KIRIEL2.TXT - M/SM, Oral/Anal - March 1, 2003 By SwampRat (cl) 2002 - Gay Furry Association Kiriel and Trigal Chapter 2 - Homelife They continued this way to a Bigger City where the strange and bizarre was commonplace and while they still got stares, they were more the lustful kind. Trigal paid passage on a coach to his Providence, tucking the squirrel into his lap where she slept most of the way. She was still trying to heal from her wounds, both Physical and Mental.. A change of beasts, and they continued on for another day. The station was awash with passengers, servants and slaves, one more not worth noting.. Again it was a long walk to the place the tiger called Home, And it ended with Kiriel riding on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, too tired to care if he beat her.. Which he did not. Instead he dumped her into a bath, told her to wash and be ready to eat. She scrubbed the dirt from her fur, careful of the new rings that somehow made her nipples More sensitive to touch, and her Brand which didn't hurt at all, just itched a little. Brushed, made herself presentable and found her way to the table more by scent than anything else. She stood beside it and waited for permission before helping herself to a large plateful of salad and fruit and sat to eat it all.. When she was done she took her plate and stood waiting until the Tiger was done, then took the dishes to the kitchen and washed them.. When asked she replied she had been a scullery Maid at an Inn for some years.. So washing and cooking and cleaning came as second-nature to her. When she asked if she was going to sleep in the kitchen as she had before she got her butt swatted and was led to the bedroom. She knelt beside the bed, noting it was a masculine thing, but with a soft cover.. Was told to get in it. She did so, and found herself nosed up against his big dick. She opened her mouth obediently.. And was told to kneel between his legs. She did so, and the erect maleness slid between her breasts. She pushed them closed and bent her head to kiss the tip. Fingers found her nipples and she moaned, rubbing her tits on the big male-meat, taking it into her mouth, bobbing her head on it.. She felt him arch up, felt his cock throbbing against her chest.. And she sucked hard, taking his semen as it jetting into he mouth, not caring if it made her jaw ache, or shoved against the back of her throat.. She wanted it. And she milked it for all the sticky, salty cum it could give.. The squirrel lay her head on the big male's leg, continuing to suck on the dribbling dick until sleep claimed her. * * * * And awoke to find it still in her mouth. She kissed it, stroked it's length until it came to life with a shudder.. Taking the head between her lips she frigged the monster, feeling it's barbs, it's fullness, it's throbbing as it spurted cum into her hungry muzzle. She took all it could give and again lay her head on her Master's thigh keeping the cock in her mouth, stroking his balls, waiting for him to wake so she could fulfil his desires.. Which was to slap her ass roughly and be told to fix breakfast.. She padded out of the bedroom, butt stinging but not as much as her pride. Even so she did her best with what was there.. 'Did he not Buy things? Was he Really away so many times?' She tossed that which was too far gone to use, and cooked that which wasn't.. "You need to go Shopping.. Sir." She added as her Master Growled. He Hated shopping.. He ate what was available, not caring much about food After... Another pang and he reached over to touch a patch of fur that was the only other piece of his former lover he kept. Hands were around his shoulders, Holding him, cuddling him.. And for a moment he let them. Then he moved them away and ate, making sure his new slave ate as well.. And finished the meal off by sucking his cock until he grabbed her head and came down her throat.. She took very drop, bobbing her head on him to make sure his nuts were empty.. Trigal flopped on the bed, panting while the squirrel took the tray back in and set about cleaning.. What a Mess. But not as bad as some places.. Mostly dusty with some signs of disuse. A lot of elbow-grease applied with rags, and some oil got gears working, hinges moving, counters cleaned. The floors came next - swept, scrubbed, polished.. A growl brought her back to the bedroom, where a finger pointed to the floor. She knelt and watched the male get up, sitting with his crotch in her face. "Lick my balls.." She leaned forward and lapped at the fat sack, moving the round globes inside with her lips and tongue. His nuts tasted of dust, sweat, semen.. And she polished each one until his dick stood proudly again, tapping her head. The tiger groaned.. She had already gotten him off Twice and here was his cock getting randy again. He had to admit. She was Good... "Would Sir like a bath? Or would Sir prefer my tongue?" She was licking up and down his throbbing cock, nibbling on the head, making his groan and purr.. "A.. A Bath would be nice.." He managed to groan out.. Then somehow got her muzzle away from his crotch and stood.. She followed him to find - A Stall. Not a tub, or even a basin. A Stall. He swatted her butt which made her start and giggle and move to look at the walls, with it's myriad of hooks and bolts and rings. "Grab the rings.." She did so and arched as his dick slipped between her cheeks spearing her anus, pushing it's way in.. And suddenly it was Her cock that was being squeezed and caressed and stroked.. Her balls that were cupped and caressed and made to give up their treasure in long spurts that made Kiriel screech and grind her butt into his crotch and come close to passing out.. "I.. You.. Wow.." He chuckled as her rod stayed very firm even after blowing at least four good loads. "Never done it before?" She shook her head arching against him as another orgasm burned through her spine and she Squeezed his cock so erotically he came deep in her hot ass, just able to hold on himself.. When he could see again he noted the wall in front of him was white, cum dribbled down his nuts - some of it his, some not - to add to the morass that was around his feet.. And his slave was out-cold. He slapped her round ass and got a twitch that made him regret it a moment later. His balls ached already.. He wasn't Young and randy anymore.. And any more such movements on his cock and he was going to follow her into darkness. The water was turned on and still impaling the she-male he more rinsed off than washed. Did the same, chuckling as he felt her still hard dick rubbing his hand as he sluiced the worst off her body. Somehow got free of her rump - which grabbed and clung to him like it didn't want to let go of it's treasure.. And managed to dry them both off. Then back to bed where she slept like one dead, and he cat-napped lest the sex-fiend wake before him and make his balls ache even More.. And so went the First Day. End of Chapter 2