What's New
August 2005


Some days it seems that the work will never end, but finally a update...
It is 8 year since Dark Ahroun Friesian's section was updated and I got a strong feeling that is was really time for a update. Also a index is added, now you can use this button here, to take a look, I am sure that you will like what you see:
Well, then we shall go to the section E, there we find ECMajor, unlucky one of the artist that is not doing so much artwork that can be added here in Kandor anylonger, but ECMajor did a drawing that is also in a coloured version, well this is nudity and the button will only take you to ECMajor's main index:
More naked horses? Okey, lets go to Freckles section. He have done some new drawings and also his adult section is updated, you can use this button to go to his main index and then you will be on your own:
Then there is not so long travelling to Huthro. Well, Huthro did a comissioned drawing for Ellgar, well it not added there yet as it will take some time before next update will be done there, but he also included a free gift artwork and the drawing is Excaliber, you will find it in the nudity b/w section. Of course also some other drawing is added and the button will take you to Huthro's main index:
Then we have a complicated update. I Ate Your Kit Kat have done several drawings, but she have redone her old drawings and that is a very good choice, as now they are even better. 27 drawings is replaced with new versions and also some new drawings are added. The button will take you to I Ate Your Kit Kat's main index, but remember that only the adult sections is updated:
Insane Demon Freak have done a new drawing that is added in her adult section, the button here will take you direct to it as I am sure you want to see it:
Remember Mirapony? I hope she got some money for the very good calendar she did in mars, have you missed it, take a look as it is added in a own section. This time she have some other artwork done and the button will take you to Mirapony's main index:
Nono have done a few new drawings, both for all of you, and also some for you that is not here with your parents. The button will take you to Nono's main index:
Sailor Anna have a large archive but this time, only 2 drawings is added. They are for adults only and the button will take you right on the spot, remember that...
Then we end this update with a well known artist: Scappo. I missed that he have done some new drawing that could fit here as he not post so much on FurAffinity anylonger, he prefer to use his other sites for his artwork. The links to them, have also being added and Scappo's section have being changed from nudity to adults only. Now here is the button, you know with the red text on:
Well, the updates for the artist could have continued but I have no more latest addition buttons so for this time, we stop here. If the server will work, a new update will be done.
Also notice that some drawings is removed from The Maze and that is thanx to Argon. Information about that work, is always added in The Forum./Aradd


So, there is time for some changes in the maze. Several sections is updated and that also including some movies. Notice that the character Anailaigh is added and I think she is well known by those that like this kind of artwork. She don't remember who the original artist is so I decided to add the drawings in The Maze. I have sent her a pm about this update. Also one error in Alex Spastic's section is fixed, one drawing was added in two different sections, and here in The Forgotten Empire, duplicates is not allowed.
Argon have done his best and later in his life he will learn that you should never do anyting good, because if so, people ask you to do it again and again...
It is better to be a evil unicorn, believe me, people avoid to ask anything.
Notice that this is not the real update, that will be done later...
Now it is time for you to go to The Maze, I wish you luck, you will need it: /Aradd