What's New in Kandor


Do you know what? Yes, we start with Brushfire. Her sections for adult travellers have being update, you can check it here:
Then in section D, Dark Ahroun Friesian's section is updated. This section is for adults only, that means that the mostly of you, are not old enough, the few that still remains, can use this button here:
Draft At Heart's section is also updated. But only for adults, you know, also a new animation is added. Sure you want to see it, so use the button here:
Furronika is still testing AI drawings. He have now make a new drawing, and with that his section is changed from nudity to adults only. Use this button here: Maybe Furronika will do some new drawing in 2D that can fit here in the future, who knows?
I Ate Your Kit Kat have made some new drawings, yes, for adults only, you guessed right... Also a link to her Patreon page is added. Use this button to to go to her main index:
For section P it is some artist also updated and new ones. Michizuki is one of them, use the button here:
Yosshi have done some new drawing, for both adults and kids, so you can go there without problem. Just use this button here:
So, om section S we will find Scale, with this update his section also changes from nudity to adult travellers. And no, your parents will not let you see this, but you other can use this button here:
Then there is some new artist. Unlucky the artist P V S was not added in the earlier update, now that is done. His section is for adults only so we continue with the red buttons here:
Idobata Hp is also a new artist and you that is old enough, can use this button here
Also the artist Great Fox's section is for adults only. It is torrent from Elden Ring, use this button here to take a look:
So then you that is old enough go and take a look at the update for Brushfire's comic, The Stable, use this button here:
We end this update with a new comic, Speacial Delivery by Kon Con. Well I think that the name of the comic is misspelled but for now we use the name. This comic is for adults only, you can take a look here:
So that is all for now. Correct amount of artist/drawings & comics is also done. /Aradd


Well, it is needed with a update here in Kandor. Shall we start from the beginning? Okey, then we start with Brushfire, seems that is some new nice standard. As in the last update, Brushfire have done both artwork and updated the comic, The Stable, chapter 5, part 2. Also this time Brushfire's update is for adults only, I know you are a few there, traveller's... So use this button here: to got to her artwork index. Then you can use this button to go direct to the new comic pages: . Yes, I don't like this shitty click around that is in nearly all websites today...
Dark Ahroun Friesian have done some new drawings. Very nice to see but if you want to see them, well remember how old you are. Here is the button:
The artist Draft At Heart uses many alias, but she still doing artwork and don't be confused by the different names. Now Draft At Heart have done artwork for both you that still live with your parents and also for those of you that are a little bit older. Go and take a look:
So a update for you older ones here. Freckles have done some artwork, and the horses, they are nude! Yes, it is true! Take a look yourself:
Well, it is the same for Heather Bruton's horses. No clothes! Go and take a look: Huthro have done some new drawings. And the button will take you to Huthro's index, then it is up to you to choose. Choose wisely.
I Ate Your Kit Kat is also one of the artist's that use several alias. But she have done some new artwork. This time it is added new drawings in both all ages, nudity and adults only sections. Well, maybe you are old enough for the all ages section? Well, go ahead:
Mirapony have done one drawing and it is a edit of another. If you are old enough, you can use this button here:
Sailor Anna have made five new drawings and they are for adults only. All new drawings is on page one, and you can use the button here:
Hooves have put some new stories togheter, A Shameful Sectret chapter 34 and
also a new story series, for example Breaking The Stud but also more new stories are added. You can go and take a look yourself. A recommended reading before you go to bed... Notice that all Hooves stories is for adults only. You can use this button here:
Then we shall end this update with a new artist from pixiv. Ni Jikan have made one drawing that fits here in Kandor. It is for all ages and you can use this button to take a look:
Well, I thought i was finished with this update, the I got a reply from Furronika. He have started to do some AI generated artwork. Usually I don't add that kind of artwork in The Forgotten Empire, but is a artist want to give it a try, it is okey. Furronika's AI generated artwork have a very good quality. I am sure you will not be disapointed. This is for adult traveller's only:
Then we have a update for Brushfire's The Stable series. Four new pages is added, don't miss them, well if you are old enough... Here is the button:
Then there is a new comic added. Chemo Sister 6 - Speacial Delivery by ConKon, well I thnk the name of the comic is misspelled, butt I will let it be that way, for now.
Here is the button:


