SPLAINS3.TXT - M/F, Semi-NC/Oral - April 04, 2000 (cl) 2000 GFA by SwampRat Serengetti Plains 3 - Blame it on 'Nature'. I was watching a Nature program on PBS. In the beginning a lioness is grabbing a zebra's head, twisting it to one side.. In one way it looked like a preditor taking down prey - In Another, it was 2 lovers meeting after a long absence. :> So in the tradition of The Lion Fling, Here is another piece of the Plains where Anything can happen. * * * * The lioness lay in the grass watching the lone zebra. His misfortune to be out by himself.. The equine turned and she gasped softly - that was Definately a Stallion! She let herself fantasize about the long black male-meat that hung to the ground, licking her lips.. Enough of this! The day was waining and Dinner wasn't going to stay there forever.. Stilling herself, she waited - Then Exploded into a tawny missle, jumping up, gripping his haunches, biting at the striped butt.. Until enertia caught up with her. *Oof!* Instead of running as she had expected, the Zebra had stood quite still, and while he was wriggling now, it was in a more - Obscene way. She half mounted him, a part of her thrilling at the perversion.. Then she fell off to one side and the male snorted, trotting off to a new patch of grass. What the hell? She gathered herself up again, and rolling up her 'sleeves', came at him again, this time grabbing the head, twisting it around, trying to grab the flared nostrils to suffocate the equine.. And jerked, sputtering as his long thick tongue invaded her mouth! "Hey.." She coughed, pulling back. The zebra snorted. "If you kissed your mate like you just kissed me, you would be Much too Busy to chase after us." She fell back on her rump, staring at the creature.. "You kiss pretty good - Wanna do it again?" She scooted back on her rear, eyes wide as the zebra chuckle/brayed. "Or are you more interested in what is swaying between my legs.. I Felt those eyes, Kitten." His erection slapped his chest and her eyes moved to the sound, seeing a clear drop of pre-cum glisten on the dark head. She licked her lips again.. then caught herself, scooting back farther. "Females," The stallion snorted, "Feel up your ass, give you a lip-lock.. Make you all hard and Then they get a headache... I guess a paw-job is out of the question?" The lioness Suddenly remembered a carcass not too far away that still had some meat on it. Stammored out something and Took off at a trot. Turned it into a run when the same voice came from behind her, "Hey - How about I chew on Your ass?" * * * * Krye lay in the grass watching a very similiar butt moving around. But She was panting as she watched the tail flick giving her teasing glimpses of the puckered flesh underneath. Gazing between the black/white legs as the fat balls rubbed against each other.. *Growl* She was up and out of the greenery, but not in any big hurry, leaping up to grab the wide hips, bite and nip across the horse-ass, tongue flicking under the tail that jerked sideways.. Then down following the 'crack' to shove her muzzle up and take long, slow, rasping licks across the nuts, one paw reaching forward to caress the short sheath. When they were clean and sopping wet the lioness got back to all fours moving around the shivering leg. "Are you feeling alright Tyr?" She said in worry, rubbing her head on his belly. "You are usually Rock-hard by now." The zebra didn't say a word, just stood there shivering... "Tease.." She growled, moving forward to cup his sheath, kissing then licking the wrinkled skin, pushing her tongue deeper until it touched the head scratching it lightly. "MMmmmmm, Tyr.. You taste so good." The zebra snorted and shifted his hooves a bit, his cock unreeling from it's holder slowly. "Ummmm.. I'm Not Tyr." he stammored out. "I'm his cousin. We.. We changed places for a few days - Oh Gods!" He whinnied, arching as his dick slid smoothly down the feline gullet. Inch by inch it was swallowed, until fangs gripped his base. "I.. How.. You.. Oh Gods" he screeched as the lioness swallowed, throat muscles dragging at his cock. A paw came up and patted the full nut-sack, playing with it, making the stallion sweat and shiver still harder. His orgasm came hard and fast and he screamed when claws pricked his balls, semen shooting straight into the lionesses stomach. She simply purred, inhaled around the long horse-dong and swallowed again, squeezing the pulsating meat, milking it. The zebra sat on his rump, eyes crossing, as still more cum was pulled from his nuts and gobbled up, this time a paw stroked along his length, this muzzleful being rolled around before being swallowed. "So.." The feline purred, still licking at the male parts, "You and Tyr exchanged places.. Why?" The zebra grunted, panting.. "He told me about this place.. I didn't believe him. I was used to being chased for my meat not my.. Ummmm.." She laughed and licked his sweaty balls. "Ohhh That feels soo Good... *Swallow* Well He said he was bored here.. Wanted some excitement. And so he said I could come here for a few days and he would go to the other side for a while. *Shiver*" The lioness purrred, making his limp but still completely extended dick vibrate and stir. "I see.. So when do you have to go back?" Her licking and stroking soon brought the pole back to full hardness again. A snorted "Why?" followed by a deep moan as she sucked on the fat tip made her growl softly.. She shoved the startled stallion on his side and pinning him down Roared, "Girrrrl's!" There were replies from all over and a half-dozen lionesses appeared. "What is it Sister.. Oh!" Amber eyes opend wide, then narrowed in lust. "He's handsome.." one said, coming up to take the dark muzzle in paw and kiss it softly, then more deeply. Nozes and tongues moved along his dick, purring and growling softly.. "He's so Big.. and Long.." Kyra nodded and grinned.. "And Virgin." There was an intake of breath.. Followed by hungry growls and tongues got busy licking the sweat off the stallion who found himself the center of attention of the entire pride. "Hello dear fellow.." The zebra's eyes went wide as a Lion saundered up. He struggled - to be swatted by All the females. "It's no good Old Boy.. Once my wives get ahold of someone like you, they don't let go. So you may was well relax and enjoy being pampered.." Tongues were all over the stallion - Pushing into his muzzle, running over his ribs and belly, gliding along his cock, rasping at his swelling balls.. one was even probing under his tail! He relaxed and let the felines 'groom' him to another orgasm.. and another.. and another... The End?