give permission to have them here in Kandor it is nice to welcome them here. Boleynna's section have nudity so the button here, will only take you to page 2 in the B section:
I have not started to work with the special update for Kandor yet. The reason is that I must resort a part of my own artwork collection before I proceed with the work here. For those that want to following the work and other comments, can do that in the forum. Notice that it is of course not needed to register and sign in to add a comment there. So far, with over 700 posts there, people have following the rules very good. It is very nice to see that it is possible to have a forum that people can handle without any problem. /Aradd


I noticed a comment about the forums added by one artist and I decided to send a notice. I also added a request to add the artist here in Kandor. I think many of you already know Scappo. His horse character is very cute and as we have some nudity here, you will only come to page 2 in the S section, if you use the button here:
I have noticed that it is around 200 travellers/day here, or night... hehehe... Well, that is nice to see as Kandor have not being updated often now in 2008.
I have decided that it is time to make a special update here for Kandor, and the update will be in two parts. First part will be a update with the artist that already is here, the second part, will be new artists, if we can find any that wants to be here. /Aradd