What's New in Kandor


So, back again... It seems that some travellers was missing some of the old artwork that is added here in The Forgotten Empire. It was nice to see the work some did to add torrent files with the website and so. But I think the site is to big to download that way. The problem maybe is that some of you are like me: I only download and save things I like. So many of you here maybe don't like the contents in Ellgar or Kondor, but the taste is different. I stop collecting complete artist artwork for some years ago. Now I only download what I like to see from the different artist. It is no use to save artwork that you never look at, anyway. So, now something is added here: The maze is updated. It is annoying as I know that I should know correct artist for some of the drawings, but it seems that my artwork collection is to big. I have tried with some software to check for duplicates, but it seems it can not find anymore. Well, the site shall start to use the RTA system: Restrictid To Adults. That is a better way than the usually register and login system. That kind of idéa is only to protect the webmasters from annoying parents. Well, The Maze have the new system and I think no one of you here will notice it... Or are you not old enough?
Here is the link to The Maze: