What's New
In Kandor 2018


This update is very delayed and for those that have being on the forum knows that I have problems with my internet connections since a month ago. But now, it is time:
TOR is a very known artist and thanx to his friend Actaeon, we can now see some artwork in better resolutions. I hope no one here have missed the special update in Kondor, dedicated to TOR. However, TOR didn't do many anthro artwork and there is very few with horses in. Now you can use this button, and it is for everyone here. You can leave your diapers on and use this button here:
After over three years Hybred Vigor is back with one (1) new drawing. Well, that is better than nothing, isn't it? Well, this is not for those that are not old enough:
Huthro have done some new drawings, even for you that is not so old... So you can use this button and go and take a look:
Freckles is a known artist and he is still doing many drawings that can fit here, even as many are herms and that we don't ususally add here in Kandor. Now you can go and take a look at Freckles section as even his all ages section is update. That was a suprise, wasn't it?
Flinthoof is one of the artist that have being here in Kandor from the start in september 2004. His archive is not small. Now he have done a few new drawings that we can add here and this time his adults section is update and that means the red button:
ECMajor thought he could a drawing in Japan, well, that didn't help. His section is updated and as there is some drawings for everyone, here is the welcome everyone button:
Dark Ahroun Friesian is still doing drawings and he do it very good. Both all ages and nudity section is updated. So everyone, you are all welcomed:
Caribou have got a new section, now one for everyone and the other, well, you know, don't you? Both sections is updated and here is the button:
Suprise? Brushfire's comic section is not updated, instead her own artwork section is updated and several new drawings is added. Here is the button:
Then we end this update with, yes, Alex Spastic. He have, as usually, done some new drawings, but this time there is also a new artist added in his section. Allriane done a very good colouring work with one of Alex Spastic's drawings. You can use this button to take a look:
This is the end of the update. Next update will be as soon I have time... And my internet working as it should.../Aradd


So the update... Well, we start with the letter S and there we have Scale. One of the artist that have being here in Kandor for a long time, as many others... Well, time is running and I think you should do that also, if you are old enough. Then use this button here:
Then we move on to Siyah that have made one new drawing and Siyah's section is for adults only. Here is the button:
A update for one of the Pixiv artists. Hinba as it seems he call himself. That name is also added to his section. Hinba's adult section is updated for the first time in many years. Here is the button:
Now we shall move on to the N section. Nelena Dis'kai is one of the artist that have being here for a very long time. Now there is a little update, just one drawing, but that is much better than nothing, right? If you guess that it is Nelena Dis'kai's adult section that is updated, you guessed right and here is the button:
Nexus Jubatus is one of the artist behind the Zoorama comic and it is still one of the best... Well, it was some time since Nexus Jubatus section was updated and now it is really time for it. What? Adult art? Yes, of course. Here is the button:
Nono or Nono Sama is also one artist that have not done so much artwork the latest time that can fit here in Kandor. But three drawings is now added in Nono's section and, yes, it is for adults only. Here is the button:
A bigger update is done in Kadath's section. That means that even you young travellers can see something in this update. Nice, isn't it? So go and take a look at Kadath's new index:
Julius Shell uploaded another version of Red Shetland and that is now added in his section... That is for adults only... Here is the button:
Brushfire is still working with chapter 3 in The Stables serie. Three pages is added. This comic is for adults only and here is the button:
We taka a tour to the O section. There is some drawings that should have being uploaded for a long time ago. Orangina have made some artwork for their lemonade. This is for all travellers and here is the button:
Then there is time to go back artist section P. There is Missaka, a pixiv artist that have made one drawing and it have some nudity so here is the button:
Urotan is another artist from Pixiv and he have done three drawings. They are all for adults so if you are old enough, use this button:
Furronika have made a comic that fits here in Kandor and it is for adults only. You can use this button to take a look:
Well, the clock is soon 5 in the morning and I must go to bed. Have a nice day. /Aradd


