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The young stallion approached the feral mare stables from the north
side, where the outside lights had burnt out. Using the darkness to
conceal his approach, he wasn't supposed to be here. The No
Trespassing signs were plain, besides which the fences were high to
keep folks out as much as the ferals in. Pressing his back to the cold
dark stable wall the young stallion crept up to the side door gently
tugging at it. The big metal door slid open easily, but with a loud
rasping noise that made the young intruder flinch. He thought hard
about running right then, but the need in his loins out weighted the
fear clenching in his chest. Taking a deep shuddering breath, he found
the cold night air brisk and bracing. Quickly he slithered through the
crack and into the dark room beyond, the scents instantly hitting his
big round equine nose. A powerful tremble ran down his back and his
thick cock bounced up eagerly, the mare's were close. Slipping out of
his loose fitting clothes the young stud draped them over a nearby
rack. And then edge to the rooms other doorway, peeking out cautiously
the scents growing strong.

The big horse reach out of the darkness, grabbing the smaller intruder
by the back of the neck and slamming him into a old brick wall.
"What're ya doing in here" Aint supposed to be no one in
here...'specially at night." The small gypsy vanner yelped and
squirmed, his ivory coat shimmering as muscles rippled in his
struggles to free himself.

"I-I wasn't doing anything!" He protests weakly, although the
stallion's proximity to the mare stables - as well as the way his
impressive stallion hood flopped about half-erect between his thighs -
spoke otherwise. The air was cold and damp in the old stable building,
but the big equine seemed to radiant a hot muskiness of masculine
sexual scent. As he shove his prey back over an old barrel and clicked
on his company flashlight illuminating the sleek young body before

"Like hell... sniffin' around for some tail I bet." The security guard
snorted, as he inspected the horny young stud's naked body with a
lustful sneer. The small stallion grunted, as he was shoved back
against the cool, slightly damp wood of the barrel. Struggling to lift
himself from the barrel, he twisted to squint over one shoulder at the
glaring of the flashlight, its illumination glittered off the silver
of a nipple ring. The stud's plump rump was pristine, round and tense
with muscle, his braided tail concealing a plush tail hole. But doing
little to disguise the pair of fat orbs, large even for a stud such as
himself, which crowded for space between his splayed thighs.

"Wh... Wha... No, I wasn't!" He protests weakly, though the shimmering
pre running down the barrel's side told the truth. A dark lustful
sneer twisted the bigger stallions lip's, as he looked over that
sparkling nipple ring and then down to that smooth tail hole.

"Hah ya aint no stallion then!" Picking the younger smaller male up by
the back of his neck, the big stallion frog marched him down the dirty
hallway and into a dingy room lit by old bare light bulbs... The room
was thick with scents... equine sexual scents that would be enough to
make any male pop a hard on... And the young vanners flaring nostrils
thick up them all... And it was obvious those scents were working on
the big roan stallion just as much, as he pointed to a huge metal
breeding rack across the room. "Its hell working here and not being
able to get a little ass." He admitted one huge hand cupping and
squeezing the younger males firm round ass.

"I-I am!" The young stallion protested, as he was forced into the
room... His long, thick stud hood bobbed and pulsed to life with every
breath, his fearful gaze clouding over with lust. Pretty soon that
length of prime equine meat was slapping wetly against his own chest,
his overgrown orbs churning with dissatisfaction. "T-then you
should..mmm... Take a mare... Not me.." He managed, trying to step
away from the grope to his plump-yet- firm rear. "L-look, I'm sorry...
I won't...ngh.." He squirmed for a moment. "I won't do it again.."

"If I take a mare... the fur that runs this place would have me gelded
in a heartbeat..." The big stallion snorted, as he dropped his belt
and uniform trouser; stepping out of them to reveal his own aching
erection. "But if I teach some trespassin' punk a lesson... I'll be
rewarded hehe!" He dragged the young stallion over to the breeding
rack and showed him the restraints. "Now you can struggle and I'll
strap ya in... Or you can take it peaceable and maybe I'll get ya off
to... MAYBE."

"Weehee!" The stud bucked and squirmed, his lithe, lean body twisting
and writhing in protest even as he was shown the restraints. "Aww...
Aww nooo..." He whined and wriggled, his struggles making his soft
pucker wink against the cool air, his thick maleness slapping
uselessly against himself and dribbling pre-seed.

