What's New in Kandor
April - June 2010

Well, I think we add a small update today, and then we shall fix another, bigger update soon, but remember to add a notice in the forum if you got problems with the server as I think it sometimes is slow... or?
Well, before next update I will add some small updates for the Pixiv.net artists. We start with artist 129208. He did a serie with two drawings that is now added in his section, well, there is some nudity so the button will only take you to 129208's index: . Notice that 129208's artwork is also avaible as zip file...
The artist
338289 have done a new drawing and artist 338289's section have some nudity so you all here, will only come to page 2 in the P section when you use this button here:
Hm... I noticed that the artist ForseN did a drawing with Nexus zebra character Tina... Well, if Nexus not doing enough artwork with her... Isn't it a good idéa that others is doing it instead? Guess that you also thought that, so the button here will take you to page one in the F section as ForseN's drawing have some nudity... And of course we all hope that ForseN will enjoy his stay here in Kandor, don't we?
The next update will not be small but first I must know that the server works okey... /Aradd


Holy shit! It was a bug in Chris Sawyer's section. Well, we can not allow that, can we? No, so the not corrected drawing is now add and also a new drawing is added. For the easy way, they are both marked as 'new'. This update is for all ages, lucky you. Here is the button and notice that I added this as latest additions four... A notice about this, have being sent to Chris Sawyer./Aradd


Hm... sometimes things is not going as we want, but as we say; shit happens... This update is not as big as it should be, so that means another update will be done as soon as possible... The Pixiv artists update is missing this time.
But we shall start this update with a bigger update in Canis Major's section. He have now come to the amount av drawings that will do as all traveller's will have it also avaible as a zip file. Remember that this takes a lot of bandwith and transfer rate, so if the server is overloaded, it is not possible to use this feature.
Well, the button here, will take you to Canis Major's index:
Then we shall go to Huthro's section. He have, as it seems, purchased a scanner. Well, that is nice... Isn't it so that we all want to be richer than a artist, or was it a king? Well, poor unicorns don't know, but the replaced drawing is in Huthro's adult section, so this button will only take you to Huthr's index:
Well, then we have a new drawing with Tina... It is nice that Nexus have done another new drawing with this sexy zebra. Well, usually Tina is only in the Zoorama comic's series but not this time. Well, I think some of you remember that Nexus section is for adults only, so this button will take you only to page one in the N section:
Now we shall go and say welcome to a new artist. She is not from Pixiv.net but she is in the P section. Her name is Priam Wolf and she have done a drawing with a mare. Her name Karisma. I am sure that you want to see this and the button will take you direct to page four in the P section:
So this is all for tonight. I know that the horses here is hotter than the summer weather, so I think I am not the only one here that needs a cold beer.../Aradd


Yes, it is the end of may and I got a mail from Stanley Alston. This time, the story is part 2 of the The Naughty Secretary – The Porn Film story. Well, that means that mostly traveller's here, can not read it, or...? Well, for those that is old enough, can use this button here:
Then we shall take a closer look at Horse Maestro's section. The update was not small so a changing of the main index was needed. Of course all new drawings are marked with the 'new' icon and some of this for adults only, and you know what that means? Don't you? Yeah, I don't care about your ages, that is your problem, not mine. Here is the button to Horse Maestro's main index, and then you will be at your own:
It was not time for a pixiv artist update. They will in the nearest day reach 11 000 000 drawings... A update with pixiv.net artist will be added next time. /Aradd