Maybe some of you noticed that the site was down for a few days but Techwolf, I think all of you here known that he is the sponsor of Wereanimal.net, fixed it very fast. Thanx for that!
That is very good as there is several updates that must be fixed and this time we shall start from the end... That means the letter Z...
There we find the artist Zannah that was added new here for nearly four years ago. Now she have done some more artwork and of course we must add the new drawing she have done. Also links to Zannah's Patreon and Tumblr section is added. Zannah's is for adults only and here is the button: .
Then there is time to take a look at Siyah's section. There is it new drawings for both you that are old, and also you that don't is so old. The button will take you to Siyah's main index:
Sailor Anna is a well known artist and she have a bigger collection here in Kandor. This time it is her adult section that is updated and you all known what that means... Yes, mostly of you traveller's can not see at as you are to young, or...? Well, for those that are old enough, here is the button to Sailor Anna's adult section:
Reva Diehard have done a few new drawings. Well, that is better than no one, but lets hope that it will be some more done in the future. Reva Diehard's section, is for adults only and the button here will take you to her main index:
Ravenwolf or Stasis Delirium as he call himself sometime now, is a well known artist that have being done this kind of artwork for many years. He have done a new b/w drawing and it is for all ages so everyone, even you, can use this button here:
For Kandor it will not be a reconstruction work for the Pixiv artísts. They are over 80 artist but that is very few as we take a look at Ellgar. However, one artist have done some new drawings. But first there is Amakuchi that one drawing is replaced. The different thing here is that the new drawing have a bigger filesize. Otherway there is no different. You can use this button here, if you are old enough, and take a look:
Aoino Broome have done a new b/w drawing and now it was needed to change his section from nudity to adults only. Yes, unlucky you! But the rest that is here in Kandor, can use this button here:
Mark Stretch is one of the artist that have being on internet for a long time. Mostly of his drawings is for adults only... Well, can you just stop jumping of joy? Thank you! Now, where was I? Yes, now Mark Stretch have made a new drawing and you can use this button here: to take a look.
Last update I noticed that one drawing in Lone Fox's section was missing. That is a way we can not have. So now it is added and Lone Fox's section is for adults only so some of you can use this button here:
Then we end this update with the new chapters from The Stable. Brushfire is working hard with this comic and I know there is a lot of fans of it... Yes, I also like it. Well, chapter three is now added and the name of it is Job Requirements. So there is many that want's this job? Well, I think you should send a note to Brushfire and meantime, if you are old enough, use this button here:
The latest years I have promised to add the correct amount of artist and artwork and now, finaly it is done. Even with 448 artist and 6610 drawings Kandor is not one of the biggest websites here on internet but that doesn't matter as you traveller's that is here, this is exacly what you want to see. And that is very important for me, and I hope, for the artist that is here also. Now there is some more updates that will be done and that will be as soon I have time for it. /Aradd


It seems that we always are back to letter A in these updates... Well, now again: Letter A. The reason is that I got a notice from Marmelmm that some of his coloured version of Alex Spastic's artwork was missing. Well, we can not allow that thing to happen, so now Marmelmm section is updated. I also noticed that one of the b/w drawings was missing so that drawing is also added. You can use this button here: Then use the new latest addition button to go direct to Marmelmm's section.
Aura Moser is one of the artist that have being here from the very beginning of this section of The Forgotten Empire. After nearly 14 years there is very nice to add a new drawing to her section here in Kandor. Aura Moser's gallery is for adults only and here is the button:
Another artist that have being here for a very long time is Heather Bruton. Very nice that we can add 3 new drawings and Heather Bruton's gallery is for you that are young enough... Well, here is the button:
After 2 years there is time for a update Honeytail's section. I think she is more known as Vera. Well, for those that are old enough, use this button here:
Huthro is a very well known artist here in Kandor. He have done some new drawings that is now added in his section here in Kandor. For some of you, there is artwork that you can see even if you are not so old. Just use this button here:
Lone Fox was added here in Kandor as a new artist for 11 years ago. Now there is a new drawing added in his gallery. Lone Fox's gallery have nude horses, you know. So we use this button here: ... Just to be sure...
Mark Stretch is a well known artist. His gallery is for adults only. Even as it is several new drawing added there, it is 6 years since the last update... Well, shouldn't the artist only draw horses? Well, it seems that they not understand that, but take a look now at Mark Stretch's section. Here is the button:
Max Black Rabbit have done several new sketches so a update in his gallery is very needed, isn't it? As you can guess his gallery is for adults only and you have the button right here:
Mirapony is also a artist that have being here in Kandor for some years. She still doing artwork and her section is now updated. The button will take you to her main index, but the updates is only in her adult galleries. Here is the button:
I have not seeing any new drawings by Moro Q but Argon noticed that some of the drawings in The Maze was made by Moro Q. They are now moved to his section and Moro Q's gallery is for adults only:
So that is all for this time. Mabye some of you think the updates not going so fast, but it is not so easy as if you check other websites and remove the gore and the vore, the herms and scat and so on, there is not so much left to see... That means that it is not so much to add on a website like this.../Aradd


Well, now it is really time for a update and we shall start with the section A...
There we find Alex Spastic and he have done several new drawings. But he is not alone, Marmelmm have coloured 2 new drawings and there also 2 new artists: Anthrogoddess have made 3 drawings, that means that the artist have a own section in the coloured artist section. For those that have being in Ellgar, already known Pandaburger as he did a edited and coloured version in Ellgar. Here it is a coloured version that is added in the misc colour artist section. I suggest that you go and take a look yourself:

Then there is time for the section P that have not being correct since last year. Now everything is fixed and that means that the update there, is not small. We start with Pixiv member 320135 - Aoino Broome that have made a new drawing. His section is for adults only:

Then there is a update in Pixiv member 1073512 - Yosshi -Nyonyo96's section. A part of the update is for all traveller's. Lucky you. So you can use this button here:

Then we have Pixiv member 1539710. This artist made several versions of nearly the same drawing. I have added several of them, but not all. This archive is not small and if you like green horses, this is something for you:

Pixiv member 1578906 - Snk is also back with one new drawing. His section is for adults only, so mostly of you can not use this button here: I think...