"Now why don't ya get on yer knee's and show that yer mouth is good
for somethin besides lying..." The massive security guard smirked, as
he rubbed one huge fist up and down his massive throbbing erection.
Smearing slick slimy pre-cum all down it's leathery black lenght...
making it shiny in the harsh light. "I can cum three or four times...
so don't be afraid to get me off with those sweet lip's." Roan
explained, running one pre-cum smeared finger over the smaller
stallion's trembling lip's as he forced him down onto his knee's. "If
your good I'll give ya a reach around while I'm pumpin that sweet

"I... I don't swing that way!" He lied again, digging in both hooves
as he struggled against the downwards force. Eventually he was forced
down all the same, his massive, low-slung orbs touching the ground
between his knees. It was no wonder the stud had tried to break in,
with colt-makers like that... "Umm.." He tried to renew his protests
as that pre-smeared finger was shoved into his mouth, and suddenly his
body tensed, then relaxed.. "Mmn.." He moaned around that digit, those
soft, expressive lips gently suckling it clean..

"Now ya do... you'll swing anyway I damn well please..." Roan snorted,
as he watched the pretty young stud begin suckling on his thick
finger. "Or I'll show you what happens to horny rapist trespassers
around here." The security guard snorted, as he smirked down at the
handsome young stud. Who’s hard cock was drooling a river of pre down
over those massive balls... it was no wonder the stud had tried to
break in, with colt-makers like that. Roan glanced over at the tray of
tools noting that the EZ bander was still out, he'd get the punk off

"Ummm... A-all right.." The young intruder panted in obvious sexual
excitement. "I-if I make you cum... You'll let me go"" He asked with a
deepening blush, his breaths coming out heavy and lustful as he
squirms uncomfortably. The hay-covered ground scraping uncomfortably
over his overburdened sack and its ripe, virile contents. Not even
waiting for an answer, he leaned in, and began to lustfully lick up
and down that thick, throbbing ebony length... Roans lip's rolled back
into a wide gloating smile, as he felt the handsome young studs hot
mouth on his raging hard on. Making it drip even more slimy pre-cum as
he leaned back on his hooves and looked up at the ceiling, picturing
one of his favorite mare's working on him.

"Yeah... Yeah sure... whatever." The big security guard snorted, to
engrossed in the pleasure that hot suckling mouth was giving him to
notice much else. The young Vanner's mind was working quickly, as his
mouth moved up and down the older stallion's cock. Moving slowly first
one knee and then the other, the small Vanner edged backwards. Making
the lusty older stallion shuffle forwards unconsciously, as he bucked
and humped at that handsome white muzzle. Those soft pink lip's
teasing and taunting that long aching hard on, velvety chin smacked
repeatedly by those big swinging stud nuggets. The younger stallion
faking choking as he scooted backwards, as if the older stud long cock
was to much for him. Using that hot suckling mouth to lure the horny
stud slowly forwards, Roan not even noticing as he tossed his head
back. Hips lunging and thrusting harder and faster at that sweet
muzzle, even as his shuffling hooves rubbed up against the posts of
the breeding rack. The young stallion let his hands slide down the big
red stallion's long shapely legs. Fingers fumbling to grasp the racks
straps, waiting for just the right moment. He raked his big square
equine teeth along the smooth sensitive skin of that big throbbing

"Owww... Hey watch the teeth slut!" The older stud snarled, not
noticing the soft sensations of that strap being buckled around his
ankle. Quickly those nimble fingers moved over to the other side
gathering up the straps.

"Ummmm sorry I got in to big a hurry." The young Vanner mumbled around
the huge pulsing head of that massive cock. Quickly he moved one hand
up to stroke Roan's heavy swinging balls, smacking them a bit to hard.

"Ummm Fuck! Don't bruise the stud nuggets you little queer." Roan
snorted once again missing the sensation of those straps being
tightened around his second ankle.