So, I got a mail frm Stanley Alston, and you know what that mean, don't you? Yes, a new story, another chapter of the green room storie serie. And this is for all traveller's... So the button here, will take you direct to it:
Then we shall continue with two other updates and we start with Huthro, that have done a new drawing. But he need to fix a new scanner so I hope he will rescan this artwork later... Well, this is not for all of you, if you are old enough, the button will take you to Huthro's index, then you will be for yourself:
Remember Pixiv.net? Well, I hope so as we shall add artist and updates from it. We start with a update for Pixiv member 129208. Yes, it is a little boring when it is not even possible to read the artists name, but so it is when it in Japanese language. However this is for all travellers, so here is the button:
We shall be att Pixiv.net and for those that have visit the forum, alread know that Pixiv.net make all other sites look like a joke. Pixiv.net have just passed 10 755 500 drawings, they add over 20 000 drawings/day. Last check it was around 26 000 drawings/day. It is not easy to follow a website with this kind of size, but I shall try. Now it is time for some Pixiv.net artist and they are added at the end in the P section. The reason is that this is not all artist that is needed to add, so it will take some time before everything will be corrected. Now you can use the button here and go to page 3 in the P section: and then you can go on to page 4:
Some maybe have noticed that the number of artist and artwork is not changed in the main index. That will be fixed later, but not in next update, it will take some time before I will recheck my archive... /Aradd


Time is running, isn't it? Well, for those that passed the forum knows that I am working with the index for The Darkside of Kondor. It is needed to do that, even as the work never seems to ending... Now we shall start this update with a error. Errors is not allowed in The Forgotten Empire and I noticed that the drawing Wood.jpg in Huthro's section is not done by him. But he have done the colouring. It have not being possible to get in contact with the original artist so the drawing is removed... Well, don't worry. Huthro's section is updated with two new drawings instead. Well, it is his adult section that is updated and you know what that means, don't you? Yes, the button will only take you to Huthro's index and here is the button:
Sugarcup have done five new drawings. All is in her nudity section and all is in colour... Can it be better No, I don't think so... But you will only come to Sugarcup's index with this button here:
Remember Doug Winger? Yes, I think you do that. He mostly make herm drawings and that is not what we have here in Kandor, well, not if they are all alone... But a update is needed to be done, really time for it, I think you agree with that. Now Doug Winger... Well, let me put it the way that is was not worth to do a non adult section so I think no one of you are suprised when you now only will come to his index. Here is the button:

Now for a suprise from Todd Dharken: A drawing for all visitors. Yes, you read it right. Well, also the zip file is update if there is anyone here that have missed Todd Dharken's artwork you can just download all artwork in one zipfile. But now, this time, you will come direct to Todd Dharken's new drawing, here is the button:
Then we shall travel to Purple Griffin's section. His section is for adult traveller's only... Well, of course, on internet is everybody at least 18, isn't it so? Well, that is your problem, isn't it your parents looking over your shoulder? No? Okey, just use this button to page 3 in the P section, then you need to continue on your own:
So, want some new artists? Well, stupid question, of coure you want. We shall start with a old artist on internet. She is well known for her furry equine's, so when I now say hello to Brushfire, I think many of you already know her. Lucky for some of you, she have done some artwork for the young travellers here... Stupid me, it was no one here under 18? Wasn't it? Well, the button here will take you to Brushfire's new index, we say very welcome to her and here is the button to her section: Also noticed that a wallpaper made by Brushfire is added in the wallpaper section. You also find a quick travell button at her section...
Well, can you handle one more artist? Sure you can! We shall also welcome Wonkymoon and before you start yelling, she have also another username before... No, I will not tell you that, but I have added both her username as information so you can read yourself, as the button will only take you to page 2 in the W section... Yes, you know the reason... Some of Wonkymoon's artwork is for you there, yes you, that are at least 18 and here is the button:
So, the update is now done and I hope both traveller's and artist will enjoy the stay here in Kandor... Remember to report to me if you find any errors. Thanx!/Aradd


