PLAINS.TXT - M/M/M, Oral - 10/21/98 Serengetti Revisited By SwampRat (cl) 1998 Gay Furry Association George looked himself over again. A handsome male Lion, nicely maned.. With a Damn flap hiding his genitals, crouching in the grass, trying to decide how best to run down and kill one of the grazing gazelle's that stood not that far away. He would have snorted in disgust, but had been advised not to make too much noise. The 'Advisor' told them how to stalk their prey, the best way to kill it, how to 'field-dress' the carcass.. 'Damn!' He scratched his side.. 'Just great! Fleas...' He would be So happy to get back Home, Wash and stalk nothing harder than financial reports. "Go out and have fun.. Get back to nature for a day." He muttered, rubbing the strap that held his Only piece of clothing on.. Sighing, wiping sweat from his brow, he again studied the beings in front of him, noting they were a bachelor herd.. All males. His nuts started swelling as he watched their short tails twitch, showing off the dark holes underneath. Their soft-looking balls that swung as they moved. And a couple had erections.. "Damn" He rubbed his crotch, growling to himself to keep his mind on business - He would look a sight, running out of the brush with a hard-on shoving this Stupid piece of leather up. "Better get this over with.. Tomorrow I will be on a Shuttle and Out of Here!" George jumped up and with what he hoped as a blood-curdling scream, ran out of the brush.. To be met with stares. "Yaa! Run! Get.. Move... Please?" They continued to stare. "Look - If you don't run I can't chase you... And if I don't chase you I can't.. Oh Fuck It!" He turned his back on the 'Prey', stamped his foot in exasperation, put a hand up to his head, eyes closed, Knowing he was going to have a Hell of a headache.. Something bit his rear. "Hey!" The lion growled, turning, rubbing the spot.. A young buck stood before him, seemingly interested in something. George looked down.. and found his one piece of clothing had come off, leaving him naked - and aroused. "Go ahead - Laugh at me. I don't care anymore... I am getting that stupid scrap of cloth, and I am Walking.. Back.. To..." A soft nose nuzzled between his legs, quickly making him fully erect - And very puzzled. "What the..?" Then more soft noses, sniffing his body, pushing against it in an erotic way. "I Ummmm..." Then tongues, licking his fur. 'After the Salt, probably..' It Did feel nice, having 6 males cleaning him, even if it Was from roughly navel to mid-thigh. Then a muzzle pushed his legs apart. As he shifted with a squawk, lips slipped around his cock-tip. "Ohhhhhh.." He felt antlers pushing on his thighs then more lips nibbling his furry ball-sack. Teeth nipped at his cheeks, making his shuffle his feet and pant.. That was 5, so where was..? A soft muzzle pushed his tail out of the way and caressed his anus before a hot tongue push into it, making the lion arch, grip his chest, and moan loudly.. Lips tugged at his balls, engulfed more of his now very hard cock, worked his cheeks over and pushed at his rear passage.. The wry feeling of being eaten instead of eating added to the pleasure somehow.. George squeezed his nipples between his fingers, coming to climax harder than he could ever remember.. His guttural roar only brought more nips and licks and sucking Which stopped as his legs buckled a little. "Oh Gods.. Thank youuuuuuUUUHHHH!" Another hot muzzle wrapped itself around his dick and sucked just as hungerly, just as skillfully while positions change and another tongue snaked inside his ass to make him grunt. "Oh Gods I..." His balls were chewed on, making another load boil out through his piss-slit into an eager muzzle.. "That was great Fella's Buttt.." Another shuffle and another mouth swallowing him to the hilt and everything got hazy after that.. The lion came until his balls threatened to go on strike. His ass was covered with bite and lip marks, as were his nipples when his legs no longer supported him. One hot kiss followed another, as they swapped tongues with him, licking every bit of sweat from his body.. * * * * George came to in the cool of late afternoon, rolling over and getting to his feet with the help of a stunted tree. He found his 'loin-cloth', and carried it back to camp, not even bothering to tie it on. A long drink of water, splashing some of it over his head, and shirt/shorts ( Gingerly slid up to nestle still aching nuts ) later and he was ready sit with the others who had come in looking no better. Conversation around the table was the Start-Stop kind until one of them let slip he had come across some Gazelle.. Exchanged looks as one then the other also said they had noticed some Gazelle - About a half dozen or so - in Their areas too. The guide/advisor called their attention for a moment. "I should have told you not to worry if you do not bring down anything.. Or if the animals - Especially the Gazelle Bucks, who were coming into the area - Get a little 'Friendly'. Salt is scarce out there, and the animals have not yet learned to be afraid of people.. I hope no one was Hurt?" No No No.. Chorused around, a little Too loudly. "Good. Dinner will be Beef - It seems Nobody got anything.." George had to hold back from laughing out loud. He had 'gotten' a Lot! A tongue-bath, a pair of aching balls, a Lot of Hot memories to take home.. "We are taking a Poll - The management is thinking of making this a semi-annual event - basically twice a year - And maybe stretching the amount of days to 3 perhaps?" Everyone though that was a Great idea and signed a sheet handed around.. Then eating took up their time, with a few nudges to the males who had bragged about bringing in Supper.. "Well - You know.. They are Much faster than they look." George agreed and drank his wine and retired to his tent to sigh and rub his nuts.. This was just One 'hunting tour'. There were four offered.. The lion's tail-tip twitched and he wondered if Zebra were as well-hung as rumors said they were. The End