What's New In Kondor
November 2006


Just a short notice: All mare photos are moved from the Horses New Photos to Mare D-F section. /Aradd


The ape genitals section is now changed. Some photos is moved to it from the old misc section and 2 new photos is added. You can check it if you just click here: /Aradd


So it is time for another update. First we shall take a look at the new drawing by Betty Short's new drawing. After Canis Major's drawing it is nice to see another mare here in Kondor. Maybe she is already sold... Otherway, you can be a lucky owner and here is a link to Betty Short's Horsey drawing:
So then we shall take a close look at Chris Wayan. I don't think Chris needs a bigger presentation as you also find this artist in Kandor, but now Chris is also added in Ellgar and here. Don't you also think it is nice with artists that are doing all kind of artwork? Yes it is. And before you take a look at Chris artwork here, remember to use the teleporter buttons that is added to the sections. That makes you to do a easy tour around to see all artwork. Now I suggest that you start here:
So then it is needed to continue with the work to upload the animal mating section. Now you can take a look on some photos, notice that the animations is not done for this new sections. You can check the rabbit section here:
Then we have some badger photos, you can see them here:
After that I can end this with the fossa section, and you can see it here:
As some of you can see a new 'new' icon is done. The reason is that the old one have the wrong high, that is now fixed with this new one./Aradd


Time for changes: The Maze is now aviable for those visitors that want to get lost... Notice now that The Misc section in the animal main index is removed. In the nearest time the photos will be reuploaded as also new photos will be online. For those that want to take a look at The Maze, can just use this button here: The date for the next updates is not decided as they will be aviable when I have time. That means that it can be several smaller changes and updates here in the nearest time. If it will be possible, I will add some quick information in the forum. /Aradd


I am not sure who she is waiting for, but if it is you, this is your lucky day. Don't miss the new drawing from Canis Major. Also commission information from Canis Major is added to his section. I hope you visitors will remember the Empire if you ask for a commission from any of the artists here and it can fits in any of the countrys here. Now I suggest that you take a look who is waiting, you can do it here: /Aradd