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Tales Of The Demon Fox...

Herd Stallion

A proud herd stallion decides to spice up his sexual experiences by
playing Sub for a Dom Fox...

The big roan anthro stallion trotted into the darken barn, unsure what
this encounter with his new Dom would be like. Spotting his new master
standing in the center of the big rambling room Roan trotted up. "Hi
ya's." Rayne drew back his paw, and powerfully smack's the stallion
across his long equine face.

"Don't speak unless I give you permission bitch... Understood?" The
black fox demanded excitedly. Roan falls back under the blow, looking
up startled; but nods his shaggy red head... yes. "Good.. Now get over
here." Roan moves over quickly, and submissively doing as he is
directed. Rayne looked at the clock. "Damn boy... U.P.S could have
been here faster! You going rebellious on me?"

N...No sir!" Roan answers fearfully as the black fox walks around him
looking him over.

"Uppity little stallion... trying to rebel against me...aren't you?"
"Well?" Rayne demands starring at the anthro stallion wickedly,
obviously expecting one answer.

"I..I...don't... would never." Roan answers softly, but with a sneer
on his soft mobile equine lip's. Angerily the wicked fox back hand's
him once again, making the bigger creature stumble backwards.

"There's only one way to deal with arrogant stallion's like you!" The
black fox snarl's, licking his lip's evilly; as he walks over and
grabs a few surgical instruments from a nearby tray. "Lay down...
NOW!" With one look at the instruments the anthro stallion's eye's
widen with terror!

"Master please I...I'll never..." Roan tried to beg, realizing he'd
pushed the wicked Dom fox to far.

"Lay down slut!!!!!" Rayne ordered again even angerier now, his wicked
eye's sparking with cruel delight.

"No..." Roan whinnies bucking and jumping around trying to escape the
evil fox's clutches.

Good... I like it rough!" Rayne snickered, uncoiling a long black bull
whip from behind his back. With the powerful bull whip popping and
cracking over his head, Roan dances and prances around the big room
trying to escape. Expertly Rayne guides the big stallion around to
just where he wanted him, then smacks the whip across the centaur's
ball sac. Roan squeals and leaps back, stumbling and landing on the
long wide table looking stunned for a long moment. Rayne snickers,
quickly moving his small paws over to the heavy leather binders;
locking the strap's around the stallion's muscular arms and legs!

"Argh..." Roan shouts as he struggles and wiggles ineffectively trying
to escape, realizing his total helplessness. "Errr not really going
to...to...." The helpless stallion pleads.

"Hahahaha!" The black fox chuckles moving around the tightly bound
stallion to cup the other's big soft ball sac in one leathery paw.
"Best way to tame the unruly stallion!"

"You wouldn't... not really!" Roan sputtered in shock and horror at
the thought.

"Oh wouldn't I?" Rayne demands moving the razor sharp gelding knife
down farther.. and farther... until the blade is tickling the
stallion's massive sac playfully.

"Oh gods... but I'm a herd stallion...Please... I can't... can't be
a... a..."

"A geldling!" Rayne smirks, drawing the razor sharp instrument down...
slowly cutting into the soft flesh of Roan's sac. "Oh but you can...
and you will be!" The demon fox snarled. "Seems a number of rivial
stallion's seem to think the herd need's some new blood at it's head."
Roan's mouth drops open, in a silent scream of horror and pain; as
Rayne's left paw knead's the now open sac. Forcing one of the
stallion's huge nut's to pop out the long ragged hole, grasping it in
his left paw. "And they've hired me to see your taken out of the
picture!" Rayne snickered. "Kind of ironic... isn't it?" The big red
stallion squealed and screamed, but was frozen in shock and horror; as
he watched himself being unmaled."

"Noooo noooo master please please I'll be good I promise..." The proud
stallion begged desperately, even tho' he now knew that wasn't what it
was about!

