What's New in
Kandor 2016


So another update. It was 10 years for some of the artist that now is updated. Well, you can guess that some of them don't do this kind of artwork so often, and that is correct. But now we start with one of the old artist here in Kandor: Tony Handlir, his links have also being updated. Tony Handlir's section is for adults only and here is the button, the red one:
So then time to go to the S section. There we find Sabretoothed Ermine. His section is also for adults only. And we continue with the red buttons, here it is: .
We go on to Sailor Anna. She have done one new drawing and that is for you that are old enough, you know what I mean, don't you? Here is the button and the colour is red... again:
Shane Nelson is one of the artist that it is 10 years since laste update. Well, you see, updates all the time. Shane Nelson's links have also being updated. Here is the button and you can guess the colour, can't you?
Hm... Siyah have not doing anything new for a while, that is bad but time runs on and things changing, even as we not like it... I think all of you know Siyah artwork and the button is here:
Ravenwolf is also a old artist here in Kandor. He have done two new drawings, one of them is for all of you here. So here is the button, it is in your favorite colour, yellow:
Reva Diehard is one of the active artists when it comes to this kind of artwork you traveller's here want to see. So her section is updated and it is for adults only. Yes, the red button, again!
In the P section we have Nyonyo96. He have done one new drawing, yes it is for everyone. Look at all the happy faces... Use this button here:
Snk have made 2 new drawing and one is replaced with a higher resolution version. This is for adults only, so the few of you that have the correct age, can use this button here:
Nabesiki is one of the more difficult artist to check as he sometimes add several drawings on pixiv.net in the same subdirectory and with the most different artwork so sometimes it is easy to miss, if you just check all drawings. Nabesiki have made two new drawings that will fit here in Kandor and his section is for adults only. Here is the button:
And with this we end this update. /Aradd


Now we update ten more artists. And we start with Caribou. It is over ten years since the last update... Should we update a little bit often? Well, however, Caribou's links is also updated. Rembember to contact me at once if any extern links is not working! Well, you know the rules, those that are over 49 and have permission from your grandparents can use this button: ... If you are 18 is also okey...
Then we go to Chris Sawyer. A well known artist and also one of those that have being here in Kandor from the beginning. This update is only for those that are old enough: Nice, isn't it?
Draft At Heart have made one new drawing. The first for along time. Now this is, you know it, didn't you? for those that are old enough:
Ek Goya have also done a new drawing that now is added to his section here in Kandor. Ek Goya's section is for you that are 18 or more, here is the button:
Epic Furry Studio have not being update for a long time, so it is really time for a update. I think some of you also remember his comic series in Ellgar, they will also be update there later, don't worry. But now, go and take a look here, if you are old enough, of course:
If we shall take about 'old' artists we have Flinthoof. Also one of the artist that have being here in Kandor from the beginning, 2004, and his archive is not small, but this update is, you know it! For adults only and here is the button:
Foxx Fire have also made a new drawing, and of course it is added in his section. But do you know? It is for adults only! Here is the button:
Freckles is still doing a lot of artwork that can be added here in Kandor, nice, very nice. All Freckles sections is updated, lucky you, now you can see anything even as you are not 18. Here is the button:
Honeytail's section is also updated. But also the links is changed. Honeytail is also known as Vera. However I am sure you want to see her artwork, and here is the button, but remember your ages first!
Then Huthro have done several new drawings and I am sure that you want to see them. Some of them, are for all ages, yes, your lucky day and here is the button:
Then we shall end this update with Brushfire! Yes, lucky we have two new pages for the Contract comic and one new page for the Zoeys first day. This button will take you to the comic: And this button:  will take you to the Contract comic. Both comics are for adults only. With this it is time to end this update.
Remember now that we need to make a decision about the commission for Kondor! /Aradd


So it is really time for a update here in Kandor and this is the first part of the update. As some already know, for those that have visit the forum, we have a new commission made by Alex Spastic. The drawing, how to catch a unicorn, or well, at least, give it a try, is a joke as one of the first artists here when Kandor started in september 2004 was Flinthoof, aka Flinters. He made several drawings with horses that love mint candy. Well, as you know, Alex Spastic also have several new drawings and also the artist Horny Bunny have got a own section. Blackonis & Bro-harl is updated. The misc artist section is updated with one drawing coloured by warpdog99. We thanks Micheal & Nicolas for the donations money. Now there is more people that have made donations, so there is already possible to make another commission and next time it will be for Kondor. Now use this button to go to Alex Spastic's section:

After several years, Artonis have made a new drawing. Well, his section is for adults only, there is nudity horses there, you know. For those that is old enough, use this button here:

Brushfire is one of the artist that is still working on, very nice, isn't it? Of course we need to made a update on her section, she has also made a new comic but more about that later in this update. Go ahead and take a look, but unlucky, all new drawings is for adults only, that means that 90% of you travellers here, is not allowed to see them... or?

In section P there is some updates... Yes... Yosshi's section was a little problem as it was needed to resort the nudity and coloured sections. Notice now that mostly of the updates there, is that the drawings is replaced with better resolutions versions. You can go and take a look here:

Then also Pixiv artist 1539710 have being updated and resortet. Yes, one section for me, for adults and the other for the rest of you. This buttonwill take you to Pixiv artist 1539710's new main index:

The Pixiv artist Garu have also made one new drawing. His section is for adults only, you know what that means, don't you?

Kikurage have also made a new drawing and of course it is added to his section, but it is for adults only. Here is the button:

Flucra have closed his old account on Pixiv and opened a new one. If he thinks unicorn's will not find him, well, he will be sorry. His section have being changed to the new acount number and Flucra's section is for adults only, if you are old enough, take a look:

I know the comics is very popular, I like them also, so it is nice to tell you about the new updates in the comic section here in Kandor. The Horse Teacher's by Amakuchi is now updated but unlucky there is no english version avaible. This comic is for adults only: .

Then also Brushfire works on with here comic The Stable - Chapter 1 - Zoeys First Day. Four new pages is added. Go and take a look right now, well if you are old enough:

Remember Hooves? Well, right after the last update of his section, he wrote a new story that could fit here in Kandor. Yes, it took several month to try to survive that chock. Well, now it is added in his section here in Kandor, for those that know Hooves, knowns that all his stories is for adults only. Here is the button:

So, then we shall continue with the new things here in Kandor, and we start with the new comic by Brushfire. It seems that it is a stallion that I think is not complete sure what kind of Contract he have signed. Well, first four pages is added here and this is for adults only:

Then we go to the P section again. Pixiv artist Alios have made two drawings and they are for adults only, you can use this button here and take a look:

 Then something for everyone! Pixiv artist 1002559 have made one drawing and you can see it if you use this button here:

Lollipopcon have made one drawing and this one, is for adults only:

Ber00 have made one drawing and lucky for you here, we don't have any resolution limitations as FurAffinity have, this is for adults only and in very high resolution:

We are still in section P and there is 12079298. He have made one drawing with the contents that belongs here in Kandor and it is for all of you. Here is the button:

Ubermonkey have made some drawings and I found one drawing in very high resolution, well, this is for you that are old enough:

And with this, there is time to stop this update. Next update will after the comic update in Ellgar. /Aradd