The Pixiv member 1985612 - Thc - Nikuyoku have stop doing artwork and also not doing anything on his patreon. Maybe the artist will not return, we have to wait. The last drawings and one old is added here, and this is for adults only:

Pixiv member 2121541 have done one more drawings and this is also for adults only, as the rest of this update...

Pixiv member 2666166 - Kikurage is a well known artist. He have done some drawings, some is not so new, but they are good. Well, remember what I said about the adult button:

Pixiv member 3361460 - Amakuchi have also done some new drawings. His section is for adults only and I think you remember him if you liked the comic The Horse Teachers. Here is the button:

Pixiv member 4583713 - Ber00 - Bermasin have made one new drawing. You can see it here and I add the adult button, this seems to be some kind of standard for this update...

Pixiv member 20891521 - MK 4 is a well known artist and he do very many horse drawings. His section is for adults only as he nearly never do anything for you that is under 18. Here is the button:

So now it is time for the new artist and I shall already point out now, that all artist in this update, is for adults only!
Pixiv member 7156 drawing have some nudity, so if you want to see it, use this button here:

The next artist is Pixiv member 16492 - Sindoll - Mukasino - Yatu and I don't think he needs any bigger presentation. Exept that mostly of his artwork is for adults only and here is the button:

For those that have being in Ellgar, I think they will be suprised when this artist now is here in Kandor. Yes, Pixiv member 177470 - 68 have done one drawing and of course it is for adults only. Here is the button:

Pixiv member 1016349 - Akitaka is another new artist and if you are old enough to see his artwork, I am sure you will like it. Here is the button:

Pixiv member 2257690 - Lowgun is one of the artist that have only made one drawing that fits here in Kandor, but it is good so use this button:

Pixiv member 2365847 have also only made one drawing and for those that is old enough, here is the button:

Pixiv member 3045998 - Megane Inu is not well known to do artwork that can fit here in Kandor, but this drawings was the only one I have found made by him that we can add here, so take a look:

Pixiv member 9716612 - Dizzy Jezzy Filly - Jes is a artist with many names, as it seems. One drawing is added, but it is not from his Pixiv account. You can check it here:

Then we have Pixiv member 29465569 Even is the last artist for this update. And his section have a nude horse, holy shit! So I use this button as usually:

And with this, there is time to end this update. Next update will be as soon I have time for it. /Aradd


The Maze is now online again. The button here:
This was a part of a zip file I downloaded for a time ago. As usually, mostly filenames is not correct so that is no help either. /Aradd


Bug fix! Reva Diehard pointed out that 5 drawings was not made by her. They are now removed and for those that have being already there should notice that this 5 drawings is removed:
They are made by Vera and this artist is here in Kandor with her old artist name: Honeytail. Thanx to Reva Diehard to point this out. It is very importent that everything is okey here in The Forgotten Empire. /Aradd


This update should have being done in the end of november last year. In the upload work a friend visit me for a cup of tea and after the break, the FTP program couldn´t access the server. Now after over two month, the server is working again and now we add this very delayed update. Sorry for the wait!
We start with a update in the artist section T. I think all of you still remember TOR. His friend Actaeon started to scan TOR:s work in higher resolution. So now  two old drawings is replaced in higher resolution. This is a update for all travellers here. Nice, isn't it!
One artist that is really good with horses, is Todderick Dharken. He have some new artwork and they are added in his section. Some is for you all, others not. Here is the button:
Siyah have also done several new drawings. But also notice that a few is replaced with correct filename and/or higher resolution. This update for Siyah is also for everyone, young as old... Well, are you so old? Well, you are welcome anyway. Here is the button:
Remember Scappo? Well, he have done 2 new drawings that you can take a look at, if you are old enough... Here is the button:
Scale is back. And it is not often he done something in colour. Also several b/w drawings is added. Scale's section is for adults only. But for those that are old enough, here is the button:
Sailor Anna have also made some new drawings. Only the adult section is updated. Of course if you are a new traveller here you can take a look for the other section. Here is the button to Sailor Anna,s main index:
Romus Dark Matter is one of the artist that have disappeared from internet. I don't know why and it is not fun when artist just quit. But I have checked Romus Dark Matter's section and several drawings is now replaced and changed. His section is for adults only and here is the button:
Reva Diehard is a well known artist and her section here in Kandor, is for adults only. Both b/w and coloured section is updated and I am sure you want to see this:
Ravenwolf' also known as Stasis Delirium on FurAffinity have done some new drawings.The update is only in his adult sections so I add the red button here.
Brushfire is working with her comic, The Stable and now 15 pages is added. It seems that is the end of chapter 2. I am sure that many of us want to see chapter 3... But meantime, those  of you that are not old enough can use this button here:
Argon have also worked to find artist to the artwork in The Maze. 14 drawings is now removed. Very good work of him. And with this we end this update.../Aradd