"Hah! Too late slut... I've had enough of your spunk... and so has
the herd!" Rayne snickered, as he stretched the cord out as far as it
would go; and viciously slashing the long spermatic cord. Roan's eye's
went wide with shock, and rolled back in his head as he watched the
knifes edge; sliced through. A dull 'Bong' sounded as first one, and
then the other disservered testicle was dropped into the metal
collection pan. Darkness wash's over Roan's mind then, when he awakes
the wicked fox is just finishing sewing him back up. Rayne snickered
and releases the binders.. having done his damage. "Now go about your
business... Geldling!"

"But...but... I'm no longer a stud!" Roan quivers in horror, and
humilation at the thought. Smirking Rayne leads in a mare... she
sniffs at the former herd stallion.. then turns around lifting her
long flowing tail.

"Well go ahead..." The black fox smirk's. "Don't keep this fine lady
waiting." Rayne snickers as he indicates the willing mare before the
herd stallion. Roan climbs unsteadily to his hooves, and trembles
feeling less that whole; as he inhales the mare's sweet scent. It drew
his attention at once, sniffing and tasting the breeze in best equine
fashion. 'Oh she's in season!' Roan thought, as he trotted up behind
the big bay mare. She willingly spread her hind legs wide apart,
releasing a stream of frothy milky excitement. Her tail had been up,
and to one side since before he'd seen her. Roan lifted his head, and
inhaled deeply, the air was full of thick rich mare scent. The strong
scent of mare's in season, flipped natural triggers within the former
herd stallion's brain. The delightful scents of her sex, firing those
ingrained desire all equine males had within them. Roan slipped his
big hand between her cheeks, and ran a long finger up the dark tear
drop shaped opening of her sex. Trembling, as he felt the big knob of
her Vulva wink out against his finger. The mare spread her hind legs
wider, squatting slightly; another dribble of liquid sexual excitement
escaping her distended sex. Roan felt his long equine malehood slid
from its sheath, to dangle under his belly. The urge to mount was very
strong within him, rearing up he threw his foreleg's over her,
wrapping them around the mare's barrel; making her squeal with
excitement. He thrust his big equine hips, but his limp organ just
flopped around uselessly under him. Straining with all his might he
got his long limp organ to jerk up, slapping her between the legs. The
big bay mare screamed in need, and pushed back towards him. Roan
strained, and humped, but it was just no use. His shrivelled organ
just wouldn't get stiff enough, to straighten out; and enter her.
Sweating, and exhausted he was forced to at admit defeat, his
foreleg's loosened their grip. And the mare wiggled out from under
him, then turned to give him a dark unpleased look. Roan could tell
she was very displeased. Across the room the evil black fox, snickered
and laughed at him derisively. Ashamed and embarrassed at his failure
and impotency. His mind fills with excitement...but his stallionhood
failing to perform

"I... I... Can't!" The former herd stallion whimpered helplessly.

"Was it worth it slut? Five seconds of rebellion compared to a
lifetime without your manhood? Think about that... while I bring a
more... suitable mate for a nuttless mare such as yourself." Roan
whimpers with embarrassment, and he rubs at his limp useless cock

"Nuttless m..mare such as m...myself!?!" The gelded centaur mumbles
confused an ashamed. The wicked black fox strolls back in... paw's
around the halter of a massive beautiful Shire stallion. The great
draft horse toss's his massive head, nostrils flaring as he whinnies
powerfully long black mane shaking about wildly. Sleek dark fur
revealed as he steps into the light... along with something else.. Not
so subtle... Roan's jaw drops as it dawns on him what his wicked new
master ment, and what is to be his fate. Rayne ties the stallion to a
wall ring for the moment... and walks back over to Roan.

"Last chance to say something before.... you start your new life." The
evil fox teases. Realizing there is nothing more he can say, or do
Roan just lowers his head submissely.

"At your command master." He whimpers making Rayne snicker.

"Of course you are." The black fox sneers, reaching out he wipes his
paw's on the back of the horny mare... collecting her fragrant juices.
Then reaches out.. rubbing it onto the former stallion's rump..
chuckling wickedly. "Well.. lets not keep your husband waiting..." The
black fox chuckled.