Well, it is already time for another update. We shall start with a new story from Stanley L. Alston Jr. Well, this story is not for you all. But for those that is old enough, can use the button to go and read about Mrs. Pony...
Well then it is time to go to Zebu Rider. He have done some new drawings,  mostly is added in Ellgar, but we have some new here for you also.  Zebu Rider's section have some nudity, well otherway, who have seeing horses with clothes...? But we shall do this the american way, so the button will only go to page 1 in the z section: Then we shall continue with another artist that promised some new drawings with Tina. Don't remember her? Well, I think mostly of you will if I mention that she is the star in the Zoorama comics by Nexus and Extro. Yes, now I can see that you all is in hurry to run to Nexus section, but his section is for adults only so this button will only take you to page one in the N section. Here is the button:
Robert Huth, well you know him by Huthro, have released a old drawing and I think many of you want to see it... Well, unlucky the mare don't have any clothes and you know what that means, don't you? Well, the button here will take you to Huthro's index and then you are at your own:
Then we shall continue with  some new artists. This is the two missing artists from Pixiv.net that is now added in this update. It was not possible to add them in the earlier update as it is needed to link the sections here also with the sections in Ellgar and Kondor. We start with the Pixiv member 129208 that have artwork for all of you... Lucky you! Then we have Pixiv member 1045733. Well we have nudity here so the button here, will only take you to the P section, page 2:
I shall end this update just with the information that the number of artist and artwork is not corrected yet. The reason is that I have hope to get a reply from some artist, one of them is Heather Bruton, but unlucky I have not get any reply yet so some artists here have not being updated as it was meant to be. /Aradd


We shall start this update with some filename changes. The coloured version of Furronika's vrnka231A_F_fur is made by Zebu Rider and that is also added in the drawing. The filename have being changed to vrnka231A_F_fur_Colour_by_Zebu_Rider. I recommend that travellers here change the filename as it is already to much drawing floating around with wrong filenames... Here is a button to Furronika's section, but you need to go the last step yourself  as Furronika's section is for adult visitors only:
But that is not all: It is time for some changes in Huthro's section as some filenames have being changed. The old filenames is added with yellow colour. Also two new drawings is added. Here is the link to Huthro's section:
Then we shall take a look at a new comic Chris Sawyer have started. Well, with 'we' I mean those of you that is 18 and more. Chris Sawyer got a new comic index, but he have also done a new sketch that is in the nudity section, so here is the button to his main index:
Then it is time for some bigger update: Thodd Dharken is a well known anthro horse artist. He is doing mostly adult artwork... hey, can you read this information to the end before you use the button? ...well, I shouldn't mentioned the adult artwork... so, this update is 73 drawings. So now Todd Dharken have 132 drawings in his archive. Do it the FurAffinity way, download one by one meantime you can feel announced retirement age approaching... No, don't think so. Zipfiles will be added for artist that have a lot of artwork in their sections. This is a better way as it is better to use the time to look at the artist work, than the complete day goes to download it. Now, go and take a look at Todd Dharken's new index:
We shall continue to the S section. There we will find Sailor Anna. She have done 12 new drawings, several of them is in the coloured adult section and I think many recognize the donkey, Molly. She is created by Alex Spactic. Sailor Anna have 134 drawings in her section, and it is up to you if you want to do it the slow or fast way as a zip file is also added in Sailor Anna's section. Here is the button:
Then we shall continue in the S section. We shall go to Sugarcup's section. She have done 4 new drawings that is added in the all visitors section. That means that you can use the button here direct to her section... Lucky you:
The urge to do websites with user-unfriendly interfaces is not only for us here. Pixiv.net is, what I have understand, one of Japan's biggest artwork sites. I got the information that it is several thousands of artwork added each day. But as usually today, you need to register and login to see the adult artwork. Also as everything is in Japan language, it is not possible to understand what the name of the artists is. Also it is so that all artwork only have a number and it is annoying with all forums that change the original filenames. Today, only one artist will be added as the rest will be added in the next update and also linked togheter with Ellgar and Kondor. This artist, that got the acount number 338111 have only one drawing, but as it is nudity, you will only come to page 1 in the P section: . This was not all, but all for this time... /Aradd