Time for another update. We start with Brushfire that as usually, have being working with new drawings and pages to The Stable series. This time Brushfire have only new pages that is for adults only. You can use this button here:
to go to Brushfire's section and this button here:
Freckles have also made some new drawings and lucky for you, also his all travellers section is updated and nudity also. The button here:
will take you to Freckles main index. Then you are on your own...
Heather Bruton is still active and that is very cool. She have being here in Kandor for over 18 years now. Cool, isn't it? Heather have done some new commissions, and they are for adults only. If you are old enough, use this button here:
Mirapony have done one new commission and it is added in her nudity section. You can ask your parents if it is okey to see this and if it is, use this button here:
Fid have made some new drawings also, his section is for adults only, you can go and take a look here:
Nabesiki have also made one new drawing. His section is for adults only, so you know the rules, don't you? Well, here is the button:
Then there is two new artist from Pixiv net. First we have artist 3205404
that have made one drawing for all travellers. You can use this button here:
The other artist is Ouroboros33. His section is for adults only. I removed one drawing as it was a human in it. That drawing will later be added in Ellgar, when it will be online later this year. Here is the button for Ouroboros33's section here in Kandor:
So, aslo with this update a correct amount of artists / drawings / comics is added. It was a long time since that was done, but now it is correct. /Aradd


I notice a serious error in Alderames section. That have being for a long time,
as it seems his section was never updated. Now that is fixed, and you can go and take a look here, notice that this is for your that is very old, you know...


Seems that it is time for a story, before you will go to bed. Hoooves is back with two new stories. Honeymoon In The Hills Part 2 is one of his best, so don't miss it.
And chapter 33 of A Shameful Secret. This is for you that are old enough. Just use this button here:
Then we shall go to Caribou's index. She have made one new drawing, and this update is also only for those that are old enough. Just use this button here:
One artist with many names, is I Ate Your Kit Kat. But I think you know all her alias names. The update in here section, is also only for adults. Just use the button here:
Then two drawings is added in Sailr Annas section. Ofcourse only for you that is old enough. You can use this button here:
Well, that is all for this update. Later the correct amount of artist and artwork will be added in the main artist section, but that will not be added as a update. A notice in the forum will be done. /Aradd


Time to get some bedtime stories here for you. Hooves have done some stories for the last, well, nearly 20 years, and several of them will fit here in Kandor. Notice that now you will find all his stories in SoFurry so the link have being changed to that. All Hooves stories, so far, is for adults only...
The update in Hooves writing corner, is so big so I think mostly of you will be lost there, but I wish you luck. Just use this button here:
So then now also the comic section is back online. Meantime The Forgotten Empire was offline, Brushfire have done some new comics and you need to know that all of them, is for adults only. First we have the comic Sexercise, that you will find here:
Then The Stable chapter 4 is updated as chapter 5 part 1 & 2 is added. Use this button here... if you are old enough:
The correct amount of artist and drawings will be added later, but that will not be mentioned in a update, it will just be done. Next update will be in Kondor. Aradd


Well, let's hope that this year will be better than the last two. With corona and other shit that have being travelling aruond the world and then also the war in Ukraina, we can only hope that this will be better. At a top of this I also needed to end my horse life in october 2021 as he hurt his right hind legs and the veterinary said it was no hope for him to recover to live a good life anylonger. Even as life goes on, the time don't heal all wounds, but we learn to live with it... Because we have no other choice. No I will try to recover the Forgotten Empire and now when 2023 starts there is 26 years since I started this project.
The update here today is not small so it is not possible to add the fast travell buttons here so you can go to the main artist index and start the travelling yourself. I wish you a nice trip and the next update here in Kandor will be the story and comic sections, they will of course, also be updated. And now of you go! Aradd