"Ammm Ammmmm." The young stud moaned, as if to distracted by sucking
on the huge cock in his muzzle to answer. Carefully the sexy Vanner
plunged his mouth up and down that huge length, moving both of the
distracted stallion's hands over to the loop restrains. Roan
instinctively grasp the bars for support leaning over the rut that
suckling muzzle wildly. The older stud was close to his first orgasm,
snorting and whinnying loudly in his need. He'd not be this distracted
and unobservant for his second orgasm, so the young stallion knew this
was it. Carefully he pulled the restraining loops tight, the big red
stallion was trapped and helpless now. So the young Vanner began to
pull back, keeping the stud horny and on the edge of cumming. As his
hands reached over to the shiny stainless steel tray, picking up the
EZ bander that lay there. It was already loaded, with his velvety soft
lip's pulled back around that huge blunt cock head. The young intruder
slipping the bander around those huge low dangling plums, getting them
in place he released them just as Roan shuddered in orgasm.

"WEEHEHEEE!" The big stallion screamed as his massive ball's gushed
out a enormous long pent up load, hip's bucking and humping wildly.
Clearly he was enjoying the pleasure of that suckling mouth, and the
young Vanner dutifully swallowed every drop. Soft lip's suckling and
sliding up and down that tensing rut muscle, until the big red stud
stopped bucking. "mmm ummm damn slut your really good at thaaaa..."
The older stud suddenly realizing he was trapped, and yanked at the
restraining straps. "rrr... Hey what tha HELL"" Roan growled angry as
he pulled at the straps trying to get free, until he realized there
was something going on between his legs. Suddenly feeling those
powerful bands strangling his heavy colt makers, looking down startled
to see the young Vanner with the bander in his hands. But... but he'd
been planning... was going to do this to... to the young intruder.

"See I'm going to fuck some mare's..." The young stallion smirked as
he watched Roan's eye's widen in understanding and terror. "o I
figured the least I could do was save your boss the trouble of gelding

"Wha... NO... wait you'd better not pull that triggggg...ERRRRR!" Roan
screamed as the smiling Vanner released the cutter blade, and the
stallion's banded sac dropped free into his other palm. The sexy young
Vanner stood up casually tossing those stolen jewels up and down in
one hand.

"Of course... now that I have a nice helpless gelding under my
control." The young stud fondled his own aching hard erection
thoughtfully as he moved around behind Roan. "ift your tail...

"Whaaa... you can't be serious..." Roan choked, even as his long
flowing equine tail popped up seemingly on it's on.

"Why not" You were going to do it to me... and I wasn't even a
gelding. Or were you planning to fix that"" The young Vanner laughed
as he saw the older gelding blush in guilty shame. "ahaha you were...
and I got you first heh." The young stallion snickered, as he rubbed
the slick pre-cum covered head of his cock flare against Roan's
quivering tail hole. "o how many cock have you had up here""

"Wha... None... Never!" The big red stallion choked in horror, as he
felt that flare pushing harder and harder against that clenched

"Oho Ho... so its a cherry ass huh"" The young stallion snorted, as
his long cock arched as it strained to break through the geldings

"No... nooo please you can't." 'SLURP!' "WHOHOOO!" Roan squealed, as
that big hard cock head pushed it's way through those clenched anal

"My little filly likes that big hard cock... does she." The young
Vanner snickered as he leaned up on his hoof tip's to drive his raging
hard on balls deep. "mmm ya know maybe I won't fuck all the mare's
after all... at least until I get tired of pounding my very own
gelding!" The young stud laughed, as his hip's began thrusting with a
mind of their own. That smooth young crotch slapping against the older
stallion's firm round buttocks loudly. As he bucked and struggled
within the restrains, until his big body began to respond. Pushing
back to meet that hard fuck stick as it slipped smoothly into the
depth's of his body. The younger stallion's flared cock head gorging
and stimulating the new geldings tingling prostate gland. Making him
whinny and moan in pleasure even as he was used by the stallion for
his own pleasure. The sexy Vanner didn't last long... but was quickly
ready to go again, and the stable were filled with the sounds of
grunting and rutting all night long. At last with the sun peeking
through the windows the young stallion released Roans restrains. The
exhausted gelding slumping to the floor weakly, as the sexy cream
color stud smiled down at him. "ame time tomorrow night... But you
better be a really good gelding, or I'll fuck the mare's instead."

"My... my muzzle is very talented... you could try that next time."
Roan offered breathlessly as he watched the young stud play with his
severed sack.

"Ammmm ok sounds good but I love that hot ass... so more of that to."
The young Vanner smirked as he dressed and pocketed the geldings ice
cold jewels...


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