"Yes master." Roan whimpers trotting over, and taking his new position
as a mare awaiting to be mounted and rutted. The Draft horse's wide
slotted nostrils flare.. taking in Roan's fragrant aroma as he rears
up.. letting out a dominant whinny. Powerful chest falling bumping
upon the former herd stallion's broad back... strong forelegs wrapping
around Roan's sides. Making sure the former herd stallion would be a
good little mare and stand still for him to rut. Roan trembled,
wanting to buck and throw the Shire stallion off; but knowing this was
not to be. He stood submissively for the real stud to mount. The great
stallion's head tosses back a few times... his hot member poking
against his gelded captive's rump; almost carelessly. The he leans
forwad, and aligns his long thick equine cock perfectly.. the massive
head pressing right into your Roan's quivering tailhole. The big draft
horse eagerly forces his way inside uncaring about the pain, and
begins to take his little mare savagely!

"IEIEIEIEEEEEE!!!!" Screaming and panting, Roan braced himself against
the forceful peneration; and took him deep inside! The pain of full
peneration making tears run down the centaur's cheek's as he is
rutted! A high pitched effeminant whinny escaping his wide open mouth,
as the stallion pounds away eagerly. Rayne snickers... taking a seat
nearby, watching his slave get what was coming to him. Tautingly the
fox pumps his fist into the air.

"Yeah... fuck her... ram her... show the gelded slut her place!" Rayne
tauts as the stallion pushes in deeper.. and deeper.. his massive
member shoving Roan wide open. Squeezing a path where their really
wasn't one. He bucks forwards on his hind legs... completely burying
his massive cock within his gelded mare. Leaning forwards and nipping
his mare on the shoulder as he starts to work up a slow rythm of
thrusting. The massive draft horse quickly pulls out.. until just his
massive head is keeping Roan open before brutally shoving it back in!
The former herd stallion grunted and moaned softly embarrassed as he
realizes the mare and master are watching his debauchment...but
begining to enjoy it as the stud's hard cock pounds his male pleasure

"Ohoo ohooo yessss."

Rayne snickers... continuing to watch as he pets the mare's head, her
sex quivering juices onto the ground as she watches the stallion take
his gelded mare. The stallion speeds it up a bit, his mane flying
wildly as he starts slamming into the former herd stallion roughly..
his muzzle leaning forwards and nipping Roan's back with each violent
thrust. No longer able to deny the pleasure his ravisher was giving
him Roan buck back into the draft horse's hard thrust's. His own limp
organ slipping out to hang low between my sweat slickened thigh's.
Rayne took a few steps over.. his small paw's reaching out and
tickling Roan's limp member. Before he reach out, patting the centaur
on the head. "Good little mare!"

The Shire stallion snorted his dominance.. head thrown back as he let
out a long loud whinny. Hot slicky seed gushing out of his thick
throbbing member into his geldling mare. Overflowing Roan's abused
tailhole, and dripping down Roan's sweet rump. His muzzle leaning
forwards and biting her.. this time holding it as his member throbs
and throbs... Roan blushed with shame at the dark fox's word's, but
find he cannot deny them; even as the pleasure grows within his gelded

"Uhu uhu more... uhu uhu uhu!" Roan quivered and sqrealed as his first
dry orgasm thunders through him the power and dominance of the
stallion above him making him feel weak and intensely
submissive...totally overcome. The stallion pulls out shortly after
dumping all his seed into the gelded herd stallion, and goes over to
the hay.. head lowering and taking in a mouthful. Roan stands with his
head lowered panting for breath and tail still raised as the studs cum
drips from his abused asshole. Smirking the black fox walks over and
pats Roan's debauched rump teasingly.

"Well... how did you like that little mare?" The wicked fox asked
gloatingly. "Did we leave you satisfied?"

"Y...Yes very satified master." The former herd stallion whimpered
softly. "I was told you were the right one to fullfil my fantasy...
thank you Master!"

"My pleasure little mare." Rayne purred grinning wickedly and licking
his lip's.

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