What's New in
Kandor 2017

The wereanimal.net server is now working again and we start with a update in The Maze. Use the button here: /Aradd


Yes... Back again... And we shall start with the letter A. There we find Alex Spastic and the update in his section is for adults only. Also there is a update in Bro-harl's section and the misc section have being updated with one drawings. If you are old enough, use this button here:

Brushfire is back with several new drawings and this is for all of you, both old and... well very old and young... use this button here and go to Brushfire's main index:

Now we travel to the C section and there we find Caribou that have made several new drawings. As there is some nudity in Caribou's section some of you can not see this, what naked horses? Yes, so it is. For the rest of you, here is the button:

Then there is time for, some of you, to go to Dark Ahroun Friesian's new index. It was needed to resort Dark Ahroun Friesian's artwork section and the new drawings if you that is old enough and here is the button:

Flinthoof was one of the first artist here in Kandor when it started in september 2004. Even if he not do so many equine drawings today, his section is one of the biggest here in Kandor so I recommend you to not miss this. However the update today, is only for the old ones of you. Here is the button:

Sometimes artist got problems with their alias names and that have now happen to Frankenbunny, well some of you will know him as PenDragon. His section have moved to the F section and the new drawing made by him, is now added. Yes, this is for the adults only and here is the button:

Freckles is a well known artist and for those that also visit Kondor knowns that he made a commission for that section paid by nice travellers here in The Forgotten Empire. But Freckles makes mostly furry artwork so the update in his section is so there is something for all of you. Lucky you and here is the button:

When I started this website in 1997 Furronika was one of the artist there... And he is still here with a update. Also it was also very nice to see that Zooboy666 have made some coloured versions that is also now added in Furronika's section and for those that know Furronika's artwork, know that this is for adults only:

Heather Bruton is also a very known artist and she have being here in Kandor since over 10 years. Now there is a update in her section and, yes, this is for you that are old enough. Use this button here:

Huthro have also a large collection here in Kandor, that is nice, isn't it. But know it will be even bigger as his section is now update, lucky for some of you, the update also including artwork for all ages, so take you pacifier and use this button here:

The next update in Kandor will be as soon as possible. /Aradd


So I decided to put a extra update online right now. This is a update for the comic section and notice that this will be followed of another update that will be in the nearest days. Now I suggest that you all use this button and take a look: The amount of comic and pages will be added in the next artist update. So right now we just have a ? there.../Aradd